Пример #1
 def test_with_well_formed_string(self):
     role = AWSRole(
     self.assertEqual(role.account, '123456789012')
     self.assertEqual(role.name, 'role-name')
     self.assertEqual(role.profile, '123456789012.role-name')
     self.assertEqual(role.provider, 'provider')
Пример #2
 def test_with_valid_strings(self):
     role = AWSRole('arn/role,provider')
     self.assertEqual(role.name, 'role')
Пример #3
 def test_parsed_role(self):
     role = AWSRole('arn/role,provider')
     self.assertEqual(role.arn, 'arn/role')
     self.assertEqual(role.provider, 'provider')
Пример #4
    def _handle_sts_from_response(self, response, region, config_filename,
                                  default_role, list_only):
        Takes a successful SAML response, parses it for valid AWS IAM roles, and then reaches out to
        AWS and requests temporary tokens for each of the IAM roles.
        :param response: The SAML response from a previous request to ADFS
        :param region: The AWS region tokens are being requested for
        :param config_filename: Where shoujld the tokens be written to
        :param default_role: Which IAM role should be as as the default in the config file
        :param list_only: If set, the IAM roles available will just be printed instead of assumed

        soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')

        # Look for the SAMLResponse attribute of the input tag (determined by
        # analyzing the debug print lines above)
        assertion = None
        for inputtag in soup.find_all('input'):
            if inputtag.get('name') == 'SAMLResponse':
                assertion = inputtag.get('value')

        if not assertion:
            raise Exception(
                "did not get a valid SAML response. response was:\n%s" %

        # Parse the returned assertion and extract the authorized roles
        aws_roles = []
        root = ET.fromstring(base64.b64decode(assertion))
        for saml2attribute in root.iter(
            if saml2attribute.get(
                    'Name') == 'https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/Role':
                for saml2attributevalue in saml2attribute.iter(

        if not aws_roles:
            raise Exception("user does not have any valid aws roles.")

        # Note the format of the attribute value should be role_arn,principal_arn
        # but lots of blogs list it as principal_arn,role_arn so let's reverse
        # them if needed
        for aws_role in aws_roles:
            chunks = aws_role.split(',')
            if 'saml-provider' in chunks[0]:
                new_aws_role = chunks[1] + ',' + chunks[0]
                index = aws_roles.index(aws_role)
                aws_roles.insert(index, new_aws_role)

        # If the user supplied to a default role make sure
        # that role is available to them.
        if default_role is not None:
            found_default_role = False
            for aws_role in aws_roles:
                name = AWSRole(aws_role).name
                if name == default_role:
                    found_default_role = True
            if not found_default_role:
                raise Exception(
                    "provided default role not found in list of available roles"

        # Go through each of the available roles and
        # attempt to get temporary tokens for each
        for aws_role in aws_roles:
            profile = AWSRole(aws_role).name

            if list_only:
                logging.info("role: {}".format(profile))
                token = self._bind_assertion_to_role(assertion, aws_role,
                                                     profile, region,

                if not token:
                    raise Exception("did not receive a valid token from aws.")

                expires_utc = token.credentials.expiration

                if default_role == profile:
                    logging.info("default role: {} until {}".format(
                        profile, expires_utc))
                    logging.info("role: {} until {}".format(
                        profile, expires_utc))