def save_product(self): #get of the production information (name, buy price, sell price, code, quantity) name = self.ids.product_name.text buy_price = self.ids.buy_price.text sell_price = self.ids.sell_price.text code = self.ids.code.text quantity = self.ids.quantity.text #reset of the textinputs self.ids.product_name.text = '' self.ids.buy_price.text = '' self.ids.sell_price.text = '' self.ids.code.text = '' self.ids.quantity.text = '' #save of the product into the database self.database.set_product(name=name, buy_price=buy_price, sell_price=sell_price, code=code, quantity=quantity) #add of the product in the widget (display in the app) self.ids.product.add_widget( TwoLineIconListItem( text=f'[b]{name}[/b] ', secondary_text=f'{buy_price}$\n {sell_price}$', secondary_font_style='Subtitle2', on_press=self.show_example_bottom_sheet, )#.add_widget(IconLeftSampleWidget(icon='account-card-details')) ) #reload of the total prices on the screen self.display_total_prices()
def on_enter(self): """on enter method of the detail view""" number = int(self.manager.screen_one.number) visits = self.database.get_visits(number) visit_size = len(visits) #visit string to display (plural of only one) if visit_size == 1: visit_string = 'visit' else: visit_string = 'visits' customer = self.database.get_customer_by_number(number) self.ids.detail_header.text = f'[b]{customer[1]}[/b]' self.ids.detail_header.secondary_text = f'{number} {visit_size} ' + visit_string for visit in visits: #formating of the date and time of the visits visit_date = time.strftime('%d-%m-%Y', time.localtime(visit[2])) visit_time = time.strftime('%H:%M', time.localtime(visit[2])) #display of the detail with visits self.ids.detail_motifs.add_widget( TwoLineIconListItem(text=f'{visit[3]}', secondary_text=visit_time + ' ' + visit_date, secondary_font_style='Subtitle2', divider='Inset', disabled=True))
def get_recent(self, dt=0): logs = self.client.calls.list() for log in logs: self.ids.time.text = str(log.start_time) dc = log.date_created.strftime("%d:%m:%y") tm = log.end_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") recent = TwoLineIconListItem( text=f" [font=RobotoLight]{}[/font]", text_color=[0, 0, 0, 1], secondary_text= f" {log.duration}sec {dc} {tm}", secondary_text_color=[0, 1, 0, 1], bg_color=[1, 1, 1, 1], divider='Inset') im = IconLeftWidget(icon='account') recent.add_widget(im) recent.size_hint_max_y = 2 self.ids.recent.add_widget(recent)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Mainnavscreen, self).__init__(**kwargs) global Mdnavigationdrawer navigationLayout = NavigationLayout() Containor = ScreenManager() Containor.add_widget(Main()) navigationLayout.add_widget(Containor) Mdnavigationdrawer = MDNavigationDrawer() box = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical') box.add_widget( Button(background_normal="Pictures/banner.webp", size_hint=(1, None), size=(0, Window.height * 0.5))) Drawer_list = { "star": "Starred", "settings": "Settings", "bookmark": "Rate & Share" } for i, j in Drawer_list.items(): Item = TwoLineIconListItem(text=str(j)) Item.add_widget(IconLeftWidget(icon=str(i))) Item.bind(on_release=self.list_action) box.add_widget(Item) box.add_widget(ScrollView()) Mdnavigationdrawer.add_widget(box) navigationLayout.add_widget(Mdnavigationdrawer) self.add_widget(navigationLayout)
def display_client(self, customers): """method to add the current client as a widget in the view part""" #set of the customers list as a generator customers = (customer for customer in customers) for customer in customers: TwoLineIconListItem( text='[b]' + customer[1] + '[/b]', secondary_text=str(customer[2]), id=str(customer[2]), on_press=self.detail ) #.add_widget(IconLeftSampleWidget(icon='account-card-details')) )
def client(self): """the principal method for the adding client into the data file """ #get of the client input information by the widget id name = motif = self.ids.motif.text.strip().lower() #get of a adminstrator(register id) administrator_id = self.manager.administrator[0] #set the markup of the phone number textfield to True self.ids.phone_number.markup = True number = self.ids.phone_number.text #get of the differents condition of the validation of the client adding name_condition = (not name.isspace()) and len(name) != 0 motif_condition = (not motif.isspace()) and len(motif) != 0 number_condition = not number.isspace() if motif_condition and name_condition and number_condition: if (not number.isdigit()) or (not len(number) == 8): self.ids.error_message.text = '[color=ff0033]invalide phone number[/color]' else: #client = Register(name, motif, phone_number) #instruction to do if the client exists in the data file if self.database.customer_exists(number): self.ids.error_message.text = '[color=ff0033]Client exist[/color]' self.database.set_data(name, motif, number, administrator_id) #saving insctruction else: self.database.set_data(name, motif, number, administrator_id) #saving message self.ids.error_message.text = '[color=00ff33]Save successully![/color]' customer = self.database.get_customer_by_number(number) #add as widget in the application TwoLineIconListItem(text='[b]' + name + '[/b]', secondary_text=number, id=str(customer[2]), on_press=self.detail)) #saving in the data file #add as widget in the application #delete the current input after the save = '' self.ids.motif.text = '' self.ids.phone_number.text = '' #instruction for an invalid input else: self.ids.error_message.text = '[color=ff0033]Invalid input[/color]'
def display_expenses(self, expenses): """method to add the current expense as a widget in the view part""" #set of the expenses list as a generator expenses = (expense for expense in expenses) for expense in expenses: self.ids.expense.add_widget( TwoLineIconListItem( text=f'[b]{expense[1]}$[/b] ', secondary_text=f'{expense[2]}', secondary_font_style='Subtitle2', )#.add_widget(IconLeftSampleWidget(icon='account-card-details')) )
def display_sell_products(self, products): """method to add the current sell products as a widget in the view part""" #display the sell products total price self.display_sell_products_total_price() #set of the sell products list as a generator self.ids.sell_products_scroll.clear_widgets() products = (product for product in products) for product in products: self.ids.sell_products_scroll.add_widget( TwoLineIconListItem( id=str(product[0]), text=f'{product[5]}- [b]{product[1]}[/b] ', secondary_text=f'{product[2]}$\n {product[3]}$', secondary_font_style='Subtitle2', ) )
def display_products(self, products): """method to add the current client as a widget in the view part""" #set of the remaining product list as a generator products = (product for product in products) for product in products: self.ids.product.add_widget( TwoLineIconListItem( id=str(product[0]), text=f'[b]{product[1]}[/b] ', secondary_text=f'{product[2]}$\n {product[3]}$', secondary_font_style='Subtitle2', on_press=self.show_example_bottom_sheet, ) )
def load_activity_page(self): ContentNavigationDrawer.populateNavDrawerValues(self) self.ids['actscroll'].clear_widgets() query = f'''SELECT ACTIVITY_ID, ORG_ID, NAME, LOCATION, DISASTER, TARGET_AMT FROM ACTIVITY WHERE ORG_ID = {globalvariables.var_org_id} AND STATUS='Y' ''' # run direct SQL print(globalvariables.var_org_id) stmt = ibm_db.exec_immediate(connection.conn, query) actlist = ibm_db.fetch_both(stmt) item = TwoLineIconListItem() while (actlist): icon = IconLeftWidget(icon="bank") item = TwoLineIconListItem(text=str(actlist[2]), secondary_text=str(actlist[3])) item.add_widget(icon) item.bind(on_release=self.row_press) self.ids['actscroll'].add_widget(item) actlist = ibm_db.fetch_both( stmt) #for incrementing rows inside while loop
def save_expense(self): #get of the expense price and his description price = self.ids.expense_name.text description = self.ids.expense_description.text #reset the textinput self.ids.expense_name.text = '' self.ids.expense_description.text = '' #saving of the expense into the database self.database.set_expense(price=price, description=description) #add of the expense in the widget self.ids.expense.add_widget( TwoLineIconListItem( text=f'[b]{price}$[/b] ', secondary_text=f'{description}', secondary_font_style='Subtitle2', )#.add_widget(IconLeftSampleWidget(icon='account-card-details')) ) #reload of the total expense price self.display_total_expense_price()
