def _poses_from_oxts(self, oxts_packets):
        """Helper method to compute SE(3) pose matrices from OXTS packets."""
        er = 6378137.  # earth radius (approx.) in meters

        # compute scale from first lat value
        scale = np.cos(oxts_packets[0].lat * np.pi / 180.)

        t_0 = []  # initial position
        poses = []  # list of poses computed from oxts
        for packet in oxts_packets:
            # Use a Mercator projection to get the translation vector
            tx = scale * packet.lon * np.pi * er / 180.
            ty = scale * er * \
                np.log(np.tan((90. + * np.pi / 360.))
            tz = packet.alt
            t = np.array([tx, ty, tz])

            # We want the initial position to be the origin, but keep the ENU
            # coordinate system
            if len(t_0) == 0:
                t_0 = t

            # Use the Euler angles to get the rotation matrix
            Rx = utils.rotx(packet.roll)
            Ry = utils.roty(packet.pitch)
            Rz = utils.rotz(packet.yaw)
            R =

            # Combine the translation and rotation into a homogeneous transform
            poses.append(utils.transform_from_rot_trans(R, t - t_0))

        return poses
Пример #2
    def _poses_from_oxts(self, oxts_packets):
        """Helper method to compute SE(3) pose matrices from OXTS packets."""
        er = 6378137.  # earth radius (approx.) in meters

        # compute scale from first lat value
        scale = np.cos(oxts_packets[0].lat * np.pi / 180.)

        t_0 = []    # initial position
        poses = []  # list of poses computed from oxts
        for packet in oxts_packets:
            # Use a Mercator projection to get the translation vector
            tx = scale * packet.lon * np.pi * er / 180.
            ty = scale * er * \
                np.log(np.tan((90. + * np.pi / 360.))
            tz = packet.alt
            t = np.array([tx, ty, tz])

            # We want the initial position to be the origin, but keep the ENU
            # coordinate system
            if len(t_0) == 0:
                t_0 = t

            # Use the Euler angles to get the rotation matrix
            Rx = utils.rotx(packet.roll)
            Ry = utils.roty(packet.pitch)
            Rz = utils.rotz(packet.yaw)
            R =

            # Combine the translation and rotation into a homogeneous transform
            poses.append(utils.transform_from_rot_trans(R, t - t_0))

        return poses
 def _load_calib_rigid(self, filename):
     """Read a rigid transform calibration file as a numpy.array."""
     filepath = os.path.join(self.calib_path, filename)
     data = utils.read_calib_file(filepath)
     return utils.transform_from_rot_trans(data['R'], data['T'])
Пример #4
 def _load_calib_rigid(self, filename):
     """Read a rigid transform calibration file as a numpy.array."""
     filepath = os.path.join(self.calib_path, filename)
     data = utils.read_calib_file(filepath)
     return utils.transform_from_rot_trans(data['R'], data['T'])