def test_srtm_zhou2003_voxelwise(self): results_img = SRTM_Zhou2003.volume_wrapper( ti=self.ti, refRegionMaskFile=self.refRegionMaskFile, startActivity=self.startActivity, weights=self.weights, fwhm=self.fwhm) '''
def test_srtm_zhou2003_fit(self): self.model = SRTM_Zhou2003(self.t, self.dt, self.TAC, self.refTAC, self.startActivity) print('\nFitting SRTM_Zhou2003 with %s start activity' % self.startActivity) print('True BP = %.6f; estimated BP = %.6f' % (self.BP, self.model.BP)) print('True R1 = %.6f; estimated R1 = %.6f' % (self.R1, self.model.R1)) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.BP, self.model.BP, delta=1e-4) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.R1, self.model.R1, delta=1e-2)
def test_srtm_zhou2003_fit(self, BP, R1, startActivity): self.t, self.dt, self.TAC, self.refTAC = generate_fakeTAC_SRTM(BP, R1) self.model = SRTM_Zhou2003(self.t, self.dt, self.TAC, self.refTAC, startActivity=startActivity) print('\nFitting SRTM_Zhou2003 with %s start activity' % startActivity) print('True BP = %.6f; estimated BP = %.6f; percent error = %.1E' % \ (BP, self.model.results['BP'], 100*abs(BP-self.model.results['BP'])/BP)) print('True R1 = %.6f; estimated R1 = %.6f; percent error = %.1E' % \ (R1, self.model.results['R1'], 100*abs(R1-self.model.results['R1'])/R1)) self.assertAlmostEqual(BP, self.model.results['BP'], delta=5e-3) self.assertAlmostEqual(R1, self.model.results['R1'], delta=5e-2)
# In[7]: # Initialize SRTM Lammerstma 1996 model mdl_lammertsma = SRTM_Lammertsma1996(t, dt, TAC_matrix, refTAC, time_unit='min') # fit model # In[8]: # Initialize SRTM Zhou 2003 model mdl_zhou = SRTM_Zhou2003(t, dt, TAC_matrix, refTAC, time_unit='min') # In[9]: # we now take advantage of the spatial constraint capabilities of Zhou model # Initialize SRTM Zhou 2003 model mdl_zhou_spatial_constraint = SRTM_Zhou2003(t, dt, TAC_matrix, refTAC, time_unit='min') # we first reorganize the TAC data in a 4-D matrix and apply Gaussian smoothing to
# get model results mdl_lammertsma.results # In[91]: mdl_gunn = SRTM_Gunn1997(t, dt, TAC, refTAC, time_unit='min') mdl_gunn.results # In[307]: # Initialize SRTM Zhou 2003 model mdl_zhou = SRTM_Zhou2003(t, dt, TAC, refTAC, time_unit='min') mdl_zhou.results # In[296]: # Generate noisy simulations by adding normal noise -- I don't think this is a good way pct_noise = np.array([0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30]) TAC_matrix = TAC + np.random.normal(0, np.outer(TAC, pct_noise / 100).T) # In[297]: fig, ax = plt.subplots()
local_install_path = 'H:\gitrepos\kineticmodel' data_path = local_install_path + '/data/nru/' # loading real volumetric data inputTac_filename = os.path.join(data_path, 'input.mni305.2mm.sm6.nii.gz') cerebMask_filename = os.path.join(data_path, 'cereb.mni305.2mm.nii.gz') tim_filename = os.path.join(data_path, 'info_tim.csv') inputTac = nib.load(inputTac_filename) cerebMask = nib.load(cerebMask_filename) # using Zhou's algorithm to run it # Note: The srtm Lammertsmaa implementation is very slow in the volume and hence not shown here results_img = SRTM_Zhou2003.volume_wrapper( timeSeriesImgFile=inputTac_filename, frameTimingCsvFile=tim_filename, refRegionMaskFile=cerebMask_filename, time_unit='s', startActivity='flat', fwhm=(2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2))) * 5) # In[2]: results_img.keys() BP_img = results_img['BP'] import matplotlib.pyplot as plt get_ipython().magic('matplotlib inline') plt.imshow(BP_img[:, :, 20]) # In[3]:
ax.set_title('Real PET data'); ax.legend(); # In[5]: # Initialize SRTM Lammerstma 1996 model mdl_lammertsma = SRTM_Lammertsma1996(t, dt, TAC, refTAC, time_unit='s') # fit model; # get model results mdl_lammertsma.results # In[6]: # Initialize SRTM Zhou 2003 model mdl_zhou = SRTM_Zhou2003(t, dt, TAC, refTAC, time_unit='s'); mdl_zhou.results # In[ ]: