Пример #1
def generate_GUI(menus):
    app_gui = TabbedPanel()
    app_gui.orientation = "vertical"
    app_gui.do_default_tab = False
    app_gui.tab_width = 150

    for menu_key, sub_menu in menus.items():
        main_menu = TabbedPanelHeader(text=menu_key)
        scroll_pane = ScrollView()
        scroll_pane.scroll_type = ['bars', 'content']
        scroll_pane.bar_pos_y = 'left'
        scroll_pane.bar_width = 6
        scroll_pane.do_scroll_y = True
        scroll_pane.do_scroll_x = False
        scroll_pane.scroll_y = 1

        menu_grid = GridLayout(cols=1, spacing=2, size_hint_y=None)
        menu_grid.orientation = "vertical"
        menu_grid.padding = 10
        menu_grid.row_default_height = 1
        menu_height = 0

        print(">>>" + menu_key)
        for sub_menu_key, items in sub_menu.items():
                Label(text="     " + sub_menu_key, size_hint=(None, None), font_size=14, halign="left",
            print("\t" + sub_menu_key)
            for option in items:

                if "Name" in option:
                    print("\t\t" + option["Name"])
                    btn = Button(text=option["Name"], size_hint=(0.1, None), background_color=(0.2, 1, 1, 0.8))
                    btn.bind(on_press=lambda x: webbrowser.open(option["URL"]))
                    print("\t\t" + "<EMPTY>")
                    btn = Button(text="<EMPTY>", size_hint=(0.1, None), background_color=(0.2, 1, 1, 0.8))
                    btn.bind(on_press=lambda x: webbrowser.open(option["URL"]))
                btn.width = 250
                btn.height = 50
                menu_height += 80
            menu_height += 51
        menu_grid.height = menu_height
        main_menu.content = scroll_pane
        main_menu.orientation = "vertical"

        # Adding headers to main layout
    return app_gui
def fill_menu_with_data():
	# Necesary to flush old data 

	# Layout metadata to specify dimension and style
	airtable_content.orientation = "vertical"
	airtable_content.do_default_tab = False # Necesary to disable Default Tab that TabbedPanel generate automatically
	airtable_content.background_color = (0, 0, 1, .5) #50% translucent
	airtable_content.tab_width = 150

	# Trigger airtable connection and data retrieval
	# tab_headers and tab_menus have all data needed to fill airtable_content

	# Creation of each Tab and their respective items 
	for header in tab_headers:

		tab = TabbedPanelHeader(text=header)

		# Scrollview required to adequatly contain items without window or objec distortion
		# Effectively scroll through the menu effortlessly
		scroll = ScrollView()
		scroll.bar_margin = 10
		scroll.size_hint = (1, 1) # Needed to allow scrollview to fit the window regarless od size
		scroll.scroll_type = ['bars', 'content'] # allow scrolling via the bar or by draging content 
		scroll.bar_pos_y = 'left'
		scroll.bar_width = 20
		scroll.bar_color = (5, 10, 15, 0.8)
		scroll.bar_inactive_color = (5, 20, 15, 0.8)
		scroll.do_scroll_y = True # Needed for vertical scrolling
		scroll.do_scroll_x = False
		scroll.scroll_y = 1 # Scrolling speed
		# Adding item specifically fitted for the current tab

		tab.content = scroll # adding scrollview with fitted items as content of the tab
		tab.content.orientation = "vertical"
		airtable_content.add_widget(tab) # adding the entirity of a tab page to the TabbedPanel