Пример #1
class TerminalWidgetKivy(FocusBehavior, Widget, TerminalWidget):
    _font_properties = ('lines', 'font_size', 'font_name', 'bold', 'italic',
                        'underline', 'strikethrough',
                        'halign', 'valign', 'padding_left', 'padding_top',
                        'padding_right', 'padding_bottom',
                        'shorten', 'mipmap',
                        'line_height', 'max_lines', 'strip',
                        'split_str', 'unicode_errors',
                        'font_hinting', 'font_kerning', 'font_blended')

    def __init__(self, session, **kwargs):
        self._trigger_texture = Clock.create_trigger(self._texture_update, -1)

        super(TerminalWidgetKivy, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        self.session = session
        self.tab_width = session.get_tab_width()
        # bind all the property for recreating the texture
        d = TerminalWidgetKivy._font_properties
        fbind = self.fbind
        update = self._trigger_texture_update
        fbind('disabled', update, 'disabled')
        for x in d:
            fbind(x, update, x)

        self._label = None

        self.line_rects = {}
        self._touch_count = 0
        self.font_kerning = True

        # force the texture creation

    def _create_label(self):
        # create the core label class according to markup value
        if self._label is not None:
            cls = self._label.__class__
            cls = None

        if cls is not CoreMarkupLabel:
            # markup have change, we need to change our rendering method.
            d = TerminalWidgetKivy._font_properties
            dkw = dict(list(zip(d, [getattr(self, x) for x in d])))
            self._label = CoreMarkupLabel(**dkw)


    def _create_line_label(self):
        d = TerminalWidgetKivy._font_properties
        dkw = dict(list(zip(d, [getattr(self, x) for x in d])))
        return CoreMarkupLabel(**dkw)

    def _update_line_options(self):
        min_line_ht = self._label.get_extents('_')[1]
        self.line_height = min_line_ht
        self._label.options['color'] = [1,1,1,1]

    def _trigger_texture_update(self, name=None, source=None, value=None):
        # check if the label core class need to be switch to a new one
        if source:
            if name == 'font_size':
                self._label.options[name] = value
                self._label.options[name] = value

        if name != 'lines':

    def _texture_update(self, *largs):

        logging.getLogger('term_widget').debug('texture update, cursor visible:{}'.format(self.cursor_visible))
        lines = [line[:] for line in self.lines]
        line_options = [line_option[:] for line_option in self.line_options]
        c_col, c_row = self.term_cursor


        dy = self.line_height + self.line_spacing
        y = self.height
        x = 0

        last_f_color = self.session.cfg.default_foreground_color
        last_b_color = self.session.cfg.default_background_color
        last_mode = 0

        for i in range(len(lines)):
            x = 0
            b_x = 0

            line = lines[i]
            line_option = line_options[i] if i < len(line_options) else []

            col = 0
            last_col = 0
            text = ''
            text_parts = []

            def render_text(t, xxxx):
                cur_f_color, cur_b_color = last_f_color, last_b_color

                if last_mode & TextMode.REVERSE:
                    cur_f_color, cur_b_color = last_b_color, last_f_color

                text = ''.join(['[color=',


                return self._add_background(t,
                                        cur_b_color, xxxx, y - (i + 1) * dy)

            last_option = None
            for col in range(len(line_option)):
                if line_option[col] is None:

                if last_option == line_option[col]:

                f_color, b_color, mode = line_option[col]

                n_f_color, n_b_color, n_mode = last_f_color, last_b_color, last_mode

                # foreground
                if f_color and len(f_color) > 0:
                    n_f_color = f_color
                elif f_color is None:
                    n_f_color = self.session.cfg.default_foreground_color

                # background
                if b_color and len(b_color) > 0:
                    n_b_color = b_color
                elif b_color is None:
                    n_b_color = self.session.cfg.default_background_color

                if mode is not None:
                    n_mode = mode

                if (n_f_color, n_b_color, n_mode) == (last_f_color, last_b_color, last_mode):

                if last_col < col:
                    if self.cursor_visible and i == c_row and last_col <= c_col and c_col < col:
                        b_x = render_text(''.join(line[last_col: c_col]), b_x)

                        tmp_l_f, last_f_color, tmp_l_b, last_b_color = \
                          last_f_color, last_b_color, last_b_color, self.session.cfg.default_cursor_color
                        b_x = render_text(''.join(line[c_col: c_col + 1]), b_x)
                        last_f_color, last_b_color = tmp_l_f, tmp_l_b

