Пример #1
def calc_gcen_coords(glong, glat, dist, R0=__R0,
                     Zsun=__Zsun, roll=__roll, use_Zsunroll=True):
    Calculate galactocentric Cartesian coordinates from
    galactic longitudes, latitudes, and distances from the Sun.

      glong, glat :: scalar or array of scalars
        Galactic longitude and latitude (deg)

      dist :: scalar or array of scalars
        line-of-sight distance (kpc)

      R0 :: scalar or array of scalars (optional)
        Galactocentric radius of the Sun

      Zsun :: scalar (optional)
        Height of Sun above galactic midplane (pc)

      roll :: scalar (optional)
        Roll angle relative to b=0 (deg)

      use_Zsunroll :: boolean (optional)
        If True, include Zsun and roll into calculation

    Returns: x, y, Rgal, cos_az, sin_az
      x, y :: scalars or arrays of scalars
        Galactocentric Cartesian positions (kpc). Sun is on -x-axis.

      Rgal :: scalar or array of scalars
        Galactocentric cylindrical radius (kpc)

      cos_az, sin_az :: scalar or array of scalars
        Cosine and sine of Galactocentric azimuth (rad)
    glong, glat, dist = np.atleast_1d(glong, glat, dist)
    if np.shape(glong) != np.shape(dist):
        glong = np.array([glong, ] * len(dist))
    Rgal = kd_utils.calc_Rgal(
        glong, glat, dist, R0=R0,
        Zsun=Zsun, roll=roll, use_Zsunroll=use_Zsunroll)
    Rgal[Rgal < 1.0e-6] = 1.0e-6  # Catch small Rgal
    az = kd_utils.calc_az(
        glong, glat, dist, R0=R0,
        Zsun=Zsun, roll=roll, use_Zsunroll=use_Zsunroll)
    cos_az = np.cos(np.deg2rad(az))
    sin_az = np.sin(np.deg2rad(az))

    x = Rgal * -cos_az
    y = Rgal * sin_az

    return x, y, Rgal, cos_az, sin_az
Пример #2
def calc_vlsr(glong,
    Return the IAU-LSR velocity at a given Galactic longitude and
    line-of-sight distance.

      glong, glat :: scalars or arrays of scalars
        Galactic longitude and latitude (deg).

      dist :: scalar or array of scalars
        line-of-sight distance (kpc).

      R0 :: scalar (optional)
        Solar Galactocentric radius (kpc)

      Usun, Vsun, Wsun, Upec, Vpec, a2, a3 :: scalars (optional)
        Reid+2019 rotation curve parameters

      Zsun :: scalar (optional)
        Height of sun above Galactic midplane (pc)

      roll :: scalar (optional)
        Roll of Galactic midplane relative to b=0 (deg)

      peculiar :: boolean (optional)
        If True, include HMSFR peculiar motion component

    Returns: vlsr
      vlsr :: scalar or array of scalars
        LSR velocity (km/s).
    input_scalar = np.isscalar(glong) and np.isscalar(glat) and np.isscalar(
    glong, glat, dist = np.atleast_1d(glong, glat, dist)
    cos_glong = np.cos(np.deg2rad(glong))
    sin_glong = np.sin(np.deg2rad(glong))
    cos_glat = np.cos(np.deg2rad(glat))
    sin_glat = np.sin(np.deg2rad(glat))
    # Convert distance to Galactocentric, catch small Rgal
    Rgal = kd_utils.calc_Rgal(glong, glat, dist, R0=R0)
    Rgal[Rgal < 1.e-6] = 1.e-6
    az = kd_utils.calc_az(glong, glat, dist, R0=R0)
    cos_az = np.cos(np.deg2rad(az))
    sin_az = np.sin(np.deg2rad(az))
    # Rotation curve circular velocity
    theta = calc_theta(Rgal, a2=a2, a3=a3, R0=R0)
    theta0 = calc_theta(R0, a2=a2, a3=a3, R0=R0)
    # Add HMSFR peculiar motion
    if peculiar:
        vR = -Upec
        vAz = theta + Vpec
        vZ = 0.0
        vR = 0.0
        vAz = theta
        vZ = 0.0
    vXg = -vR * cos_az + vAz * sin_az
    vYg = vR * sin_az + vAz * cos_az
    vZg = vZ
    # Convert to barycentric
    X = dist * cos_glat * cos_glong
    Y = dist * cos_glat * sin_glong
    Z = dist * sin_glat
    # useful constants
    sin_tilt = Zsun / 1000. / R0
    cos_tilt = np.cos(np.arcsin(sin_tilt))
    sin_roll = np.sin(np.deg2rad(roll))
    cos_roll = np.cos(np.deg2rad(roll))
    # solar peculiar motion
    vXg = vXg - Usun
    vYg = vYg - theta0 - Vsun
    vZg = vZg - Wsun
    # correct tilt and roll of Galactic midplane
    vXg1 = vXg * cos_tilt - vZg * sin_tilt
    vYg1 = vYg
    vZg1 = vXg * sin_tilt + vZg * cos_tilt
    vXh = vXg1
    vYh = vYg1 * cos_roll + vZg1 * sin_roll
    vZh = -vYg1 * sin_roll + vZg1 * cos_roll
    vbary = (X * vXh + Y * vYh + Z * vZh) / dist
    # Convert to IAU-LSR
    vlsr = vbary + (__Ustd * cos_glong +
                    __Vstd * sin_glong) * cos_glat + __Wstd * sin_glat
    if input_scalar:
        return vlsr[0]
    return vlsr