Пример #1
    def update_preview(self, *args, **kwargs):
            imdata = self.preview_handler.queue.get(False)
        except queue.Empty:

        # textures must be created in the main thread;
        # this is a limitation in pygame
        texture = Texture.create_from_data(imdata)

        if self.preview_widget is None:
            self.tilt = 90
            tilt_max = pkConfig.getint('arduino', 'max-tilt')
            tilt_min = pkConfig.getint('arduino', 'min-tilt')

            def on_touch_move(widget, touch):
                if widget.collide_point(touch.x, touch.y):
                    self.tilt += touch.dpos[1] / 5
                    if self.tilt < tilt_min:
                        self.tilt = tilt_min
                    if self.tilt > tilt_max:
                        self.tilt = tilt_max
                    value = int(round(self.tilt, 0))

            self.preview_widget = Image(texture=texture, nocache=True)
            self.preview_widget.allow_stretch = True
            self.preview_widget.x = 0
            self.preview_widget.y = -2000
            self.preview_widget.texture = texture
Пример #2
    def update_preview(self, *args, **kwargs):
            imdata = self.preview_handler.queue.get(False)
        except queue.Empty:

        # textures must be created in the main thread;
        # this is a limitation in pygame
        texture = Texture.create_from_data(imdata)

        if self.preview_widget is None:
            tilt_max = pkConfig.getint('arduino', 'max-tilt')
            tilt_min = pkConfig.getint('arduino', 'min-tilt')

            def on_touch_move(widget, touch):
                if widget.collide_point(touch.x, touch.y):
                    self.tilt += touch.dpos[1] / 5
                    if self.tilt < tilt_min:
                        self.tilt = tilt_min
                    if self.tilt > tilt_max:
                        self.tilt = tilt_max
                    value = int(round(self.tilt, 0))

            self.preview_widget = Image(texture=texture, nocache=True)
            self.preview_widget.allow_stretch = True
            self.preview_widget.size_hint = None, None
            self.preview_widget.size = (1280, 1024)
            self.preview_widget.x = (1280 / 2) - (self.preview_widget.width / 2)
            self.preview_widget.y = -self.preview_widget.height
            self.preview_widget.texture = texture
Пример #3
def TextureFromPyImage(pyImg):
    raw = pyImg.tostring()
    width, height = pyImg.size
    imdata = ImageData(width, height, 'rgb', raw)
    texture = Texture.create_from_data(imdata)
    return texture
Пример #4
 def redisplay(self, root):
     if self.result.code == preview_thread.COMPLETE:
         root.cols = self.result.columnCount
         while len(root.children) > len(self.result.data):
         while len(root.children) < len(self.result.data):
         for i in xrange(0, len(self.result.data)):
             current = root.children[i]
             if len(self.textures) <= i:
             current.texture = None
             current.texture = self.textures[i]
             current.size_hint = (1.0 * self.result.sizes[i][0] /
                                  1.0 * self.result.sizes[i][1] /
         root.width = root.height * self.result.width / self.result.height
         #root.height = root.width * self.result.height / self.result.width
Пример #5
def plt_to_image():
    buf = StringIO()
    plt.savefig(buf, format='png', dpi=400)
    imgdata = ImageLoaderPIL(buf)._data[0]
    t = Texture.create_from_data(imgdata)
    # for some reason image is loaded upside-down
    return t
Пример #6
 def create_preview_texture(self, initial_data):
     texture = Texture.create_from_data(initial_data)
     # add_reload_observer is required for loading texture info
     # after the openGL context is lost and images need to be reloaded
     # currently, losing opengl context is not tested
     return texture
Пример #7
def textureFromPyImage(pyImg):
    # Suspect this has to be called in the OpenGL event loop which
    # is bound to slow us down.
    raw = pyImg.tostring()
    width, height = pyImg.size
    print width, height
    imdata = ImageData(width, height, 'rgb', raw)
    texture = Texture.create_from_data(imdata)
    return texture
Пример #8
def textureFromPyImage(pyImg):
    # Suspect this has to be called in the OpenGL event loop which
    # is bound to slow us down.
    raw = pyImg.tostring()
    width, height = pyImg.size
    print width, height
    imdata = ImageData(width, height, 'rgb', raw)
    texture = Texture.create_from_data(imdata)
    return texture
Пример #9
  def SetImageInWidget(self, image):
      if self.fbo is None:
      #show the image in kivy
      if image.get_bytesize() == 3:
          fmt = 'rgb'
      elif image.get_bytesize() == 4:
          fmt = 'rgba' 
      data = pygame.image.tostring(image, fmt.upper(), True)
      k_im_data = ImageData(image.get_width(), image.get_height(), fmt, data)
      imageTexture = Texture.create_from_data(k_im_data)
      #Modify size and offset to avoid image distortion
      orig_h = image.get_height()
      orig_w = image.get_width()
      wid_h = self.size[1]
      wid_w = self.size[0]
      print self.size
      s_size = (0,0)
      offset = (0,0)
      orig_ratio = float(orig_w)/orig_h
      wid_ratio = float(wid_w)/wid_h
      if wid_ratio > orig_ratio: #fix height
          s_size =  (int(wid_h*orig_ratio), wid_h)
          offset = ((wid_w - s_size[0])/2, 0)
          self.fbo_scale = float(orig_h)/wid_h #scale factor to recover the original image size
      else: #fix width
          s_size =  (wid_w, int(wid_w/orig_ratio))
          offset = (0, (wid_h - s_size[1])/2)
          self.fbo_scale = float(orig_w)/wid_w #scale factor to recover the original image size
      self.fbo_pos = (self.pos[0] + offset[0], self.pos[1] + offset[1])
      #self.fbo_pos = (self.pos[0] + offset[0]*self.fbo_scale, self.pos[1] + offset[1]*self.fbo_scale)
      self.fbo_size = s_size
      self.fbo_real_size = (orig_w, orig_h)
      #self.canvas.add(Rectangle(texture=imageTexture, pos = self.fbo_pos,
      #                             size=self.fbo_size))
      self._init_fbo() #reload the fbo
      #here we are drawing the sketches directly over the background image
      #TODO: (tomas) I'm not sure why this happens, but scaling the widget does not keep the background
      with self.fbo:
          #Rectangle(texture=imageTexture, pos = (0,0) ,size=self.fbo_size)
          Rectangle(texture=imageTexture, pos = (0,0) ,size=self.fbo_real_size)
Пример #10
 def redisplay(self, root):
   if self.result.code == preview_thread.COMPLETE:
     root.cols = self.result.columnCount
     while len(root.children) > len(self.result.data):
     while len(root.children) < len(self.result.data):
     for i in xrange(0, len(self.result.data)):
       current = root.children[i]
       if len(self.textures) <= i:
       current.texture = None
       current.texture = self.textures[i]
       current.size_hint = (1.0*self.result.sizes[i][0]/self.result.width,
     root.width = root.height * self.result.width / self.result.height
     #root.height = root.width * self.result.height / self.result.width
Пример #11
    def render(self):

        for element in self.element_list:
            element.update_condition(self.weather_underground, self.sun_almanac, self.indoor_sensor)

        # Deal with any text alignments
        for element in self.element_list:
            if element.align_to_other is not None:
                for e in self.element_list:
                    if e.element_name == element.align_to_other:
                        element.pos = (e.surface.get_width() + element.align_base_pos, element.pos[1])

        # Blit the new surfaces
        for element in self.element_list:

        # And import into kivy
        buffer = pygame.image.tostring(self.image_surface, 'RGB', True)
        imdata = ImageData(self.image_size[0], self.image_size[1], 'rgb', buffer)
        self.image.texture = Texture.create_from_data(imdata)

Пример #12
    def _real_render(self):
        # use the lines to do the rendering !

        r = self._render_text

        # convert halign/valign to int, faster comparaison
        av = {'top': 0, 'middle': 1, 'bottom': 2}[self.options['valign']]
        ah = {'left': 0, 'center': 1, 'right': 2}[self.options['halign']]

        y = 0
        w, h = self._size
        refs = self._refs
        txt_height = sum(line[1] for line in self._lines)

        for line in self._lines:
            lh = line[1]
            lw = line[0]

            # horizontal alignement
            if ah == 0:
                x = 0
            elif ah == 1:
                x = int((w - lw) / 2)
                x = w - lw

            # vertical alignement
            if y == 0:
                if av == 1:
                    y = int((h - txt_height) / 2)
                elif av == 2:
                    y = h - (txt_height)

            for pw, ph, part, options in line[2]:
                self.options = options
                r(part, x, y + (lh - ph) / 1.25)

                # should we record refs ?
                ref = options['_ref']
                if ref is not None:
                    if not ref in refs:
                        refs[ref] = []
                    refs[ref].append((x, y, x + pw, y + ph))

                #print 'render', repr(part), x, y, (lh, ph), options
                x += pw
            y += line[1]

        # get data from provider
        data = self._render_end()
        assert (data)

        # create texture is necessary
        texture = self.texture
        mipmap = self.options['mipmap']
        if texture is None or \
                self.width != texture.width or \
                self.height != texture.height:
            texture = Texture.create_from_data(data, mipmap=mipmap)
            data = None
            self.texture = texture

        # update texture
        # If the text is 1px width, usually, the data is black.
        # Don't blit that kind of data, otherwise, you have a little black bar.
        if data is not None and data.width > 1:
Пример #13
    def render(self, real=False):
        '''Return a tuple(width, height) to create the image
        with the user constraints.

        2 differents methods are used:
          * if user don't set width, splitting line
            and calculate max width + height
          * if user set a width, blit per glyph

        options = self.options
        uw, uh = self.text_size
        w, h = 0, 0
        x, y = 0, 0
        if real:
            halign = options['halign']
            valign = options['valign']
            if valign == 'bottom':
                y = self.height - self._internal_height
            elif valign == 'middle':
                y = int((self.height - self._internal_height) / 2)
            self._internal_height = 0

        # no width specified, faster method
        if uw is None:
            for line in self.text.split('\n'):
                lw, lh = self.get_extents(line)
                if real:
                    x = 0
                    if halign == 'center':
                        x = int((self.width - lw) / 2.)
                    elif halign == 'right':
                        x = int(self.width - lw)
                    self._render_text(line, x, y)
                    y += int(lh)
                    w = max(w, int(lw))
                    self._internal_height += int(lh)
            h = self._internal_height if uh is None else uh

        # constraint
            # precalculate id/name
            if not self.fontid in self._cache_glyphs:
                self._cache_glyphs[self.fontid] = {}
            cache = self._cache_glyphs[self.fontid]

            if not real:
                # verify that each glyph have size
                glyphs = list(set(self.text)) + ['.']
                for glyph in glyphs:
                    if not glyph in cache:
                        cache[glyph] = self.get_extents(glyph)

            # Shorten the text that we actually display
            text = self.text
            if options['shorten'] and self.get_extents(text)[0] > uw:
                text = self.shorten(text)

            # first, split lines
            glyphs = []
            lines = []
            lw = lh = 0
            for word in re.split(r'( |\n)', text):

                # calculate the word width
                ww, wh = 0, 0
                for glyph in word:
                    gw, gh = cache[glyph]
                    ww += gw
                    wh = max(gh, wh)

                # is the word fit on the uw ?
                if ww > uw:
                    lines.append(((ww, wh), word))
                    lw = lh = x = 0

                # get the maximum height for this line
                lh = max(wh, lh)

                # is the word fit on the line ?
                if (word == '\n' or x + ww > uw) and lw != 0:
                    # no, push actuals glyph
                    lines.append(((lw, lh), glyphs))
                    glyphs = []

