Пример #1
def Min(left: vertex_constructor_param_types,
        right: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    Finds the minimum between two vertices
    :param left: one of the vertices to find the minimum of
    :param right: one of the vertices to find the minimum of
    return Double(context.jvm_view().MinVertex, cast_to_double(left),
Пример #2
def Multiplication(left: vertex_constructor_param_types,
                   right: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    Multiplies one vertex by another
    :param left: vertex to be multiplied
    :param right: vertex to be multiplied
    return Double(context.jvm_view().MultiplicationVertex,
                  cast_to_double(left), cast_to_double(right))
Пример #3
def MatrixMultiplication(left: vertex_constructor_param_types,
                         right: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    Matrix multiplies one vertex by another. C = AB
    :param left: vertex A
    :param right: vertex B
    return Double(context.jvm_view().MatrixMultiplicationVertex,
                  cast_to_double(left), cast_to_double(right))
Пример #4
def Division(left: vertex_constructor_param_types,
             right: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    Divides one vertex by another
    :param left: the vertex to be divided
    :param right: the vertex to divide
    return Double(context.jvm_view().DivisionVertex, cast_to_double(left),
Пример #5
def Difference(left: vertex_constructor_param_types,
               right: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    Subtracts one vertex from another
    :param left: the vertex that will be subtracted from
    :param right: the vertex to subtract
    return Double(context.jvm_view().DifferenceVertex, cast_to_double(left),
Пример #6
def Power(base: vertex_constructor_param_types,
          exponent: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    Raises a vertex to the power of another
    :param base: the base vertex
    :param exponent: the exponent vertex
    return Double(context.jvm_view().PowerVertex, cast_to_double(base),
Пример #7
def Gamma(theta: vertex_constructor_param_types,
          k: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    One to one constructor for mapping some shape of theta and k to matching shaped gamma.
    :param theta: the theta (scale) of the Gamma with either the same shape as specified for this vertex
    :param k: the k (shape) of the Gamma with either the same shape as specified for this vertex
    return Double(context.jvm_view().GammaVertex, cast_to_double(theta),
Пример #8
def Addition(left: vertex_constructor_param_types,
             right: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    Adds one vertex to another
    :param left: a vertex to add
    :param right: a vertex to add
    return Double(context.jvm_view().AdditionVertex, cast_to_double(left),
Пример #9
def ArcTan2(x: vertex_constructor_param_types,
            y: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    Calculates the signed angle, in radians, between the positive x-axis and a ray to the point (x, y) from the origin
    :param x: x coordinate
    :param y: y coordinate
    return Double(context.jvm_view().ArcTan2Vertex, cast_to_double(x),
Пример #10
def MultivariateGaussian(mu: vertex_constructor_param_types,
                         covariance: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    Matches a mu and covariance of some shape to a Multivariate Gaussian
    :param mu: the mu of the Multivariate Gaussian
    :param covariance: the covariance matrix of the Multivariate Gaussian
    return Double(context.jvm_view().MultivariateGaussianVertex,
                  cast_to_double(mu), cast_to_double(covariance))
Пример #11
def Beta(alpha: vertex_constructor_param_types,
         beta: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    One to one constructor for mapping some tensorShape of alpha and beta to
    a matching tensorShaped Beta.
    :param alpha: the alpha of the Beta with either the same tensorShape as specified for this vertex or a scalar
    :param beta: the beta of the Beta with either the same tensorShape as specified for this vertex or a scalar
    return Double(context.jvm_view().BetaVertex, cast_to_double(alpha),
Пример #12
def InverseGamma(alpha: vertex_constructor_param_types,
                 beta: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    One to one constructor for mapping some shape of alpha and beta to
    alpha matching shaped Inverse Gamma.
    :param alpha: the alpha of the Inverse Gamma with either the same shape as specified for this vertex or alpha scalar
    :param beta: the beta of the Inverse Gamma with either the same shape as specified for this vertex or alpha scalar
    return Double(context.jvm_view().InverseGammaVertex, cast_to_double(alpha),
Пример #13
def Laplace(mu: vertex_constructor_param_types,
            beta: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    One to one constructor for mapping some shape of mu and sigma to
    a matching shaped Laplace.
