def create_server_group(name=None, policy='affinity', rule=None, fail_ok=False, auth_info=None, con_ssh=None, rtn_exist=False, field='id'): """ Create a server group with given criteria Args: name (str): name of the server group policy (str): affinity or anti_infinity rule (str|None): max_server_per_host can be specified when policy=anti-affinity fail_ok (bool): auth_info (dict): con_ssh (SSHClient): rtn_exist (bool): Whether to return existing server group that matches the given name field (str): id or name Returns (tuple): (rtn_code (int), err_msg_or_srv_grp_id (str)) - (0, <server_group_id>) # server group created successfully - (1, <stderr>) # create server group cli rejected """ # process server group metadata if name and rtn_exist: existing_grp = get_server_groups(name=name, strict=False, con_ssh=con_ssh, auth_info=auth_info, field=field) if existing_grp: LOG.debug("Returning existing server group {}".format( existing_grp[0])) return -1, existing_grp[0] # process server group name and policy if not name: name = 'grp_{}'.format(policy.replace('-', '_')) name = common.get_unique_name(name_str=name) args = '{}{} {}'.format('--rule {} '.format(rule) if rule else '', name, policy.replace('_', '-'))"Creating server group with args: {}...".format(args)) exit_code, output = cli.nova('server-group-create', args, ssh_client=con_ssh, fail_ok=fail_ok, auth_info=auth_info) if exit_code > 0: return 1, output table_ = table_parser.table(output) srv_grp_id = table_parser.get_values(table_, field)[0]"Server group {} created successfully.".format(name)) return 0, srv_grp_id
def test_orphan_audit(orphan_audit_setup, clear_virsh_vms): """ Tests the orphan audit by booting an instance directly on compute node to bypass nova, wait for 5 minutes and ensure that it gets cleaned up (TC2990 on rally) Test setup: - SCP two files to a compute node: - The DEFAULT_GUEST image currently on the controller node - An XML file that is on the test server (orphan_guest.xml) that will be used to define an start a VM with virsh - Change domain type in XML file to qemu if the test is being ran in a vbox Test steps: - Change the vm name in the XML file to an auto-generated name - SSH onto the node hosting the VM and run virsh define orphan_guest.xml and then virsh start Orphan_VM to start the VM - Assert that vm creation was successful by checking output of virsh start. Output of virsh list is logged as well - Check virsh list output to make sure that openstack has automatically cleaned up the orphan instance by 5.5 minutes. This check is periodically done every 10 seconds to a maximum of 5.5 minutes. The test immediately passes if any of the checks reports the abscence of the orphan_vm and fails if the vm is still present in the list after 5.5 minutes. Test Teardown: - Delete created VMs """ vm_host = orphan_audit_setup # Create standalone vm vm_name = common.get_unique_name('orphan', resource_type='vm') LOG.tc_step("Change orphan_vm name to an auto-generated name") with host_helper.ssh_to_host(vm_host) as host_ssh: host_ssh.exec_sudo_cmd( "sed -r -i 's#<name>.*</name>#<name>{}</name>#g' orphan_guest.xml". format(vm_name)) LOG.tc_step("Create a simple orphan vm") create_simple_orphan(host_ssh, vm_host, vm_name) list_cmd = 'virsh list --all' host_ssh.exec_sudo_cmd(list_cmd) # wait and check for deletion LOG.tc_step("Check for deletion of vm") assert wait_for_deletion( host_ssh, vm_name), "{} is still in virsh list after 330 seconds".format( vm_name) global generated_vm_dict generated_vm_dict[vm_host].remove(vm_name)
def test_dynamic_vxlan_functional(version, mode): """ Vxlan feature test cases Test Steps: - Make sure Vxlan provider net is configured only on Internal net - Find out a internal network that matches the vxlan mode and IP version - Use the mgmt-net and the internal net to create vms for tenant-1 and tenant-2 - Make sure the vms are occupied on separate hosts achieved with host-aggregates - ssh to the compute where the vm is hosted to check the vshell stats - Ping from the vm and check the stats for known-vtep on the compute - Ping from the vm to a unknown IP and check compute for stats Test Teardown: - Delete vms, volumes created """ vxlan_provider_name = 'group0-data0b' vif_model = 'avp' providernets = system_helper.get_data_networks(field='name', network_type='vxlan') if not providernets or (len(providernets) > 1) or (vxlan_provider_name not in providernets): skip("Vxlan provider-net not configured or Vxlan provider-net configured on more than one provider net\ or not configurd on internal net") # get the id of the providr net vxlan_provider_net_id = system_helper.get_data_networks(field='id', type='vxlan') vm_ids = [] # get 2 computes so we can create the aggregate and force vm-ccupancy computes = host_helper.get_up_hypervisors() if len(computes) < 2: skip(" Need at least 2 computes to run the Vxlan test cases") aggregate_name = 'vxlan' vxlan_computes = computes[0:2] # create aggregate with 2 computes ret_val = nova_helper.create_aggregate(name=aggregate_name, avail_zone=aggregate_name)[1] assert ret_val == aggregate_name, "Aggregate is not create as expected." ResourceCleanup.add('aggregate', aggregate_name) nova_helper.add_hosts_to_aggregate(aggregate=aggregate_name, hosts=vxlan_computes) for compute in computes: assert 0 == clear_vxlan_endpoint_stats(compute), "clear stats failed" LOG.tc_step("Getting Internal net ids.") internal_net_ids = network_helper.get_internal_net_ids_on_vxlan(vxlan_provider_net_id=vxlan_provider_net_id, ip_version=version, mode=mode) if not internal_net_ids: skip("No networks found for ip version {} on the vxlan provider net".format(version)) LOG.tc_step("Creating vms for both tenants.") primary_tenant = Tenant.get_primary() other_tenant = Tenant.get_secondary() for auth_info, vm_host in zip([primary_tenant, other_tenant], vxlan_computes): mgmt_net_id = network_helper.get_mgmt_net_id(auth_info=auth_info) nics = [{'net-id': mgmt_net_id}, {'net-id': internal_net_ids[0], 'vif-model': vif_model}] vm_name = common.get_unique_name(name_str='vxlan') vm_ids.append(vm_helper.boot_vm(name=vm_name, vm_host=vm_host, nics=nics, avail_zone=aggregate_name, auth_info=auth_info, cleanup='function')[1]) # make sure VMS are not in the same compute, I don;t need it but just in case (double checking): if vm_helper.get_vm_host(vm_id=vm_ids[0]) == vm_helper.get_vm_host(vm_id=vm_ids[1]): vm_helper.cold_migrate_vm(vm_id=vm_ids[0]) filter_known_vtep = 'packets-unicast' filter_stat_at_boot = 'packets-multicast' filter_unknown_vtep = 'packets-multicast' if mode is 'static': filter_stat_at_boot = 'packets-unicast' filter_unknown_vtep = 'packets-unicast' LOG.tc_step("Checking stats on computes after vms are launched.") for compute in computes: stats_after_boot_vm = get_vxlan_endpoint_stats(compute, field=filter_stat_at_boot) if len(stats_after_boot_vm) is 3: stats = int(stats_after_boot_vm[1]) + int(stats_after_boot_vm[2])"Got the stats for packets {} after vm launched is {}".format(filter_stat_at_boot, stats)) elif len(stats_after_boot_vm) is 2: stats = int(stats_after_boot_vm[1])"Got the stats for packets {} after vm launched is {}".format(filter_stat_at_boot, stats)) else: assert 0, "Failed to get stats from compute" assert 0 < int(stats), "stats are not incremented as expected" # clear stats LOG.tc_step("Clearing vxlan-endpoint-stats on computes: {}".format(computes)) for compute in computes: assert 0 == clear_vxlan_endpoint_stats(compute), "clear stats failed" # Ping b/w vm over Internal nets and check stats, ping from 2nd vm LOG.tc_step("Ping between two vms over internal network") vm_helper.ping_vms_from_vm(to_vms=vm_ids[0], from_vm=vm_ids[1], net_types=['internal']) stats_after_ping = get_vxlan_endpoint_stats(computes[0], field=filter_known_vtep) if not stats_after_ping: assert "Compute stats are empty" LOG.tc_step("Checking stats on computes after vm ping over the internal net.") if len(stats_after_ping) is 3: stats_known_vtep = int(stats_after_ping[1]) + int(stats_after_ping[2])"Got the stats for packets {} after ping {}".format(filter_known_vtep, stats_known_vtep)) elif len(stats_after_ping) is 2: stats_known_vtep = int(stats_after_ping[1])"Got the stats for packets {} after ping {}".format(filter_known_vtep, stats_known_vtep)) else: assert 0, "Failed to get stats from compute" assert 0 < int(stats_known_vtep), "stats are not incremented as expected" # clear stats LOG.tc_step("Clearing vxlan-endpoint-stats on computes: {}".format(computes)) for compute in computes: assert 0 == clear_vxlan_endpoint_stats(compute), "clear stats failed" # ping unknown IP over the internal net and check stats LOG.tc_step("Ping to an unknown IP from vms over internal network") unknown_ip = '' with vm_helper.ssh_to_vm_from_natbox(vm_ids[1]) as vm2_ssh: LOG.tc_step("Ping unknown ip from guest") cmd = 'ping -I eth1 -c 5 {}'.format(unknown_ip) code, output = vm2_ssh.exec_cmd(cmd=cmd, expect_timeout=60) assert int(code) > 0, "Expected to see 100% ping failure" LOG.tc_step("Checking stats on computes after vm ping on unknown IP.") stats_after_ping_unknown_vtep = get_vxlan_endpoint_stats(computes[1], field=filter_unknown_vtep) if not stats_after_ping_unknown_vtep: assert 0, "Compute stats are empty" if len(stats_after_ping_unknown_vtep) is 3: stats_unknown_vtep = int(stats_after_ping_unknown_vtep[1]) + int(stats_after_ping_unknown_vtep[2])"Got the stats for packets {} after ping unknown vtep {}".format(filter_unknown_vtep, stats_unknown_vtep)) elif len(stats_after_ping_unknown_vtep) is 2: stats_unknown_vtep = int(stats_after_ping_unknown_vtep[1])"Got the stats for packets {} after ping uknown vtep {}".format(filter_unknown_vtep, stats_unknown_vtep)) else: assert 0, "Failed to get stats from compute" assert 0 < int(stats_unknown_vtep), "stats are not incremented as expected"
def create_user(name=None, field='name', domain=None, project=None, project_domain=None, rtn_exist=None, password=None, email=None, description=None, enable=None, auth_info=Tenant.get('admin'), fail_ok=False, con_ssh=None): """ Create an openstack user Args: name (str|None): field: name or id domain: project (str|None): default project project_domain: rtn_exist (bool) password: email: description: enable: auth_info: fail_ok: con_ssh: Returns (tuple): (0, <user>) (1, <std_err>) """ if not password: password = HostLinuxUser.get_password() if not name: name = 'user' common.get_unique_name(name_str=name)"Create/Show openstack user {}".format(name)) arg_dict = { 'domain': domain, 'project': project, 'project-domain': project_domain, 'password': password, 'email': email, 'description': description, 'enable': True if enable is True else None, 'disable': True if enable is False else None, 'or-show': rtn_exist, } arg_str = '{} {}'.format(common.parse_args(args_dict=arg_dict), name) code, output = cli.openstack('user create', arg_str, ssh_client=con_ssh, fail_ok=fail_ok, auth_info=auth_info) if code > 0: return 1, output table_ = table_parser.table(output) username = table_parser.get_value_two_col_table(table_, field='name') user = username if field == 'name' else table_parser.get_value_two_col_table(table_, field=field) is_platform = auth_info and auth_info.get('platform') keystone = 'platform' if is_platform else 'containerized' dictname = user + '_platform' if is_platform else user existing_auth = Tenant.get(dictname) if existing_auth: if existing_auth['user'] != username: raise ValueError('Tenant.{} already exists for a different user {}'.format( dictname, existing_auth['user'])) Tenant.update(dictname, username=username, password=password, tenant=project, platform=is_platform) else: Tenant.add(username=username, tenantname=project, dictname=dictname, password=password, platform=is_platform)'Tenant.{} for {} keystone user {} is added'.format(dictname, keystone, user))"{} keystone user {} successfully created/showed".format(keystone, user)) return 0, user
def verify_basic_template(template_name=None, con_ssh=None, auth_info=None, delete_after_swact=False): """ Create/Delete heat stack and verify the resource are created/deleted as expeted - Create a heat stack with the given template - Verify heat stack is created sucessfully - Verify heat resources are created - Delete Heat stack and verify resource deletion Args: con_ssh (SSHClient): If None, active controller ssh will be used. template_name (str): template to be used to create heat stack. auth_info (dict): Tenant dict. If None, primary tenant will be used. delete_after_swact """ t_name, yaml = template_name.split('.') params = getattr(Heat, t_name)['params'] heat_user = getattr(Heat, t_name)['heat_user'] to_verify = getattr(Heat, t_name)['verify'] if heat_user is 'admin': auth_info = Tenant.get('admin') table_ = table_parser.table(cli.heat('stack-list', auth_info=auth_info)[1]) names = table_parser.get_values(table_, 'stack_name') stack_name = common.get_unique_name(t_name, existing_names=names) template_path = os.path.join(ProjVar.get_var('USER_FILE_DIR'), HEAT_PATH, template_name) if params: params = { param_: heat_helper.get_heat_params(param_name=param_) for param_ in params } LOG.tc_step("Creating Heat Stack using template %s", template_name) heat_helper.create_stack(stack_name=stack_name, template=template_path, parameters=params, cleanup='function', auth_info=auth_info, con_ssh=con_ssh) for item in to_verify: LOG.tc_step("Verifying Heat created resources %s for stack %s", item, stack_name) verify_heat_resource(to_verify=item, template_name=t_name, stack_name=stack_name, auth_info=auth_info)"Stack {} resources are created as expected.".format(stack_name)) if hasattr(HeatUpdate, t_name): LOG.tc_step("Updating stack %s", stack_name) update_stack(stack_name, template_name, ssh_client=con_ssh, auth_info=auth_info, fail_ok=False) if delete_after_swact: host_helper.swact_host() LOG.tc_step("Delete heat stack {} ".format(stack_name)) heat_helper.delete_stack(stack=stack_name, auth_info=auth_info, fail_ok=False)"Stack {} deleted successfully.".format(stack_name)) LOG.tc_step( "Verifying resource deletion after heat stack {} is deleted".format( stack_name)) for item in to_verify: LOG.tc_step("Verifying Heat resources deletion %s for stack %s", item, stack_name) code, msg = verify_heat_resource(to_verify=item, template_name=t_name, stack_name=stack_name, fail_ok=True, auth_info=auth_info) assert 1 == code, "Heat resource {} still exist after stack {} deletion".format( item, stack_name)
def create_aggregate(field='name', name=None, avail_zone=None, properties=None, check_first=True, fail_ok=False, con_ssh=None, auth_info=Tenant.get('admin')): """ Add a aggregate with given name and availability zone. Args: field (str): name or id name (str): name for aggregate to create avail_zone (str|None): properties (dict|None) check_first (bool) fail_ok (bool): con_ssh (SSHClient): auth_info (dict): Returns (tuple): (0, <rtn_val>) -- aggregate successfully created (1, <stderr>) -- cli rejected (2, "Created aggregate is not as specified") -- name and/or availability zone mismatch """ if not name: existing_names = get_aggregates(field='name') name = common.get_unique_name(name_str='cgcsauto', existing_names=existing_names) args_dict = { '--zone': avail_zone, '--property': properties, } args = '{} {}'.format(common.parse_args(args_dict, repeat_arg=True), name) if check_first: aggregates_ = get_aggregates(field=field, name=name, avail_zone=avail_zone) if aggregates_: LOG.warning( "Aggregate {} already exists. Do nothing.".format(name)) return -1, aggregates_[0]"Adding aggregate {}".format(name)) res, out = cli.openstack('aggregate create', args, ssh_client=con_ssh, fail_ok=fail_ok, auth_info=auth_info) if res == 1: return res, out out_tab = table_parser.table(out) succ_msg = "Aggregate {} is successfully created".format(name) return 0, table_parser.get_value_two_col_table(out_tab, field)