                    # reset size
                    lw = lh = x = 0

                    # new line ? don't render
                    if word == '\n' or word == ' ':

                # advance the width
                lw += ww
                x += ww
                lh = max(wh, lh)
                glyphs += list(word)

            # got some char left ?
            if lw != 0:
                lines.append(((lw, lh), glyphs))

            if not real:
                self._internal_height = sum([size[1] for size, glyphs in lines])
                h = self._internal_height if uh is None else uh
                w = uw
                # really render now.
                for size, glyphs in lines:
                    x = 0
                    if halign == 'center':
                        x = int((self.width - size[0]) / 2.)
                    elif halign == 'right':
                        x = int(self.width - size[0])
                    for glyph in glyphs:
                        lw, lh = cache[glyph]
                        if glyph != '\n':
                            self._render_text(glyph, x, y)
                        x += lw
                    y += size[1]

        if not real:
            # was only the first pass
            # return with/height
            w = int(max(w, 1))
            h = int(max(h, 1))
            return w, h

        # get data from provider
        data = self._render_end()

        # if data width is too tiny, just create texture, don't really render!
        if data.width <= 1:
            if self.texture:
                self.texture = None

        # create texture is necessary
        texture = self.texture
        mipmap = options['mipmap']
        if texture is None:
            if data is None:
                if platform() in ('android', 'ios'):
                    colorfmt = 'rgba'
                    colorfmt = 'luminance_alpha'
                texture = Texture.create(
                        size=self.size, colorfmt=colorfmt,
                texture = Texture.create_from_data(data, mipmap=mipmap)
        elif self.width != texture.width or self.height != texture.height:
            if data is None:
                texture = Texture.create(size=self.size, mipmap=mipmap)
                texture = Texture.create_from_data(data, mipmap=mipmap)
        # Avoid that for the moment.
        # The thing is, as soon as we got a region, the blitting is not going in
        # the right position cause of previous flip_vertical
        # In addition, as soon as we have a region, we are not testing from the
        # original texture. Mean we'll have region of region of region.
        # Take more time to implement a fix for it, if it's needed.
            print 'get region ??', self, self.width, self.height
            texture = texture.get_region(
                0, 0, self.width, self.height)

        self.texture = texture

        # update texture
        # If the text is 1px width, usually, the data is black.
        # Don't blit that kind of data, otherwise, you have a little black bar.
        if data is not None and data.width > 1:
Пример #14
def getKivyTexture(img):
	buffer = tostring(img.getPGSurface(),'RGB',True)
	# buffer = img.toString()
	imdata = ImageData(img.width, img.height, 'rgb', buffer)
	tex = Texture.create_from_data(imdata)
	return tex
Пример #15
    def _real_render(self):
        # use the lines to do the rendering !

        r = self._render_text

        # convert halign/valign to int, faster comparison
        av = {'top': 0, 'middle': 1, 'bottom': 2}[self.options['valign']]
        ah = {'left': 0, 'center': 1, 'right': 2,
                'justify': 3,}[self.options['halign']]

        y = 0
        w, h = self._size
        refs = self._refs
        _lines = self._lines
        txt_height = sum(line[1] for line in _lines)

        for line in _lines:
            lh = line[1]
            lw = line[0]
            last_line = line[2]
            first_line = line[3]

            # horizontal alignement
            if ah in (0, 3):
                # left
                x = 0
            elif ah == 1:
                # center
                x = int((w - lw) / 2)
                x = w - lw

            # vertical alignment
            if y == 0:
                if av == 1:
                    # center
                    y = int((h - txt_height) / 2)
                elif av == 2:
                    # bottom
                    y = h - (txt_height)

             # justification
            just_space = 0
            first_space = 0
            if ah > 2:
                # justified
                if line[4] and not last_line:
                    last_word = line[4][-1][2]

                    x = first_space = last_space = space_width = _spaces = 0
                    for pw, ph, word, options in line[4]:
                        _spaces += 1 if word == ' ' else 0

                    if word == ' ':
                        last_space = 1
                        space_width = pw
                    if line[4][0][2][0] == ' ':
                        first_space = 1
                        space_width += pw
                    _spaces -= last_space + first_space

                    # divide left over space between `spaces`
                    if _spaces:
                        just_space = (((w - lw + space_width) * 1.)

            for pw, ph, part, options in line[4]:
                self.options = options
                if not first_line and first_space:
                    first_line = 1
                if part == ' ':
                    x += just_space
                r(part, x, y + (lh - ph) / 1.25)

                # should we record refs ?
                ref = options['_ref']
                if ref is not None:
                    if not ref in refs:
                        refs[ref] = []
                    refs[ref].append((x, y, x + pw, y + ph))

                #print 'render', repr(part), x, y, (lh, ph), options
                x += pw
            y += line[1]

        # get data from provider
        data = self._render_end()

        # create texture is necessary
        texture = self.texture
        mipmap = self.options['mipmap']
        if texture is None or \
                self.width != texture.width or \
                self.height != texture.height:
            texture = Texture.create_from_data(data, mipmap=mipmap)
            data = None
            self.texture = texture

        # update texture
        # If the text is 1px width, usually, the data is black.
        # Don't blit that kind of data, otherwise, you have a little black bar.
        if data is not None and data.width > 1:
Пример #16
def getKivyTexture(img):
    buffer = tostring(img.getPGSurface(), 'RGB', True)
    # buffer = img.toString()
    imdata = ImageData(img.width, img.height, 'rgb', buffer)
    tex = Texture.create_from_data(imdata)
    return tex
Пример #17
    def _real_render(self):
        # use the lines to do the rendering !