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Index, self).__init__(**kwargs) view = ScrollView() layout = GridLayout(cols=1, padding=Window.height * 0.01, spacing=Window.height * 0.05, size_hint_y=None) layout.bind(minimum_height=layout.setter("height")) for i in labels: s = i s_ = [] for ss in range(len(s)): if ss == 1: s_.append('.' + s[ss]) else: s_.append(s[ss]) s_ = ''.join(s_) A_ = A.split('\n') for m in A_: if s_ in m: m = m.split(s_)[1] j = len(m) size_x = j * Window.height * 0.042 / 2.25 if Window.width > size_x: size_x = Window.width btn = Cbutton(lts=i, font_name="kannada_mallige", text="[font=Roboto-Bold][b][size=" + str(int(Window.height * 0.05)) + ']' + str(i) + '. ' + '[/size][/b][/font]' + m + "[font=Roboto-Bold][b][size=" + str(int(Window.height * 0.05)) + ']' + '.... ' + '[/size][/b][/font]', markup=True, size=(size_x, Window.height * 0.06), font_size=(Window.height * 0.04), background_color=(1, 1, 1, 0), size_hint=(None, None), halign='left', valign='center', pos=(0, Window.height - 100), color=(0, 0, 0, 1)) btn.bind(on_release=self.Screens_2) layout.add_widget(btn) break view.add_widget(layout) box = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical') toolbar = TwoLineIconListItem(bg_color=(0, .588, .533, 1)) back_icon = IconLeftWidget(icon='arrow-left-thick') back_icon.bind(on_release=self.back) toolbar.add_widget(back_icon) box.add_widget(toolbar) box.add_widget(view) self.add_widget(box)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(setting, self).__init__(**kwargs) box = BoxLayout(orientation="vertical") toolbar = TwoLineIconListItem(bg_color=(0, .588, .533, 1)) back_icon = IconLeftWidget(icon='arrow-left-thick') back_icon.bind(on_release=self.back) toolbar.add_widget(back_icon) box.add_widget(toolbar) item = TwoLineIconListItem( text="Theme Style", secondary_text='Change the screen to Dark or light') item.add_widget(IconLeftWidget(icon="moon-waning-crescent")) item.bind(on_release=self.darkmode) box.add_widget(item) item1 = TwoLineIconListItem( text="Bold Format", secondary_text='Change the font to bold or normal') item1.add_widget(IconLeftWidget(icon="format-bold")) item1.bind(on_release=self.Bold) box.add_widget(item1) item2 = TwoLineIconListItem( text="Index lines", secondary_text='Change index lines to 3 or 1') item2.add_widget(IconLeftWidget(icon="layers")) item2.bind(on_release=self.Lines) box.add_widget(item2) box.add_widget(ScrollView()) self.add_widget(box)
def __init__(self, letter, **kwargs): super(Main_2, self).__init__(**kwargs) if len(letter) == 2: z = str(letter[0]) + '.' + str(letter[1]) y = str(letter[0]) + '.' + str(int(letter[1]) + 1) elif len(letter) == 3: z = str(letter[0]) + '.' + str(letter[1]) + str(letter[2]) y = str(letter[0]) + '.' + str( int(str(letter[1]) + str(letter[2])) + 1) string = A.split(z)[1].split(y)[0] string1 = [] for i in string: if i != '\t': string1.append(i) a = ''.join(string1) boldness = bold x = [] for i in range(len(a)): if a[i].isdecimal() and a[i + 1] != ')': x.append('\n' + a[i]) else: x.append(a[i]) x = ''.join(x) m = x.split('\n') n = [] j = 0 for i in m: if len(i) >= j: j = len(i) size_y = Window.height * 0.043 * (len(m) + 5) size_x = j * Window.height * 0.045 / 2.25 if Window.width > size_x: size_x = Window.width btn = Label(font_name="kannada_mallige", text="[font=Roboto-Bold][b][size=" + str(int(Window.height * 0.05)) + ']' + str(letter) + '. ' + '[/size][/b][/font]' + x, size=(size_x, size_y), font_size=(Window.height * 0.04), text_size=(None, None), bold=boldness, markup=True, size_hint=(None, None), halign='left', valign='top', color=(0, 0, 0, 1)) root = ScrollView(size_hint=(1, 1)) root.add_widget(btn) box = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical') toolbar = TwoLineIconListItem(bg_color=(0, .588, .533, 1)) back_icon = IconLeftWidget(icon='arrow-left-thick') back_icon.bind(on_release=self.back) toolbar.add_widget(back_icon) box.add_widget(toolbar) box.add_widget(root) self.add_widget(box) star = MDIconButton(icon="star-outline", pos_hint={ 'right': 1, 'top': 1 }) star.bind(on_release=self.bookmark) self.add_widget(star)
