Пример #1
def yolo_head(feats, anchors, num_classes, input_shape):
    """Convert final layer features to bounding box parameters."""
    num_anchors = len(anchors)
    # Reshape to batch, height, width, num_anchors, box_params.
    anchors_tensor = K.reshape(K.constant(anchors), [1, 1, 1, num_anchors, 2])

    grid_shape = K.shape(feats)[1:3] # height, width
    grid_y = K.tile(K.reshape(K.arange(0, stop=grid_shape[0]), [-1, 1, 1, 1]),
        [1, grid_shape[1], 1, 1])
    grid_x = K.tile(K.reshape(K.arange(0, stop=grid_shape[1]), [1, -1, 1, 1]),
        [grid_shape[0], 1, 1, 1])
    grid = K.concatenate([grid_x, grid_y])
    grid = K.cast(grid, K.dtype(feats))

    feats = K.reshape(
        feats, [-1, grid_shape[0], grid_shape[1], num_anchors, num_classes + 5])

    box_xy = K.sigmoid(feats[..., :2])
    box_wh = K.exp(feats[..., 2:4])
    box_confidence = K.sigmoid(feats[..., 4:5])
    box_class_probs = K.sigmoid(feats[..., 5:])

    # Adjust preditions to each spatial grid point and anchor size.
    box_xy = (box_xy + grid) / K.cast(grid_shape[::-1], K.dtype(feats))
    box_wh = box_wh * anchors_tensor / K.cast(input_shape[::-1], K.dtype(feats))

    return box_xy, box_wh, box_confidence, box_class_probs
Пример #2
def vgg_from_t7(t7_file, target_layer=None):
    '''Extract VGG layers from a Torch .t7 model into a Keras model
       e.g. vgg = vgg_from_t7('vgg_normalised.t7', target_layer='relu4_1')
       Adapted from https://github.com/jonrei/tf-AdaIN/blob/master/AdaIN.py
       Converted caffe->t7 from https://github.com/xunhuang1995/AdaIN-style
    t7 = torchfile.load(t7_file, force_8bytes_long=True)
    inp = Input(shape=(None, None, 3), name='vgg_input')

    x = inp
    for idx,module in enumerate(t7.modules):
        name = module.name.decode() if module.name is not None else None
        if idx == 0:
            name = 'preprocess'  # VGG 1st layer preprocesses with a 1x1 conv to multiply by 255 and subtract BGR mean as bias

        if module._typename == b'nn.SpatialReflectionPadding':
            x = Lambda(pad_reflect)(x)            
        elif module._typename == b'nn.SpatialConvolution':
            filters = module.nOutputPlane
            kernel_size = module.kH
            weight = module.weight.transpose([2,3,1,0])
            bias = module.bias
            x = Conv2D(filters, kernel_size, padding='valid', activation=None, name=name,
                        kernel_initializer=lambda shape: K.constant(weight, shape=shape),
                        bias_initializer=lambda shape: K.constant(bias, shape=shape),
        elif module._typename == b'nn.ReLU':
            x = Activation('relu', name=name)(x)
        elif module._typename == b'nn.SpatialMaxPooling':
            x = MaxPooling2D(padding='same', name=name)(x)
        # elif module._typename == b'nn.SpatialUpSamplingNearest': # Not needed for VGG
        #     x = Upsampling2D(name=name)(x)
            raise NotImplementedError(module._typename)

        if name == target_layer:
            # print("Reached target layer", target_layer)
    # Hook it up
    model = Model(inputs=inp, outputs=x)

    return model
Пример #3
 def call(self, x, mask=None):
     if mask is not None:
         mask = K.cast(mask, K.floatx())
         mask = K.expand_dims(mask, axis=-1)
         s = K.sum(mask, axis=1)
         if K.equal(s, K.zeros_like(s)) is None:
             return K.mean(x, axis=1)
             return K.cast(K.sum(x * mask, axis=1) / (K.sqrt(s) + K.constant(1e-10, dtype=K.floatx())), K.floatx())
         print (x)
         return K.mean(x, axis=1)
Пример #4
def softmax(x, axis, mask=None):
    if mask is None:
        mask = K.constant(True)
    mask = K.cast(mask, K.floatx())
    if K.ndim(x) is K.ndim(mask) + 1:
        mask = K.expand_dims(mask)

    m = K.max(x, axis=axis, keepdims=True)
    e = K.exp(x - m) * mask
    s = K.sum(e, axis=axis, keepdims=True)
    s += K.cast(K.cast(s < K.epsilon(), K.floatx()) * K.epsilon(), K.floatx())
    return e / s
Пример #5
 def result(input):
     emb_c = emb_layer(input)
     conv_results_list = []
     for cl in conv2d_layers:
     emb_c = Lambda(lambda x: K.concatenate(x, axis=3))(conv_results_list)
     emb_c = Lambda(lambda x: K.max(x, axis=2))(emb_c)
     if highway_on_top:
         sigmoid_gate = dense1(emb_c)
         sigmoid_gate = Activation('sigmoid')(sigmoid_gate)
         deeper_units = dense2(emb_c)
         emb_c = Add()([Multiply()([sigmoid_gate, deeper_units]),
                        Multiply()([Lambda(lambda x: K.constant(1., shape=K.shape(x)) - x)(sigmoid_gate), emb_c])])
         emb_c = Activation('relu')(emb_c)
     return emb_c
def eval(outputs, anchors, num_classes, image_shape,
         max_boxes=20, score_threshold=.6, iou_threshold=.5):
    '''Evaluate the YOLO model on given input and return filtered boxes'''

    num_layers = len(outputs)
    anchor_mask = [[6, 7, 8], [3, 4, 5], [0, 1, 2]] if num_layers == 3 else [
        [3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3]]
    input_shape = K.shape(outputs[0])[1:3] * 32
    boxes = []
    box_scores = []

    for l in range(num_layers):
        _boxes, _box_scores = boxes_and_scores(outputs[l],
                                               num_classes, input_shape,

    boxes = K.concatenate(boxes, axis=0)
    box_scores = K.concatenate(box_scores, axis=0)

    mask = box_scores >= score_threshold
    max_boxes_tensor = K.constant(max_boxes, dtype='int32')
    boxes_ = []
    scores_ = []
    classes_ = []

    for c in range(num_classes):
        # TODO: use Keras backend instead of tf.
        class_boxes = tf.boolean_mask(boxes, mask[:, c])
        class_box_scores = tf.boolean_mask(box_scores[:, c], mask[:, c])
        nms_index = tf.image.non_max_suppression(
            class_boxes, class_box_scores, max_boxes_tensor,
        class_boxes = K.gather(class_boxes, nms_index)
        class_box_scores = K.gather(class_box_scores, nms_index)
        classes = K.ones_like(class_box_scores, 'int32') * c

    boxes_ = K.concatenate(boxes_, axis=0)
    scores_ = K.concatenate(scores_, axis=0)
    classes_ = K.concatenate(classes_, axis=0)

    return boxes_, scores_, classes_
Пример #7
    def call(self, inputs, **kwargs):
        input_shape = K.int_shape(inputs)

        broadcast_shape = [1] * len(input_shape)
        broadcast_shape[self.axis] = input_shape[self.axis]

        broadcast_moving_mean = K.reshape(self.moving_mean, broadcast_shape)
        broadcast_moving_variance = K.reshape(self.moving_variance,
        broadcast_gamma = K.reshape(self.gamma, broadcast_shape)
        broadcast_beta = K.reshape(self.beta, broadcast_shape)
        invstd = (K.ones(shape=broadcast_shape,
                  / K.sqrt(broadcast_moving_variance
                           + K.constant(self.epsilon,

        return((inputs - broadcast_moving_mean)
               * invstd
               * broadcast_gamma
               + broadcast_beta)
 def weighted_binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred):
     class_loglosses = K.mean(K.binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred), axis=[0, 1, 2])
     return K.sum(class_loglosses * K.constant(class_weights))
                                                       theta, True)
A = []
Y = []
for index in range(len(input_graphs)):

A_norm = examples.utils.preprocess_adj_numpy(A, SYM_NORM)
num_filters = 2
graph_conv_filters = examples.utils.np.concatenate(
    [A_norm, examples.utils.np.matmul(A_norm, A_norm)], axis=0)
graph_conv_filters = K.constant(graph_conv_filters)

model = Sequential()
             input_shape=(X.shape[1], ),
Пример #10
def log_normals_loss(y_true, y_pred):
    y_true = tf.Print(y_true, [y_true], message='y_true', summarize=30)
    y_pred = tf.Print(y_pred, [y_pred], message='y_pred', summarize=30)

    #compute normals with convolution approach
    # (http://answers.opencv.org/question/82453/calculate-surface-normals-from-depth-image-using-neighboring-pixels-cross-product/)
    config, unparsed = get_config()
    batch_size = config.batch_size

    #y_true_clipped = K.clip(y_true, K.epsilon(), None)#40.0)
    #y_pred_clipped = K.clip(y_pred, K.epsilon(), None)
    y_true_clipped = y_true
    y_pred_clipped = y_pred

    filter_y = K.variable(np.array([[ 0., -0.5 , 0.],
                               [0., 0., 0.],
                               [0., 0.5, 0.]]).reshape(3, 3, 1, 1))

    filter_x = K.variable(np.array([ [0, 0., 0.],
                               [0.5, 0., -0.5],
                               [0., 0., 0.]]).reshape(3, 3, 1, 1))
    w_x = K.variable(np.array([[-1., 0., 1.],
                               [-1., 0., 1.],
                               [-1., 0., 1.]]).reshape(3, 3, 1, 1))

    w_y = K.variable(np.array([[-1., -1., -1.],
                               [0., 0., 0.],
                               [1., 1., 1.]]).reshape(3, 3, 1, 1))

    #dzdx = K.conv2d(K.exp(y_true_clipped), w_x, padding='same')
    #dzdy = K.conv2d(K.exp(y_true_clipped), w_y, padding='same')
    dzdx = K.conv2d(y_true_clipped, w_x, padding='same')
    dzdy = K.conv2d(y_true_clipped, w_y, padding='same')

    dzdx_ = dzdx * -1.0#K.constant(-1.0, shape=[batch_size,K.int_shape(y_pred)[1],K.int_shape(y_pred)[2],K.int_shape(y_pred)[3]]) #K.constant(-1.0, shape=K.int_shape(dzdx))
    dzdy_ = dzdy * -1.0#K.constant(-1.0, shape=[batch_size,K.int_shape(y_pred)[1],K.int_shape(y_pred)[2],K.int_shape(y_pred)[3]]) #K.constant(-1.0, shape=K.int_shape(dzdy))

    mag_norm = K.pow(dzdx,2) + K.pow(dzdy,2) + 1.0#K.constant(1.0, shape=[batch_size,K.int_shape(y_pred)[1],K.int_shape(y_pred)[2],K.int_shape(y_pred)[3]]) #K.constant(1.0, shape=K.int_shape(dzdx))

    mag_norm = K.sqrt(mag_norm)
    N3 = 1.0 / mag_norm #K.constant(1.0, shape=K.int_shape(dzdx)) / mag_norm
    N1 = dzdx_ / mag_norm
    N2 = dzdy_ / mag_norm

    normals = K.concatenate(tensors=[N1,N2,N3],axis=-1)

    #dzdx_pred = K.conv2d(K.exp(y_pred_clipped), w_x, padding='same')
    #dzdy_pred = K.conv2d(K.exp(y_pred_clipped), w_y, padding='same')
    dzdx_pred = K.conv2d(y_pred_clipped, w_x, padding='same')
    dzdy_pred = K.conv2d(y_pred_clipped, w_y, padding='same')

    mag_norm_pred_x = K.pow(dzdx_pred,2) + 1.0
    mag_norm_pred_x = K.sqrt(mag_norm_pred_x)
    mag_norm_pred_y = K.pow(dzdy_pred, 2) + 1.0
    mag_norm_pred_y = K.sqrt(mag_norm_pred_y)

    grad_x = K.concatenate(tensors=[K.constant(1.0, shape=[batch_size, K.int_shape(y_pred)[1], K.int_shape(y_pred)[2], K.int_shape(y_pred)[3]])/ mag_norm_pred_x,
                                    K.constant(0.0, shape=[batch_size, K.int_shape(y_pred)[1], K.int_shape(y_pred)[2], K.int_shape(y_pred)[3]])/ mag_norm_pred_x, dzdx_pred/ mag_norm_pred_x],axis=-1)
    grad_y = K.concatenate(tensors=[K.constant(0.0, shape=[batch_size, K.int_shape(y_pred)[1], K.int_shape(y_pred)[2], K.int_shape(y_pred)[3]])/ mag_norm_pred_y,
                                    K.constant(1.0, shape=[batch_size, K.int_shape(y_pred)[1], K.int_shape(y_pred)[2], K.int_shape(y_pred)[3]])/ mag_norm_pred_y, dzdy_pred/ mag_norm_pred_y],axis=-1)

    first_log = K.log(y_pred_clipped + 1.)
    second_log = K.log(y_true_clipped + 1.)

    log_term = K.sqrt(K.mean(K.square(first_log - second_log), axis=-1) + 0.00001)

    dot_term_x = K.sum(normals[:,:,:,:] * grad_x[:,:,:,:], axis=-1, keepdims=True)
    dot_term_y = K.sum(normals[:,:,:,:] * grad_y[:,:,:,:], axis=-1, keepdims=True)
    #dot_term_x = K.mean(K.sum(normals[:, :, :, :] * grad_x[:, :, :, :], axis=-1, keepdims=True), axis=-1)
    #dot_term_y = K.mean(K.sum(normals[:, :, :, :] * grad_y[:, :, :, :], axis=-1, keepdims=True), axis=-1)

    dot_term_x = tf.Print(dot_term_x, [dot_term_x], message='dot_term_x', summarize=30)
    dot_term_y = tf.Print(dot_term_y, [dot_term_y], message='dot_term_y', summarize=30)

    #commentare per vecchia versione
    sc_inv_term = K.square(K.mean((first_log - second_log), axis=-1))
    norm_term = K.mean(K.square(dot_term_x), axis=-1) + K.mean(K.square(dot_term_y), axis=-1)

    diff_x = dzdx_pred - dzdx
    diff_y = dzdy_pred - dzdy
    grad_loss = K.mean(K.square(diff_x) + K.square(diff_y), axis=-1)

    loss = log_term - (0.5 * sc_inv_term) + norm_term #+ grad_loss
    #loss = log_term + K.square(dot_term_x) + K.square(dot_term_y)

    return loss
Пример #11
def custom_mod(x, k=K.constant(np.pi), name="custom_mod"):
    """ Custom mod function """
    y = Lambda(lambda x: K.tf.math.floormod(x - k, 2*k) - k, name=name)(x)
    return y
Пример #12
def ccc_loss(gold, pred):
    # input (num_batches, seq_len, 1)
    ccc_loss = K.constant(1.) - ccc(gold, pred)
    return ccc_loss
    def call(self, x, mask=None):
        Return an anchor box tensor based on the shape of the input tensor.

