Пример #1
def test_read_nt5():
    Parse an OBAN styled NT, with user defined prefix_map and node_property_predicates.
    prefix_map = {
        "OMIM": "http://omim.org/entry/",
    node_property_predicates = {
    filename = os.path.join(RESOURCE_DIR, "rdf", "oban-test.nt")

    t = Transformer()
    source = RdfSource(t)

    g = source.parse(filename=filename, format="nt")
    nodes, edges = load_graph_dictionary(g)

    assert len(nodes.keys()) == 14
    assert len(edges.keys()) == 7

    n1 = nodes["HP:0000505"]
    assert len(n1["category"]) == 1
    assert "biolink:NamedThing" in n1["category"]

    e1 = edges["OMIM:166400", "HP:0000006"][0]
    assert e1["subject"] == "OMIM:166400"
    assert e1["object"] == "HP:0000006"
    assert e1["relation"] == "RO:0000091"
    assert e1["type"] == "OBAN:association"
    assert e1["has_evidence"] == "ECO:0000501"

    e2 = edges["ORPHA:93262", "HP:0000505"][0]
    assert e2["subject"] == "ORPHA:93262"
    assert e2["object"] == "HP:0000505"
    assert e2["relation"] == "RO:0002200"
    assert e2["type"] == "OBAN:association"
    assert e2["frequencyOfPhenotype"] == "HP:0040283"
Пример #2
def test_read_nt2():
    Read from an RDF N-Triple file using RdfSource.
    This test also supplies the knowledge_source parameter.
    t = Transformer()
    s = RdfSource(t)

    g = s.parse(
        os.path.join(RESOURCE_DIR, "rdf", "test1.nt"),
        provided_by="Test Dataset",
        knowledge_source="Test Dataset",
    nodes, edges = load_graph_dictionary(g)
    assert len(nodes) == 2
    assert len(edges) == 1

    n1 = nodes["ENSEMBL:ENSG0000000000001"]
    assert n1["type"] == "SO:0000704"
    assert len(n1["category"]) == 4
    assert "biolink:Gene" in n1["category"]
    assert "biolink:GenomicEntity" in n1["category"]
    assert "biolink:NamedThing" in n1["category"]
    assert n1["name"] == "Test Gene 123"
    assert n1["description"] == "This is a Test Gene 123"
    assert "Test Dataset" in n1["provided_by"]

    n2 = nodes["ENSEMBL:ENSG0000000000002"]
    assert n2["type"] == "SO:0000704"
    assert len(n2["category"]) == 4
    assert "biolink:Gene" in n2["category"]
    assert "biolink:GenomicEntity" in n2["category"]
    assert "biolink:NamedThing" in n1["category"]
    assert n2["name"] == "Test Gene 456"
    assert n2["description"] == "This is a Test Gene 456"
    assert "Test Dataset" in n2["provided_by"]

    e = list(edges.values())[0][0]
    assert e["subject"] == "ENSEMBL:ENSG0000000000001"
    assert e["object"] == "ENSEMBL:ENSG0000000000002"
    assert e["predicate"] == "biolink:interacts_with"
    assert e["relation"] == "biolink:interacts_with"
    assert "Test Dataset" in e["knowledge_source"]
Пример #3
def test_read_nt5():
    Parse an OBAN styled NT, with user defined prefix_map and node_property_predicates.
    prefix_map = {
        'OMIM': 'http://omim.org/entry/',
    node_property_predicates = {
    filename = os.path.join(RESOURCE_DIR, 'rdf', 'oban-test.nt')
    source = RdfSource()
    g = source.parse(filename=filename, format='nt')
    nodes, edges = process_stream(g)

    assert len(nodes.keys()) == 14
    assert len(edges.keys()) == 7

    n1 = nodes['HP:0000505']
    assert len(n1['category']) == 1
    assert 'biolink:NamedThing' in n1['category']

    e1 = edges['OMIM:166400', 'HP:0000006'][0]
    assert e1['subject'] == 'OMIM:166400'
    assert e1['object'] == 'HP:0000006'
    assert e1['relation'] == 'RO:0000091'
    assert e1['type'] == 'OBAN:association'
    assert e1['has_evidence'] == 'ECO:0000501'

    e2 = edges['ORPHA:93262', 'HP:0000505'][0]
    assert e2['subject'] == 'ORPHA:93262'
    assert e2['object'] == 'HP:0000505'
    assert e2['relation'] == 'RO:0002200'
    assert e2['type'] == 'OBAN:association'
    assert e2['frequencyOfPhenotype'] == 'HP:0040283'
Пример #4
def test_read_nt2():
    Read from an RDF N-Triple file using RdfSource.
    This test also supplies the provided_by parameter.
    s = RdfSource()
    g = s.parse(os.path.join(RESOURCE_DIR, 'rdf', 'test1.nt'),
                provided_by='Test Dataset')
    nodes, edges = process_stream(g)
    assert len(nodes) == 2
    assert len(edges) == 1

    n1 = nodes['ENSEMBL:ENSG0000000000001']
    assert n1['type'] == 'SO:0000704'
    assert len(n1['category']) == 4
    assert 'biolink:Gene' in n1['category']
    assert 'biolink:GenomicEntity' in n1['category']
    assert 'biolink:NamedThing' in n1['category']
    assert n1['name'] == 'Test Gene 123'
    assert n1['description'] == 'This is a Test Gene 123'
    assert 'Test Dataset' in n1['provided_by']

    n2 = nodes['ENSEMBL:ENSG0000000000002']
    assert n2['type'] == 'SO:0000704'
    assert len(n2['category']) == 4
    assert 'biolink:Gene' in n2['category']
    assert 'biolink:GenomicEntity' in n2['category']
    assert 'biolink:NamedThing' in n1['category']
    assert n2['name'] == 'Test Gene 456'
    assert n2['description'] == 'This is a Test Gene 456'
    assert 'Test Dataset' in n2['provided_by']

    e = list(edges.values())[0][0]
    assert e['subject'] == 'ENSEMBL:ENSG0000000000001'
    assert e['object'] == 'ENSEMBL:ENSG0000000000002'
    assert e['predicate'] == 'biolink:interacts_with'
    assert e['relation'] == 'biolink:interacts_with'
    assert 'Test Dataset' in e['provided_by']
Пример #5
def test_read_nt4():
    Read from an RDF N-Triple file using RdfSource, with user defined
    node property predicates.
    node_property_predicates = {
        for x in ["fusion", "homology", "combined_score", "cooccurence"]

    t = Transformer()
    source = RdfSource(t)

    g = source.parse(filename=os.path.join(RESOURCE_DIR, "rdf", "test3.nt"),
    nodes, edges = load_graph_dictionary(g)
    assert len(nodes.keys()) == 7
    assert len(edges.keys()) == 6

    n1 = nodes["ENSEMBL:ENSG0000000000001"]
    assert n1["type"] == "SO:0000704"
    assert len(n1["category"]) == 4
    assert "biolink:Gene" in n1["category"]
    assert "biolink:GenomicEntity" in n1["category"]
    assert "biolink:NamedThing" in n1["category"]
    assert n1["name"] == "Test Gene 123"
    assert n1["description"] == "This is a Test Gene 123"
    assert "Test Dataset" in n1["provided_by"]

    n2 = nodes["ENSEMBL:ENSG0000000000002"]
    assert n2["type"] == "SO:0000704"
    assert len(n2["category"]) == 4
    assert "biolink:Gene" in n2["category"]
    assert "biolink:GenomicEntity" in n2["category"]
    assert "biolink:NamedThing" in n1["category"]
    assert n2["name"] == "Test Gene 456"
    assert n2["description"] == "This is a Test Gene 456"
    assert "Test Dataset" in n2["provided_by"]

    e1 = edges["ENSEMBL:ENSP0000000000001", "ENSEMBL:ENSP0000000000002"][0]
    assert e1["subject"] == "ENSEMBL:ENSP0000000000001"
    assert e1["object"] == "ENSEMBL:ENSP0000000000002"
    assert e1["predicate"] == "biolink:interacts_with"
    assert e1["relation"] == "biolink:interacts_with"
    assert e1["type"] == "biolink:Association"
    assert e1["id"] == "urn:uuid:fcf76807-f909-4ccb-b40a-3b79b49aa518"
    assert e1["fusion"] == "0"
    assert e1["homology"] == "0.0"
    assert e1["combined_score"] == "490.0"
    assert e1["cooccurence"] == "332"

    e2 = edges["ENSEMBL:ENSP0000000000001", "UniProtKB:X0000001"][0]
    assert e2["subject"] == "ENSEMBL:ENSP0000000000001"
    assert e2["object"] == "UniProtKB:X0000001"
    assert e2["predicate"] == "biolink:same_as"
    assert e2["relation"] == "owl:equivalentClass"

    e3 = edges["ENSEMBL:ENSP0000000000001", "MONDO:0000001"][0]
    assert e3["subject"] == "ENSEMBL:ENSP0000000000001"
    assert e3["object"] == "MONDO:0000001"
    assert e3["predicate"] == "biolink:treats"
    assert e3["relation"] == "RO:0002606"