Пример #1
class Policy(db.Model):
    _id = db.Column(db.String(64), primary_key=True)
    __formula = db.Column(db.String(128))
    max_level = db.Column(db.Integer)

    def __init__(self, policy_id, formula, max_level):
        self._id = policy_id
        self.max_level = max_level

    def set_formula(self, formula):
        ''' Sets formula, after checking the format,
            if wrong format InvalidFormulaException is raised '''
        self.__formula = formula

    def __check_formula_or_raise(self, formula):
        errors = validate.formula(formula)
        if errors:
            raise InvalidFormulaException(json.dumps({"errors": errors}))

    def get_level(self, user_points):
        ''' Get the level info for the puntuation passed '''
        level = self.__get_level(user_points, 0, 1)
        level['policy'] = self._id
        return level

    def __get_level(self, user_points, total_points, level):
        if level < self.max_level:
            total_points += self.__calculate_points(level)
            if user_points >= total_points:
                return self.__get_level(user_points, total_points, level + 1)
        return self.__serialize_points(level, total_points - user_points)

    def get_levels(self):
        ''' Get all the levels of this policy '''
        return {'policy': self._id, 'formula': self.__formula, 'max_level':self.max_level, "levels": self.__get_levels([], 0, 1)}

    def __get_levels(self, points_list, total_points, level):
        if level <= self.max_level:
            points_to_next = self.__calculate_points(level)
            points_list.append(self.__serialize_points(level, total_points))
            total_points += points_to_next
            return self.__get_levels(points_list, total_points, level + 1)
        return points_list

    def __calculate_points(self, level):
        ''' Calculates the points necessary to reach the passed level from the previous level '''
        value = eval(self.__formula)
        return _round_in_hundreds(value)

    def __serialize_points(self, level, points):
        if self.max_level == level:
            return {"level": level}
        return {"level": level, "points_to_next": points}
Пример #2
class User(db.Model):
    ''' User class '''
    _id = db.Column(db.String(64), primary_key=True)
    observations = db.relationship('Observation',
                                   backref=db.backref('user', lazy='joined'))

    def __init__(self, user_info):
        self._id = user_info['_id']

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self._id)

    def __eq__(self, user):
        return user == self._id

    def serialize(self, only_id=True):
        ''' Serializes the object, has two modes:\n
        only_id = True => serializes only the id\n
        only_id = False => serializes id + observations'''
        if only_id:
            return {"_id": self._id}
        return {
            'observations': [
                for observation in self.observations

    def get_id(self):
        ''' Returns user id '''
        return self._id
Пример #3
class Votes(db.Model):
    observation_id = db.Column(db.String(64),
    upvotes = db.Column(db.Integer)
    downvotes = db.Column(db.Integer)
    ''' Votes class '''
    def __init__(self, json):
        self.upvotes = json['upvotes']
        self.downvotes = json['downvotes']

    def __str__(self):
        positive = Fore.GREEN + '+' + str(self.upvotes) + Fore.RESET
        negative = Fore.RED + '-' + str(self.downvotes) + Fore.RESET
        return f'{positive}\t{negative}'

    def add_vote(self, vote_type):
        ''' Adds a new vote, returns the number of votes '''
        if vote_type:
            self.upvotes = self.upvotes + 1
            self.downvotes = self.downvotes + 1
        return self.number_of_votes()

    def number_of_votes(self):
        ''' Returns the number of votes '''
        return self.upvotes + self.downvotes

    def serialize(self):
        ''' Serializes object '''
        return {"upvotes": self.upvotes, "downvotes": self.downvotes}
Пример #4
class Image(db.Model):
    ''' Image class '''
    _id = db.Column(db.String(64), primary_key=True)
    observations = db.relationship('Observation',
                                   backref=db.backref('image', lazy='joined'))
    x_size = db.Column(db.Integer)
    y_size = db.Column(db.Integer)
    probability = db.Column(db.Integer)
    fwhm = db.Column(db.Integer)

    def __init__(self, image_info):
        self.observations = []
        self._id = image_info['_id']
        self.x_size = image_info['x_size']
        self.y_size = image_info['y_size']
        self.probability = image_info['probability']
        self.fwhm = image_info['fwhm']

    def __eq__(self, image):
        return image == self._id
Пример #5
class Puntuation(db.Model):
    ''' Puntuation class implementation '''
    observation_id = db.Column(db.String(64),
    positive = db.Column(db.Integer)
    negative = db.Column(db.Integer)
    ''' Puntuation class '''
    def __init__(self, votes):
        self.positive = votes.upvotes
        self.negative = votes.downvotes

    def __str__(self):
        positive = Fore.GREEN + '+' + str(self.positive) + Fore.RESET
        negative = Fore.RED + '-' + str(self.negative) + Fore.RESET
        return f'{positive}\t{negative}\t{self.calculate_certainty()*100}%'

