Пример #1
    def update(self, dt):
        with self.canvas:
            for entity, a in self.entity_manager.pairs_for_type(Accumulateur):
                # Couleur du texte rgba
                if a.full():
                    Color(0.7, 0, 0)  # rouge c'est plein
                elif a.empty():
                    Color(0, 1, 1)  # cyan c'est vide
                elif a.get() < a.dispo(
                ):  # tout n'est pas dispo (a cause de transit)
                    Color(1, 1, 0)  # jaune c'est partiellement dispo
                    Color(0, 1, 0)  # vert tout est dispo
                if not float(a.get()).is_integer():
                    s = str(round(a.get(), 3))
                    if a.getmax() != Accumulateur.infini:
                        s += "/" + str(round(a.getmax(), 3))
                    s = str(a.get())
                    if a.getmax() != Accumulateur.infini:
                        s += "/" + str(a.getmax())

                my_label = CoreLabel(text=s, font_size=14)
                # the label is usually not drawn until needed, so force it to draw.
                # Now access the texture of the label and use it wherever
                x_texture = my_label.texture
                li = self.entity_manager.component_for_entity(
                    entity, simulation.graphe.Ligne)
                Rectangle(size=x_texture.size, pos=li.ptxt, texture=x_texture)
Пример #2
 def draw_plot(self, node, color=None, depth=0, angle=0, parent_angle=360):
     if depth > 2:
         return None
     highlighted_node = None
     for idx, child in enumerate(node.get_children()):
         segm_color = (idx % len(self.colors)) if color is None else color
         w, h = self.size
         child_angle = child.get_size() / \
             child.get_size_parent_directory() * parent_angle
         if child_angle < 2:
         cx = w / 2
         cy = h / 2
         r = 100 + 50 * depth
         segment_width = 50
         angle_start = angle
         angle_end = angle + child_angle
         mouse_in_segment = self.mouse_in_segment(cx, cy, r, segment_width,
                                                  angle_start, angle_end)
         if mouse_in_segment:
             highlighted_node = child
         self.draw_segment(cx, cy, r, segment_width, angle_start, angle_end,
                           self.colors[segm_color][depth], mouse_in_segment)
         highlighted_node = self.draw_plot(
             child, segm_color, depth+1, angle, child_angle) or \
         angle += child_angle
     if highlighted_node and depth == 0:
         label = CoreLabel(text=highlighted_node.get_name(), font_size=20)
         text = label.texture
         Rectangle(size=text.size, pos=(0, 0), texture=text)
     return highlighted_node
Пример #3
class CircularProgressBar(ProgressBar):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(CircularProgressBar, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        # Set constant for the bar thickness
        self.thickness = 40

        # Create a direct text representation
        self.label = CoreLabel(text="0%", font_size=self.thickness)

        # Initialise the texture_size variable
        self.texture_size = None

        # Refresh the text

        # Redraw on innit

    def draw(self):
        with self.canvas:
            # Empty canvas instructions

            # Draw no-progress circle
            Color(0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
            Ellipse(pos=self.pos, size=self.size)

            # Draw progress circle, small hack if there is no progress (angle_end = 0 results in full progress)
            Color(1, 0, 0)
            Ellipse(pos=self.pos, size=self.size,
                    angle_end=(0.001 if self.value_normalized == 0 else self.value_normalized * 360))

            # Draw the inner circle (colour should be equal to the background)
            Color(0, 0, 0)
            Ellipse(pos=(self.pos[0] + self.thickness / 2, self.pos[1] + self.thickness / 2),
                    size=(self.size[0] - self.thickness, self.size[1] - self.thickness))

            # Center and draw the progress text
            Color(1, 1, 1, 1)
            Rectangle(texture=self.label.texture, size=self.texture_size,
                      pos=(self.size[0] / 2 - self.texture_size[0] / 2, self.size[1] / 2 - self.texture_size[1] / 2))

    def refresh_text(self):
        # Render the label

        # Set the texture size each refresh
        self.texture_size = list(self.label.texture.size)

    def set_value(self, value):
        # Update the progress bar value
        self.value = value

        # Update textual value and refresh the texture
        self.label.text = str(int(self.value_normalized * 100)) + "%"

        # Draw all the elements
Пример #4
 def drawText(self, text, size, x, y, r, g, b, a):
     label = Label(text=text, font_size=size, color=(r, g, b, a))
     texture = label.texture
     texture_size = list(texture.size)
     with self.canvas:
         Rectangle(texture=texture, pos=(x, y), size=texture_size)
Пример #5
    def show_solution(self, present):
        if present is None:
                Label(text="No solution", color=(0, 1, 0, 1), size=self.size))

        with self.canvas:
            Color(0, 0, 0, 1)

            Rectangle(pos=(0, 0), size=self.size)
            height = len(present)
            width = len(present[0])

            self.grid_layout.cols = height
            self.grid_layout.rows = width

            for x in range(width):
                for y in range(height):
                    symbol = present[y][x]

                    if symbol != '#':
                        Color(0, 1, 0, 1)
                        text = "" if symbol == "&&" else symbol
                        label = CoreLabel(text=text, font_size=20)

                        coord_x = x * self.CELL_SIZE + self.OFFSET
                        top_offset = (y + 1) * self.CELL_SIZE
                        coord_y = self.height - top_offset + self.OFFSET

                        Rectangle(pos=(coord_x, coord_y),
                        self.draw_empty_rectangle(x, self.height - top_offset)
 def ticks_instructions(cls, axes_offsets, axes_sizes, dates_exces):
     x_ticks = InstructionGroup()
     ticks_len = 5
     if len(dates_exces) != 0:
         x_ticks_distance = axes_sizes[0] / len(dates_exces)
         x_ticks_distance = 0
     yyyy_mm_dd = [x.split(' ')[0] for (x, y) in dates_exces]
     for i, d in enumerate(yyyy_mm_dd):
                 axes_offsets[0] + (i + 1) * x_ticks_distance,
                 axes_offsets[0] + (i + 1) * x_ticks_distance,
                 axes_offsets[1] - ticks_len
         text_label = CoreLabel(text=d, font_size=15)
         texture = text_label.texture
         texture_size = list(texture.size)
                       pos=(axes_offsets[0] + (i + 1) * x_ticks_distance -
                            45, axes_offsets[1] - ticks_len - 25)))
     return x_ticks
Пример #7
 def annotate_image(self, string):
     top_text, bot_text = string.split(',')
     top_label = CoreLabel(text=top_text,
                           text_size=(800, 80),
                           outline_color=(50, 50, 50))
     bot_label = CoreLabel(text=bot_text,
                           text_size=(800, 80),
     top_tex = top_label.texture
     bot_tex = bot_label.texture
     with self.canvas:
         Color(0, 0, 0)
         Rectangle(size=top_tex.size, pos=(0, 400))
         Rectangle(size=bot_tex.size, pos=(0, 0))
         Color(255, 255, 255)
         Rectangle(size=top_tex.size, pos=(0, 400), texture=top_tex)
         Rectangle(size=bot_tex.size, pos=(0, 0), texture=bot_tex)
Пример #8
class CounterNum(Widget):

    label = ObjectProperty(None)
    texture_size = None
    label_texture = ObjectProperty(None)

    def __init__(self, num, **kwargs):
        super(CounterNum, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        # generate texture containing the desired label
        self.label = CoreLabel(text=str(num),
                               color=(1, 1, 1, 1))
        self.texture_size = list(self.label.texture.size)
        self.label_texture = self.label.texture


    def animate(self):

        # animate widget
        size_old = self.texture_size
        size_new = (size_old[0] * 1.5, size_old[1] * 1.5)
        pos = self.pos
        anim = Animation(size=size_new,
                         pos=(pos[0] - (size_new[0] - size_old[0]) / 2,
                              pos[1] - (size_new[1] - size_old[1]) / 2),
        #anim = Animation(scale=1.5, pos=(pos[0] - (size_new[0] - size_old[0])/2, pos[1] - (size_new[1] - size_old[1])/2), duration=0.25)

Пример #9
def draw_text(pos, text, **kw):
    label = CoreLabel(text=text, bold=True, **kw)
              pos=(pos[0] - label.texture.size[0] / 2,
                   pos[1] - label.texture.size[1] / 2),
Пример #10
def _required_size_for_cells(cells: List[List[AutosizeTableCell]],
                             base_font_size: float) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    required_width = 0
    required_height = 0
    label = None
    last_font_size = -1
    for row in cells:
        row_height = 0
        sumw = sum([cell.layout_weight for cell in row])
        weight_ratios = [sumw / cell.layout_weight for cell in row]
        for cell, wrat in zip(row, weight_ratios):
            fsize = base_font_size * cell.relative_font_size
            # Updating an existing label's font size doesn't affect its computed
            # size, so we have to recreate it if the font size changes.
            if label is None or last_font_size != fsize:
                debug(f'New label: {fsize}')
                pad = fsize * cell.relative_padding
                label = CoreLabel(font_size=fsize, padding=pad)
            last_font_size = fsize
            label.text = cell.text
            size = label.texture.size
            required_width = max(required_width, size[0] * wrat)
            row_height = max(row_height, size[1])
        required_height += row_height
    return (required_width, required_height)
Пример #11
    def redraw(self, msize=32):
        cid = core.data.character_id

        for o in core.data.items.values():
            if o["is_dropped"]:
                self.canvas.add(Ellipse(size=(msize, msize), pos=(o["x"]*msize-msize/2, o["y"]*msize-msize/2)))
        for key, o in core.data.characters.items():
            if o["is_dead"]:
            if key == cid:
            # キャラクターの線画
            self.canvas.add(Ellipse(size=(msize, msize), pos=(o["x"]*msize-msize/2, o["y"]*msize-msize/2)))
            # キャラクターアングルの線画
            ap = self.angle_pos(o, msize)
            self.canvas.add(Ellipse(size=(msize*0.2, msize*0.2), pos=(ap[0]-msize*0.1, ap[1]-msize*0.1)))
        if cid and cid in core.data.characters:
            # render item names
            for idx,item_id in enumerate(core.data.characters[cid]["items"]):
                label = Label(text=core.data.items[item_id]["name"], font_size=msize*2)
                self.canvas.add(Rectangle(size=label.texture.size, pos=(0, idx*msize*2), texture=label.texture))
            # render position
            label = Label(text="{}, {}, {}".format(core.data.characters[cid]["x"], core.data.characters[cid]["y"], core.data.characters[cid]["attack_charge"]), font_size=msize*2)
            self.canvas.add(Rectangle(size=label.texture.size, pos=(0, WINDOWSIZE[1]-msize*2), texture=label.texture))
Пример #12
    def __init__(self, accuracy, pos, second):
        super(AccuracyDisplay, self).__init__()
        self.accuracy = accuracy
        font_size = 25
        self.pos = pos
        self.size = (100, 25)
        self.box = Rectangle(pos=pos, size=self.size)
        box_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0)

        label = CoreLabel(text=self.accuracy, font_size=font_size)
        # the label is usually not drawn until needed, so force it to draw
        # now access the texture of the label and use it
        texture = label.texture
        if accuracy == "Perfect":
            self.color = Color(0, 1, 0)
        elif accuracy == "Good":
            self.color = Color(1, 127 / 255, 80 / 255)
        elif accuracy == "Miss":
            self.color = Color(1, 0, 0)
        text_pos = list(self.pos[i] + (self.size[i] - texture.size[i]) / 2
                        for i in range(2))
        self.label = Rectangle(size=texture.size,
        max_time = 2
        self.alpha_anim = KFAnim((second, 1),
                                 (second + max_time, 0))  # color disappears
Пример #13
    def __init__(self, combo, second):
        super(ComboDisplay, self).__init__()
        self.combo = combo
        font_size = 25
        self.pos = [Window.width / 2, Window.height / 2 + 100]
        self.size = (100, 25)
        self.box = Rectangle(pos=self.pos, size=self.size)
        box_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0)

        label = CoreLabel(text='Combo %d' % (self.combo), font_size=font_size)
        # the label is usually not drawn until needed, so force it to draw
        # now access the texture of the label and use it
        texture = label.texture
        self.color = Color(0, 0, 1)
        text_pos = list(self.pos[i] + (self.size[i] - texture.size[i]) / 2
                        for i in range(2))
        self.label = Rectangle(size=texture.size,
        max_time = 1
        self.alpha_anim = KFAnim((second, 1),
                                 (second + max_time, 0))  # color disappears
Пример #14
    def btn_left(self, flayout, text_input):
        if text_input.text != "":
            str2 = text_input.text
            float = FloatLayout()
            float.pos_hint = {'x': 0, 'y': 0}
            my_label = CoreLabel()

            my_label.text = str2
            newsize = my_label.size
            mybtn = Button(text=str2,
                           size=(newsize[0] + 10, newsize[1] + 10),
                               'x': 0,
                               'y': 0

            mybtn.font_size = 12
            mybtn.font_name = 'Arial'
            mybtn.border = 0, 0, 0, 0
            mybtn.background_normal = 'gr.png'
            text_input.text = ""
Пример #15
    def redraw(self):
        with self.canvas:
            total_ticks = int(self.total_axis_space / self.space_btw_marks)
            for i in range(total_ticks):
                if i % 5 == 0:
                    # Long Mark
                    mark = self.mark_length
                    # Short Mark
                    mark = self.mark_length / 2
                    self.fwidth - mark, i *
                    self.space_btw_marks, self.fwidth, i *
                    self.space_btw_marks, self.fwidth, (i + 1) *
            i = int(self.total_axis_space / self.space_btw_marks)
                self.fwidth - self.mark_length, i *
                self.space_btw_marks, self.fwidth, i * self.space_btw_marks

            for i in range(int(total_ticks / 5) + 1):
                label = CoreLabel()
                label.text = "{:.1f}".format(0.1 * i)
                label_texture = label.texture
                texture_size = list(label_texture.size)
                          size=[s * 0.9 for s in texture_size],
                          pos=(0, i * 5 * self.space_btw_marks - 2))
Пример #16
    def __init__(self, pattern=None, key=None, aggregate=0):
        super(ScoreViewer, self).__init__(size=(Window.width, Window.height))

        self.info = topleft_label()
        self.info.text = 'Press SPACE to shift through bars'

        self.pattern = pattern
        self.key = key

        self.canvas.add(Color(.3, .3, .3))
        crect = CRectangle(cpos=(Window.width // 2, Window.height // 2),
                           csize=(Window.width, Window.height))
        self.canvas.add(Color(1, 1, 1))
        self.card = CRectangle(cpos=(Window.width // 2, Window.height // 2),
                               csize=(self.width // 4, self.height // 4))
        text = "No Info right now"
        label = CoreLabel(text, pos=self.card.cpos)
        self.card.texture = label.texture

        self.gui = KeyboardGui()
        self.player = DataPlayer(callback=self.gui.preview)

        self.barNum = -1

        #self.score_dict = {}
        self.data = None
        self.barData = None
Пример #17
    def draw_ticks(self):
        scangle = self.angle_stop - self.angle_start
        inc = scangle / (
            (self.scale_max - self.scale_min) / self.scale_increment)
        inc /= self.tic_frequency
        cnt = 0

