Пример #1
    def desired_attitude(self,
                         alpha=2 * np.pi / 100,
                         axis=np.array([0, 1, 0])):
        """Desired attitude trajectory

        This function will output a desired attitude trajectory. The controller will use this 
        trajectory in it's computations. The outputs will be the desired attitude matrix and
        the desired angular velocity:

            Rd_sc2int - 3x3 array defining the transformation from the spacecraft frame to the
                inertial frame
            w_sc2int - 3 array defining the angular velocity of the spacecraft frame with respect
                to the inertial frame and defined in the spacecraft fixed frame

        Rd = scipy.linalg.expm(alpha * time * attitude.hat_map(axis))
        Rd_dot = alpha * attitude.hat_map(axis).dot(
            scipy.linalg.expm(alpha * time * attitude.hat_map(axis)))

        ang_vel_d = attitude.vee_map(Rd.T.dot(Rd_dot))
        ang_vel_d_dot = np.zeros_like(ang_vel_d)

        return (Rd, Rd_dot, ang_vel_d, ang_vel_d_dot)
Пример #2
 def test_expm_rot2_derivative(self):
     axis = np.array([0, 1, 0])
     R_dot = self.alpha * attitude.hat_map(axis).dot(
         scipy.linalg.expm(self.alpha * self.t * attitude.hat_map(axis)))
     R2_dot = attitude.rot2(self.alpha * self.t).dot(
         attitude.hat_map(self.alpha * axis))
     np.testing.assert_almost_equal(R_dot, R2_dot)
Пример #3
 def test_relative_moment_of_inertia(self):
     R = self.R.reshape((3, 3))
     Jr = R.dot(self.dum.J).dot(R.T)
     Jdr = R.dot(self.dum.Jd).dot(R.T)
         attitude.hat_map(self.ang_vel).dot(Jdr) +
Пример #4
    def eoms_inertial(self, state, t, ast):
        """Inertial dumbbell equations of motion about an asteroid
            t - 
            state -
            ast - Asteroid class object holding the asteroid gravitational model and
            other useful parameters
        # unpack the state
        pos = state[0:
                    3]  # location of the center of mass in the inertial frame
        vel = state[3:6]  # vel of com in inertial frame
        R = np.reshape(state[6:15], (3, 3))  # sc body frame to inertial frame
        ang_vel = state[
            18]  # angular velocity of sc wrt inertial frame defined in body frame

        Ra = attitude.rot3(ast.omega * t,
                           'c')  # asteroid body frame to inertial frame

        # unpack parameters for the dumbbell
        J = self.J

        rho1 = self.zeta1
        rho2 = self.zeta2

        # position of each mass in the asteroid frame
        z1 = Ra.T.dot(pos + R.dot(rho1))
        z2 = Ra.T.dot(pos + R.dot(rho2))

        z = Ra.T.dot(pos)  # position of COM in asteroid frame

        # compute the potential at this state
        (U1, U1_grad, U1_grad_mat, U1laplace) = ast.polyhedron_potential(z1)
        (U2, U2_grad, U2_grad_mat, U2laplace) = ast.polyhedron_potential(z2)

        F1 = self.m1 * Ra.dot(U1_grad)
        F2 = self.m2 * Ra.dot(U2_grad)

        M1 = self.m1 * attitude.hat_map(rho1).dot(R.T.dot(Ra).dot(U1_grad))
        M2 = self.m2 * attitude.hat_map(rho2).dot(R.T.dot(Ra).dot(U2_grad))
        # M1 = np.zeros(3)
        # M2 = np.zeros_like(3)

        pos_dot = vel
        vel_dot = 1 / (self.m1 + self.m2) * (F1 + F2)
        R_dot = R.dot(attitude.hat_map(ang_vel)).reshape(9)
        ang_vel_dot = np.linalg.inv(J).dot(-np.cross(ang_vel, J.dot(ang_vel)) +
                                           M1 + M2)

        statedot = np.hstack((pos_dot, vel_dot, R_dot, ang_vel_dot))

        return statedot
Пример #5
def translation_controller_asteroid(time, state, ext_force, dum, ast,
    """SE(3) Translational Controller
    This function determines the control input for the dumbbell with the equations
    of motion defined in the asteroid fixed frame. 
    Use this with eoms_relative

    time : float
        Current time for simulation which is used in the desired attitude trajectory
    state : array_like (18,)
        numpy array defining the state of the dumbbell
        position - position of the center of mass wrt to the asteroid com
        and defined in the asteroid frame (3,)
        velocity - velocity of the center of mass wrt to teh asteroid com
        and defined in the asteroid frame (3,)
        R_b2i - rotation matrix which transforms vectors from the body
        frame to the asteroid frame (9,)
        angular_velocity - angular velocity of the body frame with respect
        to the inertial frame and defined in the asteroid frame (3,)
    ext_force : array_like (3,)
        External force in the asteroid frame
    dum : Dumbbell Instance
        Instance of a dumbbell which defines the shape and MOI
    ast : Asteroid Instance
        Holds the asteroid model and polyhedron potential
    des_tran_tuple : Desired translational tuple defined with respect to the asteroid frame
        des_tran_tuple [0] - Rd desired attitude
        des_tran_tuple [1] - Rd_dot desired attitude derivative
        des_tran_tuple [2] - ang_vel_d angular velocity
        des_tran_tuple [3] - ang_vel_d_dot angular velocity desired derivative


    # extract the state
    pos = state[0:3]  # location of the center of mass in the asteroid frame
    vel = state[3:6]  # vel of com in asteroid frame
    R = np.reshape(state[6:15], (3, 3))  # sc body frame to asteroid frame
    ang_vel = state[
        18]  # angular velocity of sc wrt inertial frame defined in asteroid frame

    m = dum.m1 + dum.m2
    Wa = ast.omega * np.array([0, 0, 1])  # angular velocity vector of asteroid

    x_des = des_tran_tuple[0]
    xd_des = des_tran_tuple[1]
    xdd_des = des_tran_tuple[2]

    # compute the error
    ex = pos - x_des
    ev = vel - xd_des
    # compute the control
    u_f = -dum.kx * ex - dum.kv * ev - ext_force + m * xdd_des + m * attitude.hat_map(

    return u_f
Пример #6
    def inertial_energy(self, time, state, ast):
        """Compute the kinetic and potential energy of the dumbbell given the current state
            vel - nx3 velocity in inertial frame (km/sec)
            ang_vel - nx3 angular velocity of dumbbell frame wrt to inertial frame expressed in dumbbell frame (rad/sec)