        The logic implemented here is identical to the logic in the module `ssd_box_encode_decode_utils.py`.

        Note that this tensor does not participate in any graph computations at runtime. It is being created
        as a constant once during graph creation and is just being output along with the rest of the model output
        during runtime. Because of this, all logic is implemented as Numpy array operations and it is sufficient
        to convert the resulting Numpy array into a Keras tensor at the very end before outputting it.

            x (tensor): 4D tensor of shape `(batch, channels, height, width)` if `dim_ordering = 'th'`
                or `(batch, height, width, channels)` if `dim_ordering = 'tf'`. The input for this
                layer must be the output of the localization predictor layer.

        # Compute box width and height for each aspect ratio
        # The shorter side of the image will be used to compute `w` and `h` using `scale` and `aspect_ratios`.
        self.aspect_ratios = np.sort(self.aspect_ratios)
        size = min(self.img_height, self.img_width)
        # Compute the box widths and and heights for all aspect ratios
        wh_list = []
        for ar in self.aspect_ratios:
            if (ar == 1) & self.two_boxes_for_ar1:
                # Compute the regular default box for aspect ratio 1 and...
                w = self.this_scale * size * np.sqrt(ar)
                h = self.this_scale * size / np.sqrt(ar)
                # ...also compute one slightly larger version using the geometric mean of this scale value and the next
                w = np.sqrt(self.this_scale * self.next_scale) * size * np.sqrt(ar)
                h = np.sqrt(self.this_scale * self.next_scale) * size / np.sqrt(ar)
                w = self.this_scale * size * np.sqrt(ar)
                h = self.this_scale * size / np.sqrt(ar)
        wh_list = np.array(wh_list)

        # We need the shape of the input tensor
        if K.image_dim_ordering() == 'tf':
            batch_size, feature_map_height, feature_map_width, feature_map_channels = x._keras_shape

        else: # Not yet relevant since TensorFlow is the only supported backend right now, but it can't harm to have this in here for the future
            batch_size, feature_map_channels, feature_map_height, feature_map_width = x._keras_shape

        # Compute the grid of box center points. They are identical for all aspect ratios
        cell_height = self.img_height / feature_map_height
        cell_width = self.img_width / feature_map_width
        cx = np.linspace(cell_width/2, self.img_width-cell_width/2, feature_map_width)
        cy = np.linspace(cell_height/2, self.img_height-cell_height/2, feature_map_height)
        cx_grid, cy_grid = np.meshgrid(cx, cy)
        cx_grid = np.expand_dims(cx_grid, -1) # This is necessary for np.tile() to do what we want further down
        cy_grid = np.expand_dims(cy_grid, -1) # This is necessary for np.tile() to do what we want further down

        # Create a 4D tensor template of shape `(feature_map_height, feature_map_width, n_boxes, 4)`
        # where the last dimension will contain `(cx, cy, w, h)`
        boxes_tensor = np.zeros((feature_map_height, feature_map_width, self.n_boxes, 4))

        boxes_tensor[:, :, :, 0] = np.tile(cx_grid, (1, 1, self.n_boxes)) # Set cx
        boxes_tensor[:, :, :, 1] = np.tile(cy_grid, (1, 1, self.n_boxes)) # Set cy
        boxes_tensor[:, :, :, 2] = wh_list[:, 0] # Set w
        boxes_tensor[:, :, :, 3] = wh_list[:, 1] # Set h

        # Convert `(cx, cy, w, h)` to `(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)`
        boxes_tensor = convert_coordinates(boxes_tensor, start_index=0, conversion='centroids2minmax')

        # If `limit_boxes` is enabled, clip the coordinates to lie within the image boundaries
        if self.limit_boxes:
            x_coords = boxes_tensor[:,:,:,[0, 1]]
            x_coords[x_coords >= self.img_width] = self.img_width - 1
            x_coords[x_coords < 0] = 0
            boxes_tensor[:,:,:,[0, 1]] = x_coords
            y_coords = boxes_tensor[:,:,:,[2, 3]]
            y_coords[y_coords >= self.img_height] = self.img_height - 1
            y_coords[y_coords < 0] = 0
            boxes_tensor[:,:,:,[2, 3]] = y_coords

        # `normalize_coords` is enabled, normalize the coordinates to be within [0,1]
        if self.normalize_coords:
            boxes_tensor[:, :, :, :2] /= self.img_width
            boxes_tensor[:, :, :, 2:] /= self.img_height

        if self.coords == 'centroids':
            # TODO: Implement box limiting directly for `(cx, cy, w, h)` so that we don't have to unnecessarily convert back and forth
            # Convert `(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)` back to `(cx, cy, w, h)`
            boxes_tensor = convert_coordinates(boxes_tensor, start_index=0, conversion='minmax2centroids')

        # 4: Create a tensor to contain the variances and append it to `boxes_tensor`. This tensor has the same shape
        #    as `boxes_tensor` and simply contains the same 4 variance values for every position in the last axis.
        variances_tensor = np.zeros_like(boxes_tensor) # Has shape `(feature_map_height, feature_map_width, n_boxes, 4)`
        variances_tensor += self.variances # Long live broadcasting
        # Now `boxes_tensor` becomes a tensor of shape `(feature_map_height, feature_map_width, n_boxes, 8)`
        boxes_tensor = np.concatenate((boxes_tensor, variances_tensor), axis=-1)

        # Now prepend one dimension to `boxes_tensor` to account for the batch size and tile it along
        # The result will be a 5D tensor of shape `(batch_size, feature_map_height, feature_map_width, n_boxes, 8)`
        boxes_tensor = np.expand_dims(boxes_tensor, axis=0)
        boxes_tensor = K.tile(K.constant(boxes_tensor, dtype='float32'), (K.shape(x)[0], 1, 1, 1, 1))

        return boxes_tensor
Пример #14
def jaccard_loss(y_true, y_pred, weights):
    batch_jaccard_coefs = soft_jaccard(y_true, y_pred, axis=[1, 2])
    jaccard_coefs = K.mean(batch_jaccard_coefs, axis=0)
    w = K.constant(weights) / sum(weights)
    return 1 - K.sum(w * jaccard_coefs)
Пример #15
import numpy as np
import tensorflow.spectral as tf
from keras import backend as K
#from so3_fft import so3_rfft, _setup_wigner

x = [[1.1, 2.2], [3.3, 4.4]]

x = K.constant(x, dtype='complex64')
y = K.eval(x)

Пример #16
def corr(y_true, y_pred):
    return K.constant((numpy.corrcoef(y_true.flatten(), y_pred.flatten())[0, 1]) ** 2)
Пример #17
    def _build_model(self):
        rpn_trainable = self.config.training_mode in ['rpn_only', 'all']
        head_trainable = self.config.training_mode in ['head_only', 'all']

        # backbone network
        backbone_in, backbone_out = self._model_backbone_headless()

        # rpn
        normalized_rois, rpn_offsets, objects, objects_logit \
            = self._nn_rpn(backbone_out, rpn_trainable)

        # 学習時のみ損失を計算
        if self.config.training:
            # 学習時
            input_gt_rois = Input(
                shape=[None, 4], name="input_gt_rois", dtype='float32')
            input_gt_objects = Input(
                shape=[None], name="input_gt_objects", dtype='int32')
            inputs = [backbone_in, input_gt_rois, input_gt_objects]
            losses = []
            if rpn_trainable:
                # 損失計算
                # RPNの損失
                rpn_offsets_loss = Lambda(lambda x: loss.rpn_offsets_loss(*x),
                    [input_gt_rois, input_gt_objects, rpn_offsets])
                rpn_objects_loss = Lambda(lambda x: loss.rpn_objects_loss(*x),
                    [input_gt_objects, objects])

                losses += [rpn_offsets_loss, rpn_objects_loss]

            if head_trainable:
                input_gt_boxes = Input(
                    shape=[None, 4], name="input_gt_boxes", dtype='float32')
                input_gt_label_ids = Input(
                    shape=[None], name="input_gt_label_ids", dtype='int32')
                h, w = self.config.image_shape[0], self.config.image_shape[1]
                input_gt_masks = Input(
                    shape=[None, h, w], name="input_gt_masks", dtype='float32')
                inputs += [input_gt_boxes, input_gt_label_ids, input_gt_masks]

                # 正解データとRoIから評価対象のRoIを絞り込み、それに対応する正解データを得る。
                normalized_sample_rois, normalized_sample_gt_offsets, \
                    sample_gt_labels, sample_gt_masks = \
                        [normalized_rois, input_gt_boxes,
                            input_gt_label_ids, input_gt_masks])

                # head
                head_offsets, labels, labels_logit \
                    = self._nn_head(backbone_out, normalized_sample_rois)
                # ヘッドの損失はModel#compileで損失関数を指定する方法では対応出来ないため、
                # Layerとして定義してModel#add_lossで加算する。
                head_offsets_loss = Lambda(lambda x:
                    [normalized_sample_gt_offsets, sample_gt_labels,
                head_labels_loss = Lambda(lambda x:
                    [sample_gt_labels, labels])

                # mask
                masks = self._nn_mask(backbone_out, normalized_sample_rois)
                head_mask_loss = Lambda(lambda x:
                    [sample_gt_masks, sample_gt_labels, masks])

                # 損失
                losses += [head_offsets_loss, head_labels_loss, head_mask_loss]

            # 出力=損失
            outputs = losses

            # 予測時
            # head
            # head_offsetsは0〜1で正規化された値
            head_offsets, labels, _ = self._nn_head(
                backbone_out, normalized_rois)

            # 候補を絞り込む
            bboxes, rois, labels, scores = Lambda(lambda x:
                [normalized_rois, head_offsets, labels])

            # mask
            masks = self._nn_mask(backbone_out, rois)

            def _squeeze_masks(masks, idx_labels):
                dim1 = K.flatten(K.repeat(K.expand_dims(
                    K.arange(K.shape(masks)[0])), K.shape(masks)[1]))
                dim2 = K.tile(K.arange(K.shape(masks)[1]),
                idx = K.stack([dim1, dim2,
                               K.cast(K.flatten(labels), tf.int32)], axis=1)
                # idx = log.tfprint(idx, "idx:inloop:debug")
                squeezed_masks = tf.gather_nd(masks, idx)
                squeezed_masks = K.reshape(squeezed_masks,
                return squeezed_masks

            # ラベルに対応するマスクを残す
            masks = Lambda(lambda x: _squeeze_masks(x[0],
                                                    K.cast(x[1], tf.int32)),
                           name="squeeze_mask")([masks, labels])