        # create an instruction group so we can remove it and recall draw_ticks to update when pos or size changes
        self.ticks = InstructionGroup()


        labi = self.scale_min
        x = -180.0 + self.angle_start + self.angle_offset  # start
        while x <= self.angle_stop - 180 + self.angle_offset:
            a = x if (x < 0.0) else x + 360.0

            need_label = True
            ticlen = self.tic_length

            if (cnt % self.tic_frequency != 0):
                ticlen = self.tic_length / 2
                need_label = False

            cnt += 1

                       axis=(0, 0, -1),
                       origin=(self.dial_center[0], self.dial_center[1])))
            self.ticks.add(Translate(0, self.tic_radius - ticlen))
                    self.dial_center[0], self.dial_center[1],
                    self.dial_center[0], self.dial_center[1] + ticlen

            if need_label:
                #print("label: " + str(labi))
                #kw['font_size'] = self.tic_length * 2
                label = CoreLabel(text=str(int(round(labi))),
                texture = label.texture
                    Translate(-texture.size[0] / 2, -texture.size[1] - 2))
                labi += self.scale_increment

            x += inc

Пример #18
 def affiche_timer(self, texte, size, a, b):
     mylabel = CoreLabel(text=texte, font_size=size, color=(1, 1, 1, 1))
     texture = mylabel.texture
     texture_size = list(texture.size)
     with self.canvas:
         Rectangle(pos=(a, b), texture=texture, size=texture_size)
Пример #19
class CounterNum(Widget):
	label = ObjectProperty(None)
	texture_size = None
	label_texture = ObjectProperty(None)
	def __init__(self, num, **kwargs):
		super(CounterNum, self).__init__(**kwargs)
		# generate texture containing the desired label
		self.label = CoreLabel(text=str(num), font_size=500, color=(1,1,1,1))
		self.texture_size = list(self.label.texture.size)
		self.label_texture = self.label.texture
	def animate(self):
		# animate widget
		size_old = self.texture_size
		size_new = (size_old[0] * 1.5, size_old[1] * 1.5)
		pos = self.pos
		anim = Animation(size=size_new, pos=(pos[0] - (size_new[0] - size_old[0])/2, pos[1] - (size_new[1] - size_old[1])/2), duration=0.5)
		#anim = Animation(scale=1.5, pos=(pos[0] - (size_new[0] - size_old[0])/2, pos[1] - (size_new[1] - size_old[1])/2), duration=0.25)

Пример #20
class VectorWidget(Widget):
    label = ObjectProperty()
    title = StringProperty()
    length = NumericProperty(10.0)
    angle = NumericProperty()
    mode = StringProperty('object')
    color = ListProperty([1, 1, 1, 1])
    scale = NumericProperty(1.0)
    _scale = NumericProperty(8.5)

    arrow_size = NumericProperty(4.0)

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.label = Label(text='v',
        super(VectorWidget, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def on_title(self, *largs):
        self.label.text = self.title

    def on_scale(self, *largs):
        self._scale = self.scale * 10.0
Пример #21
    def __init__(self,
        super(ShortenText, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        texture = Short(text=content,
                        text_size=[contentSize[0], None],
        if texture.texture.height < contentSize[1]:
            texture.text_size = texture.texture.size
            texture.text_size = contentSize
            texture.max_lines = 5


        self.texture = Image(texture=texture.texture,
                                 "x": 0,
                                 "top": 1
        self.size_hint = [None, None]
        self.size = texture.texture.size
Пример #22
def label_size(text: str, font_size: float) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    label = CoreLabel(text=text, font_size=font_size)
    r1 = label.texture.size
    label.text = text + text
    r2 = label.texture.size
    return r1 + r2
Пример #23
def get_text_width(text, font, root=None):

    logging.info("get_text_width: %s  %s" % (text, font))

    label = CoreLabel()
    label.text = text
    return label.content_width
Пример #24
def draw_text(pos, text, font_name=None, **kw):
    label = CoreLabel(text=text, bold=True, font_name=font_name or i18n.font_name, **kw)  #
        pos=(pos[0] - label.texture.size[0] / 2, pos[1] - label.texture.size[1] / 2),
Пример #25
 def get_label_texture(self, index, **kw):
     text = self.value_str(self.slot_value(index))
     label = CoreLabel(text=text, font_size=self.font_size, **kw)
     if label.width > self.width:
         label = CoreLabel(text=text, font_size=self.width * self.font_size / label.width)
     return label.texture
Пример #26
	def update_layout(self):
		if not self._corelabel:
			# create new label
			corelabel = CoreLabel(text=self.text, font_size=self.font_size, color=self.font_color)
			self._corelabel = corelabel
		labeltexture = self._corelabel.texture
		self.canvas.add(Rectangle(texture=labeltexture, size=(self.width, self.height)))
Пример #27
 def get_label_texture(self, index, **kw):
     if self.invert: index *= -1
     label = CoreLabel(text=get_str_date(index, self.strftime) if self.strftime else \
                         self.rollinglist[self.slot_value(index)] if len(self.rollinglist) else \
                       font_size=self.font_size, **kw)
     return label.texture
Пример #28
def draw_text_on_canvas(arg_text, font_size=12, **kwargs):
    # get text texture
    label = CoreLabel(text=arg_text, font_size=font_size)
    tex = label.texture

    # draw text
    return Rectangle(size=tex.size, texture=tex, **kwargs)
Пример #29
    def build_canvas(self, dt):

        # get 3 textures
        curdir = dirname(__file__)
        arrow_left = CoreImage(join(curdir, 'arrow_left.png')).texture
        arrow_middle = CoreImage(join(curdir, 'arrow_middle.png')).texture
        arrow_right = CoreImage(join(curdir, 'arrow_right.png')).texture

        with self.canvas.before:
            cmax = ((self.date_end - self.date_start) / float(self.date_step))
            x, y = self.pos
            w, h = self.size
            fh = 100
            bh = 10
            cy = y + h / 2
            h = fh * 2
            r = range(self.date_start, self.date_end, self.date_step)
            for index, cx in enumerate(r):
                alpha = (cx - self.date_start) / (float(self.date_end) -
                # create background of arrow (part of)
                c = 0.9 - (0.4 * alpha)
                a = 1.0 - 0.4 * alpha
                Color(c, c, c, a)

                if index == 0:
                    texture = arrow_left
                    border = (2, 2, 2, 8)
                elif index == len(r) - 1:
                    texture = arrow_right
                    border = (2, 126, 2, 2)
                    texture = arrow_middle
                    border = (2, 0, 2, 0)
                BorderImage(pos=(x, cy - fh), size=(w/cmax, h), texture=texture,

                # create lines
                x = int(x)
                if index > 0:
                    Color(1, 1, 1, .8)
                    Line(points=[x, cy - fh - bh, x, cy + fh + bh])

                # create label (333f43)
                label = CoreLabel(text=str(cx),
                        font_size=14, font_name='fonts/DroidSans.ttf')
                Color(0x33/255., 0x3f/255., 0x43/255.)

                # trick to invert the label orientation
                tc = label.texture.tex_coords
                th, tw = label.texture.size
                tc = tc[-2:] + tc[0:-2]
                Rectangle(pos=(x + 5, cy - th / 2), size=(tw, th),
                        texture=label.texture, tex_coords=tc)
                x += w / cmax
Пример #30
def test_icons_have_size():
    from kivymd.icon_definitions import md_icons
    from kivy.core.text import Label

    lbl = Label(font_name="Icons")
    for icon_name, icon_value in md_icons.items():
        assert len(icon_value) == 1
        assert lbl.get_extents(icon_value) is not None
Пример #31
	def update_label(self):
		'''update buttons text'''
		if self.label == None:
			# create new label
			label = CoreLabel(text=self.get_text(), font_size=12, color=(0, 0, 1))
			self.label = label
		labeltexture= self.label.texture
		labelsize = list(labeltexture.size)
 def plot_sets_reps(cls, dates_exces, axes_offset, axes_size):
     sets_reps_instr = InstructionGroup()
     if len(dates_exces) != 0:
         distance_between_centers = axes_size[0] / len(dates_exces)
         distance_between_centers = 0
     max_total = 0
     for d, ex in dates_exces:
         # move to sep function
         ex_total = 0
         reps = ex.description.get("reps")
         for r in reps:
                 ex_total = ex_total + int(r)
             except ValueError:
                 ex_total = ex_total + 0
             if ex_total > max_total:
                 max_total = ex_total
     if max_total != 0:
         y_distance = axes_size[1] / (max_total + 1)
         y_distance = 0
     for i, (d, ex) in enumerate(dates_exces):
         sets = ex.description.get("sets")
         reps = ex.description.get("reps")
         weights = ex.description.get("weights")
         int_reps = []
         for r in reps:
             except ValueError:
         for i_r, r in enumerate(int_reps):
             y_pos_top = axes_offset[1] + \
                         sum( int_reps[0:i_r+1] ) * y_distance
             y_pos_bottom = axes_offset[1] + \
                            sum( int_reps[0:i_r] ) * y_distance
             x_center_pos = \
                 axes_offset[0] + distance_between_centers * (i + 1)
             x_size = 10
             y_size = y_pos_top - y_pos_bottom
                     x_center_pos - 5, y_pos_top, x_center_pos + 5,
             text_label = CoreLabel(text=str(r), font_size=15)
             texture = text_label.texture
             texture_size = list(texture.size)
                           pos=(x_center_pos - 10, y_pos_bottom +
                                (y_pos_top - y_pos_bottom) / 2)))
     return sets_reps_instr
Пример #33
 def set_caption(t):
     mylabel = CoreLabel(text=t.content.text, font_size=25, color=self.color, position=(touch.x, touch.y))
     # Force refresh to compute things and generate the texture
     texture = mylabel.texture
     texture_size = list(texture.size)
     with self.canvas:
         self.history.append(Rectangle(pos=(touch.x, touch.y), texture=texture, size=texture_size))
Пример #34
 def plot_dists_times(cls, dates_exces, axes_offset, axes_size):
     dists_times_instr = InstructionGroup()
     if len(dates_exces) != 0:
         distance_between_centers = axes_size[0] / len(dates_exces)
         distance_between_centers = 0
     max_total = 0
     for d, ex in dates_exces:
         # move to sep function
         ex_total = 0
         dists = ex.description.get("distances")
         for dist in dists:
                 ex_total = ex_total + float(dist)
             except ValueError:
                 ex_total = ex_total + 0
             if ex_total > max_total:
                 max_total = ex_total
     if max_total != 0:
         y_distance = axes_size[1] / (max_total + 1)
         y_distance = 0
     for i, (d, ex) in enumerate(dates_exces):
         distances = ex.description.get("distances")
         times = ex.description.get("times")
         float_dists = []
         for dist in distances:
             except ValueError:
         for f_d, d in enumerate(float_dists):
             y_pos_top = axes_offset[1] + \
                         sum( float_dists[0:f_d+1] ) * y_distance
             y_pos_bottom = axes_offset[1] + \
                            sum( float_dists[0:f_d] ) * y_distance
             x_center_pos = \
                 axes_offset[0] + distance_between_centers * (i + 1)
             x_size = 10
             y_size = y_pos_top - y_pos_bottom
                     x_center_pos - 5, y_pos_top, x_center_pos + 5,
             text_label = CoreLabel(text=str(d), font_size=15)
             texture = text_label.texture
             texture_size = list(texture.size)
                           pos=(x_center_pos - 10, y_pos_bottom +
                                (y_pos_top - y_pos_bottom) / 2)))
     return dists_times_instr
 def render(self):
     self.rect = Rectangle(size=self.size, pos=self.pos)
     label = CoreLabel(text="Text Lable here", font_size=20)
     text = label.texture
     #self.canvas.add(Color(self.colour, 1-self.colour,0, 1))
     pos = [150,150]#self.pos[i] + (self.size[i] - text.size[i]) / 2 for i in range(2))
     self.canvas.add(Rectangle(size=text.size, pos=pos, texture=text))
Пример #36
 def draw_title(self):
     with self.canvas:
         # draw TITLE label
         label = CoreLabel(text=TITLE, font_size=60)
         text = label.texture
         pos = ((Window.size[0] - text.size[0]) / 2,
                (Window.size[1] * 1.85 - text.size[1]) * 0.5)
         Color(*map(lambda c: c / 255, LINE_COLOR1))
         Rectangle(size=text.size, pos=pos, texture=text)
Пример #37
def draw_text(wid, pos_x, pos_y, font_size, text):

    pos_y = invert_y(wid, pos_y)

    label = CoreLabel(text=text, font_size=font_size)
    texture = label.texture
    Color(1, 1, 1)
    Rectangle(pos=(pos_x, pos_y - texture.size[1]/2), size=texture.size)
    Color(0, 0, 0)
    Rectangle(texture=texture, pos=(pos_x, pos_y - texture.size[1]/2), size=texture.size)
Пример #38
    def draw_step(self, x, y, c):
        self.canvas.add(Color(c[0], c[1], c[2]))
        self.canvas.add(Ellipse(pos = [self.cx[x] - self.d/2, self.cy[y] - self.d/2], size = [self.d, self.d]))
        self.canvas.add(Color(0., 0., 0.))
        self.canvas.add(Line(circle = (self.cx[x], self.cy[y], self.d/2)))

        label = CoreLabel(text="{0}".format(self.app.qsteps), font_size=14)
        text = label.texture
        self.canvas.add(Color(1 - c[0], 1- c[1], 1- c[2]))
        self.canvas.add(Rectangle(size=text.size, pos = [self.cx[x] - text.size[0]/2, self.cy[y] - text.size[1]/2], texture=text))
Пример #39
 def _create_line_label(self, text):
     # Create a label from a text, using line options
     ntext = text.replace("\n", "").replace("\t", " " * self.tab_width)
     kw = self._get_line_options()
     cid = "%s\0%s" % (ntext, str(kw))
     texture = Cache.get("textinput.label", cid)
     if not texture:
         label = Label(text=ntext, **kw)
         texture = label.texture
         Cache.append("textinput.label", cid, texture)
     return texture
Пример #40
 def _create_line_label(self, text):
     # Create a label from a text, using line options
     ntext = text.replace('\n', '').replace('\t', ' ' * self.tab_width)
     kw = self._get_line_options()
     cid = '%s\0%s' % (ntext, str(kw))
     texture = Cache.get('textinput.label', cid)
     if not texture:
         label = Label(text=ntext, **kw)
         texture = label.texture
         Cache.append('textinput.label', cid, texture)
     return texture
Пример #41
 def _get_texture_pos(self, tick, index, succinct=True, which='time',
     tl = self.tickline
     # tick_info should be (x, y, width, height) of tick
     tick_info = self.registrar[tick][index]
     if not texture:
         label_kw = tick.get_label_texture(index, succinct, return_kw=True)
         if not label_kw:
         label_kw['font_size'] = self.time_font_size if which == 'time' else \
         label_kw['halign'] = 'left' if tl.is_vertical() else 'center'
         label = CoreLabel(**label_kw)
         texture = label.texture
     if tl.is_vertical():
         y = tick_info[1] + tick_info[3] / 2 - texture.height / 2
         if which == 'time':
             dist = self.time_dist_from_edge
             dist = self.date_dist_from_edge            
         dist = max(dist, tick.tick_size[1] + tl.tick_label_padding)
         halign = tick.halign
         if halign == 'left':
             x = tl.x + dist
         elif halign == 'line_left':
             x = tl.line_pos - dist - texture.width
         elif halign == 'line_right':
             x = tl.line_pos + dist
             x = tl.right - dist - texture.width
         # TODO horizontal is gonna get crowded with text
         x = tick_info[0] + tick_info[2] / 2 - texture.width / 2
         if which == 'time':
             dist = self.time_dist_from_edge
             dist = self.date_dist_from_edge
         dist = max(dist, tick.tick_size[1] + tl.tick_label_padding)
         valign = tick.valign
         if valign == 'top':
             y = tl.top - dist - texture.height
         elif valign == 'line_top':
             y = tl.line_pos + dist
         elif valign == 'line_bottom':
             y = tl.line_pos - dist - texture.height
             y = tl.y + dist       
     return (texture, [x, y])
Пример #42
 def get_text_width_height_descent(self, s, prop, ismath):
     '''This method is needed specifically to calculate text positioning
        in the canvas. Matplotlib needs the size to calculate the points
        according to their layout
     if ismath:
         ftimage, depth = self.mathtext_parser.parse(s, self.dpi, prop)
         w = ftimage.get_width()
         h = ftimage.get_height()
         return w, h, depth
     font = resource_find(prop.get_name() + ".ttf")
     if font is None:
         plot_text = CoreLabel(font_size=prop.get_size_in_points())
         plot_text = CoreLabel(font_size=prop.get_size_in_points(),
     plot_text.text = six.text_type("{}".format(s))
     return plot_text.texture.size[0], plot_text.texture.size[1], 1
    def loadstory(self):
        with open(join(dirname(__file__), 'data', 'story.txt'), 'r') as fd:
            story = fd.read().split('|')

        self.words = words = []
        cue_Rachel = []
        cue_tears = []
        spacing_x = 0
        wordnumber = 0

        # first, prebuilt all the characters texture.
        # one optimization would be, at the end, to put all the letter into a
        # big atlas = one texture used
        letters = ''
        for eachword in story:
            if eachword[:1] == '^':
            letters += eachword
        letters = list(set(letters))

        for letter in letters:
            clabel = CoreLabel(text=letter, font_size=sp(40),
            self.tex_letters[letter] = clabel.texture

        for eachword in story:
            if eachword == "^n":
                spacing_x += 50 #I really need the width of 27 spaces. Might have to create a sample Word just to do this.
            elif eachword == "^r":
            elif eachword == "^t":
                paragraph_width = self.get_paragraph_width(eachword)
                    'text': eachword,
                    'width': paragraph_width,
                    'offset_x': spacing_x})
                spacing_x += paragraph_width
                wordnumber += 1
Пример #44
def float_text_atlas( atlas, canvas, text, pos, timelines, halign ) :
    label_kargs= {}
    for k in ( u'font_name', u'font_size', u'padding_x', u'padding_y', ) :
        cfg= timelines.get( k, None )
        if cfg :
            timeline= cfg[0]
            if timeline :
                label_kargs[k]= timeline[0][1]
    label= CoreLabel( text= text, **label_kargs )
    label_width, label_height= label.texture.size
    ret= atlas.insert( label_width, label_height, None )
    if ret :
        dx, dy= ret
    else :
        dx, dy= 0, 0
    if halign == u'right' :
        dx= -dx
    pos= ( pos[0] + dx,
           pos[1] + dy )
    return float_text( canvas, label, pos, timelines, halign )
Пример #45
class VectorWidget(Widget):
    label = ObjectProperty()
    title = StringProperty()
    length = NumericProperty(10.0)
    angle = NumericProperty()
    mode = StringProperty('object')
    color = ListProperty([1, 1, 1, 1])
    scale = NumericProperty(1.0)
    _scale = NumericProperty(8.5)

    arrow_size = NumericProperty(4.0)

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.label = Label(text='v', font_size=sp(14), padding=sp(3), valign='middle', halign='center')
        super(VectorWidget, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def on_title(self, *largs):
        self.label.text = self.title

    def on_scale(self, *largs):
        self._scale = self.scale * 10.0
Пример #46
    def _paint_electrodes_data_setup(
            self, config, electrode_names,
            spacing=2, draw_size=(0, 0), draw_size_hint=(1, 1),
            draw_pos=(0, 0), draw_pos_hint=(None, None), volt_scale=1e-6,
            time_axis_s=1, volt_axis=100, transform_matrix=None,
        from kivy.graphics import (
            Mesh, StencilPush, StencilUse, StencilUnUse, StencilPop, Rectangle,
        from kivy.graphics.context_instructions import (
            PushMatrix, PopMatrix, Scale, MatrixInstruction)
        from kivy.graphics.transformation import Matrix
        from kivy.base import EventLoop
        from kivy.core.text import Label
        from kivy.metrics import dp, sp

        n_rows = len(electrode_names)
        if not n_rows:
            raise ValueError("There must be at least one electrode specified")
        n_cols = len(electrode_names[0])
        if not n_cols:
            raise ValueError("There must be at least one electrode specified")
        if not all((len(row) == n_cols for row in electrode_names)):
            raise ValueError(
                "The number of electrodes in all rows must be the same")
        n_electrodes = sum(map(len, electrode_names))

        orig_w, orig_h = config['orig_size']
        fbo = config['canvas']

        label_height = 45 if label_width else 0
        draw_w, draw_h = draw_size
        draw_hint_w, draw_hint_h = draw_size_hint
        w = int(draw_w if draw_hint_w is None else orig_w * draw_hint_w)
        h = int(draw_h if draw_hint_h is None else orig_h * draw_hint_h)

        draw_x, draw_y = draw_pos
        draw_hint_x, draw_hint_y = draw_pos_hint
        x = int(draw_x if draw_hint_x is None else orig_w * draw_hint_x)
        y = int(draw_y if draw_hint_y is None else orig_h * draw_hint_y)

        ew = int((w - label_width - max(0, n_cols - 1) * spacing) / n_cols)
        eh = int((h - label_height - max(0, n_rows - 1) * spacing) / n_rows)

        with fbo:
            # center = x + w / 2., y + h / 2.
            # if scale:
            #     Scale(scale, scale, 1, origin=center)
            if transform_matrix is not None:
                mat = Matrix()
                m = MatrixInstruction()
                m.matrix = mat

        positions = [(0, 0), ] * n_electrodes
        graphics = [None, ] * n_electrodes
        i = 0

        electrode_color = 1, 215 / 255, 0, 1
        for row, row_names in enumerate(reversed(electrode_names)):
            ey = y + label_height
            if row:
                ey += (eh + spacing) * row

            for col, name in enumerate(row_names):
                if name is None:
                    i += 1

                ex = x + label_width
                if col:
                    ex += (ew + spacing) * col

                positions[i] = ex, ey
                fbo.add(Rectangle(pos=(ex, ey), size=(ew, eh)))
                graphics[i] = Mesh(mode='line_strip')
                fbo.add(Rectangle(pos=(ex, ey), size=(ew, eh)))

                i += 1

                if label_width:
                    if not col:
                        fbo.add(Color(1, 1, 1, 1))
                        label = Label(text=name, font_size=sp(40))
                        _w, _h = label.texture.size
                        rect = Rectangle(
                            pos=(x, ey + (eh - _h) / 2.),
                        rect.texture = label.texture

                    if not row:
                        fbo.add(Color(1, 1, 1, 1))
                        label = Label(text=name, font_size=sp(40))
                        _w, _h = label.texture.size
                        rect = Rectangle(
                            pos=(ex + (ew - _w) / 2., y),
                        rect.texture = label.texture

        with fbo:
            Color(1, 1, 1, 1)

        electrodes_data = [None, ] * n_electrodes
        # y_min, y_max = float('inf'), float('-inf')
        alignment = np.array(self.electrode_intensity_alignment)

        # get the frequency from any channel
        name = None
        for row_names in electrode_names:
            for name in row_names:
                if name is not None:
            if name is not None:
        freq = self.electrodes_metadata[name]['sampling_frequency']

        frame_n = int(1 / config['rate'] * freq)
        n_t = int(time_axis_s * freq)
        t_vals = np.arange(n_t) / (n_t - 1) * ew
        y_scale = (eh / 2) / volt_axis

        for i, name in enumerate(itertools.chain(*electrode_names)):
            if name is None:
            offset, scale = self.get_electrode_offset_scale(name)
            electrodes_data[i] = \
                self.electrodes_data[name], offset, scale / volt_scale
            # y_min = min(np.min(data), y_min)
            # y_max = max(np.max(data), y_max)

        new_config = {
            'alignment': alignment, 'frame_n': frame_n, 't_vals': t_vals,
            'y_scale': y_scale, 'electrodes_data': electrodes_data, 'n_t': n_t,
            'positions': positions, 'graphics': graphics, 'eh': eh}
        return CallableGen(self._paint_electrodes_data(new_config))
Пример #47
    def _show_mea_outline(self, config, transform_matrix=None):
        from kivy.graphics import (
            Line, StencilPush, StencilUse, StencilUnUse, StencilPop, Rectangle,
        from kivy.graphics.context_instructions import (
            PushMatrix, PopMatrix, Rotate, Translate, Scale, MatrixInstruction,
        from kivy.graphics.transformation import Matrix
        from kivy.base import EventLoop
        from kivy.core.text import Label
        from kivy.metrics import dp, sp

        size = config['orig_size']
        pos = config['pos']
        canvas = config['canvas']
        mea_w = max(self.view_controller.mea_num_cols - 1, 0) * \
        mea_h = max(self.view_controller.mea_num_rows - 1, 0) * \
            self.view_controller.mea_num_cols - 1]

        with canvas:
            Rectangle(pos=pos, size=size)

            if transform_matrix is not None:
                mat = Matrix()
                m = MatrixInstruction()
                m.matrix = mat
            Color(1, 215 / 255, 0, .2)
            Line(points=[0, 0, mea_w, 0, mea_w, mea_h, 0, mea_h], close=True)

            label = Label(text='A1', font_size=sp(12))
            _w, _h = label.texture.size
            rect = Rectangle(
                pos=(mea_w, mea_h - _h / 2.), size=label.texture.size)
            rect.texture = label.texture

            label = Label(
            _w, _h = label.texture.size
            rect = Rectangle(
                pos=(-_w, mea_h - _h / 2.), size=label.texture.size)
            rect.texture = label.texture

            label = Label(text='{}1'.format(last_col), font_size=sp(12))
            _w, _h = label.texture.size
            rect = Rectangle(pos=(mea_w, -_h / 2.), size=label.texture.size)
            rect.texture = label.texture

            label = Label(
                text='{}{}'.format(last_col, self.view_controller.mea_num_rows),
            _w, _h = label.texture.size
            rect = Rectangle(pos=(-_w, -_h / 2.), size=label.texture.size)
            rect.texture = label.texture

            Rectangle(pos=pos, size=size)
class BezierTest(FloatLayout):
    def __init__(self, points=[], loop=False, *args, **kwargs):
        super(BezierTest, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.d = 10  # pixel tolerance when clicking on a point
        self.points = points
        self.loop = loop
        self.line_height = 0
        self.current_point = None  # index of point being dragged
        self.GA = threading.Thread(target=RunGA, args=(self,))
        print "Spin thread."

        self.label = CoreLabel(text=LSTM.trade_stocks[0], font_size=20)

        self.label2 = CoreLabel(text=LSTM.trade_stocks[0], font_size=10)

        self.label3 = CoreLabel(text=LSTM.trade_stocks[0], font_size=10)

        with self.canvas:
            Color(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
            #self.cb = Callback(self.my_callback)

            Color(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)

            seg = 1300/6








            '''self.bezier = Bezier(
            Color(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
            self.line1 = Line(

        """s = Slider(y=0, pos_hint={'x': .3}, size_hint=(.3, None), height=20)

        s = Slider(y=20, pos_hint={'x': .3}, size_hint=(.3, None), height=20)

    def my_callback(self, instr):
        print('I have been called!')

    def render(self):
        self.rect = Rectangle(size=self.size, pos=self.pos)
        label = CoreLabel(text="Text Lable here", font_size=20)
        text = label.texture
        #self.canvas.add(Color(self.colour, 1-self.colour,0, 1))
        pos = [150,150]#self.pos[i] + (self.size[i] - text.size[i]) / 2 for i in range(2))
        self.canvas.add(Rectangle(size=text.size, pos=pos, texture=text))

    def update(self, dt):
        with self.canvas:

            Color(0.4, 0.4, 0.4)
            self.line1.points = self.saved_points
            self.line1 = Line(


            Color(.4, 0.4, .4)

        #self.line1.points = self.saved_points
        #print "redraw line"

    def draw_point(self, pos, sell):
        with self.canvas.after:
            if sell:
                Color(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
                Color(0.0, 0.5, 1.0)
            Line(circle=(pos[0], pos[1], 4), width=1.6)

    def draw_rect(self, pos, sell, count, count2, umoney, dmoney):
        with self.canvas:
            #if sell>0:
                Color(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
                #Rectangle(pos=(pos[0]+count*2, pos[1]+8), size=(2, 10))
                Rectangle(pos=(pos[0], pos[1]+8), size=(count, 7))
                #Rectangle(pos=(pos[0], pos[1]+20), size=(umoney, 7))
                Color(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
                #Rectangle(pos=(pos[0]+count*2, pos[1]-13), size=(2, 10))
                Rectangle(pos=(pos[0], pos[1]-13), size=(count2, 7))
                #Rectangle(pos=(pos[0], pos[1]-21), size=(dmoney, 7))

    def draw_text(self, txt, pos, txt_size, color=[.7,.7,.7]):
        with self.canvas:
            CoreLabel2(text=str(txt), pos=pos, font_size=txt_size)
            #Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
            #text = self.label.texture
            #pos2 = list(pos[i] + (self.size[i] - text.size[i]) / 2 for i in range(2))
            #Rectangle(size=text.size, pos=pos, texture=text)

    def update_lines(self):
        #self.line1.points = self.saved_points
        #with self.canvas:
        #    Color((.8+random.random()*.2)*.5, (.8+random.random()*.2)*.5, (.8+random.random()*.2)*.5)
        print "updating line"

    def _set_bezier_dash_offset(self, instance, value):
        # effect to reduce length while increase offset
        #self.bezier.dash_length = 100 - value
        #self.bezier.dash_offset = value

    def _set_line_dash_offset(self, instance, value):
        # effect to reduce length while increase offset
        #self.line.dash_length = 100 - value
        #self.line.dash_offset = value

    def on_touch_down(self, touch):
        with self.canvas:
                self.line1.points = self.saved_points

        if self.collide_point(touch.pos[0], touch.pos[1]):
            for i, p in enumerate(list(zip(self.points[::2],
                if (abs(touch.pos[0] - self.pos[0] - p[0]) < self.d and
                    abs(touch.pos[1] - self.pos[1] - p[1]) < self.d):
                    self.current_point = i + 1
                    return True
            return super(BezierTest, self).on_touch_down(touch)

    def on_touch_up(self, touch):
        with self.canvas:
            self.line1.points = self.saved_points

        if self.collide_point(touch.pos[0], touch.pos[1]):
            if self.current_point:
                self.current_point = None
                return True
            return super(BezierTest, self).on_touch_up(touch)

    def on_touch_move(self, touch):
        if self.collide_point(touch.pos[0], touch.pos[1]):
            c = self.current_point
            if c:
                self.points[(c - 1) * 2] = touch.pos[0] - self.pos[0]
                self.points[(c - 1) * 2 + 1] = touch.pos[1] - self.pos[1]
                self.bezier.points = self.points
                self.line.points = self.points + self.points[:2]
                return True
            return super(BezierTest, self).on_touch_move(touch)
Пример #49
 def test_unicode_name(self):
     from kivy.core.text import Label
     lbl = Label(font_name=self.font_name)
     self.assertNotEqual(lbl.get_extents(''), None)
Пример #50
class Label(Widget):
    '''Label class, see module documentation for more information.

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(Label, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        # bind all the property for recreating the texture
        d = ('text', 'font_size', 'font_name', 'bold', 'italic', 'halign',
             'valign', 'padding_x', 'padding_y')
        dkw = {}
        for x in d:
            dkw[x] = curry(self._trigger_texture_update, x)

        dkw = dict(zip(d, [getattr(self, x) for x in d]))
        self._label = CoreLabel(**dkw)

        # force the texture creation

    def _trigger_texture_update(self, name=None, source=None, value=None):
        if source:
            if name == 'text':
                self._label.text = value
                self._label.options[name] = value

    def texture_update(self, *largs):
        '''Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.

        After this function call, the :data:`texture` and :data`texture_size`
        will be updated in this order.
        self.texture = None
        self.texture = self._label.texture
        self.texture_size = list(self.texture.size)

    # Properties
    text = StringProperty('')
    '''Text of the label.

    Creation of a simple hello world ::

        widget = Label(text='Hello world')

    If you want to create the widget with an unicode string, use ::

        widget = Label(text=u'My unicode string')

    :data:`text` a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty`.

    font_name = StringProperty('fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf')
    '''File of the font to use. The path used for the font can be a absolute
    path, or a relative path that will be search with the
    :func:`~kivy.resources.resource_find` function.

    .. warning::

        Depending of your text provider, the font file can be ignored. But you
        can mostly use this without trouble.

    :data:`font_name` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty`, default to

    font_size = NumericProperty(10)
    '''Font size of the text. The font size is in pixels.

    :data:`font_size` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty`, default to

    bold = BooleanProperty(False)
    '''Indicate if you want to use the bold version of your font.

    .. note::

        Depending of your font, the bold attribute may have no impact on your
        text rendering.

    :data:`bold` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty`, default to

    italic = BooleanProperty(False)
    '''Indicate if you want to use the italic version of your font.

    .. note::

        Depending of your font, the italic attribute may have no impact on your
        text rendering.

    :data:`italic` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty`, default to

    padding_x = NumericProperty(0)
    '''Horizontal padding of the text, inside the widget box.

    :data:`padding_x` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty`, default to

    padding_y = NumericProperty(0)
    '''Vertical padding of the text, inside the widget box.

    :data:`padding_x` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty`, default to

    padding = ReferenceListProperty(padding_x, padding_y)
    '''Padding of the text, in the format (padding_x, padding_y)

    :data:`padding` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ReferenceListProperty` of
    (:data:`padding_x`, :data:`padding_y`) properties.

    halign = OptionProperty('left', options=['left', 'center', 'right'])
    '''Horizontal alignment of the text.

    :data:`halign` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.OptionProperty`, default to
    'left'. Available options are : left, center and right.

    valign = OptionProperty('bottom', options=['bottom', 'middle', 'top'])
    '''Vertical alignment of the text.

    :data:`valign` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.OptionProperty`, default to
    'bottom'. Available options are : bottom, middle and top.

    color = ListProperty([1, 1, 1, 1])
    '''Text color, in the format (r, g, b, a)

    :data:`color` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ListProperty`, default to [1, 1,
    1, 1].

    texture = ObjectProperty(None, allownone=True)
    '''Texture object of the text.
    The text is rendered after each properties changes, and stored inside this
    property. You can use this :data:`texture` for any graphics elements.

    Depending of the texture creation, the value will be a
    :class:`~kivy.graphics.texture.Texture` or
    :class:`~kivy.graphics.texture.TextureRegion` object.

    .. warning::

        The texture update is scheduled for the next frame. That's mean if you
        really want the texture just after changing a property, you need to call
        :func:`texture_update` function before ::

            l = Label(text='Hello world')
            # l.texture is good
            l.font_size = 50
            # l.texture is not updated yet
            # l.texture is good now.

    :data:`texture` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ObjectProperty`, default to

    texture_size = ListProperty([0, 0])
    '''Texture size of the text.
Пример #51
class Label(Widget):
    '''Label class, see module documentation for more information.

            Fired when the user clicks on a word referenced with a
            ``[ref]`` tag in a text markup.

    __events__ = ['on_ref_press']

    _font_properties = ('text', 'font_size', 'font_name', 'bold', 'italic',
                        'underline', 'strikethrough', 'font_family', 'color',
                        'disabled_color', 'halign', 'valign', 'padding_x',
                        'padding_y', 'outline_width', 'disabled_outline_color',
                        'outline_color', 'text_size', 'shorten', 'mipmap',
                        'line_height', 'max_lines', 'strip', 'shorten_from',
                        'split_str', 'ellipsis_options', 'unicode_errors',
                        'markup', 'font_hinting', 'font_kerning',
                        'font_blended', 'font_context', 'font_features',
                        'base_direction', 'text_language')

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self._trigger_texture = Clock.create_trigger(self.texture_update, -1)
        super(Label, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        # bind all the property for recreating the texture
        d = Label._font_properties
        fbind = self.fbind
        update = self._trigger_texture_update
        fbind('disabled', update, 'disabled')
        for x in d:
            fbind(x, update, x)

        self._label = None

        # force the texture creation

    def _create_label(self):
        # create the core label class according to markup value
        if self._label is not None:
            cls = self._label.__class__
            cls = None
        markup = self.markup
        if (markup and cls is not CoreMarkupLabel) or \
           (not markup and cls is not CoreLabel):
            # markup have change, we need to change our rendering method.
            d = Label._font_properties
            dkw = dict(list(zip(d, [getattr(self, x) for x in d])))
            if markup:
                self._label = CoreMarkupLabel(**dkw)
                self._label = CoreLabel(**dkw)

    def _trigger_texture_update(self, name=None, source=None, value=None):
        # check if the label core class need to be switch to a new one
        if name == 'markup':
        if source:
            if name == 'text':
                self._label.text = value
            elif name == 'text_size':
                self._label.usersize = value
            elif name == 'font_size':
                self._label.options[name] = value
            elif name == 'disabled_color' and self.disabled:
                self._label.options['color'] = value
            elif name == 'disabled_outline_color' and self.disabled:
                self._label.options['outline_color'] = value
            elif name == 'disabled':
                self._label.options['color'] = self.disabled_color if value \
                    else self.color
                self._label.options['outline_color'] = (
                    self.disabled_outline_color if value else
                self._label.options[name] = value

    def texture_update(self, *largs):
        '''Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.

        After this function call, the :attr:`texture` and :attr:`texture_size`
        will be updated in this order.
        mrkup = self._label.__class__ is CoreMarkupLabel
        self.texture = None

        if (not self._label.text or
                (self.halign == 'justify' or self.strip) and
                not self._label.text.strip()):
            self.texture_size = (0, 0)
            self.is_shortened = False
            if mrkup:
                self.refs, self._label._refs = {}, {}
                self.anchors, self._label._anchors = {}, {}
            if mrkup:
                text = self.text
                # we must strip here, otherwise, if the last line is empty,
                # markup will retain the last empty line since it only strips
                # line by line within markup
                if self.halign == 'justify' or self.strip:
                    text = text.strip()
                self._label.text = ''.join(('[color=',
                                                self.disabled_color if
                                                self.disabled else self.color),
                                            ']', text, '[/color]'))
                # force the rendering to get the references
                if self._label.texture:
                self.refs = self._label.refs
                self.anchors = self._label.anchors
            texture = self._label.texture
            if texture is not None:
                self.texture = self._label.texture
                self.texture_size = list(self.texture.size)
            self.is_shortened = self._label.is_shortened

    def on_touch_down(self, touch):
        if super(Label, self).on_touch_down(touch):
            return True
        if not len(self.refs):
            return False
        tx, ty = touch.pos
        tx -= self.center_x - self.texture_size[0] / 2.
        ty -= self.center_y - self.texture_size[1] / 2.
        ty = self.texture_size[1] - ty
        for uid, zones in self.refs.items():
            for zone in zones:
                x, y, w, h = zone
                if x <= tx <= w and y <= ty <= h:
                    self.dispatch('on_ref_press', uid)
                    return True
        return False

    def on_ref_press(self, ref):

    # Properties

    disabled_color = ListProperty([1, 1, 1, .3])
    '''The color of the text when the widget is disabled, in the (r, g, b, a)

    .. versionadded:: 1.8.0

    :attr:`disabled_color` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ListProperty` and
    defaults to [1, 1, 1, .3].

    text = StringProperty('')
    '''Text of the label.

    Creation of a simple hello world::

        widget = Label(text='Hello world')

    If you want to create the widget with an unicode string, use::

        widget = Label(text=u'My unicode string')

    :attr:`text` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and defaults to

    text_size = ListProperty([None, None])
    '''By default, the label is not constrained to any bounding box.
    You can set the size constraint of the label with this property.
    The text will autoflow into the constraints. So although the font size
    will not be reduced, the text will be arranged to fit into the box as best
    as possible, with any text still outside the box clipped.

    This sets and clips :attr:`texture_size` to text_size if not None.

    .. versionadded:: 1.0.4

    For example, whatever your current widget size is, if you want the label to
    be created in a box with width=200 and unlimited height::

        Label(text='Very big big line', text_size=(200, None))

    .. note::

        This text_size property is the same as the
        :attr:`~kivy.core.text.Label.usersize` property in the
        :class:`~kivy.core.text.Label` class. (It is named size= in the

    :attr:`text_size` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ListProperty` and
    defaults to (None, None), meaning no size restriction by default.

    base_direction = OptionProperty(None,
                     options=['ltr', 'rtl', 'weak_rtl', 'weak_ltr', None],
    '''Base direction of text, this impacts horizontal alignment when
    :attr:`halign` is `auto` (the default). Available options are: None,
    "ltr" (left to right), "rtl" (right to left) plus "weak_ltr" and

    .. note::
        This feature requires the Pango text provider.

    .. note::
        Weak modes are currently not implemented in Kivy text layout, and
        have the same effect as setting strong mode.

    .. versionadded:: 1.11.0

    :attr:`base_direction` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.OptionProperty` and
    defaults to None (autodetect RTL if possible, otherwise LTR).

    text_language = StringProperty(None, allownone=True)
    '''Language of the text, if None Pango will determine it from locale.
    This is an RFC-3066 format language tag (as a string), for example
    "en_US", "zh_CN", "fr" or "ja". This can impact font selection, metrics
    and rendering. For example, the same bytes of text can look different
    for `ur` and `ar` languages, though both use Arabic script.

    .. note::
        This feature requires the Pango text provider.

    .. versionadded:: 1.11.0

    :attr:`text_language` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and
    defaults to None.

    font_context = StringProperty(None, allownone=True)
    '''Font context. `None` means the font is used in isolation, so you are
    guaranteed to be drawing with the TTF file resolved by :attr:`font_name`.
    Specifying a value here will load the font file into a named context,
    enabling fallback between all fonts in the same context. If a font
    context is set, you are not guaranteed that rendering will actually use
    the specified TTF file for all glyphs (Pango will pick the one it
    thinks is best).

    If Kivy is linked against a system-wide installation of FontConfig,
    you can load the system fonts by specifying a font context starting
    with the special string `system://`. This will load the system
    fontconfig configuration, and add your application-specific fonts on
    top of it (this imposes a signifficant risk of family name collision,
    Pango may not use your custom font file, but pick one from the system)

    .. note::
        This feature requires the Pango text provider.

    .. versionadded:: 1.11.0

    :attr:`font_context` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and
    defaults to None.

    font_family = StringProperty(None, allownone=True)
    '''Font family, this is only applicable when using :attr:`font_context`
    option. The specified font family will be requested, but note that it may
    not be available, or there could be multiple fonts registered with the
    same family. The value can be a family name (string) available in the
    font context (for example a system font in a `system://` context, or a
    custom font file added using :class:`kivy.core.text.FontContextManager`).
    If set to `None`, font selection is controlled by the :attr:`font_name`

    .. note::
        If using :attr:`font_name` to reference a custom font file, you
        should leave this as `None`. The family name is managed automatically
        in this case.

    .. note::
        This feature requires the Pango text provider.

    .. versionadded:: 1.11.0

    :attr:`font_family` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and
    defaults to None.

    font_name = StringProperty(DEFAULT_FONT)
    '''Filename of the font to use. The path can be absolute or relative.
    Relative paths are resolved by the :func:`~kivy.resources.resource_find`

    .. warning::

        Depending of your text provider, the font file can be ignored. However,
        you can mostly use this without problems.

        If the font used lacks the glyphs for the particular language/symbols
        you are using, you will see '[]' blank box characters instead of the
        actual glyphs. The solution is to use a font that has the glyphs you
        need to display. For example, to display |unicodechar|, use a font such
        as freesans.ttf that has the glyph.

        .. |unicodechar| image:: images/unicode-char.png

    :attr:`font_name` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and
    defaults to 'Roboto'. This value is taken
    from :class:`~kivy.config.Config`.

    font_size = NumericProperty('15sp')
    '''Font size of the text, in pixels.

    :attr:`font_size` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and
    defaults to 15sp.

    font_features = StringProperty()
    '''OpenType font features, in CSS format, this is passed straight
    through to Pango. The effects of requesting a feature depends on loaded
    fonts, library versions, etc. For a complete list of features, see:


    .. note::
        This feature requires the Pango text provider, and Pango library
        v1.38 or later.

    .. versionadded:: 1.11.0

    :attr:`font_features` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and
    defaults to an empty string.

    line_height = NumericProperty(1.0)
    '''Line Height for the text. e.g. line_height = 2 will cause the spacing
    between lines to be twice the size.

    :attr:`line_height` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and
    defaults to 1.0.

    .. versionadded:: 1.5.0

    bold = BooleanProperty(False)
    '''Indicates use of the bold version of your font.

    .. note::

        Depending of your font, the bold attribute may have no impact on your
        text rendering.

    :attr:`bold` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and defaults to

    italic = BooleanProperty(False)
    '''Indicates use of the italic version of your font.

    .. note::

        Depending of your font, the italic attribute may have no impact on your
        text rendering.

    :attr:`italic` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and defaults
    to False.

    underline = BooleanProperty(False)
    '''Adds an underline to the text.

    .. note::
        This feature requires the SDL2 text provider.

    .. versionadded:: 1.10.0

    :attr:`underline` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and
    defaults to False.

    strikethrough = BooleanProperty(False)
    '''Adds a strikethrough line to the text.

    .. note::
        This feature requires the SDL2 text provider.

    .. versionadded:: 1.10.0

    :attr:`strikethrough` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and
    defaults to False.

    padding_x = NumericProperty(0)
    '''Horizontal padding of the text inside the widget box.

    :attr:`padding_x` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and
    defaults to 0.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.9.0
        `padding_x` has been fixed to work as expected.
        In the past, the text was padded by the negative of its values.

    padding_y = NumericProperty(0)
    '''Vertical padding of the text inside the widget box.

    :attr:`padding_y` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and
    defaults to 0.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.9.0
        `padding_y` has been fixed to work as expected.
        In the past, the text was padded by the negative of its values.

    padding = ReferenceListProperty(padding_x, padding_y)
    '''Padding of the text in the format (padding_x, padding_y)

    :attr:`padding` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ReferenceListProperty` of
    (:attr:`padding_x`, :attr:`padding_y`) properties.

    halign = OptionProperty('auto', options=['left', 'center', 'right',
                            'justify', 'auto'])
    '''Horizontal alignment of the text.

    :attr:`halign` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.OptionProperty` and
    defaults to 'auto'. Available options are : auto, left, center, right and
    justify. Auto will attempt to autodetect horizontal alignment for RTL text
    (Pango only), otherwise it behaves like `left`.

    .. warning::

        This doesn't change the position of the text texture of the Label
        (centered), only the position of the text in this texture. You probably
        want to bind the size of the Label to the :attr:`texture_size` or set a

    .. versionchanged:: 1.10.1
        Added `auto` option

    .. versionchanged:: 1.6.0
        A new option was added to :attr:`halign`, namely `justify`.

    valign = OptionProperty('bottom',
                            options=['bottom', 'middle', 'center', 'top'])
    '''Vertical alignment of the text.

    :attr:`valign` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.OptionProperty` and defaults
    to 'bottom'. Available options are : `'bottom'`,
    `'middle'` (or `'center'`) and `'top'`.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.10.0
        The `'center'` option has been added as an alias of `'middle'`.

    .. warning::

        This doesn't change the position of the text texture of the Label
        (centered), only the position of the text within this texture. You
        probably want to bind the size of the Label to the :attr:`texture_size`
        or set a :attr:`text_size` to change this behavior.

    color = ListProperty([1, 1, 1, 1])
    '''Text color, in the format (r, g, b, a).

    :attr:`color` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ListProperty` and defaults to
    [1, 1, 1, 1].

    outline_width = NumericProperty(None, allownone=True)
    '''Width in pixels for the outline around the text. No outline will be
    rendered if the value is None.

    .. note::
        This feature requires the SDL2 text provider.

    .. versionadded:: 1.10.0

    :attr:`outline_width` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and
    defaults to None.

    outline_color = ListProperty([0, 0, 0])
    '''The color of the text outline, in the (r, g, b) format.

    .. note::
        This feature requires the SDL2 text provider.

    .. versionadded:: 1.10.0

    :attr:`outline_color` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ListProperty` and
    defaults to [0, 0, 0].

    disabled_outline_color = ListProperty([0, 0, 0])
    '''The color of the text outline when the widget is disabled, in the
    (r, g, b) format.

    .. note::
        This feature requires the SDL2 text provider.

    .. versionadded:: 1.10.0

    :attr:`disabled_outline_color` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ListProperty`
    and defaults to [0, 0, 0].

    texture = ObjectProperty(None, allownone=True)
    '''Texture object of the text.
    The text is rendered automatically when a property changes. The OpenGL
    texture created in this operation is stored in this property. You can use
    this :attr:`texture` for any graphics elements.

    Depending on the texture creation, the value will be a
    :class:`~kivy.graphics.texture.Texture` or
    :class:`~kivy.graphics.texture.TextureRegion` object.

    .. warning::

        The :attr:`texture` update is scheduled for the next frame. If you need
        the texture immediately after changing a property, you have to call
        the :meth:`texture_update` method before accessing :attr:`texture`::

            l = Label(text='Hello world')
            # l.texture is good
            l.font_size = '50sp'
            # l.texture is not updated yet
            # l.texture is good now.

    :attr:`texture` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.ObjectProperty` and defaults
    to None.

    texture_size = ListProperty([0, 0])
    '''Texture size of the text. The size is determined by the font size and
    text. If :attr:`text_size` is [None, None], the texture will be the size
    required to fit the text, otherwise it's clipped to fit :attr:`text_size`.

    When :attr:`text_size` is [None, None], one can bind to texture_size
    and rescale it proportionally to fit the size of the label in order to
    make the text fit maximally in the label.

    .. warning::

        The :attr:`texture_size` is set after the :attr:`texture`
        property. If you listen for changes to :attr:`texture`,
        :attr:`texture_size` will not be up-to-date in your callback.
        Bind to :attr:`texture_size` instead.

    mipmap = BooleanProperty(False)
    '''Indicates whether OpenGL mipmapping is applied to the texture or not.
    Read :ref:`mipmap` for more information.

    .. versionadded:: 1.0.7

    :attr:`mipmap` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and defaults
    to False.

    shorten = BooleanProperty(False)
    Indicates whether the label should attempt to shorten its textual contents
    as much as possible if a :attr:`text_size` is given. Setting this to True
    without an appropriately set :attr:`text_size` will lead to unexpected

    :attr:`shorten_from` and :attr:`split_str` control the direction from
    which the :attr:`text` is split, as well as where in the :attr:`text` we
    are allowed to split.

    :attr:`shorten` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and defaults
    to False.

    shorten_from = OptionProperty('center', options=['left', 'center',
    '''The side from which we should shorten the text from, can be left,
    right, or center.

    For example, if left, the ellipsis will appear towards the left side and we
    will display as much text starting from the right as possible. Similar to
    :attr:`shorten`, this option only applies when :attr:`text_size` [0] is
    not None, In this case, the string is shortened to fit within the specified

    .. versionadded:: 1.9.0

    :attr:`shorten_from` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.OptionProperty` and
    defaults to `center`.

    is_shortened = BooleanProperty(False)
    '''This property indicates if :attr:`text` was rendered with or without
    shortening when :attr:`shorten` is True.

    .. versionadded:: 1.10.0

    :attr:`is_shortened` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and
    defaults to False.

    split_str = StringProperty('')
    '''The string used to split the :attr:`text` while shortening the string
    when :attr:`shorten` is True.

    For example, if it's a space, the string will be broken into words and as
    many whole words that can fit into a single line will be displayed. If
    :attr:`split_str` is the empty string, `''`, we split on every character
    fitting as much text as possible into the line.

    .. versionadded:: 1.9.0

    :attr:`split_str` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and
    defaults to `''` (the empty string).

    ellipsis_options = DictProperty({})
    '''Font options for the ellipsis string('...') used to split the text.

    Accepts a dict as option name with the value. Only applied when
    :attr:`markup` is true and text is shortened. All font options which work
    for :class:`Label` will work for :attr:`ellipsis_options`. Defaults for
    the options not specified are taken from the surronding text.

    .. code-block:: kv

            text: 'Some very long line which will be cut'
            markup: True
            shorten: True
            ellipsis_options: {'color':(1,0.5,0.5,1),'underline':True}

    .. versionadded:: 2.0.0

    :attr:`ellipsis_options` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.DictProperty` and
    defaults to `{}` (the empty dict).

    unicode_errors = OptionProperty(
        'replace', options=('strict', 'replace', 'ignore'))
    '''How to handle unicode decode errors. Can be `'strict'`, `'replace'` or

    .. versionadded:: 1.9.0

    :attr:`unicode_errors` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.OptionProperty` and
    defaults to `'replace'`.

    markup = BooleanProperty(False)
    .. versionadded:: 1.1.0

    If True, the text will be rendered using the
    :class:`~kivy.core.text.markup.MarkupLabel`: you can change the
    style of the text using tags. Check the
    :doc:`api-kivy.core.text.markup` documentation for more information.

    :attr:`markup` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and defaults
    to False.

    refs = DictProperty({})
    .. versionadded:: 1.1.0

    List of ``[ref=xxx]`` markup items in the text with the bounding box of
    all the words contained in a ref, available only after rendering.

    For example, if you wrote::

        Check out my [ref=hello]link[/ref]

    The refs will be set with::

        {'hello': ((64, 0, 78, 16), )}

    The references marked "hello" have a bounding box at (x1, y1, x2, y2).
    These co-ordinates are relative to the top left corner of the text, with
    the y value increasing downwards. You can define multiple refs with the
    same name: each occurrence will be added as another (x1, y1, x2, y2) tuple
    to this list.

    The current Label implementation uses these references if they exist in
    your markup text, automatically doing the collision with the touch and
    dispatching an `on_ref_press` event.

    You can bind a ref event like this::

        def print_it(instance, value):
            print('User click on', value)
        widget = Label(text='Hello [ref=world]World[/ref]', markup=True)

    .. note::

        This works only with markup text. You need :attr:`markup` set to

    anchors = DictProperty({})
    .. versionadded:: 1.1.0

    Position of all the ``[anchor=xxx]`` markup in the text.
    These co-ordinates are relative to the top left corner of the text, with
    the y value increasing downwards. Anchors names should be unique and only
    the first occurrence of any duplicate anchors will be recorded.

    You can place anchors in your markup text as follows::

        text = """
            [anchor=title1][size=24]This is my Big title.[/size]
            [anchor=content]Hello world

    Then, all the ``[anchor=]`` references will be removed and you'll get all
    the anchor positions in this property (only after rendering)::

        >>> widget = Label(text=text, markup=True)
        >>> widget.texture_update()
        >>> widget.anchors
        {"content": (20, 32), "title1": (20, 16)}

    .. note::

        This works only with markup text. You need :attr:`markup` set to


    max_lines = NumericProperty(0)
    '''Maximum number of lines to use, defaults to 0, which means unlimited.
    Please note that :attr:`shorten` take over this property. (with
    shorten, the text is always one line.)

    .. versionadded:: 1.8.0

    :attr:`max_lines` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and
    defaults to 0.

    strip = BooleanProperty(False)
    '''Whether leading and trailing spaces and newlines should be stripped from
    each displayed line. If True, every line will start at the right or left
    edge, depending on :attr:`halign`. If :attr:`halign` is `justify` it is
    implicitly True.

    .. versionadded:: 1.9.0

    :attr:`strip` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and
    defaults to False.

    font_hinting = OptionProperty(
        'normal', options=[None, 'normal', 'light', 'mono'], allownone=True)
    '''What hinting option to use for font rendering.
    Can be one of `'normal'`, `'light'`, `'mono'` or None.

    .. note::
        This feature requires SDL2 or Pango text provider.

    .. versionadded:: 1.10.0

    :attr:`font_hinting` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.OptionProperty` and
    defaults to `'normal'`.

    font_kerning = BooleanProperty(True)
    '''Whether kerning is enabled for font rendering. You should normally
    only disable this if rendering is broken with a particular font file.

    .. note::
        This feature requires the SDL2 text provider.

    .. versionadded:: 1.10.0

    :attr:`font_kerning` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and
    defaults to True.

    font_blended = BooleanProperty(True)
    '''Whether blended or solid font rendering should be used.
Пример #52
    def _draw_current_map(self):

        def _calc_heat_pct(heat_value, heat_min, heat_range):
            if heat_value is not None and heat_range > 0:
                return int(((heat_value - heat_min) / heat_range) * 100.0)
                return 0

        left = self.pos[0]
        bottom = self.pos[1]

        heat_width_step = self.HEAT_MAP_WIDTH_STEP
        path_count = len(self._scaled_paths.keys())
        heat_width = (self.heat_width_scale * self.height) + ((path_count - 1) * heat_width_step)

        with self.canvas:
            Line(points=self._scaled_map_points, width=self.track_width_scale * self.height, closed=True, cap='round', joint='round')

            color_gradient = HeatColorGradient()

            # draw all of the traces
            for key, path_points in self._scaled_paths.iteritems():
                heat_path = self._heat_map_values.get(key)
                if heat_path:
                    # draw heat map
                    point_count = len(path_points)
                    heat_min = self.heat_min
                    heat_range = self.heat_max - heat_min
                    value_index = 0
                    current_heat_pct = 0
                    i = 0
                    line_points = []

                        line_points.extend([path_points[i], path_points[i + 1]])
                        current_heat_pct = _calc_heat_pct(heat_path[value_index], heat_min, heat_range)

                        while i < point_count - 2:
                            heat_pct = _calc_heat_pct(heat_path[value_index], heat_min, heat_range)

                            if heat_pct != current_heat_pct:
                                heat_color = color_gradient.get_color_value(heat_pct / 100.0)
                                Line(points=line_points, width=heat_width, closed=False, joint='miter', cap='round')
                                line_points = [path_points[i - 2], path_points[i - 1]]
                                current_heat_pct = heat_pct
                            line_points.extend([path_points[i], path_points[i + 1]])
                            value_index += 1
                            i += 2
                        heat_width -= heat_width_step
                    except IndexError:  # if the number of heat values mismatch the heat map points, terminate early
                    # draw regular map trace
                    Line(points=path_points, width=self.path_width_scale * self.height, closed=True, cap='square', joint='miter')

            target_size = (self.target_width_scale * self.height) * self.target_scale
            # draw start point
            if GeoPoint.is_valid(self.start_point):
                scaled_point = self._scale_geopoint(self.start_point)
                Rectangle(texture=TrackMapView.start_image.texture, pos=self._center_point(scaled_point, (target_size, target_size)), size=[target_size, target_size])

            # draw finish point
            if GeoPoint.is_valid(self.finish_point):
                scaled_point = self._scale_geopoint(self.finish_point)
                Rectangle(texture=TrackMapView.finish_image.texture, pos=self._center_point(scaled_point, (target_size, target_size)), size=[target_size, target_size])

            # draw the sector points
            sector_count = 0
            for sector_point in self.sector_points:
                sector_count += 1
                scaled_point = self._scale_geopoint(sector_point)
                label = CoreLabel(text='{:>2}'.format(sector_count), font_size=target_size * 0.8, font_name='resource/fonts/ASL_regular.ttf')
                texture = label.texture
                centered_point = self._center_point(scaled_point, texture.size)
                Rectangle(source='resource/trackmap/sector_64px.png', pos=self._center_point(scaled_point, texture.size), size=[target_size, target_size])
                Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
                # Tweak font position to improve centering. SHould be a better way to do this
                trim_x = texture.size[0] * 0.1
                trim_y = -texture.size[1] * 0.05
                Rectangle(size=texture.size, pos=(centered_point[0] + trim_x, centered_point[1] + trim_y), texture=texture)

            # draw the dynamic markers
            marker_size = (self.marker_width_scale * self.height) * self.marker_scale
            for key, marker_point in self._marker_points.iteritems():
                scaled_point = self._scale_point(marker_point, self.height, left, bottom)
                self._marker_locations[key] = Line(circle=(scaled_point.x, scaled_point.y, marker_size), width=marker_size, closed=True)

            Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
Пример #53
class Label(Widget):
    '''Label class, see module documentation for more information.

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self._trigger_texture = Clock.create_trigger(self.texture_update, -1)
        super(Label, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        # bind all the property for recreating the texture
        d = ('text', 'font_size', 'font_name', 'bold', 'italic', 'halign',
             'valign', 'padding_x', 'padding_y', 'text_size', 'shorten',
        dkw = {}
        for x in d:
            dkw[x] = partial(self._trigger_texture_update, x)

        dkw = dict(zip(d, [getattr(self, x) for x in d]))
        font_name = resource_find(self.font_name)
        if font_name:
            dkw['font_name'] = font_name
        self._label = CoreLabel(**dkw)

        # force the texture creation

    def _trigger_texture_update(self, name=None, source=None, value=None):
        if source:
            if name == 'text':
                self._label.text = value
            elif name == 'text_size':
                self._label.usersize = value
            elif name == 'font_name':
                rvalue = resource_find(value)
                self._label.options['font_name'] = rvalue if rvalue else value
                self._label.options[name] = value

    def texture_update(self, *largs):
        '''Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.

        After this function call, the :data:`texture` and :data`texture_size`
        will be updated in this order.
        self.texture = None
        if self._label.text.strip() == '':
            self.texture_size = (0, 0)
            texture = self._label.texture
            if texture is not None:
                self.texture = self._label.texture
                self.texture_size = list(self.texture.size)

    # Properties
    text = StringProperty('')
    '''Text of the label.

    Creation of a simple hello world ::

        widget = Label(text='Hello world')

    If you want to create the widget with an unicode string, use ::

        widget = Label(text=u'My unicode string')

    :data:`text` a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty`.

    text_size = ListProperty([None, None])
    '''By default, the label is not constrained to any bounding box.
    You can set the size constraint of the label with this property.

    .. versionadded:: 1.0.4

    For example, whatever your current widget size is, if you want the label to
    be created in a box with width=200 and unlimited height::

        Label(text='Very big big line', text_size=(200, None))

    .. note::

        This text_size property is the same as
        :data:`~kivy.core.text.Label.usersize` property in
        :class:`~kivy.core.text.Label` class. (Even if it's named size= in

    :data:`text_size` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ListProperty`,
    default to (None, None), meaning no size restriction by default.

    font_name = StringProperty('fonts/DroidSans.ttf')
    '''Filename of the font to use, the path can be absolute or relative.
    Relative paths are resolved by the :func:`~kivy.resources.resource_find` 

    .. warning::

        Depending of your text provider, the font file can be ignored. But you
        can mostly use this without trouble.

    :data:`font_name` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty`, default to

    font_size = NumericProperty(12)
    '''Font size of the text, in pixels.

    :data:`font_size` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty`, default to

    bold = BooleanProperty(False)
    '''Indicate if you want to use the bold version of your font.

    .. note::

        Depending of your font, the bold attribute may have no impact on your
        text rendering.

    :data:`bold` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty`, default to

    italic = BooleanProperty(False)
    '''Indicate if you want to use the italic version of your font.

    .. note::

        Depending of your font, the italic attribute may have no impact on your
        text rendering.

    :data:`italic` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty`, default to

    padding_x = NumericProperty(0)
    '''Horizontal padding of the text, inside the widget box.

    :data:`padding_x` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty`, default to

    padding_y = NumericProperty(0)
    '''Vertical padding of the text, inside the widget box.

    :data:`padding_x` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty`, default to

    padding = ReferenceListProperty(padding_x, padding_y)
    '''Padding of the text, in the format (padding_x, padding_y)

    :data:`padding` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ReferenceListProperty` of
    (:data:`padding_x`, :data:`padding_y`) properties.

    halign = OptionProperty('left', options=['left', 'center', 'right'])
    '''Horizontal alignment of the text.

    :data:`halign` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.OptionProperty`, default to
    'left'. Available options are : left, center and right.

    valign = OptionProperty('bottom', options=['bottom', 'middle', 'top'])
    '''Vertical alignment of the text.

    :data:`valign` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.OptionProperty`, default to
    'bottom'. Available options are : bottom, middle and top.

    color = ListProperty([1, 1, 1, 1])
    '''Text color, in the format (r, g, b, a)

    :data:`color` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ListProperty`, default to [1, 1,
    1, 1].

    texture = ObjectProperty(None, allownone=True)
    '''Texture object of the text.
    The text is rendered automatically when a property changes, and stored in
    this property. You can use this :data:`texture` for any graphics elements.

    Depending on the texture creation, the value will be a
    :class:`~kivy.graphics.texture.Texture` or
    :class:`~kivy.graphics.texture.TextureRegion` object.

    .. warning::

        The :data:`texture` update is scheduled for the next frame. If you need 
        the texture immediately after changing a property, you have to call
        the :func:`texture_update` function before acessing :data:`texture` ::

            l = Label(text='Hello world')
            # l.texture is good
            l.font_size = 50
            # l.texture is not updated yet
            # l.texture is good now.

    :data:`texture` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ObjectProperty`, default to

    texture_size = ListProperty([0, 0])
    '''Texture size of the text.

    .. warning::

        The data:`texture_size` is set after the :data:`texture` property. If 
        you listen for changes to :data:`texture`, :data:`texture_size` will not
        be up to date in your callback. Bind to data:`texture_size` instead.

    mipmap = BooleanProperty(False)
    '''Indicate if you want OpenGL mipmapping applied to texture or not.
    Read :ref:`mipmap` for more information.

    .. versionadded:: 1.0.7

    :data:`mipmap` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty`, default to

    shorten = BooleanProperty(False)
Пример #54
    def draw_text(self, gc, x, y, s, prop, angle, ismath=False, mtext=None):
        '''Render text that is displayed in the canvas. The position x, y is
           given in matplotlib coordinates. A `GraphicsContextKivy` is given
           to render according to the text properties such as color, size, etc.
           An angle is given to change the orientation of the text when needed.
           If the text is a math expression it will be rendered using a
           MathText parser.
        if mtext:
            transform = mtext.get_transform()
            ax, ay = transform.transform_point(mtext.get_position())

            angle_rad = mtext.get_rotation() * np.pi / 180.
            dir_vert = np.array([np.sin(angle_rad), np.cos(angle_rad)])

            if mtext.get_rotation_mode() == "anchor":
                # if anchor mode, rotation is undone first
                v_offset = np.dot(dir_vert, [(x - ax), (y - ay)])
                ax = ax + v_offset * dir_vert[0]
                ay = ay + v_offset * dir_vert[1]

            w, h, d = self.get_text_width_height_descent(s, prop, ismath)
            ha, va = mtext.get_ha(), mtext.get_va()
            if ha == "center":
                ax -= w / 2
            elif ha == "right":
                ax -= w
            if va == "top":
                ay -= h
            elif va == "center":
                ay -= h / 2

            if mtext.get_rotation_mode() != "anchor":
                # if not anchor mode, rotation is undone last
                v_offset = np.dot(dir_vert, [(x - ax), (y - ay)])
                ax = ax + v_offset * dir_vert[0]
                ay = ay + v_offset * dir_vert[1]

            x, y = ax, ay

        x += self.widget.x
        y += self.widget.y

        if ismath:
            self.draw_mathtext(gc, x, y, s, prop, angle)
            font = resource_find(prop.get_name() + ".ttf")
            if font is None:
                plot_text = CoreLabel(font_size=prop.get_size_in_points())
                plot_text = CoreLabel(font_size=prop.get_size_in_points(),
            plot_text.text = six.text_type("{}".format(s))
            if prop.get_style() == 'italic':
                plot_text.italic = True
            if weight_as_number(prop.get_weight()) > 500:
                plot_text.bold = True
            with self.widget.canvas:
                if isinstance(angle, float):
                    Rotate(angle=angle, origin=(int(x), int(y)))
                    Rectangle(pos=(int(x), int(y)), texture=plot_text.texture,
                    Rectangle(pos=(int(x), int(y)), texture=plot_text.texture,
Пример #55
class Label(Widget):
    """Label class, see module documentation for more information.

            Fired when the user clicks on a word referenced with a
            ``[ref]`` tag in a text markup.

    __events__ = ["on_ref_press"]

    _font_properties = (

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self._trigger_texture = Clock.create_trigger(self.texture_update, -1)
        super(Label, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        # bind all the property for recreating the texture
        d = Label._font_properties
        fbind = self.fbind
        update = self._trigger_texture_update
        fbind("disabled", update, "disabled")
        for x in d:
            fbind(x, update, x)

        self._label = None

        # force the texture creation

    def _create_label(self):
        # create the core label class according to markup value
        if self._label is not None:
            cls = self._label.__class__
            cls = None
        markup = self.markup
        if (markup and cls is not CoreMarkupLabel) or (not markup and cls is not CoreLabel):
            # markup have change, we need to change our rendering method.
            d = Label._font_properties
            dkw = dict(list(zip(d, [getattr(self, x) for x in d])))
            if markup:
                self._label = CoreMarkupLabel(**dkw)
                self._label = CoreLabel(**dkw)

    def _trigger_texture_update(self, name=None, source=None, value=None):
        # check if the label core class need to be switch to a new one
        if name == "markup":
        if source:
            if name == "text":
                self._label.text = value
            elif name == "text_size":
                self._label.usersize = value
            elif name == "font_size":
                self._label.options[name] = value
            elif name == "disabled_color" and self.disabled:
                self._label.options["color"] = value
            elif name == "disabled":
                self._label.options["color"] = self.disabled_color if value else self.color
                self._label.options[name] = value

    def texture_update(self, *largs):
        """Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.

        After this function call, the :attr:`texture` and :attr:`texture_size`
        will be updated in this order.
        mrkup = self._label.__class__ is CoreMarkupLabel
        self.texture = None

        if not self._label.text or (self.halign == "justify" or self.strip) and not self._label.text.strip():
            self.texture_size = (0, 0)
            if mrkup:
                self.refs, self._label._refs = {}, {}
                self.anchors, self._label._anchors = {}, {}
            if mrkup:
                text = self.text
                # we must strip here, otherwise, if the last line is empty,
                # markup will retain the last empty line since it only strips
                # line by line within markup
                if self.halign == "justify" or self.strip:
                    text = text.strip()
                self._label.text = "".join(
                        get_hex_from_color(self.disabled_color if self.disabled else self.color),
                # force the rendering to get the references
                if self._label.texture:
                self.refs = self._label.refs
                self.anchors = self._label.anchors
            texture = self._label.texture
            if texture is not None:
                self.texture = self._label.texture
                self.texture_size = list(self.texture.size)

    def on_touch_down(self, touch):
        if super(Label, self).on_touch_down(touch):
            return True
        if not len(self.refs):
            return False
        tx, ty = touch.pos
        tx -= self.center_x - self.texture_size[0] / 2.0
        ty -= self.center_y - self.texture_size[1] / 2.0
        ty = self.texture_size[1] - ty
        for uid, zones in self.refs.items():
            for zone in zones:
                x, y, w, h = zone
                if x <= tx <= w and y <= ty <= h:
                    self.dispatch("on_ref_press", uid)
                    return True
        return False

    def on_ref_press(self, ref):

    # Properties

    disabled_color = ListProperty([1, 1, 1, 0.3])
    """Text color, in the format (r, g, b, a)

    .. versionadded:: 1.8.0

    :attr:`disabled_color` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ListProperty` and
    defaults to [1, 1, 1, .5].

    text = StringProperty("")
    """Text of the label.

    Creation of a simple hello world::

        widget = Label(text='Hello world')

    If you want to create the widget with an unicode string, use::

        widget = Label(text=u'My unicode string')

    :attr:`text` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and defaults to

    text_size = ListProperty([None, None])
    """By default, the label is not constrained to any bounding box.
    You can set the size constraint of the label with this property.
    The text will autoflow into the constrains. So although the font size
    will not be reduced, the text will be arranged to fit into the box as best
    as possible, with any text still outside the box clipped.

    This sets and clips :attr:`texture_size` to text_size if not None.

    .. versionadded:: 1.0.4

    For example, whatever your current widget size is, if you want the label to
    be created in a box with width=200 and unlimited height::

        Label(text='Very big big line', text_size=(200, None))

    .. note::

        This text_size property is the same as the
        :attr:`~kivy.core.text.Label.usersize` property in the
        :class:`~kivy.core.text.Label` class. (It is named size= in the

    :attr:`text_size` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ListProperty` and
    defaults to (None, None), meaning no size restriction by default.

    font_name = StringProperty("Roboto")
    """Filename of the font to use. The path can be absolute or relative.
    Relative paths are resolved by the :func:`~kivy.resources.resource_find`

    .. warning::

        Depending of your text provider, the font file can be ignored. However,
        you can mostly use this without problems.

        If the font used lacks the glyphs for the particular language/symbols
        you are using, you will see '[]' blank box characters instead of the
        actual glyphs. The solution is to use a font that has the glyphs you
        need to display. For example, to display |unicodechar|, use a font such
        as freesans.ttf that has the glyph.

        .. |unicodechar| image:: images/unicode-char.png

    :attr:`font_name` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and
    defaults to 'Roboto'.

    font_size = NumericProperty("15sp")
    """Font size of the text, in pixels.

    :attr:`font_size` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and
    defaults to 15sp.

    line_height = NumericProperty(1.0)
    """Line Height for the text. e.g. line_height = 2 will cause the spacing
    between lines to be twice the size.

    :attr:`line_height` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and
    defaults to 1.0.

    .. versionadded:: 1.5.0

    bold = BooleanProperty(False)
    """Indicates use of the bold version of your font.

    .. note::

        Depending of your font, the bold attribute may have no impact on your
        text rendering.

    :attr:`bold` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and defaults to

    italic = BooleanProperty(False)
    """Indicates use of the italic version of your font.

    .. note::

        Depending of your font, the italic attribute may have no impact on your
        text rendering.

    :attr:`italic` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and defaults
    to False.

    underline = BooleanProperty(False)
    """Adds an underline to the text.

    .. note::
        This feature requires the SDL2 text provider.

    .. versionadded:: 1.9.2

    :attr:`underline` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and defaults
    to False.

    strikethrough = BooleanProperty(False)
    """Adds a strikethrough line to the text.

    .. note::
        This feature requires the SDL2 text provider.

    .. versionadded:: 1.9.2

    :attr:`strikethrough` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and defaults
    to False.

    padding_x = NumericProperty(0)
    """Horizontal padding of the text inside the widget box.

    :attr:`padding_x` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and
    defaults to 0.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.9.0
        `padding_x` has been fixed to work as expected.
        In the past, the text was padded by the negative of its values.

    padding_y = NumericProperty(0)
    """Vertical padding of the text inside the widget box.

    :attr:`padding_y` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and
    defaults to 0.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.9.0
        `padding_y` has been fixed to work as expected.
        In the past, the text was padded by the negative of its values.

    padding = ReferenceListProperty(padding_x, padding_y)
    """Padding of the text in the format (padding_x, padding_y)

    :attr:`padding` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ReferenceListProperty` of
    (:attr:`padding_x`, :attr:`padding_y`) properties.

    halign = OptionProperty("left", options=["left", "center", "right", "justify"])
    """Horizontal alignment of the text.

    :attr:`halign` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.OptionProperty` and
    defaults to 'left'. Available options are : left, center, right and

    .. warning::

        This doesn't change the position of the text texture of the Label
        (centered), only the position of the text in this texture. You probably
        want to bind the size of the Label to the :attr:`texture_size` or set a

    .. versionchanged:: 1.6.0
        A new option was added to :attr:`halign`, namely `justify`.

    valign = OptionProperty("bottom", options=["bottom", "middle", "center", "top"])
    """Vertical alignment of the text.

    :attr:`valign` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.OptionProperty` and defaults
    to 'bottom'. Available options are : `'bottom'`,
    `'middle'` (or `'center'`) and `'top'`.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.9.2
        The `'center'` option has been added as an alias of `'middle'`.

    .. warning::

        This doesn't change the position of the text texture of the Label
        (centered), only the position of the text within this texture. You
        probably want to bind the size of the Label to the :attr:`texture_size`
        or set a :attr:`text_size` to change this behavior.

    color = ListProperty([1, 1, 1, 1])
    """Text color, in the format (r, g, b, a)

    :attr:`color` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ListProperty` and defaults to
    [1, 1, 1, 1].

    texture = ObjectProperty(None, allownone=True)
    """Texture object of the text.
    The text is rendered automatically when a property changes. The OpenGL
    texture created in this operation is stored in this property. You can use
    this :attr:`texture` for any graphics elements.

    Depending on the texture creation, the value will be a
    :class:`~kivy.graphics.texture.Texture` or
    :class:`~kivy.graphics.texture.TextureRegion` object.

    .. warning::

        The :attr:`texture` update is scheduled for the next frame. If you need
        the texture immediately after changing a property, you have to call
        the :meth:`texture_update` method before accessing :attr:`texture`::

            l = Label(text='Hello world')
            # l.texture is good
            l.font_size = '50sp'
            # l.texture is not updated yet
            # l.texture is good now.

    :attr:`texture` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.ObjectProperty` and defaults
    to None.

    texture_size = ListProperty([0, 0])
    """Texture size of the text. The size is determined by the font size and
    text. If :attr:`text_size` is [None, None], the texture will be the size
    required to fit the text, otherwise it's clipped to fit :attr:`text_size`.

    When :attr:`text_size` is [None, None], one can bind to texture_size
    and rescale it proportionally to fit the size of the label in order to
    make the text fit maximally in the label.

    .. warning::

        The :attr:`texture_size` is set after the :attr:`texture`
        property. If you listen for changes to :attr:`texture`,
        :attr:`texture_size` will not be up-to-date in your callback.
        Bind to :attr:`texture_size` instead.

    mipmap = BooleanProperty(False)
    """Indicates whether OpenGL mipmapping is applied to the texture or not.
    Read :ref:`mipmap` for more information.

    .. versionadded:: 1.0.7

    :attr:`mipmap` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and defaults
    to False.

    shorten = BooleanProperty(False)
    Indicates whether the label should attempt to shorten its textual contents
    as much as possible if a :attr:`text_size` is given. Setting this to True
    without an appropriately set :attr:`text_size` will lead to unexpected

    :attr:`shorten_from` and :attr:`split_str` control the direction from
    which the :attr:`text` is split, as well as where in the :attr:`text` we
    are allowed to split.

    :attr:`shorten` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and defaults
    to False.

    shorten_from = OptionProperty("center", options=["left", "center", "right"])
    """The side from which we should shorten the text from, can be left,
    right, or center.

    For example, if left, the ellipsis will appear towards the left side and we
    will display as much text starting from the right as possible. Similar to
    :attr:`shorten`, this option only applies when :attr:`text_size` [0] is
    not None, In this case, the string is shortened to fit within the specified

    .. versionadded:: 1.9.0

    :attr:`shorten_from` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.OptionProperty` and
    defaults to `center`.

    split_str = StringProperty("")
    """The string used to split the :attr:`text` while shortening the string
    when :attr:`shorten` is True.

    For example, if it's a space, the string will be broken into words and as
    many whole words that can fit into a single line will be displayed. If
    :attr:`shorten_from` is the empty string, `''`, we split on every character
    fitting as much text as possible into the line.

    .. versionadded:: 1.9.0

    :attr:`split_str` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and
    defaults to `''` (the empty string).

    unicode_errors = OptionProperty("replace", options=("strict", "replace", "ignore"))
    """How to handle unicode decode errors. Can be `'strict'`, `'replace'` or

    .. versionadded:: 1.9.0

    :attr:`unicode_errors` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.OptionProperty` and
    defaults to `'replace'`.

    markup = BooleanProperty(False)
    .. versionadded:: 1.1.0

    If True, the text will be rendered using the
    :class:`~kivy.core.text.markup.MarkupLabel`: you can change the
    style of the text using tags. Check the
    :doc:`api-kivy.core.text.markup` documentation for more information.

    :attr:`markup` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and defaults
    to False.

    refs = DictProperty({})
    .. versionadded:: 1.1.0

    List of ``[ref=xxx]`` markup items in the text with the bounding box of
    all the words contained in a ref, available only after rendering.

    For example, if you wrote::

        Check out my [ref=hello]link[/ref]

    The refs will be set with::

        {'hello': ((64, 0, 78, 16), )}

    The references marked "hello" have a bounding box at (x1, y1, x2, y2).
    These co-ordinates are relative to the top left corner of the text, with
    the y value increasing downwards. You can define multiple refs with the same
    name: each occurence will be added as another (x1, y1, x2, y2) tuple to
    this list.

    The current Label implementation uses these references if they exist in
    your markup text, automatically doing the collision with the touch and
    dispatching an `on_ref_press` event.

    You can bind a ref event like this::

        def print_it(instance, value):
            print('User click on', value)
        widget = Label(text='Hello [ref=world]World[/ref]', markup=True)

    .. note::

        This works only with markup text. You need :attr:`markup` set to

    anchors = DictProperty({})
    .. versionadded:: 1.1.0

    Position of all the ``[anchor=xxx]`` markup in the text.
    These co-ordinates are relative to the top left corner of the text, with
    the y value increasing downwards. Anchors names should be unique and only
    the first occurence of any duplicate anchors will be recorded.

    You can place anchors in your markup text as follows::

        text = """
            [anchor=title1][size=24]This is my Big title.[/size]
            [anchor=content]Hello world

    Then, all the ``[anchor=]`` references will be removed and you'll get all
    the anchor positions in this property (only after rendering)::

        >>> widget = Label(text=text, markup=True)
        >>> widget.texture_update()
        >>> widget.anchors
        {"content": (20, 32), "title1": (20, 16)}

    .. note::

        This works only with markup text. You need :attr:`markup` set to


    max_lines = NumericProperty(0)
    """Maximum number of lines to use, defaults to 0, which means unlimited.
    Please note that :attr:`shorten` take over this property. (with
    shorten, the text is always one line.)

    .. versionadded:: 1.8.0

    :attr:`max_lines` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and
    defaults to 0.

    strip = BooleanProperty(False)
    """Whether leading and trailing spaces and newlines should be stripped from
    each displayed line. If True, every line will start at the right or left
    edge, depending on :attr:`halign`. If :attr:`halign` is `justify` it is
    implicitly True.

    .. versionadded:: 1.9.0

    :attr:`strip` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and
    defaults to False.

    font_hinting = OptionProperty("normal", options=[None, "normal", "light", "mono"], allownone=True)
    """What hinting option to use for font rendering.
    Can be one of `'normal'`, `'light'`, `'mono'` or None.

    .. note::
        This feature requires the SDL2 text provider.

    .. versionadded:: 1.9.2

    :attr:`font_hinting` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.OptionProperty` and
    defaults to `'normal'`.

    font_kerning = BooleanProperty(True)
    """Whether kerning is enabled for font rendering.

    .. note::
        This feature requires the SDL2 text provider.

    .. versionadded:: 1.9.2

    :attr:`font_kerning` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and
    defaults to True.

    font_blended = BooleanProperty(True)
    """Whether blended or solid font rendering should be used.
Пример #56
 def get_label_texture(self, index, **kw):
     label = CoreLabel(text=self.value_str(self.slot_value(index)),
                       font_size=self.font_size, **kw)
     return label.texture
Пример #57
class Label(Widget):
    '''Label class, see module documentation for more information.

            Fired when the user clicks on a word referenced with a
            ``[ref]`` tag in a text markup.

    _font_properties = ('text', 'font_size', 'font_name', 'bold', 'italic',
        'halign', 'valign', 'padding_x', 'padding_y', 'text_size', 'shorten',
        'mipmap', 'markup', 'line_height', 'max_lines')

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self._trigger_texture = Clock.create_trigger(self.texture_update, -1)
        super(Label, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        # bind all the property for recreating the texture
        d = Label._font_properties
        dkw = {}
        for x in d:
            dkw[x] = partial(self._trigger_texture_update, x)

        self._label = None

        # force the texture creation

    def _create_label(self):
        # create the core label class according to markup value
        if self._label is not None:
            cls = self._label.__class__
            cls = None
        markup = self.markup
        if (markup and cls is not CoreMarkupLabel) or \
           (not markup and cls is not CoreLabel):
            # markup have change, we need to change our rendering method.
            d = Label._font_properties
            dkw = dict(list(zip(d, [getattr(self, x) for x in d])))
            if markup:
                self._label = CoreMarkupLabel(**dkw)
                self._label = CoreLabel(**dkw)

    def _trigger_texture_update(self, name=None, source=None, value=None):
        # check if the label core class need to be switch to a new one
        if name == 'markup':
        if source:
            if name == 'text':
                self._label.text = value
            elif name == 'text_size':
                self._label.usersize = value
            elif name == 'font_size':
                self._label.options[name] = value
                self._label.options[name] = value

    def texture_update(self, *largs):
        '''Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.

        After this function call, the :data:`texture` and :data:`texture_size`
        will be updated in this order.
        self.texture = None
        if self._label.text.strip() == '':
            self.texture_size = (0, 0)
            mrkup = self._label.__class__ is CoreMarkupLabel
            if mrkup:
                text = self._label.text
                self._label.text = ''.join(('[color=',
                                            get_hex_from_color(self.color), ']',
                                            text, '[/color]'))
                # force the rendering to get the references
                if self._label.texture:
                self._label.text = text
                self.refs = self._label.refs
                self.anchors = self._label.anchors
            texture = self._label.texture
            if texture is not None:
                self.texture = self._label.texture
                self.texture_size = list(self.texture.size)

    def on_touch_down(self, touch):
        if super(Label, self).on_touch_down(touch):
            return True
        if not len(self.refs):
            return False
        tx, ty = touch.pos
        tx -= self.center_x - self.texture_size[0] / 2.
        ty -= self.center_y - self.texture_size[1] / 2.
        ty = self.texture_size[1] - ty
        for uid, zones in self.refs.items():
            for zone in zones:
                x, y, w, h = zone
                if x <= tx <= w and y <= ty <= h:
                    self.dispatch('on_ref_press', uid)
                    return True
        return False

    def on_ref_press(self, ref):

    # Properties

    disabled_color = ListProperty([1, 1, 1, .3])
    '''Text color, in the format (r, g, b, a)

    .. versionadded:: 1.8.0

    :data:`disabled_color` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ListProperty` and
    defaults to [1, 1, 1, .5].

    text = StringProperty('')
    '''Text of the label.

    Creation of a simple hello world::

        widget = Label(text='Hello world')

    If you want to create the widget with an unicode string, use::

        widget = Label(text=u'My unicode string')

    :data:`text` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and defaults to

    text_size = ListProperty([None, None])
    '''By default, the label is not constrained to any bounding box.
    You can set the size constraint of the label with this property.

    .. versionadded:: 1.0.4

    For example, whatever your current widget size is, if you want the label to
    be created in a box with width=200 and unlimited height::

        Label(text='Very big big line', text_size=(200, None))

    .. note::

        This text_size property is the same as the
        :data:`~kivy.core.text.Label.usersize` property in the
        :class:`~kivy.core.text.Label` class. (It is named size= in the

    :data:`text_size` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ListProperty` and
    defaults to (None, None), meaning no size restriction by default.

    font_name = StringProperty('DroidSans')
    '''Filename of the font to use. The path can be absolute or relative.
    Relative paths are resolved by the :func:`~kivy.resources.resource_find`

    .. warning::

        Depending of your text provider, the font file can be ignored. However,
        you can mostly use this without problems.