                        b_x = render_text(''.join(line[c_col + 1: col]), b_x)
                        b_x = render_text(''.join(line[last_col: col]), b_x)

                last_col = col
                last_option = line_option[col]
                last_f_color, last_b_color, last_mode = n_f_color, n_b_color, n_mode

            if last_col < len(line):
                if self.cursor_visible and i == c_row and last_col <= c_col and c_col < len(line):
                    b_x = render_text(''.join(line[last_col: c_col]), b_x)

                    tmp_l_f, last_f_color, tmp_l_b, last_b_color = \
                          last_f_color, last_b_color, last_b_color, self.session.cfg.default_cursor_color
                    b_x = render_text(''.join(line[c_col: c_col + 1]), b_x)
                    last_f_color, last_b_color = tmp_l_f, tmp_l_b

                    b_x = render_text(''.join(line[c_col + 1:]), b_x)
                    b_x = render_text(''.join(line[last_col:]), b_x)

            if self.cursor_visible and i == c_row and c_col >= len(line):
                tmp_l_f, last_f_color, tmp_l_b, last_b_color = \
                          last_f_color, last_b_color, last_b_color, self.session.cfg.default_cursor_color
                b_x = render_text(' ', b_x)
                last_f_color, last_b_color = tmp_l_f, tmp_l_b

            #add background to fill empty cols
            if b_x < self.width:
                tmp_b_c, last_b_color = last_b_color, self.session.cfg.default_background_color
                render_text(' ' * (self.visible_cols + 1), b_x)
                last_b_color = tmp_b_c

                self._add_text(i, ''.join(text_parts), x, y - (i + 1) * dy)
                logging.exception('show text:{},x={},y={}'.format(''.join(text_parts), x, y - (i + 1) * dy))

    def _get_color_hex(self, l_color):
        return '#%02x%02x%02x%02x' % (l_color[0], l_color[1], l_color[2], l_color[3])

    def _add_background(self, text, color, x, y):
        if not text or len(text) == 0:
            return x

        cid = '%s\0%02x%02x%02x%02x' % (text, color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3])

        t = Cache_get('termwidget.b', cid)

        if t is not None:
            if self.session.cfg.debug_more:
                logging.getLogger('term_widget').debug('reuse the background texture, pos={}, {}, size={}'.format(x, y, t.size))
            self.canvas.add(Rectangle(texture=t, pos=(x , y), size=t.size))
            return x + t.size[0]

        from kivy.graphics import Color
        from kivy.graphics.instructions import InstructionGroup
        from kivy.graphics.texture import Texture

        size = Cache_get('termwidget.b_size', text)

        if size is None:
            text = self.norm_text(text)
            size = self._label.get_extents(text)
            size = (size[0], size[1] + 1)
            Cache_append('termwidget.b_size', text, size)

        t = Texture.create(size=size)

        buf = color * size[0] * size[1]
        buf = b''.join(map(chr, buf))
        t.blit_buffer(buf, colorfmt='rgba', bufferfmt='ubyte')

        Cache_append('termwidget.b', cid, t)

        self.canvas.add(Rectangle(texture=t, pos=(x , y), size=size, group='background'))

        return x + size[0]

    def _add_text(self, line_num, text, x, y):
        self.line_rects[line_num] = Rectangle(size=(0,0), pos=(x, y))

        if not text or len(text) == 0:

        label = Cache_get('termwidget.label', text)

        texture = None

        if label is None:
            label = self._create_line_label()
            text = self.norm_text(text)
            label.text = text#.decode('utf_8', errors='ignore')

            if label.texture:

            texture = label.texture

            Cache_append('termwidget.label', text, label)
            if self.session.cfg.debug_more:
                logging.getLogger('term_widget').debug('cache the foreground texture, pos={}, {}, size={}'.format(x, y, texture.size))
            texture = label.texture
            if self.session.cfg.debug_more:
                logging.getLogger('term_widget').debug('reuse the foreground texture, pos={}, {}, size={}'.format(x, y, texture.size))

        self.line_rects[line_num] = Rectangle(texture=texture, size=texture.size, pos=(x, y), group='foreground')

    def _get_text_width(self, text):
        width = Cache_get('termwidget.width', text)

        if width is not None:
            return width

        txt = self.norm_text(text)

        width = self._label.get_extents(txt)[0]

