def load_model():
    query = Input(shape=(None, WORD_DEPTH))
    pos_doc = Input(shape=(None, WORD_DEPTH))
    neg_docs = [Input(shape=(None, WORD_DEPTH)) for j in range(J)]
    BATCH_SIZE = 50
    filepath = 'weight.h5'
    query_conv = Convolution1D(K, FILTER_LENGTH, padding="same", input_shape=(None, WORD_DEPTH), activation="tanh")(query)
    query_max = Lambda(lambda x: backend.max(x, axis=1), output_shape=(K,))(query_conv)  # See section 3.4.
    query_sem = Dense(L, activation="tanh", input_dim=K)(query_max)  # See section 3.5.
    doc_conv = Convolution1D(K, FILTER_LENGTH, padding="same", input_shape=(None, WORD_DEPTH), activation="tanh")
    doc_max = Lambda(lambda x: backend.max(x, axis=1), output_shape=(K,))
    doc_sem = Dense(L, activation="tanh", input_dim=K)
    pos_doc_conv = doc_conv(pos_doc)
    neg_doc_convs = [doc_conv(neg_doc) for neg_doc in neg_docs]
    pos_doc_max = doc_max(pos_doc_conv)
    neg_doc_maxes = [doc_max(neg_doc_conv) for neg_doc_conv in neg_doc_convs]
    pos_doc_sem = doc_sem(pos_doc_max)
    neg_doc_sems = [doc_sem(neg_doc_max) for neg_doc_max in neg_doc_maxes]
    R_Q_D_p = dot([query_sem, pos_doc_sem], axes=1, normalize=True)  # See equation (4).
    R_Q_D_ns = [dot([query_sem, neg_doc_sem], axes=1, normalize=True) for neg_doc_sem in neg_doc_sems]
    concat_Rs = concatenate([R_Q_D_p] + R_Q_D_ns)
    concat_Rs = Reshape((J + 1, 1))(concat_Rs)
    weight = np.array([1]).reshape(1, 1, 1)
    with_gamma = Convolution1D(1, 1, padding="same", input_shape=(J + 1, 1), activation="linear", use_bias=False, weights=[weight])(concat_Rs)  # See equation (5).
    with_gamma = Reshape((J + 1,))(with_gamma)
    prob = Activation("softmax")(with_gamma)  # See equation (5).
    model = Model(inputs=[query, pos_doc] + neg_docs, outputs=prob)
    model.compile(optimizer="adadelta", loss="categorical_crossentropy")
    return model
Пример #2
def keras_skip_gram(trainlist1,weight1,weight2):
    shared_layer1 = Embedding(input_dim=N, output_dim=d, weights=[weight1])
    #shared_layer1 is the output layer
    shared_layer2 = Embedding(input_dim=N, output_dim=d, weights=[weight2])
    #shared_layer2 is the hidden layer
    input_target = Input(shape=(1,), dtype='int32', name='input_1')
    input_source = Input(shape=(1,), dtype='int32', name='input_2')
    input_negative = Input(shape=(negative_num,),dtype='int32',name='input_3')
    target= shared_layer1(input_target)
    source= shared_layer2(input_source)
    negative= shared_layer1(input_negative)
    positive_dot = dot([source, target], axes=(2), normalize=False)
    negative_dot = dot([source, negative], axes=(2), normalize=False)
    all_dot = concatenate([positive_dot, negative_dot],axis=2)
    sigmoid_sample = Activation('sigmoid')(all_dot)
    model = Model(inputs=[input_target,input_source,input_negative], outputs=[sigmoid_sample])
    sgd2 = optimizers.SGD(lr=0.025, nesterov=True)
    model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd2)
    for [a1,a2,a4,y1] in trainlist1:
        loss = model.train_on_batch([a1, a2, a4], y1)
    return embed_output,embed_hidden
def buildBLTSM(numFeatures, LRate):
    nb_lstm_cells = 128
    nb_classes = 4
    nb_hidden_units = 512
    # Logistic regression for learning the attention parameters with a standalone feature as input
    input_attention = Input(shape=(nb_lstm_cells * 2, ))
    u = Dense(nb_lstm_cells * 2, activation='softmax')(input_attention)
    # Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory for learning the temporal aggregation
    input_feature = Input(shape=(None, numFeatures))
    x = Masking(mask_value=0.)(input_feature)
    x = Dense(nb_hidden_units, activation='relu')(x)
    x = Dropout(0.5)(x)
    x = Dense(nb_hidden_units, activation='relu')(x)
    x = Dropout(0.5)(x)
    y = Bidirectional(LSTM(nb_lstm_cells, return_sequences=True,
    # To compute the final weights for the frames which sum to unity
    alpha = dot([u, y], axes=-1)  # inner prod.
    alpha = Activation('softmax')(alpha)
    # Weighted pooling to get the utterance-level representation
    z = dot([alpha, y], axes=1)
    # Get posterior probability for each emotional class
    output = Dense(nb_classes, activation='softmax')(z)
    model = Model(inputs=[input_attention, input_feature], outputs=output)
                  optimizer=RMSprop(lr=LRate, rho=0.9, epsilon=None,
    #model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=RMSprop(lr=0.001), metrics=['categorical_accuracy'])

    return model
Пример #4
def siamese():
    input_tensor = Input(shape=INPUT_SHAPE)
    vgg_model1 = Model(input_tensor, vgg_16_base(input_tensor))
    #    vgg_model2 = Model(input_tensor,vgg_16_base(input_tensor))
    #    vgg_model3 = Model(input_tensor,vgg_16_base(input_tensor))

    input_im1 = Input(shape=INPUT_SHAPE, name='Anchor')  # 固定图像
    input_im2 = Input(shape=INPUT_SHAPE, name='Positive')  # 正例图像
    input_im3 = Input(shape=INPUT_SHAPE, name='Negtive')  # 反例图像
    out_im1 = vgg_model1(input_im1)
    out_im2 = vgg_model1(input_im2)
    out_im3 = vgg_model1(input_im3)

    #    out_im1 = Dense(128)(out_im1)
    #    out_im2 = Dense(128)(out_im2)
    #    out_im3 = Dense(128)(out_im3)

    right_cos = dot([out_im1, out_im2], -1, normalize=True)
    wrong_cos = dot([out_im1, out_im3], -1, normalize=True)

    Triple_loss = Lambda(lambda x: K.relu(MARGIN + x[0] - x[1]))(
        [wrong_cos, right_cos])

    train_model = Model(inputs=[input_im1, input_im2, input_im3],
    model_encoder = Model(inputs=input_im1, outputs=out_im1)
    model_right_encoder = Model(inputs=input_im2, outputs=out_im2)

    train_model.compile(optimizer=SGD(lr=1e-4, decay=1e-6),
                        loss=lambda y_true, y_pred: y_pred)  # 忽视y_ture
    model_encoder.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mse')
    model_right_encoder.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mse')

    return train_model, model_encoder, model_right_encoder
    def get_word2vec_model(self):
        with tf.device('/gpu:0'):
            input_target = Input((1, ))
            input_context = Input((1, ))

            target = self.word_embd(input_target)
            target = Reshape((opt.word_embd_size, 1))(target)
            context = self.word_embd(input_context)
            context = Reshape((opt.word_embd_size, 1))(context)

            # setup a cosine similarity operation which will be output in a secondary model
            similarity =[target, context], axes=0, normalize=True)

            # now perform the dot product operation to get a similarity measure
            dot_product =[target, context], axes=1)
            dot_product = Reshape((1, ))(dot_product)
            # add the sigmoid output layer
            output = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(dot_product)
            # create the primary training model
            model = Model(input=[input_target, input_context], output=output)
            model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='rmsprop')

            validation_model = Model(input=[input_target, input_context],

            return model, validation_model
Пример #6
def create_softmax_la_network(input_shape, nb_lstm_cells=128, nb_classes=7):
    input_shape: (time_steps, features,)

    with K.name_scope('BLSTMLayer'):
        # Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory for learning the temporal aggregation
        input_feature = Input(shape=input_shape)
        x = Masking(mask_value=globalvars.masking_value)(input_feature)
        x = Dense(globalvars.nb_hidden_units, activation='relu')(x)
        x = Dropout(0.5)(x)
        x = Dense(globalvars.nb_hidden_units, activation='relu')(x)
        x = Dropout(0.5)(x)
        y = Bidirectional(
            LSTM(nb_lstm_cells, return_sequences=True, dropout=0.5))(x)

    with K.name_scope('AttentionLayer'):
        # Logistic regression for learning the attention parameters with a standalone feature as input
        input_attention = Input(shape=(nb_lstm_cells * 2, ))
        u = Dense(nb_lstm_cells * 2, activation='softmax')(input_attention)

        # To compute the final weights for the frames which sum to unity
        alpha = dot([u, y], axes=-1)  # inner prod.
        alpha = Activation('softmax')(alpha)

    with K.name_scope('WeightedPooling'):
        # Weighted pooling to get the utterance-level representation
        z = dot([alpha, y], axes=1)

    # Get posterior probability for each emotional class
    output = Dense(nb_classes, activation='softmax')(z)

    return Model(inputs=[input_attention, input_feature], outputs=output)
Пример #7
def create_emb_model(maxlen, word_rep =100):
    #maxlen = None
    num_u = word_rep
    vocabulary_size = 51253
    reduction_d_a = 64
    reduction_r = 16
    FILTER_LENGTH = 2 * num_u
    K = 128
    # Embedding network
    word_emb = Embedding(input_dim=vocabulary_size + 1, output_dim=word_rep, input_length=maxlen, mask_zero=True)
    biLSTM_H = Bidirectional(LSTM(num_u, return_sequences=True, name="LSTM"), merge_mode='concat', name = "Bidirectional_LSTM")
    # multi-layer perceptron, using attention
    mlp_hid_1 = Dense(reduction_d_a, activation = "tanh", name="mlp_tanh")
    mlp_hid_2 = Dense(reduction_r, activation="softmax", name="mlp_softmax")#activity_regularizer=penalization_l2, name="mlp_softmax")
    # learning to rank architecture
    Conv1D_Feature = Convolution1D(1, 2 * num_u, padding = "same", input_shape = (2 * num_u, reduction_r), activation = "linear", use_bias = False, name="position_aware")
    f_conv = Convolution1D(K, FILTER_LENGTH, padding = "same", activation = "tanh", name="feature_conv")
    f_max = Lambda(lambda x: backend.max(x, axis = 1), output_shape = (K, ), name="feature_max")
    sem_h1 = Dense(K, activation="tanh", name="sem_h1")
    sem_h2 = Dense(K, activation="tanh", name="sem_h2")
    sem_out = Dense(K, activation="tanh", name="sme_out")

    qry = Input(shape=(maxlen,), name="qry_input")
    doc = Input(shape=(maxlen,), name="doc_input")
    #qry_rep = Masking(mask_value=.0)(qry)
    #doc_rep = Masking(mask_value=.0)(doc)
    qry_rep = Masking(mask_value=.0)(word_emb(qry))
    doc_rep = Masking(mask_value=.0)(word_emb(doc))
    # query feature map
    qry_H = biLSTM_H(qry_rep)
    q_h1 = mlp_hid_1(qry_H)
    q_A = mlp_hid_2(q_h1)
    M = dot([qry_H, q_A], axes = 1, normalize="False", name="with_Attention_qry")
    M = Reshape((2 * num_u, reduction_r))(M)
    #M = Reshape((2 * num_u, ))(M)
    # doc feature map
    doc_H = biLSTM_H(doc_rep)
    d_h1 = mlp_hid_1(doc_H)
    d_A = mlp_hid_2(d_h1)
    M_d = dot([doc_H, d_A], axes = 1, normalize="False", name="with_Attention_doc")
    M_d = Reshape((2 * num_u, reduction_r))(M_d)
    #M_d = Reshape((2 * num_u, ))(M_d)
    # ranking task
    conv_qry = f_max(f_conv(M))
    #conv_qry = Reshape((2 * num_u,))(conv_qry)
    ref_qry = sem_out(sem_h2(sem_h1(conv_qry)))