def create_flavor(name=None, flavor_id=None, vcpus=1, ram=1024, root_disk=None, ephemeral=None, swap=None, is_public=None, rxtx_factor=None, project=None, project_domain=None, description=None, guest_os=None, fail_ok=False, auth_info=Tenant.get('admin'), con_ssh=None, storage_backing=None, rtn_id=True, cleanup=None, add_default_specs=True, properties=None): """ Create a flavor with given criteria. Args: name (str): substring of flavor name. Whole name will be <name>-<auto_count>. e,g., 'myflavor-1'. If None, name will be set to 'flavor'. flavor_id (str): auto generated by default unless specified. vcpus (int): ram (int): root_disk (int): ephemeral (int): swap (int|None): is_public (bool): rxtx_factor (str): project project_domain description guest_os (str|None): guest name such as 'tis-centos-guest' or None - default tis guest assumed fail_ok (bool): whether it's okay to fail to create a flavor. Default to False. auth_info (dict): This is set to Admin by default. Can be set to other tenant for negative test. con_ssh (SSHClient): storage_backing (str): storage backing in extra flavor. Auto set storage backing based on system config if None. Valid values: 'local_image', 'remote' rtn_id (bool): return id or name cleanup (str|None): cleanup scope. function, class, module, or session add_default_specs (False): Whether to automatically add extra specs that are needed to launch vm properties (str|list|dict) Returns (tuple): (rtn_code (int), flavor_id/err_msg (str)) (0, <flavor_id/name>): flavor created successfully (1, <stderr>): create flavor cli rejected """ table_ = table_parser.table( cli.openstack('flavor list', ssh_client=con_ssh, auth_info=auth_info)[1]) existing_names = table_parser.get_column(table_, 'Name') if name is None: name = 'flavor' flavor_name = common.get_unique_name(name_str=name, existing_names=existing_names, resource_type='flavor') if root_disk is None: if not guest_os: guest_os = GuestImages.DEFAULT['guest'] root_disk = GuestImages.IMAGE_FILES[guest_os][1] args_dict = { '--ephemeral': ephemeral, '--swap': swap, '--rxtx-factor': rxtx_factor, '--disk': root_disk, '--ram': ram, '--vcpus': vcpus, '--id': flavor_id, '--project': project, '--project-domain': project_domain, '--description': description, '--public': True if is_public else None, '--private': True if is_public is False else None, '--property': properties, } args = '{} {}'.format(common.parse_args(args_dict, repeat_arg=True), flavor_name)"Creating flavor {}...".format(flavor_name))"openstack flavor create option: {}".format(args)) exit_code, output = cli.openstack('flavor create', args, ssh_client=con_ssh, fail_ok=fail_ok, auth_info=auth_info) if exit_code > 1: return 1, output table_ = table_parser.table(output) flavor_id = table_parser.get_value_two_col_table(table_, 'id')"Flavor {} created successfully.".format(flavor_name)) if cleanup: ResourceCleanup.add('flavor', flavor_id, scope=cleanup) if add_default_specs: extra_specs = {FlavorSpec.MEM_PAGE_SIZE: 'large'} # extra_specs = {FlavorSpec.MEM_PAGE_SIZE: 'small'} default_flavor_backing = ProjVar.get_var('DEFAULT_INSTANCE_BACKING') sys_inst_backing = ProjVar.get_var('INSTANCE_BACKING') if not default_flavor_backing: from keywords import host_helper sys_inst_backing = host_helper.get_hosts_per_storage_backing( auth_info=auth_info, con_ssh=con_ssh, refresh=True) configured_backings = [ backing for backing in sys_inst_backing if sys_inst_backing.get(backing) ] LOG.debug( "configured backing:{} sys inst backing: {}, required storage backing: {}" .format(configured_backings, sys_inst_backing, storage_backing)) if storage_backing and storage_backing not in configured_backings: raise ValueError( 'Required local_storage {} is not configured on any nova hypervisor' .format(storage_backing)) if len(configured_backings) > 1: extra_specs[FlavorSpec.STORAGE_BACKING] = storage_backing if storage_backing else \ ProjVar.get_var('DEFAULT_INSTANCE_BACKING') if extra_specs:"Setting flavor specs: {}".format(extra_specs)) set_flavor(flavor_id, con_ssh=con_ssh, auth_info=auth_info, **extra_specs) flavor = flavor_id if rtn_id else flavor_name return 0, flavor, storage_backing
def create_image(name=None, image_id=None, source_image_file=None, volume=None, visibility='public', force=None, store=None, disk_format=None, container_format=None, min_disk=None, min_ram=None, tags=None, protected=None, project=None, project_domain=None, timeout=ImageTimeout.CREATE, con_ssh=None, auth_info=Tenant.get('admin'), fail_ok=False, ensure_sufficient_space=True, sys_con_for_dc=True, wait_for_subcloud_sync=True, cleanup=None, hw_vif_model=None, **properties): """ Create an image with given criteria. Args: name (str): string to be included in image name image_id (str): id for the image to be created source_image_file (str|None): local image file to create image from. DefaultImage will be used if unset volume (str) disk_format (str): One of these: ami, ari, aki, vhd, vmdk, raw, qcow2, vdi, iso container_format (str): One of these: ami, ari, aki, bare, ovf min_disk (int): Minimum size of disk needed to boot image (in gigabytes) min_ram (int): Minimum amount of ram needed to boot image (in megabytes) visibility (str): public|private|shared|community protected (bool): Prevent image from being deleted. store (str): Store to upload image to force (bool) tags (str|tuple|list) project (str|None) project_domain (str|None) timeout (int): max seconds to wait for cli return con_ssh (SSHClient): auth_info (dict|None): fail_ok (bool): ensure_sufficient_space (bool) sys_con_for_dc (bool): create image on system controller if it's distributed cloud wait_for_subcloud_sync (bool) cleanup (str|None): add to teardown list. 'function', 'class', 'module', 'session', or None hw_vif_model (None|str): if this is set, 'hw_vif_model' in properties will be overridden **properties: key=value pair(s) of properties to associate with the image Returns (tuple): (rtn_code(int), message(str)) # 1, 2 only applicable if fail_ok=True - (0, <id>, "Image <id> is created successfully") - (1, <id or ''>, <stderr>) # openstack image create cli rejected - (2, <id>, "Image status is not active.") """ # Use source image url if url is provided. Else use local img file. default_guest_img = GuestImages.IMAGE_FILES[ GuestImages.DEFAULT['guest']][2] file_path = source_image_file if not file_path and not volume: img_dir = GuestImages.DEFAULT['image_dir'] file_path = "{}/{}".format(img_dir, default_guest_img) if file_path: if file_path.startswith('~/'): file_path = file_path.replace('~', HostLinuxUser.get_home(), 1) file_path = os.path.normpath(file_path) if 'win' in file_path and 'os_type' not in properties: properties['os_type'] = 'windows' elif 'ge_edge' in file_path and 'hw_firmware_type' not in properties: properties['hw_firmware_type'] = 'uefi' if hw_vif_model: properties[ImageMetadata.VIF_MODEL] = hw_vif_model if sys_con_for_dc and ProjVar.get_var('IS_DC'): con_ssh = ControllerClient.get_active_controller('RegionOne') create_auth = Tenant.get(tenant_dictname=auth_info['tenant'], dc_region='SystemController').copy() image_host_ssh = get_cli_client(central_region=True) else: if not con_ssh: con_ssh = ControllerClient.get_active_controller() image_host_ssh = get_cli_client() create_auth = auth_info if ensure_sufficient_space and not volume: if not is_image_storage_sufficient(img_file_path=file_path, con_ssh=con_ssh, image_host_ssh=image_host_ssh)[0]: skip('Insufficient image storage for creating glance image ' 'from {}'.format(file_path)) source_str = file_path if file_path else '' known_imgs = [ 'cgcs-guest', 'tis-centos-guest', 'ubuntu', 'cirros', 'opensuse', 'rhel', 'centos', 'win', 'ge_edge', 'vxworks', 'debian-8-m-agent' ] name = name if name else 'auto' for img_str in known_imgs: if img_str in name: break elif img_str in source_str: name = img_str + '_' + name break else: if source_str: name_prefix = str(source_str.split(sep='/')[-1]).split(sep='.')