        r = self._render_text

        # convert halign/valign to int, faster comparaison
        av = {'top': 0, 'middle': 1, 'bottom': 2}[self.options['valign']]
        ah = {'left': 0, 'center': 1, 'right': 2}[self.options['halign']]

        y = 0
        w, h = self._size
        refs = self._refs
        no_of_lines = len(self._lines)

        for line in self._lines:
            lh = line[1]
            lw = line[0]

            # horizontal alignement
            if ah == 0:
                x = 0
            elif ah == 1:
                x = int((w - lw) / 2)
                x = w - lw

            # vertical alignement
            if y == 0:
                if av == 1:
                    y = int((h - (lh*no_of_lines))/2)
                elif av == 2:
                    y = h - (lh*(no_of_lines))

            for pw, ph, part, options in line[2]:
                self.options = options
                r(part, x, y + (lh - ph) / 1.25)

                # should we record refs ?
                ref = options['_ref']
                if ref is not None:
                    if not ref in refs:
                        refs[ref] = []
                    refs[ref].append((x, y, x + pw, y + ph))

                #print 'render', repr(part), x, y, (lh, ph), options
                x += pw
            y += line[1]

        # get data from provider
        data = self._render_end()

        # create texture is necessary
        texture = self.texture
        mipmap = self.options['mipmap']
        if texture is None:
            if data is None:
                if platform() in ('android', 'ios'):
                    colorfmt = 'rgba'
                    colorfmt = 'luminance_alpha'
                texture = Texture.create(
                        size=self.size, colorfmt=colorfmt,
                texture = Texture.create_from_data(data, mipmap=mipmap)
        elif self.width != texture.width or self.height != texture.height:
            if data is None:
                texture = Texture.create(size=self.size, mipmap=mipmap)
                texture = Texture.create_from_data(data, mipmap=mipmap)

        # update texture
        self.texture = texture
Пример #18
    def render_page(self, index, zoom=1):
        w, h = map(int, self.get_page_size(index))
        w, h = map(lambda x: x * zoom, (w, h))

        print 'render1', index
        page = self.l_poppler.poppler_document_get_page(self._doc, index)
        print 'render2', page
        assert (page is not None)

        # use cairo ?
        if self.l_cairo is not None:

            # create a cairo surface
            # first argument 0 is ARGB32
            surface = self.l_cairo.cairo_image_surface_create(0, w, h)
            assert (surface is not None)

            # create cairo context
            context = self.l_cairo.cairo_create(surface)
            assert (context is not None)

            # apply zoom
            print 'apply scale'
            self.l_cairo.cairo_scale(context, c_double(zoom), c_double(zoom))

            # render to cairo
            print 'render page'
            self.l_poppler.poppler_page_render(page, context)

            # dump cairo to texture
            print 'render to texture'
            data = self.l_cairo.cairo_image_surface_get_data(surface)
            print 'got', type(data), data
            size = int(4 * w * h)
            print 'create string buffer', size
            buf = create_string_buffer(size)
            memmove(buf, data, size)

            # release cairo
            print 'destroy surface'
            print 'destroy context'
            print 'done!'

        # use gdk ?

            # 1: GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB (0)
            # 2: has_alpha (1)
            # 3: bit per samples
            print 'render3'
            self.l_gdk.gdk_pixbuf_new.restype = c_void_p
            surface = self.l_gdk.gdk_pixbuf_new(0, 1, 8, w, h)
            print 'render4'

            assert (surface is not None)

            # render to pixbuf (fix 6 arg)
            print 'render5'
            self.l_poppler.poppler_page_render_to_pixbuf.argtypes = [
                c_void_p, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_double, c_int, c_void_p
                page, 0, 0, w, h, zoom, 0, surface)
            print 'render6'

            # get data
            class GdkPixdata(Structure):
                _fields_ = [('magic', c_int), ('length', c_int),
                            ('pixdata_type', c_int), ('rowstride', c_int),
                            ('width', c_int), ('height', c_int),
                            ('pixel_data', c_void_p)]

            pixdata = (GdkPixdata)()

            # get a pixdata
            print 'render7'
            self.l_gdk.gdk_pixdata_from_pixbuf.argtypes = [
                c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int
            self.l_gdk.gdk_pixdata_from_pixbuf(byref(pixdata), surface, 0)
            print 'render8'

            # convert to buffer
            size = int(4 * w * h)
            buf = create_string_buffer(size)
            memmove(buf, pixdata.pixel_data, size)
            print 'render9'

            # unref
            print 'render10'

        # picking only RGB
        print 'create texture'
        im = ImageData(w, h, 'bgra', buf.raw)

        texture = Texture.create_from_data(im, mipmap=True)
        print 'done !'

        return texture
Пример #19
    def _real_render(self):
        # use the lines to do the rendering !

        r = self._render_text

        # convert halign/valign to int, faster comparison
        av = {"top": 0, "middle": 1, "bottom": 2}[self.options["valign"]]
        ah = {"left": 0, "center": 1, "right": 2, "justify": 3}[self.options["halign"]]

        y = 0
        w, h = self._size
        refs = self._refs
        _lines = self._lines
        txt_height = sum(line[1] for line in _lines)

        for line in _lines:
            lh = line[1]
            lw = line[0]
            last_line = line[2]
            first_line = line[3]

            # horizontal alignement
            if ah in (0, 3):
                # left
                x = 0
            elif ah == 1:
                # center
                x = int((w - lw) / 2)
                x = w - lw

            # vertical alignment
            if y == 0:
                if av == 1:
                    # center
                    y = int((h - txt_height) / 2)
                elif av == 2:
                    # bottom
                    y = h - (txt_height)

            # justification
            just_space = 0
            first_space = 0
            if ah > 2:
                # justified
                if line[4] and not last_line:
                    last_word = line[4][-1][2]

                    x = first_space = last_space = space_width = _spaces = 0
                    for pw, ph, word, options in line[4]:
                        _spaces += 1 if word == " " else 0

                    if word == " ":
                        last_space = 1
                        space_width = pw
                    if line[4][0][2][0] == " ":
                        first_space = 1
                        space_width += pw
                    _spaces -= last_space + first_space