def __init__(self, Letter, **kwargs): super(Main_1, self).__init__(**kwargs) if line == False: lines = 1 sp = 0.015 elif line == True: lines = 3 sp = 0.02 view = ScrollView() layout = GridLayout(cols=1, padding=Window.height * sp, spacing=Window.height * sp, size_hint_y=None) layout.bind(minimum_height=layout.setter("height")) for i in range(X[str(Letter)]): no = i letter = Letter + str(i + 1) if len(letter) == 2: z = str(letter[0]) + '.' + str(letter[1]) y = str(letter[0]) + '.' + str(int(letter[1]) + 1) elif len(letter) == 3: z = str(letter[0]) + '.' + str(letter[1]) + str(letter[2]) y = str(letter[0]) + '.' + str( int(str(letter[1]) + str(letter[2])) + 1) string = A.split(z)[1].split(y)[0] string1 = [] for i in string: if i != '\t': string1.append(i) x = ''.join(string1) m = x.split('\n') x = '\n'.join(m[0:lines]) m = x.split('\n') n = [] j = 0 for i in m: if len(i) >= j: j = len(i) size_y = Window.height * 0.05 * (len(m)) size_x = j * Window.height * 0.042 / 2.25 if Window.width > size_x: size_x = Window.width btn = Cbutton(lts=letter, font_name="kannada_mallige", text="[font=Roboto-Bold][b][size=" + str(int(Window.height * 0.05)) + ']' + str(letter) + '. ' + '[/size][/b][/font]' + x + "[font=Roboto-Bold][b][size=" + str(int(Window.height * 0.05)) + ']' + ' ' + '[/size][/b][/font]', bold=True, markup=True, size=(size_x, size_y), font_size=(Window.height * 0.04), background_color=(1, 1, 1, 0), size_hint=(None, None), halign='left', valign='center', pos=(0, Window.height - 100), color=(0, 0, 0, 1)) btn.bind(on_release=self.Screens_2) layout.add_widget(btn) view.add_widget(layout) box = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical') toolbar = TwoLineIconListItem(bg_color=(0, .588, .533, 1)) back_icon = IconLeftWidget(icon='arrow-left-thick') back_icon.bind(on_release=self.back) toolbar.add_widget(back_icon) box.add_widget(toolbar) box.add_widget(view) self.add_widget(box)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Starred, self).__init__(**kwargs) view = ScrollView() layout = GridLayout(cols=1, padding=Window.height * 0.01, spacing=Window.height * 0.01, size_hint_y=None) layout.bind(minimum_height=layout.setter("height")) for i in Star: letter = i if len(letter) == 2: z = str(letter[0]) + '.' + str(letter[1]) y = str(letter[0]) + '.' + str(int(letter[1]) + 1) elif len(letter) == 3: z = str(letter[0]) + '.' + str(letter[1]) + str(letter[2]) y = str(letter[0]) + '.' + str( int(str(letter[1]) + str(letter[2])) + 1) string = A.split(z)[1].split(y)[0] string1 = [] for i in string: if i != '\t': string1.append(i) a = ''.join(string1) x = [] for i in range(len(a)): if a[i].isdecimal() and a[i + 1] != ')': x.append('\n' + a[i]) else: x.append(a[i]) x = ''.join(x) m = x.split('\n') x = '\n'.join(m[0:6]) m = x.split('\n') n = [] j = 0 for i in m: if len(i) >= j: j = len(i) size_y = Window.height * 0.05 * (len(m)) size_x = j * Window.height * 0.042 / 2.25 if Window.width > size_x: size_x = Window.width btn = Button(id=letter, font_name="kannada_mallige", text="[font=Roboto-Bold][b][size=" + str(int(Window.height * 0.05)) + ']' + str(letter) + '. ' + '[/size][/b][/font]' + x, size=(size_x, size_y), font_size=(Window.height * 0.04), text_size=(None, None), markup=True, background_color=(1, 1, 1, 0), size_hint=(None, None), halign='left', valign='center', pos=(0, Window.height - 100), color=(0, 0, 0, 1)) # valign = 'top') btn.bind(on_release=self.Screens_2) layout.add_widget(btn) view.add_widget(layout) box = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical') toolbar = TwoLineIconListItem(bg_color=(0, .588, .533, 1)) back_icon = IconLeftWidget(icon='arrow-left-thick') back_icon.bind(on_release=self.back) toolbar.add_widget(back_icon) box.add_widget(toolbar) box.add_widget(view) self.add_widget(box)