        If the font used lacks the glyphs for the particular language/symbols
        you are using, you will see '[]' blank box characters instead of the
        actual glyphs. The solution is to use a font that has the glyphs you
        need to display. For example, to display |unicodechar|, use a font such
        as freesans.ttf that has the glyph.

        .. |unicodechar| image:: images/unicode-char.png

    :data:`font_name` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and defaults
    to 'DroidSans'.

    font_size = NumericProperty('15sp')
    '''Font size of the text, in pixels.

    :data:`font_size` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and
    defaults to 12dp.

    line_height = NumericProperty(1.0)
    '''Line Height for the text. e.g. line_height = 2 will cause the spacing
    between lines to be twice the size.

    :data:`line_height` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and
    defaults to 1.0.

    .. versionadded:: 1.5.0

    bold = BooleanProperty(False)
    '''Indicates use of the bold version of your font.

    .. note::

        Depending of your font, the bold attribute may have no impact on your
        text rendering.

    :data:`bold` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and defaults to

    italic = BooleanProperty(False)
    '''Indicates use of the italic version of your font.

    .. note::

        Depending of your font, the italic attribute may have no impact on your
        text rendering.

    :data:`italic` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and defaults
    to False.

    padding_x = NumericProperty(0)
    '''Horizontal padding of the text inside the widget box.

    :data:`padding_x` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and
    defaults to 0.

    padding_y = NumericProperty(0)
    '''Vertical padding of the text inside the widget box.

    :data:`padding_x` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and
    defaults to 0.

    padding = ReferenceListProperty(padding_x, padding_y)
    '''Padding of the text in the format (padding_x, padding_y)

    :data:`padding` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ReferenceListProperty` of
    (:data:`padding_x`, :data:`padding_y`) properties.

    halign = OptionProperty('left', options=['left', 'center', 'right',
    '''Horizontal alignment of the text.

    :data:`halign` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.OptionProperty` and defaults to
    'left'. Available options are : left, center, right and justified.

    .. warning::

        This doesn't change the position of the text texture of the Label
        (centered), only the position of the text in this texture. You probably
        want to bind the size of the Label to the :data:`texture_size` or set a

    .. versionchanged:: 1.6.0

        A new option was added to :data:`halign`, namely `justify`.

    valign = OptionProperty('bottom', options=['bottom', 'middle', 'top'])
    '''Vertical alignment of the text.

    :data:`valign` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.OptionProperty` and defaults
    to 'bottom'. Available options are : bottom, middle and top.

    .. warning::

        This doesn't change the position of the text texture of the Label
        (centered), only the position of the text within this texture. You
        probably want to bind the size of the Label to the :data:`texture_size`
        or set a :data:`text_size` to change this behavior.

    color = ListProperty([1, 1, 1, 1])
    '''Text color, in the format (r, g, b, a)

    :data:`color` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ListProperty` and defaults to
    [1, 1, 1, 1].

    texture = ObjectProperty(None, allownone=True)
    '''Texture object of the text.
    The text is rendered automatically when a property changes. The OpenGL
    texture created in this operation is stored in this property. You can use
    this :data:`texture` for any graphics elements.

    Depending on the texture creation, the value will be a
    :class:`~kivy.graphics.texture.Texture` or
    :class:`~kivy.graphics.texture.TextureRegion` object.

    .. warning::

        The :data:`texture` update is scheduled for the next frame. If you need
        the texture immediately after changing a property, you have to call
        the :meth:`texture_update` method before accessing :data:`texture`::

            l = Label(text='Hello world')
            # l.texture is good
            l.font_size = '50sp'
            # l.texture is not updated yet
            # l.texture is good now.

    :data:`texture` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.ObjectProperty` and defaults
    to None.

    texture_size = ListProperty([0, 0])
    '''Texture size of the text.

    .. warning::

        The :data:`texture_size` is set after the :data:`texture` property. If
        you listen for changes to :data:`texture`, :data:`texture_size` will not
        be up-to-date in your callback. Bind to :data:`texture_size` instead.

    mipmap = BooleanProperty(False)
    '''Indicates whether OpenGL mipmapping is applied to the texture or not.
    Read :ref:`mipmap` for more information.

    .. versionadded:: 1.0.7

    :data:`mipmap` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and defaults
    to False.

    shorten = BooleanProperty(False)
    Indicates whether the label should attempt to shorten its textual contents
    as much as possible if a `text_size` is given. Setting this to True without
    an appropriately set `text_size` will lead to unexpected results.

    :data:`shorten` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and defaults
    to False.

    markup = BooleanProperty(False)
    .. versionadded:: 1.1.0

    If True, the text will be rendered using the
    :class:`~kivy.core.text.markup.MarkupLabel`: you can change the style of the
    text using tags. Check the :doc:`api-kivy.core.text.markup` documentation
    for more information.

    :data:`markup` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and defaults
    to False.

    refs = DictProperty({})
    .. versionadded:: 1.1.0

    List of ``[ref=xxx]`` markup items in the text with the bounding box of
    all the words contained in a ref, available only after rendering.

    For example, if you wrote::

        Check out my [ref=hello]link[/hello]

    The refs will be set with::

        {'hello': ((64, 0, 78, 16), )}

    You know that the reference "hello" has a bounding box at (x1, y1, x2, y2).
    The current Label implementation uses these references if they exist in
    your markup text, automatically doing the collision with the touch and
    dispatching an `on_ref_press` event.

    You can bind a ref event like this::

        def print_it(instance, value):
            print('User click on', value)
        widget = Label(text='Hello [ref=world]World[/ref]', markup=True)

    .. note::

        This works only with markup text. You need :data:`markup` set to

    anchors = DictProperty({})
    .. versionadded:: 1.1.0

    Position of all the ``[anchor=xxx]`` markup in the text.

    You can place anchors in your markup text as follows::

        text = """
            [anchor=title1][size=24]This is my Big title.[/size]
            [anchor=content]Hello world

    Then, all the ``[anchor=]`` references will be removed and you'll get all
    the anchor positions in this property (only after rendering)::

        >>> widget = Label(text=text, markup=True)
        >>> widget.texture_update()
        >>> widget.anchors
        {"content": (20, 32), "title1": (20, 16)}

    .. note::

        This works only with markup text. You need :data:`markup` set to


    max_lines = NumericProperty(0)
    '''Maximum number of lines to use, defaults to 0, which means unlimited.
Пример #58
class Label(Widget):
    """Label class, see module documentation for more information.

            Fired when the user clicks on a word referenced with a
            ``[ref]`` tag in a text markup.

    _font_properties = (

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self._trigger_texture = Clock.create_trigger(self.texture_update, -1)
        super(Label, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        # bind all the property for recreating the texture
        d = Label._font_properties
        dkw = {}
        for x in d:
            dkw[x] = partial(self._trigger_texture_update, x)

        self._label = None

        # force the texture creation

    def _create_label(self):
        # create the core label class according to markup value
        if self._label is not None:
            cls = self._label.__class__
            cls = None
        markup = self.markup
        if (markup and cls is not CoreMarkupLabel) or (not markup and cls is not CoreLabel):
            # markup have change, we need to change our rendering method.
            d = Label._font_properties
            dkw = dict(zip(d, [getattr(self, x) for x in d]))
            if markup:
                self._label = CoreMarkupLabel(**dkw)
                self._label = CoreLabel(**dkw)

    def _trigger_texture_update(self, name=None, source=None, value=None):
        # check if the label core class need to be switch to a new one
        if name == "markup":
        if source:
            if name == "text":
                self._label.text = value
            elif name == "text_size":
                self._label.usersize = value
                self._label.options[name] = value

    def texture_update(self, *largs):
        """Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.

        After this function call, the :data:`texture` and :data`texture_size`
        will be updated in this order.
        self.texture = None
        if self._label.text.strip() == "":
            self.texture_size = (0, 0)
            if self._label.__class__ is CoreMarkupLabel:
                self.refs = self._label.refs
                self.anchors = self._label.anchors
            texture = self._label.texture
            if texture is not None:
                self.texture = self._label.texture
                self.texture_size = list(self.texture.size)

    def on_touch_down(self, touch):
        if super(Label, self).on_touch_down(touch):
            return True
        if not len(self.refs):
            return False
        tx, ty = touch.pos
        tx -= self.center_x - self.texture_size[0] / 2.0
        ty -= self.center_y - self.texture_size[1] / 2.0
        ty = self.texture_size[1] - ty
        for uid, zones in self.refs.iteritems():
            for zone in zones:
                x, y, w, h = zone
                if x <= tx <= w and y <= ty <= h:
                    self.dispatch("on_ref_press", uid)
                    return True
        return False

    def on_ref_press(self, ref):

    # Properties
    text = StringProperty("")
    """Text of the label.

    Creation of a simple hello world::

        widget = Label(text='Hello world')

    If you want to create the widget with an unicode string, use::

        widget = Label(text=u'My unicode string')

    :data:`text` a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty`.

    text_size = ListProperty([None, None])
    """By default, the label is not constrained to any bounding box.
    You can set the size constraint of the label with this property.

    .. versionadded:: 1.0.4

    For example, whatever your current widget size is, if you want the label to
    be created in a box with width=200 and unlimited height::

        Label(text='Very big big line', text_size=(200, None))

    .. note::

        This text_size property is the same as
        :data:`~kivy.core.text.Label.usersize` property in
        :class:`~kivy.core.text.Label` class. (It is named size= in

    :data:`text_size` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ListProperty`,
    default to (None, None), meaning no size restriction by default.

    font_name = StringProperty("DroidSans")
    """Filename of the font to use. The path can be absolute or relative.
    Relative paths are resolved by the :func:`~kivy.resources.resource_find`

    .. warning::

        Depending of your text provider, the font file can be ignored. However,
        you can mostly use this without trouble.

        If the font used lacks the glyphs for the particular language/symbols
        you are using, you will see '[]' blank box characters instead of the
        actual glyphs. The solution is to use a font that has the glyphs you
        need to display. For example, to display |unicodechar|, use a font such
        as freesans.ttf that has the glyph.

        .. |unicodechar| image:: images/unicode-char.png

    :data:`font_name` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty`, default to

    font_size = NumericProperty(12)
    """Font size of the text, in pixels.

    :data:`font_size` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty`, default to

    bold = BooleanProperty(False)
    """Indicates use of the bold version of your font.

    .. note::

        Depending of your font, the bold attribute may have no impact on your
        text rendering.

    :data:`bold` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty`, default to

    italic = BooleanProperty(False)
    """Indicates use of the italic version of your font.

    .. note::

        Depending of your font, the italic attribute may have no impact on your
        text rendering.

    :data:`italic` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty`, default to

    padding_x = NumericProperty(0)
    """Horizontal padding of the text inside the widget box.

    :data:`padding_x` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty`, default to

    padding_y = NumericProperty(0)
    """Vertical padding of the text inside the widget box.

    :data:`padding_x` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty`, default to

    padding = ReferenceListProperty(padding_x, padding_y)
    """Padding of the text in the format (padding_x, padding_y)

    :data:`padding` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ReferenceListProperty` of
    (:data:`padding_x`, :data:`padding_y`) properties.

    halign = OptionProperty("left", options=["left", "center", "right"])
    """Horizontal alignment of the text.

    :data:`halign` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.OptionProperty`, default to
    'left'. Available options are : left, center and right.

    .. warning::

        This doesn't change the position of the text texture of the Label
        (centered), only the position of the text in this texture. You probably
        want to bind the size of the Label to the texture_size or set a text_size.

    valign = OptionProperty("bottom", options=["bottom", "middle", "top"])
    """Vertical alignment of the text.

    :data:`valign` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.OptionProperty`, default to
    'bottom'. Available options are : bottom, middle and top.

    .. warning::

        This doesn't change the position of the text texture of the Label
        (centered), only the position of the text in this texture. You probably
        want to bind the size of the Label to the texture_size or set a text_size.

    color = ListProperty([1, 1, 1, 1])
    """Text color, in the format (r, g, b, a)

    :data:`color` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ListProperty`, default to [1, 1,
    1, 1].

    texture = ObjectProperty(None, allownone=True)
    """Texture object of the text.
    The text is rendered automatically when a property changes. The OpenGL texture
    created in this operation is stored in this property. You can use this
    :data:`texture` for any graphics elements.

    Depending on the texture creation, the value will be a
    :class:`~kivy.graphics.texture.Texture` or
    :class:`~kivy.graphics.texture.TextureRegion` object.

    .. warning::

        The :data:`texture` update is scheduled for the next frame. If you need
        the texture immediately after changing a property, you have to call
        the :func:`texture_update` function before accessing :data:`texture`::

            l = Label(text='Hello world')
            # l.texture is good
            l.font_size = 50
            # l.texture is not updated yet
            # l.texture is good now.

    :data:`texture` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ObjectProperty`, default to

    texture_size = ListProperty([0, 0])
    """Texture size of the text.

    .. warning::

        The data:`texture_size` is set after the :data:`texture` property. If
        you listen for changes to :data:`texture`, :data:`texture_size` will not
        be up-to-date in your callback. Bind to data:`texture_size` instead.

    mipmap = BooleanProperty(False)
    """Indicates OpenGL mipmapping applied to texture or not.
    Read :ref:`mipmap` for more information.

    .. versionadded:: 1.0.7

    :data:`mipmap` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty`, default to

    shorten = BooleanProperty(False)
    Indicates whether the label should attempt to shorten its textual contents as
    much as possible if a `text_size` is given. Setting this to True without an
    appropriately set `text_size` will lead to unexpected results.

    :data:`shorten` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty`, default to

    markup = BooleanProperty(False)
    .. versionadded:: 1.1.0

    If true, the text will be rendered with
    :class:`~kivy.core.text.markup.MarkupLabel`: you can change the style of the
    text using tags. Check :doc:`api-kivy.core.text.markup` documentation for
    more information.

    :data:`markup` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty`, default to

    refs = DictProperty({})
    .. versionadded:: 1.1.0

    List of ``[ref=xxx]`` markup put into the text, with the bounding box of
    all the words contained in a ref, only after rendering.

    For example, if you wrote::

        Check out my [ref=hello]link[/hello]

    The refs will be set with::

        {'hello': ((64, 0, 78, 16), )}

    You know that the reference "hello" have a bounding box set at (x1, y1,
    x2, y2). The current Label implementation uses these references if they exist
    in your markup text, automatically doing the collision with the touch, and
    dispatching an ``on_ref_press`` event.

    You can bind a ref event like this::

        def print_it(instance, value):
            print 'User click on', value
        widget = Label(text='Hello [ref=world]World[/ref]', markup=True)

    .. note::

        This is working only with markup text. You need :data:`markup` set to

    anchors = DictProperty({})