Пример #1
    def testUncheckedExtend(self):
        """Unchecked extension."""
        id_const = Const("id", TFun(Ta,Ta))
        id_def = Abs("x", Ta, Bound(0))

        exts = [
            extension.Constant("id", TFun(Ta, Ta)),
            extension.Theorem("id_def", Thm([], Eq(id_const, id_def))),
            extension.Theorem("id.simps", Thm([], Eq(id_const, x)))

        self.assertEqual(theory.thy.unchecked_extend(exts), None)
        self.assertEqual(theory.thy.get_term_sig("id"), TFun(Ta, Ta))
        self.assertEqual(theory.get_theorem("id_def", svar=False), Thm([], Eq(id_const, id_def)))
        self.assertEqual(theory.get_theorem("id.simps", svar=False), Thm([], Eq(id_const, x)))
Пример #2
    def get_proof_term(self, args, pts):
        if self.with_inst:
            name, inst = args
            name = args
            inst = Inst()
        th = theory.get_theorem(name)
        As, C = th.prop.strip_implies()

        assert len(pts) <= len(As), "apply_theorem: too many prevs."

        # First attempt to match type variables
        svars = th.prop.get_svars()
        for v in svars:
            if v.name in inst:
                v.T.match_incr(inst[v.name].get_type(), inst.tyinst)

        pats = As[:len(pts)]
        ts = [pt.prop for pt in pts]
        inst = matcher.first_order_match_list(pats, ts, inst)

        pt = ProofTerm.theorem(name)
        pt = pt.subst_type(inst.tyinst).substitution(inst)
        if pt.prop.beta_norm() != pt.prop:
            pt = pt.on_prop(beta_norm_conv())
        pt = pt.implies_elim(*pts)

        assert len(pt.prop.get_stvars()) == 0, "apply_theorem: unmatched type variables."
        vars = pt.prop.get_svars()
        for v in reversed(vars):
            pt = pt.forall_intr(v)

        return pt
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, rule, args, prevs=None, th=None):
        typecheck.checkinstance('ProofTerm', rule, str)

        self.rule = rule
        if prevs is None:
            prevs = []
        prev_ths = [prev.th for prev in prevs]
        if rule == 'atom':
            assert th is not None, "ProofTerm: must provide th for atom."
            self.th = th
        elif rule == 'sorry':
            assert th is not None, "ProofTerm: must provide th for sorry."
            self.th = th
        elif rule == 'variable':
            nm, T = args
            self.th = Thm.mk_VAR(Var(nm, T))
        elif rule == 'theorem':
            self.th = theory.get_theorem(args)
        elif rule in primitive_deriv:
            rule_fun, _ = primitive_deriv[rule]
            self.th = rule_fun(*prev_ths) if args is None else rule_fun(args, *prev_ths)
            macro = theory.get_macro(rule)
            if th is None:
                self.th = macro.eval(args, prev_ths)
                self.th = th
        self.args = args
        self.prevs = prevs
        if self.rule == 'sorry':
            self.gaps = [self.th]
            self.gaps = list(set(sum([prev.gaps for prev in self.prevs], [])))
Пример #4
    def get_proof_term(self, goal):
        th = theory.get_theorem(self.th_name)

        assum = th.assums[0]
        cond = self.cond
        if cond is None:
            # Find cond by matching with goal.hyps one by one
            for hyp in goal.hyps:
                    inst = matcher.first_order_match(th.assums[0], hyp,
                    cond = hyp
                except matcher.MatchException:

        if cond is None:
            raise TacticException('elim: cannot match assumption')

            inst = matcher.first_order_match(th.concl, goal.prop, inst)
        except matcher.MatchException:
            raise TacticException('elim: matching failed')

        if any(v.name not in inst for v in th.prop.get_svars()):
            raise TacticException('elim: not all variables are matched')

        pt = ProofTerm.theorem(self.th_name).substitution(inst).on_prop(
        pt = pt.implies_elim(ProofTerm.assume(cond))
        for assum in pt.assums:
            pt = pt.implies_elim(ProofTerm.sorry(Thm(goal.hyps, assum)))
        return pt
Пример #5
    def eval(self, args, prevs):
        if self.with_inst:
            name, inst = args
            name = args
            inst = Inst()
        th = theory.get_theorem(name)
        As, C = th.prop.strip_implies()

        assert len(prevs) <= len(As), "apply_theorem: too many prevs."

        # First attempt to match type variables
        svars = th.prop.get_svars()
        for v in svars:
            if v.name in inst:
                v.T.match_incr(inst[v.name].get_type(), inst.tyinst)

        pats = As[:len(prevs)]
        ts = [prev_th.prop for prev_th in prevs]
        inst = matcher.first_order_match_list(pats, ts, inst)

        As, C = th.prop.subst_norm(inst).strip_implies()
        new_prop = Implies(*(As[len(prevs):] + [C]))

        prev_hyps = sum([prev.hyps for prev in prevs], ())
        th = Thm(th.hyps + prev_hyps, new_prop)

        assert len(new_prop.get_stvars()) == 0, "apply_theorem: unmatched type variables."
        vars = new_prop.get_svars()
        for v in reversed(vars):
            th = Thm.forall_intr(v, th)
        return th
Пример #6
    def testCheckedExtend(self):
        """Checked extension: adding an axiom."""
        id_simps = Eq(Comb(Const("id", TFun(Ta,Ta)), x), x)
        exts = [extension.Theorem("id.simps", Thm([], id_simps))]

        ext_report = theory.thy.checked_extend(exts)
        self.assertEqual(theory.get_theorem("id.simps", svar=False), Thm([], id_simps))
        self.assertEqual(ext_report.get_axioms(), [("id.simps", Thm([], id_simps))])
Пример #7
    def get_proof_term(self, goal, args, prevs):
        assert isinstance(args, str) and len(prevs) == 1, "resolve: type"
        th_name = args
        th = theory.get_theorem(th_name)

        assert th.prop.is_not(), "resolve: prop is not a negation"

        # Checking that the theorem matches the fact is done here.
        return ProofTerm('resolve_theorem', (args, goal.prop), prevs)
Пример #8
 def get_proof_term(self, goal, *, args=None, prevs=None):
     th_name, var = args
     P = Lambda(var, goal.prop)
     th = theory.get_theorem(th_name)
     f, args = th.concl.strip_comb()
     if len(args) != 1:
         raise NotImplementedError
     inst = matcher.first_order_match(args[0], var)
     inst[f.name] = P
     return rule().get_proof_term(goal, args=(th_name, inst))
Пример #9
    def get_proof_term(self, goal, *, args=None, prevs=None):
        if isinstance(args, tuple):
            th_name, inst = args
            th_name, inst = args, None
        assert isinstance(th_name, str), "rule: theorem name must be a string"

        if prevs is None:
            prevs = []

        th = theory.get_theorem(th_name)
        As, C = th.assums, th.concl

        # Length of prevs is at most length of As
        assert len(prevs) <= len(As), "rule: too many previous facts"
        if inst is None:
            inst = Inst()

        # Match the conclusion and assumptions. Either the conclusion
        # or the list of assumptions must be a first-order pattern.
        if matcher.is_pattern(C, []):
            inst = matcher.first_order_match(C, goal.prop, inst)
            for pat, prev in zip(As, prevs):
                inst = matcher.first_order_match(pat, prev.prop, inst)
            for pat, prev in zip(As, prevs):
                inst = matcher.first_order_match(pat, prev.prop, inst)
            inst = matcher.first_order_match(C, goal.prop, inst)

        # Check that every variable in the theorem has an instantiation.
        unmatched_vars = [
            v.name for v in term.get_svars(As + [C]) if v.name not in inst
        if unmatched_vars:
            raise theory.ParameterQueryException(
                list("param_" + name for name in unmatched_vars))

        # Substitute and normalize
        As, _ = th.prop.subst_norm(inst).strip_implies()
        goal_Alen = len(goal.assums)
        if goal_Alen > 0:
            As = As[:-goal_Alen]

        pts = prevs + [
            ProofTerm.sorry(Thm(goal.hyps, A)) for A in As[len(prevs):]

        # Determine whether it is necessary to provide instantiation
        # to apply_theorem.
        if set(term.get_svars(th.assums)) != set(th.prop.get_svars()) or \
           set(term.get_stvars(th.assums)) != set(th.prop.get_stvars()) or \
           not matcher.is_pattern_list(th.assums, []):
            return apply_theorem(th_name, *pts, inst=inst)
            return apply_theorem(th_name, *pts)
Пример #10
    def get_proof_term(self, goal):
        th = theory.get_theorem(self.th_name)
            inst = matcher.first_order_match(th.concl, goal.prop, self.inst)
        except matcher.MatchException:
            raise TacticException('rule: matching failed')

        if any(v.name not in inst for v in th.prop.get_svars()):
            raise TacticException('rule: not all variables are matched')

        pt = ProofTerm.theorem(self.th_name).substitution(inst).on_prop(
        for assum in pt.assums:
            pt = pt.implies_elim(ProofTerm.sorry(Thm(goal.hyps, assum)))
        return pt
Пример #11
def has_rewrite(th, t, *, sym=False, conds=None):
    """Returns whether a rewrite is possible on a subterm of t.
    This can serve as a pre-check for top_sweep_conv, top_conv, and
    bottom_conv applied to rewr_conv.

    th -- either the name of a theorem, or the theorem itself.
    t -- target of rewriting.
    conds -- optional list of theorems matching assumptions of th.

    if isinstance(th, str):
        th = theory.get_theorem(th)

    if sym:
        th = Thm.symmetric(th)

