import pytest import numpy as np from import Dataset from kipoi.specs import DataLoaderArgument, DataLoaderSchema, DataLoaderDescription from kipoi.specs import Author, Dependencies from kipoi_utils.utils import inherits_from from collections import OrderedDict import related from import kipoi_dataloader deps = Dependencies(pip='kipoiseq') package_authors = [Author(name='John')] @kipoi_dataloader(override={ "dependencies": deps, 'info.authors': package_authors }) class Dl(Dataset): """ info: doc: short doc args: arg1: doc: this is arg1 example: hey n: doc: length of the dataset output_schema: inputs: name: seq
from kipoiseq.extractors import FastaStringExtractor from kipoiseq.transforms import SwapAxes, DummyAxis, Compose, OneHot, ReorderedOneHot from kipoiseq.transforms.functional import resize_interval from kipoiseq.utils import to_scalar, parse_dtype import pybedtools from pybedtools import BedTool, Interval # general dependencies # bioconda::genomelake', TODO - add genomelake again once it gets released with pyfaidx to bioconda deps = Dependencies( conda=['bioconda::pybedtools', 'bioconda::pyfaidx', 'numpy', 'pandas'], pip=['kipoiseq']) package_authors = [ Author(name='Ziga Avsec', github='avsecz'), Author(name='Roman Kreuzhuber', github='krrome') ] # Object exported on import * __all__ = ['SeqIntervalDl', 'StringSeqIntervalDl', 'BedDataset'] class BedDataset(object): """Reads a tsv file in the following format: ``` chr start stop task1 task2 ... ``` # Arguments tsv_file: tsv file type
from import Dataset, kipoi_dataloader from kipoi.metadata import GenomicRanges from kipoi.specs import Author, Dependencies from import SampleIterator import gffutils from pyfaidx import Fasta import pickle # general dependencies # bioconda::genomelake', TODO - add genomelake again once it gets released with pyfaidx to bioconda deps = Dependencies(conda=['bioconda::pyfaidx', 'numpy', 'pandas'], pip=['kipoiseq', 'kipoi']) package_authors = [Author(name='Jun Cheng', github='s6juncheng')] __all__ = ['ExonInterval', 'generate_exons', 'MMSpliceDl'] # python 2.7 compatibility try: FileNotFoundError except NameError: FileNotFoundError = IOError try: ModuleNotFoundError except NameError: ModuleNotFoundError = ImportError # ------------
from kipoi_conda.dependencies import Dependencies from kipoiseq.transforms import ReorderedOneHot from kipoi.specs import Author from kipoi_utils.utils import default_kwargs from kipoiseq.extractors import FastaStringExtractor from kipoiseq.transforms.functional import resize_interval, one_hot_dna from kipoiseq.utils import to_scalar, parse_dtype from kipoiseq.dataclasses import Interval deps = Dependencies(conda=[ 'bioconda::pybedtools', 'bioconda::pyfaidx', 'bioconda::pyranges', 'numpy', 'pandas' ], pip=['kipoiseq']) package_authors = [ Author(name='Ziga Avsec', github='avsecz'), Author(name='Roman Kreuzhuber', github='krrome') ] # Add Alex here? # Object exported on import * __all__ = [ 'SeqIntervalDl', 'StringSeqIntervalDl', 'BedDataset', 'AnchoredGTFDl' ] class BedDataset(object): """Reads a tsv file in the following format: ``` chr start stop task1 task2 ... ```
__all__ = [ 'SingleVariantProteinDataLoader', 'SingleVariantUTRDataLoader', ] deps = Dependencies(conda=[ 'bioconda::pybedtools', 'bioconda::pyfaidx', 'bioconda::pyranges', 'bioconda::biopython', 'numpy', 'pandas', ], pip=['kipoiseq']) package_authors = [ Author(name='Florian R. Hölzlwimmer', github='hoeze'), Author(name='Kalin Nonchev', github='KalinNonchev') ] class SingleVariantProteinDataLoader(SampleIterator): """ info: doc: > Dataloader for protein sequence models. With inputs as gtf annotation file and fasta file, each output is a protein sequence with flanking intronic seuqences. Intronic sequnce lengths specified by the users. Returned sequences are of the type np.array([str]) type: SampleIterator args: gtf_file: doc: file path; Genome annotation GTF file