Пример #1
    def __init__(self, desktopFileName=None):
        if desktopFileName is None:
            desktopFileName = 'default'
        self.tileSize = None
        self.faceSize = None
        self.__renderer = None
        self.__shadowOffsets = None
        self.path = locateTileset(desktopFileName + '.desktop')
        if self.path.isEmpty():
            self.path = locateTileset('default.desktop')
            if self.path.isEmpty():
                directories = '\n\n' +'\n'.join(str(x) for x in KGlobal.dirs().resourceDirs("kmahjonggtileset"))
                logException(TileException(m18n( \
                'cannot find any tileset in the following directories, is libkmahjongg installed?') + directories))
                logWarning(m18n('cannot find tileset %1, using default', desktopFileName))
                self.desktopFileName = 'default'
            self.desktopFileName = desktopFileName
        self.darkenerAlpha = 120 if self.desktopFileName == 'jade' else 50
        tileconfig = KConfig(self.path, KConfig.SimpleConfig)
        group = KConfigGroup(tileconfig.group("KMahjonggTileset"))

        self.name = group.readEntry("Name", "unknown tileset").toString() # Returns translated data
        self.author = group.readEntry("Author", "unknown author").toString()
        self.description = group.readEntry("Description", "no description available").toString()
        self.authorEmail = group.readEntry("AuthorEmail", "no E-Mail address available").toString()

        #Version control
        tileversion, entryOK = group.readEntry("VersionFormat", QVariant(0)).toInt()
        #Format is increased when we have incompatible changes, meaning that
        # older clients are not able to use the remaining information safely
        if not entryOK or tileversion > TILESETVERSIONFORMAT:
            logException(TileException('tileversion file / program: %d/%d' % \
                (tileversion, TILESETVERSIONFORMAT)))

        graphName = QString(group.readEntry("FileName"))
        self.__graphicspath = locateTileset(graphName)
        if self.__graphicspath.isEmpty():
            logException(TileException('cannot find kmahjongglib/tilesets/%s for %s' % \
                        (graphName, self.desktopFileName )))
        self.renderer() # now that we get the sizes from the svg, we need the renderer right away

        self.svgName = { 'wn': 'WIND_1', 'ws': 'WIND_2', 'we': 'WIND_3', 'ww': 'WIND_4',
            'db': 'DRAGON_1', 'dg': 'DRAGON_2', 'dr': 'DRAGON_3'}
        for value in '123456789':
            self.svgName['s%s' % value] = 'ROD_%s' % value
            self.svgName['b%s' % value] = 'BAMBOO_%s' % value
            self.svgName['c%s' % value] = 'CHARACTER_%s' % value
        for idx, wind in enumerate('eswn'):
            self.svgName['f%s' % wind] = 'FLOWER_%d' % (idx + 1)
            self.svgName['y%s' % wind] = 'SEASON_%d' % (idx + 1)
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, desktopFileName=None):
        if desktopFileName is None:
            desktopFileName = 'default'
        self.__svg = None
        self.__pmap = None
        QPixmapCache.setCacheLimit(20480)  # the chinese landscape needs much
        self.desktopFileName = desktopFileName
        self.path = locatebackground(desktopFileName + '.desktop')
        if self.path.isEmpty():
            self.path = locatebackground('default.desktop')
            if self.path.isEmpty():
                directories = '\n\n' + \
                              for x in KGlobal.dirs().resourceDirs("kmahjonggbackground"))
                    'cannot find any background in the following directories, is libkmahjongg installed?')
                                                 + directories))
                        'cannot find background %1, using default',
                self.desktopFileName = 'default'
        config = KConfig(self.path)
        group = config.group("KMahjonggBackground")
        self.name = group.readEntry("Name") or m18n("unknown background")

