Пример #1
    def demo(self, ui):
        ui.message("===== Demo Mode =====")
        ui.message("Running a small demo/testing!")

        ui.message("--- Encoding ---")
        text = "Hello World!"
        bf = brainfuck.brainfuck
        ui.message("Data to cypher: {}\n".format(text))
        ui.message("Brainfuck cyphered data (utf-8): {}"
                   "".format(brainfuck.cypher(text, lang=bf.BRAINFUCK)))
        ui.message("Ook cyphered data (utf-8): {}"
                   "".format(brainfuck.cypher(text, lang=bf.OOK)))
        ui.message("Spoon cyphered data (utf-8): {}"
                   "".format(brainfuck.cypher(text, lang=bf.SPOON)))
        ui.message("SegFaultProg cyphered data (utf-8): {}"
                   "".format(brainfuck.cypher(text, lang=bf.SIGSEV)))

        ui.message("--- Decoding ---")
        ui.message("+ Brainfuck will find out which language it is.")
        htext = "++++++++++[>+>+++>+++++++>++++++++++<<<<-]>>>++.>---.++++++" \
                "+++++++++..+++++++++.<<++.>>-----------.---------.+++++++++" \
                "+++++++++.<<.>>++.--------------------.----.+++++++++++++++" \
        ui.message("Brainfuck code used as input: {}".format(htext))
        ui.message("The decypherd data is: {}"
                   "".format(brainfuck.decypher(htext, codec="utf-8")))
        htext = "+8[>+4*2+8*3+12>+13>+14>+15>+16*8+19*9+20>+28<10-]*2+.*1.>4" \
                "+.+4.*4+.*5-.*3+5.<2.>4-.*4.+4.>-3.<-.*3.*1.*3-.>2+5.*4+.." \
        ui.message("Brainfuck code used as input: {}".format(htext))
        ui.message("The decypherd data is: {}"
                   "".format(brainfuck.decypher(htext, codec="utf-8")))

        ui.message("--- Won’t work ---")
        ui.message("+ The input code to decypher must be valid!")
        htext = "Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook." \
                " Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook?" \
        ui.message("“Numbers” text used as binary input: {}".format(htext))
            ui.message("The decypherd data is: {}"
        except Exception as e:
            ui.message(str(e), level=ui.ERROR)

        ui.get_choice("", [("", "Go back to $menu", "")], oneline=True)
Пример #2
    def cypher(self, ui):
        """Interactive version of cypher()."""
        txt = ""
        ui.message("===== Cypher Mode =====")

        while 1:
            done = False
            while 1:
                txt = ui.text_input("Text to cypher to code")
                if txt is None:
                    break  # Go back to main Cypher menu.

                    # Get codec to use.
                    options = [(brainfuck.DEFAULT, "$utf-8", ""),
                               (None, "or specify another *codec", "")]
                    codec = ui.get_choice("Do you want to use", options,
                    if codec is None:
                        codec = ui.get_data("Type the codec you want to use "
                                            "(e.g. 'latin-9'): ")

                    # Get language.
                    bf = brainfuck.brainfuck
                    options = [(bf.BRAINFUCK, "$brainfuck", ""),
                               (bf.OOK, "*ook", ""),
                               (bf.FASTOOK, "*fast ook", ""),
                               (bf.SPOON, "*spoon", ""),
                               (bf.SIGSEV, "or se*gfaultprog", "")]
                    lang = ui.get_choice("Do you want to generate", options,

                    # Get obfuscation.
                    obfs = ui.get_data("Do you want to generate obfuscated "
                                       "code (0.0 or nothing for none, "
                                       "value up to 1.0): ", sub_type=ui.FLOAT,
                    if not obfs:
                        obfs = 0.0

                    # Get seed for random generator.
                    options = [(None, "current $time", ""),
                               (-1, "*cyphered text", ""),
                               (1, "or specify a custom *seed", "")]
                    seed = ui.get_choice("To init the random generator, do "
                                         "you want to use", options,
                    if seed == 1:
                        seed = ui.get_data("Type the integer you want to "
                                           "use: ", sub_type=ui.INT)
                    elif seed == -1:
                        seed = txt

                    txt = brainfuck.cypher(txt, lang, codec, obfs, seed)
                    done = True  # Out of those loops, output result.
                except Exception as e:
                    if utils.DEBUG:
                        import traceback
                    ui.message(str(e), level=ui.ERROR)
                    options = [("retry", "*try again", ""),
                               ("menu", "or go back to *menu", "")]
                    answ = ui.get_choice("Could not convert that data into "
                                         "the chosen language, please",
                                         options, oneline=True)
                    if answ in {None, "menu"}:
                        return  # Go back to main Sema menu.
                    # Else, retry with another data to hide.

            if done:
                ui.text_output("Data successfully converted", txt,
                               "Code form of data")

            options = [("redo", "*cypher another data", ""),
                       ("quit", "or go back to *menu", "")]
            answ = ui.get_choice("Do you want to", options, oneline=True)
            if answ in {None, "quit"}: