Пример #1
 def frisky(args):
     song = K.hard_sigmoid(args)
     #list = np.reshape(list, (32, self.timesteps, input_dim, 1))
     # song -= 0.5
     # song = K.sign(song)
     #song = K.permute_dimensions(song, (1, 0, 2))
     return song
Пример #2
def hard_sigmoid(x):
    """Hard sigmoid activation function.

  A faster approximation of the sigmoid activation.
  Piecewise linear approximation of the sigmoid function.
  Ref: 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_sigmoid'

  For example:

  >>> a = tf.constant([-3.0,-1.0, 0.0,1.0,3.0], dtype = tf.float32)
  >>> b = tf.keras.activations.hard_sigmoid(a)
  >>> b.numpy()
  array([0. , 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1. ], dtype=float32)

      x: Input tensor.

    The hard sigmoid activation, defined as:

      - `if x < -2.5: return 0`
      - `if x > 2.5: return 1`
      - `if -2.5 <= x <= 2.5: return 0.2 * x + 0.5`
    return backend.hard_sigmoid(x)
Пример #3
    def step_do(self, step_in, states):

        x_i =( K.dot(step_in, self.kernel_i) )
        x_f =( K.dot(step_in, self.kernel_f) ) 
        x_c =( K.dot(step_in, self.kernel_c) )
        x_o = ( K.dot(step_in, self.kernel_o) )
        h_tm1= states[0]  # previous memory state
        c_tm1 = states[1]  # previous carry state
        h2 = states[2]
        c_tm2 = states[3]
        h_next = h2
        c_next = c_tm2
        h_tm3 = states[4]
        c_tm3 = states[5]
        if self.inter_attention:
          #  step_in2 = K.relu(K.dot(step_in,self.transform)+self.biase3)
            a = K.concatenate([h_tm1,step_in],axis=1); a1 = K.tanh(K.dot(a,self.attention_h));a1 = K.sqrt(K.sum(a1**2,axis=1))#a1 = K.squeeze((K.dot(a1,self.attention_h2)),1)# 
            a = K.concatenate([h2,step_in],axis=1);    a2 = K.tanh(K.dot(a,self.attention_h));a2 = K.sqrt(K.sum(a2**2,axis=1))#a2 = K.squeeze((K.dot(a2,self.attention_h2)),1)# 
            a = K.concatenate([h_tm3,step_in],axis=1); a3 = K.tanh(K.dot(a,self.attention_h));a3 = K.sqrt(K.sum(a3**2,axis=1))#a3 = K.squeeze((K.dot(a3,self.attention_h2)),1)# 
            a = K.concatenate([K.expand_dims(a1,1),K.expand_dims(a2,1)],axis=1); a = K.concatenate([a,K.expand_dims(a3,1)],axis=1)
            a = K.softmax(a); a1 = K.expand_dims(a[:,0],1); a2 = K.expand_dims(a[:,1],1); a3 = K.expand_dims(a[:,2],1); 
            h2 =  K.relu(a1*h_tm1 + a2*h2 + a3*h_tm3)

            a = K.concatenate([c_tm1,step_in],axis=1); a1 = K.tanh(K.dot(a,self.attention_c));a1 = K.sqrt(K.sum(a1**2,axis=1))#a1 = K.squeeze((K.dot(a1,self.attention_c2)),1)# 
            a = K.concatenate([c_tm2,step_in],axis=1); a2 = K.tanh(K.dot(a,self.attention_c));a2 = K.sqrt(K.sum(a2**2,axis=1))#a2 = K.squeeze((K.dot(a2,self.attention_c2)),1)# 
            a = K.concatenate([c_tm3,step_in],axis=1); a3 = K.tanh(K.dot(a,self.attention_c));a3 = K.sqrt(K.sum(a3**2,axis=1))#a3 = K.squeeze((K.dot(a3,self.attention_c2)),1)# 
            a = K.concatenate([K.expand_dims(a1,1),K.expand_dims(a2,1)],axis=1); a = K.concatenate([a,K.expand_dims(a3,1)],axis=1)
            a = K.softmax(a); a1 = K.expand_dims(a[:,0],1); a2 = K.expand_dims(a[:,1],1); a3 = K.expand_dims(a[:,2],1); 
            c2 =  K.relu(a1*c_tm1 + a2*c_tm2 + a3*c_tm3)

            h2 =  (h_tm1 + h2 + h_tm3)/3 
            c2 =  (c_tm1 + c_tm2 + c_tm3)/3

        i = K.hard_sigmoid(x_i + K.dot(h2,self.recurrent_kernel_i))
        f = K.hard_sigmoid(x_f + K.dot(h2,self.recurrent_kernel_f))
        o = K.hard_sigmoid(x_o + K.dot(h2,self.recurrent_kernel_o))
        m = K.hard_sigmoid(x_c + K.dot(h2,self.recurrent_kernel_c))

        c = (f * c2 + i * m )

        h = (o * K.tanh( c ))

        return h, [h,c,h_tm1,c_tm1,h_next,c_next]   #80.59,81.79
Пример #4
def hard_sigmoid(x):
    Hard Sigmoid activation function.

