Пример #1
    def load_seg(self, fn):
        """Segmentation load method.

        # Arguments
            fn: filename of the image (without extension suffix)
        # Returns
            arr: numpy array of shape self.target_size
        label_path = os.path.join(self.label_dir,
                                  '{}.{}'.format(fn, self.label_format))
        img = pil_image.open(label_path)
        # img.show()
        # abc = np.asarray(img,np.int32)
        # print(abc.shape)
        # ori = pil_image.fromarray(abc)
        # ori.save('dob.png')
        # ori.show()
        # exit()
        if self.target_size:
            wh_tuple = (self.target_size[1], self.target_size[0])
        if img.size != wh_tuple:
            img = img.resize(wh_tuple)
        y = img_to_array(img, self.data_format)

        y[y == 255] = 0

        return y
Пример #2
    def load_seg(self, fn, labelkey=None):
        """Segmentation load method.

        # Arguments
            fn: filename of the image (without extension suffix)
        # Returns
            arr: numpy array of shape self.target_size
        label_path = os.path.join(self.label_dir,
                                  '{}.{}'.format(fn, self.label_format))
        img = pil_image.open(label_path)
        if self.target_size:
            wh_tuple = (self.target_size[1], self.target_size[0])
        if img.size != wh_tuple:
            img = img.resize(wh_tuple)
        y = img_to_array(img, self.data_format)
        #       y[y == 255] = 0

        if labelkey is not None:
            item_counter = 0
            for item in labelkey:
                y[y == item] = item_counter
                item_counter += 1

        return y
Пример #3
    def load_seg(self, fn):
        """Segmentation load method.

        # Arguments
            fn: filename of the image (without extension suffix)
        # Returns
            arr: numpy array of shape self.target_size
        label_path = os.path.join(self.label_dir,
                                  '{}.{}'.format(fn, self.label_format))
        img = pil_image.open(label_path)
        if self.target_size:
            wh_tuple = (self.target_size[1], self.target_size[0])
        if img.size != wh_tuple:
            img = img.resize(wh_tuple)
        y = img_to_array(img, self.data_format)
        y[y == 255] = 0

        return y