Пример #1
class AlignedKinematicsTest(unittest.TestCase):
    Tests aligned kinematics

    def setUp(self):
        print("<Setup START>")
        links = [26, 22, 12.5]
        self.kinematics = Kinematics(links, 0, 0, 0, 0)

    def test_inverse_aligned_kuka_initial(self):
        Tests the following aligned inverse kinematics problem:
        1) "rear low" Axis 3 fixed:
            0 on base, 1.73 on joint 1, 2.50 on joint 2, -0.75 on joint 3, 0 on joint 4:
            35.01157, 0, 25.96866
        print("<Test aligned kuka initial START>")

        x, y, z = 35.01157, 0, 25.96866
        alignment = 0
        results = self.kinematics.inverse_aligned(x, y, z, alignment)
        expected = [0, 1.55, -1.55, 0]

        result = all((abs(x - y) < 0.01 for x, y in zip(results, expected)))


    def test_inverse_aligned_rear_high(self):
        Tests the following aligned inverse kinematics problem:
        1) "rear low" Axis 3 fixed:
            0 on base, 1.6735 on joint 1, -0.8171 on joint 2, -1.0564 on joint 3, 0 on joint 4:
            24, 0, 40
        print("<Test aligned kuka initial START>")

        x, y, z = 24, 0, 40
        alignment = -0.2
        results = self.kinematics.inverse_aligned(x, y, z, alignment)
        expected = [0, 1.6735, -0.8171, -1.0564]

        result = all((abs(x - y) < 0.01 for x, y in zip(results, expected)))


    def test_inverse_align_too_far(self):
        Tests the following inverse kinematics problem:
        11) "Way too far":
            not reachable
            500, 500, 500
        print("<Test Inverse too far START>")

        x, y, z = 500, 500, 500
        alignment = 0
        self.assertRaises(CalculationError, self.kinematics.inverse_aligned, x, y, z, alignment)
Пример #2
class Robotarm:
    Main controller-class for the 00SIRIS Robotarm
        Hedgehog information:
            -2000 Steps per Servo

    def __init__(self, client, links, base_offset, x_offset, y_offset, z_offset, min_angles, max_angles, min_servo_pos,
        Constructor - used for initialization
        move_to_init should be called after initialization to move the robotarm to the initial position.
        Servos can only track position after move_to_init has been called! (=High risk of unexpected behaviour!)

        :param links: the lengths of all links in an array
        :param base_offset: the distance in between the center of the base axis and the first joint

        # Params
        self.client = client
        self.links = links
        self.base_offset = base_offset
        self.x_offset = x_offset
        self.y_offset = y_offset
        self.z_offset = z_offset
        self.min_angles = min_angles
        self.max_angles = max_angles
        self.min_servo_pos = min_servo_pos
        self.max_servo_pos = max_servo_pos

        # Set to initial position - move_to_init should be called after initialization!
        # Base, axis 1, axis 2, axis 3, axis 4, grabber
        self.servo_pos = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

        self.kinematics = Kinematics(self.links, self.base_offset, self.x_offset, self.y_offset, self.z_offset)

    def move_to_init(self):
        Moves the robotarm to the initial position
        print("Moving to init!")
        self.move_to_config([0.0, 1.51, -1.51, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        print("Successfully moved to init!")

    def move_to_pos(self, pos, joint):
        Moves the given joint to the given position
        :param pos: the position
        :param joint: the joint that will be used
        :raise OutOfReachError: if the given position cannot be reached
        if 0 <= pos <= 2000:  # TODO: maybe this can be changed to servo_min/max but this has to be checked properly
            self.client.set_servo(joint, True, int(pos))
            self.servo_pos[joint] = pos
            raise OutOfReachError("Position out of reach! (Range 0 to 2000): " + str(pos))

    def move_to_pos_t(self, pos, joint, duration):
        Moves a joint to the given position in exactly the given duration
        :param pos: the position that the servo should move to
        :param joint: the joint that should be moved
        :param duration: the duration that the movement should take
        start_position = self.servo_pos[joint]
        movement = pos - start_position


        if movement == 0:
            print("Already at position")
            return  # Already at position

        print("Starting procedure!")

        time_per_step = abs(duration / movement)
        start_time = time.time()

        while start_time + duration > time.time() and pos != self.servo_pos[joint]:
            crnt_step = round((time.time() - start_time) / time_per_step)
            self.move_to_pos(start_position + crnt_step * math.copysign(1, movement), joint)
            time.sleep(0.001)  # To prevent from overload

    def move_to_multi_pos_t(self, positions, duration):
        Moves the joints to the given position in exactly the given duration.
        If less than 6 positions are given, the first x joints are moved, where x is the number of given positions
        :param positions: the positions that the servos should move to
        :param duration: the duration that the movement should take

        if len(positions) < 1 or len(positions) > 6:
            raise OutOfReachError("1-6 positions required!")