    def serialize(self):
        ''' Serializes object '''
        return {
            "positive": self.positive,
            "negative": self.negative,
            "certainty": self.calculate_certainty()

    def add_vote(self, vote_type, karma_level):
        ''' Adds a new vote, returns the certainty '''
        if vote_type:
            self.positive = self.positive + karma_level
            self.negative = self.negative + karma_level
        return self.calculate_certainty()

    def calculate_certainty(self):
        ''' Calculates the certainty '''
            return (self.positive - self.negative) / (self.positive +
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            return 0
Пример #6
class Position(db.Model):
    ''' Observation Position implementation '''
    observation_id = db.Column(db.String(64),
    x_position = db.Column(db.Integer)
    y_position = db.Column(db.Integer)
    ''' Position Class '''
    def __init__(self, positon_data=None, x_position=0, y_position=0):
        # if positon_data:
        self.x_position = positon_data['x']
        self.y_position = positon_data['y']
        # else:
        #     self.x_position = x_position
        #     self.y_position = y_position

    def __str__(self):  # pragma: no cover
        return f'x:{self.x_position}\ty:{self.y_position}'

    def serialize(self):  # pragma: no cover
        ''' Serializes object '''
        return {"x": self.x_position, "y": self.y_position}
Пример #7
class Observation(ObservationAbstract, db.Model):
    ''' Implementation of the Observation '''
    _id = db.Column(db.String(64), primary_key=True)
    state = db.Column(db.Enum(State))

    image_id = db.Column(db.String(64), db.ForeignKey('image._id'))
    votes = db.relationship('Votes', uselist=False, lazy='joined')
    position = db.relationship('Position', uselist=False, lazy='joined')
    puntuation = db.relationship('Puntuation', uselist=False, lazy='joined')

    users_who_voted = db.relationship('User',

    brightness = db.Column(db.Integer)

    def __init__(self, observation_info):
        self._id = observation_info['_id']
        self.image_id = observation_info['image']['_id']
        self.brightness = observation_info['brightness']

        self.votes = Votes(observation_info['votes'])
        self.position = Position(observation_info['position'])
        self.puntuation = Puntuation(self.votes)

        self.difficulty = -1
        self.certainty = 0

        self.state = State.PENDING

    def __str__(self):
        parse = DATA_TAG + f' Observation (id={self._id})\n'
        parse = parse + to_string_list('votes', self.votes)
        parse = parse + to_string_list('puntuation', self.puntuation)
        parse = parse + to_string_list('position', self.position)
        parse = parse + to_string_list('state', self.state)
        return parse

    def __eq__(self, observation):
        return observation == self._id

    def __repr__(self):  # pragma: no cover
        return f'<{Observation.__name__}, {self._id}, {self.puntuation.calculate_certainty()}>'

    def serialize(self,
                  id_position=False):  # pragma: no cover
        ''' Serializes the object, has two modes:\n
        only_id = True => serializes only the id\n
        only_id = False => serializes all the object'''
        if only_id:
            return {"_id": self._id}
        if id_position:
            return {
                "observation_id": self._id,
                "image_id": self.image_id,
                "state": self.state.value,
                "position": self.position.serialize()
        if difficulty:
            return {"_id": self._id, "difficulty": self.difficulty}
        return {
            "_id": self._id,
            "image_id": self.image_id,
            "votes": self.votes.serialize(),
            "puntuation": self.puntuation.serialize(),
            "position": self.position.serialize(),
            "state": self.state.value,
            [user.get_id() for user in self.users_who_voted]

    def add_vote(self, vote_info, user):
        vote_type = vote_info['vote_type']
        karma_level = vote_info['karma_level']

        number_of_votes = self.votes.add_vote(vote_type)
        certainty = self.puntuation.add_vote(vote_type, karma_level)
        return number_of_votes, certainty

    def change_state(self, change_to):
        ''' Changes the state of the observation based on the approved parameter\n
        approved=True => approved \n approved=False => denyed '''
        if self.state != change_to:
            self.state = change_to
            colored_state = f'{Fore.CYAN}\'{self.state.value}\'{Fore.RESET}'
            info(f'OBSER', f'{self._id} state changed to {colored_state}')

    def get_notified(self):
        ''' Returns if this observation has  '''
        return State.APPROVED == self.state or State.DENYED == self.state

    def repeated_vote(self, user):
        ''' Detects if the user passed has already voted this observation '''
        for user_who_voted in self.users_who_voted:
            if user == user_who_voted:
                return True

    def get_certainty(self):
        ''' Calculates the certainty of this image '''
        if self.get_certainty:
            return self.get_certainty
        return self.puntuation.get_certainty()

    def user_has_voted(self, current_user):
        ''' Detects if the user passed has already voted '''
        for user in self.users_who_voted:
            if user == current_user:
                return True