Пример #1
    def refine_R1(self, smoothR1, smoothk2, smoothk2a, h):
        Ridge regression to get better R1, k2, k2a estimates

            smoothR1 (float): R1 value to drive the estimate toward
            smoothk2 (float): k2 value to drive the estimate toward
            smoothk2a (float): k2a value to drive the estimate toward
            h (numpy.ndarray): 1-D array consisting of the  diagonal elements
                               of the matrix used to compute the weighted norm

        if not smoothR1.ndim==smoothk2.ndim==smoothk2a.ndim==1:
            raise ValueError('smoothR1, smoothk2, smoothk2a must be 1-D')
        if not len(smoothR1)==len(smoothk2)==len(smoothk2a)==self.TAC.shape[0]:
            raise ValueError('Length of smoothR1, smoothk2, smoothk2a must be \
                             equal to the number of rows of TAC')
        if not h.ndim==2:
            raise ValueError('h must be 2-D')
        if not h.shape==(self.TAC.shape[0], 3):
            raise ValueError('Number of rows of h must equal the number of rows of TAC, \
                             and the number of columns of h must be 3')

        # Numerical integration of reference TAC
        intrefTAC = km_integrate(self.refTAC,self.t,self.startActivity)
        for k, TAC in enumerate(self.TAC):
            W = mat.diag(self.weights[k,:])

            # Numerical integration of target TAC
            intTAC = km_integrate(TAC,self.t,self.startActivity)

            # ----- Get R1 incorporating spatial constraint -----
            # Set up the ridge regression model
            # based on Eq. 11 in Zhou et al.
            #X = np.mat(np.column_stack((self.refTAC,intrefTAC,-intTAC)))
            X = np.column_stack((self.refTAC,intrefTAC,-intTAC))
            #y = np.mat(TAC).T
            y = TAC
            H = mat.diag(h[k,:])
            b_sc = np.array((smoothR1[k],smoothk2[k],smoothk2a[k])) #.reshape(-1,1)

                b = solve(X.T @ W @ X + H, X.T @ W @ y + H @ b_sc)

                R1_lrsc = b[0]
                k2_lrsc = b[1]
                k2a_lrsc = b[2]
                R1_lrsc = k2_lrsc = k2a_lrsc = 0

            self.results['R1_lrsc'][k] = R1_lrsc
            self.results['k2_lrsc'][k] = k2_lrsc
            self.results['k2a_lrsc'][k] = k2a_lrsc

        return self
Пример #2
            def srtm_est(X, BPnd, R1, k2):
                Compute fitted TAC given t, refTAC, BP, R1, k2.

                    X (tuple): first element is t, second element is intrefTAC
                    BPnd (float): binding potential
                    R1 (float): R1
                    k2 (float): k2

                    TAC_est (numpy.ndarray): 1-D array
                                             estimated time activity curve
                t, refTAC = X

                k2a = k2/(BPnd+1)
                # Convolution of reference TAC and exp(-k2a*t) = exp(-k2a*t) * Numerical integration of
                # refTAC(t)*exp(k2a*t).

                exp_k2a_t = np.exp(k2a*t)
                integrant = refTAC * exp_k2a_t
                conv = km_integrate(integrant,t,startActivity) / exp_k2a_t
                TAC_est = R1*refTAC + (k2-R1*k2a)*conv

                return TAC_est
Пример #3
    def fit(self):
        n = len(self.t)
        m = 3

        # diagonal matrix with diagonal elements corresponding to the duration
        # of each time frame
        W = mat.diag(self.dt)

        # Numerical integration of target TAC
        intTAC = km_integrate(self.TAC,self.t,self.startActivity)
        # Numerical integration of reference TAC
        intrefTAC = km_integrate(self.refTAC,self.t,self.startActivity)

        # ----- Get DVR, BP -----
        # Set up the weighted linear regression model
        # based on Eq. 9 in Zhou et al.
        # Per the recommendation in first paragraph on p. 979 of Zhou et al.,
        # smoothed TAC is used in the design matrix, if provided.
        if self.smoothTAC is None:
            X = np.mat(np.column_stack((intrefTAC, self.refTAC, self.TAC)))
            X = np.mat(np.column_stack((intrefTAC, self.refTAC, self.smoothTAC)))
        y = np.mat(intTAC).T
        b = linalg.solve(X.T * W * X, X.T * W * y)
        residual = y - X * b
        var_b = residual.T * W * residual / (n-m)

        DVR = b[0]
        BP = DVR - 1

        # ----- Get R1 -----
        # Set up the weighted linear regression model
        # based on Eq. 8 in Zhou et al.
        X = np.mat(np.column_stack((self.refTAC,intrefTAC,-intTAC)))
        y = np.mat(self.TAC).T
        b = linalg.solve(X.T * W * X, X.T * W * y)
        residual = y - X * b
        var_b = residual.T * W * residual / (n-m)