        Cache_append('termwidget.width', text, width)

        return width

    def refresh(self):

    def on_touch_down(self, touch):
        touch_pos = touch.pos

        if not self.collide_point(*touch_pos):
            return super(TerminalWidgetKivy, self).on_touch_down(touch)

        self._touch_count += 1

        cursor = self._get_cursor_from_xy(*touch_pos)
        if not self._selection_touch:
            self._selection_touch = touch
            self._selection_from = self._selection_to = cursor

        self.focus = True
        return super(TerminalWidgetKivy, self).on_touch_down(touch)

    def on_touch_move(self, touch):
        if touch.grab_current is not self:
            return super(TerminalWidgetKivy, self).on_touch_move(touch)

        if self._selection_touch is touch:
            self._selection_to = self._get_cursor_from_xy(touch.x, touch.y)

        return super(TerminalWidgetKivy, self).on_touch_move(touch)

    def on_touch_up(self, touch):
        if touch.grab_current is not self:
            return super(TerminalWidgetKivy, self).on_touch_up(touch)

        self._touch_count -= 1

        if self._selection_touch is touch:
            self._selection_to = self._get_cursor_from_xy(touch.x, touch.y)

        self.focus = True
        return super(TerminalWidgetKivy, self).on_touch_up(touch)

    def _get_cursor_from_xy(self, x, y):
        '''Return the (row, col) of the cursor from an (x, y) position.
        padding_left = self.padding[0]
        padding_top = self.padding[1]
        l = self.lines
        dy = self.line_height + self.line_spacing
        cx = x - self.x
        cy = (self.top - padding_top) - y
        cy = int(boundary(round(cy / dy - 0.5), 0, len(l) - 1))
        _get_text_width = self._get_text_width
        for i in range(0, len(l[cy])):
            if _get_text_width(''.join(l[cy][:i])) + \
                  _get_text_width(l[cy][i]) * 0.6 + \
                  padding_left > cx:
                return i, cy

        return len(l[cy]), cy

    # Selection control
    def cancel_selection(self):
        super(TerminalWidgetKivy, self).cancel_selection()
        self._selection_touch = None

    def _update_selection(self, finished=False):
        self._selection_finished = finished

        if not finished:
            self._selection = True
            self._selection = True
            self._selection_touch = None


    def _update_graphics_selection(self):
        if not self._selection:
        dy = self.line_height + self.line_spacing

        padding_top = self.padding[1]
        padding_bottom = self.padding[3]
        _top = self.top
        y = _top - padding_top
        miny = self.y + padding_bottom
        maxy = _top - padding_top
        draw_selection = self._draw_selection

        a, b = self.get_selection()
        s1c, s1r = a
        s2c, s2r = b
        s2r += 1
        # pass only the selection lines[]
        # passing all the lines can get slow when dealing with a lot of text
        y -= s1r * dy
        _lines = self.lines
        _get_text_width = self._get_text_width
        width = self.width
        padding_left = self.padding[0]
        padding_right = self.padding[2]
        x = self.x
        canvas_add = self.canvas.add
        selection_color = self.selection_color
        for line_num, value in enumerate(_lines[s1r:s2r], start=s1r):
            r = self.line_rects[line_num]
            if miny <= y <= maxy + dy:
                draw_selection(r.pos, r.size, line_num, (s1c, s1r),
                               (s2c, s2r - 1), _lines, _get_text_width,
                               padding_left, padding_right, x,
                               canvas_add, selection_color)
            y -= dy

    def _draw_selection(self, *largs):
        pos, size, line_num, (s1c, s1r), (s2c, s2r),\
            _lines, _get_text_width, width,\
            padding_left, padding_right, x, canvas_add, selection_color = largs
        # Draw the current selection on the widget.
        if line_num < s1r or line_num > s2r or line_num >= len(_lines):
        x, y = pos
        w, h = size
        x1 = x
        x2 = x + w
        if line_num == s1r:
            lines = _lines[line_num]
            if not lines:
            s1c = s1c if s1c <= len(lines) else len(lines)
            x1 += _get_text_width(''.join(lines[:s1c]))
        if line_num == s2r:
            lines = _lines[line_num]
            if not lines:
            s2c = s2c if s2c <= len(lines) else len(lines)
            x2 = x + _get_text_width(''.join(lines[:s2c]))
        width_minus_padding = width - (padding_right + padding_left)
        maxx = x + width_minus_padding
        if x1 > maxx:
        x1 = max(x1, x)
        x2 = min(x2, x + width_minus_padding)
        canvas_add(Color(*selection_color, group='selection'))
            pos=(x1, pos[1]), size=(x2 - x1, size[1] + 1), group='selection'))

    def copy_to_clipboard(self, data):
        from kivy.core.clipboard import Clipboard

    def paste_from_clipboard(self):
        from kivy.core.clipboard import Clipboard

        return Clipboard.paste()

    def refresh_font(self):
        if self.session and self.session.cfg:
            config = self.session.cfg.config
            cfg = self.session.cfg

            self.font_name, nouse_font_name, self.font_size = cfg.get_font_info()
    # Properties

    selection_color = ListProperty([0.1843, 0.6549, 0.8313, .5])
    font_name = StringProperty('WenQuanYi')
    font_size = NumericProperty('17.5sp')
    line_height = NumericProperty(1.0)
    line_spacing = NumericProperty(1.0)
    bold = BooleanProperty(False)
    italic = BooleanProperty(False)
    underline = BooleanProperty(False)
    strikethrough = BooleanProperty(False)
    padding_left = NumericProperty(0)
    padding_top = NumericProperty(0)
    padding_right = NumericProperty(0)
    padding_bottom = NumericProperty(0)
    padding = ReferenceListProperty(padding_left, padding_top, padding_right, padding_bottom)
    halign = OptionProperty('left', options=['left', 'center', 'right',
    valign = OptionProperty('top',
                            options=['bottom', 'middle', 'center', 'top'])
    texture = ObjectProperty(None, allownone=True)
    texture_size = ListProperty([0, 0])
    mipmap = BooleanProperty(False)
    shorten = BooleanProperty(False)
    split_str = StringProperty('')
    unicode_errors = OptionProperty(
        'replace', options=('strict', 'replace', 'ignore'))
    max_lines = NumericProperty(0)
    strip = BooleanProperty(False)
    font_hinting = OptionProperty(
        'mono', options=[None, 'normal', 'light', 'mono'], allownone=True)
    font_kerning = BooleanProperty(True)
    font_blended = BooleanProperty(True)
Пример #2
class TerminalWidgetKivy(FocusBehavior, Widget, TerminalWidget):
    _font_properties = ('lines', 'font_size', 'font_name', 'bold', 'italic',
                        'underline', 'strikethrough', 'halign', 'valign',
                        'padding_left', 'padding_top', 'padding_right',
                        'padding_bottom', 'shorten', 'mipmap', 'line_height',
                        'max_lines', 'strip', 'split_str', 'unicode_errors',
                        'font_hinting', 'font_kerning', 'font_blended')

    def __init__(self, session, **kwargs):
        self._trigger_texture = Clock.create_trigger(self._texture_update, -1)

        super(TerminalWidgetKivy, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        self.session = session
        self.tab_width = session.get_tab_width()

        # bind all the property for recreating the texture
        d = TerminalWidgetKivy._font_properties
        fbind = self.fbind
        update = self._trigger_texture_update
        fbind('disabled', update, 'disabled')
        for x in d:
            fbind(x, update, x)

        self._label = None

        self.line_rects = {}
        self._touch_count = 0
        self.font_kerning = True

        # force the texture creation

    def _create_label(self):
        # create the core label class according to markup value
        if self._label is not None:
            cls = self._label.__class__
            cls = None

        if cls is not CoreMarkupLabel:
            # markup have change, we need to change our rendering method.
            d = TerminalWidgetKivy._font_properties
            dkw = dict(list(zip(d, [getattr(self, x) for x in d])))
            self._label = CoreMarkupLabel(**dkw)


    def _create_line_label(self):
        d = TerminalWidgetKivy._font_properties
        dkw = dict(list(zip(d, [getattr(self, x) for x in d])))
        return CoreMarkupLabel(**dkw)

    def _update_line_options(self):
        min_line_ht = self._label.get_extents('_')[1]
        self.line_height = min_line_ht
        self._label.options['color'] = [1, 1, 1, 1]

    def _trigger_texture_update(self, name=None, source=None, value=None):
        # check if the label core class need to be switch to a new one
        if source:
            if name == 'font_size':
                self._label.options[name] = value
                self._label.options[name] = value

        if name != 'lines':

    def _texture_update(self, *largs):

            'texture update, cursor visible:{}'.format(self.cursor_visible))
        lines = [line[:] for line in self.lines]
        line_options = [line_option[:] for line_option in self.line_options]
        c_col, c_row = self.term_cursor


        dy = self.line_height + self.line_spacing
        y = self.height
        x = 0

        last_f_color = self.session.cfg.default_foreground_color
        last_b_color = self.session.cfg.default_background_color
        last_mode = 0

        for i in range(len(lines)):
            x = 0
            b_x = 0

            line = lines[i]
            line_option = line_options[i] if i < len(line_options) else []

            col = 0
            last_col = 0
            text = ''
            text_parts = []

            def render_text(t, xxxx):
                cur_f_color, cur_b_color = last_f_color, last_b_color

                if last_mode & TextMode.REVERSE:
                    cur_f_color, cur_b_color = last_b_color, last_f_color

                text = ''.join([
                    self._get_color_hex(cur_f_color), ']',
                    escape_markup(t), '[/color]'


                return self._add_background(t, cur_b_color, xxxx,
                                            y - (i + 1) * dy)

            last_option = None
            for col in range(len(line_option)):
                if line_option[col] is None:

                if last_option == line_option[col]:

                f_color, b_color, mode = line_option[col]

                n_f_color, n_b_color, n_mode = last_f_color, last_b_color, last_mode

                # foreground
                if f_color and len(f_color) > 0:
                    n_f_color = f_color
                elif f_color is None:
                    n_f_color = self.session.cfg.default_foreground_color

                # background
                if b_color and len(b_color) > 0:
                    n_b_color = b_color
                elif b_color is None:
                    n_b_color = self.session.cfg.default_background_color

                if mode is not None:
                    n_mode = mode

                if (n_f_color, n_b_color, n_mode) == (last_f_color,
                                                      last_b_color, last_mode):

                if last_col < col:
                    if self.cursor_visible and i == c_row and last_col <= c_col and c_col < col:
                        b_x = render_text(''.join(line[last_col:c_col]), b_x)

                        tmp_l_f, last_f_color, tmp_l_b, last_b_color = \
                          last_f_color, last_b_color, last_b_color, self.session.cfg.default_cursor_color
                        b_x = render_text(''.join(line[c_col:c_col + 1]), b_x)
                        last_f_color, last_b_color = tmp_l_f, tmp_l_b

                        b_x = render_text(''.join(line[c_col + 1:col]), b_x)
                        b_x = render_text(''.join(line[last_col:col]), b_x)

                last_col = col
                last_option = line_option[col]
                last_f_color, last_b_color, last_mode = n_f_color, n_b_color, n_mode

            if last_col < len(line):
                if self.cursor_visible and i == c_row and last_col <= c_col and c_col < len(
                    b_x = render_text(''.join(line[last_col:c_col]), b_x)

                    tmp_l_f, last_f_color, tmp_l_b, last_b_color = \
                          last_f_color, last_b_color, last_b_color, self.session.cfg.default_cursor_color
                    b_x = render_text(''.join(line[c_col:c_col + 1]), b_x)
                    last_f_color, last_b_color = tmp_l_f, tmp_l_b

                    b_x = render_text(''.join(line[c_col + 1:]), b_x)
                    b_x = render_text(''.join(line[last_col:]), b_x)

            if self.cursor_visible and i == c_row and c_col >= len(line):
                tmp_l_f, last_f_color, tmp_l_b, last_b_color = \
                          last_f_color, last_b_color, last_b_color, self.session.cfg.default_cursor_color
                b_x = render_text(' ', b_x)
                last_f_color, last_b_color = tmp_l_f, tmp_l_b

            #add background to fill empty cols
            if b_x < self.width:
                tmp_b_c, last_b_color = last_b_color, self.session.cfg.default_background_color
                render_text(' ' * (self.visible_cols + 1), b_x)
                last_b_color = tmp_b_c

                self._add_text(i, ''.join(text_parts), x, y - (i + 1) * dy)
                logging.exception('show text:{},x={},y={}'.format(
                    ''.join(text_parts), x, y - (i + 1) * dy))

    def _get_color_hex(self, l_color):
        return '#%02x%02x%02x%02x' % (l_color[0], l_color[1], l_color[2],

    def _add_background(self, text, color, x, y):
        if not text or len(text) == 0:
            return x

        cid = '%s\0%02x%02x%02x%02x' % (text, color[0], color[1], color[2],

        t = Cache_get('termwidget.b', cid)

        if t is not None:
            if self.session.cfg.debug_more:
                    'reuse the background texture, pos={}, {}, size={}'.format(
                        x, y, t.size))
            self.canvas.add(Rectangle(texture=t, pos=(x, y), size=t.size))
            return x + t.size[0]

        from kivy.graphics import Color
        from kivy.graphics.instructions import InstructionGroup
        from kivy.graphics.texture import Texture

        size = Cache_get('termwidget.b_size', text)

        if size is None:
            text = self.norm_text(text)
            size = self._label.get_extents(text)
            size = (size[0], size[1] + 1)
            Cache_append('termwidget.b_size', text, size)

        t = Texture.create(size=size)

        buf = color * size[0] * size[1]
        buf = b''.join(map(chr, buf))
        t.blit_buffer(buf, colorfmt='rgba', bufferfmt='ubyte')

        Cache_append('termwidget.b', cid, t)

            Rectangle(texture=t, pos=(x, y), size=size, group='background'))

        return x + size[0]

    def _add_text(self, line_num, text, x, y):
        self.line_rects[line_num] = Rectangle(size=(0, 0), pos=(x, y))

        if not text or len(text) == 0:

        label = Cache_get('termwidget.label', text)

        texture = None

        if label is None:
            label = self._create_line_label()
            text = self.norm_text(text)
            label.text = text  #.decode('utf_8', errors='ignore')

            if label.texture:

            texture = label.texture

            Cache_append('termwidget.label', text, label)
            if self.session.cfg.debug_more:
                    'cache the foreground texture, pos={}, {}, size={}'.format(
                        x, y, texture.size))
            texture = label.texture
            if self.session.cfg.debug_more:
                    'reuse the foreground texture, pos={}, {}, size={}'.format(
                        x, y, texture.size))

        self.line_rects[line_num] = Rectangle(texture=texture,
                                              pos=(x, y),

    def _get_text_width(self, text):
        width = Cache_get('termwidget.width', text)

        if width is not None:
            return width

        txt = self.norm_text(text)

        width = self._label.get_extents(txt)[0]

        Cache_append('termwidget.width', text, width)

        return width

    def refresh(self):

    def on_touch_down(self, touch):
        touch_pos = touch.pos

        if not self.collide_point(*touch_pos):
            return super(TerminalWidgetKivy, self).on_touch_down(touch)

        self._touch_count += 1

        cursor = self._get_cursor_from_xy(*touch_pos)
        if not self._selection_touch:
            self._selection_touch = touch
            self._selection_from = self._selection_to = cursor

        self.focus = True
        return super(TerminalWidgetKivy, self).on_touch_down(touch)

    def on_touch_move(self, touch):
        if touch.grab_current is not self:
            return super(TerminalWidgetKivy, self).on_touch_move(touch)

        if self._selection_touch is touch:
            self._selection_to = self._get_cursor_from_xy(touch.x, touch.y)

        return super(TerminalWidgetKivy, self).on_touch_move(touch)

    def on_touch_up(self, touch):
        if touch.grab_current is not self:
            return super(TerminalWidgetKivy, self).on_touch_up(touch)

        self._touch_count -= 1

        if self._selection_touch is touch:
            self._selection_to = self._get_cursor_from_xy(touch.x, touch.y)

        self.focus = True
        return super(TerminalWidgetKivy, self).on_touch_up(touch)

    def _get_cursor_from_xy(self, x, y):
        '''Return the (row, col) of the cursor from an (x, y) position.
        padding_left = self.padding[0]
        padding_top = self.padding[1]
        l = self.lines
        dy = self.line_height + self.line_spacing
        cx = x - self.x
        cy = (self.top - padding_top) - y
        cy = int(boundary(round(cy / dy - 0.5), 0, len(l) - 1))
        _get_text_width = self._get_text_width
        for i in range(0, len(l[cy])):
            if _get_text_width(''.join(l[cy][:i])) + \
                  _get_text_width(l[cy][i]) * 0.6 + \
                  padding_left > cx:
                return i, cy

        return len(l[cy]), cy

    # Selection control
    def cancel_selection(self):
        super(TerminalWidgetKivy, self).cancel_selection()
        self._selection_touch = None

    def _update_selection(self, finished=False):
        self._selection_finished = finished

        if not finished:
            self._selection = True
            self._selection = True
            self._selection_touch = None


    def _update_graphics_selection(self):
        if not self._selection:
        dy = self.line_height + self.line_spacing

        padding_top = self.padding[1]
        padding_bottom = self.padding[3]
        _top = self.top
        y = _top - padding_top
        miny = self.y + padding_bottom
        maxy = _top - padding_top
        draw_selection = self._draw_selection

        a, b = self.get_selection()
        s1c, s1r = a
        s2c, s2r = b
        s2r += 1
        # pass only the selection lines[]
        # passing all the lines can get slow when dealing with a lot of text
        y -= s1r * dy
        _lines = self.lines
        _get_text_width = self._get_text_width
        width = self.width
        padding_left = self.padding[0]
        padding_right = self.padding[2]
        x = self.x
        canvas_add = self.canvas.add
        selection_color = self.selection_color
        for line_num, value in enumerate(_lines[s1r:s2r], start=s1r):
            r = self.line_rects[line_num]
            if miny <= y <= maxy + dy:
                draw_selection(r.pos, r.size, line_num, (s1c, s1r),
                               (s2c, s2r - 1), _lines, _get_text_width, width,
                               padding_left, padding_right, x, canvas_add,
            y -= dy

    def _draw_selection(self, *largs):
        pos, size, line_num, (s1c, s1r), (s2c, s2r),\
            _lines, _get_text_width, width,\
            padding_left, padding_right, x, canvas_add, selection_color = largs
        # Draw the current selection on the widget.
        if line_num < s1r or line_num > s2r or line_num >= len(_lines):
        x, y = pos
        w, h = size
        x1 = x
        x2 = x + w
        if line_num == s1r:
            lines = _lines[line_num]
            if not lines:
            s1c = s1c if s1c <= len(lines) else len(lines)
            x1 += _get_text_width(''.join(lines[:s1c]))
        if line_num == s2r:
            lines = _lines[line_num]
            if not lines:
            s2c = s2c if s2c <= len(lines) else len(lines)
            x2 = x + _get_text_width(''.join(lines[:s2c]))
        width_minus_padding = width - (padding_right + padding_left)
        maxx = x + width_minus_padding
        if x1 > maxx:
        x1 = max(x1, x)
        x2 = min(x2, x + width_minus_padding)
        canvas_add(Color(*selection_color, group='selection'))
            Rectangle(pos=(x1, pos[1]),
                      size=(x2 - x1, size[1] + 1),

    def copy_to_clipboard(self, data):
        from kivy.core.clipboard import Clipboard

    def paste_from_clipboard(self):
        from kivy.core.clipboard import Clipboard

        return Clipboard.paste()

    def refresh_font(self):
        if self.session and self.session.cfg:
            config = self.session.cfg.config
            cfg = self.session.cfg

            self.font_name, nouse_font_name, self.font_size = cfg.get_font_info(

    # Properties

    selection_color = ListProperty([0.1843, 0.6549, 0.8313, .5])
    font_name = StringProperty('WenQuanYi')
    font_size = NumericProperty('17.5sp')
    line_height = NumericProperty(1.0)
    line_spacing = NumericProperty(1.0)
    bold = BooleanProperty(False)
    italic = BooleanProperty(False)
    underline = BooleanProperty(False)
    strikethrough = BooleanProperty(False)
    padding_left = NumericProperty(0)
    padding_top = NumericProperty(0)
    padding_right = NumericProperty(0)
    padding_bottom = NumericProperty(0)
    padding = ReferenceListProperty(padding_left, padding_top, padding_right,
    halign = OptionProperty('left',
                            options=['left', 'center', 'right', 'justify'])
    valign = OptionProperty('top',
                            options=['bottom', 'middle', 'center', 'top'])
    texture = ObjectProperty(None, allownone=True)
    texture_size = ListProperty([0, 0])
    mipmap = BooleanProperty(False)
    shorten = BooleanProperty(False)
    split_str = StringProperty('')
    unicode_errors = OptionProperty('replace',
                                    options=('strict', 'replace', 'ignore'))
    max_lines = NumericProperty(0)
    strip = BooleanProperty(False)
    font_hinting = OptionProperty('mono',
                                  options=[None, 'normal', 'light', 'mono'],
    font_kerning = BooleanProperty(True)
    font_blended = BooleanProperty(True)