    conv_doc = f_max(f_conv(M_d))
    #conv_doc = Reshape((2 * num_u,))(conv_doc)
    ref_doc = sem_out(sem_h2(sem_h1(conv_doc)))
    # similarity
    similarity = dot([ref_qry, ref_doc], axes=1, normalize="True", name="cosine_similarity")
    #similarity = dot([M, M_d], axes=1, normalize="True", name="cosine_similarity")
    predict = Activation("sigmoid", name="predict_layer")(similarity)
    model = Model(inputs = [qry, doc], outputs = predict)
    model.compile(optimizer = "adadelta", loss = "binary_crossentropy", metrics=['accuracy'])
    return model
Пример #8
 def inner_loss(self, y_true, y_pred, margin=1.0):
     video_vector, p_vector, n_vector = tf.unstack(y_pred, axis=1)
     right_cos = dot([video_vector, p_vector], -1, normalize=True)
     wrong_cos = dot([video_vector, n_vector], -1, normalize=True)
     loss = Lambda(lambda x: K.relu(margin + x[0] - x[1]))(
         [wrong_cos, right_cos])
     #loss = Lambda(lambda x: x[0]-x[1])([wrong_cos,right_cos])
     return loss
def create_model():

	WORD_DEPTH = 51253
	K = 300 # Dimensionality of the projetion layer. See section 3.1.
	L = 128 # Dimensionality of latent semantic space. See section 3.1.
	J = 3 # Number of random unclicked documents serving as negative examples for a query. See section 3.

	# Input tensors holding the query, positive (clicked) document, and negative (unclicked) documents.
	# The first dimension is None because the queries and documents can vary in length.
	query = Input(shape = (WORD_DEPTH,), name="query")
	pos_doc = Input(shape = (WORD_DEPTH,), name="pos_doc")
	neg_docs = [Input(shape = (WORD_DEPTH,), name="neg_doc_" + str(j)) for j in range(J)]

	# Latent Semantic Model
	# projection high dimension to low.
	proj = Dense(K, name="proj_1", activation="tanh")
	proj_2 = Dense(K, name="proj_2", activation="tanh")
	sem = Dense(L, name="sem", activation = "tanh")

	query_proj = proj(query)
	pos_doc_proj = proj(pos_doc)
	neg_doc_projs = [proj(neg_doc) for neg_doc in neg_docs]
	query_proj2 = proj_2(query_proj)
	pos_doc_proj2 = proj_2(pos_doc_proj)
	neg_doc_proj2s = [proj_2(neg_doc_proj) for neg_doc_proj in neg_doc_projs]
	query_sem = sem(query_proj2)
	pos_doc_sem = sem(pos_doc_proj2)
	neg_doc_sems = [sem(neg_doc_proj2) for neg_doc_proj2 in neg_doc_proj2s]

	# This layer calculates the cosine similarity between the semantic representations of
	# a query and a document.
	R_Q_D_p = dot([query_sem, pos_doc_sem], axes = 1, normalize = True, name="pos_cos") # See equation (5).
	R_Q_D_ns = [dot([query_sem, neg_doc_sem], axes = 1, normalize = True, name="neg_cos_" + str(i)) for i, neg_doc_sem in enumerate(neg_doc_sems)] # See equation (5).

	concat_Rs = concatenate([R_Q_D_p] + R_Q_D_ns, name="concat_without_gamma")
	concat_Rs = Reshape((J + 1, 1))(concat_Rs)

	# In this step, we multiply each R(Q, D) value by gamma. In the paper, gamma is
	# described as a smoothing factor for the softmax function, and it's set empirically
	# on a held-out data set.
	weight = np.full((1, 1, 1), 1)

	# We're also going to learn gamma's value by pretending it's a single 1 x 1 kernel.
	with_gamma = Convolution1D(1, 1, padding = "same", input_shape = (J + 1, 1), activation = "linear", use_bias = False, weights = [weight])(concat_Rs) # See equation (5).
	with_gamma = Reshape((J + 1, ))(with_gamma)

	# Finally, we use the softmax function to calculate P(D+|Q).
	prob = Activation("softmax")(with_gamma) # See equation (5).

	# We now have everything we need to define our model.
	model = Model(inputs = [query, pos_doc] + neg_docs, outputs = prob)
	model.compile(optimizer = "adadelta", loss = "categorical_crossentropy", metrics=['accuracy'])
Пример #10
    def __init__(self, K=300, L=128, J=1, WORD_DEPTH=50005):

        # Input tensors holding the query, positive (clicked) document, and negative (unclicked) documents.
        # The first dimension is None because the queries and documents can vary in length.
        query = Input(shape=(WORD_DEPTH, ))
        pos_doc = Input(shape=(WORD_DEPTH, ))
        neg_docs = [Input(shape=(WORD_DEPTH, )) for j in range(J)]

        dense = Dense(L, activation="tanh")
        query_sem = dense(query)
        # query_sem = Dense(L, activation = "tanh")(query) # See section 3.5.
        # doc_sem = Dense(L, activation = "tanh")
        # shared dense
        doc_sem = dense

        pos_doc_sem = doc_sem(pos_doc)
        neg_doc_sems = [doc_sem(neg_doc) for neg_doc in neg_docs]

        # This layer calculates the cosine similarity between the semantic representations of
        # a query and a document.
        R_Q_D_p = dot([query_sem, pos_doc_sem], axes=1,
                      normalize=True)  # See equation (4).
        R_Q_D_ns = [
            dot([query_sem, neg_doc_sem], axes=1, normalize=True)
            for neg_doc_sem in neg_doc_sems
        ]  # See equation (4).

        concat_Rs = concatenate([R_Q_D_p] + R_Q_D_ns)
        concat_Rs = Reshape((J + 1, 1))(concat_Rs)

        # In this step, we multiply each R(Q, D) value by gamma. In the paper, gamma is
        # described as a smoothing factor for the softmax function, and it's set empirically
        # on a held-out data set. We're going to learn gamma's value by pretending it's
        # a single 1 x 1 kernel.
        weight = np.array([1]).reshape(1, 1, 1)
        with_gamma = Convolution1D(1,
                                   input_shape=(J + 1, 1),
                                            ])(concat_Rs)  # See equation (5).
        with_gamma = Reshape((J + 1, ))(with_gamma)

        # Finally, we use the softmax function to calculate P(D+|Q).
        prob = Activation("softmax")(with_gamma)  # See equation (5).

