class Unit(EventDispatcher): n = kp.NumericProperty(0) n_str = kp.StringProperty("0") icon = kp.StringProperty() def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__() = kwargs.get("name").upper() self.settings = UNITS.get( = self.icon = self.settings.get("ICON") self._type = self.settings.get("TYPE", "general") self.requirements = self.settings.get("REQUIREMENTS") self.population = self.requirements.get("POPULATION") self.unlock = self.requirements.get("UNLOCK") self.atk = self.settings.get("ATK") self.defence = self.settings.get("DEFENCE") self.speed = self.settings.get("SPEED") self.capacity = self.settings.get("CAPACITY") self.special_abilities = self.settings.get("SPECIAL_ABILITIES") def __repr__(self): return "Unit(name=%s)" % def on_n(self, *args): self.n_str = str(self.n) def recruit(self, n): n = int(n) app = App.get_running_app() # check if can recruit: if app.wood.current >= self.requirements.get("WOOD") * n: app.wood.current -= self.requirements.get("WOOD") * n self.n += n
class TempWidget(Image, EventDispatcher): text = Properties.StringProperty('') unit = Properties.StringProperty() c_id = Properties.StringProperty() chosenColor = Properties.ListProperty() def on_text(self, *_): # Just get large texture: l = Label(text=self.text) l.font_size = '1000dp' # something that'll give texture bigger than phone's screen size l.color = self.color l.texture_update() # Set it to image, it'll be scaled to image size automatically: self.texture = l.texture def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(TempWidget, self).__init__(**kwargs) currentTemp = getTemp() self.chosenColor = currentTemp.color self.unit = currentTemp.formato self.c_id = currentTemp.c_id self.color = self.chosenColor self.bind(chosenColor=self.update_temp) #Temperature self.text = str( int(getWeatherReducedByCityId(self.c_id, self.unit)['temp'])) + "º" Clock.schedule_interval(self.update_temp, 200) def update_temp(self, *args): self.text = str( int(getWeatherReducedByCityId(self.c_id, self.unit)['temp'])) + "º" self.color = self.chosenColor
class InfoDayConfig(Screen): colorHora = Properties.ListProperty([1, 1, 1, 1]) formatoHora = Properties.ListProperty(["24h", False]) colorFecha = Properties.ListProperty([1, 1, 1, 1]) formatoFecha = Properties.StringProperty("dd/mm") colorTemp = Properties.ListProperty([1, 1, 1, 1]) formatoTemp = Properties.StringProperty("metric") formatoClima = Properties.NumericProperty(2) c_id = Properties.StringProperty('6361046') activeInter = Properties.BooleanProperty(True) colorInter = Properties.ListProperty([1, 1, 1, 1]) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(InfoDayConfig, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.pos_hint = {'center_y': 0.5, 'center_x': 0.5} self.getAllInter() def saveConfig(self): #guardar las configs if self.ids.textinput.text == "": self.c_id = self.ids.textinput.hint_text else: self.c_id = self.ids.textinput.text dbWrapper.saveHora("hora", self.formatoHora, self.colorHora) dbWrapper.saveFecha("fecha", self.formatoFecha, self.colorFecha) dbWrapper.saveTemp("temp", self.formatoTemp, self.colorTemp, self.c_id) dbWrapper.saveClima("weather", self.formatoClima, self.c_id) dbWrapper.saveInfoState(self.activeInter) dbWrapper.saveInternationalConfig("inter", self.colorInter) def getAllInter(self): datos = dbWrapper.getAllInterByMonth(str(strftime('%m'))) for j in datos: layout = BoxLayout(orientation='horizontal', size_hint_y=None, height=20, padding=[-40, 0, 0, 0]) layout.add_widget(Texto(text=str(j.dia))) layout.add_widget( Texto(text=str( if len( < 25 else '...' +[10:35] + '...'))) self.ids.todos.add_widget(layout) def pressedBack(self, widget): anim = Animation(pos_hint={"center_x": .5, "y": -.03}, duration=.1) anim += Animation(pos_hint={"center_x": .5, "y": 0}, duration=.1) anim.bind(on_complete=partial(self.goToMenuScreen)) anim.start(widget) def goToMenuScreen(self, widget, selected): self.saveConfig() App.get_running_app().root.transition = FadeTransition(duration=.3) App.get_running_app().root.current = "menu"
class StatusBar(GridLayout): connection = properties.StringProperty("") mission = properties.StringProperty("None") speed = properties.NumericProperty(0) direction = properties.NumericProperty(0) def get_dir(self): return self.direction
class IconToggleLabel(ToggleButtonBehavior, IconLabel): icon_down = prop.StringProperty() icon_normal = prop.StringProperty() def on_state(self, *args): if self.state=='down': self.icon = self.icon_down else: self.icon = self.icon_normal
class ContextMenuText(ContextMenuItem): label = kp.ObjectProperty(None) submenu_postfix = kp.StringProperty(' ...') text = kp.StringProperty('') font_size = kp.NumericProperty(14) color = kp.ListProperty([1, 1, 1, 1]) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ContextMenuText, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def content_width(self): # keep little space for eventual arrow for submenus return self.label.texture_size[0] + 10
class SearchNode(ButtonBehavior, HoverBehavior, MDBoxLayout): """Custom widget to populate recycleview""" cls_nome = prop.StringProperty() ## Node name codigo_ref = prop.StringProperty() ## Node reference rode legacyId = prop.NumericProperty() ## Node id to be searched search_frame = prop.ObjectProperty() ## Root widget reference def on_enter(self, *args): """Mouse over node, bg color becomes gray""" self.md_bg_color = [.8, .8, .8, .8] def on_leave(self, *args): """Mouse leaves node, bg color back to default""" self.md_bg_color = [1, 1, 1, 1]
class NewBinding(InputWindow): """ Acts as a user-friendly gui for creating new Keybind objects. """ name = kp.StringProperty('') binding_props = dict( binding='', tab_back=False, ) def update_binding_props(self, **props) -> None: """ A universal method for updating the contents of binding_props using kwargs. :param props: Any number of kwargs. :return: None """ for k, v in props.items(): self.binding_props[k] = v def execute(self) -> None: """ Sends binding_props off to parent (AppFrame expected) to create a new Keybind. :return: None """ self.parent.update_keybind(**self.binding_props)
class ShmupApp(App): screen_manager = kp.ObjectProperty(None) highscore = kp.NumericProperty(0) game_over_msg = kp.StringProperty("") score = kp.NumericProperty(0) def build(self): # = Game() # Clock.schedule_interval(, 1.0/FPS) # return self.screen_manager = MetaGame() return self.screen_manager def new_game(self): if self.screen_manager.current = "game_screen" Clock.schedule_interval(, 1.0/FPS) def update_score(self): self.score = self.highscore = max(self.highscore, self.score) def quit_game(self): self.update_score() self.screen_manager.current = "game_over_screen"
class RecycleViewRow_Cocktails(BoxLayout): text = kivy_property.StringProperty() image_source = kivy_property.StringProperty() rating = kivy_property.StringProperty() def show_rezept(self, cocktail_name): text_rezept = "" rezept_geladen = DB_Helper().GET_Rezept_JSON(cocktail_name, 'cocktails') text_rezept = JSON_Manager().JSON_to_Rezept_String(rezept_geladen) popup_rezept = Rezept() popup_rezept.title = cocktail_name popup_rezept.rezept = text_rezept
class ScatterColoredLabel(Scatter): background_color = Properties.ListProperty((0, 0, 0, 1)) visible = Properties.BooleanProperty() saveOnDBEvent = Properties.ObjectProperty() noteId = Properties.NumericProperty() text = Properties.StringProperty() def on_pos(self, instance, value): try: self.saveOnDBEvent.cancel() except:'Notes: No previous event') self.saveOnDBEvent = Clock.schedule_once(self.saveOnDB, 5) def saveOnDB(self, dt): noteToSave = Notes( _id=self.noteId, pinned=self.visible, text=self.text, posX=self.pos[0], posY=self.pos[1], scale=self.scale, rotation=self.rotation, rgb=[ self.background_color[0]*255, self.background_color[1]*255, self.background_color[2]*255, self.background_color[3], ], )'DB: Updated note with id: ' + str(self.noteId))
class ScatterImage(Scatter): source = Properties.StringProperty() anim_delay = Properties.NumericProperty() saveOnDBEvent = Properties.ObjectProperty() imagenId = Properties.NumericProperty() def on_pos(self, instance, value): try: self.saveOnDBEvent.cancel() except:'Gifs: No previous event') self.saveOnDBEvent = Clock.schedule_once(self.saveOnDB, 5) def bringToFront(self): parent = self.parent children = parent.children childOnTop = children[0] if (self != childOnTop): parent.remove_widget(self) parent.add_widget(self) def saveOnDB(self, dt): gifToSave = Gifs( _id=self.imagenId, source=self.source, posX=self.pos[0], posY=self.pos[1], scale=self.scale, rotation=self.rotation, delay=self.anim_delay)'DB: Updated gif with id: ' + str(self.imagenId))
class AppMenuTextItem(ToggleButton, AbstractMenuItem): label = kp.ObjectProperty(None) text = kp.StringProperty('') font_size = kp.NumericProperty(14) color = kp.ListProperty([1, 1, 1, 1]) def on_release(self): submenu = self.get_submenu() if self.state == 'down': root = self._root_parent submenu.bounding_box_widget = root.bounding_box if root.bounding_box else root.parent submenu.bind(visible=self.on_visible), self.y - 1) for sibling in self.siblings: if sibling.get_submenu() is not None: sibling.state = 'normal' sibling.get_submenu().hide() self.parent._setup_hover_timer() else: self.parent._cancel_hover_timer() submenu.hide() def on_visible(self, *args): submenu = self.get_submenu() if self.width > submenu.get_max_width(): submenu.width = self.width def _check_submenu(self): super(AppMenuTextItem, self)._check_submenu() self.disabled = (self.get_submenu() is None)
class TurnOrderRecord(widget.Widget): text = prop.StringProperty() def __init__(self, text, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.text = text
class RecycleViewRow_Alkoholfrei(BoxLayout): text = kivy_property.StringProperty() image_source = kivy_property.StringProperty() rating = kivy_property.StringProperty() def show_rezept(self, alkoholfrei_name): text_rezept = "" rezept_geladen = DB_Helper().GET_Rezept_JSON(alkoholfrei_name, 'alkoholfrei') text_rezept = JSON_Manager().JSON_to_Rezept_String(rezept_geladen) popup_rezept = Rezept() popup_rezept.title = alkoholfrei_name popup_rezept.rezept = text_rezept
class IconLabel(HoverInfoBehavior, Label): icon = prop.StringProperty('') icon_size = prop.NumericProperty(16) def __init__(self, **k): super(IconLabel, self).__init__(**k) self.markup=True
class TwitterConfig(Screen): colorInter = Properties.ListProperty([1, 1, 1, 1]) activeInter = Properties.BooleanProperty(False) halign = Properties.StringProperty('left') def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(TwitterConfig, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.pos_hint = {'center_y': 0.5, 'center_x': 0.5} def changeHalign(self, halign): self.halign = halign def saveConfig(self): #guardar las configs print(self.activeInter) dbWrapper.saveTwitter(self.activeInter, self.colorInter, self.halign) def pressedBack(self, widget): anim = Animation(pos_hint={"center_x": .5, "y": -.03}, duration=.1) anim += Animation(pos_hint={"center_x": .5, "y": 0}, duration=.1) anim.bind(on_complete=partial(self.goToMenuScreen)) anim.start(widget) def goToMenuScreen(self, widget, selected): self.saveConfig() App.get_running_app().root.transition = FadeTransition(duration=.3) App.get_running_app().root.current = "menu"
class GameScreen(Screen): # pai_1 = kyprops.StringProperty(None) # pai_2 = kyprops.StringProperty(None) # pai_3 = kyprops.StringProperty(None) # pai_4 = kyprops.StringProperty(None) # pai_5 = kyprops.StringProperty(None) # pai_6 = kyprops.StringProperty(None) # pai_7 = kyprops.StringProperty(None) # pai_8 = kyprops.StringProperty(None) # pai_9 = kyprops.StringProperty(None) # pai_10 = kyprops.StringProperty(None) # pai_11 = kyprops.StringProperty(None) # pai_12 = kyprops.StringProperty(None) # pai_13 = kyprops.StringProperty(None) pais = [kyprops.StringProperty(None)] * 14 # pai_14 = kyprops.StringProperty(None) def setup(self): data = s.recv(2048) data = data.decode("utf-8") data = json.loads(data) list_of_pai = data["hand"] pai_str = "../img/imgUp/p_" for i, pai in enumerate(list_of_pai): self.pais[i] = pai_str + str(pai[0]) + ".png"
class GameOverScreen(Screen): app = prop.ObjectProperty() winner_name = prop.StringProperty() def __init__(self, app, winner_name=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) = app self.winner_name = winner_name or ""
class MenuButton(MenuItem, but.Button, HoverBehavior): icon = prop.StringProperty(None, allownone=True) menubar = prop.ObjectProperty(None) def on_release(self): print("Button", self.text, "triggered") if isinstance(self.parent.parent, MenuDropDown): self.menubar.selected = False self.parent.parent.dismiss()
class Fondo(ToggleButtonBehavior, Image): imagen = Properties.StringProperty("") def __init__(self, imagen, **kwargs): super(Fondo, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.imagen = imagen self.source = "images/saveScreen/" + imagen def on_state(self, widget, value): if value == 'down' and self.imagen != "": dbWrapper.saveSaveScreen(self.imagen)
class CommandTerminal(KivyCmd): text = prop.StringProperty() ''' property where the logs are stored ''' top_pannel_items = prop.ListProperty() def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) clearbtn = Factory.TopPanelButton(icon='fa-trash-o') self.top_pannel_items.append(clearbtn)
class ClockWidget(Image): text = Properties.StringProperty('') chosenColor = Properties.ListProperty() segundos = Properties.BooleanProperty() horas = Properties.StringProperty() def on_text(self, *_): # Just get large texture:z l = Label(text=self.text) l.font_size = '1000dp' # something that'll give texture bigger than phone's screen size l.color = self.color l.texture_update() # Set it to image, it'll be scaled to image size automatically: self.texture = l.texture def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ClockWidget, self).__init__(**kwargs) currentHora = getHora() self.chosenColor = currentHora.color self.segundos = currentHora.formato[1] self.horas = currentHora.formato[0] self.color = self.chosenColor self.text = self.update_secondsAndFormat(self.segundos, self.horas)) Clock.schedule_interval(self.update_time, 1) def update_time(self, *args): self.text = self.update_secondsAndFormat(self.segundos, self.horas)) self.color = self.chosenColor def update_secondsAndFormat(self, seconds, formato): if (seconds == True and formato == "24h"): return '%H:%M:%S' elif (seconds == True and formato == "12h"): return '%I:%M:%S %p' elif (seconds == False and formato == "24h"): return '%H:%M' else: return '%I:%M %p'
class LinhaHomePage(BoxLayout): nome_group = kvProps.StringProperty('') idGrupo = kvProps.NumericProperty() def go_chat(self): db = BancoDadosGrupos() GrupoList = db.listarGruposPorId(self.idGrupo) App.get_running_app().registro_atual = GrupoList App.get_running_app().route.transition.direction = 'left' App.get_running_app().route.current = 'chat' global idGrupoChat idGrupoChat = self.idGrupo
class Platform(Sprite): img1 = kp.StringProperty("imgs/ground_grass.png") img1_width = kp.NumericProperty(380) img1_height = kp.NumericProperty(94) img2 = kp.StringProperty("imgs/ground_grass_small.png") img2_width = kp.NumericProperty(201) img2_height = kp.NumericProperty(100) def __init__(self, x, y, w, h, game, **kwargs): self.groups = (game.all_sprites, game.platforms) super().__init__(**kwargs) width = w * Window.width width = min(width, self.img1_width) width = max(width, self.img2_width * 0.5) if width > self.img2_width: self.source = self.img1 self.ratio = self.img1_height / self.img1_width else: self.source = self.img2 self.ratio = self.img2_height / self.img2_width = game self.add_to_groups(index=PLATFORM_LAYER) self.pos = (x * Window.width, y * Window.height) # self.size = (w * Window.width, h * Window.height) self.width = width self.height = width * self.ratio with self.canvas.before: Color(0, 1., 0, 0.8 * DEBUG) self.rect = Rectangle(size=self.size, pos=self.pos) if randrange(100) < POW_SPAWN_PCT: PowerUp(self) self.bind(pos=self.update_rect) def update_rect(self, *args): self.rect.pos = self.pos
class Resource(Widget): current = kp.NumericProperty(0) per_s = kp.NumericProperty(0) _type = kp.StringProperty() def __init__(self, _type, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._type = _type.lower() self.current = RESOURCES.get("INIT").get(_type) self.per_s = RESOURCES.get("PRODUCTION").get(_type) self.icon = RESOURCES.get("ICON").get(_type) self.ratio = RESOURCES.get("RATIO") def calc_next_level(self): return self.per_s * self.ratio
class SaveScreen(Screen): fondo = Properties.StringProperty() def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(SaveScreen, self).__init__(**kwargs) imageName = dbWrapper.getSaveScreen().image self.fondo = "images/saveScreen/" + imageName def refreshImage(self): imageName = dbWrapper.getSaveScreen().image self.fondo = "images/saveScreen/" + imageName def goToHomeScreen(self, widget): App.get_running_app().root.transition = FadeTransition(duration=.3) App.get_running_app().root.current = "home"
class DateWidget(Image): text = Properties.StringProperty('') chosenColor = Properties.ListProperty() formato = Properties.StringProperty() def on_text(self, *_): # Just get large texture: l = Label(text=self.text) l.font_size = '1000dp' # something that'll give texture bigger than phone's screen size l.color = self.color l.texture_update() # Set it to image, it'll be scaled to image size automatically: self.texture = l.texture def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(DateWidget, self).__init__(**kwargs) currentFecha = getFecha() self.chosenColor = currentFecha.color self.formato = currentFecha.formato self.color = self.chosenColor self.text = Clock.schedule_interval(self.update_time, 60) def update_time(self, *args): self.text = self.color = self.chosenColor def update_Format(self): if (self.formato == "dd/mm"): return '%d/%m' elif (self.formato == "dd/mm/yyyy"): return '%d/%m/%y' elif (self.formato == "mm/dd"): return '%m/%d' else: return '%m/%d/%y'
class LinhaSearch(BoxLayout): nome_group = kvProps.StringProperty('') idGrupo = kvProps.NumericProperty() def clique(self): db = BancoDadosGrupos() GrupoList = db.listarGruposPorId(self.idGrupo) App.get_running_app().registro_atual = GrupoList App.get_running_app().route.transition.direction = 'left' App.get_running_app().route.current = 'entrar' global idGrupoChat idGrupoChat = self.idGrupo global nome_sala nome_sala = self.nome_group
class LoginPage(Screen): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) # Logo do app imagem_app = kvProps.StringProperty('gjoinLogo.jpeg') def login(self): #Verificando se o login e senha estão correntos user = self.ids.log_email.text password = self.ids.log_pass.text conn = sqlite3.connect('BANCO.db') db = conn.cursor() db.execute('SELECT * FROM dados WHERE email = ? AND senha = ?', (user, password)) if db.fetchall(): #Chamando as variáveis globais para a função global idLogado # Mudança da tela de login para a home page self.manager.transition.direction = 'left' self.manager.current = 'home' # Armazenando o ID logado na variável global idLogado conn = sqlite3.connect('BANCO.db') db = conn.cursor() db.execute( '''SELECT id FROM dados WHERE email = ? and senha = ?''', (user, password)) idLogado = db.fetchone()[0] conn.close() else: global avisopop avisopop = 'O usuario e senha nao sao validos.' pops = WarningPopup() pops.ids.aviso.text = avisopop conn.close() def go_register(self): self.manager.transition.direction = 'up' self.manager.current = 'register'