def run(boardfile, usemm, ignoreexcluded, strict, level): """ Check DRC rules. If no rules are validated, the process exists with code 0. If any errors are detected, the process exists with non-zero return code and prints DRC report on the standard output. """ from kikit.drc import runImpl import sys from pcbnewTransition import pcbnew, isV6 from kikit.common import fakeKiCADGui app = fakeKiCADGui() try: if not isV6(): raise RuntimeError("This feature is available only with KiCAD 6.") board = pcbnew.LoadBoard(boardfile) failed = runImpl(board, usemm, ignoreexcluded, strict, level, lambda x: print(x)) if not failed: print("No DRC errors found.") else: print("Found some DRC violations. See the report above.") sys.exit(failed) except Exception as e: raise e sys.stderr.write("An error occurred: " + str(e) + "\n") sys.exit(1)
def panelize(input, output, preset, plugin, layout, source, tabs, cuts, framing, tooling, fiducials, text, copperfill, page, post, debug, dump): """ Panelize boards """ try: # Hide the import in the function to make KiKit start faster from kikit import panelize_ui_impl as ki import sys from kikit.common import fakeKiCADGui app = fakeKiCADGui() preset = ki.obtainPreset(preset, layout=layout, source=source, tabs=tabs, cuts=cuts, framing=framing, tooling=tooling, fiducials=fiducials, text=text, copperfill=copperfill, page=page, post=post, debug=debug) doPanelization(input, output, preset, plugin) if (dump): with open(dump, "w") as f: f.write(ki.dumpPreset(preset)) except Exception as e: import sys sys.stderr.write("An error occurred: " + str(e) + "\n") sys.stderr.write("No output files produced\n") if isinstance(preset, dict) and preset["debug"]["trace"]: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1)
def boardpage(**kwargs): """ Build a board presentation page based on markdown description and include download links for board sources and gerbers. """ from kikit import present from kikit.common import fakeKiCADGui app = fakeKiCADGui() return present.boardpage(**kwargs)
def references(board, show, pattern): """ Show or hide references on the board matching a pattern. """ from kikit import modify from kikit.common import fakeKiCADGui app = fakeKiCADGui() b = modify.pcbnew.LoadBoard(board) modify.references(b, show, pattern) b.Save(board)
def create(**kwargs): """ Create stencil and register elements for manual paste dispensing jig. See more details at: """ from kikit import stencil from kikit.common import fakeKiCADGui app = fakeKiCADGui() try: return stencil.create(**kwargs) except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write(f"{e}\n")
def dxf(boardfile, outputdir): """ Export board edges and pads to DXF. If no output dir is specified, use working directory. This command is designed for building 3D printed stencils """ from kikit.export import dxfImpl from kikit.common import fakeKiCADGui app = fakeKiCADGui() dxfImpl(boardfile, outputdir)
def jlcpcb(**kwargs): """ Prepare fabrication files for JLCPCB including their assembly service """ from kikit.fab import jlcpcb from kikit.common import fakeKiCADGui app = fakeKiCADGui() try: return jlcpcb.exportJlcpcb(**kwargs) except Exception as e: import sys sys.stderr.write("An error occurred: " + str(e) + "\n") sys.stderr.write("No output files produced\n") sys.exit(1)
def oshpark(**kwargs): """ Prepare fabrication files for OSH Park """ from kikit.fab import oshpark from kikit.common import fakeKiCADGui app = fakeKiCADGui() try: return oshpark.exportOSHPark(**kwargs) except Exception as e: import sys sys.stderr.write("An error occurred: " + str(e) + "\n") sys.stderr.write("No output files produced\n") sys.exit(1)
def separate(input, output, source, page, debug, keepannotations): """ Separate a single board out of a multi-board design. The separated board is placed in the middle of the sheet. You can specify the board via bounding box or annotation. See documentation for further details on usage. """ try: from kikit import panelize_ui_impl as ki from kikit.panelize import Panel from pcbnewTransition.transition import isV6, pcbnew from pcbnew import LoadBoard, wxPointMM from kikit.common import fakeKiCADGui app = fakeKiCADGui() preset = ki.obtainPreset([], validate=False, source=source, page=page, debug=debug) if preset["debug"]["deterministic"] and isV6(): pcbnew.KIID.SeedGenerator(42) board = LoadBoard(input) sourceArea = ki.readSourceArea(preset["source"], board) panel = Panel(output) panel.inheritDesignSettings(board) panel.inheritProperties(board) panel.inheritTitleBlock(board) destination = wxPointMM(150, 100) panel.appendBoard(input, destination, sourceArea, interpretAnnotations=(not keepannotations)) ki.setStackup(preset["source"], panel) ki.positionPanel(preset["page"], panel) ki.setPageSize(preset["page"], panel, board) except Exception as e: import sys sys.stderr.write("An error occurred: " + str(e) + "\n") sys.stderr.write("No output files produced\n") if isinstance(preset, dict) and preset["debug"]["trace"]: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1)
def gerber(boardfile, outputdir): from kikit.export import gerberImpl from kikit.common import fakeKiCADGui app = fakeKiCADGui() gerberImpl(boardfile, outputdir)