        # We now have everything we need to define our model.
        self.model = Model(inputs=[query, pos_doc] + neg_docs, outputs=prob)

        self.encoder = Model(inputs=query, outputs=query_sem)
def buildBLTSM(numFeaturesAudio, numFeaturesText):

    nb_lstm_cells = 128
    nb_classes = 4
    nb_hidden_units = 512  #128

    #Input attention
    input_attention = Input(shape=(nb_lstm_cells * 2, ))
    u = Dense(nb_lstm_cells * 2, activation='softmax')(input_attention)
    #Input Audio and Text
    input_featureAudio = Input(shape=(None, numFeaturesAudio))
    input_featureText = Input(shape=(None, numFeaturesText))
    #Both model parallel structure
    x1 = Masking(mask_value=0.)(input_featureText)
    x1 = Dense(nb_hidden_units, activation='relu')(x1)
    x1 = Dropout(0.5)(x1)
    x1 = Dense(nb_hidden_units, activation='relu')(x1)
    x1 = Dropout(0.5)(x1)
    y1 = Bidirectional(LSTM(nb_lstm_cells, return_sequences=True,
    x2 = Masking(mask_value=0.)(input_featureAudio)
    x2 = Dense(nb_hidden_units, activation='relu')(x2)
    x2 = Dropout(0.5)(x2)
    x2 = Dense(nb_hidden_units, activation='relu')(x2)
    x2 = Dropout(0.5)(x2)
    y2 = Bidirectional(LSTM(nb_lstm_cells, return_sequences=True,
    #Attention step parallel for both model
    alpha1 = dot([u, y1], axes=-1)  # inner prod.
    alpha1 = Activation('softmax')(alpha1)
    alpha2 = dot([u, y2], axes=-1)  # inner prod.
    alpha2 = Activation('softmax')(alpha2)
    z1 = dot([alpha1, y1], axes=1)
    z2 = dot([alpha2, y2], axes=1)
    #Merge step
    mrg = Concatenate(mode='concat')([z1, z2])  #mrg = Concatenate([z1,z2])
    #Dense layer and final output
    refOut = Dense(nb_hidden_units, activation='relu')(mrg)
    output = Dense(nb_classes, activation='softmax')(refOut)

    model = Model(
        inputs=[input_attention, input_featureAudio, input_featureText],
                  optimizer=RMSprop(lr=LRate, rho=0.9, epsilon=None,
                           ])  #mean_squared_error #categorical_crossentropy

    return model
    def __init__(self):
        # Input tensors holding the query, positive (clicked) document, and negative (unclicked) documents.
        # The first dimension is None because the queries and documents can vary in length.
        query = Input(shape = (None, WORD_DEPTH))
        pos_doc = Input(shape = (None, WORD_DEPTH))
        neg_docs = [Input(shape = (None, WORD_DEPTH)) for j in range(J)]

        query_conv = Convolution1D(K, FILTER_LENGTH, padding = "same", input_shape = (None, WORD_DEPTH), activation = "tanh")(query) # See equation (2).
        query_max = Lambda(lambda x: backend.max(x, axis = 1), output_shape = (K, ))(query_conv) # See section 3.4.

        query_sem = Dense(L, activation = "tanh", input_dim = K)(query_max) # See section 3.5.

        # The document equivalent of the above query model.
        doc_conv = Convolution1D(K, FILTER_LENGTH, padding = "same", input_shape = (None, WORD_DEPTH), activation = "tanh")
        doc_max = Lambda(lambda x: backend.max(x, axis = 1), output_shape = (K, ))
        doc_sem = Dense(L, activation = "tanh", input_dim = K)

        pos_doc_conv = doc_conv(pos_doc)
        neg_doc_convs = [doc_conv(neg_doc) for neg_doc in neg_docs]

        pos_doc_max = doc_max(pos_doc_conv)
        neg_doc_maxes = [doc_max(neg_doc_conv) for neg_doc_conv in neg_doc_convs]

        pos_doc_sem = doc_sem(pos_doc_max)
        neg_doc_sems = [doc_sem(neg_doc_max) for neg_doc_max in neg_doc_maxes]

        # This layer calculates the cosine similarity between the semantic representations of
        # a query and a document.
        R_Q_D_p = dot([query_sem, pos_doc_sem], axes = 1, normalize = True) # See equation (4).
        R_Q_D_ns = [dot([query_sem, neg_doc_sem], axes = 1, normalize = True) for neg_doc_sem in neg_doc_sems] # See equation (4).

        concat_Rs = concatenate([R_Q_D_p] + R_Q_D_ns)
        concat_Rs = Reshape((J + 1, 1))(concat_Rs)

        # In this step, we multiply each R(Q, D) value by gamma. In the paper, gamma is
        # described as a smoothing factor for the softmax function, and it's set empirically
        # on a held-out data set. We're going to learn gamma's value by pretending it's
        # a single 1 x 1 kernel.
        weight = np.array([1]).reshape(1, 1, 1)
        with_gamma = Convolution1D(1, 1, padding = "same", input_shape = (J + 1, 1), activation = "linear", use_bias = False, weights = [weight])(concat_Rs) # See equation (5).
        with_gamma = Reshape((J + 1, ))(with_gamma)

        # Finally, we use the softmax function to calculate P(D+|Q).
        prob = Activation("softmax")(with_gamma) # See equation (5).

        # We now have everything we need to define our model.
        self.model = Model(inputs = [query, pos_doc] + neg_docs, outputs = prob)
        self.model.compile(optimizer = "adadelta", loss = "categorical_crossentropy")

        self.encoder = Model(inputs=query, outputs=query_sem)
Пример #13
    def build(self, vector_dim, vocab_size, lr):
        """ returns a word2vec model """
        print("Building keras model...")

        stddev = 1.0 / vector_dim
        print("Setting initializer standard deviation to: {}".format(stddev))
        initializer = RandomNormal(mean=0.0, stddev=stddev, seed=10)

        word_input = Input(shape=(1, ), name="word_input")
        context_input = Input(shape=(1, ), name="context_input")

        Ebd = Embedding(input_dim=vocab_size + 1,
        word = Ebd(word_input)
        context = Ebd(context_input)

        merged = dot([word, context], axes=2, normalize=True, name="cos")
        merged = Flatten()(merged)
        output = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name="output")(merged)

        optimizer = SGD(lr=lr)
        model = Model(inputs=[word_input, context_input], outputs=output)
        self.model = model
Пример #14
    def testEmbeddingLayerCosineSim(self):
        Test Keras 'Embedding' layer returned by 'get_embedding_layer' function for a simple word similarity task.
        keras_w2v_model = self.model_cos_sim
        keras_w2v_model_wv = keras_w2v_model.wv

        embedding_layer = keras_w2v_model_wv.get_keras_embedding()

        input_a = Input(shape=(1,), dtype='int32', name='input_a')
        input_b = Input(shape=(1,), dtype='int32', name='input_b')
        embedding_a = embedding_layer(input_a)
        embedding_b = embedding_layer(input_b)
        similarity = dot([embedding_a, embedding_b], axes=2, normalize=True)

        model = Model(inputs=[input_a, input_b], outputs=similarity)
        model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss='mse')

        word_a = 'graph'
        word_b = 'trees'
        output = model.predict([
        # output is the cosine distance between the two words (as a similarity measure)

        self.assertTrue(type(output[0][0][0]) == np.float32)     # verify that  a float is returned
    def word_embedding(self):
        input_target = Input((1,))
        input_context = Input((1,))

        target = Embedding(self.vocab_size, self.latent_dim, name='target-embedding',
        context = Embedding(self.vocab_size, self.latent_dim, name="context-embedding",
        dot_product =[target, context], axes=2, normalize=False, name="dot")
        # dot_product = Reshape((1,))(dot_product)
        dot_product = Flatten()(dot_product)

        # add the sigmoid output layer
        output = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name='output')(dot_product)

        # setup a cosine similarity operation which will be output in a secondary model
        # similarity =[target, context], axes=2, normalize=True)

        # create the primary training model
        self.model = Model(input=[input_target, input_context], output=output)
        self.model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='rmsprop')

        # create a secondary validation model to run our similarity checks during training
        # self.validation_model = Model(input=[input_target, input_context], output=similarity)
        self.model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(
            filepath=SAVE_DIR / 'word2vect-model-{epoch:02d}.hdf5',
            verbose=1, save_best_only=True)
Пример #16
    def build_pixel_comparison_network(input_shape):

        channels, height, width = input_shape

        input = Input(shape=(height, width, channels))

        first = Flatten()(Lambda(lambda x: x[:, :, :, :1])(input))

        second = Flatten()(Lambda(lambda x: x[:, :, :, 1:])(input))

        # second = Lambda(lambda x: -x)(second)

        # difference = add([first, second])

        # raw_result = Lambda(lambda x: K.mean(K.abs(x), axis=1, keepdims=True))(difference)

        # prob_zero = Lambda(lambda x: x / 255.0)(raw_result)

        # prob_one = Lambda(lambda x: 1.0 - x)(prob_zero)

        prob_one = dot([first, second], axes=1, normalize=True)

        prob_zero = Lambda(lambda x: 1.0 - x)(prob_one)

        output = concatenate([prob_zero, prob_one])

        return Model(inputs=input, outputs=output)
Пример #17
    def testEmbeddingLayerCosineSim(self):
        Test Keras 'Embedding' layer returned by 'get_embedding_layer' function for a simple word similarity task.
        keras_w2v_model = self.model_cos_sim
        keras_w2v_model_wv = keras_w2v_model.wv

        embedding_layer = keras_w2v_model_wv.get_keras_embedding()

        input_a = Input(shape=(1,), dtype='int32', name='input_a')
        input_b = Input(shape=(1,), dtype='int32', name='input_b')
        embedding_a = embedding_layer(input_a)
        embedding_b = embedding_layer(input_b)
        similarity = dot([embedding_a, embedding_b], axes=2, normalize=True)

        model = Model(input=[input_a, input_b], output=similarity)
        model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss='mse')

        word_a = 'graph'
        word_b = 'trees'
        output = model.predict([
        # output is the cosine distance between the two words (as a similarity measure)

        self.assertTrue(type(output[0][0][0]) == np.float32)     # verify that  a float is returned
def get_model():

    # входные данные покупеталей
    customer_input = Input(shape=(1, ), name='customer_input', dtype='int64')
    # каждому покупателю сопоставляем вектор коэффициентов размером n_latent_factors (строим матрицу "П")
    customer_embedding = Embedding(n_customers,
    # Embedding возвращает трехмерную матрицу размерностью (n_customers, 1, n_latent_factors)
    # необходимо привести ее в двумерному виду (n_customers, n_latent_factors)
    customer_vec = Flatten(name='FlattenCustomers')(customer_embedding)

    # входные данные товаров
    item_input = Input(shape=(1, ), name='item_input', dtype='int64')
    # каждому товару сопоставляем вектор коэффициентов размером n_latent_factors (строим матрицу "Т")
    item_embedding = Embedding(n_items,
    # Embedding возвращает трехмерную матрицу размерностью (n_items, 1, n_latent_factors)
    # необходимо привести ее в двумерному виду (n_items, n_latent_factors)
    item_vec = Flatten(name='FlattenItems')(item_embedding)

    # матрица оценок О = П * Т
    sim = dot([customer_vec, item_vec], name='Simalarity-Dot-Product', axes=1)
    #sim =, t_item_vec) # Dot(), name='Simalarity-Dot-Product', axes=1)

    return keras.models.Model([customer_input, item_input], sim)
Пример #19
    def get_model(self, num_classes, activation='sigmoid'):
        max_len = opt.max_len
        voca_size = opt.unigram_hash_size + 1

        with tf.device('/gpu:0'):
            embd = Embedding(voca_size, opt.embd_size, name='uni_embd')

            t_uni = Input((max_len, ), name="input_1")
            t_uni_embd = embd(t_uni)  # token

            w_uni = Input((max_len, ), name="input_2")
            w_uni_mat = Reshape((max_len, 1))(w_uni)  # weight

            uni_embd_mat = dot([t_uni_embd, w_uni_mat], axes=1)
            uni_embd = Reshape((opt.embd_size, ))(uni_embd_mat)

            embd_out = Dropout(rate=0.5)(uni_embd)
            relu = Activation('relu', name='relu1')(embd_out)
            outputs = Dense(num_classes, activation=activation)(relu)
            model = Model(inputs=[t_uni, w_uni], outputs=outputs)
            optm = keras.optimizers.Nadam(
            #model = Sequential()
            #optm = 'adadelta'
            model.summary(print_fn=lambda x:
        return model
Пример #20
def nn_model(frame=4, input_shape=[5, 5], num_actions=5):

    with tf.name_scope('deep_q_network'):
        with tf.name_scope('input'):
            # 5*5*4
            input_state = Input(shape=(frame, input_shape[0], input_shape[1]))
            input_action = Input(shape=(num_actions, ))

        with tf.name_scope('fc2'):
            flattened = Flatten()(input_state)
            dense2 = Dense(128,

        with tf.name_scope('output'):
            q_values = Dense(num_actions, activation=None)(dense2)
            q_v = dot([q_values, input_action], axes=1)

        network_model = Model(inputs=[input_state, input_action],
                              outputs=q_v)  #方案1,输入state,action,输出一个q_value
        q_values_func = K.function(
            [input_state], [q_values])  #方案2,输入一个state,输出一系列[action,q_value]


    return network_model, q_values_func
def get_model():
    for i,col in tqdm(enumerate(train_features)):
      ini_input = Input(shape=(1,), dtype='int32')

    dotpreds = dot([embedded[0], embedded[1]], axes=1)
    for i,col in tqdm(enumerate(train_features)):
        if i == 0:
          preds = embedded[i]
          preds = concatenate([embedded[i],preds])

    preds = concatenate([dotpreds,preds])

    preds = Dense(128, activation='relu')(preds)
    preds = Dropout(0.5)(preds)
    preds = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(preds)

    opt = RMSprop(lr=1e-3)
    model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics=['acc'])

    return model
Пример #22
def build_cf_model(n_users, n_movies, dim, isBest=False):
    u_input = Input(shape=(1,))
    if isBest:
        u = Embedding(n_users, dim, embeddings_regularizer=l2(1e-5))(u_input)
        u = Embedding(n_users, dim)(u_input)
    u = Reshape((dim,))(u)
    u = Dropout(0.1)(u)

    m_input = Input(shape=(1,))
    if isBest:
        m = Embedding(n_movies, dim, embeddings_regularizer=l2(1e-5))(m_input)
        m = Embedding(n_movies, dim)(m_input)
    m = Reshape((dim,))(m)
    m = Dropout(0.1)(m)

    if isBest:
        u_bias = Embedding(n_users, 1, embeddings_regularizer=l2(1e-5))(u_input)
        u_bias = Embedding(n_users, 1)(u_input)
    u_bias = Reshape((1,))(u_bias)
    if isBest:
        m_bias = Embedding(n_movies, 1, embeddings_regularizer=l2(1e-5))(m_input)
        m_bias = Embedding(n_movies, 1)(m_input)
    m_bias = Reshape((1,))(m_bias)

    out = dot([u, m], -1)
    out = add([out, u_bias, m_bias])
    if isBest:
        out = Lambda(lambda x: x + K.constant(3.581712))(out)

    model = Model(inputs=[u_input, m_input], outputs=out)
    return model
Пример #23
def get_model():
    user_embeddings = Embedding(u_cnt,
                                embeddings_initializer=RandomNormal(0, 0.01),
    song_embeddings = Embedding(s_cnt,
                                embeddings_initializer=RandomNormal(0, 0.01),

    uid_input = Input(shape=(1, ), dtype='int32')
    embedded_usr = user_embeddings(uid_input)
    embedded_usr = Reshape((64, ))(embedded_usr)

    sid_input = Input(shape=(1, ), dtype='int32')
    embedded_song = song_embeddings(sid_input)
    embedded_song = Reshape((64, ))(embedded_song)

    preds = dot([embedded_usr, embedded_song], axes=1)

    preds = Activation('sigmoid')(preds)

    model = Model(inputs=[uid_input, sid_input], outputs=preds)

    opt = RMSprop(lr=1e-3)
    model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics=['acc'])

    return model
Пример #24
  def get_model(self, cate_type):
    if cate_type == 'bm':
      lr = opt.bm_lr
      embd_size = opt.bm_embd_size
      unigram_hash_size = opt.bm_unigram_hash_size
      image_fc_size = 1024
      hidden_size = 1024
      output_size = 556
    elif cate_type == 's':
      lr = opt.s_lr
      embd_size = opt.s_embd_size
      unigram_hash_size = opt.s_unigram_hash_size
      image_fc_size = 1024
      hidden_size = 1024
      output_size = 3191
    elif cate_type == 'd':
      lr = opt.d_lr
      embd_size = opt.d_embd_size
      unigram_hash_size = opt.d_unigram_hash_size
      image_fc_size = 512
      hidden_size = 512
      output_size = 405

    voca_size = unigram_hash_size + 1

    with tf.device('/gpu:0'):
      # input
      t_uni = Input((opt.max_len,), name='t_uni')
      w_uni = Input((opt.max_len,), name='w_uni')
      w_uni_mat = Reshape((opt.max_len, 1))(w_uni)
      image_feature = Input((opt.image_size,), name='image_feature')

      # Embedding
      t_uni_embd = Embedding(voca_size, embd_size)(t_uni)
      uni_embd_mat = dot([t_uni_embd, w_uni_mat], axes=1)      
      uni_embd = Reshape((embd_size,))(uni_embd_mat)
      embd_relu = Activation('relu')(uni_embd)

      # image
      image_fc = Dense(image_fc_size, activation='relu')(image_feature)

      concat_wordImage = concatenate([embd_relu, image_fc], axis=1)
      FIANL_hidden = Dense(hidden_size, activation=None)(concat_wordImage)     
      dropout = Dropout(rate=0.5)(FIANL_hidden)
      relu = Activation('relu')(dropout)
      embd_image_out = Dense(output_size, activation='sigmoid', name='EmbdImage')(relu)

      # define Model
      model = Model(inputs=[t_uni, w_uni, image_feature],
      optm = keras.optimizers.Nadam(lr)
      model.summary(print_fn=lambda x:

    return model
Пример #25
def shallow_deep():
    shallow&deep model

    inputs = [uwi] + udc + \
             [iwi1]+ idc1+ [idd1] + [idb1] + \
             [iwi2]+ idc2 + [idd2] + [idb2] + \
             [iwi3] + idc3 + [idd3] + [idb3] + \
             [iwi4] + idc4 + [idd4] + [idb4] + \
             [iwi5] + idc5 + [idd5] + [idb5]

    ufv1 = ufv()
    ifv_1 = ifv1()
    ifv_2 = ifv2()
    ifv_3 = ifv3()
    ifv_4 = ifv4()
    ifv_5 = ifv5()

    uipp = dot([ufv1, ifv_1], axes=1, normalize=True)
    uinps = [
        dot([ufv1, ifv_2], axes=1, normalize=True),
        dot([ufv1, ifv_3], axes=1, normalize=True),
        dot([ufv1, ifv_4], axes=1, normalize=True),
        dot([ufv1, ifv_5], axes=1, normalize=True)
    outputs = concatenate([uipp] + uinps)
    outputs = Reshape((4 + 1, 1))(outputs)

    weight = np.array([1]).reshape(1, 1, 1)
    with_gamma = Convolution1D(1,
                               input_shape=(4 + 1, 1),
    with_gamma = Reshape((4 + 1, ))(with_gamma)

    prob = Activation("softmax")(with_gamma)

    model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=prob)
    model.compile(optimizer="adadelta", loss="categorical_crossentropy")

    plot_model(model, to_file="ns-shallow&deep.png", show_shapes=True)
Пример #26
def Keras_skip_gram(G, walks, iteration):
    Keras to run word2vec algorithm with skip_gram model.

    walks_sentences = [list(np.array(walk)) for walk in walks]

    embedding1 = np.random.uniform(-1 / G.embedding_size, 1 / G.embedding_size,
                                   (G.vocabulary, G.embedding_size))
    embedding2 = np.random.uniform(-1 / G.embedding_size, 1 / G.embedding_size,
                                   (G.vocabulary, G.embedding_size))
    shared_layer1 = Embedding(input_dim=G.vocabulary,
    shared_layer2 = Embedding(input_dim=G.vocabulary,

    input_target = Input(shape=(1, ), dtype='int32', name='input_1')
    input_source = Input(shape=(1, ), dtype='int32', name='input_2')
    input_negative = Input(shape=(G.negative, ), dtype='int32', name='input_3')

    target = shared_layer1(input_target)
    source = shared_layer2(input_source)
    negative = shared_layer1(input_negative)

    positive_dot = dot([source, target], axes=(2), normalize=False)
    negative_dot = dot([source, negative], axes=(2), normalize=False)

    all_dot = concatenate([positive_dot, negative_dot], axis=2)
    sigmoid_sample = Activation('sigmoid')(all_dot)

    model = Model(inputs=[input_target, input_source, input_negative],
    sgd2 = optimizers.SGD(lr=0.025, nesterov=True)
    model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd2)

    train_list = skip_train(walks_sentences, G.window_size)

    for i in range(iteration):
        for [a1, a2, a4, y1] in train_list:
            loss = model.train_on_batch([a1, a2, a4], y1)
    embed = shared_layer2.get_weights()[0]

    return embed
def LSTM_2(input_shape, nb_classes, nb_lstm_cells=128):
    input_shape: (time_steps, features,)

    Dense layers -> No activation
    BLSTM -> activation softsign

        tf.logging.ERROR)  # evitar warnings por cambio de versión

    with K.name_scope('BLSTMLayer'):
        # Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory for learning the temporal aggregation
        input_feature = Input(shape=input_shape)
        nb_lstm_cells = 128
        x = Masking(mask_value=globalvars.masking_value)(input_feature)
        x = LSTM(nb_lstm_cells, return_sequences=True, dropout=0.5)(x)
        x = LSTM(nb_lstm_cells, return_sequences=True, dropout=0.5)(x)
        y = LSTM(nb_lstm_cells, return_sequences=True, dropout=0.5)(x)

    with K.name_scope('AttentionLayer'):
        # Logistic regression for learning the attention parameters with a standalone feature as input
        input_attention = Input(shape=(nb_lstm_cells * 2, ))
        u = Dense(nb_lstm_cells, activation='softsign')(input_attention)

        # To compute the final weights for the frames which sum to unity
        alpha = dot([u, y], axes=-1)  # inner prod.
        alpha = Activation('softmax')(alpha)

    with K.name_scope('WeightedPooling'):
        # Weighted pooling to get the utterance-level representation
        z = dot([alpha, y], axes=1)

    with K.name_scope('OUTPUT'):
        # Get posterior probability for each emotional class
        output = Dense(nb_classes, activation='softmax')(z)

    model = Model(name=inspect.stack()[0][3],
                  inputs=[input_attention, input_feature],
    return model
Пример #28
def MF(n_U, n_M, F):
    U_input = Input(shape=(1, ), dtype='int64', name='users')
    M_input = Input(shape=(1, ), dtype='int64', name='movies')

    U_embedding = Embedding(input_dim=max_userid, output_dim=F)(U_input)
    M_embedding = Embedding(input_dim=max_movieid, output_dim=F)(M_input)

    predicted_preference = dot(inputs=[U_embedding, M_embedding], axes=2)
    predicted_preference = Flatten()(predicted_preference)

    model = Model(inputs=[U_input, M_input], outputs=predicted_preference)
    return model
Пример #29
def MatchScore(l, r, mode="euclidean"):
    if mode == "euclidean":
        return Lambda(compute_euclidean_match_score,
                      output_shape=out_shape)([l, r])

    elif mode == "cos":
        return Lambda(compute_cos_match_score, output_shape=out_shape)([l, r])

    elif mode == "dot":
        return dot([l, r], axes=-1)
        raise ValueError("Unknown match score mode %s" % mode)
            def LAYER(input1, input2, max_len=max_len):
                Avg = Dropout(rate=0.5)(input1)
                Avg = BatchNormalization()(Avg)
                Avg = GlobalAveragePooling1D()(Avg)

                mat = Reshape((max_len, 1))(input2)
                Dot = dot([input1, mat], axes=1)
                Dot = Flatten()(Dot)
                Dot = Dropout(rate=0.5)(Dot)
                Dot = BatchNormalization()(Dot)

                return Avg, Dot
Пример #31
def create_model(MAX_QRY_LENGTH=50,
                 PSGS_SIZE=[(50, 1)],
    alpha_size = len(PSGS_SIZE)
    psgMat = Input(shape=(
    ), name="passage")
    homoMat = Input(shape=(NUM_OF_FEATS, ), name="h_feats")
    # Convolution2D, Meaning pooling and Max pooling.
    # Conv2D, Mean pooling, Max pooling
    M, K, r = [], [], []
    for idx, PSG_SIZE in enumerate(PSGS_SIZE):
        tau = PSG_SIZE[0] / 2
        pool_size = (MAX_QRY_LENGTH - PSG_SIZE[0]) / tau + 1
        # Convolution
        m_1 = Convolution2D(filters=NUM_OF_FILTERS,
                            name="pConv2D_" + str(idx))(psgMat)
        # Mean pooling
        k_1 = AveragePooling2D(pool_size=(pool_size, 1),
                               name="pAvePool_" + str(idx))(M[idx])
        # Max Pooling
        r_1 = GlobalMaxPooling2D(name="pMaxPool_" + str(idx))(K[idx])
    concat_r = concatenate(r)
    # Fusion Matrix and predict relevance
    # get h(q, d)
    # MLP(DENSE(len(r(q,d))))
    phi_h = Dense(alpha_size, activation="softmax", name="TrainMat")(homoMat)
    dot_prod = dot([concat_r, phi_h], axes=1, name="rel_dot")
    # tanh(dot(r.transpose * h))
    #pred = Activation("tanh", name="activation_tanh")(dot_prod)
    pred = Dense(1, activation="sigmoid", name="activation_sigmoid")(dot_prod)

    # We now have everything we need to define our model.
    model = Model(inputs=[psgMat, homoMat], outputs=pred)
    from keras.utils import plot_model
    plot_model(model, to_file='model.png')
    return model
Пример #32
    def crossatt(self, x):
        doc, query, doc_mask, q_mask = x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3]
        trans_doc = K.permute_dimensions(doc, (0, 2, 1))
        match_score = K.tanh(dot([query, trans_doc], (2, 1)))
        query_to_doc_att = K.softmax(K.sum(match_score, axis=1))
        doc_to_query_att = K.softmax(K.sum(match_score, axis=-1))

        alpha = query_to_doc_att * doc_mask
        a_sum = K.sum(alpha, axis=1)
        _a_sum = K.expand_dims(a_sum, -1)
        alpha = alpha / _a_sum

        beta = doc_to_query_att * q_mask
        b_sum = K.sum(beta, axis=1)
        _b_sum = K.expand_dims(b_sum, 1)
        beta = beta / _b_sum

        doc_vector = dot([trans_doc, alpha], (2, 1))
        trans_que = K.permute_dimensions(query, (0, 2, 1))
        que_vector = dot([trans_que, beta], (2, 1))
        final_hidden = K.concatenate([doc_vector, que_vector])
        return final_hidden
Пример #33
word_model =Sequential()

context_model =Sequential()

match =dot([word_model.output,context_model.output],1)
output =Dense(1,kernel_initializer='glorot_uniform'

model =Model(inputs=[word_model.input,context_model.input],outputs=output)

def loadData():
    I love green eggs and ham.
Пример #34
question_input = Input(shape=(question_maxlen,))

# story encoder memory
story_encoder = Embedding(input_dim=vocab_size,
story_encoder = Dropout(0.3)(story_encoder)

# question encoder
question_encoder = Embedding(input_dim=vocab_size,
question_encoder = Dropout(0.3)(question_encoder)

# match between story and question
match = dot([story_encoder, question_encoder], axes=[2, 2])

# encode story into vector space of question
story_encoder_c = Embedding(input_dim=vocab_size,
story_encoder_c = Dropout(0.3)(story_encoder_c)

# combine match and story vectors
response = add([match, story_encoder_c])
response = Permute((2, 1))(response)

# combine response and question vectors
answer = concatenate([response, question_encoder], axis=-1)
answer = LSTM(LATENT_SIZE)(answer)
answer = Dropout(0.3)(answer)
doc_conv = Convolution1D(K, FILTER_LENGTH, padding = "same", input_shape = (None, WORD_DEPTH), activation = "tanh")
doc_max = Lambda(lambda x: backend.max(x, axis = 1), output_shape = (K, ))
doc_sem = Dense(L, activation = "tanh", input_dim = K)

pos_doc_conv = doc_conv(pos_doc)
neg_doc_convs = [doc_conv(neg_doc) for neg_doc in neg_docs]

pos_doc_max = doc_max(pos_doc_conv)
neg_doc_maxes = [doc_max(neg_doc_conv) for neg_doc_conv in neg_doc_convs]

pos_doc_sem = doc_sem(pos_doc_max)
neg_doc_sems = [doc_sem(neg_doc_max) for neg_doc_max in neg_doc_maxes]

# This layer calculates the cosine similarity between the semantic representations of
# a query and a document.
R_Q_D_p = dot([query_sem, pos_doc_sem], axes = 1, normalize = True) # See equation (4).
R_Q_D_ns = [dot([query_sem, neg_doc_sem], axes = 1, normalize = True) for neg_doc_sem in neg_doc_sems] # See equation (4).

concat_Rs = concatenate([R_Q_D_p] + R_Q_D_ns)
concat_Rs = Reshape((J + 1, 1))(concat_Rs)

# In this step, we multiply each R(Q, D) value by gamma. In the paper, gamma is
# described as a smoothing factor for the softmax function, and it's set empirically
# on a held-out data set. We're going to learn gamma's value by pretending it's
# a single 1 x 1 kernel.
weight = np.array([1]).reshape(1, 1, 1)
with_gamma = Convolution1D(1, 1, padding = "same", input_shape = (J + 1, 1), activation = "linear", use_bias = False, weights = [weight])(concat_Rs) # See equation (5).
with_gamma = Reshape((J + 1, ))(with_gamma)

# Finally, we use the softmax function to calculate P(D+|Q).
prob = Activation("softmax")(with_gamma) # See equation (5).