[0] name = name_prefix + '_' + name name = common.get_unique_name(name_str=name, existing_names=get_images(), resource_type='image')"Creating glance image: {}".format(name)) if not disk_format: if not source_image_file: # default tis-centos-guest image is raw disk_format = 'raw' else: disk_format = 'qcow2' args_dict = { '--id': image_id, '--store': store, '--disk-format': disk_format, '--container-format': container_format if container_format else 'bare', '--min-disk': min_disk, '--min-ram': min_ram, '--file': file_path, '--force': True if force else None, '--protected': True if protected else None, '--unprotected': True if protected is False else None, '--tag': tags, '--property': properties, '--project': project, '--project-domain': project_domain, '--volume': volume, } if visibility: args_dict['--{}'.format(visibility)] = True args_ = '{} {}'.format( common.parse_args(args_dict, repeat_arg=True, vals_sep=','), name) try:"Creating image {} with args: {}".format(name, args_)) code, output = cli.openstack('image create', args_, ssh_client=con_ssh, fail_ok=fail_ok, auth_info=create_auth, timeout=timeout) except: # This is added to help debugging image create failure in case of # insufficient space con_ssh.exec_cmd('df -h', fail_ok=True, get_exit_code=False) raise table_ = table_parser.table(output) field = 'image_id' if volume else 'id' actual_id = table_parser.get_value_two_col_table(table_, field) if cleanup and actual_id: ResourceCleanup.add('image', actual_id, scope=cleanup) if code > 1: return 1, actual_id, output in_active = wait_for_image_status(actual_id, con_ssh=con_ssh, auth_info=create_auth, fail_ok=fail_ok) if not in_active: return 2, actual_id, "Image status is not active." if image_id and image_id != actual_id: msg = "Actual image id - {} is different than requested id - {}.".\ format(actual_id, image_id) if fail_ok: return 3, actual_id, msg raise exceptions.ImageError(msg) if wait_for_subcloud_sync: wait_for_image_sync_on_subcloud(image_id=actual_id) msg = "Image {} is created successfully".format(actual_id) return 0, actual_id, msg
def create_user(name=None, field='name', domain=None, project=None, project_domain=None, rtn_exist=None, password=HostLinuxUser.get_password(), email=None, description=None, enable=None, auth_info=Tenant.get('admin'), fail_ok=False, con_ssh=None): """ Create an openstack user Args: name (str|None): field: name or id domain: project (str|None): default project project_domain: rtn_exist (bool) password: email: description: enable: auth_info: fail_ok: con_ssh: Returns (tuple): (0, <user>) (1, <std_err>) """ if not name: name = 'user' common.get_unique_name(name_str=name)"Create/Show openstack user {}".format(name)) arg_dict = { 'domain': domain, 'project': project, 'project-domain': project_domain, 'password': password, 'email': email, 'description': description, 'enable': True if enable is True else None, 'disable': True if enable is False else None, 'or-show': rtn_exist, } arg_str = '{} {}'.format(common.parse_args(args_dict=arg_dict), name) code, output = cli.openstack('user create', arg_str, ssh_client=con_ssh, fail_ok=fail_ok, auth_info=auth_info) if code > 0: return 1, output user = table_parser.get_value_two_col_table(table_parser.table(output), field=field)"Openstack user {} successfully created/showed".format(user)) return 0, user