        # Version control
        backgroundversion = int(group.readEntry("VersionFormat")) or 0
        # Format is increased when we have incompatible changes, meaning that
        # older clients are not able to use the remaining information safely
        if backgroundversion > BACKGROUNDVERSIONFORMAT:
            logException(BackgroundException('backgroundversion file / program: %d/%d' %
                                             (backgroundversion, BACKGROUNDVERSIONFORMAT)))

        self.tiled = group.readEntry('Tiled') == '1'
        if self.tiled:
            self.imageWidth, entryOk = group.readEntry('Width').toInt()
            if not entryOk:
                raise Exception('cannot scan Width from background file')
            self.imageHeight, entryOk = group.readEntry('Height').toInt()
            if not entryOk:
                raise Exception('cannot scan Height from background file')
        self.isPlain = bool(group.readEntry('Plain'))
        if not self.isPlain:
            graphName = QString(group.readEntry("FileName"))
            self.__graphicspath = locatebackground(graphName)
            if self.__graphicspath.isEmpty():
                    'cannot find kmahjongglib/backgrounds/%s for %s' %
                    (graphName, self.desktopFileName)))
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, dummyName):
        """continue __build"""
        self.group = KConfig(self.path).group(self.configGroupName)

        self.name = self.group.readEntry("Name") or i18n("unknown name")
        self.author = self.group.readEntry("Author") or i18n("unknown author")
        self.description = self.group.readEntry("Description") or i18n(
            "no description available")
        self.authorEmail = self.group.readEntry("AuthorEmail") or i18n(
            "no E-Mail address available")

        # Version control
        resourceVersion = self.group.readInteger("VersionFormat", default=0)
        # Format is increased when we have incompatible changes, meaning that
        # older clients are not able to use the remaining information safely
        if resourceVersion > RESOURCEFORMAT:
            logException('version file / program: %d/%d' %
                         (resourceVersion, RESOURCEFORMAT))
Пример #4
    def backgroundRowChanged(self):
        """user selected a new background, update our information about it and paint preview"""
        selBackground = self.backgroundList[

        config = KConfig(selBackground.path)
        group = config.group("KMahjonggBackground")

        author = group.readEntry("Author") or m18n("unknown author")
        description = group.readEntry("Description") or ""
        authorEmail = group.readEntry(
            "AuthorEmail") or m18n(
                "no E-Mail address available")

Пример #5
    def __init__(self, desktopFileName=None):
        if desktopFileName is None:
            desktopFileName = 'default'
        self.tileSize = None
        self.faceSize = None
        self.__renderer = None
        self.__shadowOffsets = None
        self.path = locateTileset(desktopFileName + '.desktop')
        if self.path.isEmpty():
            self.path = locateTileset('default.desktop')
            if self.path.isEmpty():
                        'cannot find tileset %1, using default',
                self.desktopFileName = 'default'
            self.desktopFileName = desktopFileName
        self.darkenerAlpha = 120 if self.desktopFileName == 'jade' else 50
        tileconfig = KConfig(self.path, KConfig.SimpleConfig)
        group = tileconfig.group("KMahjonggTileset")

        self.name = group.readEntry("Name") or m18n("unknown tileset")
        self.author = group.readEntry("Author") or m18n("unknown author")
        self.description = group.readEntry(
            "Description") or m18n(
                "no description available")
        self.authorEmail = group.readEntry(
            "AuthorEmail") or m18n(
                "no E-Mail address available")

        # Version control
        tileversion = int(group.readEntry("VersionFormat")) or 0
        # Format is increased when we have incompatible changes, meaning that
        # older clients are not able to use the remaining information safely
        if tileversion > TILESETVERSIONFORMAT:
            logException(TileException('tileversion file / program: %d/%d' %
                                       (tileversion, TILESETVERSIONFORMAT)))

        graphName = group.readEntry("FileName")
        self.__graphicspath = locateTileset(graphName)
        if self.__graphicspath.isEmpty():
                TileException('cannot find kmahjongglib/tilesets/%s for %s' %
                              (graphName, self.desktopFileName)))
        # now that we get the sizes from the svg, we need the
        # renderer right away

        self.svgName = {
            'wn': North.svgName, 'ws': South.svgName, 'we': East.svgName, 'ww': West.svgName,
            'db': 'DRAGON_1', 'dg': 'DRAGON_2', 'dr': 'DRAGON_3'}
        for value in '123456789':
            self.svgName['s%s' % value] = 'ROD_%s' % value
            self.svgName['b%s' % value] = 'BAMBOO_%s' % value
            self.svgName['c%s' % value] = 'CHARACTER_%s' % value
        for idx, wind in enumerate('eswn'):
            self.svgName['f%s' % wind] = 'FLOWER_%d' % (idx + 1)
            self.svgName['y%s' % wind] = 'SEASON_%d' % (idx + 1)
Пример #6
class Resource:
    """Common code for backgrounds and tilesets"""

    resourceName = None  # to be overridden in Tileset and Background
    configGroupName = None
    """represents a complete tileset"""
    # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes

    cache = {}

    def __new__(cls, name):
        return cls.cache.get(name) or cls.cache.get(
            cls.__name(name)) or cls.__build(name)

    def __directories(cls):
        """where to look for resources"""
        result = QStandardPaths.locateAll(
            os.path.join('share', 'kmahjongglib',
        return (x for x in result if os.path.exists(x))

    def locate(cls, which):
        """locate the file with a resource"""
        for directory in cls.__directories():
            path = os.path.join(directory, which)
            if os.path.exists(path):
                return path
        logException('cannot find kmahjongg%s %s in %s' %
                     (cls.resourceName, which, cls.__directories()))

    def loadAll(cls):
        """loads all available resources into cache"""
        resourceDirectories = cls.__directories()
        for directory in resourceDirectories:
            for name in os.listdir(directory):
                if name.endswith('.desktop'):
                    if not name.endswith(
                            'alphabet.desktop') and not name.endswith(
                        cls(os.path.join(directory, name))

    def available(cls):
        """ready for the selector dialog, default first"""
        return sorted(set(cls.cache.values()),
                      key=lambda x: x.desktopFileName != 'default')

    def __noTilesetFound(cls):
        """No resources found"""
        directories = '\n\n' + '\n'.join(cls.__directories())
                'cannot find any %1 in the following directories, '
                'is libkmahjongg installed?', cls.resourceName) +
            directories)  # TODO: nicht schoen

    def __name(path):
        """extract the name from path: this is the filename minus the .desktop ending"""
        return os.path.split(path)[1].replace('.desktop', '')

    def __build(cls, name):
        """build a new Resource. name is either a full file path or a desktop name. None stands for 'default'."""
        result = object.__new__(cls)
        if os.path.exists(name):
            result.path = name
            result.desktopFileName = cls.__name(name)
            result.desktopFileName = name or 'default'
            result.path = cls.locate(result.desktopFileName + '.desktop')
            if not result.path:
                result.path = cls.locate('default.desktop')
                result.desktopFileName = 'default'
                if not result.path:
                    logWarning(i18n('cannot find %1, using default', name))

        cls.cache[result.desktopFileName] = result
        cls.cache[result.path] = result
        return result

    def __init__(self, dummyName):
        """continue __build"""
        self.group = KConfig(self.path).group(self.configGroupName)

        self.name = self.group.readEntry("Name") or i18n("unknown name")
        self.author = self.group.readEntry("Author") or i18n("unknown author")
        self.description = self.group.readEntry("Description") or i18n(
            "no description available")
        self.authorEmail = self.group.readEntry("AuthorEmail") or i18n(
            "no E-Mail address available")

        # Version control
        resourceVersion = self.group.readInteger("VersionFormat", default=0)
        # Format is increased when we have incompatible changes, meaning that
        # older clients are not able to use the remaining information safely
        if resourceVersion > RESOURCEFORMAT:
            logException('version file / program: %d/%d' %
                         (resourceVersion, RESOURCEFORMAT))

    def __str__(self):
        return "%s id=%d name=%s, name id=%d" % \
            (self.resourceName, id(self), self.desktopFileName, id(self.desktopFileName))

    def current():
        """the currently wanted tileset. If not yet defined, do so"""
Пример #7
def konfigGroup(path, groupName):
    """returns access to a group of config options"""
    config = KConfig(path, KConfig.SimpleConfig)
    return config, KConfigGroup(config.group(groupName))
Пример #8
def konfigGroup(path, groupName):
    """returns access to a group of config options"""
    config = KConfig(path, KConfig.SimpleConfig)
    return config, KConfigGroup(config.group(groupName))