        start_positions = self.servo_pos
        movements = [pos - self.servo_pos[joint] for joint, pos in enumerate(positions)]

        # If movement = 0 -> Don't move: Set times_per_step to 0 and check for 0 when calculating crnt step
        times_per_step = [abs(duration / movement) if movement != 0 else 0 for movement in movements]
        start_time = time.time()

        while start_time + duration > time.time():
            # If time_per_step = 0 -> Movement = 0 -> Stay at position
            crnt_steps = [
                round((time.time() - start_time) / time_per_step) if time_per_step != 0 else 0 for
                joint, time_per_step in enumerate(times_per_step)]

            cfg = [(joint, True, int(start_positions[joint] + crnt_step * math.copysign(1, movements[joint]))) for
                   joint, crnt_step in enumerate(crnt_steps)]

            # TODO: Just using the first 4 axis for now([:4]). Needs a 2nd hedgehog for more

            time.sleep(0.001)  # To prevent from overload

        # Update positions
        for index in range(len(positions), 6):

        self.servo_pos = positions

    def move_to_angle(self, angle, joint):
        Moves a joint to a certain angle
        :param angle: the angle
        :param joint: the joint
        pos = self.angle_to_step(angle, joint)

        self.move_to_pos(pos, joint)

    def move_to_cartesian(self, x, y, z, fixed_joint, fj_angle):
        Moves the robotarm to the given cartesian coordinates.
        :param x: the x-coordinate
        :param y: the y-coordinate
        :param z: the z-coordinate
        :param fixed_joint: the joint that is fixed
        :param fj_angle: the angle of the fixed joint
            angles = self.kinematics.inverse(x, y, z, fixed_joint, fj_angle)
        except KinematicsError as ke:
            print("Position cannot be reached: " + ke.message)

        except OutOfReachError as oore:
            print("The kinematics module was able to calculate a position, but the servos are not able to reach it: " +

    def move_to_cartesian_t(self, x, y, z, fixed_joint, fj_angle, duration):
        Moves the robotarm to the given cartesian coordinates.
        :param x: the x-coordinate
        :param y: the y-coordinate
        :param z: the z-coordinate
        :param fixed_joint: the joint that is fixed
        :param fj_angle: the angle of the fixed joint
        :param duration: the duration of the movement
            angles = self.kinematics.inverse(x, y, z, fixed_joint, fj_angle)
            self.move_to_config_t(angles, duration)
        except KinematicsError as ke:
            print("Position cannot be reached: " + ke.message)

        except OutOfReachError as oore:
            print("The kinematics module was able to calculate a position, but the servos are not able to reach it: " +

    def move_to_cartesian_aligned(self, x, y, z, alignment):
        Moves the robotarm to the given cartesian coordinates.
        This one takes the alignment of the grabber towards the x-axis and uses it as the fixed joint.
        :param x: the x-coordinate
        :param y: the y-coordinate
        :param z: the z-coordinate
        :param alignment: the alignment of the grabber
            angles = self.kinematics.inverse_aligned(x, y, z, alignment)
        except KinematicsError as ke:
            print("Position cannot be reached: " + ke.message)

        except OutOfReachError as oore:
            print("The kinematics module was able to calculate a position, but the servos are not able to reach it: " +

    def move_to_cartesian_aligned_t(self, x, y, z, alignment, duration):
        Moves the robotarm to the given cartesian coordinates.
        This one takes the alignment of the grabber towards the x-axis and uses it as the fixed joint.
        :param x: the x-coordinate
        :param y: the y-coordinate
        :param z: the z-coordinate
        :param alignment: the alignment of the grabber
        :param duration: the duration of the movement
            angles = self.kinematics.inverse_aligned(x, y, z, alignment)
            self.move_to_config_t(angles, duration)
        except KinematicsError as ke:
            print("Position cannot be reached: " + ke.message)

        except OutOfReachError as oore:
            print("The kinematics module was able to calculate a position, but the servos are not able to reach it: " +

    def move_to_config(self, angles):
        Move the robotarm to the given configuration.
        :param angles: the angles of all joints

        if self.validate_config(angles):
            positions = [self.angle_to_step(angle, joint) for joint, angle in enumerate(angles)]
            cfg = [(joint, True, position) for joint, position in enumerate(positions)]
            # TODO: Just using the first 4 axis for now([:4]). Needs a 2nd hedgehog for more

            # Update positions
            for index in range(len(positions), 6):

            self.servo_pos = positions
            raise OutOfReachError("The given configuration cannot be reached!")