            # 予測時は損失不要
            # ダミーの損失関数
            dummy_loss = Lambda(lambda x: K.constant(0), name="dummy_loss")(
            losses = [dummy_loss, dummy_loss, dummy_loss,
                      dummy_loss, dummy_loss, dummy_loss]
            inputs = [backbone_in]

            outputs = [bboxes, labels, scores, masks, rois,
                       rpn_offsets, objects]

        model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, name='mask_r_cnn')
        # Kerasは複数指定した損失の合計をモデル全体の損失として評価してくれる。
        # 損失を追加
        for output in losses:
            model.add_loss(tf.reduce_mean(output, keep_dims=True))
        return model, len(outputs)
Пример #18
def _smooth_labels(y_true, label_smoothing):
    num_classes = tf.cast(K.shape(y_true)[-1], dtype=K.floatx())
    label_smoothing = K.constant(label_smoothing, dtype=K.floatx())
    return y_true * (1.0 - label_smoothing) + label_smoothing / num_classes
Пример #19
def drop_last_row(shape, dtype=None):
	extractor = np.zeros(shape)
	for i in range(np.min(shape)):
		extractor[i][i] = 1
	return K.constant(extractor)
Пример #20
def extract_last_row(shape, dtype=None):
	extractor = np.zeros(shape)
	extractor[-1][-1] = 0
	return K.constant(extractor)
Пример #21
 def __call__(self, shape, dtype=None):
     return K.constant(1 / K.sqrt(16), shape=shape, dtype=dtype)
Пример #22
def yolo_eval(yolo_outputs,
    # 获得特征层的数量
    num_layers = len(yolo_outputs)
    # 特征层1对应的anchor是678(13,13)
    # 特征层2对应的anchor是345(26,26)
    # 特征层3对应的anchor是012(52,52)
    anchor_mask = [[6, 7, 8], [3, 4, 5], [0, 1, 2]]

    input_shape = K.shape(yolo_outputs[0])[1:3] * 32
    # 416,416
    boxes = []
    box_scores = []
    # ---------------------------------对每一个特征层的结果进行处理-----------------------
    # 对每个特征层进行处理
    for l in range(num_layers):
        _boxes, _box_scores = yolo_boxes_and_scores(yolo_outputs[l],
                                                    num_classes, input_shape,
    # 将每个特征层的结果进行堆叠(全部堆叠成一维)
    boxes = K.concatenate(boxes, axis=0)
    box_scores = K.concatenate(box_scores, axis=0)
    # 每一个点对应80种类别的得分值

    # 通过每个得分和阈值进行比较,满足要求的就留下,并设置为1
    mask = box_scores >= score_threshold
    # 限制每个图片最大的边框数(20)
    max_boxes_tensor = K.constant(max_boxes, dtype='int32')
    boxes_ = []
    scores_ = []
    classes_ = []
    for c in range(num_classes):
        # 取出所有box_scores >= score_threshold的框,和成绩
        class_boxes = tf.boolean_mask(boxes, mask[:, c])
        class_box_scores = tf.boolean_mask(box_scores[:, c], mask[:, c])

        # 非极大抑制,去掉box重合程度高的那一些
        nms_index = tf.image.non_max_suppression(class_boxes,

        # 获取非极大抑制后的结果
        # 下列三个分别是
        # 框的位置,得分与种类
        class_boxes = K.gather(class_boxes, nms_index)
        class_box_scores = K.gather(class_box_scores, nms_index)
        classes = K.ones_like(class_box_scores, 'int32') * c
    boxes_ = K.concatenate(boxes_, axis=0)
    scores_ = K.concatenate(scores_, axis=0)
    classes_ = K.concatenate(classes_, axis=0)

    return boxes_, scores_, classes_
 def __init__(self, switch_matrix, pool_size):
     super(MaxUnPooling2D, self).__init__()
     self.switch_matrix = K.constant(switch_matrix)
     self.pool_size = pool_size
def mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred):
    if not K.is_tensor(y_pred):
        y_pred = K.constant(y_pred)
    y_true = K.cast(y_true, y_pred.dtype)
    return K.mean(K.square(y_pred - y_true), axis=-1)
    def call(self, x, mask=None):
        Return an anchor box tensor based on the shape of the input tensor.

        The logic implemented here is identical to the logic in the module `ssd_box_encode_decode_utils.py`.

        Note that this tensor does not participate in any graph computations at runtime. It is being created
        as a constant once during graph creation and is just being output along with the rest of the model output
        during runtime. Because of this, all logic is implemented as Numpy array operations and it is sufficient
        to convert the resulting Numpy array into a Keras tensor at the very end before outputting it.

            x (tensor): 4D tensor of shape `(batch, channels, height, width)` if `dim_ordering = 'th'`
                or `(batch, height, width, channels)` if `dim_ordering = 'tf'`. The input for this
                layer must be the output of the localization predictor layer.

        # Compute box width and height for each aspect ratio
        # The shorter side of the image will be used to compute `w` and `h` using `scale` and `aspect_ratios`.
        size = min(self.img_height, self.img_width)
        # Compute the box widths and and heights for all aspect ratios
        wh_list = []
        for ar in self.aspect_ratios:
            if (ar == 1):
                # Compute the regular anchor box for aspect ratio 1.
                box_height = box_width = self.this_scale * size
                wh_list.append((box_width, box_height))
                if self.two_boxes_for_ar1:
                    # Compute one slightly larger version using the geometric mean of this scale value and the next.
                    box_height = box_width = np.sqrt(self.this_scale * self.next_scale) * size
                    wh_list.append((box_width, box_height))
                box_height = self.this_scale * size / np.sqrt(ar)
                box_width = self.this_scale * size * np.sqrt(ar)
                wh_list.append((box_width, box_height))
        wh_list = np.array(wh_list)

        # We need the shape of the input tensor
        if K.image_dim_ordering() == 'tf':
            batch_size, feature_map_height, feature_map_width, feature_map_channels = x._keras_shape
        else:  # Not yet relevant since TensorFlow is the only supported backend right now, but it can't harm to have this in here for the future
            batch_size, feature_map_channels, feature_map_height, feature_map_width = x._keras_shape

        # Compute the grid of box center points. They are identical for all aspect ratios.

        # Compute the step sizes, i.e. how far apart the anchor box center points will be vertically and horizontally.
        if (self.this_steps is None):
            step_height = self.img_height / feature_map_height
            step_width = self.img_width / feature_map_width
            if isinstance(self.this_steps, (list, tuple)) and (len(self.this_steps) == 2):
                step_height = self.this_steps[0]
                step_width = self.this_steps[1]
            elif isinstance(self.this_steps, (int, float)):
                step_height = self.this_steps
                step_width = self.this_steps
        # Compute the offsets, i.e. at what pixel values the first anchor box center point will be from the top and from the left of the image.
        if (self.this_offsets is None):
            offset_height = 0.5
            offset_width = 0.5
            if isinstance(self.this_offsets, (list, tuple)) and (len(self.this_offsets) == 2):
                offset_height = self.this_offsets[0]
                offset_width = self.this_offsets[1]
            elif isinstance(self.this_offsets, (int, float)):
                offset_height = self.this_offsets
                offset_width = self.this_offsets
        # Now that we have the offsets and step sizes, compute the grid of anchor box center points.
        cy = np.linspace(offset_height * step_height, (offset_height + feature_map_height - 1) * step_height,
        cx = np.linspace(offset_width * step_width, (offset_width + feature_map_width - 1) * step_width,
        cx_grid, cy_grid = np.meshgrid(cx, cy)
        cx_grid = np.expand_dims(cx_grid, -1)  # This is necessary for np.tile() to do what we want further down
        cy_grid = np.expand_dims(cy_grid, -1)  # This is necessary for np.tile() to do what we want further down

        # Create a 4D tensor template of shape `(feature_map_height, feature_map_width, n_boxes, 4)`
        # where the last dimension will contain `(cx, cy, w, h)`
        boxes_tensor = np.zeros((feature_map_height, feature_map_width, self.n_boxes, 4))

        boxes_tensor[:, :, :, 0] = np.tile(cx_grid, (1, 1, self.n_boxes))  # Set cx
        boxes_tensor[:, :, :, 1] = np.tile(cy_grid, (1, 1, self.n_boxes))  # Set cy
        boxes_tensor[:, :, :, 2] = wh_list[:, 0]  # Set w
        boxes_tensor[:, :, :, 3] = wh_list[:, 1]  # Set h

        # Convert `(cx, cy, w, h)` to `(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)`
        boxes_tensor = convert_coordinates(boxes_tensor, start_index=0, conversion='centroids2corners')

        # If `clip_boxes` is enabled, clip the coordinates to lie within the image boundaries
        if self.clip_boxes:
            x_coords = boxes_tensor[:, :, :, [0, 2]]
            x_coords[x_coords >= self.img_width] = self.img_width - 1
            x_coords[x_coords < 0] = 0
            boxes_tensor[:, :, :, [0, 2]] = x_coords
            y_coords = boxes_tensor[:, :, :, [1, 3]]
            y_coords[y_coords >= self.img_height] = self.img_height - 1
            y_coords[y_coords < 0] = 0
            boxes_tensor[:, :, :, [1, 3]] = y_coords

        # If `normalize_coords` is enabled, normalize the coordinates to be within [0,1]
        if self.normalize_coords:
            boxes_tensor[:, :, :, [0, 2]] /= self.img_width
            boxes_tensor[:, :, :, [1, 3]] /= self.img_height

        # TODO: Implement box limiting directly for `(cx, cy, w, h)` so that we don't have to unnecessarily convert back and forth.
        if self.coords == 'centroids':
            # Convert `(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)` back to `(cx, cy, w, h)`.
            boxes_tensor = convert_coordinates(boxes_tensor, start_index=0, conversion='corners2centroids')
        elif self.coords == 'minmax':
            # Convert `(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)` to `(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax).
            boxes_tensor = convert_coordinates(boxes_tensor, start_index=0, conversion='corners2minmax')

        # Create a tensor to contain the variances and append it to `boxes_tensor`. This tensor has the same shape
        # as `boxes_tensor` and simply contains the same 4 variance values for every position in the last axis.
        variances_tensor = np.zeros_like(
            boxes_tensor)  # Has shape `(feature_map_height, feature_map_width, n_boxes, 4)`
        variances_tensor += self.variances  # Long live broadcasting
        # Now `boxes_tensor` becomes a tensor of shape `(feature_map_height, feature_map_width, n_boxes, 8)`
        boxes_tensor = np.concatenate((boxes_tensor, variances_tensor), axis=-1)

        # Now prepend one dimension to `boxes_tensor` to account for the batch size and tile it along
        # The result will be a 5D tensor of shape `(batch_size, feature_map_height, feature_map_width, n_boxes, 8)`
        boxes_tensor = np.expand_dims(boxes_tensor, axis=0)
        boxes_tensor = K.tile(K.constant(boxes_tensor, dtype='float32'), (K.shape(x)[0], 1, 1, 1, 1))

        return boxes_tensor
Пример #26
def mean_absolute_error_penalty(y_true, y_pred, penalty):
    penalty = K.constant(penalty, dtype='float32')
    return K.mean(penalty * K.abs(y_pred - y_true), axis=-1)
Пример #27
    def call(self, inputs, training=None):
        input_shape = K.int_shape(inputs)

        broadcast_shape = [1] * len(input_shape)
        broadcast_shape[self.axis] = input_shape[self.axis]
        broadcast_moving_mean = K.reshape(self.moving_mean, broadcast_shape)
        broadcast_moving_variance = K.reshape(self.moving_variance, broadcast_shape)
        broadcast_gamma = K.reshape(self.gamma, broadcast_shape)
        broadcast_beta = K.reshape(self.beta, broadcast_shape)        
        invstd = K.ones (shape=broadcast_shape, dtype='float32') / K.sqrt(broadcast_moving_variance + K.constant(self.epsilon, dtype='float32'))
        return (inputs - broadcast_moving_mean) * invstd * broadcast_gamma + broadcast_beta
Пример #28
    def fit(self, Xs, ys, dataset_weights=None):
        self.random_state = check_random_state(self.random_state)
        n_datasets = len(Xs)
        n_samples = sum(X.shape[0] for X in Xs)
        n_features = Xs[0].shape[1]