        R1 = b[0]

        self.BP = BP
        self.R1 = R1

        return self
Пример #4
 def energy_fun(theta3):
     exp_theta3_t = np.exp(np.asscalar(theta3)*self.t)
     integrant = self.refTAC * exp_theta3_t
     conv = km_integrate(integrant,self.t,self.startActivity) / exp_theta3_t
     #X = np.mat(np.column_stack((self.refTAC, conv)))
     X = np.column_stack((self.refTAC, conv))
     #thetas = solve(X.T * W * X, X.T * W * y)
     thetas = solve(X.T @ W @ X, X.T @ W @ y)
     #residual = y - X * thetas
     residual = y - X @ thetas
     #rss = residual.T * W * residual
     rss = residual.T @ W @ residual
     return rss
Пример #5
    def fit(self):
        for k, TAC in enumerate(self.TAC):
            W = mat.diag(self.weights[k,:])
            #y = np.mat(TAC).T
            y = TAC

            def energy_fun(theta3):
                exp_theta3_t = np.exp(np.asscalar(theta3)*self.t)
                integrant = self.refTAC * exp_theta3_t
                conv = km_integrate(integrant,self.t,self.startActivity) / exp_theta3_t
                #X = np.mat(np.column_stack((self.refTAC, conv)))
                X = np.column_stack((self.refTAC, conv))
                #thetas = solve(X.T * W * X, X.T * W * y)
                thetas = solve(X.T @ W @ X, X.T @ W @ y)
                #residual = y - X * thetas
                residual = y - X @ thetas
                #rss = residual.T * W * residual
                rss = residual.T @ W @ residual
                return rss

            res = minimize_scalar(energy_fun, bounds=(0.06, 0.6),
                                  method='bounded', options=dict(xatol=1e-1))
            theta3 = np.asscalar(res.x)

            exp_theta3_t = np.exp(theta3*self.t)
            integrant = self.refTAC * exp_theta3_t
            conv = km_integrate(integrant,self.t,self.startActivity) / exp_theta3_t
            #X = np.mat(np.column_stack((self.refTAC, conv)))
            X = np.column_stack((self.refTAC, conv))
            #thetas = solve(X.T * W * X, X.T * W * y)
            thetas = solve(X.T @ W @ X, X.T @ W @ y)

            R1 = thetas[0]
            k2 = thetas[1] + R1*theta3
            BP = k2 / theta3 - 1

            self.results['BP'][k] = BP
            self.results['R1'][k] = R1
            self.results['k2'][k] = k2

        return self
Пример #6
            def srtm_est(X, BPnd, R1, k2):
                Compute fitted TAC given t, refTAC, BP, R1, k2.

                    X : tuple where first element is t, and second element is intrefTAC
                    BPnd : binding potential
                    R1 : R1
                    k2 : k2
                t, refTAC = X

                # Convolution of reference TAC and exp(-k2a) = exp(-k2a) * Numerical integration of
                # refTAC(t)*exp(k2at).
                integrant = refTAC * np.exp(k2a*t)
                conv = np.exp(-k2a*t) * km_integrate(integrant,t,startActivity)
                TAC_est = R1*refTAC + (k2-R1*k2a)*conv
                return TAC_est
Пример #7
    def fit(self, smoothTAC=None):
        Estimate parameters of the SRTM Zhou 2003 model.

            smoothTAC (numpy.ndarray): optional. 1- or 2-D array, where each row
                corresponds to a (spatially) smoothed time activity curve
        if smoothTAC is not None:
            if smoothTAC.ndim==1:
                if not len(smoothTAC)==len(self.t):
                    raise ValueError('smoothTAC and t must have same length')
                # make smoothTAC into a row vector
                smoothTAC = smoothTAC[np.newaxis,:]
            elif smoothTAC.ndim==2:
                if not smoothTAC.shape==self.TAC.shape:
                    raise ValueError('smoothTAC and TAC must have same shape')
                raise ValueError('smoothTAC must be 1- or 2-dimensional')

        n = len(self.t)
        m = 3

        # Numerical integration of reference TAC
        intrefTAC = km_integrate(self.refTAC,self.t,self.startActivity)

        # Compute BP/DVR, R1, k2, k2a
        for k, TAC in enumerate(self.TAC):
            W = mat.diag(self.weights[k,:])

            # Numerical integration of target TAC
            intTAC = km_integrate(TAC,self.t,self.startActivity)

            # ----- Get DVR -----
            # Set up the weighted linear regression model
            # based on Eq. 9 in Zhou et al.
            # Per the recommendation in first paragraph on p. 979 of Zhou et al.,
            # smoothed TAC is used in the design matrix, if provided.
            if smoothTAC is None:
                X = np.column_stack((intrefTAC, self.refTAC, -TAC))
                X = np.column_stack((intrefTAC, self.refTAC, -smoothTAC[k,:].flatten()))

            y = intTAC
                b = solve(X.T @ W @ X, X.T @ W @ y)
                residual = y - X @ b
                # unbiased estimator of noise variance
                noiseVar_eqDVR = residual.T @ W @ residual / (n-m)

                DVR = b[0]
                #R1 = b[1] / b[2]
                #k2 = b[0] / b[2]
                BP = DVR - 1
                DVR = BP = noiseVar_eqDVR = 0

            # ----- Get R1 -----
            # Set up the weighted linear regression model
            # based on Eq. 8 in Zhou et al.
            #X = np.mat(np.column_stack((self.refTAC,intrefTAC,-intTAC)))
            X = np.column_stack((self.refTAC,intrefTAC,-intTAC))
            #y = np.mat(TAC).T
            y = TAC
                b = solve(X.T @ W @ X, X.T @ W @ y)
                residual = y - X @ b
                # unbiased estimator of noise variance
                noiseVar_eqR1 = residual.T @ W @ residual / (n-m)

                R1 = b[0]
                k2 = b[1]
                k2a = b[2]
                R1 = k2 = k2a = noiseVar_eqR1 = 0

            self.results['BP'][k] = BP
            self.results['DVR'][k] = DVR
            self.results['R1'][k] = R1
            self.results['k2'][k] = k2
            self.results['k2a'][k] = k2a

            self.results['noiseVar_eqDVR'][k] = noiseVar_eqDVR
            self.results['noiseVar_eqR1'][k] = noiseVar_eqR1

        return self