    def move_to_config_t(self, angles, duration):
        Move the robotarm to the given configuration in the given time.
        :param angles: the angles of all joints
        :param duration: the duration of the movement

        if self.validate_config(angles):
            positions = [self.angle_to_step(angle, joint) for joint, angle in enumerate(angles)]
            self.move_to_multi_pos_t(positions, duration)  # Already updates the servo positions
            raise OutOfReachError("The given configuration cannot be reached!")

    def move_through_configs_t(self, configs, duration):
        Moves the joints through all the given configurations in the given duration
        If less than 6 positions are given, the first x joints are moved, where x is the number of given positions
        :param configs: the configurations as list of list of angles
                    e.g. [[0.0, 1.7, -2.0, 0.3], [0.0, 1.7, -2.1, 0.5], ...]
        :param duration: the duration that the movement should take

        for index, config in enumerate(configs):
            if len(config) < 1 or len(config) > 6:
                raise OutOfReachError("1-6 positions required!")

            # Pre-validation, to find errors BEFORE the movement starts and not in between:
            if not self.validate_config(config):
                raise OutOfReachError("At least one of the given angles is not valid! Index: " + str(index))

        time_per_config = duration/len(configs)

        start_time = time.time()

        while start_time + duration > time.time():
            crnt_step = int((time.time() - start_time) / time_per_config)

            # Using move_to_config_t to make the movement "smoother"
            # To leave some room for calculation-time, only 90% of the intended time is used as parameter
            self.move_to_config_t(configs[crnt_step], time_per_config * 0.9)

            time.sleep(0.001)  # To prevent from overload

    def move_linear_aligned_t(self, a, b, align_start, align_end, resolution, duration):
        Moves from point a to point b in a given time.
        :param a: the point a as (x,y,z)-tuple
        :param b: the point b as (x,y,z)-tuple
        :param align_start: the alignment of the grabber at the start of the movement
        :param align_end: the alignment of the grabber at the start of the movement
        :param resolution: the number of points that will be used for the movement
        :param duration: the duration of the movement
        points = self.kinematics.linear(a, b, resolution)
        angles = self.kinematics.linear_aligned(points, align_start, align_end)

        self.move_through_configs_t(angles, duration)

    def angle_to_step(self, angle, joint):
        Calculates the step value of the given angle for the given joint.
        Servos have 2048 steps and this maps the angle to those
        :param angle: the angle in radiant representation
        :param joint: the joint that should be used
        :return: the servo-position in steps
        if not self.validate_angle(angle, joint):
            raise OutOfReachError

        if self.min_angles[joint] == self.max_angles[joint]:
            return 0  # if no min/max angle is set for the servo, position does not matter

        total_steps = self.max_servo_pos[joint] - self.min_servo_pos[joint]
        total_angle = self.max_angles[joint] - self.min_angles[joint]

        >Move angle to 0 ("remove" min)
        >Calculate steps/angle ratio
        >Add min servo pos (offset)
        pos = int((total_steps / total_angle) * (angle - self.min_angles[joint]) + self.min_servo_pos[joint])

        return pos

    def step_to_angle(self, pos, joint):
        Calculates the angle of the given servo-position (in steps) for the given joint.
        Servos have 2048 steps and this maps the angle to those
        :param pos: the given step
        :param joint: the joint that should be used
        :return: the servo-position in angle

        # TODO: Reimplement this!

        return 0

    def validate_config(self, angles):
        Validates whether the given configuration is reachable.
        :param angles: the angles of all joints
        :return: True if the given configuration is reachable, else: False

        if len(angles) < 4:
            return False  # the K-00SIRIS needs at least 4 joints for a kinematic configuration

        # Check whether the angles on all joints can be reached
        for joint, angle in enumerate(angles):
            if not self.validate_angle(angle, joint):
                return False

        return True

    def validate_angle(self, angle, joint):
        Validates whether the given angle is reachable with the given joint.
        :param angle: the angle that should be validated
        :param joint: the joint that the angle should be validated for
        :return: True if the given angle is reachable with the given joint, else: False

        if self.min_angles[joint] <= angle <= self.max_angles[joint] or self.min_angles[joint] >= angle >= \
            return True
            return False

    def get_tool_cs(self):
        Returns the tool coordinate system
        :return: the tool coordinate system as WorldCoordinateSystem
        angles = []
        for joint, pos in enumerate(self.servo_pos):
            angles[joint] = self.step_to_angle(pos, joint)

        x, y, z, theta_x, theta_y, theta_z = self.kinematics.direct(angles)
        return WorldCoordinateSystem(x, y, z, theta_x, theta_y, theta_z)

    def servos_off(self):
        Turns off all servos
        self.client.set_multi_servo([(0, False, 0), (1, False, 0), (2, False, 0), (3, False, 0)])