    :param mu: the mu of the Laplace with either the same shape as specified for this vertex or a scalar
    :param beta: the beta of the Laplace with either the same shape as specified for this vertex or a scalar
    return Double(context.jvm_view().LaplaceVertex, cast_to_double(mu),
Пример #14
def Uniform(x_min: vertex_constructor_param_types,
            x_max: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    One to one constructor for mapping some shape of mu and sigma to
    a matching shaped Uniform Vertex
    :param x_min: the inclusive lower bound of the Uniform with either the same shape as specified for this vertex or a scalar
    :param x_max: the exclusive upper bound of the Uniform with either the same shape as specified for this vertex or a scalar
    return Double(context.jvm_view().UniformVertex, cast_to_double(x_min),
Пример #15
def Triangular(x_min: vertex_constructor_param_types,
               x_max: vertex_constructor_param_types,
               c: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    One to one constructor for mapping some shape of xMin, xMax and c to a matching shaped triangular.
    :param x_min: the xMin of the Triangular with either the same shape as specified for this vertex or a scalar
    :param x_max: the xMax of the Triangular with either the same shape as specified for this vertex or a scalar
    :param c: the c of the Triangular with either the same shape as specified for this vertex or a scalar
    return Double(context.jvm_view().TriangularVertex, cast_to_double(x_min),
                  cast_to_double(x_max), cast_to_double(c))
Пример #16
def Cos(input_vertex: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    Takes the cosine of a vertex, Cos(vertex)
    :param input_vertex: the vertex
    return Double(context.jvm_view().CosVertex, cast_to_double(input_vertex))
Пример #17
def Tan(input_vertex: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    Takes the tangent of a vertex. Tan(vertex).
    :param input_vertex: the vertex
    return Double(context.jvm_view().TanVertex, cast_to_double(input_vertex))
Пример #18
def Sum(input_vertex: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    Performs a sum across all dimensions
    :param input_vertex: the vertex to have its values summed
    return Double(context.jvm_view().SumVertex, cast_to_double(input_vertex))
Пример #19
def Sin(input_vertex: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    Takes the sine of a vertex. Sin(vertex).
    :param input_vertex: the vertex
    return Double(context.jvm_view().SinVertex, cast_to_double(input_vertex))
Пример #20
def Exp(input_vertex: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    Calculates the exponential of an input vertex
    :param input_vertex: the vertex
    return Double(context.jvm_view().ExpVertex, cast_to_double(input_vertex))
Пример #21
def Exponential(rate: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    One to one constructor for mapping some shape of rate to matching shaped exponential.
    :param rate: the rate of the Exponential with either the same shape as specified for this vertex or scalar
    return Double(context.jvm_view().ExponentialVertex, cast_to_double(rate))
Пример #22
def Abs(input_vertex: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    Takes the absolute of a vertex
    :param input_vertex: the vertex
    return Double(context.jvm_view().AbsVertex, cast_to_double(input_vertex))
Пример #23
def Log(input_vertex: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    Returns the natural logarithm, base e, of a vertex
    :param input_vertex: the vertex
    return Double(context.jvm_view().LogVertex, cast_to_double(input_vertex))
Пример #24
def ArcTan(input_vertex: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    Takes the inverse tan of a vertex, Arctan(vertex)
    :param input_vertex: the vertex
    return Double(context.jvm_view().ArcTanVertex,
Пример #25
def Poisson(mu: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    One to one constructor for mapping some shape of mu to
    a matching shaped Poisson.
    :param mu: mu with same shape as desired Poisson tensor or scalar
    return Integer(context.jvm_view().PoissonVertex, cast_to_double(mu))
Пример #26
def Ceil(input_vertex: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    Applies the Ceiling operator to a vertex.
    This maps a vertex to the smallest integer greater than or equal to its value
    :param input_vertex: the vertex to be ceil'd
    return Double(context.jvm_view().CeilVertex, cast_to_double(input_vertex))
Пример #27
def Floor(input_vertex: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    Applies the Floor operator to a vertex.
    This maps a vertex to the biggest integer less than or equal to its value
    :param input_vertex: the vertex to be floor'd
    return Double(context.jvm_view().FloorVertex, cast_to_double(input_vertex))
Пример #28
def LogGamma(input_vertex: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    Returns the log of the gamma of the inputVertex
    :param input_vertex: the vertex
    return Double(context.jvm_view().LogGammaVertex,
Пример #29
def Round(input_vertex: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    Applies the Rounding operator to a vertex.
    This maps a vertex to the nearest integer value
    :param input_vertex: the vertex to be rounded
    return Double(context.jvm_view().RoundVertex, cast_to_double(input_vertex))
Пример #30
def Dirichlet(concentration: vertex_constructor_param_types) -> Vertex:
    Matches a vector of concentration values to a Dirichlet distribution
    :param concentration: the concentration values of the dirichlet
    return Double(context.jvm_view().DirichletVertex,