    >>> round(hard_sigmoid(-1), 1)
    return K.eval(K.hard_sigmoid(K.variable(x))).tolist()
Пример #5
def hard_sigmoid(x):
    Hard Sigmoid activation function.

    >>> round(hard_sigmoid(-1), 1)
    return K.eval(K.hard_sigmoid(K.variable(x))).tolist()
Пример #6
    def lstm_step(self, inputs, h, c, param_group):
        z = K.dot(inputs, self.kernel[param_group])
        z += K.dot(h, self.recurrent_kernel[param_group])
        z = K.bias_add(z, self.bias[param_group])

        z0 = z[:, :self.units]
        z1 = z[:, self.units:2 * self.units]
        z2 = z[:, 2 * self.units:3 * self.units]
        z3 = z[:, 3 * self.units:]

        i = K.hard_sigmoid(z0)
        f = K.hard_sigmoid(z1)
        c = f * c + i * K.tanh(z2)
        o = K.hard_sigmoid(z3)

        h = o * K.tanh(c)
        return h, c
Пример #7
    def step_do(self, step_in, states):

        x_i = K.dot(step_in, self.kernel_i)
        x_f = K.dot(step_in, self.kernel_f)
        x_c = K.dot(step_in, self.kernel_c)
        x_o = K.dot(step_in, self.kernel_o)
        h_tm1 = states[0]  # previous memory state
        c_tm1 = states[1]  # previous carry state
        i = K.hard_sigmoid(x_i + K.dot(h_tm1, self.recurrent_kernel_i))
        f = K.hard_sigmoid(x_f + K.dot(h_tm1, self.recurrent_kernel_f))
        o = K.hard_sigmoid(x_o + K.dot(h_tm1, self.recurrent_kernel_o))
        m = x_c + K.dot(h_tm1, self.recurrent_kernel_c)
        c = f * c_tm1 + i * m

        h = o * K.tanh(c)
        ch = K.concatenate([c, h])

        return ch, [h, c]
Пример #8
	def call(self, inputs, states):

		h_tm1 = states[0]  # previous memory state
		c_tm1 = states[1]  # previous carry state

		x_i = K.dot(inputs, self.kernel_i)
		x_f = K.dot(inputs, self.kernel_f)
		x_c = K.dot(inputs, self.kernel_c)
		x_o = K.dot(inputs, self.kernel_o)

		i = K.hard_sigmoid(x_i + K.dot(h_tm1, self.recurrent_kernel_i))
		f = K.hard_sigmoid(x_f + K.dot(h_tm1, self.recurrent_kernel_f))
		c = f * c_tm1 + i * K.tanh(x_c + K.dot(h_tm1, self.recurrent_kernel_c))
		o = K.hard_sigmoid(x_o + K.dot(h_tm1, self.recurrent_kernel_o))

		h = o * K.tanh(c)

		return h, [h, c]
Пример #9
    def step_do2(self, step_in, states):

        x_i =( K.dot(step_in, self.kernel_i2) )
        x_f =( K.dot(step_in, self.kernel_f2) ) 
        x_c =( K.dot(step_in, self.kernel_c2) )
        x_o = ( K.dot(step_in, self.kernel_o2) )
        h_tm1= states[0]  # previous memory state
        c_tm1 = states[1]  # previous carry state

        i = K.hard_sigmoid(x_i + K.dot(h_tm1,self.recurrent_kernel_i2))
        f = K.hard_sigmoid(x_f + K.dot(h_tm1,self.recurrent_kernel_f2))
        o = K.hard_sigmoid(x_o + K.dot(h_tm1,self.recurrent_kernel_o2))
        m = K.tanh(x_c + K.dot(h_tm1,self.recurrent_kernel_c2))

        c = (f * c_tm1 + i * m )

        h = (o * K.tanh( c ))

        return h, [h,c]   #80.59,81.79
Пример #10
def regression_and_classification(y_true, y_pred):

    #if y_true is 0, treated as a negative
    # if y_true > 1, treated as a positive
    # nothing in between 

    y_true_binarized = K.cast(K.greater_equal(y_true, 1.0), K.floatx()) 
    hard_sigmoid_pred = K.hard_sigmoid(y_pred)
    linearized_hard_sigmoid_pred = (0.2*y_pred) + 0.5
    binary_crossentropy_loss = K.mean(K.binary_crossentropy(
                                        target=y_true_binarized), axis=-1)
    mse_loss = K.mean(2.71*K.square(linearized_hard_sigmoid_pred - y_true)
                          *K.cast(K.greater(y_true, 1.0), K.floatx()),
    return binary_crossentropy_loss + mse_loss 
Пример #11
def hard_sigmoid(x):
    """Hard sigmoid activation function.

  A faster approximation of the sigmoid activation.

  For example:

  >>> a = tf.constant([-3.0,-1.0, 0.0,1.0,3.0], dtype = tf.float32)
  >>> b = tf.keras.activations.hard_sigmoid(a)
  >>> b.numpy()
  array([0. , 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1. ], dtype=float32)

      x: Input tensor.