            T - nx1 kinetic energy array which should be the same length as state input

        # some constants
        m = self.m1 + self.m2  # total mass of dumbbell in kg
        Jd = self.Jd

        KE = np.zeros(time.shape[0])
        PE = np.zeros(time.shape[0])

        for ii in range(time.shape[0]):
            pos = state[
                0:3]  # location of the center of mass in the inertial frame
            vel = state[ii, 3:6]  # vel of com in inertial frame
            R = np.reshape(state[ii, 6:15],
                           (3, 3))  # sc body frame to inertial frame
            ang_vel = state[
                ii, 15:
                18]  # angular velocity of sc wrt inertial frame defined in body frame

            Ra = attitude.rot3(ast.omega * time[ii],
                               'c')  # asteroid body frame to inertial frame

            # position of each mass in the inertial frame
            z1 = Ra.T.dot(pos + R.dot(self.zeta1))
            z2 = Ra.T.dot(pos + R.dot(self.zeta2))

            (U1, _, _, _) = ast.polyhedron_potential(z1)
            (U2, _, _, _) = ast.polyhedron_potential(z2)

            PE[ii] = -self.m1 * U1 - self.m2 * U2
            KE[ii] = 1.0 / 2 * m * vel.dot(vel) + 1.0 / 2 * np.trace(

        return KE, PE
Пример #7
    def relative_energy(self, time, state, ast):
        """Compute the KE and PE of the relative equations of motion


        m = self.m1 + self.m2
        J1 = self.J
        Jd = self.Jd

        KE = np.zeros(time.shape[0])
        PE = np.zeros(time.shape[0])

        for ii in range(time.shape[0]):
            pos = state[
                0:3]  # location of the COM wrt asteroid in the asteroid frame
            vel = state[ii, 3:6]  # vel of COM wrt asteroid in asteroid frame
            R = np.reshape(state[ii, 6:15],
                           (3, 3))  # sc body frame to asteroid frame
            ang_vel = state[
                ii, 15:
                18]  # angular velocity of sc wrt inertial frame defined in asteroid frame

            # position of each mass in the inertial frame
            z1 = pos + R.dot(self.zeta1)
            z2 = pos + R.dot(self.zeta2)

            (U1, _, _, _) = ast.polyhedron_potential(z1)
            (U2, _, _, _) = ast.polyhedron_potential(z2)

            Jdr = R.dot(Jd).dot(R.T)

            PE[ii] = -self.m1 * U1 - self.m2 * U2
            KE[ii] = 1 / 2 * m * vel.dot(vel) + 1 / 2 * np.trace(

        return KE, PE
Пример #8
    def eoms_inertial_ode(self, t, state):
        EOMS of spacecraft with respect to Earth in the ECI frame

        pos = state[0:3]
        vel = state[3:6]
        R = np.reshape(state[6:15], (3, 3))  # rotation from body frame to ECI
        w = state[15:18]  # ang vel of body frame wrt ECI in body frame

        m_sat = self.m
        J = self.J
        accel_gravity = propogator.accel_twobody(m_sat, constants.earth.mass,
                                                 pos, constants.G)
        ext_moment = np.zeros(3)

        pos_dot = vel
        vel_dot = accel_gravity
        R_dot = R.dot(attitude.hat_map(w))
        w_dot = np.linalg.inv(J).dot(ext_moment -

        state_dot = np.concatenate((pos_dot, vel_dot, R_dot.reshape(9), w_dot))
        return state_dot
Пример #9
class TestHamiltonRelativeTransform():

    time = np.array([0])
    ast = asteroid.Asteroid(name='castalia', num_faces=64)
    dum = dumbbell.Dumbbell()

    inertial_pos = np.array([1, 1, 1])
    inertial_vel = np.random.rand(3) + att.hat_map(
        ast.omega * np.array([0, 0, 1])).dot(inertial_pos)
    R_sc2int = att.rot2(np.pi / 2)
    R_ast2int = att.rot3(time * ast.omega)
    body_ang_vel = np.random.rand(3)

    initial_lin_mom = (dum.m1 + dum.m2) * (inertial_vel)
    initial_ang_mom = R_sc2int.dot(dum.J).dot(body_ang_vel)
    initial_ham_state = np.hstack(
        (inertial_pos, initial_lin_mom, R_ast2int.dot(R_sc2int).reshape(9),

    inertial_state = transform.eoms_hamilton_relative_to_inertial(
        time, initial_ham_state, ast, dum)

    def test_eoms_hamilton_relative_to_inertial_scalar_pos(self):

    def test_eoms_hamilton_relative_to_inertial_scalar_vel(self):

    def test_eoms_hamilton_relative_to_inertial_scalar_att(self):

    def test_eoms_hamilton_relative_to_inertial_scalar_ang_vel(self):
Пример #10
def attitude_land_controller(time, state, ext_moment, dum, ast):
    """Landing controller to just stay pointed at the asteroid

    This function is probably not necessary since many others do the same thing
    # extract the state
    pos = state[0:3]  # location of the center of mass in the inertial frame
    vel = state[3:6]  # vel of com in inertial frame
    R = np.reshape(state[6:15], (3, 3))  # sc body frame to inertial frame
    ang_vel = state[
        18]  # angular velocity of sc wrt inertial frame defined in body frame
    # compute the desired attitude command
    Rd, Rd_dot, ang_vel_d, ang_vel_d_dot = body_fixed_pointing_attitude(
        time, state)
    # determine error between command and current state
    eR = 1 / 2 * attitude.vee_map(Rd.T.dot(R) - R.T.dot(Rd))
    eW = ang_vel - R.T.dot(Rd).dot(ang_vel_d)
    # compute attitude input
    u_m = (-dum.kR * eR - dum.kW * eW + np.cross(ang_vel, dum.J.dot(ang_vel)) -
               attitude.hat_map(ang_vel).dot(R.T).dot(Rd).dot(ang_vel_d) -
               R.T.dot(Rd).dot(ang_vel_d_dot)) - ext_moment)
    return u_m
Пример #11
    def attitude_controller(self, time, state, ext_moment):
        r"""Geometric attitude controller on SO(3)

        This function will determine an attitude control input for a rigid spacecraft around an asteroid.
        The function is setup to work for a vehicle defined in the inertial frame relative to an asteroid.

