Пример #1
def init(*args, **kws):
    global dht
    global khashmir_imported
    if khashmir_imported and dht is None:
        dht = UTKhashmir(*args, **kws)
        # Arno: no need for separate thread, it now runs on the regular network thread
        dht.addContact('router.bittorrent.com', 6881)
Пример #2
def init(*args, **kws):
    global dht
    global khashmir_imported
    if khashmir_imported and dht is None:
        dht = UTKhashmir(*args, **kws)
        # Arno: no need for separate thread, it now runs on the regular network thread
        dht.addContact('router.bittorrent.com', 6881)
Пример #3
class InitTableTest:
    def __init__(self):
        self.config, self.metainfo = self._load_settings()
        self.rawserver = RawServer(self.config)
        self.dht = UTKhashmir(self.config['bind'], self.config['port'],
                              self.config['dumpDir'], self.rawserver)

    def _load_settings(self):
        f = open('config/MyNodes.json')
        settings = json.load(f)
        return settings["config"], settings["metainfo"]

    def start_init(self):
        if self.dht:
            infohash = sha(bencode(self.metainfo['value'])).digest()
            # infohash = 0x0d0d7a9ef71434d31b893cec305264579b7cf262
            nodes = self.dht.table.findNodes(infohash)

            if len(nodes) < const.K:
                for node in self.metainfo['nodes']:
                    host = node['host']
                    port = node['port']
                    self.dht.addContact(host, port)

            # self.rawserver.add_task(30,self.show_table)
            self.rawserver.add_task(10, self.dht.getPeersAndAnnounce, infohash,
                                    self.metainfo['value'], self.show_value)
            # self.rawserver.add_task(10, self.dht.pingQuery, '', 59464)
            # self.rawserver.add_task(10, self.dht.getPeerQuery,infohash,'',8999)

            # self.rawserver.add_task(20,self.dht.announcePeer,infohash,self.metainfo['value'])

            # self.rawserver.add_task(10,self.dht.getPeers,infohash,self.show_value)

    def show_value(self, *arg):
        print "here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
            result = arg[0][0]
            # print len(result)
            # ip_hex = result[:4]
            ip_int = struct.unpack(">L", result[:4])[0]
            ip = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('L', socket.htonl(ip_int)))
            port = struct.unpack(">H", result[4:])[0]
            print "ip:port", ip, port
        except IndexError:
            print "not found"

    def show_table(self):
        for bucket in self.dht.table.buckets:
            for node in bucket.l:
                print node.host, node.port, node.num