Пример #1
 def __init__(self, filename):
     """ Costructor of TestCase. Initialize kenvironment variable
         filename : the test file name
     self.kenvironment = KEnvironment(testfilename=filename)
Пример #2
class TestCase(object):
    TestCase General class definition

    def __init__(self, filename):
        """ Costructor of TestCase. Initialize kenvironment variable
            filename : the test file name
        self.kenvironment = KEnvironment(testfilename=filename)

    def skip_section(self, run_section):
        function used t skip test section
        self.trc_inf(run_section + ' Skipped\n')
        self.kenvironment.krepo.add_skipped(None, run_section, '0', run_section + " Skipped by User", run_section + " Skipped by User")

    def init(self):
        Main class constructor
        self.trc_inf('\nInitializing {:s} environment ...'.format(self.kenvironment.get_test_file_name()))
        self.trc_inf('DONE \n')

    def close(self):
        function used to finalize test execution
        self.trc_inf('\nFinalizing  ...')
        self.trc_inf('DONE \n')

    def dut_setup(self):
        Empty dut setup common function
        should be overwritten by user implementation
        self.trc_inf('Running empty DUT SetUp...')

    def test_setup(self):
        Empty test setup common function
        should be overwritten by user implementation
        self.trc_inf('Running empty test Setup...')

    def test_body(self):
        Empty test body common function
        should be overwritten by user implementation
        self.trc_inf('Running empty Main Test...')

    def test_cleanup(self):
        Empty test cleanup common function
        should be overwritten by user implementation
        self.trc_inf('Running empty Test cleanUp...')

    def dut_cleanup(self):
        Empty dut cleanup common function
        should be overwritten by user implementation
        self.trc_inf('Running empty DUT cleanUp...')

    def run(self):
        Main run entry point
        test parameter parser and initializaton
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        parser.add_argument("--DUTSet", help="Run the DUTs SetUp", action="store_true")
        parser.add_argument("--testSet", help="Run the Test SetUp", action="store_true")
        parser.add_argument("--testBody", help="Run the Test Main Body", action="store_true")
        parser.add_argument("--testClean", help="Run the Test Clean Up", action="store_true")
        parser.add_argument("--DUTClean", help="Run the DUTs Clean Up", action="store_true")
        args = parser.parse_args()

        # For debugging, change to False
        if True:

            except KFrameException as eee:
                msg = "KATE FRAMEWORK EXCEPTION CAUGHT - {}".format(eee)

            except KUserException as eee:
                msg = "KATE USER EXCEPTION CAUGHT - {}".format(eee)

            except Exception as eee:
                msg = "GENERIC EXCEPTION CAUGHT - {}".format(eee)

    def run_test(self, args):
        test sections run
        self.trc_inf('\n----Main Test flow execution----\n')
        if (args.DUTSet == False) and (args.testSet == False) and (args.testBody == False) and (args.testClean == False) and (args.DUTClean == False):
            args.DUTSet = True
            args.testSet = True
            args.testBody = True
            args.testClean = True
            args.DUTClean = True


        self.dut_setup() if args.DUTSet else self.skip_section('DUT Setup')
        self.test_setup() if args.testSet else self.skip_section('test Setup')
        self.test_body() if args.testBody else self.skip_section('test Body')
        self.test_cleanup() if args.testClean else self.skip_section('test Clean Up')
        self.dut_cleanup() if args.DUTClean else self.skip_section('DUT Cleanup')

    def start_tps_block(self, dut_id, tps_area, tps_name):
        Start an official block containg all code related to aspecific TPS (Test Procedure)
        calling this function into testcase object will generate a specific XML report file for each TPSName provided
        self.kenvironment.krepo.start_tps_block(dut_id, tps_area, tps_name)

    def stop_tps_block(self, dut_id, tps_area, tps_name):
        Stop the block containing the code related to the specific TPS (test Procedure)
        This function will terminate the specific XML report file related to TPSName test id
        self.kenvironment.krepo.stop_tps_block(dut_id, tps_area, tps_name)

    def trc_dbg(self, msg):
        """ Perform a debug message trace. The supplied message will be logged with a time stamp
            and module, row and function/method

    def trc_inf(self, msg):
        """ Perform an information message trace. The supplied message will be logged with a time stamp
            and module, row and function/method

    def trc_err(self, msg):
        """ Perform an error message trace. The supplied message will be logged with a time stamp
            and module, row and function/method