    As, C = th.prop.strip_implies()

    if conds is None:
        conds = []
    if not C.is_equals() or len(As) != len(conds):
        return False

    if set(term.get_svars(As + [C.lhs])) != set(term.get_svars(As + [C])):
        return False

    ts = [cond.prop for cond in conds]
    inst = Inst()
        inst = matcher.first_order_match_list(As, ts, inst)
    except matcher.MatchException:
        return False

    def rec(t):
        if not t.is_open() and matcher.can_first_order_match(C.lhs, t, inst):
            return True

        if t.is_comb():
            return rec(t.fun) or rec(t.arg)
        elif t.is_abs():
            _, body = t.dest_abs()
            return rec(body)
            return False

    return rec(t)
Пример #12
    def apply(self, state, id, data, prevs):
        inst = Inst()
        with context.fresh_context(vars=state.get_vars(id)):
            for key, val in data.items():
                if key.startswith("param_"):
                    if val != '':
                        inst[key[6:]] = parser.parse_term(val)

        th = theory.get_theorem(data['theorem'])

        # Check whether to ask for parameters
        As, C = th.prop.strip_implies()
        match_svars = term.get_svars(As[:len(prevs)])
        all_svars = th.prop.get_svars()
        param_svars = [
            v for v in all_svars
            if v not in match_svars and 'param_' + v.name not in data
        if param_svars:
            raise theory.ParameterQueryException(
                list("param_" + v.name for v in param_svars))

        # First test apply_theorem
        prev_ths = [state.get_proof_item(prev).th for prev in prevs]
        macro = logic.apply_theorem_macro(with_inst=True)
        res_th = macro.eval((data['theorem'], inst), prev_ths)

        state.add_line_before(id, 1)
        if inst:
                           args=(data['theorem'], inst),

        id2 = id.incr_id(1)
        new_id = state.find_goal(state.get_proof_item(id2).th, id2)
        if new_id is not None:
            state.replace_id(id2, new_id)
Пример #13
    def solve_fun(goal, pts):
        for th_name in th_names:
            if theory.thy.has_theorem(th_name):
                th = theory.get_theorem(th_name)
                inst = matcher.first_order_match(th.concl, goal)
            except matcher.MatchException:

            As, _ = th.prop.subst_norm(inst).strip_implies()
                pts = [solve(A, pts) for A in As]
            except TacticException:

            return apply_theorem(th_name, *pts, concl=goal)

        # Not solved
        raise TacticException
Пример #14
    def get_proof_term(self, prevs, args):
        assert isinstance(prevs, ProofTerm) and prevs.prop.arg1.is_int(
        ) and prevs.prop.arg.is_zero(), "Unexpected %s" % str(prevs)
        assert isinstance(
            args, Term) and (args.is_less() or args.is_less_eq()
                             or args.is_greater or args.is_greater_eq())
        th_names = [
            'int_pos_mul_less', 'int_neg_mul_less', 'int_pos_mul_less_eq',
            'int_neg_mul_less_eq', 'int_pos_mul_greater',
            'int_neg_mul_greater', 'int_pos_mul_greater_eq',
        for th in th_names:
                th1 = get_theorem(th)
                inst = matcher.first_order_match(th1.prop.arg.lhs, args)
                pt_concl = apply_theorem(th, prevs, inst=inst)
                return pt_concl

        raise NotImplementedError
Пример #15
    def norm_fun(t, pts):
        for th_name in th_names:
            if theory.thy.has_theorem(th_name):
                th = theory.get_theorem(th_name)

                inst = matcher.first_order_match(th.concl.lhs, t)
            except matcher.MatchException:

            As, C = th.prop.subst_norm(inst).strip_implies()
                pts = [solve(A, pts) for A in As]
            except TacticException:

            return apply_theorem(th_name, *pts, concl=C)

        # No rewriting available
        return refl(t)
Пример #16
    def testCheckedExtend2(self):
        """Checked extension: proved theorem."""
        id_const = Const("id", TFun(Ta,Ta))
        id_def = Abs("x", Ta, Bound(0))
        id_simps = Eq(id_const(x), x)

        # Proof of |- id x = x from |- id = (%x. x)
        prf = Proof()
        prf.add_item(0, "theorem", args="id_def")  # id = (%x. x)
        prf.add_item(1, "subst_type", args=TyInst(a=TVar('a')), prevs=[0])  # id = (%x. x)
        prf.add_item(2, "reflexive", args=x)  # x = x
        prf.add_item(3, "combination", prevs=[1, 2])  # id x = (%x. x) x
        prf.add_item(4, "beta_conv", args=id_def(x))  # (%x. x) x = x
        prf.add_item(5, "transitive", prevs=[3, 4])  # id x = x

        exts = [
            extension.Constant("id", TFun(Ta, Ta)),
            extension.Theorem("id_def", Thm([], Eq(id_const, id_def))),
            extension.Theorem("id.simps", Thm([], id_simps), prf)

        ext_report = theory.thy.checked_extend(exts)
        self.assertEqual(theory.get_theorem("id.simps", svar=False), Thm([], id_simps))
        self.assertEqual(ext_report.get_axioms(), [('id_def', Thm([], Eq(id_const, id_def)))])