                    # divide left over space between `spaces`
                    if _spaces:
                        just_space = ((w - lw + space_width) * 1.0) / (_spaces * 1.0)

            # previous part height/pos = 0
            psp = pph = 0
            for pw, ph, part, options in line[4]:
                self.options = options
                if not first_line and first_space:
                    first_line = 1
                if part == " ":
                    x += just_space

                # calculate sub/super script pos
                if options["script"] == "superscript":
                    script_pos = max(0, psp if psp else self.get_descent())
                    psp = script_pos
                    pph = ph
                elif options["script"] == "subscript":
                    script_pos = min(lh - ph, ((psp + pph) - ph) if pph else (lh - ph))
                    pph = ph
                    psp = script_pos
                    script_pos = (lh - ph) / 1.25
                    psp = pph = 0
                r(part, x, y + script_pos)

                # should we record refs ?
                ref = options["_ref"]
                if ref is not None:
                    if not ref in refs:
                        refs[ref] = []
                    refs[ref].append((x, y, x + pw, y + ph))

                x += pw
            y += line[1]

        # get data from provider
        data = self._render_end()
        assert data

        # create texture is necessary
        texture = self.texture
        mipmap = self.options["mipmap"]
        if texture is None or self.width != texture.width or self.height != texture.height:
            texture = Texture.create_from_data(data, mipmap=mipmap)
            data = None
            self.texture = texture

        # update texture
        # If the text is 1px width, usually, the data is black.
        # Don't blit that kind of data, otherwise, you have a little black bar.
        if data is not None and data.width > 1:
Пример #20
 def generate_texture(self, data, size, mode, mipmap=False):
     idata = ImageData(size[0], size[1], mode, data)
     return Texture.create_from_data(idata, mipmap)
Пример #21
    def render(self, real=False):
        '''Return a tuple(width, height) to create the image
        with the user constraints.

        2 differents methods are used:
          * if user don't set width, splitting line
            and calculate max width + height
          * if user set a width, blit per glyph

        options = self.options
        render_text = self._render_text
        get_extents = self.get_extents
        uw, uh = self.text_size
        w, h = 0, 0
        x, y = 0, 0
        if real:
            halign = options['halign']
            valign = options['valign']
            if valign == 'bottom':
                y = self.height - self._internal_height
            elif valign == 'middle':
                y = int((self.height - self._internal_height) / 2)
            self._internal_height = 0

        # no width specified, faster method
        if uw is None:
            for line in self.text.split('\n'):
                lw, lh = get_extents(line)
                lh = lh * options['line_height']
                if real:
                    x = 0
                    if halign == 'center':
                        x = int((self.width - lw) / 2.)
                    elif halign == 'right':
                        x = int(self.width - lw)
                    if len(line):
                        render_text(line, x, y)
                    y += int(lh)
                    w = max(w, int(lw))
                    self._internal_height += int(lh)
            h = self._internal_height if uh is None else uh

        # constraint
            # precalculate id/name
            if not self.fontid in self._cache_glyphs:
                self._cache_glyphs[self.fontid] = {}
            cache = self._cache_glyphs[self.fontid]

            if not real:
                # verify that each glyph have size
                glyphs = list(set(self.text)) + ['.']
                for glyph in glyphs:
                    if not glyph in cache:
                        cache[glyph] = get_extents(glyph)

            # Shorten the text that we actually display
            text = self.text
            last_word_width = get_extents(text[text.rstrip().rfind(' '):])[0]
            if (options['shorten'] and get_extents(text)[0] >
                uw - last_word_width):
                text = self.shorten(text)

            # first, split lines
            glyphs = []
            lines = []
            lw = lh = 0
            for word in re.split(r'( |\n)', text):

                # calculate the word width
                ww, wh = 0, 0
                if word == '':
                    ww, wh = get_extents(' ')
                for glyph in word:
                    gw, gh = cache[glyph]
                    ww += gw
                    wh = max(gh, wh)
                wh = wh * options['line_height']

                # is the word fit on the uw ?
                if ww > uw:
                    lines.append(((ww, wh), word))
                    lw = lh = x = 0

                # get the maximum height for this line
                lh = max(wh, lh)
                # is the word fit on the line ?
                if (word == '\n' or x + ww > uw) and lw != 0:
                    # no, push actuals glyph
                    lines.append(((lw, lh), glyphs))
                    glyphs = []

                    # reset size
                    lw = lh = x = 0

                    # new line ? don't render
                    if word == '\n' or word == ' ':

                # advance the width
                lw += ww
                x += ww
                lh = max(wh, lh)
                glyphs += list(word)

            # got some char left ?
            if lw != 0:
                lines.append(((lw, lh), glyphs))

            if not real:
                self._internal_height = sum([size[1] for size, glyphs in lines])
                ll_h = lines[-1][0][1]
                lh_offset = ll_h - (ll_h / self.options['line_height'])
                self._internal_height = self._internal_height - lh_offset
                h = self._internal_height if uh is None else uh
                w = uw
                # really render now.
                for size, glyphs in lines:
                    x = 0
                    if halign == 'center':
                        x = int((self.width - size[0]) / 2.)
                    elif halign == 'right':
                        x = int(self.width - size[0])
                    for glyph in glyphs:
                        lw, lh = cache[glyph]
                        if glyph != ' ' and glyph != '\n':
                            render_text(glyph, x, y)
                        x += lw
                    y += size[1]

        if not real:
            # was only the first pass
            # return with/height
            w = int(max(w, 1))
            h = int(max(h, 1))
            return w, h

        # get data from provider
        data = self._render_end()

        # if data width is too tiny, just create texture, don't really render!
        if data.width <= 1:
            if self.texture:
                self.texture = None

        # create texture is necessary
        texture = self.texture
        mipmap = options['mipmap']
        if texture is None or \
                self.width != texture.width or \
                self.height != texture.height:
            texture = Texture.create_from_data(data, mipmap=mipmap)
            data = None
            self.texture = texture

        # update texture
        # If the text is 1px width, usually, the data is black.
        # Don't blit that kind of data, otherwise, you have a little black bar.
        if data is not None and data.width > 1:
Пример #22
    def _real_render(self):
        # use the lines to do the rendering !

        r = self._render_text

        # convert halign/valign to int, faster comparaison
        #av = {'top': 0, 'middle': 1, 'bottom': 2}[self.options['valign']]
        ah = {'left': 0, 'center': 1, 'right': 2}[self.options['halign']]

        y = 0
        w, h = self._size
        refs = self._refs
        for line in self._lines:
            lh = line[1]

            # horizontal alignement
            if ah == 0:
                x = 0
            elif ah == 1:
                x = int((w - line[0]) / 2)
                x = w - line[0]

            for pw, ph, part, options in line[2]:
                self.options = options
                r(part, x, y + (lh - ph) / 1.25)

                # should we record refs ?
                ref = options['_ref']
                if ref is not None:
                    if not ref in refs:
                        refs[ref] = []
                    refs[ref].append((x, y, x + pw, y + ph))

                #print 'render', repr(part), x, y, (lh, ph), options
                x += pw
            y += line[1]

        # get data from provider
        data = self._render_end()

        # create texture is necessary
        texture = self.texture
        mipmap = self.options['mipmap']
        if texture is None:
            if data is None:
                if platform() in ('android', 'ios'):
                    colorfmt = 'rgba'
                    colorfmt = 'luminance_alpha'
                texture = Texture.create(
                        size=self.size, colorfmt=colorfmt,
                texture = Texture.create_from_data(data, mipmap=mipmap)
        elif self.width != texture.width or self.height != texture.height:
            if data is None:
                texture = Texture.create(size=self.size, mipmap=mipmap)
                texture = Texture.create_from_data(data, mipmap=mipmap)

        # update texture
        self.texture = texture
Пример #23
 def generate_texture(self, data, size, mode, mipmap=False):
     idata = ImageData(size[0], size[1], mode, data)
     return Texture.create_from_data(idata, mipmap)
Пример #24
Файл: main.py Проект: rs/scanman
 def _update_preview(self, image):
     self.ui.preview_image.texture = Texture.create_from_data(ImageData(image.size[0], image.size[1], image.mode.lower(), image.tobytes()))
Пример #25
 def _update_preview(self, image):
     self.ui.preview_image.texture = Texture.create_from_data(
         ImageData(image.size[0], image.size[1], image.mode.lower(),
Пример #26
	def render_page(self, index, zoom=1):
		w, h = map(int, self.get_page_size(index))
		w, h = map(lambda x: x * zoom, (w, h))

		print 'render1', index
		page = self.l_poppler.poppler_document_get_page(self._doc, index)
		print 'render2', page
		assert( page is not None )

		# use cairo ?
		if self.l_cairo is not None:

			# create a cairo surface
			# first argument 0 is ARGB32
			surface = self.l_cairo.cairo_image_surface_create(0, w, h)
			assert( surface is not None )

			# create cairo context
			context = self.l_cairo.cairo_create(surface)
			assert( context is not None )

			# apply zoom
			print 'apply scale'
			self.l_cairo.cairo_scale(context, c_double(zoom), c_double(zoom))

			# render to cairo
			print 'render page'
			self.l_poppler.poppler_page_render(page, context)

			# dump cairo to texture
			print 'render to texture'
			data = self.l_cairo.cairo_image_surface_get_data(surface)
			print 'got', type(data), data
			size = int(4 * w * h)
			print 'create string buffer', size
			buf = create_string_buffer(size)
			memmove(buf, data, size)

			# release cairo
			print 'destroy surface'
			print 'destroy context'
			print 'done!'

		# use gdk ?

			# 2: has_alpha (1)
			# 3: bit per samples
			print 'render3'
			self.l_gdk.gdk_pixbuf_new.restype = c_void_p
			surface = self.l_gdk.gdk_pixbuf_new(0, 1, 8, w, h)
			print 'render4'

			assert( surface is not None )

			# render to pixbuf (fix 6 arg)
			print 'render5'
			self.l_poppler.poppler_page_render_to_pixbuf.argtypes = [
					c_void_p, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_double, c_int, c_void_p]
			self.l_poppler.poppler_page_render_to_pixbuf(page, 0, 0,
					w, h, zoom, 0, surface)
			print 'render6'

			# get data
			class GdkPixdata(Structure):
				_fields_ = [('magic', c_int),
						('length', c_int),
						('pixdata_type', c_int),
						('rowstride', c_int),
						('width', c_int),
						('height', c_int),
						('pixel_data', c_void_p)]

			pixdata = (GdkPixdata)()

			# get a pixdata
			print 'render7'
			self.l_gdk.gdk_pixdata_from_pixbuf.argtypes = [
					c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int]
			self.l_gdk.gdk_pixdata_from_pixbuf(byref(pixdata), surface, 0)
			print 'render8'

			# convert to buffer
			size = int(4 * w * h)
			buf = create_string_buffer(size)
			memmove(buf, pixdata.pixel_data, size)
			print 'render9'

			# unref
			print 'render10'

		# picking only RGB
		print 'create texture'
		im = ImageData(w, h, 'bgra', buf.raw)

		texture = Texture.create_from_data(im, mipmap=True)
		print 'done !'

		return texture
Пример #27
    def render(self, real=False):
        '''Return a tuple(width, height) to create the image
        with the user constraints.

        2 differents methods are used:
          * if user don't set width, splitting line
            and calculate max width + height
          * if user set a width, blit per glyph

        options = self.options
        render_text = self._render_text
        get_extents = self.get_extents
        uw, uh = self.text_size
        w, h = 0, 0
        x, y = 0, 0
        if real:
            halign = options['halign']
            valign = options['valign']
            if valign == 'bottom':
                y = self.height - self._internal_height
            elif valign == 'middle':
                y = int((self.height - self._internal_height) / 2)
            self._internal_height = 0

        # no width specified, faster method
        if uw is None:
            for line in self.text.split('\n'):
                lw, lh = get_extents(line)
                if real:
                    x = 0
                    if halign == 'center':
                        x = int((self.width - lw) / 2.)
                    elif halign == 'right':
                        x = int(self.width - lw)
                    if len(line):
                        render_text(line, x, y)
                    y += int(lh)
                    w = max(w, int(lw))
                    self._internal_height += int(lh)
            h = self._internal_height if uh is None else uh

        # constraint
            # precalculate id/name
            if not self.fontid in self._cache_glyphs:
                self._cache_glyphs[self.fontid] = {}
            cache = self._cache_glyphs[self.fontid]

            if not real:
                # verify that each glyph have size
                glyphs = list(set(self.text)) + ['.']
                for glyph in glyphs:
                    if not glyph in cache:
                        cache[glyph] = get_extents(glyph)

            # Shorten the text that we actually display
            text = self.text
            if options['shorten'] and get_extents(text)[0] > uw:
                text = self.shorten(text)

            # first, split lines
            glyphs = []
            lines = []
            lw = lh = 0
            for word in re.split(r'( |\n)', text):

                # calculate the word width
                ww, wh = 0, 0
                if word == '':
                    ww, wh = get_extents(' ')
                for glyph in word:
                    gw, gh = cache[glyph]
                    ww += gw
                    wh = max(gh, wh)

                # is the word fit on the uw ?
                if ww > uw:
                    lines.append(((ww, wh), word))
                    lw = lh = x = 0

                # get the maximum height for this line
                lh = max(wh, lh)

                # is the word fit on the line ?
                if (word == '\n' or x + ww > uw) and lw != 0:
                    # no, push actuals glyph
                    lines.append(((lw, lh), glyphs))
                    glyphs = []

                    # reset size
                    lw = lh = x = 0

                    # new line ? don't render
                    if word == '\n' or word == ' ':

                # advance the width
                lw += ww
                x += ww
                lh = max(wh, lh)
                glyphs += list(word)

            # got some char left ?
            if lw != 0:
                lines.append(((lw, lh), glyphs))

            if not real:
                self._internal_height = sum([size[1] for size, glyphs in lines])
                h = self._internal_height if uh is None else uh
                w = uw
                # really render now.
                for size, glyphs in lines:
                    x = 0
                    if halign == 'center':
                        x = int((self.width - size[0]) / 2.)
                    elif halign == 'right':
                        x = int(self.width - size[0])
                    for glyph in glyphs:
                        lw, lh = cache[glyph]
                        if glyph != ' ' and glyph != '\n':
                            render_text(glyph, x, y)
                        x += lw
                    y += size[1]

        if not real:
            # was only the first pass
            # return with/height
            w = int(max(w, 1))
            h = int(max(h, 1))
            return w, h

        # get data from provider
        data = self._render_end()

        # if data width is too tiny, just create texture, don't really render!
        if data.width <= 1:
            if self.texture:
                self.texture = None

        # create texture is necessary
        texture = self.texture
        mipmap = options['mipmap']
        if texture is None or \
                self.width != texture.width or \
                self.height != texture.height:
            texture = Texture.create_from_data(data, mipmap=mipmap)
            data = None
            self.texture = texture

        # update texture
        # If the text is 1px width, usually, the data is black.
        # Don't blit that kind of data, otherwise, you have a little black bar.
        if data is not None and data.width > 1:
Пример #28
    def _real_render(self):
        # use the lines to do the rendering !

        r = self._render_text

        # convert halign/valign to int, faster comparaison
        # av = {'top': 0, 'middle': 1, 'bottom': 2}[self.options['valign']]
        ah = {"left": 0, "center": 1, "right": 2}[self.options["halign"]]

        y = 0
        w, h = self._size
        refs = self._refs
        for line in self._lines:
            lh = line[1]

            # horizontal alignement
            if ah == 0:
                x = 0
            elif ah == 1:
                x = int((w - line[0]) / 2)
                x = w - line[0]

            for pw, ph, part, options in line[2]:
                self.options = options
                r(part, x, y + (lh - ph) / 1.25)

                # should we record refs ?
                ref = options["_ref"]
                if ref is not None:
                    if not ref in refs:
                        refs[ref] = []
                    refs[ref].append((x, y, x + pw, y + ph))

                # print 'render', repr(part), x, y, (lh, ph), options
                x += pw
            y += line[1]

        # get data from provider
        data = self._render_end()
        assert data

        # create texture is necessary
        texture = self.texture
        mipmap = self.options["mipmap"]
        if texture is None:
            if data is None:
                if platform() in ("android", "ios"):
                    colorfmt = "rgba"
                    colorfmt = "luminance_alpha"
                texture = Texture.create(size=self.size, colorfmt=colorfmt, mipmap=mipmap)
                texture = Texture.create_from_data(data, mipmap=mipmap)
        elif self.width != texture.width or self.height != texture.height:
            if data is None:
                texture = Texture.create(size=self.size, mipmap=mipmap)
                texture = Texture.create_from_data(data, mipmap=mipmap)

        # update texture
        self.texture = texture
Пример #29
    def _real_render(self):
        # use the lines to do the rendering !

        r = self._render_text

        # convert halign/valign to int, faster comparaison
        av = {'top': 0, 'middle': 1, 'bottom': 2}[self.options['valign']]
        ah = {'left': 0, 'center': 1, 'right': 2}[self.options['halign']]

        y = 0
        w, h = self._size
        refs = self._refs
        txt_height = sum(line[1] for line in self._lines)

        for line in self._lines:
            lh = line[1]
            lw = line[0]