        self : dumbbell instance
            Instance of dumbbell class with all of it's parameters
        time : float
            Current time for simulation which is used in the desired attitude trajectory
        state : array_like (18,)
            numpy array defining the state of the dumbbell
            position - position of the center of mass wrt to the inertial frame
            and defined in the inertial frame (3,)
            velocity - velocity of the center of mass wrt to teh inertial frame
            and defined in the inertial frame (3,)
            R_b2i - rotation matrix which transforms vectors from the body
            frame to the inertial frame (9,)
            angular_velocity - angular velocity of the body frame with respect
            to the inertial frame and defined in the body frame (3,)
        ext_moment : array_like (3,)
            External moment in the body fixed frame

        u_m : array_like (3,)
            Body fixed control moment

        Shankar Kulumani		GWU		[email protected]

        .. [1] LEE, Taeyoung, LEOK, Melvin y MCCLAMROCH, N Harris. "Control of
        Complex Maneuvers for a Quadrotor UAV Using Geometric Methods on Se
        (3)". arXiv preprint arXiv:1003.2005. 2010, 


        # extract the state
        pos = state[0:
                    3]  # location of the center of mass in the inertial frame
        vel = state[3:6]  # vel of com in inertial frame
        R = np.reshape(state[6:15], (3, 3))  # sc body frame to inertial frame
        ang_vel = state[
            18]  # angular velocity of sc wrt inertial frame defined in body frame
        # compute the desired attitude command
        Rd, Rd_dot, ang_vel_d, ang_vel_d_dot = self.desired_attitude(time)
        # determine error between command and current state
        eR = 1 / 2 * attitude.vee_map(Rd.T.dot(R) - R.T.dot(Rd))
        eW = ang_vel - R.T.dot(Rd).dot(ang_vel_d)
        # compute attitude input
        u_m = (-self.kR * eR - self.kW * eW +
               np.cross(ang_vel, self.J.dot(ang_vel)) - self.J.dot(
                   attitude.hat_map(ang_vel).dot(R.T).dot(Rd).dot(ang_vel_d) -
                   R.T.dot(Rd).dot(ang_vel_d_dot)) - ext_moment)
        return u_m
Пример #12
def eoms_controlled_inertial_refinement_pybind(t, state, true_ast, dum,
                                               est_ast_rmesh, est_ast,
    """We'll hover over the landing site and look at 
    all the points in view

    This function must be used with scipy.integrate.ode class instead of the 
    more convienent scipe.integrate.odeint. In addition, we can control the 
    dumbbell given full state feedback. This uses several C++ functions which 
    are exposed to Python using PyBind11
    t : current simulation time step
    state : (18, ) numpy array of the state
        pos - (3,) position of the dumbbell with respect to the
        asteroid center of mass and expressed in the inertial frame
        vel - (3,) velocity of the dumbbell with respect to the
        asteroid center of mass and expressed in the inertial frame
        R - (9,) attitude of the dumbbell with defines the
        transformation of a vector in the dumbbell frame to the
        inertial frame ang_vel - (3,) angular velocity of the dumbbell
        with respect to the inertial frame and represented in the
        dumbbell frame
    ast : asteroid object (from C++ bindings)
    dum : dumbbell object (from Python)
    complete_controller : controller object (from C++)
    # unpack the state
    pos = state[0:3]  # location of the center of mass in the inertial frame
    vel = state[3:6]  # vel of com in inertial frame
    R = np.reshape(state[6:15], (3, 3))  # sc body frame to inertial frame
    ang_vel = state[
        18]  # angular velocity of sc wrt inertial frame defined in body frame

    Ra = true_ast.rot_ast2int(t)  # asteroid body frame to inertial frame

    # unpack parameters for the dumbbell
    J = dum.J

    rho1 = dum.zeta1
    rho2 = dum.zeta2

    # position of each mass in the asteroid frame
    z1 = Ra.T.dot(pos + R.dot(rho1))
    z2 = Ra.T.dot(pos + R.dot(rho2))

    z = Ra.T.dot(pos)  # position of COM in asteroid frame

    # gradient and potential at this state
    U1 = true_ast.get_potential()
    U1_grad = true_ast.get_acceleration()

    U2 = true_ast.get_potential()
    U2_grad = true_ast.get_acceleration()

    F1 = dum.m1 * Ra.dot(U1_grad)
    F2 = dum.m2 * Ra.dot(U2_grad)

    M1 = dum.m1 * attitude.hat_map(rho1).dot(R.T.dot(Ra).dot(U1_grad))
    M2 = dum.m2 * attitude.hat_map(rho2).dot(R.T.dot(Ra).dot(U2_grad))

    # compute the external force and moment using the asteroid estimate
    U1_est = est_ast.get_potential()
    U1_grad_est = est_ast.get_acceleration()

    U2_est = est_ast.get_potential()
    U2_grad_est = est_ast.get_acceleration()

    F1_est = dum.m1 * Ra.dot(U1_grad_est)
    F2_est = dum.m2 * Ra.dot(U2_grad_est)

    M1_est = dum.m1 * attitude.hat_map(rho1).dot(R.T.dot(Ra).dot(U1_grad_est))
    M2_est = dum.m2 * attitude.hat_map(rho2).dot(R.T.dot(Ra).dot(U2_grad_est))

    # compute the desired states for exploration
    complete_controller.refinement(t, state, est_ast_rmesh, est_ast,

    # Need to convert to the inertial frame for use in the controller
    des_att_tuple = (Ra.dot(complete_controller.get_Rd()),
    des_tran_tuple = (Ra.dot(complete_controller.get_posd()),

    #  need to pass in the estimated external torque and moment
    u_m = controller.attitude_controller(t, state, M1_est + M2_est, dum,
                                         est_ast, des_att_tuple)
    u_f = controller.translation_controller(t, state, F1_est + F2_est, dum,
                                            est_ast, des_tran_tuple)

    pos_dot = vel
    vel_dot = 1 / (dum.m1 + dum.m2) * (F1 + F2 + u_f)
    R_dot = R.dot(attitude.hat_map(ang_vel)).reshape(9)
    ang_vel_dot = np.linalg.inv(J).dot(-np.cross(ang_vel, J.dot(ang_vel)) +
                                       M1 + M2 + u_m)

    state_dot = np.hstack((pos_dot, vel_dot, R_dot, ang_vel_dot))

    return state_dot
Пример #13
class TestInertialandRelativeEOMS():
    """Compare the inertial and relative eoms against one another

    RelTol = 1e-9
    AbsTol = 1e-9
    ast_name = 'castalia'
    num_faces = 64
    tf = 1e2
    num_steps = 1e2
    time = np.linspace(0, tf, num_steps)

    periodic_pos = np.array(
        [1.495746722510590, 0.000001002669660, 0.006129720493607])
    periodic_vel = np.array(
        [0.000000302161724, -0.000899607989820, -0.000000013286327])

    ast = asteroid.Asteroid(ast_name, num_faces)
    dum = dumbbell.Dumbbell(m1=500, m2=500, l=0.003)

    # set initial state for inertial EOMs
    initial_pos = periodic_pos  # km for center of mass in body frame
    initial_vel = periodic_vel + att.hat_map(
        ast.omega * np.array([0, 0, 1])).dot(initial_pos)
    initial_R = att.rot2(np.pi / 2).reshape(
        9)  # transforms from dumbbell body frame to the inertial frame
    initial_w = np.array([0.01, 0.01, 0.01])
    initial_state = np.hstack((initial_pos, initial_vel, initial_R, initial_w))

    i_state = integrate.odeint(dum.eoms_inertial,
                               args=(ast, ),
    # (i_time, i_state) = idriver.eom_inertial_driver(initial_state, time, ast, dum, AbsTol=1e-9, RelTol=1e-9)

    initial_lin_mom = (dum.m1 + dum.m2) * (periodic_vel + att.hat_map(
        ast.omega * np.array([0, 0, 1])).dot(initial_pos))
    initial_ang_mom = initial_R.reshape((3, 3)).dot(dum.J).dot(initial_w)
    initial_ham_state = np.hstack(
        (initial_pos, initial_lin_mom, initial_R, initial_ang_mom))

    rh_state = integrate.odeint(dum.eoms_hamilton_relative,
                                args=(ast, ),

    # now convert both into the inertial frame
    istate_ham = transform.eoms_hamilton_relative_to_inertial(
        time, rh_state, ast, dum)
    istate_int = transform.eoms_inertial_to_inertial(time, i_state, ast, dum)

    # also convert both into the asteroid frame and compare
    astate_ham = transform.eoms_hamilton_relative_to_asteroid(
        time, rh_state, ast, dum)
    astate_int = transform.eoms_inertial_to_asteroid(time, i_state, ast, dum)

    def test_inertial_frame_comparison_pos(self):
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(self.istate_ham[:, 0:3],
                                             self.istate_int[:, 0:3])

    def test_inertial_frame_comparison_vel(self):
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(self.istate_ham[:, 3:6],
                                             self.istate_int[:, 3:6])

    def test_inertial_frame_comparison_att(self):
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(self.istate_ham[:, 6:15],
                                             self.istate_int[:, 6:15])

    def test_inertial_frame_comparison_ang_vel(self):
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(self.istate_ham[:, 15:18],
                                             self.istate_int[:, 15:18])

    def test_asteroid_frame_comparison_pos(self):
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(self.astate_ham[:, 0:3],
                                             self.astate_int[:, 0:3])

    def test_asteroid_frame_comparison_vel(self):
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(self.astate_ham[:, 3:6],
                                             self.astate_int[:, 3:6])

    def test_asteroid_frame_comparison_att(self):
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(self.astate_ham[:, 6:15],
                                             self.astate_int[:, 6:15])

    def test_asteroid_frame_comparison_ang_vel(self):
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(self.astate_ham[:, 15:18],
                                             self.astate_int[:, 15:18])
Пример #14
def eoms_controlled_blender(t, state, dum, ast):
    """Inertial dumbbell equations of motion about an asteroid 
    This method must be used with the scipy.integrate.ode class instead of the
    more convienent scipy.integrate.odeint. In addition, we can control the
    dumbbell given full state feedback. Blender is used to generate imagery
    during the simulation.

        t - Current simulation time step
        state - (18,) array which defines the state of the vehicle 
            pos - (3,) position of the dumbbell with respect to the
            asteroid center of mass and expressed in the inertial frame
            vel - (3,) velocity of the dumbbell with respect to the
            asteroid center of mass and expressed in the inertial frame
            R - (9,) attitude of the dumbbell with defines the
            transformation of a vector in the dumbbell frame to the
            inertial frame ang_vel - (3,) angular velocity of the dumbbell
            with respect to the inertial frame and represented in the
            dumbbell frame
        ast - Asteroid class object holding the asteroid gravitational
        model and other useful parameters
    # unpack the state
    pos = state[0:3]  # location of the center of mass in the inertial frame
    vel = state[3:6]  # vel of com in inertial frame
    R = np.reshape(state[6:15], (3, 3))  # sc body frame to inertial frame
    ang_vel = state[
        18]  # angular velocity of sc wrt inertial frame defined in body frame

    Ra = attitude.rot3(ast.omega * t,
                       'c')  # asteroid body frame to inertial frame

    # unpack parameters for the dumbbell
    J = dum.J

    rho1 = dum.zeta1
    rho2 = dum.zeta2

    # position of each mass in the asteroid frame
    z1 = Ra.T.dot(pos + R.dot(rho1))
    z2 = Ra.T.dot(pos + R.dot(rho2))

    z = Ra.T.dot(pos)  # position of COM in asteroid frame

    # compute the potential at this state
    (U1, U1_grad, U1_grad_mat, U1laplace) = ast.polyhedron_potential(z1)
    (U2, U2_grad, U2_grad_mat, U2laplace) = ast.polyhedron_potential(z2)

    F1 = dum.m1 * Ra.dot(U1_grad)
    F2 = dum.m2 * Ra.dot(U2_grad)

    M1 = dum.m1 * attitude.hat_map(rho1).dot(R.T.dot(Ra).dot(U1_grad))
    M2 = dum.m2 * attitude.hat_map(rho2).dot(R.T.dot(Ra).dot(U2_grad))

    # generate image at this current state only at a specifc time
    # blender.driver(pos, R, ast.omega * t, [5, 0, 1], 'test' + str.zfill(str(t), 4))
    # use the imagery to figure out motion and pass to the controller instead
    # of the true state

    # calculate the desired attitude and translational trajectory
    des_att_tuple = controller.body_fixed_pointing_attitude(t, state)
    des_tran_tuple = controller.traverse_then_land_vertically(
        final_pos=[0.550, 0, 0],
        initial_pos=[2.550, 0, 0],
    # input trajectory and compute the control inputs
    # compute the control input
    u_m = controller.attitude_controller(t, state, M1 + M2, dum, ast,
    u_f = controller.translation_controller(t, state, F1 + F2, dum, ast,

    pos_dot = vel
    vel_dot = 1 / (dum.m1 + dum.m2) * (F1 + F2 + u_f)
    R_dot = R.dot(attitude.hat_map(ang_vel)).reshape(9)
    ang_vel_dot = np.linalg.inv(J).dot(-np.cross(ang_vel, J.dot(ang_vel)) +
                                       M1 + M2 + u_m)

    statedot = np.hstack((pos_dot, vel_dot, R_dot, ang_vel_dot))

    return statedot
Пример #15
        choices=[0, 1],
        "Choose which inertial energy mode to run. 0 - inertial energy, 1 - \Delta E behavior"
    args = parser.parse_args()

    print("Starting the simulation...")

    # instantiate the asteroid and dumbbell objects
    ast = asteroid.Asteroid(args.ast_name, args.num_faces)
    dum = dumbbell.Dumbbell(m1=500, m2=500, l=0.003)

    # initialize simulation parameters
    time = np.linspace(0, args.tf, args.num_steps)
    initial_pos = periodic_pos  # km for center of mass in body frame
    initial_vel = periodic_vel + attitude.hat_map(
        ast.omega * np.array([0, 0, 1])).dot(initial_pos)
    initial_R = attitude.rot2(0).reshape(
        9)  # transforms from dumbbell body frame to the inertial frame
    initial_w = np.array([0.01, 0.01, 0.01])
    initial_state = np.hstack((initial_pos, initial_vel, initial_R, initial_w))

    # echo back all the input parameters
    print("This will run a long simulation with the following parameters!")
    print("     ast_name  - %s" % args.ast_name)
    print("     num_faces  - %s" % args.num_faces)
    print("     tf        - %s" % args.tf)
    print("     num_steps - %s" % args.num_steps)
    print("     file_name - %s" % args.file_name)
    if args.mode == 0:
        (_, inertial_state, asteroid_state,
Пример #16
 def test_hat_vee_map_inverse(self):
Пример #17
 def test_hat_map_zero(self):
         attitude.hat_map(self.x).dot(self.x), np.zeros(3))
Пример #18
    def eoms_inertial_control(self, state, t, ast):
        """Inertial dumbbell equations of motion about an asteroid with body fixed control capability
            t - Current simulation time step
            state - (18,) array which defines the state of the vehicle 
                pos - (3,) position of the dumbbell with respect to the asteroid center of mass
                    and expressed in the inertial frame
                vel - (3,) velocity of the dumbbell with respect to the asteroid center of mass
                    and expressed in the inertial frame
                R - (9,) attitude of the dumbbell with defines the transformation of a vector in the
                    dumbbell frame to the inertial frame
                ang_vel - (3,) angular velocity of the dumbbell with respect to the inertial frame 
                    and represented in the dumbbell frame
            ast - Asteroid class object holding the asteroid gravitational model and
                other useful parameters
        # unpack the state
        pos = state[0:
                    3]  # location of the center of mass in the inertial frame
        vel = state[3:6]  # vel of com in inertial frame
        R = np.reshape(state[6:15], (3, 3))  # sc body frame to inertial frame
        ang_vel = state[
            18]  # angular velocity of sc wrt inertial frame defined in body frame

        Ra = attitude.rot3(ast.omega * t,
                           'c')  # asteroid body frame to inertial frame

        # unpack parameters for the dumbbell
        J = self.J

        rho1 = self.zeta1
        rho2 = self.zeta2

        # position of each mass in the asteroid frame
        z1 = Ra.T.dot(pos + R.dot(rho1))
        z2 = Ra.T.dot(pos + R.dot(rho2))

        z = Ra.T.dot(pos)  # position of COM in asteroid frame

        # compute the potential at this state
        (U1, U1_grad, U1_grad_mat, U1laplace) = ast.polyhedron_potential(z1)
        (U2, U2_grad, U2_grad_mat, U2laplace) = ast.polyhedron_potential(z2)

        F1 = self.m1 * Ra.dot(U1_grad)
        F2 = self.m2 * Ra.dot(U2_grad)

        M1 = self.m1 * attitude.hat_map(rho1).dot(R.T.dot(Ra).dot(U1_grad))
        M2 = self.m2 * attitude.hat_map(rho2).dot(R.T.dot(Ra).dot(U2_grad))

        # compute the control input
        u_m = self.attitude_controller(t, state, M1 + M2)
        u_f = self.translation_controller(t, state, F1 + F2)

        pos_dot = vel
        vel_dot = 1 / (self.m1 + self.m2) * (F1 + F2 + u_f)
        R_dot = R.dot(attitude.hat_map(ang_vel)).reshape(9)
        ang_vel_dot = np.linalg.inv(J).dot(-np.cross(ang_vel, J.dot(ang_vel)) +
                                           M1 + M2 + u_m)

        statedot = np.hstack((pos_dot, vel_dot, R_dot, ang_vel_dot))

        return statedot
Пример #19
    def eoms_hamilton_relative(self, state, t, ast):
        """Hamiltonian form of Relative EOMS defined in the rotating asteroid frame

        This function defines the motion of a dumbbell spacecraft in orbit around an asteroid.
        The EOMS are defined relative to the asteroid itself, which is in a state of constant rotation.
        You need to use this function with scipy.integrate.odeint

            t - current time of simulation (sec)
            state - (18,) relative hamiltonian state of dumbbell with respect to asteroid
                pos - state[0:3] in km position of the dumbbell with respect to the asteroid and defined in the asteroid fixed frame
                lin_mom - state[3:6] in kg km/sec is the linear momentum of dumbbell wrt the asteroid and defined in the asteroid fixed frame
                R - state[6:15] rotation matrix which converts vectors from the dumbbell frame to the asteroid frame
                ang_mom - state[15:18] J rad/sec angular momentum of the dumbbell wrt inertial frame and defined in the asteroid frame
            ast - asteroid object

            state_dot - (18,) derivative of state. The order is the same as the input state.

        # unpack the state
        pos = state[
            0:3]  # location of the COM of dumbbell in asteroid fixed frame
        lin_mom = state[
            6]  # lin_mom of com wrt to asteroid expressed in the asteroid fixed frame
        R = np.reshape(
            (3, 3))  # sc body frame to asteroid body frame R = R_A^T R_1
        ang_mom = state[
            18]  # angular momentum of sc wrt inertial frame and expressed in asteroid fixed frame

        Ra = attitude.rot3(ast.omega * t,
                           'c')  # asteroid body frame to inertial frame

        # unpack parameters for the dumbbell
        m1 = self.m1
        m2 = self.m2
        m = m1 + m2
        J = self.J
        Jr = R.dot(J).dot(R.T)
        Wa = ast.omega * np.array([0, 0, 1
                                   ])  # angular velocity vector of asteroid

        # the position of each mass in the dumbbell body frame
        rho1 = self.zeta1
        rho2 = self.zeta2

        # position of each mass in the asteroid frame
        z1 = pos + R.dot(rho1)
        z2 = pos + R.dot(rho2)

        z = pos  # position of COM in asteroid frame

        # compute the potential at this state
        (U1, U1_grad, U1_grad_mat, U1laplace) = ast.polyhedron_potential(z1)
        (U2, U2_grad, U2_grad_mat, U2laplace) = ast.polyhedron_potential(z2)

        # force due to each mass expressed in asteroid body frame
        F1 = m1 * U1_grad
        F2 = m2 * U2_grad

        M1 = m1 * attitude.hat_map(R.dot(rho1)).dot(U1_grad)
        M2 = m2 * attitude.hat_map(R.dot(rho2)).dot(U2_grad)

        vel = lin_mom / (m1 + m2)
        w = np.linalg.inv(Jr).dot(ang_mom)
        # state derivatives
        pos_dot = vel - attitude.hat_map(Wa).dot(pos)
        lin_mom_dot = F1 + F2 - attitude.hat_map(Wa).dot(lin_mom)
        R_dot = attitude.hat_map(w).dot(R) - attitude.hat_map(Wa).dot(R)
        R_dot = R_dot.reshape(9)
        ang_mom_dot = M1 + M2 - attitude.hat_map(Wa).dot(ang_mom)
        state_dot = np.hstack((pos_dot, lin_mom_dot, R_dot, ang_mom_dot))

        return state_dot
Пример #20
def attitude_controller_asteroid(time, state, ext_moment, dum, ast,
    r"""Geometric attitude controller on SO(3)

    This function will determine an attitude control input for a rigid
    spacecraft around an asteroid.
    The function is setup to work for a vehicle defined in the asteroid frame
    and the control input is assumed to be defined in the asteroid fixed frame.

    time : float
        Current time for simulation which is used in the desired attitude trajectory
    state : array_like (18,)
        numpy array defining the state of the dumbbell
        position - position of the center of mass wrt to the asteroid com
        and defined in the asteroid frame (3,)
        velocity - velocity of the center of mass wrt to teh asteroid com
        and defined in the asteroid frame (3,)
        R_b2i - rotation matrix which transforms vectors from the body
        frame to the asteroid frame (9,)
        angular_velocity - angular velocity of the body frame with respect
        to the inertial frame and defined in the asteroid frame (3,)
    ext_moment : array_like (3,)
        External moment in the asteroid fixed frame
    dum : Dumbbell Instance
        Instance of a dumbbell which defines the shape and MOI
    ast : Asteroid Instance
        Holds the asteroid model and polyhedron potential
    des_att_tuple : Desired attitude tuple for asteroid frame dyanmics
        des_att_tuple[0] - Rd desired attitude
        des_att_tuple[1] - Rd_dot desired attitude derivative
        des_att_tuple[2] - ang_vel_d angular velocity
        des_att_tuple[3] - ang_vel_d_dot angular velocity desired derivative

    u_m : array_like (3,)
        asteroid fixed control moment

    Shankar Kulumani		GWU		[email protected]

    .. [1] LEE, Taeyoung, LEOK, Melvin y MCCLAMROCH, N Harris. "Control of
    Complex Maneuvers for a Quadrotor UAV Using Geometric Methods on Se
    (3)". arXiv preprint arXiv:1003.2005. 2010, 


    # extract the state
    pos = state[0:3]  # location of the center of mass in the asteroid frame
    vel = state[3:6]  # vel of com in asteroid frame
    R = np.reshape(state[6:15], (3, 3))  # sc body frame to asteriod frame
    ang_vel = state[
        18]  # angular velocity of sc wrt inertial frame defined in asteriod frame

    J = dum.J
    Jr = R.dot(J).dot(R.T)
    Wa = ast.omega * np.array([0, 0, 1])  # angular velocity vector of asteroid

    Rd = des_att_tuple[0]
    Rd_dot = des_att_tuple[1]
    ang_vel_d = des_att_tuple[2]
    ang_vel_d_dot = des_att_tuple[3]

    # determine error between command and current state
    eR = 1 / 2 * attitude.vee_map(Rd.T.dot(R) - R.T.dot(Rd))
    eW = ang_vel - R.T.dot(Rd).dot(ang_vel_d)
    # compute attitude input
    u_m = (-dum.kR * eR - dum.kW * eW +
           Jr.dot(attitude.hat_map(Wa).dot(ang_vel)) - Jr.dot(
               attitude.hat_map(ang_vel).dot(R.T).dot(Rd).dot(ang_vel_d) -
               R.T.dot(Rd).dot(ang_vel_d_dot)) - ext_moment)
    return u_m
Пример #21
 def test_expm_rot3_equivalent(self):
     R = scipy.linalg.expm(self.angle *
                           attitude.hat_map(np.array([0, 0, 1])))
     R3 = attitude.rot3(self.angle)
     np.testing.assert_almost_equal(R.T.dot(R3), np.eye(3, 3))
Пример #22
def eoms_controlled_land_pybind(t, state, true_ast, dum, est_ast,
                                desired_asteroid_pos, t0, initial_position):
    """Inertial dumbbell equations of motion about an asteroid 
    This method must be used with the scipy.integrate.ode class instead of the
    more convienent scipy.integrate.odeint. In addition, we can control the
    dumbbell given full state feedback. Blender is used to generate imagery
    during the simulation.

    The spacecraft will move horizontally for the first 3600 sec to a positon 
    [2.550, 0, 0] in the asteroid (and inertial) frame, then descend vertically 
    in the asteroid frame.

        t - Current simulation time step
        state - (18,) array which defines the state of the vehicle 
            pos - (3,) position of the dumbbell with respect to the
            asteroid center of mass and expressed in the inertial frame
            vel - (3,) velocity of the dumbbell with respect to the
            asteroid center of mass and expressed in the inertial frame
            R - (9,) attitude of the dumbbell with defines the
            transformation of a vector in the dumbbell frame to the
            inertial frame ang_vel - (3,) angular velocity of the dumbbell
            with respect to the inertial frame and represented in the
            dumbbell frame
        ast - Asteroid class object holding the asteroid gravitational
        model and other useful parameters
    # unpack the state
    pos = state[0:3]  # location of the center of mass in the inertial frame
    vel = state[3:6]  # vel of com in inertial frame
    R = np.reshape(state[6:15], (3, 3))  # sc body frame to inertial frame
    ang_vel = state[
        18]  # angular velocity of sc wrt inertial frame defined in body frame

    Ra = est_ast.rot_ast2int(t)  # asteroid body frame to inertial frame

    # unpack parameters for the dumbbell
    J = dum.J

    rho1 = dum.zeta1
    rho2 = dum.zeta2

    # position of each mass in the asteroid frame
    z1 = Ra.T.dot(pos + R.dot(rho1))
    z2 = Ra.T.dot(pos + R.dot(rho2))

    z = Ra.T.dot(pos)  # position of COM in asteroid frame

    # compute the potential at this state
    U1 = true_ast.get_potential()
    U1_grad = true_ast.get_acceleration()

    U2 = true_ast.get_potential()
    U2_grad = true_ast.get_acceleration()

    F1 = dum.m1 * Ra.dot(U1_grad)
    F2 = dum.m2 * Ra.dot(U2_grad)

    M1 = dum.m1 * attitude.hat_map(rho1).dot(R.T.dot(Ra).dot(U1_grad))
    M2 = dum.m2 * attitude.hat_map(rho2).dot(R.T.dot(Ra).dot(U2_grad))

    # compute the external force and moment using the asteroid estimate
    U1_est = est_ast.get_potential()
    U1_grad_est = est_ast.get_acceleration()

    U2_est = est_ast.get_potential()
    U2_grad_est = est_ast.get_acceleration()

    F1_est = dum.m1 * Ra.dot(U1_grad_est)
    F2_est = dum.m2 * Ra.dot(U2_grad_est)

    M1_est = dum.m1 * attitude.hat_map(rho1).dot(R.T.dot(Ra).dot(U1_grad_est))
    M2_est = dum.m2 * attitude.hat_map(rho2).dot(R.T.dot(Ra).dot(U2_grad_est))

    # compute the control input
    u_m = controller.attitude_land_controller(t, state, M1_est + M2_est, dum,
    u_f = controller.translation_land_controller(t, state, F1_est + F2_est,
                                                 dum, est_ast,
                                                 desired_asteroid_pos, t0,

    pos_dot = vel
    vel_dot = 1 / (dum.m1 + dum.m2) * (F1 + F2 + u_f)
    R_dot = R.dot(attitude.hat_map(ang_vel)).reshape(9)
    ang_vel_dot = np.linalg.inv(J).dot(-np.cross(ang_vel, J.dot(ang_vel)) +
                                       M1 + M2 + u_m)

    statedot = np.hstack((pos_dot, vel_dot, R_dot, ang_vel_dot))

    return statedot
Пример #23
 def test_eoms_inertial_R_dot(self):
         R.reshape(3, 3).dot(attitude.hat_map(ang_vel)).reshape(9))
Пример #24
 def test_hat_map_skew_symmetric(self):
         attitude.hat_map(self.x).T, -attitude.hat_map(self.x))
Пример #25
tf = 1e3
num_steps = 1e5
time = np.linspace(0, tf, num_steps)

periodic_pos = np.array(
    [1.495746722510590, 0.000001002669660, 0.006129720493607])
periodic_vel = np.array(
    [0.000000302161724, -0.000899607989820, -0.000000013286327])

ast = asteroid.Asteroid(ast_name, num_faces)
dum = dumbbell.Dumbbell(m1=500, m2=500, l=0.003)

print("Running inertial EOMS")
# set initial state for inertial EOMs
initial_pos = periodic_pos  # km for center of mass in body frame
initial_vel = periodic_vel + attitude.hat_map(
    ast.omega * np.array([0, 0, 1])).dot(initial_pos)
initial_R = attitude.rot2(np.pi / 2).reshape(
    9)  # transforms from dumbbell body frame to the inertial frame
initial_w = np.array([0.01, 0.01, 0.01])
initial_state = np.hstack((initial_pos, initial_vel, initial_R, initial_w))

def run_inertial():
    i_state = integrate.odeint(dum.eoms_inertial,
                               args=(ast, ),
    # (i_time, i_state) = idriver.eom_inertial_driver(initial_state, time, ast, dum, AbsTol=1e-9, RelTol=1e-9)
    return i_state
Пример #26
 def test_hat_map_cross_product(self):
         attitude.hat_map(self.x).dot(self.y), np.cross(self.x, self.y))
Пример #27
 def test_desired_attitude_satifies_kinematics(self):
         self.Rd_dot, self.Rd.dot(attitude.hat_map(self.ang_vel_d)))
Пример #28
def blender_asteroid_frame_sim(gen_images=False):
    # simulation parameters
    output_path = './visualization/blender'
    asteroid_name = 'itokawa_low'
    # create a HDF5 dataset
    hdf5_path = './data/asteroid_circumnavigate/{}_asteroid_circumnavigate.hdf5'.format(
    dataset_name = 'landing'
    render = 'BLENDER'
    image_modulus = 1
    RelTol = 1e-6
    AbsTol = 1e-6
    ast_name = 'itokawa'
    num_faces = 64
    t0 = 0
    dt = 1
    tf = 3600 * 1
    num_steps = 3600 * 1

    ast = asteroid.Asteroid(ast_name,num_faces)
    dum = dumbbell.Dumbbell(m1=500, m2=500, l=0.003)

    # instantiate the blender scene once
    camera_obj, camera, lamp_obj, lamp, itokawa_obj, scene = blender.blender_init(render_engine=render, asteroid_name=asteroid_name)

    # get some of the camera parameters
    K = blender_camera.get_calibration_matrix_K_from_blender(camera)

    periodic_pos = np.array([1.495746722510590,0.000001002669660,0.006129720493607])
    periodic_vel = np.array([0.000000302161724,-0.000899607989820,-0.000000013286327])

    # set initial state for inertial EOMs
    # initial_pos = np.array([2.550, 0, 0]) # km for center of mass in body frame
    initial_pos = np.array([3, 0, 0])
    initial_vel = periodic_vel + attitude.hat_map(ast.omega*np.array([0,0,1])).dot(initial_pos)
    initial_R = attitude.rot3(np.pi/2).reshape(9) # transforms from dumbbell body frame to the inertial frame
    initial_w = np.array([0.01, 0.01, 0.01])
    initial_state = np.hstack((initial_pos, initial_vel, initial_R, initial_w))

    # instantiate ode object
    # system = integrate.ode(eoms_controlled_blender)
    system = integrate.ode(eoms.eoms_controlled_relative_blender_ode)
    system.set_integrator('lsoda', atol=AbsTol, rtol=RelTol, nsteps=1000)
    system.set_initial_value(initial_state, t0)
    system.set_f_params(dum, ast)

    i_state = np.zeros((num_steps+1, 18))
    time = np.zeros(num_steps+1)
    i_state[0, :] = initial_state

    with h5py.File(hdf5_path) as image_data:
        # create a dataset
        if gen_images:
            images = image_data.create_dataset(dataset_name, (244, 537, 3,
            RT_blender = image_data.create_dataset('RT',
            R_i2bcam = image_data.create_dataset('R_i2bcam',
                                                 (num_steps/image_modulus, 9))
        ii = 1
        while system.successful() and system.t < tf:
            # integrate the system and save state to an array
            time[ii] = (system.t + dt)
            i_state[ii, :] = (system.integrate(system.t + dt))
            # generate the view of the asteroid at this state
            if int(time[ii]) % image_modulus== 0 and gen_images:
                img, RT, R = blender.gen_image_fixed_ast(i_state[ii,0:3], 
                                                         ast.omega * (time[ii] - 3600),
                                                         camera_obj, camera,
                                                         lamp_obj, lamp,
                                                         itokawa_obj, scene,
                                                         [5, 0, 1], 'test')

                images[:, :, :, ii//image_modulus - 1] = img
                RT_blender[ii//image_modulus -1, :] = RT.reshape(12)
                R_i2bcam[ii//image_modulus -1, :] = R.reshape(9)

            # do some image processing and visual odometry
            ii += 1

        image_data.create_dataset('K', data=K)
        image_data.create_dataset('i_state', data=i_state)
        image_data.create_dataset('time', data=time)
Пример #29
def eoms_controlled_relative_blender_ode(t, state, dum, ast):
    """Relative EOMS defined in the rotating asteroid frame

    This function defines the motion of a dumbbell spacecraft in orbit around
    an asteroid.
    The EOMS are defined relative to the asteroid itself, which is in a state
    of constant rotation.
    You need to use this function with scipy.integrate.ode class
    This is setup to test Blender using a fixed asteroid

        t - current time of simulation (sec)
        state - (18,) relative state of dumbbell with respect to asteroid
            pos - state[0:3] in km position of the dumbbell with respect to the
            asteroid and defined in the asteroid fixed frame
            vel - state[3:6] in km/sec is the velocity of dumbbell wrt the
            asteroid and defined in the asteroid fixed frame
            R - state[6:15] rotation matrix which converts vectors from the
            dumbbell frame to the asteroid frame
            w - state[15:18] rad/sec angular velocity of the dumbbell wrt
            inertial frame and defined in the asteroid frame
        ast - asteroid object

        state_dot - (18,) derivative of state. The order is the same as the input state.

    # unpack the state
    pos = state[0:3]  # location of the COM of dumbbell in asteroid fixed frame
    vel = state[
        6]  # vel of com wrt to asteroid expressed in the asteroid fixed frame
    R = np.reshape(
        (3, 3))  # sc body frame to asteroid body frame R = R_A^T R_1
    w = state[
        18]  # angular velocity of sc wrt inertial frame and expressed in asteroid fixed frame

    Ra = attitude.rot3(ast.omega * t,
                       'c')  # asteroid body frame to inertial frame

    # unpack parameters for the dumbbell
    m1 = dum.m1
    m2 = dum.m2
    m = m1 + m2
    J = dum.J
    Jr = R.dot(J).dot(R.T)
    Wa = ast.omega * np.array([0, 0, 1])  # angular velocity vector of asteroid

    # the position of each mass in the dumbbell body frame
    rho1 = dum.zeta1
    rho2 = dum.zeta2

    # position of each mass in the asteroid frame
    z1 = pos + R.dot(rho1)
    z2 = pos + R.dot(rho2)

    z = pos  # position of COM in asteroid frame

    # compute the potential at this state
    (U1, U1_grad, U1_grad_mat, U1laplace) = ast.polyhedron_potential(z1)
    (U2, U2_grad, U2_grad_mat, U2laplace) = ast.polyhedron_potential(z2)

    # force due to each mass expressed in asteroid body frame
    F1 = m1 * U1_grad
    F2 = m2 * U2_grad

    M1 = m1 * attitude.hat_map(R.dot(rho1)).dot(U1_grad)
    M2 = m2 * attitude.hat_map(R.dot(rho2)).dot(U2_grad)

    des_tran_tuple = controller.asteroid_circumnavigate(t, 3600, 1)
    des_att_tuple = controller.asteroid_pointing(t, state, ast)

    u_f = controller.translation_controller_asteroid(t, state, F1 + F2, dum,
                                                     ast, des_tran_tuple)
    u_m = controller.attitude_controller_asteroid(t, state, M1 + M2, dum, ast,

    # state derivatives
    pos_dot = vel - attitude.hat_map(Wa).dot(pos)
    vel_dot = 1 / m * (F1 + F2 - m * attitude.hat_map(Wa).dot(vel) + u_f)
    # vel_dot = 1/m * (F_com)
    R_dot = attitude.hat_map(w).dot(R) - attitude.hat_map(Wa).dot(R)
    R_dot = R_dot.reshape(9)
    w_dot = np.linalg.inv(Jr).dot(M1 + M2 -
                                  Jr.dot(attitude.hat_map(Wa)).dot(w) + u_m)
    state_dot = np.hstack((pos_dot, vel_dot, R_dot, w_dot))

    return state_dot