        # Data
        sizes = np.array([y.shape[1] for y in ys])
        limits = [0] + np.cumsum(sizes).tolist()
        n_targets = limits[-1]

        if self.n_components == 'auto':
            n_components = n_targets
            n_components = self.n_components

        self.slices_ = []
        for iter in range(n_datasets):
            self.slices_.append(np.array([limits[iter], limits[iter + 1]]))
        self.slices_ = tuple(self.slices_)

        if dataset_weights is None:
            dataset_weights = [1.] * n_datasets
        dataset_weights /= np.sum(dataset_weights) / n_datasets
        # dataset_weights = np.array(dataset_weights) * np.sqrt([X.shape[0] for X in Xs])

        padded_ys = []
        masks = []
        Xs = [X.copy() for X in Xs]
        for y, this_slice in zip(ys, self.slices_):
            padded_y = np.zeros((y.shape[0], n_targets))
            mask = np.zeros((y.shape[0], n_targets), dtype='bool')
            mask[:, this_slice[0]:this_slice[1]] = 1
            padded_y[:, this_slice[0]:this_slice[1]] = y
        if self.use_generator:
            our_generator = generator(Xs,
            if self.batch_size is not None:
                steps_per_epoch = n_samples / self.batch_size
                steps_per_epoch = n_datasets
            Xs_cat = np.concatenate(Xs, axis=0)
            padded_ys_cat = np.concatenate(padded_ys, axis=0)
            masks_cat = np.concatenate(masks, axis=0)
            sample_weight = np.concatenate(
                [[dataset_weight * n_samples / X.shape[0] / n_datasets] *
                 X.shape[0] for dataset_weight, X in zip(dataset_weights, Xs)])
            if self.batch_size is None:
                batch_size = n_samples
                batch_size = self.batch_size
        # Model
        if self.intercept_init is not None:
            supervised_bias_initializer = \
                lambda shape: K.constant(self.intercept_init)
            supervised_bias_initializer = 'zeros'
        if self.coef_init is not None:
            U, S, VT = svd(self.coef_init, full_matrices=False)
            latent_init = U[:, :n_components]
            latent_init *= S[:n_components]
            supervised_init = VT[:n_components]
            if n_components > latent_init.shape[1]:
                latent_init = np.concatenate([
                              n_components - latent_init.shape[1]))
                supervised_init = np.concatenate([
                    np.zeros((n_components - supervised_init.shape[0],
            supervised_kernel_initializer = \
                lambda shape: K.constant(supervised_init)
            latent_kernel_initializer = \
                lambda shape: K.constant(latent_init)
            supervised_kernel_initializer = 'glorot_uniform'
            latent_kernel_initializer = 'glorot_uniform'
        data = Input(shape=(n_features, ), name='data', dtype='float32')
        mask = Input(shape=(n_targets, ), name='mask', dtype='bool')
        dropout_data = Dropout(rate=self.input_dropout_rate)(data)
        if n_components is not None:
            latent = Dense(n_components,
            latent = Dropout(rate=self.latent_dropout_rate)(latent)
            latent = dropout_data
        logits = Dense(n_targets,
        prediction = PartialSoftmax()([logits, mask])
        self.model_ = Model(inputs=[data, mask], outputs=prediction)
        if self.optimizer == 'adam':
            optimizer = Adam
        elif self.optimizer == 'sgd':
            optimizer = SGD
        elif self.optimizer == 'rmsprop':
            optimizer = RMSprop
            raise ValueError('Wrong optimizer')
        schedule = lambda i: 1e-3 if i < self.max_iter // 2 else 1e-4
        scheduler = LearningRateScheduler(schedule)
        callbacks = [scheduler]

        if self.latent_sparsity is not None:

        sess = tf.Session(
            config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count={'CPU': self.n_jobs},

        if self.use_generator:
            self.model_.fit([Xs_cat, masks_cat],
        supervised, self.intercept_ = self.model_.get_layer(
        if self.n_components is not None:
            latent = self.model_.get_layer('latent').get_weights()[0]
            self.coef_ = latent.dot(supervised)
            self.coef_ = supervised
Пример #29
    img = vgg19.preprocess_input(img)
    return img

def deprocess_image(x):
    x[:, :, 0] += 103.939
    x[:, :, 1] += 116.779
    x[:, :, 2] += 123.68
    # BGR -> RGB
    x = x[:, :, ::-1]
    x = np.clip(x, 0, 255).astype('uint8')
    return x

# 读取VGG19网络并应用到我们的图片中
target_image = K.constant(preprocess_image(target_image_path))
style_reference_image = K.constant(preprocess_image(style_reference_image_path))

# 生成的图像
combination_image = K.placeholder((1, img_height, img_width, 3))

input_tensor = K.concatenate([target_image,
                              combination_image], axis=0)

model = vgg19.VGG19(input_tensor=input_tensor,
print('Model loaded.')

Пример #30
    def __init__(self,
                 wordvec=base + 'data/wordvec.txt',
                 pad_position=['pre', 'pre'],

        if type(dense_layers) is int:
            dense_layers = [dense_layers]
        if torel is not None:
            self.n_relation = n_relation = len(torel)

        self.wordvec = wordvec = word2vec.load(wordvec)
        vs, es = wordvec.vectors.shape

        # Input Layers
        inputs = [
            Input(shape=(maxlen, ), name='clause%d' % i)
            for i in range(n_clause)

        if self.feature:
            feature = [Input(shape=(feature, ), name='feature')]
            feature = []

        # Hidden Layers
        embed = Embedding(vs,

        if sa_scale:
            attn = Lambda(scaled_attention(sa_scale), name='attention')
            drop_sa = Dropout(drop_sa, name='drop_sa')

        if not hasattr(filter, '__getitem__'):
            filter = (filter, ) * n_layers
        if not hasattr(drop_conv, '__getitem__'):
            drop_conv = (drop_conv, ) * n_layers
        if not hasattr(drop_res, '__getitem__'):
            drop_res = (drop_res, ) * n_layers
        if not hasattr(drop_dense, '__getitem__'):
            drop_dense = (drop_dense, ) * len(dense_layers)

        if self.pe:
            dim = es
            pe_i, pe_p = np.meshgrid(range(dim), range(maxlen))
            pe = np.sin(2 * np.pi * pe_p / maxlen * pe_i / dim)
            #pe = np.sin(pe_p/10000**(2*pe_i/dim))
            #pe /= wordvec.vectors.max()*10
            pe_const = K.constant(pe, name='pe')
            pe = Lambda(lambda x: x + pe_const, name='pos_enc')

        if residue:
            reduce = [[
                Dense(filter[j], name='reduce%d-%d' % (i, j))
                for j in range(n_layers)
            ] for i in range(n_clause)]
            add = Add(name='add')
            drop_res = [
                Dropout(drop_res[j], name='drop_res-%d' % j)
                for j in range(n_layers)

        conv = [[
                   name='conv%d-%d' % (i, j)) for j in range(n_layers)
        ] for i in range(n_clause)]
        drop_conv = [
            Dropout(drop_conv[j], name='drop_conv-%d' % j)
            for j in range(n_layers)

        pool = MaxPooling1D(maxlen, padding='same', name='pool')
        drop_emb = Dropout(drop_emb, name='drop_emb')
        flatten = Flatten(name='flatten')
        dense_layers = [
            Dense(n, activation='relu', name='dense%d' % i)
            for i, n in enumerate(dense_layers)
        drop_dense = [
            Dropout(dp, name='drop_dense-%d' % j)
            for j, dp in enumerate(drop_dense)
        dense_out = Dense(n_relation, activation='softmax', name='dense_out')
        concat = Concatenate(name='concat')

        # Forward
        h = [embed(clause) for clause in inputs]
        if self.pe:
            h = [pe(hi) for hi in h]
        h = [drop_emb(hi) for hi in h]

        if sa_scale:
            h = [attn(hi) for hi in h]
            h = [drop_sa(hi) for hi in h]

        for j in range(n_layers):
            if residue:
                r = [reduce[i][j](h[i]) for i in range(n_clause)]
                r = [drop_res[j](ri) for ri in r]
            h = [conv[i][j](h[i]) for i in range(n_clause)]
            h = [drop_conv[j](hi) for hi in h]
            if residue:
                h = [add([h[i], r[i]]) for i in range(n_clause)]

        h = [pool(hi) for hi in h]
        h = [flatten(hi) for hi in h]

        h = concat(h + feature)

        for dense, drop in zip(dense_layers, drop_dense):
            h = drop(dense(h))
        output = dense_out(h)

        super().__init__(inputs=inputs + feature, outputs=output)
        self.init_weights = self.get_weights()
Пример #31
    def _build_layers_v2(self, input_dict, num_outputs, options):

        TRANSFORMER_SIMPLICIAL_DIM = options["custom_options"][
        TRANSFORMER_MODEL_DIM = options["custom_options"][
        TRANSFORMER_NUM_HEADS = options["custom_options"][
        TRANSFORMER_DEPTH = options["custom_options"]["transformer_depth"]
        CONV_PADDING = options["custom_options"]["conv_padding"]
        NUM_VIRTUAL_ENTITIES = options["custom_options"][

        # For detailed comments see the base agent

        inputs = input_dict["obs"]

        sess = tf.get_default_session()

        attention_layer = MultiHeadSelfAttentionZambaldi(
        attention_layer_2simplex = MultiHeadSelfAttentionSimplicial(
        dense_layer1 = layers.Dense(TRANSFORMER_MODEL_DIM, activation='relu')
        dense_layer2 = layers.Dense(TRANSFORMER_MODEL_DIM)

        def transformer_block(input):
            a = LayerNormalization()(input)

            a1 = attention_layer(
            )  # a1 = attention(h) has shape -1, seq_len, TRANSFORMER_MODEL_DIM
            a2 = attention_layer_2simplex(
                a)  # shape -1, seq_len, TRANSFORMER_SIMPLICIAL_DIM

            a2 = LayerNormalization()(a2)

            ac = Concatenate()(
                [a1, a2]
            )  # shape -1, seq_len, TRANSFORMER_MODEL_DIM + TRANSFORMER_SIMPLICIAL_DIM
            b = dense_layer1(ac)
            b2 = dense_layer2(b)  # b = ff(ac)
            r = layers.Add()([input, b2])
            Hprime = LayerNormalization()(r)

            return Hprime

        # CONVOLUTIONS ------
        x = layers.Lambda(lambda x: x / 255)(inputs)  # rescale RGB to [0,1]
        x = layers.Conv2D(12, (2, 2), activation='relu',
        x = layers.Conv2D(24, (2, 2), activation='relu', padding=CONV_PADDING)(
            x)  # output shape -1, num_rows, num_cols, 62
        x = layers.Dense(
            TRANSFORMER_MODEL_DIM - 2, activation=None, use_bias=False
        )(x)  # output shape -1, num_rows, num_cols, TRANSFORMER_MODEL_DIM-2

        # POSITION EMBEDDING -----
        num_rows, num_cols, d_model = x.get_shape().as_list()[-3:]

        ps = np.zeros([num_rows, num_cols, 2],
                      dtype=K.floatx())  # shape (12,13,2)
        for ty in range(num_rows):
            for tx in range(num_cols):
                ps[ty, tx, :] = [(2 / (num_rows - 1)) * ty - 1,
                                 (2 / (num_cols - 1)) * tx - 1]

        ps_expand = K.expand_dims(K.constant(ps),
                                  axis=0)  # shape (1,num_rows,num_cols,2)
        ps_tiled = K.tile(
            [K.shape(x)[0], 1, 1, 1])  # shape (None,num_rows,num_cols,2)

        # (None,num_rows,num_cols,62) concatenate with (None,num_rows,num_cols,2)
        # to get (None,num_rows,num_cols,TRANSFORMER_MODEL_DIM)
        x = Concatenate(axis=3)([x, ps_tiled])
        x = layers.Reshape(
            (num_rows * num_cols,
             d_model + 2))(x)  # shape (None, num_rows*num_cols,d_model+2)

        # NOTE: the batch dimension is preserved by reshape, see https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/keras/layers/Reshape

        # We now add some virtual entities, which are initialised randomly
        tokens = np.arange(NUM_VIRTUAL_ENTITIES).reshape(
            (1, NUM_VIRTUAL_ENTITIES))  # [[0,1,2,...,NUM_VIRTUAL_ENTITIES]]
        tokens = K.constant(tokens)
        ve = layers.Embedding(
            input_dim=NUM_VIRTUAL_ENTITIES, output_dim=d_model + 2)(
                tokens)  # shape (1,NUM_VIRTUAL_ENTITIES,d_model+2)
        ve_tiled = K.tile(ve, [K.shape(x)[0], 1, 1])
        x = Concatenate(axis=1)([x, ve_tiled])

        # TRANSFORMER -----
        for i in range(TRANSFORMER_DEPTH):
            x = transformer_block(x)

        # The output of the simplicial Transformer includes the virtual entities,
        # which we now want to remove. The current tensor is of shape
        # (None,num_rows*num_cols+NUM_VIRTUAL_ENTITIES,TRANSFORMER_MODEL_DIM)
        x = x[:, :-NUM_VIRTUAL_ENTITIES, :]

        # MAX-POOLING -----
        # from p.4 "The E~ matrix, with shape Nxf is reudced to an f-dimensional vector by max-pooling
        # over the entity dimension. This pooled vector is then passed to a small MLP..."
        num_entities, d_model = x.get_shape().as_list()[-2:]
        x = layers.MaxPooling1D(pool_size=num_entities)(x)
        x = layers.Flatten()(x)

        x = layers.Dense(256, activation='relu')(x)
        x = layers.Dense(256, activation='relu')(x)
        x = layers.Dense(256, activation='relu')(x)
        x = layers.Dense(256, activation='relu')(x)
        output_tensor = layers.Dense(4)(x)  # final output is logits

        return output_tensor, x
Пример #32
content_weight = 0.025              #Weight of image content
total_variation_weight = 10 ** -4   #Weight of image variation
out_h = 400                         #Output image height in pixels
iterations = 20                     #Number of transfer interations

Prepare images, model, and loss function.

#Calculate width to scale output image to a height of out_h.
w, h = load_img(target_file).size
out_w = int(w * out_h / h)

#Load pre-processed images and prepare placeholder.
target = K.constant(sdu.preprocess_image(target_file, out_h, out_w))
style = K.constant(sdu.preprocess_image(style_file, out_h, out_w))
combined = K.placeholder((1, out_h, out_w, 3))

#Combine images into a single tensor.
input_tensor = K.concatenate([target, style, combined], axis = 0)

#Load VGG19 network with ImageNet weights.
model = vgg19.VGG19(input_tensor = input_tensor, weights = "imagenet",
                    include_top = False)

#Define general loss function.
weights = [content_weight, style_weight, total_variation_weight]
loss = sdu.general_loss(model, weights, combined, out_h, out_w)

#Get gradients of the generated image.
Пример #33
            F_u = Dropout(0.1)(F_u)
            F_u = WeightedAvgOverTime()(F_u)

            U = Add()([U, F_u])
            #F_b = Reshape((feedback_b.shape[1],))(Embedding(book_num, feedback_b.shape[1], trainable=False, weights=[feedback_b])(b_input))
            #F_b = Embedding(user_num+1, args.emb_dim, embeddings_initializer=Zeros(), embeddings_regularizer=l2(0.00001), mask_zero=True)(F_b)
            #F_b = Dropout(0.1)(F_b)
            #F_b = WeightedAvgOverTime()(F_b)

            #B = Add()([B, F_b])
            pred = Dot(axes=-1)([U, B])

            pred = Add()([pred, U_bias, B_bias])
            pred = Lambda(lambda x: x + K.constant(rate_mean, dtype=K.floatx()))(pred)

            pred = Dot(axes=-1)([U, B])
            pred = Add()([pred, U_bias, B_bias])
        pred = Concatenate()([U, B])
        for units in args.dense_units:
            pred = Dense(units, activation='selu')(pred)
            pred = Dropout(0.1)(pred)

        if args.norm_ans:
            pred = Dense(1, activation='selu')(pred)
            pred = Dense(1)(pred)
        pred = Add()([pred, U_bias, B_bias])
def DeepConv1DOptLearnerStaticArchitecture(param_trainable, init_wrapper, smpl_params, input_info, faces, emb_size=1000, input_type="3D_POINTS"):
    """ Optimised learner network architecture """
    # An embedding layer is required to optimise the parameters
    optlearner_input = Input(shape=(1,), name="embedding_index")

    # Initialise the embedding layers
    emb_layers = init_emb_layers(optlearner_input, emb_size, param_trainable, init_wrapper)
    optlearner_params = Concatenate(name="parameter_embedding")(emb_layers)
    optlearner_params = Reshape(target_shape=(85,), name="learned_params")(optlearner_params)
    print("optlearner parameters shape: " +str(optlearner_params.shape))

    # Ground truth parameters and point cloud are inputs to the model as well
    gt_params = Input(shape=(85,), name="gt_params")
    gt_pc = Input(shape=(6890, 3), name="gt_pc")
    print("gt parameters shape: " + str(gt_params.shape))
    print("gt point cloud shape: " + str(gt_pc.shape))

    # Compute the true offset (i.e. difference) between the ground truth and learned parameters
    pi = K.constant(np.pi)
    delta_d = Lambda(lambda x: x[0] - x[1], name="delta_d")([gt_params, optlearner_params])
    #delta_d = Lambda(lambda x: x[0] - x[1], name="delta_d_no_mod")([gt_params, optlearner_params])
    #delta_d = Lambda(lambda x: K.tf.math.floormod(x - pi, 2*pi) - pi, name="delta_d")(delta_d)  # custom modulo 2pi of delta_d
    #delta_d = custom_mod(delta_d, pi, name="delta_d")  # custom modulo 2pi of delta_d
    print("delta_d shape: " + str(delta_d.shape))

    # Calculate the (batched) MSE between the learned parameters and the ground truth parameters
    false_loss_delta_d = Lambda(lambda x: K.mean(K.square(x), axis=1))(delta_d)
    print("delta_d loss shape: " + str(false_loss_delta_d.shape))
    false_loss_delta_d = Reshape(target_shape=(1,), name="delta_d_mse")(false_loss_delta_d)
    print("delta_d loss shape: " + str(false_loss_delta_d.shape))

    # Load SMPL model and get necessary parameters
    optlearner_pc = get_pc(optlearner_params, smpl_params, input_info, faces)  # UNCOMMENT
    print("optlearner_pc shape: " + str(optlearner_pc.shape))
    #optlearner_pc = Dense(6890*3)(delta_d)
    #optlearner_pc = Reshape((6890, 3))(optlearner_pc)

    # Get the (batched) Euclidean loss between the learned and ground truth point clouds
    pc_euclidean_diff = Lambda(lambda x: x[0] -  x[1])([gt_pc, optlearner_pc])
    pc_euclidean_dist = Lambda(lambda x: K.sum(K.square(x),axis=-1))(pc_euclidean_diff)
    print('pc euclidean dist '+str(pc_euclidean_dist.shape))
    false_loss_pc = Lambda(lambda x: K.mean(x, axis=1))(pc_euclidean_dist)
    false_loss_pc = Reshape(target_shape=(1,), name="pc_mean_euc_dist")(false_loss_pc)
    print("point cloud loss shape: " + str(false_loss_pc.shape))

    # Gather sets of points and compute their cross product to get mesh normals
    # In order of: right hand, right wrist, right forearm, right bicep end, right bicep, right shoulder, top of cranium, left shoulder, left bicep, left bicep end, left forearm, left wrist, left hand,
    # chest, belly/belly button, back of neck, upper back, central back, lower back/tailbone,
    # left foot, left over-ankle, left shin, left over-knee, left quadricep, left hip, right, hip, right, quadricep, right over-knee, right shin, right, over-ankle, right foot
    vertex_list = [5674, 5705, 5039, 5151, 4977, 4198, 411, 606, 1506, 1682, 1571, 2244, 2212,
            3074, 3500, 460, 2878, 3014, 3021,
            3365, 4606, 4588, 4671, 6877, 1799, 5262, 3479, 1187, 1102, 1120, 6740]
    #face_array = np.array([11396, 8620, 7866, 5431, 6460, 1732, 4507])
    pc_euclidean_diff_NOGRAD =  Lambda(lambda x: K.stop_gradient(x))(pc_euclidean_diff) # This is added to avoid influencing embedding layer parameters by a "bad" gradient network
    vertex_diff_NOGRAD = Lambda(lambda x: K.tf.gather(x, np.array(vertex_list).astype(np.int32), axis=-2))(pc_euclidean_diff_NOGRAD)
    print("vertex_diff_NOGRAD shape: " + str(vertex_diff_NOGRAD.shape))
    vertex_diff_NOGRAD = Flatten()(vertex_diff_NOGRAD)
    face_array = np.array([[face for face in faces if vertex in face][0] for vertex in vertex_list])      # only take a single face for each vertex
    print("face_array shape: " + str(face_array.shape))
    gt_normals = get_mesh_normals(gt_pc, face_array, layer_name="gt_cross_product")
    print("gt_normals shape: " + str(gt_normals.shape))
    opt_normals = get_mesh_normals(optlearner_pc, face_array, layer_name="opt_cross_product")
    print("opt_normals shape: " + str(opt_normals.shape))

    # Learn the offset in parameters from the difference between the ground truth and learned mesh normals
    diff_normals = Lambda(lambda x: K.tf.cross(x[0], x[1]), name="diff_cross_product")([gt_normals, opt_normals])
    diff_normals_NOGRAD =  Lambda(lambda x: K.stop_gradient(x))(diff_normals) # This is added to avoid influencing embedding layer parameters by a "bad" gradient network
    diff_angles = Lambda(lambda x: K.tf.subtract(x[0], x[1]), name="diff_angle")([gt_normals, opt_normals])
    diff_angles_NOGRAD =  Lambda(lambda x: K.stop_gradient(x))(diff_angles)
    diff_angles_norm_NOGRAD = Lambda(lambda x: K.tf.norm(x, axis=-1), name="diff_angle_norm")(diff_angles_NOGRAD)
    dist_angles = Lambda(lambda x: K.mean(K.square(x), axis=-1), name="diff_angle_mse")(diff_angles)
    dist_angles_NOGRAD =  Lambda(lambda x: K.stop_gradient(x))(dist_angles)
    print("diff_angles shape: " + str(diff_angles.shape))
    print("dist_angles shape: " + str(dist_angles.shape))
    #pc_euclidean_diff_NOGRAD =  Lambda(lambda x: K.stop_gradient(x))(pc_euclidean_diff) # This is added to avoid influencing embedding layer parameters by a "bad" gradient network
    #print("diff_normals_NOGRAD shape: " + str(diff_normals_NOGRAD.shape))
    diff_normals_NOGRAD = Flatten()(diff_normals_NOGRAD)
    diff_angles_NOGRAD = Flatten()(diff_angles_NOGRAD)
    mesh_diff_NOGRAD = Concatenate()([diff_normals_NOGRAD, dist_angles_NOGRAD])

    if input_type == "3D_POINTS":
        #optlearner_architecture = Dense(2**9, activation="relu")(vertex_diff_NOGRAD)
        optlearner_architecture = Dense(2**7, activation="relu")(vertex_diff_NOGRAD)
    if input_type == "MESH_NORMALS":
        #optlearner_architecture = Dense(2**11, activation="relu")(diff_angles_norm_NOGRAD)
        #optlearner_architecture = Dense(2**11, activation="relu")(diff_angles_NOGRAD)
        #optlearner_architecture = Dense(2**9, activation="relu")(mesh_diff_NOGRAD)
        optlearner_architecture = Dense(2**7, activation="relu")(mesh_diff_NOGRAD)
    #optlearner_architecture = BatchNormalization()(optlearner_architecture)
    #optlearner_architecture = Dropout(0.5)(optlearner_architecture)
    print('optlearner_architecture shape: '+str(optlearner_architecture.shape))
    optlearner_architecture = Reshape((optlearner_architecture.shape[1].value, 1))(optlearner_architecture)
    print('optlearner_architecture shape: '+str(optlearner_architecture.shape))
    optlearner_architecture = Conv1D(64, 5, activation="relu")(optlearner_architecture)
    optlearner_architecture = BatchNormalization()(optlearner_architecture)
    optlearner_architecture = MaxPooling1D(3)(optlearner_architecture)
    optlearner_architecture = Conv1D(128, 5, activation="relu")(optlearner_architecture)
    optlearner_architecture = BatchNormalization()(optlearner_architecture)
    optlearner_architecture = MaxPooling1D(2)(optlearner_architecture)
    optlearner_architecture = Conv1D(256, 3, activation="relu")(optlearner_architecture)
    optlearner_architecture = BatchNormalization()(optlearner_architecture)
    optlearner_architecture = MaxPooling1D(2)(optlearner_architecture)
    optlearner_architecture = Conv1D(256, 3, activation="relu")(optlearner_architecture)
    optlearner_architecture = BatchNormalization()(optlearner_architecture)
    #optlearner_architecture = MaxPooling1D(2)(optlearner_architecture)
    optlearner_architecture = AveragePooling1D(2)(optlearner_architecture)
    print('optlearner_architecture shape: '+str(optlearner_architecture.shape))
    optlearner_architecture = Flatten()(optlearner_architecture)
    print('optlearner_architecture shape: '+str(optlearner_architecture.shape))
    #optlearner_architecture = Dropout(0.5)(optlearner_architecture)
    optlearner_architecture = Dense(2**7, activation="relu")(optlearner_architecture)
    print('optlearner_architecture shape: '+str(optlearner_architecture.shape))
    #delta_d_hat = Dense(85, activation=pos_scaled_tanh, name="delta_d_hat")(optlearner_architecture)
    delta_d_hat = Dense(85, activation="linear", name="delta_d_hat")(optlearner_architecture)
    #delta_d_hat = Dense(85, activation=centred_linear, name="delta_d_hat")(optlearner_architecture)
    print('delta_d_hat shape: '+str(delta_d_hat.shape))

    # Calculate the (batched) MSE between the learned and ground truth offset in the parameters
    delta_d_NOGRAD = Lambda(lambda x: K.stop_gradient(x))(delta_d)
    false_loss_delta_d_hat = Lambda(lambda x: K.mean(K.square(x[0] - x[1]), axis=1))([delta_d_NOGRAD, delta_d_hat])
    #false_loss_delta_d_hat = Lambda(lambda x: K.sum(K.square(x[0] - x[1]), axis=1))([delta_d_NOGRAD, delta_d_hat])
    #false_loss_delta_d_hat = Lambda(lambda x: mape(x[0], x[1]))([delta_d_NOGRAD, delta_d_hat])
    false_loss_delta_d_hat = Reshape(target_shape=(1,), name="delta_d_hat_mse")(false_loss_delta_d_hat)
    print("delta_d_hat loss shape: " + str(false_loss_delta_d_hat.shape))
    #false_sin_loss_delta_d_hat = get_sin_metric(delta_d_NOGRAD, delta_d_hat)
    false_sin_loss_delta_d_hat = get_sin_metric(delta_d_NOGRAD, delta_d_hat, average=False)
    false_sin_loss_delta_d_hat = Lambda(lambda x: x, name="delta_d_hat_sin_output")(false_sin_loss_delta_d_hat)
    print("delta_d_hat sin loss shape: " + str(false_sin_loss_delta_d_hat.shape))

    # Prevent model from using the delta_d_hat gradient in final loss
    delta_d_hat_NOGRAD = Lambda(lambda x: K.stop_gradient(x), name='optlearner_output_NOGRAD')(delta_d_hat)

    # False loss designed to pass the learned offset as a gradient to the embedding layer
    false_loss_smpl = Multiply(name="smpl_diff")([optlearner_params, delta_d_hat_NOGRAD])
    print("smpl loss shape: " + str(false_loss_smpl.shape))

    #return [optlearner_input, gt_params, gt_pc], [optlearner_params, false_loss_delta_d, optlearner_pc, false_loss_pc, false_loss_delta_d_hat, false_sin_loss_delta_d_hat,  false_loss_smpl, delta_d, delta_d_hat, delta_d_hat_NOGRAD]
    return [optlearner_input, gt_params, gt_pc], [optlearner_params, false_loss_delta_d, optlearner_pc, false_loss_pc, false_loss_delta_d_hat, false_sin_loss_delta_d_hat,  false_loss_smpl, delta_d, delta_d_hat, dist_angles]
Пример #35
    def build(self, input_shape):
        param_shape_unshared = list(input_shape[1:])
        param_shape_shared = list(input_shape[1:])
        param_broadcast_unshared = [False] * len(param_shape_unshared)
        param_broadcast_shared = [False] * len(param_shape_shared)
        if self.shared_axes is not None:
            for i in self.shared_axes:
                param_shape_shared[i - 1] = 1
                param_broadcast_shared[i - 1] = True

        self.a_param_broadcast = param_broadcast_shared
        self.k_param_broadcast = param_broadcast_shared
        self.n_param_broadcast = param_broadcast_shared
        self.z_param_broadcast = param_broadcast_shared
        a_param_shape = param_shape_shared
        k_param_shape = param_shape_shared
        n_param_shape = param_shape_shared
        z_param_shape = param_shape_shared

        if not self.a_shared:
            a_param_shape = param_shape_unshared
            self.a_param_broadcast = param_broadcast_unshared

        if not self.k_shared:
            k_param_shape = param_shape_unshared
            self.k_param_broadcast = param_broadcast_unshared

        if not self.n_shared:
            n_param_shape = param_shape_unshared
            self.n_param_broadcast = param_broadcast_unshared

        if not self.z_shared:
            z_param_shape = param_shape_unshared
            self.z_param_broadcast = param_broadcast_unshared

        self.a = self.add_weight(shape=a_param_shape,
        self.k = self.add_weight(shape=k_param_shape,
        self.n = self.add_weight(shape=n_param_shape,
        if not self.z_one:
            self.z = self.add_weight(shape=z_param_shape,
            self.z = K.constant(1.)
        # Set input spec
        axes = {}
        if self.shared_axes:
            for i in range(1, len(input_shape)):
                if i not in self.shared_axes:
                    axes[i] = input_shape[i]
        self.input_spec = InputSpec(ndim=len(input_shape), axes=axes)
        self.built = True
        np.random.choice(range(len(probs)), p=probs, size=n, replace=True)] = 1

# model = Sequential()
# model.add(Dense(units=len(probs), activation='softmax', input_dim=1, activity_regularizer=IndepedentRegularizer((2,2,2), weight=1.)))
# model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss='categorical_crossentropy')
# model.fit(np.zeros((n, 1)), dataset, batch_size=10, verbose=False)
# print(entropy(probs, model.predict(np.array([[0]]))[0]))
# model = Sequential()
# model.add(Dense(units=len(probs), activation='softmax', input_dim=1))
# model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss='categorical_crossentropy')
# model.fit(np.zeros((n, 1)), dataset, batch_size=10, verbose=False)
# print(entropy(probs, model.predict(np.array([[0]]))[0]))

reg = IndepedentRegularizer((2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2), 10.)
freqs = K.constant((1 + np.sum(dataset, axis=0)) / (n + len(probs)))
prob_tensor = K.variable(np.sum(dataset, axis=0) / n)
prob_tensor = prob_tensor / tf.reduce_sum(prob_tensor)
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.01)
train = optimizer.minimize(
    reg(prob_tensor) + kullback_leibler_divergence(freqs, prob_tensor))
init = tf.initialize_all_variables()

with tf.Session() as session:
    for step in range(1000):
        print("step", step, "entropy:", entropy(probs,

        self.loss_value = None
        self.grad_values = None
        return grad_values

# This is the path to the image you want to transform.
TARGET_IMG = 'tiger.jpeg'
# This is the path to the style image.
REFERENCE_STYLE_IMG = 'style3.png'

width, height = load_img(TARGET_IMG).size
img_height = 320
img_width = int(width * img_height / height)

target_image = K.constant(preprocess_image(TARGET_IMG, height=img_height, width=img_width))
style_image = K.constant(preprocess_image(REFERENCE_STYLE_IMG, height=img_height, width=img_width))

# Placeholder for our generated image
generated_image = K.placeholder((1, img_height, img_width, 3))

# Combine the 3 images into a single batch
input_tensor = K.concatenate([target_image,
                              generated_image], axis=0)

model = vgg19.VGG19(input_tensor=input_tensor,
layers = dict([(layer.name, layer.output) for layer in model.layers])
Пример #38
def VSR(scale=4, depth=7, num_blocks=8, nD=4, name=None):
    if depth % 2 == 0:
        raise ValueError("bad depth")
    Input_Tensor = Input((depth, None, None, 3))
    X_in = Normalization()(Input_Tensor)
    X = ZeroPadding3D(padding=(0, 3, 3))(X_in)
    X = Conv3D(filters=64,
               kernel_size=(1, 7, 7),
               strides=(1, 1, 1),
    # residual dense blocks
    for i in range(num_blocks):
        X = ResidualDenseBlock(X, 64, 64, 16, nD)
    # depth turn to 1
    num_conv = int((depth - 1) / 2)
    nF = 128
    nG = 64
    for i in range(num_conv):
        T = BatchNormalization(axis=4)(X)
        T = LeakyReLU(alpha=0.1)(T)
        T = Conv3D(filters=nF,
                   kernel_size=(1, 1, 1),
                   strides=(1, 1, 1),
        T = BatchNormalization(axis=4)(T)
        T = LeakyReLU(alpha=0.1)(T)
        T = ZeroPadding3D(padding=(0, 1, 1))(T)
        T = Conv3D(filters=nG,
                   kernel_size=(3, 3, 3),
                   strides=(1, 1, 1),
        S = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, 1:-1])(X)
        X = concatenate([S, T], axis=4)
        nF += nG
    X = BatchNormalization(axis=4)(X)
    X = LeakyReLU(alpha=0.1)(X)
    X = ZeroPadding3D(padding=(0, 1, 1))(X)
    X = Conv3D(filters=256,
               kernel_size=(1, 3, 3),
               strides=(1, 1, 1),
    X = LeakyReLU(alpha=0.1)(X)
    R = Conv3D(filters=256,
               kernel_size=(1, 1, 1),
               strides=(1, 1, 1),
    R = LeakyReLU(alpha=0.1)(R)
    R = Conv3D(filters=3 * scale * scale,
               kernel_size=(1, 1, 1),
               strides=(1, 1, 1),
    F = Conv3D(filters=512,
               kernel_size=(1, 1, 1),
               strides=(1, 1, 1),
    F = LeakyReLU(alpha=0.1)(F)
    F = Conv3D(filters=1 * 5 * 5 * scale * scale,
               kernel_size=(1, 1, 1),
               strides=(1, 1, 1),
    shape = (K.shape(F)[0], K.shape(F)[1], K.shape(F)[2], K.shape(F)[3], 25,
             scale * scale)
    F = Lambda(K.reshape, arguments={'shape': shape})(F)
    F = Softmax(axis=4)(F)
    # dynamic filter
    filter_localexpand_np = np.reshape(np.eye(25, 25), (5, 5, 1, 25))
    filter_localexpand = K.constant(filter_localexpand_np, dtype='float32')
    x_channals = []
    for c in range(3):
        x = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, depth // 2:depth // 2 + 1, :, :, c])(X_in)
        f = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, 0, :, :, :, :])(F)
        x = Lambda(tf.transpose, arguments={'perm': [0, 2, 3, 1]})(x)
        x_localexpand = Lambda(K.conv2d, arguments={'kernel':filter_localexpand, \
                                                    'strides':(1, 1), 'padding':'same'})(x)
        x_localexpand = Lambda(tf.expand_dims, arguments={'axis':
        x = Lambda(tf.matmul, arguments={'b': f})(x_localexpand)
        x = Lambda(tf.squeeze, arguments={'axis': 3})(x)
        x = SubpixelConv2D(scale=scale)(x)
    x = concatenate(x_channals, axis=3)
    x = Lambda(tf.expand_dims, arguments={'axis': 1})(x)
    # depth to space 3D
    r_shape = K.shape(R)
    shape = (r_shape[0] * r_shape[1], r_shape[2], r_shape[3], r_shape[4])
    r = Lambda(K.reshape, arguments={'shape': shape})(R)
    y = Lambda(tf.depth_to_space, arguments={'block_size': scale})(r)
    y_shape = K.shape(y)
    shape = (r_shape[0], r_shape[1], y_shape[1], y_shape[2], y_shape[3])
    r = Lambda(K.reshape, arguments={'shape': shape})(y)
    # add
    G = layers.add([x, r])
    G = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, 0, :, :, :])(G)
    Output_Tensor = Denormalization()(G)
    if name == None:
        name = "VSR-" + str(num_blocks) + "-" + str(nD) + "-x" + str(scale)
    model = Model(Input_Tensor, Output_Tensor, name=name)
    return model
 def loss_func_ck_default():
     return K.constant(0.0)
 def __init__(self, select, **kwargs):
     super(Selector, self).__init__(**kwargs)
     self.select = select
     self.select_neuron = K.constant(value=self.select)
def one_elem_loss_generator(id_elem, elem_param, basis_info, model_info):
    build loss function for one element
    :param id_elem: id of current element and sub-model
    :param elem_param: tuple, (n_modes, n_quads, lambda_coeff, bc, jacobian, domain, ck_k)
                       where n_modes is the number of modes in each element
                             n_quads is the number of quadrature points in each element
                             lambda_coeff is the lambda coefficient
                             bc : numpy array, shape: (2,2); bc[:, 0] contains coordinates of 2 boundaries
                                                             bc[:, 1] contains Dirivhlet BC values of 2 boundaries
                             jacobian: vector containing jacobians of each element, shape: (n_elem,)
                             domain: vector contains element boundary coordinates, shape: (n_elem+1,)
                             ck_k : k value in C_k continuity
    :param basis_info: tuple, (B, Bd, W, B_bound)
                       where B : basis matrix, shape: (n_quads, n_modes)
                             Bd : basis derivative matrix, shape: (n_quads, n_modes)
                             W : weight matrix, shape: (1, n_quads)
                             B_bound : matrix of basis values on x=-1, 1; shape: (2, n_modes)
    :param model_info: tuple, (model, sub_model_set)
                       where model: multi_element_model for n_elem elements, overall model of n_elem sub-models
                             sub_model_set: list of sub-models for each element, shape: (n_elem,)
    :return: loss function for the sub-model of this element

    if this is the first element, will compute equation residual of this element, and also of element-boundary
        C^k continuity conditions, as well as global boundary condition loss
    if this is not the first element, will compute only the equation residual of this element
    n_modes, n_quads, lambda_coeff, bc, jacob, this_domain, ck_k = elem_param
    n_elem = jacob.shape[0]  # number of elements

    global_model, sub_model_list = model_info  # global_model contains the overall model
    this_sub_model = sub_model_list[id_elem]  # sub_model for this element
    first_sub_model = sub_model_list[0]  # sub_model for first element
    last_sub_model = sub_model_list[n_elem - 1]  # sub_model for last element

    B_trans, Bd_trans, W_mat_A, B_bound = basis_info
    # B_trans contains basis function matrix, shape: (n_quads, n_modes)
    # Bd_trans contains basis derivative matrix, shape: (n_quads, n_modes)
    # W_mat_A contains weight matrix, shape: (1, n_quads)
    # B_bound contains boundary basis matrix, shape: (2, n_modes)

    W_mat = np.zeros((n_elem, n_quads))
    W_A = np.zeros((n_elem, n_quads))
    for i in range(n_elem):
        W_mat[i, :] = W_mat_A[0, :] * jacob[i]
        W_A[i, :] = W_mat_A[0, :]
    # now W_mat contains jacobian * W matrix, shape: (n_elem, n_quads)
    #     W_A contains W matrix, shape: (n_elem, n_quads)

    B_bound_trans = np.copy(B_bound)  # shape: (2, n_modes)
    B_bound_trans[0, :] = -B_bound_trans[0, :]
    # negate value at x=-1, because in weak form we have -phi(-1)*du/dx|_{x=-1}

    B_bound_left = np.zeros((n_elem, n_modes, 1))  # shape: (n_elem,n_quads,1)
    B_bound_right = np.zeros((n_elem, n_modes, 1))  # shape: (n_elem,n_quads,1)

    B_bound_left[0, :, 0] = B_bound_trans[
        0, :]  # modes of first element, left boundary x=a
    B_bound_right[-1, :, 0] = B_bound_trans[
        1, :]  # modes of right element, right boundary x=b

    ## ============================================##
    # generate Keras tensors from these matrices or vectors
    B_tensor = K.constant(
        B_trans)  # in standard element, shape: (n_quads, n_modes)
    W_mat_tensor = K.constant(
        W_mat)  # shape of W_mat_tensor: (n_elem, n_quads)
    W_mat_A_tensor = K.constant(W_A)  # shape : (n_elem, n_quads)
    Bd_tensor = K.constant(
        Bd_trans)  # in standard element, shape; (n_quads, n_modes)

    # B_bound_tensor = K.constant(B_bound_trans) # shape: (2, n_modes)
    B_bound_left_tensor = K.constant(
        B_bound_left)  # shape: (n_elem, n_modes, 1)
    B_bound_right_tensor = K.constant(
        B_bound_right)  # shape: (n_elem, n_modes, 1)

    # ======================================= #
    # element boundary du/dx
    # Zb = np.zeros((2, 1))
    # Zb[0, 0] = this_domain[id_elem]
    # Zb[1, 0] = this_domain[id_elem+1]
    # now Zb_elem contains coordinates of end points for this element

    # Zb_tensor = K.constant(Zb)
    # Zb_input_tensor = keras.Input(tensor = Zb_tensor)
    # now Zb_input_tensor contains input tensor for this sub-model

    # ======================================= #
    # boundary conditions for domain
    ZL = np.zeros((1, 1))
    ZL[0, 0] = bc[0, 0]  # left boundary coordinate
    ZL_tensor = K.constant(ZL)
    # convert ZL_tensor into Keras input tensor
    ZL_input_tensor = keras.Input(tensor=ZL_tensor)

    ZR = np.zeros((1, 1))
    ZR[0, 0] = bc[1, 0]  # right boundary coordinate
    ZR_tensor = K.constant(ZR)
    ZR_input_tensor = keras.Input(tensor=ZR_tensor)

    BCL = np.zeros((1, 1))
    BCL[0, 0] = bc[0, 1]  # left boundary condition
    BCL_tensor = K.constant(BCL)  # shape: (1,1)

    BCR = np.zeros((1, 1))
    BCR[0, 0] = bc[1, 1]  # right boundary condition
    BCR_tensor = K.constant(BCR)  # shape: (1,1)

    # ====================================== #
    # continuity across element boundaries
    Zb_elem = np.zeros((n_elem, 2, 1))
    for i in range(n_elem):
        Zb_elem[i, 0, 0] = this_domain[i]
        Zb_elem[i, 1, 0] = this_domain[i + 1]

    Zb_elem_tensor = []
    for i in range(n_elem):
        temp_tensor = K.constant(Zb_elem[i])  # shape (2,1)
        temp_input_tensor = keras.Input(tensor=temp_tensor)
    # now Zb_elem_tensor contains list of element-boundary coordinate tensors

    # element-boundary value difference
    bound_assembly = np.zeros((n_elem - 1, n_elem * 2))
    for i in range(n_elem - 1):
            i, 2 * i +
            1] = 1.0  # right boundary of i-th element, the one on the left
        bound_assembly[i, 2 * (
            i + 1
        )] = -1.0  # left boundary of (i+1)-th element, the one on the right

    bound_assembly_tensor = K.constant(
        bound_assembly)  # shape: (n_elem-1, n_elem*2)
    # to be used for computing different between values across element boundaries

    # ============================= #
    # element boundary mode assembly matrix and tensor
    bmode_assembler = np.zeros((n_elem + 1, 2 * n_elem))
    bmode_assembler[0, 0] = 1.0
    bmode_assembler[-1, -1] = 1.0
    for i in range(n_elem - 1):
        bmode_assembler[i + 1, 2 * i + 1] = 1.0  # i-th element, right boundary
        bmode_assembler[i + 1,
                        2 * (i + 1)] = 1.0  # (i+1)-th element, left boundary
    # now bmode_assembler contains assembler matrix
    bmode_assembler_tensor = K.constant(
        bmode_assembler)  # Keras tensor, shape: (n_elem+1, 2*n_elem)

    # ============================= #
    def loss_generator_Ck(ck):
        Ck loss function generator
        :param ck: integer, >= 0, k value in C_k continuity
        :return: loss function for C_k
        def loss_func_c0():
            compute loss across element boundary for C^0 continuity across element boundaries
            :return: loss value associated with C0 continuity condition
            # now Zb_elem_tensor contains a list of (2,1) element boundary coordinate tensors
            output_tensor = global_model(Zb_elem_tensor)
            # now output_tensor contains list of output tensors, shape: (n_elem, 2, 1)

            temp_out_tensor = K.concatenate(output_tensor,
                                            0)  # concatenate list tensors
            # now temp_out_tensor has shape (n_elem*2, 1)

            C0_residual_tensor = K.dot(bound_assembly_tensor, temp_out_tensor)
            # C0_residual_tensor has shape: (n_elem-1, 1)

            this_loss = K.sum(K.square(C0_residual_tensor))
            return this_loss

        def loss_func_c1():
            compute loss across element boundary for C^1 continuity across element boundaries
            :return: loss value
            output_tensor = global_model(Zb_elem_tensor)
            # now output_tensor contains list of output tensors, shape: (n_elem, 2, 1)

            grad_dudx = K.gradients(output_tensor, Zb_elem_tensor)
            # now grad_dudx contains gradients,
            #     shape is (n_elem, 2, 1)
            #     grad_dudx is a list of (2,1) arrays

            C0_concat = K.concatenate(output_tensor, 0)  # shape (n_elem*2, 1)
            C1_concat = K.concatenate(grad_dudx, 0)  # shape (n_elem*2, 1)

            C0_residual = K.dot(bound_assembly_tensor,
                                C0_concat)  # shape: (n_elem-1, 1)
            C1_residual = K.dot(bound_assembly_tensor,
                                C1_concat)  # shape: (n_elem-1, 1)

            this_loss = K.sum(K.square(C0_residual)) + K.sum(
            return this_loss

        def loss_func_c2():
            loss for C^2 continuity across element boundaries
            :return: loss value
            ub = global_model(
            )  # ub constains element boundary value tensor, shape: (n_elem, 2, 1)
            dub_dx = K.gradients(
                ub, Zb_elem_tensor
            )  # dub_dx contains du/dx tensor on boundary, shape: (n_elem,2,1)
            dub_dx_2 = K.gradients(dub_dx, Zb_elem_tensor)
            # dud_dx_2 contains d^2u/dx^2 tensor on boundary, shape: (n_elem,2,1)
            # Note: tensorflow.gradients sums up all w.r.t. to list of output tensors
            #       but since only du1/dx1, du2/dx2, du3/dx3 ... is non-zero, while all du_i/dx_j=0 if i!=j
            #       dudx effectively contains only du_i/dx_i, for i=0, ..., n_elem-1
            #       similarly, for second derivatives, du_dx_2 contains only d^2 u_i/dx_i^2, for i=0,...,n_elem-1 only

            C0_concat = K.concatenate(ub, 0)  # shape: (n_elem*2, 1)
            C1_concat = K.concatenate(dub_dx, 0)  # shape: (n_elem*2, 1)
            C2_concat = K.concatenate(dub_dx_2, 0)  # shape: (n_elem*2, 1)

            C0_residual = K.dot(bound_assembly_tensor,
                                C0_concat)  # shape: (n_elem-1, 1)
            C1_residual = K.dot(bound_assembly_tensor,
                                C1_concat)  # shape: (n_elem-1, 1)
            C2_residual = K.dot(bound_assembly_tensor,
                                C2_concat)  # shape: (n_elem-1, 1)

            this_loss = K.sum(K.square(C0_residual)) + K.sum(
                K.square(C1_residual)) + K.sum(K.square(C2_residual))
            return this_loss

        def loss_func_c3():
            compute loss associated with C^3 continuity
            :return: loss value
            ub = global_model(
            )  # ub constains element boundary value tensor, shape: (n_elem, 2, 1)
            dub_dx = K.gradients(
                ub, Zb_elem_tensor
            )  # dub_dx contains du/dx tensor on boundary, shape: (n_elem,2,1)
            dub_dx_2 = K.gradients(
                dub_dx, Zb_elem_tensor
            )  # second derivative tensor, shape: (n_elem,2,1)
            dub_dx_3 = K.gradients(
                Zb_elem_tensor)  # third derivative tensor, shape: (n_elem,2,1)

            C0_concat = K.concatenate(ub, 0)  # shape: (n_elem*2, 1)
            C1_concat = K.concatenate(dub_dx, 0)  # shape: (n_elem*2, 1)
            C2_concat = K.concatenate(dub_dx_2, 0)  # shape: (n_elem*2, 1)
            C3_concat = K.concatenate(dub_dx_3, 0)  # shape: (n_elem*2,1)

            C0_residual = K.dot(bound_assembly_tensor,
                                C0_concat)  # shape: (n_elem-1, 1)
            C1_residual = K.dot(bound_assembly_tensor,
                                C1_concat)  # shape: (n_elem-1, 1)
            C2_residual = K.dot(bound_assembly_tensor,
                                C2_concat)  # shape: (n_elem-1, 1)
            C3_residual = K.dot(bound_assembly_tensor,
                                C3_concat)  # shape: (n_elem-1, 1)

            this_loss = K.sum(K.square(C0_residual)) + K.sum(K.square(C1_residual)) \
                        + K.sum(K.square(C2_residual)) + K.sum(K.square(C3_residual))
            return this_loss

        def loss_func_c4():
            compute loss associated with C^4 continuity
            :return: loss value
            ub = global_model(
            )  # ub constains element boundary value tensor, shape: (n_elem, 2, 1)
            dub_dx = K.gradients(
                ub, Zb_elem_tensor
            )  # dub_dx contains du/dx tensor on boundary, shape: (n_elem,2,1)
            dub_dx_2 = K.gradients(
                dub_dx, Zb_elem_tensor
            )  # second derivative tensor, shape: (n_elem,2,1)
            dub_dx_3 = K.gradients(
                Zb_elem_tensor)  # third derivative tensor, shape: (n_elem,2,1)
            dub_dx_4 = K.gradients(
                dub_dx_3, Zb_elem_tensor
            )  # fourth derivative tensor, shape: (n_elem,2,1)

            C0_concat = K.concatenate(ub, 0)  # shape: (n_elem*2, 1)
            C1_concat = K.concatenate(dub_dx, 0)  # shape: (n_elem*2, 1)
            C2_concat = K.concatenate(dub_dx_2, 0)  # shape: (n_elem*2, 1)
            C3_concat = K.concatenate(dub_dx_3, 0)  # shape: (n_elem*2,1)
            C4_concat = K.concatenate(dub_dx_4, 0)  # shape: (n_elem*2, 1)

            C0_residual = K.dot(bound_assembly_tensor,
                                C0_concat)  # shape: (n_elem-1, 1)
            C1_residual = K.dot(bound_assembly_tensor,
                                C1_concat)  # shape: (n_elem-1, 1)
            C2_residual = K.dot(bound_assembly_tensor,
                                C2_concat)  # shape: (n_elem-1, 1)
            C3_residual = K.dot(bound_assembly_tensor,
                                C3_concat)  # shape: (n_elem-1, 1)
            C4_residual = K.dot(bound_assembly_tensor,
                                C4_concat)  # shape: (n_elem-1, 1)

            this_loss = K.sum(K.square(C0_residual)) + K.sum(K.square(C1_residual)) \
                        + K.sum(K.square(C2_residual)) + K.sum(K.square(C3_residual)) \
                        + K.sum(K.square(C4_residual))
            return this_loss

        def loss_func_ck_default():
            return K.constant(0.0)

        # ++++++++++++ #
        if ck == 0:
            return loss_func_c0
        elif ck == 1:
            return loss_func_c1
        elif ck == 2:
            return loss_func_c2
        elif ck == 3:
            return loss_func_c3
        elif ck == 4:
            return loss_func_c4
                "ERROR: loss_generator_ck() -- C^k continuity with (infinity > k > 4) is not implemented!\n"
            return loss_func_ck_default
        # +++++++++++++ #

    The_Loss_Func_Ck = loss_generator_Ck(ck_k)

    # now The_Loss_Func_Ck is the loss function for computing Ck continuity loss
    #     across element boundaries

    # ======================================= #
    def Equation_Residual(left_tensor_pair, right_tensor_pair):
        actual computation of residual tensor for equation for all elements
        :param: left_tensor_pair: tuple, (BCL_in_tensor, BCL_out_tensor)
                                  where BCL_in_tensor is the input tensor for left domain boundary, shape: (1,1)
                                        BCL_out_tensor is the output tensor for left domain boundary, shape: (1,1)
        :param: right_tensor_pair: tuple, (BCR_in_tensor, BCR_out_tensor)
                                  where BCR_in_tensor is the input tensor for right domain boundary, shape: (1,1)
                                        BCR_out_tensor is the output tensor for right domain boundary, shape: (1,1)
        :return: equation residual tensor for all elements

        Note: when using tensorflow.gradients to compute derivative of a list of output tensors (u_i) with respect to
              a list of input tensors (x_j), the resultant gradient is a list with \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} du_i/dx_j, for
              j = 0, 1, ..., M-1. Note that it is summed over i. So the length of resultant list is equal to
              the length of the list of input tensors.
              In this code, since different sub-models are not connected, i.e. du_i/dx_j = 0 if i != j, the resultant
              sum will have no effect. So the resultant gradient is effectively du_i/dx_i, i=0, ..., M-1.
        # now global_model contains entire model
        #     sub_model_list contains the list of sub-models
        #     first_sub_model contains the DNN for the first element
        #     last_sub_model contains the DNN for the last element

        # \sum du/dx * d_phi/dx*jacobian * w = \sum du/dx * d_phi/dxi * w
        #    where x is physical coordinate, xi is coordinate in standard element
        In_tensors = global_model.inputs  # list of input tensors, shape: (n_elem, n_quads, 1)
        Out_tensors = global_model.outputs  # list of output tensors, shape: (n_elem, n_quads, 1)

        dudx = K.gradients(
            In_tensors)  # list of du/dx tensors, shape: (n_elem, n_quads, 1)
        dudx_con = K.concatenate(dudx, 0)  # shape: (n_elem*n_quads, 1)
        dudx_1 = K.reshape(dudx_con,
                           (n_elem, n_quads))  # shape: (n_elem, n_quads)
        dudx_w = dudx_1 * W_mat_A_tensor  # element wise multiply, shape: (n_elem, n_quads)
        T1 = K.dot(dudx_w, Bd_tensor)  # shape: (n_elem, n_modes)
        # Note that Bd_tensor contains dphi/dxi in standard element, shape: (n_quads,n_modes)
        #           dphi/dx in physical space is dphi/dxi / jacobian
        # now T1[n_modes, n_elem] contains first term in weak form

        # lambda_coeff* \sum u*basis*jacobian * w
        # now Out_tensors contains u on all quadrature points of all elements, list of (n_quads,1) tensors
        # first concatenate them into a single tensor
        u_con = K.concatenate(Out_tensors, 0)  # shape: (n_elem*n_quads, 1)
        u_1 = K.reshape(u_con, (n_elem, n_quads))  # shape: (n_elem, n_quads)
        temp_v1 = lambda_coeff * u_1 * W_mat_tensor  # note: W_mat_tensor includes jacobian, shape: (n_elem,n_quads)
        T2 = K.dot(temp_v1, B_tensor)  # shape: (n_elem, n_modes)
        # now T2 contains second term, shape: (n_elem, n_modes)

        # source term \sum f(x) * basis * jacobian * w
        # Note: list of label tensors is contained in global_model.targets
        target_tensors = global_model.targets  # list of label tensors, shape: (n_elem, n_quads, ?)
        label_tensors = K.concatenate(target_tensors,
                                      0)  # shape: (n_elem*n_quads, ?)
        y_true_0 = label_tensors[:, 0]  # shape: (n_elem*n_quads,)
        y_true_1 = K.reshape(y_true_0,
                             (n_elem, n_quads))  # shape: (n_elem, n_quads)
        temp_v2 = y_true_1 * W_mat_tensor  # temp_v2 has shape (n_elem, n_quads)
        T3 = K.dot(temp_v2, B_tensor)  # shape: (n_elem, n_modes)
        # now T3 contains source term, shape (n_elem, n_modes)

        # boundary terms
        left_in_tensor, left_out_tensor = left_tensor_pair
        right_in_tensor, right_out_tensor = right_tensor_pair

        dudx_a = K.gradients(
            left_in_tensor)[0]  # gradient on left boundary, shape: (1,1)
        dudx_b = K.gradients(
            right_in_tensor)[0]  # gradient on right boundary, shape: (1,1)
        # Note: returned data from tensorflow.gradients is a list of tensors, even though the length
        #       of the list may be 1. So we need the "...[0]" in the above to get the actual tensor

        T_bound_left_1 = K.dot(B_bound_left_tensor,
                               dudx_a)  # shape: (n_elem,n_modes,1)
        T_bound_left = K.squeeze(T_bound_left_1,
                                 -1)  # shape: (n_elem, n_modes)

        T_bound_right_1 = K.dot(B_bound_right_tensor,
                                dudx_b)  # shape: (n_elem, n_modes, 1)
        T_bound_right = K.squeeze(T_bound_right_1,
                                  -1)  # shape: (n_elem, n_modes)

        T_bound_elem = T_bound_left + T_bound_right  # shape: (n_elem, n_modes)
        # now T_bound_elem contains contribution of boundary terms
        #                  -dudx(a)*phi(a) + dudx(b)*phi(b)

        # loss
        T_tot = T1 + T2 + T3 - T_bound_elem  # now T_tot has shape: (n_elem, n_modes)
        return T_tot

    def The_Loss_Func(y_true, y_pred):
        actual computation of loss function for ordinary element, not the first element
        only compute the residual loss of equation for current element
        :param y_true: label data
        :param y_pred: preduction data
        :return: loss value
        # DNN corresponding to other elements will simply return 0 for loss
        # DNN corresponding to first element will compute the loss for all elements
        this_loss = K.constant(0.0)
        return this_loss

    def The_First_Loss_Func(y_true, y_pred):
        actual computation of loss for all elements
        compute residual loss of equation for all elements, and loss in continuity across element
           boundary, and loss in boundary condition of domain
        :param y_true:
        :param y_pred:
        # ========================== #
        # domain boundary condition
        BCL_out = first_sub_model(ZL_input_tensor)  # shape: (1,1)
        T_bc_L = BCL_out - BCL_tensor  # shape: (1,1)

        BCR_out = last_sub_model(ZR_input_tensor)  # shape: (1,1)
        T_bc_R = BCR_out - BCR_tensor  # shape: (1,1)

        # ========================= #
        # equation residual
        bcl_pair = (ZL_input_tensor, BCL_out)
        bcr_pair = (ZR_input_tensor, BCR_out)

        T_tot = Equation_Residual(bcl_pair, bcr_pair)
        # now T_tot contains residual tensor for equation of all elements, shape: (n_elem, n_modes)

        # ========================== #
        # extract element boundary and interior modes
        # assemble boundary modes
        bmode = K.slice(T_tot, (0, 0), (n_elem, 2))
        # bmode contains boundary mode contributions, shape: (n_elem, 2)

        interior_mode = K.slice(T_tot, (0, 2), (n_elem, n_modes - 2))
        # interior_mode contains interior mode contributions, shape: (n_elem, n_modes-2)

        bmode_2 = K.reshape(bmode, (n_elem * 2, 1))  # shape (n_elem*2,1)
        bmode_glob = K.dot(bmode_assembler_tensor, bmode_2)
        # now bmode_glob contains global mode contributions, shape: (n_elem+1,1)
        #     interior_mode contains interior mode contributions

        value_1 = K.flatten(bmode_glob)
        value_2 = K.flatten(interior_mode)
        value = K.concatenate((value_1, value_2))
        # now value contains all global modes, shape: (n_elem+1+n_elem*(n_modes-2),), 1D array

        # ========================= #
        # C^k continuity across element boundary
        Ck_loss = The_Loss_Func_Ck()
        # now Ck_loss contains loss value for C_k continuity across element boundaries

        # ========================= #
        this_loss = K.mean(K.square(value)) \
                    + (K.sum(K.square(T_bc_L)) + K.sum(K.square(T_bc_R)) + Ck_loss)
        return this_loss

    # ====================================== #
    if id_elem == 0:
        return The_First_Loss_Func
        return The_Loss_Func
Пример #42
    def attention(self,
                  out_seq_len: int,
                  d_model: int,
        Calculates the output of the attention once the affine transformations
        of the inputs are done. Here's the shapes of the arguments:
        :param pre_q: (batch_size, q_seq_len, num_heads, d_model // num_heads)
        :param pre_v: (batch_size, v_seq_len, num_heads, d_model // num_heads)
        :param pre_k: (batch_size, k_seq_len, num_heads, d_model // num_heads)
        :param out_seq_len: the length of the output sequence
        :param d_model: dimensionality of the model (by the paper)
        :param training: Passed by Keras. Should not be defined manually.
          Optional scalar tensor indicating if we're in training
          or inference phase.
        # shaping Q and V into (batch_size, num_heads, seq_len, d_model//heads)
        q = K.permute_dimensions(pre_q, [0, 2, 1, 3])
        v = K.permute_dimensions(pre_v, [0, 2, 1, 3])

        if self.compression_window_size is None:
            k_transposed = K.permute_dimensions(pre_k, [0, 2, 3, 1])
            # Memory-compressed attention described in paper
            # "Generating Wikipedia by Summarizing Long Sequences"
            # (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1801.10198.pdf)
            # It compresses keys and values using 1D-convolution which reduces
            # the size of Q * K_transposed from roughly seq_len^2
            # to convoluted_seq_len^2. If we use strided convolution with
            # window size = 3 and stride = 3, memory requirements of such
            # memory-compressed attention will be 9 times smaller than
            # that of the original version.
            if self.use_masking:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "Masked memory-compressed attention has not "
                    "been implemented yet")
            k = K.permute_dimensions(pre_k, [0, 2, 1, 3])
            k, v = [
                    # Step 3: Return the result to its original dimensions
                    # (batch_size, num_heads, seq_len, d_model//heads)
                        # Step 3: ... and add bias
                            # Step 2: we "compress" K and V using strided conv
                                # Step 1: we reshape K and V to
                                # (batch + num_heads,  seq_len, d_model//heads)
                                (-1, K.int_shape(item)[-2],
                                 d_model // self.num_heads)),
                    # new shape
                            K.int_shape(item)[2] //
                            d_model // self.num_heads
                    ])) for item, kernel, bias in ((k, self.k_conv_kernel,
                                                   (v, self.v_conv_kernel,
            k_transposed = K.permute_dimensions(k, [0, 1, 3, 2])
        # shaping K into (batch_size, num_heads, d_model//heads, seq_len)
        # for further matrix multiplication
        sqrt_d = K.constant(np.sqrt(d_model // self.num_heads),
        q_shape = K.int_shape(q)
        k_t_shape = K.int_shape(k_transposed)
        v_shape = K.int_shape(v)
        # before performing batch_dot all tensors are being converted to 3D
        # shape (batch_size * num_heads, rows, cols) to make sure batch_dot
        # performs identically on all backends
        attention_heads = K.reshape(
                            K.reshape(q, (-1, ) + q_shape[-2:]),
                                      (-1, ) + k_t_shape[-2:])) / sqrt_d,
                K.reshape(v, (-1, ) + v_shape[-2:])),
            (-1, self.num_heads, q_shape[-2], v_shape[-1]))
        attention_heads_merged = K.reshape(
            K.permute_dimensions(attention_heads, [0, 2, 1, 3]), (-1, d_model))
        attention_out = K.reshape(
            K.dot(attention_heads_merged, self.output_weights),
            (-1, out_seq_len, d_model))
        return attention_out
Пример #43
def style_preview(content, style, output):
    width, height = load_img(content).size
    img_height = height
    img_width = width
    target_image = K.constant(
        preprocess_image(content, height=img_height, width=img_width))
    style_image = K.constant(
        preprocess_image(style, height=img_height, width=img_width))

    # Placeholder for our generated image
    generated_image = K.placeholder((1, img_height, img_width, 3))

    # Combine the 3 images into a single batch
    input_tensor = K.concatenate([target_image, style_image, generated_image],

    stderr.write('Start download the model')
    # The preview network needs to download to the suitable location
    model = vgg19.VGG19(input_tensor=input_tensor,

    stderr.write('Model downloading ending')

    layers = dict([(layer.name, layer.output) for layer in model.layers])

    # Set the content and style feature layers
    content_layer, style_layers = set_cnn_layers(source=source_paper)

    # initialize total loss
    loss = K.variable(0.)

    # add content loss
    layer_features = layers[content_layer]
    target_image_features = layer_features[0, :, :, :]
    combination_features = layer_features[2, :, :, :]
    loss += content_weight * content_loss(target_image_features,
    # add style loss
    for layer_name in style_layers:
        layer_features = layers[layer_name]
        style_reference_features = layer_features[1, :, :, :]
        combination_features = layer_features[2, :, :, :]
        sl = style_loss(style_reference_features,
        loss += (style_weight / len(style_layers)) * sl

    # add total variation loss
    loss += total_variation_weight * total_variation_loss(
        generated_image, img_height, img_width)

    # Get the gradients of the generated image wrt the loss
    grads = K.gradients(loss, generated_image)[0]

    # Function to fetch the values of the current loss and the current gradients
    fetch_loss_and_grads = K.function([generated_image], [loss, grads])

    evaluator = Evaluator(fetch_loss_and_grads=fetch_loss_and_grads,

    # Run scipy-based optimization (L-BFGS) over the pixels of the generated image
    # so as to minimize the neural style loss.
    # This is our initial state: the target image.
    # Note that `scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b` can only process flat vectors.
    x = preprocess_image(content, height=img_height, width=img_width)
    x = x.flatten()

    for _ in range(iterations):
        x, _, _ = fmin_l_bfgs_b(evaluator.loss,

    img = x.copy().reshape((img_height, img_width, 3))
    img = deprocess_image(img)
    Image.fromarray(img).save(output, quality=95)
 def __init__(self, bias):
     super(ReverseBiasLayer, self).__init__()
     self.bias = K.constant((-1) * bias)