            # horizontal alignement
            if ah == 0:
                x = 0
            elif ah == 1:
                x = int((w - lw) / 2)
                x = w - lw

            # vertical alignement
            if y == 0:
                if av == 1:
                    y = int((h - txt_height) / 2)
                elif av == 2:
                    y = h - (txt_height)

            for pw, ph, part, options in line[2]:
                self.options = options
                r(part, x, y + (lh - ph) / 1.25)

                # should we record refs ?
                ref = options['_ref']
                if ref is not None:
                    if not ref in refs:
                        refs[ref] = []
                    refs[ref].append((x, y, x + pw, y + ph))

                #print 'render', repr(part), x, y, (lh, ph), options
                x += pw
            y += line[1]

        # get data from provider
        data = self._render_end()

        # create texture is necessary
        texture = self.texture
        mipmap = self.options['mipmap']
        if texture is None or \
                self.width != texture.width or \
                self.height != texture.height:
            texture = Texture.create_from_data(data, mipmap=mipmap)
            data = None
            self.texture = texture

        # update texture
        # If the text is 1px width, usually, the data is black.
        # Don't blit that kind of data, otherwise, you have a little black bar.
        if data is not None and data.width > 1:
Пример #30
    def render(self, real=False):
        '''Return a tuple(width, height) to create the image
        with the user constraints.

        2 differents methods are used:
          * if user don't set width, splitting line
            and calculate max width + height
          * if user set a width, blit per glyph

        options = self.options
        uw, uh = self.text_size
        w, h = 0, 0
        x, y = 0, 0
        if real:
            halign = options['halign']
            valign = options['valign']
            if valign == 'bottom':
                y = self.height - self._internal_height
            elif valign == 'middle':
                y = int((self.height - self._internal_height) / 2)
            self._internal_height = 0

        # no width specified, faster method
        if uw is None:
            for line in self.text.split('\n'):
                lw, lh = self.get_extents(line)
                if real:
                    x = 0
                    if halign == 'center':
                        x = int((self.width - lw) / 2.)
                    elif halign == 'right':
                        x = int(self.width - lw)
                    self._render_text(line, x, y)
                    y += int(lh)
                    w = max(w, int(lw))
                    self._internal_height += int(lh)
            h = self._internal_height if uh is None else uh

        # constraint
            # precalculate id/name
            if not self.fontid in self._cache_glyphs:
                self._cache_glyphs[self.fontid] = {}
            cache = self._cache_glyphs[self.fontid]

            if not real:
                # verify that each glyph have size
                glyphs = list(set(self.text)) + ['.']
                for glyph in glyphs:
                    if not glyph in cache:
                        cache[glyph] = self.get_extents(glyph)

            # Shorten the text that we actually display
            text = self.text
            if options['shorten'] and self.get_extents(text)[0] > uw:
                text = self.shorten(text)

            # first, split lines
            glyphs = []
            lines = []
            lw = lh = 0
            for word in re.split(r'( |\n)', text):

                # calculate the word width
                ww, wh = 0, 0
                for glyph in word:
                    gw, gh = cache[glyph]
                    ww += gw
                    wh = max(gh, wh)

                # is the word fit on the uw ?
                if ww > uw:
                    lines.append(((ww, wh), word))
                    lw = lh = x = 0

                # get the maximum height for this line
                lh = max(wh, lh)

                # is the word fit on the line ?
                if (word == '\n' or x + ww > uw) and lw != 0:
                    # no, push actuals glyph
                    lines.append(((lw, lh), glyphs))
                    glyphs = []

                    # reset size
                    lw = lh = x = 0

                    # new line ? don't render
                    if word == '\n' or word == ' ':

                # advance the width
                lw += ww
                x += ww
                lh = max(wh, lh)
                glyphs += list(word)

            # got some char left ?
            if lw != 0:
                lines.append(((lw, lh), glyphs))

            if not real:
                self._internal_height = sum(
                    [size[1] for size, glyphs in lines])
                h = self._internal_height if uh is None else uh
                w = uw
                # really render now.
                for size, glyphs in lines:
                    x = 0
                    if halign == 'center':
                        x = int((self.width - size[0]) / 2.)
                    elif halign == 'right':
                        x = int(self.width - size[0])
                    for glyph in glyphs:
                        lw, lh = cache[glyph]
                        if glyph != '\n':
                            self._render_text(glyph, x, y)
                        x += lw
                    y += size[1]

        if not real:
            # was only the first pass
            # return with/height
            w = int(max(w, 1))
            h = int(max(h, 1))
            return w, h

        # get data from provider
        data = self._render_end()
        assert (data)

        # if data width is too tiny, just create texture, don't really render!
        if data.width <= 1:
            if self.texture:
                self.texture = None

        # create texture is necessary
        texture = self.texture
        mipmap = options['mipmap']
        if texture is None:
            if data is None:
                texture = Texture.create(size=self.size,
                texture = Texture.create_from_data(data, mipmap=mipmap)
        elif self.width != texture.width or self.height != texture.height:
            if data is None:
                texture = Texture.create(size=self.size, mipmap=mipmap)
                texture = Texture.create_from_data(data, mipmap=mipmap)
        # Avoid that for the moment.
        # The thing is, as soon as we got a region, the blitting is not going in
        # the right position cause of previous flip_vertical
        # In addition, as soon as we have a region, we are not testing from the
        # original texture. Mean we'll have region of region of region.
        # Take more time to implement a fix for it, if it's needed.
            print 'get region ??', self, self.width, self.height
            texture = texture.get_region(
                0, 0, self.width, self.height)

        self.texture = texture

        # update texture
        # If the text is 1px width, usually, the data is black.
        # Don't blit that kind of data, otherwise, you have a little black bar.
        if data is not None and data.width > 1: