Пример #1
 def _train(self):
     data, label = self._load_data()
     train_data, train_label, validate_data, validate_label, test_data, test_label = split_data(data, label,
     network_input = Input(shape=(100, 3))
     network = LSTM(32, return_sequences=True)(network_input)
     network = LSTM(32)(network)
     network = Dense(5, activation=softmax)(network)
     network = Model(inputs=[network_input], outputs=[network])
     network.compile(optimizer=RMSprop(lr=0.01), loss=categorical_crossentropy, metrics=[categorical_accuracy])
     callback = [
         callbacks.ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor="categorical_accuracy", factor=0.1, patience=3)
     self.train_history = network.fit(train_data, train_label,
                                      validation_data=(validate_data, validate_label), batch_size=self.BATCH_SIZE,
                                      epochs=self.EPOCHS, callbacks=callback)
     self.evaluate_history = network.evaluate(test_data, test_label, batch_size=self.BATCH_SIZE)
     return network
Пример #2
def run_LSTM(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, symbol, price):
    y_train = to_categorical(y_train)
    y_test = to_categorical(y_test)
    LSTM = create_LSTM(X_train)
    history = LSTM.fit(X_train, y_train, epochs=100, batch_size=32)

    results = LSTM.evaluate(X_test, y_test, batch_size=32)
    print("test loss, test acc:", results)
    # summarize history for accuracy
    plt.plot(history.history['accuracy'], label='Train')
    plt.title('model accuracy')
    plt.legend(['train', 'test'], loc='upper left')

    prediction = LSTM.predict(X_test)
    y_prediction = prediction[:, -1, :]
    y_prediction = np.argmax(prediction, axis=1)
    NAV_history = Generate_nav(10000, symbol, price, y_prediction)
Пример #3
conv5 = Conv1D(32, 5, activation='relu', padding='same')(input1)
conv5 = Dropout(DropoutRate)(conv5)
conv5 = Conv1D(32, 3, activation='relu', padding='same')(conv5)
conv5 = Dropout(DropoutRate)(conv5)
conv5 = Conv1D(32, 3, activation='relu', padding='same')(conv5)

# model
model = concatenate([conv1, conv3, conv5], axis=-1)

# LSTM Layer
model = LSTM(32, return_sequences=True)(model)
model = LSTM(32, return_sequences=False)(model)
output = Dense(3, activation='softmax')(model)

model = Model(input1, output)

# Optimizer = optimizers.Adam(lr = 0.00001)


callback_list = [
        # Model의 Val_loss를 Monitoring
        # Callback 호출시 Learning rate를 1/10으로 줄임
        # Val_loss가 5 Epoch동안 개선되지 않을 경우 CallBack 호출
Пример #4
def CNN_model(filename, train, X_train, X_test, word2ind, maxWords,
              y_train, y_test, ind2label, maxChar, char2ind, validation=False, X_valid=None, y_valid=None,
              pretrained_embedding="", word_embedding_size=100, char_embedding_size=50,
              lstm_hidden=32, nbr_epochs=25, batch_size=128, dropout=0.5, optimizer='rmsprop', early_stopping_patience=-1,
              folder_path="CNN_results", print_to_file = True, gen_confusion_matrix=False, return_model = False
        Build, train and test the CNN-CNN-LSTM Keras model. Works for multi-tasking learning.
        The model architecture looks like:
            - CNN character-level representation
            - CNN word-level + character representation
            - LSTM 
            - Softmax for prediction

        :param filename: File to redirect the printing
        :param train: Boolean if the model must be trained or not. If False, the model's wieght are expected to be stored in "folder_path/filename/filename.h5" 
        :param X_train: Data to train the model. It must be a list of word and character indices.
        :param X_test: Data to test the model. It must be a list of word and character indices.
        :param word2ind: Dictionary containing all words in the training data and a unique integer per word
        :param maxWords: Maximum number of words in a sequence
        :param y_train: Labels to train the model for the prediction task
        :param y_test: Labels to test the model for the prediction task
        :param ind2label: Dictionary where all labels are mapped into a unique integer
        :param maxChar: The maximum numbers of characters in a word. If set to 0, the model will not use character-level representations of the words
        :param char2ind: A dictionary where each character is mapped into a unique integer
        :param validation: Boolean. If true, the validation score will be computed from 'X_valid' and 'y_valid'
        :param X_valid: Optional. Validation dataset
        :param y_valid: Optional. Validation dataset labels

        :param pretrained_embedding: Use the pretrained word embeddings. Pretrained vectors must be located here: "dataset/pretrained_vectors"
                                     Three values: 
                                            - "":    Do not use pre-trained word embeddings (Default)
                                            - False: Use the pre-trained embedding vectors as the weights in the Embedding layer
                                            - True:  Use the pre-trained embedding vectors as weight initialiers. The Embedding layer will still be trained.
        :param word_embedding_size: Size of the pre-trained word embedding to use (100 or 300)
        :param char_embedding_size: size of the character-level word representations

        :param lstm_hidden: Dimentionality of the LSTM output space
        :param nbr_epochs: Number of epochs to train the model
        :param batch_size: Size of batches while training the model
        :param dropout: Rate to apply for each Dropout layer in the model
        :param optimizer: Optimizer to use while compiling the model
        :param early_stopping_patience: Number of continuous tolerated epochs without improvement during training.

        :param folder_path: Path to the directory storing all to-be-generated files
        :param print_to_file: if True redirects the printings to a file (given in filename), if False std_out is kept
        :param gen_confusion_matrix: Boolean value. Generated confusion matrices or not.
        :parm return_model: if True returns the Keras model object, otherwise return best results 

        :return: The classification scores for both tasks (default for compatibility). If returnModel = True, returns model object for further computation
    print("====== {0} start ======".format(filename))
    end_string = "====== {0} end ======".format(filename)
    os.makedirs(folder_path+"/"+filename, exist_ok=True)
    filepath = folder_path+"/"+filename+"/"+filename

    # Set print outputs file
    if print_to_file:
        file, stdout_original = setPrintToFile("{0}.txt".format(filepath)) 

    nbr_words = len(word2ind)+1
    out_size = len(ind2label)+1
    nbr_chars = len(char2ind)+1
    best_results = None
    # Embedding - Characters
    character_input  = Input((maxWords,maxChar,))
    embed_char_out = TimeDistributed(Embedding(nbr_chars, char_embedding_size))(character_input)
    conv1d_out = TimeDistributed(Convolution1D(filters = 50, kernel_size = 3, strides=1, activation="relu", padding='same'))(embed_char_out)
    pool_out = TimeDistributed(MaxPooling1D(pool_size=2, strides=1, padding='same'))(conv1d_out)
    char_enc = TimeDistributed(Flatten())(pool_out)
    # Embedding - Words
    word_input = Input((maxWords,))
    if pretrained_embedding=="":
       word_emb = Embedding(nbr_words, word_embedding_size)(word_input)
       # Retrieve embeddings from word2vec
       embedding_matrix = word2VecEmbeddings(word2ind, word_embedding_size)
       word_emb = Embedding(nbr_words, word_embedding_size, weights=[embedding_matrix], trainable=pretrained_embedding, mask_zero=False)(word_input)

    # Model inputs                            
    inputs = [word_input, character_input]
    # Full word representation                             
    word_full = concatenate([char_enc, word_emb])
    # encode words w_full = w_char + w_embed
    conv1d_w1_out = Convolution1D(filters = 800, kernel_size = 5, strides=1, activation="relu", padding='same')(word_full)
    drop_w1_layer = Dropout(dropout, noise_shape=None, seed=None)(conv1d_w1_out)
    conv1d_w2_out = Convolution1D(filters = 800, kernel_size = 5, strides=1, activation="relu", padding='same')(drop_w1_layer)
    # pool size out?
    word_enc = MaxPooling1D(pool_size=2, strides=1, padding='same')(conv1d_w2_out)
    # LSTM layer
    model = LSTM(lstm_hidden, return_sequences=True, dropout=dropout)(word_enc)
    # Output - Softmax 
    outputs = [Dense(out_size, activation='softmax')(model) for out_size in [len(x)+1 for x in ind2label]]
    model_loss = ['categorical_crossentropy' for x in outputs]
    model_metrics = None

    # Model
    model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)
    model.compile(loss=model_loss, metrics=model_metrics, optimizer=get_optimizer(optimizer))

    # Training Callbacks:
    callbacks = []
    value_to_monitor = 'val_f1'
    best_model_weights_path = "{0}.h5".format(filepath)
    #    1) Classifition scores
    classification_scores = Classification_Scores([X_train, y_train], ind2label, best_model_weights_path)
    #    2) EarlyStopping
    if early_stopping_patience != -1:
        early_stopping = EarlyStopping(monitor=value_to_monitor, patience=early_stopping_patience, mode='max')
        early_stopping = EarlyStopping(monitor=value_to_monitor, patience=nbr_epochs, mode='max')
    # Train
    if train:
        # Train the model. Keras's method argument 'validation_data' is referred as 'testing data' in this code.
        hist = model.fit(X_train, y_train, validation_data=[X_test, y_test], epochs=nbr_epochs, batch_size=batch_size, callbacks=callbacks, verbose=2)
        print("Best F1 score:", early_stopping.best, "  (epoch number {0})".format(1+np.argmax(hist.history[value_to_monitor])))
        # Save Training scores
        save_model_training_scores("{0}".format(filepath), hist, classification_scores)
        # Print best testing classification report
        best_epoch = np.argmax(hist.history[value_to_monitor])

        # Best epoch results
        best_results = model_best_scores(classification_scores, best_epoch)
    # HACK: optmizer weight length issue
    # https://github.com/keras-team/keras/issues/4044
    import h5py
    with h5py.File(best_model_weights_path, 'a') as f:
        if 'optimizer_weights' in f.keys():
            del f['optimizer_weights']
    # Load weigths from best training epoch into model
    save_load_utils.load_all_weights(model, best_model_weights_path)

    # Create confusion matrices
    if gen_confusion_matrix:
        for i, y_target in enumerate(y_test):
            # Compute predictions, flatten
            predictions, target = compute_predictions(model, X_test, y_target, ind2label[i])
            # Generate confusion matrices
            save_confusion_matrix(target, predictions,  list(ind2label[i].values()), "{0}_task_{1}_confusion_matrix_test".format(filepath,str(i+1)))

    # Validation dataset
    if validation:
        print("Validation dataset")
        # Compute classification report 
        for i, y_target in enumerate(y_valid):
            # Compute predictions, flatten
            predictions, target = compute_predictions(model, X_valid, y_target, ind2label[i], nbrTask=i)

            # Only for multi-task
            if len(y_train) > 1:
                print("For task "+str(i+1)+"\n")
            print("With padding into account")
            print(metrics.flat_classification_report([target], [predictions], digits=4))
            print("Without the padding:")
            print(metrics.flat_classification_report([target], [predictions], digits=4, labels=list(ind2label[i].values())))

            # Generate confusion matrices
            save_confusion_matrix(target, predictions,  list(ind2label[i].values()), "{0}_task_{1}_confusion_matrix_validation".format(filepath,str(i+1)))

    # Close file
    if print_to_file:
        closePrintToFile(file, stdout_original)
    # Returns model itself for further computation, otherwise best results
    if return_model:
        return model
        return best_results