    The hard sigmoid activation, defined as:

      - `if x < -2.5: return 0`
      - `if x > 2.5: return 1`
      - `if -2.5 <= x <= 2.5: return 0.2 * x + 0.5`
    return K.hard_sigmoid(x)
Пример #12
def hard_sigmoid(x):
    return K.hard_sigmoid(x)
Пример #13
def hardtanh(x):
    return 2 * K.hard_sigmoid(2.5 * x) - 1
Пример #14
def hard_sigmoid(x):
    return K.eval(K.hard_sigmoid(K.variable(x))).tolist()
 def to_ret(x):
     correct = tf.sign(tf.where(tf.equal(x, 0.), tf.ones_like(x), x))
     s = K.hard_sigmoid(tf.abs(x))
     rand = tf.random_uniform(x.get_shape())
     return tf.constant(val, tf.float32) * tf.where(tf.less(rand, s),
                                                    correct, -1 * correct)
 def to_ret(x):
     x_1 = tf.constant(val, tf.float32) * tf.sign(x)
     s = K.hard_sigmoid(tf.abs(x))
     rand = tf.random_uniform(x.get_shape())
     return tf.where(tf.less(rand, s), x_1, tf.zeros_like(x_1))
Пример #17
def Vote(y_true, y_pred):
    vote_value = hc.vote_value - 0.5
    sig_pred = K.hard_sigmoid((y_pred - vote_value) * 5)
    return categorical_crossentropy(y_true, sig_pred)
Пример #18
 def call_input_gate(self):
     Iiw = K.dot(self.inputs, self.Wki)
     Irw = K.dot(self.h_tm1, self.Wri)
     i = Iiw + Irw
     self.i = K.hard_sigmoid(i)
Пример #19
    def call(self, inputs):
        s = K.zeros((K.shape(inputs)[0],self.units))
        init_states = [s,s,s,s,s,s]
        outputs = K.rnn(self.step_do, inputs, init_states)[1]
        if self.intra_attention:
      #     self.attention1_1 = self.attention1[:self.units,:]
      #     self.attention1_2 = self.attention1[self.units:,:]
           for i in range(inputs.shape[1]):
                step_in = inputs[:,i,:]
                h = outputs[:,i,:]

                h_atten = K.concatenate([h,step_in],axis=1)     
                h_atten=K.hard_sigmoid(K.dot(h_atten,self.attention1) + 1*self.biase1)     
                h_atten = K.elu(1*h_atten*h+0*self.biase2)
                if i ==0:
                   output_atten = h_atten
                   output_atten = K.concatenate([output_atten,h_atten])
           outputs = Reshape((inputs.shape[1],self.units))(output_atten)       

        init_states2 = [s,s,s,s,s,s]
        input2 = K.reverse(inputs,axes=1)
        outputs2 = K.rnn(self.step_do, input2, init_states2)[1]
        if self.intra_attention:
     #      self.attention1_1 = self.attention1[:self.units,:]
    #       self.attention1_2 = self.attention1[self.units:,:]
           for i in range(inputs.shape[1]):
                step_in = inputs[:,i,:]
                h = outputs2[:,i,:]

                h_atten = K.concatenate([h,step_in],axis=1)   
                h_atten=K.hard_sigmoid(K.dot(h_atten,self.attention1) + 1*self.biase1)     
                h_atten = K.elu(1*h_atten*h+0*self.biase2)
                if i ==0:
                   output_atten = h_atten
                   output_atten = K.concatenate([output_atten,h_atten])
           outputs2 = Reshape((inputs.shape[1],self.units))(output_atten)   

        outputs2 = K.reverse(outputs2,axes=1)
        outputs = (K.concatenate([outputs,outputs2]))

        if self.intra_attention:
           self.attention1_1 = self.attention1[:2*self.units,:]
           self.attention1_2 = self.attention1[2*self.units:,:]
           for i in range(inputs.shape[1]):
                step_in = inputs[:,i,:]
                h = outputs[:,i,:]

                h_atten=K.relu(K.dot(h,self.attention1_1) + 0*self.biase1)     ##################0

                h_b=K.relu(K.dot(step_in,self.attention1_2)+0*self.biase2)     ##################1

                h_atten = K.tanh(h_atten*h + h_b)
                if i ==0:
                   output_atten = h_atten
                   output_atten = K.concatenate([output_atten,h_atten])
           outputs = Reshape((inputs.shape[1],2*self.units))(output_atten)   
        return outputs
Пример #20
 def call_output_gate(self):
     Oiw = K.dot(self.inputs, self.Wko)
     Orw = K.dot(self.h_tm1, self.Wro)
     o = Oiw + Orw
     self.o = K.hard_sigmoid(o)
Пример #21
 def call_forget_gate(self):
     Fiw = K.dot(self.inputs, self.Wkf)
     Frw = K.dot(self.h_tm1, self.Wrf)
     f = Fiw + Frw
     self.f = K.hard_sigmoid(f)