def QuadrupedCtrl():
    global quadruped

    rate = rospy.Rate(robParm.freq)
    setJSMsg = JointState()

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        get_orientation = []
        get_euler = []
        start = pybulletDebug.cam_and_robotstates(SIM, quadruped, robParm)
        #start = True
        if start:
            pose_orn = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(quadruped)
            for i in range(4):
            get_euler = p.getEulerFromQuaternion(get_orientation)
            # robParm.robotRoll = -get_euler[0] * 1.5
            # robParm.robotPitch = -get_euler[1] * 0.5
            print(get_euler[0], get_euler[1], get_euler[2])
            bodytoFeet = trot.loop(robParm)
            position = []
            robParm.robotX = pidX(get_euler[1])
            robParm.robotY = pidY(get_euler[0])

            for i in range(4):
                for j in range(3):
            FR_angles, FL_angles, HR_angles, HL_angles, _ = robotKinematics.solve(
                bodytoFeet, robParm)

            for i in range(0, robParm.footFR_index):
                p.setJointMotorControl2(quadruped, i, p.POSITION_CONTROL,
                                        FR_angles[i - robParm.footFR_index]*robParm.compensateSim[i])  # , force = 20)
            for i in range(robParm.footFR_index + 1, robParm.footFL_index):
                p.setJointMotorControl2(quadruped, i, p.POSITION_CONTROL,
                                        FL_angles[i - robParm.footFL_index]*robParm.compensateSim[i-robParm.footFR_index - 1])  # , force = 20)
            for i in range(robParm.footFL_index + 1, robParm.footHR_index):
                p.setJointMotorControl2(quadruped, i, p.POSITION_CONTROL,
                                        HR_angles[i - robParm.footHR_index]*robParm.compensateSim[i-robParm.footFL_index - 1])  # , force = 20)
            for i in range(robParm.footHR_index + 1, robParm.footHL_index):
                p.setJointMotorControl2(quadruped, i, p.POSITION_CONTROL,
                                        HL_angles[i - robParm.footHL_index]*robParm.compensateSim[i-robParm.footHR_index - 1])  # , force = 20)

            angle = FL_angles.tolist()

            setJSMsg.header.stamp =
   = ["abduct_fl", "thigh_fl", "knee_fl", "abduct_hl", "thigh_hl", "knee_hl",
                             "abduct_fr", "thigh_fr", "knee_fr", "abduct_hr", "thigh_hr", "knee_hr"]
            for i in range(12):
                angle[i] = angle[i] * robParm.compensateReal[i]
            # print(angle)
            setJSMsg.position = angle
Пример #2
    L, angle, Lrot, T =

    #calculates the feet coord for gait, defining length of the step and direction (0º -> forward; 180º -> backward)
    bodytoFeet, s = trot.loop(L, angle, Lrot, T, offset, bodytoFeet0)

    arduinoLoopTime, realRoll, realPitch = arduino.serialRecive(
    )  #recive serial message

    pos[0] = 0.015 + pidX(realPitch)
    pos[1] = pidY(realRoll)

    #####   kinematics Model: Input body orientation, deviation and foot position    ####
    #####   and get the angles, neccesary to reach that position, for every joint    ####
    FR_angles, FL_angles, BR_angles, BL_angles, transformedBodytoFeet = robotKinematics.solve(
        orn, pos, bodytoFeet)
    pulsesCommand = angleToPulse.convert(FR_angles, FL_angles, BR_angles,

    arduino.serialSend(pulsesCommand)  #send serial command to arduino

    #move movable joints
    for i in range(0, footFR_index):
        p.setJointMotorControl2(boxId, i, p.POSITION_CONTROL,
                                FR_angles[i - footFR_index])
    for i in range(footFR_index + 1, footFL_index):
        p.setJointMotorControl2(boxId, i, p.POSITION_CONTROL,
                                FL_angles[i - footFL_index])
    for i in range(footFL_index + 1, footBR_index):
        p.setJointMotorControl2(boxId, i, p.POSITION_CONTROL,
                                BR_angles[i - footBR_index])
Пример #3
from kinematic_model import robotKinematics
import numpy as np

robotKinematics = robotKinematics()

POS = np.array([0, 0, 0])
ROT = np.array([0, 0, 0])

FR_angles = robotKinematics.solve(POS, ROT)
Пример #4
                        [Xdist / 2, Ydist / 2, -height],
                        [-Xdist / 2, -Ydist / 2, -height],
                        [-Xdist / 2, Ydist / 2, -height]])

orientation = np.array([0., 0., 0.])
deviation = np.array([0., 0., 0.])

while (True):
    timeNow = time.time()

    deviation, orientation = pybulletDebug.cam_and_robotstates(boxId)

    #####   kinematics Model: Input body orientation, deviation and foot position    ####
    #####   and get the angles, neccesary to reach that position, for every joint    ####
    FR_angles, FL_angles, BR_angles, BL_angles = robotKinematics.solve(
        orientation, deviation, bodytoFeet)

    # 2020-04-03 cyan adapt
    FR_angles = FR_angles.tolist()[0]
    FL_angles = FL_angles.tolist()[0]
    BR_angles = BR_angles.tolist()[0]
    BL_angles = BL_angles.tolist()[0]

    #move movable joints
    for i in range(0, footFR_index):
        p.setJointMotorControl2(boxId, i, p.POSITION_CONTROL,
                                FR_angles[i - footFR_index])
    for i in range(footFR_index + 1, footFL_index):
        p.setJointMotorControl2(boxId, i, p.POSITION_CONTROL,
                                FL_angles[i - footFL_index])
    for i in range(footFL_index + 1, footBR_index):