Пример #1
    def __init__(self,world,knowledge):
        self.world = world
        self.robot = world.robot(0)
        self.knowledge = knowledge
        self.collider = WorldCollider(world)

        #these may be helpful
        self.left_camera_link = self.robot.link(left_camera_link_name)
        self.right_camera_link = self.robot.link(right_camera_link_name)
        self.left_gripper_link = self.robot.link(left_gripper_link_name)
        self.right_gripper_link = self.robot.link(right_gripper_link_name)
        self.left_arm_links = [self.robot.link(i) for i in left_arm_link_names]
        self.right_arm_links = [self.robot.link(i) for i in right_arm_link_names]
        id_to_index = dict([(self.robot.link(i).getID(),i) for i in range(self.robot.numLinks())])

        self.left_arm_indices = left_arm_geometry_indices + left_hand_geometry_indices
        self.right_arm_indices = right_arm_geometry_indices + right_hand_geometry_indices

        self.dynamic_objects = []

        self.roadmap = ([],[])
        self.limb_indices = []
        self.pathToDraw = []
        self.colMargin = 0
        self.activeLimb = None
    def getCollisionFreePath(self, start, goal, iterations):
        """ Given a start and a goal configuration, returns a collision-free path between the two configurations"""
        """ Currently takes forever to find a path... Needs more work"""
        #MotionPlan.setOptions(type="rrt", perturbationRadius=2.0, bidirectional=True)
        #MotionPlan.setOptions(type="prm", knn=10, connectionThreshold=0.25)
        #space = ObstacleCSpace(self.collider, self.robot)
        #planner = MotionPlan(space)

        #planner = robotplanning.planToConfig(self.world, self.robot, goal, type="prm", knn=10, connectionThreshold=0.1)

        space = robotcspace.RobotCSpace(self.robot, WorldCollider(self.world))
        jointLimits = self.robot.getJointLimits()
        lower = jointLimits[0]
        higher = jointLimits[1]
        for i in range(12):
            lower[i] = 0
            higher[i] = 0
        newLimits = (lower, higher)
        space.bound = zip(*newLimits)

        planner = cspace.MotionPlan(space)

        planner.setEndpoints(start, goal)


        V, E = planner.getRoadmap()
        self.roadMap = (V, E)

        return planner.getPath()
    def __init__(self, world):
        GLWidgetProgram.__init__(self, "Manual poser")

        #start up the poser in the currently commanded configuration
        q = motion.robot.getKlamptCommandedPosition()

        self.world = world
        self.robot = world.robot(0)
        self.robotPoser = RobotPoser(world.robot(0))
        self.roadMap = ([], [])

        robot = world.robot(0)
        left_arm_link_names = [
            'left_upper_shoulder', 'left_lower_shoulder', 'left_upper_elbow',
            'left_lower_elbow', 'left_upper_forearm', 'left_lower_forearm',
        right_arm_link_names = [
            'right_upper_shoulder', 'right_lower_shoulder',
            'right_upper_elbow', 'right_lower_elbow', 'right_upper_forearm',
            'right_lower_forearm', 'right_wrist'
        self.left_arm_link_names = left_arm_link_names
        self.right_arm_link_names = right_arm_link_names
        missing_left_arm_names = [
            'left_upper_forearm_visual', 'left_upper_elbow_visual'
        missing_right_arm_names = [
            'right_upper_forearm_visual', 'right_upper_elbow_visual'
        self.left_arm_link_names = [
            'left_upper_forearm', 'left_lower_forearm', 'left_wrist',
            'left_upper_forearm_visual', 'left_gripper:base'
        self.right_arm_link_names = [
            'right_upper_forearm', 'right_lower_forearm', 'right_wrist',
            'right_upper_forearm_visual', 'right_gripper:base'
        self.left_arm_link_indices = [
            robot.link(l).index for l in left_arm_link_names
        self.right_arm_link_indices = [
            robot.link(l).index for l in right_arm_link_names
        self.firstTimeHack = True

        self.newPC = None

        self.collider = WorldCollider(self.world)
Пример #4
    def getClosestConfig(self, robot, target, iterations, c, numsteps):
        cost = 9999
        res = None
        start = robot.getConfig()
        #goal = ik.objective(robot.link("left_gripper:base"), local = [(0,0,0)], world = [target])

        #goal = ik.objective(robot.link("left_wrist"), local = [(0,0,0)], world = [target])
        s = IKSolver(robot)
        objective = IKObjective()
            robot.link("left_gripper:base").getIndex(), (0, 0, 0), target)
        s.setActiveDofs([12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19])
        print "Active DOFs:", s.getActiveDofs()
        for i in range(iterations):
            #if ik.solve(goal):
            (ret, iters) = s.solve(100, 1e-4)
            if ret:
                end = robot.getConfig()
                print "*****************************", end
                qmin, qmax = robot.getJointLimits()
                #print qmin
                #print qmax
                flag = False
                for k in range(len(end)):
                    if end[k] < qmin[k] or end[k] > qmax[k]:

                        flag = True
                if flag:
                    start = self.perturb(start, 0.1)
                for j in xrange(numsteps + 1):
                    u = float(j) / numsteps
                    print "u is:", u
                    q = robot.interpolate(end, start, u)
                    #q = end
                    print "interpolated q is:", q
                    if not inCollision(WorldCollider(self.world), robot, q):
                        newcost = vectorops.distance(
                            q, end) + c * vectorops.distance(q, start)
                        if newcost < cost:
                            res = q
                            cost = newcost
            start = self.perturb(start, 0.1)
        print "res is:", res
        return res
Пример #5
    def __init__(self,world, vacuumPc):
        self.world = world
        self.robot = world.robot(0)
        self.collider = WorldCollider(world)
        self.vacuumPc = vacuumPc

        #these may be helpful
        self.left_camera_link = self.robot.getLink(LEFT_CAMERA_LINK_NAME)
        self.right_camera_link = self.robot.getLink(RIGHT_CAMERA_LINK_NAME)
        self.left_arm_links = [self.robot.getLink(i) for i in LEFT_ARM_LINK_NAMES]
        self.right_arm_links = [self.robot.getLink(i) for i in RIGHT_ARM_LINK_NAMES]
        id_to_index = dict([(self.robot.getLink(i).getID(),i) for i in range(self.robot.numLinks())])
        self.left_arm_indices = [id_to_index[i.getID()] for i in self.left_arm_links]
        self.right_arm_indices = [id_to_index[i.getID()] for i in self.right_arm_links]

        self.dynamic_objects = []
Пример #6
    def __init__(self,world,knowledge):
        self.world = world
        self.robot = world.robot(0)
        self.knowledge = knowledge
        self.collider = WorldCollider(world)

        #these may be helpful
        self.left_camera_link = self.robot.getLink(left_camera_link_name)
        self.right_camera_link = self.robot.getLink(right_camera_link_name)
        self.left_gripper_link = self.robot.getLink(left_gripper_link_name)
        self.right_gripper_link = self.robot.getLink(right_gripper_link_name)
        self.left_arm_links = [self.robot.getLink(i) for i in left_arm_link_names]
        self.right_arm_links = [self.robot.getLink(i) for i in right_arm_link_names]
        id_to_index = dict([(self.robot.getLink(i).getID(),i) for i in range(self.robot.numLinks())])
        self.left_arm_indices = [id_to_index[i.getID()] for i in self.left_arm_links]
        self.right_arm_indices = [id_to_index[i.getID()] for i in self.right_arm_links]
    def keyboardfunc(self, c, x, y):
        #Put your keyboard handler here
        #the current example toggles simulation / movie mode
        if c == 'h':
            print '[space]: send the current posed milestone'
            print 'q: clean quit'
        elif c == ' ':
            q = self.robotPoser.get()
            q0 = motion.robot.getKlamptCommandedPosition()
            t1 = time.time()
            #collisions = obstaclecollision(WorldCollider(self.world),self.world.robot(0),q0,q)
            collides = bisection(WorldCollider(self.world),
                                 self.world.robot(0), q0, q)
            print "Obstacle collision detection done in time", +time.time() - t1
            for i in range(self.world.robot(0).numLinks()):
                    0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1)
            #if not self.firstTimeHack and selfcollision(self.world.robot(0),q0,q):
            if collides:
                print "Invalid configuration, it self-collides"

            elif not self.firstTimeHack and collisions != None:
                #clear all links to gray
                for pairs in collisions:
                    print "Link " + str(
                        pairs[0].getIndex()) + " collides with obstacle"
                        pairs[0].getIndex()).appearance().setColor(1, 0, 0, 1)
                self.firstTimeHack = False
                robot = motion.robot
                qlg = robot.left_gripper.configFromKlampt(q)
                qrg = robot.right_gripper.configFromKlampt(q)
                robot.left_gripper.command(qlg, [1] * len(qlg), [1] * len(qlg))
                robot.right_gripper.command(qrg, [1] * len(qrg),
                                            [1] * len(qrg))
                #robot.left_mq.setRamp([q[i] for i in self.left_arm_link_indices])
                #robot.right_mq.setRamp([q[i] for i in self.right_arm_link_indices])
        elif c == 'q':
            GLWidgetProgram.keyboardfunc(self, c, x, y)
    def getClosestConfig(self, robot, target, iterations, c, numsteps):
        """ given a target object position, returns a configuration with end effector close to the target object but without colliding with it"""
        cost = 9999
        res = None
        start = robot.getConfig()

        s = IKSolver(robot)
        objective = IKObjective()
            robot.link("left_gripper:base").getIndex(), (0, 0, 0), target)
        s.setActiveDofs([12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19])

        for i in range(iterations):
            (ret, iters) = s.solve(100, 1e-4)
            if ret:
                end = robot.getConfig()
                qmin, qmax = robot.getJointLimits()
                flag = False
                for k in range(len(end)):
                    if end[k] < qmin[k] or end[k] > qmax[k]:
                        flag = True
                if flag:
                    start = self.perturb(start, 0.1)
                for j in xrange(numsteps + 1):
                    u = float(j) / numsteps
                    q = robot.interpolate(end, start, u)
                    if not inCollision(WorldCollider(self.world), robot, q):
                        newcost = vectorops.distance(
                            q, end) + c * vectorops.distance(q, start)
                        if newcost < cost:
                            res = q
                            cost = newcost
            start = self.perturb(start, 0.1)

        return res
Пример #9
 def __init__(self,world,robotController):
     self.world = world
     self.robot = world.robot(0)
     self.controller = robotController
     self.knowledge = KnowledgeBase()
     self.planner = LimbPlanner(self.world,self.knowledge)
     self.state = 'ready'
     self.active_limb = None
     self.active_grasp = None
     self.current_bin = None
     self.held_object = None
     #these may be helpful
     self.left_camera_link = self.robot.getLink(left_camera_link_name)
     self.right_camera_link = self.robot.getLink(right_camera_link_name)
     self.left_gripper_link = self.robot.getLink(left_gripper_link_name)
     self.right_gripper_link = self.robot.getLink(right_gripper_link_name)
     self.left_arm_links = [self.robot.getLink(i) for i in left_arm_link_names]
     self.right_arm_links = [self.robot.getLink(i) for i in right_arm_link_names]
     id_to_index = dict([(self.robot.getLink(i).getID(),i) for i in range(self.robot.numLinks())])
     self.left_arm_indices = [id_to_index[i.getID()] for i in self.left_arm_links]
     self.right_arm_indices = [id_to_index[i.getID()] for i in self.right_arm_links]
     self.collider = WorldCollider(world)
Пример #10
    def getCollisionFreePath(self, start, goal, iterations):
        #MotionPlan.setOptions(type="rrt", perturbationRadius=2.0, bidirectional=True)
        #MotionPlan.setOptions(type="prm", knn=10, connectionThreshold=0.25)
        #space = ObstacleCSpace(self.collider, self.robot)
        #planner = MotionPlan(space)

        #planner = robotplanning.planToConfig(self.world, self.robot, goal, type="prm", knn=10, connectionThreshold=0.1)
        print "milestone 1"
        space = robotcspace.RobotCSpace(self.robot, WorldCollider(self.world))
        jointLimits = self.robot.getJointLimits()
        lower = jointLimits[0]
        higher = jointLimits[1]
        for i in range(12):
            lower[i] = 0
            higher[i] = 0
        newLimits = (lower, higher)
        space.bound = zip(*newLimits)
        print "milestone 2"
        planner = cspace.MotionPlan(space)
        print "milestone 3"
        planner.setEndpoints(start, goal)
        print "before planning"
        print "after planning"
        V, E = planner.getRoadmap()
        self.roadMap = (V, E)
        print "No. of vertices:", len(V)
        print "Vertices:", V
        print "Edges:", E

        return planner.getPath()
Пример #11
class LimbPlanner:
    """Much of your code for HW4 will go here.
        - world: the WorldModel
        - robot: the RobotModel
        - knowledge: the KnowledgeBase objcet
        - collider: a WorldCollider object (see the klampt.robotcollide module)
    def __init__(self,world,knowledge):
        self.world = world
        self.robot = world.robot(0)
        self.knowledge = knowledge
        self.collider = WorldCollider(world)

        #these may be helpful
        self.left_camera_link = self.robot.getLink(baxter.left_camera_link_name)
        self.right_camera_link = self.robot.getLink(baxter.right_camera_link_name)
        self.left_gripper_link = self.robot.getLink(baxter.left_gripper_link_name)
        self.right_gripper_link = self.robot.getLink(baxter.right_gripper_link_name)
        self.left_arm_links = [self.robot.getLink(i) for i in baxter.left_arm_link_names]
        self.right_arm_links = [self.robot.getLink(i) for i in baxter.right_arm_link_names]
        id_to_index = dict([(self.robot.getLink(i).getID(),i) for i in range(self.robot.numLinks())])
        self.left_arm_indices = [id_to_index[i.getID()] for i in self.left_arm_links]
        self.right_arm_indices = [id_to_index[i.getID()] for i in self.right_arm_links]

        self.dynamic_objects = []

    def set_limb_config(self,limb,limbconfig,q):
        """Helper: Sets the 7-DOF configuration of the given limb in
        q.  Other DOFs are not touched."""
        assert len(q) == self.robot.numLinks()
        if limb=='left':
            for (i,v) in zip(self.left_arm_indices,limbconfig):
                q[i] = v
            for (i,v) in zip(self.right_arm_indices,limbconfig):
                q[i] = v
    def get_limb_config(self,q,limb):
        """Helper: Gets the 7-DOF configuration of the given limb given
        a full-robot configuration q"""
        qlimb = [0.0]*len(self.left_arm_indices)
        if limb=='left':
            for (i,j) in enumerate(self.left_arm_indices):
                qlimb[i] = q[j]
            for (i,j) in enumerate(self.right_arm_indices):
                qlimb[i] = q[j]
        return qlimb

    def check_collision_free(self,limb,exclude=None,verbose=False):
        """Checks whether the given limb is collision free at the robot's
        current configuration"""
        exclude = exclude or []
        armfilter = None
        if limb=='left':
            collindices = set(baxter.left_arm_geometry_indices+baxter.left_hand_geometry_indices)
            handindices = baxter.left_hand_geometry_indices
            collindices = set(baxter.right_arm_geometry_indices+baxter.right_hand_geometry_indices)
            handindices = baxter.right_hand_geometry_indices
        armfilter = lambda x:isinstance(x,RobotModelLink) and (x.index in collindices)
        #check with objects in world model
        for o1,o2 in self.collider.collisionTests(armfilter,lambda x:True):
            #ignore hand self collisions
            if isinstance(o1[0],RobotModelLink) and o1[0].index in handindices and isinstance(o2[0],RobotModelLink) and o2[0].index in handindices:
            if o1[0].getID() not in exclude and o2[0].getID() not in exclude:
                if o1[1].collides(o2[1]):
                    if verbose:
                        print "Collision between",o1[0].getName(),o2[0].getName()
                    return False
        return True

    def check_collision_free_with_object(self,limb,object,grasp):
        """Checks whether the given limb, holding an object at the given
        grasp, is collision free at the robot's current configuration"""
        objToGripperXForm = se3.mul(baxter.left_gripper_center_xform,se3.inv(grasp))
        #assume robot configuration is updated
        if limb=='left':
            gripperLink = self.robot.getLink(baxter.left_gripper_link_name)
            gripperLink = self.robot.getLink(baxter.right_gripper_link_name)

        if not isinstance(object,list):
            if object==None:
                object = []
                object = [object]

        Tgripper = gripperLink.getTransform()
        Tobj = se3.mul(Tgripper,objToGripperXForm)
        for o in object:
        excludeids = [ o.getID() for o in object]
        if not self.check_collision_free(limb,exclude=excludeids):
            #print 'Limb is not collision free'
            return False

        for t in xrange(self.world.numRigidObjects()):
            other = self.world.rigidObject(t)
            if(other.getID() not in excludeids):
                if any(other.geometry().collides(o.geometry()) for o in object):
                    #print "Held object-shelf collision"
                    return False
        return True

    def check_limb_collision_free(self,limb,limbconfig):
        """Checks whether the given 7-DOF limb configuration is collision
        free, keeping the rest of self.robot fixed."""
        q = self.robot.getConfig()
        return self.check_collision_free(limb)

    def plan_limb(self,limb,limbstart,limbgoal,Cspace='Normal',argsTuple=None,extra_feasibility_tests=[]):
        """Returns a 7-DOF milestone path for the given limb to move from the
        start to the goal, or False if planning failed"""
        if(Cspace == 'scoop'):
            cspace = ScoopCSpace(self,limb)
        elif(Cspace == 'height'):
            cspace = HeightCSpace(self,limb,argsTuple[0],argsTuple[1])
        elif(Cspace == 'xrestrict'):
            cspace = CSpaceRestrictX(self,limb,xrestrict=argsTuple[0])
            cspace = LimbCSpace(self,limb)
        cspace.extra_feasibility_tests = extra_feasibility_tests
        if not cspace.feasible(limbstart):
            print "  Start configuration is infeasible!"
            return False
        if not cspace.feasible(limbgoal):
            print "  Goal configuration is infeasible!"
            return False
        plan = MotionPlan(cspace,'sbl')
        maxPlanIters = 2000
        maxSmoothIters = 50
        for iters in xrange(maxPlanIters):
            path = plan.getPath()
            if path != None:
                #print "  Found a path on iteration",iters
                if len(path) >= 2 and maxSmoothIters > 0:
                    #print "  Smoothing..."
                    path = plan.getPath()
                #print "Average collision check time",cspace.collisionCheckTime/cspace.numCollisionChecks
                #print cspace.numCollisionChecks,"collision checks"
                return path
        #print "Average collision check time",cspace.collisionCheckTime/cspace.numCollisionChecks
        #print cspace.numCollisionChecks,"collision checks"
        #print "  No path found"
        return False

    def plan(self,start,goal,order=['left','right'],Cspace='Normal',argsTuple=None,extra_feasibility_tests=[]):
        """Plans a motion for the robot to move from configuration start
        to configuration goal.  By default, moves the left arm first,
        then the right.  To move the right first, set the 'order' argument
        to ['right','left']"""
        limbstart = {}
        limbgoal = {}
        for l in ['left','right']:
            limbstart[l] = self.get_limb_config(start,l)
            limbgoal[l] = self.get_limb_config(goal,l)
        path = [start]
        curconfig = start[:]
        for l in order:
            diff = sum((a-b)**2 for a,b in zip(limbstart[l],limbgoal[l]))
            if diff > 1e-8:
                #print "Planning for limb",l
                #print "  Euclidean distance:",math.sqrt(diff)
                #do the limb planning
                if(Cspace == 'scoop'):
                    limbpath = self.plan_limb(l,limbstart[l],limbgoal[l],Cspace='scoop',extra_feasibility_tests=extra_feasibility_tests)
                elif(Cspace == 'height'):
                    limbpath = self.plan_limb(l,limbstart[l],limbgoal[l],Cspace='height',argsTuple=argsTuple,extra_feasibility_tests=extra_feasibility_tests)
                elif(Cspace == 'xrestrictNobj'):
                    limbpath = self.plan_limb(l,limbstart[l],limbgoal[l],Cspace='xrestrict',argsTuple=argsTuple,extra_feasibility_tests=extra_feasibility_tests)
                    limbpath = self.plan_limb(l,limbstart[l],limbgoal[l],extra_feasibility_tests=extra_feasibility_tests)
                if limbpath == False:
                    #print "  Failed to plan for limb",l
                    return None
                #print "   Planned successfully for limb",l
                #concatenate whole body path
                for qlimb in limbpath[1:]:
                    q = path[-1][:]
        return path

    def plan_limb_transfer(self,limb,limbstart,limbgoal,heldobject,grasp,type='Normal',xrestrict=None,extra_feasibility_tests=[]):
        """Returns a 7-DOF milestone path for the given limb to move from the
        start to the goal while holding the given object.
        Returns False if planning failed"""
        if(type == 'Normal'):
            cspace = TransferCSpace(self,limb,heldobject,grasp,height=xrestrict)
        elif(type == 'restrict'):
            cspace = TransferCSpaceRestrict(self,limb,heldobject,grasp)
        elif(type == 'upright'):
            cspace = TransferCSpaceUpright(self,limb,heldobject,grasp)
        elif(type == 'xrestrict'):
            cspace = TransferCSpaceRestrict(self,limb,heldobject,grasp,xrestrict)
        cspace.extra_feasibility_tests = extra_feasibility_tests
        if not cspace.feasible(limbstart):
            print "  Start configuration is infeasible!"
            return False
        if not cspace.feasible(limbgoal):
            print "  Goal configuration is infeasible!"
            return False
        plan = MotionPlan(cspace,'sbl')
        maxPlanIters = 2000
        maxSmoothIters = 50
        for iters in xrange(maxPlanIters):
            path = plan.getPath()
            if path != None:
                #print "  Found a path on iteration",iters
                if len(path) > 2 and maxSmoothIters > 0:
                    #print "  Smoothing..."
                    path = plan.getPath()
                return path
        #print "No path found"
        return False

    def plan_transfer(self,start,goal,limb,heldobject,grasp,type='Normal',xrestrict=None,extra_feasibility_tests=[]):
        """Plans a motion for the robot to move from configuration start
        to configuration goal while holding the given object."""
        limbstart = self.get_limb_config(start,limb)
        limbgoal = self.get_limb_config(goal,limb)
        path = [start]
        #print "Planning transfer path for limb",limb
        #do the limb planning
        limbpath = self.plan_limb_transfer(limb,limbstart,limbgoal,heldobject,grasp,type,xrestrict,extra_feasibility_tests=extra_feasibility_tests)
        if limbpath == False:
            #print "  Failed to plan transfer path for limb",limb
            return None
        #print "  Planned transfer path successfully for limb",limb
        #concatenate whole body path
        for qlimb in limbpath[1:]:
            q = path[-1][:]
        return path

    def updateWorld(self,new_world):
        self.world = new_world
        self.collider = WorldCollider(new_world)

    def check_collision_free_with_object_base(self,limb,object,grasp):
        """Checks whether the given limb, holding an object at the given
        grasp, is collision free at the robot's current configuration"""
        objToGripperXForm = se3.mul(baxter.left_gripper_center_xform,se3.inv(grasp))
        #assume robot configuration is updated
        if limb=='left':
            gripperLink = self.robot.getLink(baxter.left_gripper_link_name)
            gripperLink = self.robot.getLink(baxter.right_gripper_link_name)

        if not isinstance(object,list):
            if object==None:
                object = []
                object = [object]

        Tgripper = gripperLink.getTransform()
        Tobj = se3.mul(Tgripper,objToGripperXForm)
        for o in object:
        excludeids = [ o.getID() for o in object]
        if not self.check_collision_free_hand(limb,exclude=excludeids):
            #print 'Limb is not collision free'
            return False

        #if not self.check_collision_free(limb,exclude=excludeids):
        #    #print 'Limb is not collision free'
        #    return False

        for t in xrange(self.world.numRigidObjects()):
            other = self.world.rigidObject(t)
            if(other.getID() not in excludeids):
                if any(other.geometry().collides(o.geometry()) for o in object):
                    #print "Held object-shelf collision"
                    return False
        return True

    def check_collision_free_hand(self,limb,exclude=None,verbose=False):
        """Checks whether the given limb is collision free at the robot's
        current configuration"""
        exclude = exclude or []
        armfilter = None
        if limb=='left':
            collindices = set(baxter.left_arm_geometry_indices+baxter.left_hand_geometry_indices)
            handindices = baxter.left_hand_geometry_indices
            collindices = set(baxter.right_arm_geometry_indices+baxter.right_hand_geometry_indices)
            handindices = baxter.right_hand_geometry_indices
        #add in the base

        armfilter = lambda x:isinstance(x,RobotModelLink) and (x.index in collindices)

        #check with objects in world model
        for o1,o2 in self.collider.collisionTests(armfilter,lambda x:True):
            #ignore hand self collisions
            if isinstance(o1[0],RobotModelLink) and o1[0].index in handindices and isinstance(o2[0],RobotModelLink) and o2[0].index in handindices:
            if o1[0].getID() not in exclude and o2[0].getID() not in exclude:
                if o1[1].collides(o2[1]):
                    if verbose:
                        print "Collision between",o1[0].getName(),o2[0].getName()
                    return False

            if(not isinstance(o1[0],RobotModelLink) and o2[0].index not in handindices):
                print 'checking object with base'
                if o1[1].collides(o2[1]):
                    if verbose:
                        print "Collision between",o1[0].getName(),o2[0].getName()
                    return False
            if(not isinstance(o2[0],RobotModelLink) and o1[0].index not in handindices):
                if o1[1].collides(o2[1]):
                    if verbose:
                        print "Collision between",o1[0].getName(),o2[0].getName()
                    return False        
        return True
    def keyboardfunc(self, c, x, y):
        #Put your keyboard handler here
        #the current example toggles simulation / movie mode
        if c == 'h':
            print '[space]: send the current posed milestone'
            print 'q: clean quit'
        elif c == ' ':
            q = self.robotPoser.get()
            #print "space q:", q
            q0 = motion.robot.getKlamptCommandedPosition()
            #print q0
            #collider = WorldCollider(self.world)

            collisions = obstaclecollision(WorldCollider(self.world),
                                           self.world.robot(0), q0, q)

            for i in range(self.world.robot(0).numLinks()):
                    0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1)
            if not self.firstTimeHack and selfcollision(
                    self.world.robot(0), q0, q):
                print "Invalid configuration, it self-collides"

            elif not self.firstTimeHack and collisions != None:
                #clear all links to gray
                for pairs in collisions:
                    print "Link " + str(
                        pairs[0].getIndex()) + " collides with obstacle"
                        pairs[0].getIndex()).appearance().setColor(1, 0, 0, 1)
                self.firstTimeHack = False
                robot = motion.robot
                print "Moving", q0, "->", q
                qlg = robot.left_gripper.configFromKlampt(q)
                qrg = robot.right_gripper.configFromKlampt(q)
                print "space prg:", qrg
                robot.left_gripper.command(qlg, [1] * len(qlg), [1] * len(qlg))
                robot.right_gripper.command(qrg, [1] * len(qrg),
                                            [1] * len(qrg))
                #robot.left_mq.setRamp([q[i] for i in self.left_arm_link_indices])
                #robot.right_mq.setRamp([q[i] for i in self.right_arm_link_indices])
        elif c == 'q':
        elif c == 'p':
            """given a target object position, automatically moves the end effector close to the target object"""
            #print "Joint limits:", self.robot.getJointLimits()
            start = self.world.robot(0).getConfig()
            #print "end effector original position:", self.robot.link('left_gripper:base').getWorldPosition((0,0,0))
            #print "start", start
            """target position currently fixed at (0.8,0.1,1) for testing"""
            target = self.getClosestConfig(self.world.robot(0), (0.8, 0.1, 1),
                                           100, 0.1, 100)
            if target == None:
                #    print "Cannot solve IK"
            #print "ik result:", target
            #print "end effector position:", self.robot.link('left_gripper:base').getWorldPosition((0,0,0))
            path = self.getCollisionFreePath(start, target, 10)
            #print "path:", path

            for q in path:
                robot = motion.robot

                qlg = robot.left_gripper.configFromKlampt(q)

                qrg = robot.right_gripper.configFromKlampt(q)

                if qlg:
                    robot.left_gripper.command(qlg, [1] * len(qlg),
                                               [1] * len(qlg))
                if qrg:

                    robot.right_gripper.command(qrg, [1] * len(qrg),
                                                [1] * len(qrg))
            print "getKlamptCommandedPosition:", robot.getKlamptCommandedPosition(

            GLWidgetProgram.keyboardfunc(self, c, x, y)
Пример #13
class PickingController:
    """Maintains the robot's knowledge base and internal state.  Most of
    your code will go here.  Members include:
    - knowledge: a KnowledgeBase object
    - planner: an LimbPlanner object, which *you will implement and use*
    - state: either 'ready', or 'holding'
    - configuration: the robot's current configuration
    - active_limb: the limb currently active, either holding or viewing a state
    - current_bin: the name of the bin where the camera is viewing or the gripper is located
    - held_object: the held object, if one is held, or None otherwise

    External modules can call viewBinAction(), graspAction(), ungraspAction(),
    and placeInOrderBinAction()
    def __init__(self,world,robotController):
        self.world = world
        self.robot = world.robot(0)
        self.controller = robotController
        self.knowledge = KnowledgeBase()
        self.planner = LimbPlanner(self.world,self.knowledge)
        self.state = 'ready'
        self.active_limb = None
        self.active_grasp = None
        self.current_bin = None
        self.held_object = None
        #these may be helpful
        self.left_camera_link = self.robot.getLink(left_camera_link_name)
        self.right_camera_link = self.robot.getLink(right_camera_link_name)
        self.left_gripper_link = self.robot.getLink(left_gripper_link_name)
        self.right_gripper_link = self.robot.getLink(right_gripper_link_name)
        self.left_arm_links = [self.robot.getLink(i) for i in left_arm_link_names]
        self.right_arm_links = [self.robot.getLink(i) for i in right_arm_link_names]
        id_to_index = dict([(self.robot.getLink(i).getID(),i) for i in range(self.robot.numLinks())])
        self.left_arm_indices = [id_to_index[i.getID()] for i in self.left_arm_links]
        self.right_arm_indices = [id_to_index[i.getID()] for i in self.right_arm_links]
        self.collider = WorldCollider(world)

    def waitForMove(self,timeout = None, pollRate = 0.5):
        """Waits for the move to complete, or timeout seconds is elapsed,
        before terminating."""
        iters = 0
        t = 0
        while self.controller.isMoving():
            if iters % 10 == 0:
                print "Waiting for move to complete..."
            t += pollRate
            if timeout != None and t > timeout:
                return False
            iters += 1
        return True

    def viewBinAction(self,b):
        if self.state != 'ready':
            print "Already holding an object, can't move to bin"
            return False
            if b in apc.bin_names:
                if self.move_camera_to_bin(b):
                    self.current_bin = b
                    print "Sensed bin",b,"with camera",self.active_limb
                    print "Move to bin",b,"failed"
                    return False
                print "Invalid bin",b
                return False
        return True
    def graspAction(self):
        if self.current_bin == None:
            print "Not located at a bin"
            return False
        elif self.state != 'ready':
            print "Already holding an object, can't grasp another"
            return False
        elif len(self.knowledge.bin_contents[self.current_bin])==0:
            print "The current bin is empty"
            return False
            if self.move_to_grasp_object(self.knowledge.bin_contents[self.current_bin][0]):
                #now close the gripper
                self.held_object = self.knowledge.bin_contents[self.current_bin].pop(0)
                self.state = 'holding'
                print "Holding object",self.held_object.info.name,"in hand",self.active_limb
                return True
                print "Grasp failed"
                return False

    def ungraspAction(self):
        if self.state != 'holding':
            print "Not holding an object"
            return False
            if self.move_to_ungrasp_object(self.held_object):
                #now open the gripper
                print "Object",self.held_object.info.name,"placed back in bin"
                self.state = 'ready'
                self.held_object = None
                return True
                print "Ungrasp failed"
                return False
    def placeInOrderBinAction(self):

        if self.state != 'holding':
            print "Not holding an object"
            if self.move_to_order_bin(self.held_object):
                #now open the gripper
                print "Successfully placed",self.held_object.info.name,"into order bin"
                self.held_object.xform = None
                self.held_object.bin_name = 'order_bin'
                self.state = 'ready'
                self.held_object = None
                return True
                print "Move to order bin failed"
                return False

    def fulfillOrderAction(self,objectList):
        """Given a list of objects to be put in the order bin, run
        until completed."""
        remainingObjects = objectList
        for b in apc.bin_names:
            if self.knowledge.bin_contents[b]==None:
                if not self.viewBinAction(b):
                    print "Could not view bin",b

            donextbin = False
            while any(o.info.name in remainingObjects for o in self.knowledge.bin_contents[b]) and not donextbin:
                #pick up and put down objects until you are holding one that is in the remainingObjects list
                if not self.graspAction():
                    print "Error grasping object"
                    donextbin = True
                while not donextbin and (self.held_object == None or self.held_object.info.name not in remainingObjects):
                    #cycle through objects by putting down and picking up the next object
                    if not self.ungraspAction():
                        print "Error putting down object"
                        return False
                    if not self.graspAction():
                        print "Error grasping object"
                        donextbin = True
                obj = self.held_object
                if self.placeInOrderBinAction():
                    print "Error putting object into order bin"
                    return False
            if len(remainingObjects)==0:
                return True
        print "These items are remaining from the order:",remainingObjects
        return False

    def randomize_limb_position(self,limb,range=None):
        """Helper: randomizes the limb configuration in self.robot.
        limb can be 'left' or 'right'.  If range is provided, then
        this samples in a range around the current commanded config"""
        qmin,qmax = self.robot.getJointLimits()
        if range == None:
            q = baxter_rest_config[:]
            if limb == 'left':
                for j in self.left_arm_indices:
                    q[j] = random.uniform(qmin[j],qmax[j])
                for j in self.right_arm_indices:
                    q[j] = random.uniform(qmin[j],qmax[j])
            q = self.controller.getCommandedConfig()
            if limb == 'left':
                for j in self.left_arm_indices:
                    q[j] = max(qmin[j],min(qmax[j],random.uniform(q[j]-range,q[j]+range)))
                for j in self.right_arm_indices:
                    q[j] = max(qmin[j],min(qmax[j],random.uniform(q[j]-range,q[j]+range)))

    def move_camera_to_bin(self,bin_name):
        """Starts a motion so the camera has a viewpoint that
        observes bin_name.  Will also change self.active_limb to the
        appropriate limb.

        If successful, sends the motion to the low-level controller and
        returns True.
        Otherwise, does not modify the low-level controller and returns False.
        world_offset = self.knowledge.bin_vantage_point(bin_name)
        #place +z in the +x axis, y in the +z axis, and x in the -y axis
        left_goal = ik.objective(self.left_camera_link,R=[0,0,-1,1,0,0,0,1,0],t=world_offset)
        right_goal = ik.objective(self.right_camera_link,R=[0,0,-1,1,0,0,0,1,0],t=world_offset)
        qcmd = self.controller.getCommandedConfig()
        collisionTries = 0
        for i in range(100):
            if random.random() < 0.5:
                oldConfig = self.robot.getConfig()
                if i == 0:
                if ik.solve(left_goal):
                    #TODO: plan a path

                    # check that this solution is self collision free
                    # we call the self collision function of WorldCollider
                    # and see how many items the generator returns. If it is 0
                    # then we don't collide (if it is not zero, we don't care what
                    # they are, we throw the solution away and retry with a different
                    # initial arm configuration).
                    collisionTries += 1
                    collisions = self.collider.robotSelfCollisions(robot = self.robot)
                    numCols = 0
                    for cols in collisions:
                        numCols += 1

                    if numCols == 0:
                        self.active_limb = 'left'
                        print "Found self collision free IK solution after " + str(collisionTries) + " tries"
                        return True
                if i == 0:
                if ik.solve(right_goal):
                    #TODO: plan a path

                    # check that this solution is self collision free
                    # we call the self collision function of WorldCollider
                    # and see how many items the generator returns. If it is 0
                    # then we don't collide (if it is not zero, we don't care what
                    # they are, we throw the solution away and retry with a different
                    # initial arm configuration).
                    collisionTries += 1
                    collisions = self.collider.robotSelfCollisions(robot = self.robot)
                    numCols = 0
                    for cols in collisions:
                        numCols += 1

                    if numCols == 0:
                        self.active_limb = 'right'
                        print "Found self collision free IK solution after " + str(collisionTries) + " tries"
                        return True
        return False

    def move_to_grasp_object(self,object):
        """Sets the robot's configuration so the gripper grasps object at
        one of its potential grasp locations.  Might change self.active_limb
        to the appropriate limb.  Must change self.active_grasp to the
        selected grasp.

        If successful, sends the motion to the low-level controller and
        returns True.
        Otherwise, does not modify the low-level controller and returns False.

        collisionTries = 0
        grasps = self.knowledge.grasp_xforms(object)
        qmin,qmax = self.robot.getJointLimits()
        qcmd = self.controller.getCommandedConfig()
        #phase 1: init IK from the commanded config, search among grasps
        for (grasp,gxform) in grasps:
            if self.active_limb == 'left':
                Tg = se3.mul(gxform,se3.inv(left_gripper_center_xform))
                goal = ik.objective(self.left_gripper_link,R=Tg[0],t=Tg[1])
                Tg = se3.mul(gxform,se3.inv(right_gripper_center_xform))
                goal = ik.objective(self.right_gripper_link,R=Tg[0],t=Tg[1])
            if ik.solve(goal):
                    # check that this solution is self collision free
                    # we call the self collision function of WorldCollider
                    # and see how many items the generator returns. If it is 0
                    # then we don't collide (if it is not zero, we don't care what
                    # they are, we throw the solution away and retry with a different
                    # initial arm configuration).
                    collisionTries += 1
                    collisions = self.collider.robotSelfCollisions(robot = self.robot)
                    numCols = 0
                    for cols in collisions:
                        numCols += 1

                    if numCols == 0:
                        self.active_grasp = grasp
                        print "Found self collision free IK solution after " + str(collisionTries) + " tries"
                        return True

        #Phase 2: that didn't work, now try random sampling
        for i in range(100):
            #pick a config at random
            #pick a grasp at random
            (grasp,gxform) = random.choice(grasps)
            if self.active_limb == 'left':
                Tg = se3.mul(gxform,se3.inv(left_gripper_center_xform))
                goal = ik.objective(self.left_gripper_link,R=Tg[0],t=Tg[1])
                Tg = se3.mul(gxform,se3.inv(right_gripper_center_xform))
                goal = ik.objective(self.right_gripper_link,R=Tg[0],t=Tg[1])
            if ik.solve(goal):
                #TODO: plan a path

                # check that this solution is self collision free
                # we call the self collision function of WorldCollider
                # and see how many items the generator returns. If it is 0
                # then we don't collide (if it is not zero, we don't care what
                # they are, we throw the solution away and retry with a different
                # initial arm configuration).
                collisionTries += 1
                collisions = self.collider.robotSelfCollisions(robot = self.robot)
                numCols = 0
                for cols in collisions:
                   numCols += 1

                if numCols == 0:
                    self.active_grasp = grasp
                    print "Found self collision free IK solution after " + str(collisionTries) + " tries"
                    return True
        return False

    def move_to_ungrasp_object(self,object):
        """Sets the robot's configuration so the gripper ungrasps the object.

        If successful, sends the motion to the low-level controller and
        returns True.
        Otherwise, does not modify the low-level controller and returns False.
        assert len(object.info.grasps) > 0,"Object doesn't define any grasps"
        return True

    def move_to_order_bin(self,object):
        """Sets the robot's configuration so the gripper is over the order bin

        If successful, sends the motion to the low-level controller and
        returns True.
        Otherwise, does not modify the low-level controller and returns False.
        collisionTries = 0
        left_target = se3.apply(order_bin_xform,[0.0,0.2,order_bin_bounds[1][2]+0.1])
        right_target = se3.apply(order_bin_xform,[0.0,-0.2,order_bin_bounds[1][2]+0.1])
        qcmd = self.controller.getCommandedConfig()
        for i in range(100):
            if self.active_limb == 'left':
                goal = ik.objective(self.left_gripper_link,local=left_gripper_center_xform[1],world=left_target)
                goal = ik.objective(self.right_gripper_link,local=right_gripper_center_xform[1],world=right_target)
            #set IK solver initial configuration
            if i==0:
            if ik.solve(goal,tol=0.1):
                #TODO: plan a path

                # check that this solution is self collision free
                # we call the self collision function of WorldCollider
                # and see how many items the generator returns. If it is 0
                # then we don't collide (if it is not zero, we don't care what
                # they are, we throw the solution away and retry with a different
                # initial arm configuration).
                collisionTries += 1
                collisions = self.collider.robotSelfCollisions(robot = self.robot)
                numCols = 0
                for cols in collisions:
                   numCols += 1

                if numCols == 0:
                    print "Found self collision free IK solution after " + str(collisionTries) + " tries"
                    return True
        return False
Пример #14
for i in range(world.numTerrains()):
    visualization.add("terrain" + str(i), world.terrain(i))
#if you want to just see the robot in a pop up window...

#Automatic construction of space
        space = robotplanning.makeSpace(world=world,
        #Manual construction of space
        collider = WorldCollider(world)
        space = robotcspace.RobotCSpace(robot, collider)
        space.eps = 1e-2
    #TESTING: closed loop robot cspace
    collider = WorldCollider(world)
    obj = ik.objective(robot.link(robot.numLinks() - 1),
                       local=[0, 0, 0],
                       world=[0.5, 0, 0.5])
    visualization.add("IK goal", obj)
    space = robotcspace.ClosedLoopRobotCSpace(robot, obj, collider)
    space.eps = 1e-2
Пример #15
class LimbPlanner:
    """Much of your code for HW4 will go here.

        - world: the WorldModel
        - robot: the RobotModel
        - collider: a WorldCollider object (see the klampt.robotcollide module)
    def __init__(self,world):
        self.world = world
        self.robot = world.robot(0)
        self.collider = WorldCollider(world)
        self.roadmap = ([],[])
        self.dynamic_objects = []

    def check_collision_free(self,q):
        armfilter = None
        collindices = set(range(0,self.robot.numLinks()))

        #print "collindices", collindices
        armfilter = lambda x:isinstance(x,RobotModelLink) and (x.index in collindices)

        #check with objects in world model (includes the plane)
        for o1,o2 in self.collider.collisionTests(armfilter,lambda x:True):
            # print "Collision Test: Collision between",o1[0].getName(),o2[0].getName()
            #print "Collision Test: Collision for ",o2[0].getName()
            #print o1[0].index, o2[0].index

            if o1[1].collides(o2[1]):
                # print "Collision between",o1[0].getName(),o2[0].getName()
                # print "Collision between",o1[0].index,o2[0].index
                return False

        for obj in self.dynamic_objects:
            # print "checking collision with objects:", obj.getName()
            # print obj.info.geometry
            assert obj.geometry() != None
            for link in collindices:
                if self.robot.link(link).geometry().collides(obj.geometry()):
                    # print "Collision between link",self.robot.link(link).getName()," and dynamic object"
                    return False

        return True

    def rebuild_dynamic_objects(self):
        item = self.world.rigidObject(0)
        assert item.geometry() != None
        # item.info.geometry.setCurrentTransform(*item.xform)

    def plan_limb(self,start,goal, printer=True, iks = None):
        """Returns a 7-DOF milestone path for the given limb to move from the
        start to the goal, or False if planning failed"""

        # NOTE: Not sure, but I think this is what's happening
        # Need to reset pathToDraw here because the MyGLViewer.draw() is called
        # concurrently, it uses an old path (ex. of left arm) while using the
        # new limb (ex. right limb) for drawing the trajectory. This throws an
        # Index-Out-of-Range exception for drawing the path
        self.pathToDraw = []

        # NOTE:
        cspace = LimbCSpace(self)
        if iks != None:
            print "Initializing ClosedLoopCSPace"
            cspace = ClosedLoopCSpaceTest(self,limb,iks)

        if not cspace.feasible(start):
            print "  Start configuration is infeasible!"
            return 1
        if not cspace.feasible(goal):
            print "  Goal configuration is infeasible!"
            return 2

        # MotionPlan.setOptions(type="rrt", perturbationRadius = 1, connectionThreshold=2, bidirectional = True, shortcut = True, restart=True)
        # plan = MotionPlan(cspace,'sbl')
        plan = MotionPlan(cspace)

        # maxPlanIters = 20
        # maxSmoothIters = 100
        maxPlanIters = 100
        maxSmoothIters = 1000
        # print "start =",start,"\n","goal = ", goal
        for iters in xrange(maxPlanIters):
            # print iters

            # if limb=='left':
            #     self.limb_indices = self.left_arm_indices
            #     self.activeLimb = 'left'
            # else:
            #     self.limb_indices = self.right_arm_indices
            #     self.activeLimb = 'right'

            self.roadmap = plan.getRoadmap()
            V,E =self.roadmap
            # print "iter:",iters,"--",len(V),"feasible milestones sampled,",len(E),"edges connected"
            # print iters,"/V",len(V),"/E",len(E),
            # print len(V),".",

            plan.planMore(10)                                       # 100

            path = plan.getPath()
            if path != None:
                if printer:
                    print "\n  Found a path on iteration",iters
                if len(path) > 2:
                    print "  Smoothing path"
                    # plan.planMore(min(maxPlanIters-iters,maxSmoothIters))
                    path = plan.getPath()

                self.pathToDraw = path

                return path
        if printer:
            print "  No path found"

        return False

    def plan(self,start,goal,printer=True, iks = None, ignoreColShelfSpatula = True):
        """Plans a motion for the robot to move from configuration start
        to configuration goal.  By default, moves the left arm first,
        then the right.  To move the right first, set the 'order' argument
        to ['right','left']"""
        path = [start]
        curconfig = start[:]

        diff = sum((a-b)**2 for a,b in zip(start,goal))
        if diff > 1e-8:
            if printer:
                print "< Planning ... >"
                # print "  Euclidean distance:",math.sqrt(diff)

            # #do the limb planning
            # if not ignoreColShelfSpatula:
            #     self.left_arm_indices = left_arm_geometry_indices + left_hand_geometry_indices + [55,56,57]
            # else:
            #     self.left_arm_indices = left_arm_geometry_indices + left_hand_geometry_indices
            # print "  Left arm links", self.left_arm_indices

            # if iks == None:
            path = self.plan_limb(start,goal,printer=printer)

            # else:
            #     trajectory = self.plan_closedLoop(start,goal,iks=iks)
            #     return trajectory

            if path == 1 or path == 2 or path == False:
                if printer:
                    print "  Failed to plan (type =", path,")", "\n"
                return None
            if printer:
                print "  Planned successfully\n"
            #concatenate whole body path
            # for qlimb in limbpath[1:]:
            #     q = path[-1][:]
            #     self.set_limb_config(l,qlimb,q)
            #     path.append(q)
            # self.set_limb_config(l,limbgoal[l],curconfig)
        return path

    def plan_closedLoop(self,qstart,qgoal,iks,printer=False):
        if printer:
            print "starting config: ", qstart
            print "goal config: ", qgoal

        cspace = robotcspace.ClosedLoopRobotCSpace(self.robot, iks, self.collider)
        cspace.eps = 1e-3


        configs[0] = cspace.solveConstraints(configs[0])
        configs[1] = cspace.solveConstraints(configs[1])

        settings = { 'type':"sbl", 'perturbationRadius':0.5, 'bidirectional':1, 'shortcut':1, 'restart':1, 'restartTermCond':"{foundSolution:1,maxIters:1000}" }

        wholepath = [configs[0]]
        for i in range(len(configs)-1):
            #this code uses the robotplanning module's convenience functions
            plan = robotplanning.planToConfig(self.world,self.robot,configs[i+1],

            if plan is None:
                return False
            print "  Planning..."

            keepPlanning = True
            while keepPlanning:

                #this code just gives some debugging information. it may get expensive
                # V,E = plan.getRoadmap()
                # self.roadmap = plan.getRoadmap()
                # print "  ", len(V),"feasible milestones sampled,",len(E),"edges connected"
                path = plan.getPath()
                if path is None or len(path)==0:
                    print "Failed to plan path"
                    #debug some sampled configurations
                    # print V[0:max(10,len(V))]
                    # return False
                    keepPlanning = False

            self.pathToDraw = path

            #the path is currently a set of milestones: discretize it so that it stays near the contact surface
            path = cspace.discretizePath(path,epsilon=1e-2)
            # path = cspace.discretizePath(path,epsilon=1e-4)
            wholepath += path[1:]

            #to be nice to the C++ module, do this to free up memory

        return wholepath
Пример #16
 def __init__(self,world):
     self.world = world
     self.robot = world.robot(0)
     self.collider = WorldCollider(world)
     self.roadmap = ([],[])
     self.dynamic_objects = []
class LimbPlanner:
    """Much of your code for HW4 will go here.

        - world: the WorldModel
        - robot: the RobotModel
        - knowledge: the KnowledgeBase objcet
        - collider: a WorldCollider object (see the klampt.robotcollide module)
    def __init__(self,world,knowledge):
        self.world = world
        self.robot = world.robot(0)
        self.knowledge = knowledge
        self.collider = WorldCollider(world)

        #these may be helpful
        self.left_camera_link = self.robot.link(left_camera_link_name)
        self.right_camera_link = self.robot.link(right_camera_link_name)
        self.left_gripper_link = self.robot.link(left_gripper_link_name)
        self.right_gripper_link = self.robot.link(right_gripper_link_name)
        self.left_arm_links = [self.robot.link(i) for i in left_arm_link_names]
        self.right_arm_links = [self.robot.link(i) for i in right_arm_link_names]
        id_to_index = dict([(self.robot.link(i).getID(),i) for i in range(self.robot.numLinks())])

        self.left_arm_indices = left_arm_geometry_indices + left_hand_geometry_indices
        self.right_arm_indices = right_arm_geometry_indices + right_hand_geometry_indices

        self.dynamic_objects = []

        # NOTE: added from lab3e.py
        self.roadmap = ([],[])
        self.limb_indices = []
        self.pathToDraw = []
        self.colMargin = 0
        self.activeLimb = None

    def set_limb_config(self,limb,limbconfig,q):
        """Helper: Sets the 7-DOF configuration of the given limb in
        q.  Other DOFs are not touched."""
        assert len(q) == self.robot.numLinks()
        if limb=='left':
            for (i,v) in zip(self.left_arm_indices,limbconfig):
                q[i] = v
            for (i,v) in zip(self.right_arm_indices,limbconfig):
                q[i] = v

    def get_limb_config(self,q,limb):
        """Helper: Gets the 7-DOF configuration of the given limb given
        a full-robot configuration q"""
        qlimb = [0.0]*len(self.left_arm_indices)
        if limb=='left':
            qlimb = [0.0]*len(self.left_arm_indices)
            for (i,j) in enumerate(self.left_arm_indices):
                qlimb[i] = q[j]
            qlimb = [0.0]*len(self.right_arm_indices)
            for (i,j) in enumerate(self.right_arm_indices):
                qlimb[i] = q[j]
        return qlimb

    def check_collision_free(self,limb,ignoreColShelfSpatula=False):
        """Checks whether the given limb is collision free at the robot's
        current configuration"""

        armfilter = None
        if limb=='left':
            # if ignoreColShelfSpatula:
            #     collindices = set(left_arm_geometry_indices)
            # else:
            #     collindices = set(left_arm_geometry_indices+left_hand_geometry_indices)
            collindices = set(left_arm_geometry_indices+left_hand_geometry_indices)
            collindices = set(right_arm_geometry_indices+right_hand_geometry_indices)
        armfilter = lambda x:isinstance(x,RobotModelLink) and (x.index in collindices)

        ignoreList = ["Amazon_Picking_Shelf", "bin_"]
        ignoreList = '\t'.join(ignoreList)
        spatulaIgnoreList = [55,56,57]
        # if ignoreColShelfSpatula:
        #     spatulaIgnoreList = [54,55,56,57]

        #check with objects in world model
        for o1,o2 in self.collider.collisionTests(armfilter,lambda x:True):   # NOTE: what is bb_reject??
            # print "Collision Test: Collision between",o1[0].getName(),o2[0].getName()
            # if ignoreColShelfSpatula:
                # print o1[0].getName()[0:4]
            if o1[0].getName()[0:3] in ignoreList and o2[0].index in spatulaIgnoreList:
                # print "ignoring collision between shelf and spautla"
            if o2[0].getName()[0:3] in ignoreList and o1[0].index in spatulaIgnoreList:
                # print "ignoring collision between shelf and spautla"
            if o1[0].getName()[0:3] in ignoreList:
                for obj in self.dynamic_objects:
                    assert obj.info.geometry != None
                    if o1[1].collides(obj.info.geometry):
            if o2[0].getName()[0:3] in ignoreList:
                for obj in self.dynamic_objects:
                    assert obj.info.geometry != None
                    if o1[1].collides(obj.info.geometry):

            if o1[1].collides(o2[1]):
                print "Collision between",o1[0].getName(),o2[0].getName()
                return False

        # for obj in self.dynamic_objects:
        #     # print "checking collision with objects"
        #     # print obj.info.geometry
        #     assert obj.info.geometry != None

        #     for link in collindices:
        #         if self.robot.link(link).geometry().collides(obj.info.geometry):
        #             print "Collision between link",self.robot.link(link).getName()," and dynamic object"
        #             return False

        # for link in collindices:
        #     # print "Collision Test: Collision between",self.robot.link(link).getName(),"shelf"
        #     shelfGeometry = self.world.terrain(0).geometry()
        #     linkGeometry = self.robot.link(link).geometry()

        #     if shelfGeometry.collides(linkGeometry):
        #         print "link #",link,"collides with terrain"
        #         return False

        # print self.robot.getConfig()
        return True

    def rebuild_dynamic_objects(self):
        self.dynamic_objects = []
        #check with objects in knowledge
        for (k,objList) in self.knowledge.bin_contents.iteritems():
            if objList == None:
                #not sensed
            for item in objList:
                assert item.info.geometry != None

    def check_limb_collision_free(self,limb,limbconfig,ignoreColShelfSpatula=False):
        """Checks whether the given 7-DOF limb configuration is collision
        free, keeping the rest of self.robot fixed."""
        q = self.robot.getConfig()
        return self.check_collision_free(limb,ignoreColShelfSpatula=ignoreColShelfSpatula)

    def plan_limb(self,limb,limbstart,limbgoal, printer=True, iks = None, ignoreColShelfSpatula=False):
        """Returns a 7-DOF milestone path for the given limb to move from the
        start to the goal, or False if planning failed"""

        # NOTE: Not sure, but I think this is what's happening
        # Need to reset pathToDraw here because the MyGLViewer.draw() is called
        # concurrently, it uses an old path (ex. of left arm) while using the
        # new limb (ex. right limb) for drawing the trajectory. This throws an
        # Index-Out-of-Range exception for drawing the path
        self.pathToDraw = []

        if limb=='left':
            self.limb_indices = self.left_arm_indices
            self.activeLimb = 'left'
            self.limb_indices = self.right_arm_indices
            self.activeLimb = 'right'

        # NOTE:
        cspace = LimbCSpace(self,limb)
        MotionPlan.setOptions(type="rrt", perturbationRadius = 1, connectionThreshold=2, bidirectional = True, shortcut = True, restart=True)
        plan = MotionPlan(cspace)
        maxPlanIters = 20
        planMoreVal = 10

        if iks != None:
            print "Initializing ClosedLoopCSPace"
            # cspace = ClosedLoopCSpaceTest(self,limb,iks)

            collider = WorldCollider(self.world)
            cspace = robotcspace.ClosedLoopRobotCSpace(self.robot, iks, collider)
            cspace.eps = 1e-2

            q = limbstart
            qcurrent = self.robot.getConfig()
            if len(q) < len(qcurrent):
                if len(self.limb_indices) != len(q):
                    return False
                    for i in range(len(self.limb_indices)):
                        qcurrent[self.limb_indices[i]] = q[i]
                    q = qcurrent
            limbstart = q

            q = limbgoal
            qcurrent = self.robot.getConfig()
            if len(q) < len(qcurrent):
                if len(self.limb_indices) != len(q):
                    return False
                    for i in range(len(self.limb_indices)):
                        qcurrent[self.limb_indices[i]] = q[i]
                    q = qcurrent
            limbgoal = q

            # print "limbstart:", limbstart
            # print "limbgoal:", limbgoal

            limbstart = cspace.solveConstraints(limbstart)
            limbgoal = cspace.solveConstraints(limbgoal)

            # print "limbstart:", limbstart
            # print "limbgoal:", limbgoal

            settings = { 'type':"sbl", 'perturbationRadius':0.5, 'bidirectional':1, 'shortcut':1, 'restart':1, 'restartTermCond':"{foundSolution:1,maxIters:1000}" }
            plan = robotplanning.planToConfig(self.world, self.robot, limbgoal, movingSubset='all', **settings)

            maxPlanIters = 1
            planMoreVal = 500

        if not cspace.feasible(limbstart):
            print "  Start configuration is infeasible!"
            return 1
        if not cspace.feasible(limbgoal):
            print "  Goal configuration is infeasible!"
            return 2

        # MotionPlan.setOptions(connectionThreshold=5.0)
        # MotionPlan.setOptions(shortcut=1)
        # plan = MotionPlan(cspace,'sbl')

        # MotionPlan.setOptions(type='rrt*')
        # MotionPlan.setOptions(type="prm",knn=10,connectionThreshold=0.01,shortcut=True)
        # MotionPlan.setOptions(type='fmm*')

        # MotionPlan.setOptions(bidirectional = 1)

        # MotionPlan.setOptions(type="sbl", perturbationRadius = 0.25, connectionThreshold=2.0, bidirectional = True)
        # MotionPlan.setOptions(type="rrt",perturbationRadius=0.1,bidirectional=True)
        # MotionPlan.setOptions(type="rrt", perturbationRadius = 0.25, connectionThreshold=2, bidirectional = True, shortcut = True, restart=True)
        # MotionPlan.setOptions(type="rrt*", perturbationRadius = 0.25, connectionThreshold=2, bidirectional = True)

        # MotionPlan.setOptions(type="rrt", perturbationRadius = 1, connectionThreshold=2, bidirectional = True, shortcut = True, restart=True)

        # MotionPlan.setOptions(type="prm",knn=1,connectionThreshold=0.01)
        # MotionPlan.setOptions(type="rrt", perturbationRadius = 1, connectionThreshold=2, bidirectional = True, shortcut = True, restart=True)
        # plan = MotionPlan(cspace, type='sbl')

        # works best for non-ClosedLoopRobotCSpace
        # MotionPlan.setOptions(type="rrt", perturbationRadius = 1, connectionThreshold=2, bidirectional = True, shortcut = True, restart=True)

        # plan = MotionPlan(cspace)

        # maxPlanIters = 20
        maxSmoothIters = 100

        print "  Planning.",
        for iters in xrange(maxPlanIters):
            # print iters

            self.roadmap = plan.getRoadmap()
            # print plan.getRoadmap()
            V,E =self.roadmap
            # print "iter:",iters,"--",len(V),"feasible milestones sampled,",len(E),"edges connected"
            # print iters,"/V",len(V),"/E",len(E),
            print ".",

            plan.planMore(planMoreVal)                                       # 100

            path = plan.getPath()
            if path != None:
                if printer:
                    print "\n  Found a path on iteration",iters
                if len(path) > 2:
                    print "  Smoothing path"
                    if iks == None:
                    # plan.planMore(min(maxPlanIters-iters,maxSmoothIters))
                        path = plan.getPath()
                if iks!=None:
                    path = cspace.discretizePath(path)


                # testing
                # print "  Returning path (limb", self.activeLimb,", (",len(self.limb_indices),"/",len(path[0]),"))"

                self.pathToDraw = path

                return path
        if printer:
            print "  No path found"

        return False

    def plan(self,start,goal,limb,printer=True, iks = None, ignoreColShelfSpatula = False):
        """Plans a motion for the robot to move from configuration start
        to configuration goal.  By default, moves the left arm first,
        then the right.  To move the right first, set the 'order' argument
        to ['right','left']"""
        limbstart = {}
        limbgoal = {}
        # for l in ['left','right']:
        l =limb
        limbstart[l] = self.get_limb_config(start,l)
        limbgoal[l] = self.get_limb_config(goal,l)
        path = [start]
        curconfig = start[:]
        # for l in order:
        #     diff = sum((a-b)**2 for a,b in zip(limbstart[l],limbgoal[l]))
        #     if diff > 1e-8:
        #         if printer:
        #             print "< Planning for limb",l,">"
        #             print "  Euclidean distance:",math.sqrt(diff)
        #         self.robot.setConfig(curconfig)
        #         #do the limb planning
        #         limbpath = self.plan_limb(l,limbstart[l],limbgoal[l],printer=printer, iks=iks)
        #         if limbpath == 1 or limbpath == 2 or limbpath == False:
        #             if printer:
        #                 print "  Failed to plan for limb",l,"\n"
        #             return limbpath
        #         if printer:
        #             print "  Planned successfully for limb",l, "\n"
        #         #concatenate whole body path
        #         for qlimb in limbpath[1:]:
        #             q = path[-1][:]
        #             self.set_limb_config(l,qlimb,q)
        #             path.append(q)
        #         self.set_limb_config(l,limbgoal[l],curconfig)
        diff = sum((a-b)**2 for a,b in zip(limbstart[l],limbgoal[l]))
        if diff > 1e-8:
            if printer:
                print "< Planning for limb",l,">"
                # print "  Euclidean distance:",math.sqrt(diff)
            #do the limb planning
            if iks == None:
                limbpath = self.plan_limb(l,limbstart[l],limbgoal[l],printer=printer, iks=iks, ignoreColShelfSpatula = ignoreColShelfSpatula)
                limbpath = self.plan_limb(l,limbstart[l],limbgoal[l],printer=printer, iks=iks)
            if limbpath == 1 or limbpath == 2 or limbpath == False:
                if printer:
                    print "  Failed to plan for limb",l,"\n"
                return limbpath
            if printer:
                print "  Planned successfully for limb",l, "\n"
            #concatenate whole body path
            for qlimb in limbpath[1:]:
                q = path[-1][:]
        return path
Пример #18
 def reinit_collider(self):
     self.collider = WorldCollider(self.world)
Пример #19
class LimbPlanner:
    """Much of your code for HW4 will go here.
        - world: the WorldModel
        - robot: the RobotModel
        - knowledge: the KnowledgeBase objcet
        - collider: a WorldCollider object (see the klampt.robotcollide module)
    def __init__(self,world,knowledge):
        self.world = world
        self.robot = world.robot(0)
        self.knowledge = knowledge
        self.collider = WorldCollider(world)
        self.solutions = 0
        self.collisions = 0

        #these may be helpful
        self.left_camera_link = self.robot.getLink(left_camera_link_name)
        self.right_camera_link = self.robot.getLink(right_camera_link_name)
        self.left_gripper_link = self.robot.getLink(left_gripper_link_name)
        self.right_gripper_link = self.robot.getLink(right_gripper_link_name)
        self.left_arm_links = [self.robot.getLink(i) for i in left_arm_link_names]
        self.right_arm_links = [self.robot.getLink(i) for i in right_arm_link_names]
        id_to_index = dict([(self.robot.getLink(i).getID(),i) for i in range(self.robot.numLinks())])
        self.left_arm_indices = [id_to_index[i.getID()] for i in self.left_arm_links]
        self.right_arm_indices = [id_to_index[i.getID()] for i in self.right_arm_links]

    def reinit_collider(self):
        self.collider = WorldCollider(self.world)

    def set_limb_config(self,limb,limbconfig,q):
        """Helper: Sets the 7-DOF configuration of the given limb in
        q.  Other DOFs are not touched."""
        assert len(q) == self.robot.numLinks()
        if limb=='left':
            for (i,v) in zip(self.left_arm_indices,limbconfig):
                q[i] = v
            for (i,v) in zip(self.right_arm_indices,limbconfig):
                q[i] = v
    def get_limb_config(self,q,limb):
        """Helper: Gets the 7-DOF configuration of the given limb given
        a full-robot configuration q"""
        qlimb = [0.0]*len(self.left_arm_indices)
        if limb=='left':
            for (i,j) in enumerate(self.left_arm_indices):
                qlimb[i] = q[j]
            for (i,j) in enumerate(self.right_arm_indices):
                qlimb[i] = q[j]
        return qlimb

    def check_collision_free(self, limb):
        """Checks whether the given limb is collision free at the robot's
        current configuration"""

        self.solutions += 1

        # Use collider to determine collisions and return false if one has been found
        selfCollisionIterator = self.collider.robotSelfCollisions(self.robot)
        for collision in selfCollisionIterator:
            print "self collision detected", collision[0].index, collision[1].index
            self.collisions += 1
            return False

        # Get list of all terrain indices
        terrainIds = []
        for i in range(self.world.numTerrains()):

        # Create filter based on indices
        terrainFilter = lambda x: x.getID() in terrainIds

        # Create filter for robot links
        if limb == 'left':
            robotLinkFilter = lambda x: x.index in left_arm_geometry_indices
            robotLinkFilter = lambda x: x.index in right_arm_geometry_indices

        # Check terrain collisions
        for collision in self.collider.collisions(filter1=terrainFilter, filter2=robotLinkFilter):
            print "terrain robot collision detected", collision[0].index, collision[1].index
            return False

        # Get list of all object IDs
        objectIDs = []
        for i in range(self.world.numRigidObjects()):

        # Create filter for object IDs
        objectFilter = lambda x: x.getID() in objectIDs

        # Check object and robot link collisions
        for collision in self.collider.collisions(filter1=objectFilter, filter2=robotLinkFilter):
            print "object robot collision detected", collision[0].index, collision[1].index
            return False

        return True

    def check_limb_collision_free(self,limb,limbconfig):
        """Checks whether the given 7-DOF limb configuration is collision
        free, keeping the rest of self.robot fixed."""
        q = self.robot.getConfig()
        return self.check_collision_free(limb)

    def plan_limb(self,limb,limbstart,limbgoal):
        """Returns a 7-DOF milestone path for the given limb to move from the
        start to the goal, or False if planning failed"""
        #TODO: implement me.
        #Hint: you should implement the hooks in ArmCSpace above, and consult
        #use the MotionPlan class in klampt.cspace to run an existing

        # Create limb cspace and new motion plan
        limb_cspace = LimbCSpace(self, limb)
        motion_plan = MotionPlan(limb_cspace, 'prm')

        # Set start and endpoints and get path between them
        motion_plan.setEndpoints(limbstart, limbgoal)
        path = motion_plan.getPath()

        # Memory cleanup

        return path

    def plan(self,start,goal,order=['left','right']):
        """Plans a motion for the robot to move from configuration start
        to configuration goal.  By default, moves the left arm first,
        then the right.  To move the right first, set the 'order' argument
        to ['right','left']"""
        limbstart = {}
        limbgoal = {}
        for l in ['left','right']:
            limbstart[l] = self.get_limb_config(start,l)
            limbgoal[l] = self.get_limb_config(goal,l)
        path = [start]
        curconfig = start[:]
        for l in order:
            if limbstart[l] != limbgoal[l]:
                #do the limb planning
                limbpath = self.plan_limb(l,limbstart[l],limbgoal[l])
                if limbpath == False:
                    print "Failed to plan for limb",l
                    return None
                print "Planned successfully for limb",l
                #concatenate whole body path
                for qlimb in limbpath[1:]:
                    q = path[-1][:]
        return path
Пример #20
class LimbPlanner:
    """Much of your code for HW4 will go here.

        - world: the WorldModel
        - robot: the RobotModel
        - knowledge: the KnowledgeBase objcet
        - collider: a WorldCollider object (see the klampt.robotcollide module)
    def __init__(self,world,knowledge):
        self.world = world
        self.robot = world.robot(0)
        self.knowledge = knowledge
        self.collider = WorldCollider(world)

        #these may be helpful
        self.left_camera_link = self.robot.link(left_camera_link_name)
        self.right_camera_link = self.robot.link(right_camera_link_name)
        self.left_gripper_link = self.robot.link(left_gripper_link_name)
        self.right_gripper_link = self.robot.link(right_gripper_link_name)
        self.left_arm_links = [self.robot.link(i) for i in left_arm_link_names]
        self.right_arm_links = [self.robot.link(i) for i in right_arm_link_names]
        id_to_index = dict([(self.robot.link(i).getID(),i) for i in range(self.robot.numLinks())])
        self.left_arm_indices = [id_to_index[i.getID()] for i in self.left_arm_links]
        self.right_arm_indices = [id_to_index[i.getID()] for i in self.right_arm_links]

        self.dynamic_objects = []

    def set_limb_config(self,limb,limbconfig,q):
        """Helper: Sets the 7-DOF configuration of the given limb in
        q.  Other DOFs are not touched."""
        assert len(q) == self.robot.numLinks()
        if limb=='left':
            for (i,v) in zip(self.left_arm_indices,limbconfig):
                q[i] = v
            for (i,v) in zip(self.right_arm_indices,limbconfig):
                q[i] = v

    def get_limb_config(self,q,limb):
        """Helper: Gets the 7-DOF configuration of the given limb given
        a full-robot configuration q"""
        qlimb = [0.0]*len(self.left_arm_indices)
        if limb=='left':
            for (i,j) in enumerate(self.left_arm_indices):
                qlimb[i] = q[j]
            for (i,j) in enumerate(self.right_arm_indices):
                qlimb[i] = q[j]
        return qlimb

    def check_collision_free(self,limb):
        """Checks whether the given limb is collision free at the robot's
        current configuration"""
        armfilter = None
        if limb=='left':
            collindices = set(left_arm_geometry_indices+left_hand_geometry_indices)
            collindices = set(right_arm_geometry_indices+right_hand_geometry_indices)
        armfilter = lambda x:isinstance(x,RobotModelLink) and (x.index in collindices)
        #check with objects in world model
        for o1,o2 in self.collider.collisionTests(armfilter,lambda x:True):
            if o1[1].collides(o2[1]):
                # print "Collision between",o1[0].getName(),o2[0].getName()
                return False

        for obj in self.dynamic_objects:
            assert obj.info.geometry != None
            for link in collindices:
                if self.robot.link(link).geometry().collides(obj.info.geometry):
                    # NOTE: Uncomment this line to show collision warnings
                    # print "Collision between link",self.robot.link(link).getName()," and dynamic object"
                    return False
        return True

    def check_collision_free_with_object(self,limb,objectGeom,grasp):
        """Checks whether the given limb, holding an object at the given
        grasp, is collision free at the robot's current configuration"""
        if not self.check_collision_free(limb):
            return False
        objToGripperXForm = se3.mul(left_gripper_center_xform,se3.inv(grasp.grasp_xform))
        #assume robot configuration is updated
        if limb=='left':
            gripperLink = self.robot.link(left_gripper_link_name)
            gripperLink = self.robot.link(right_gripper_link_name)

        Tgripper = gripperLink.getTransform();
        Tobj = se3.mul(Tgripper,objToGripperXForm)
        for t in xrange(self.world.numTerrains()):
            if self.world.terrain(t).geometry().collides(objectGeom):
                # print "Held object-shelf collision"
                return False
        for o in self.dynamic_objects:
            if o.info.geometry.collides(objectGeom):
                # print "Held object-object collision"
                return False
        return True

    def rebuild_dynamic_objects(self):
        self.dynamic_objects = []
        #check with objects in knowledge
        for (k,objList) in self.knowledge.bin_contents.iteritems():
            if objList == None:
                #not sensed
            for item in objList:
                assert item.info.geometry != None

    def check_limb_collision_free(self,limb,limbconfig):
        """Checks whether the given 7-DOF limb configuration is collision
        free, keeping the rest of self.robot fixed."""
        q = self.robot.getConfig()
        return self.check_collision_free(limb)

    def plan_limb(self,limb,limbstart,limbgoal, printer=True):
        """Returns a 7-DOF milestone path for the given limb to move from the
        start to the goal, or False if planning failed"""

        # NOTE:
        cspace = LimbCSpace(self,limb)
        cspaceTest = RobotCSpaceTest(self,limb)

        if not cspace.feasible(limbstart):
            print "  Start configuration is infeasible!"
            return 1
        if not cspace.feasible(limbgoal):
            print "  Goal configuration is infeasible!"
            return 2

        # plan = MotionPlan(cspace,'sbl')

        # MotionPlan.setOptions(type='rrt*')
        # MotionPlan.setOptions(type="prm",knn=10,connectionThreshold=0.1,shortcut=True)
        # MotionPlan.setOptions(type='fmm*')

        plan = MotionPlan(cspace)

        maxPlanIters = 200
        maxSmoothIters = 10
        for iters in xrange(maxPlanIters):
            path = plan.getPath()
            if path != None:
                if printer:
                    print "  Found a path on iteration",iters
                if len(path) > 2:
                    print "  Smoothing..."
                    path = plan.getPath()
                return path
        if printer:
            print "  No path found"
        return False

    def plan(self,start,goal,order=['left','right'],printer=True):
        """Plans a motion for the robot to move from configuration start
        to configuration goal.  By default, moves the left arm first,
        then the right.  To move the right first, set the 'order' argument
        to ['right','left']"""
        limbstart = {}
        limbgoal = {}
        for l in ['left','right']:
            limbstart[l] = self.get_limb_config(start,l)
            limbgoal[l] = self.get_limb_config(goal,l)
        path = [start]
        curconfig = start[:]
        for l in order:
            diff = sum((a-b)**2 for a,b in zip(limbstart[l],limbgoal[l]))
            if diff > 1e-8:
                if printer:
                    print "< Planning for limb",l,">"
                    print "  Euclidean distance:",math.sqrt(diff)
                #do the limb planning
                limbpath = self.plan_limb(l,limbstart[l],limbgoal[l],printer=printer)
                if limbpath == 1 or limbpath == 2 or limbpath == False:
                    if printer:
                        print "  Failed to plan for limb",l,"\n"
                    return limbpath
                if printer:
                    print "   Planned successfully for limb",l, "\n"
                #concatenate whole body path
                for qlimb in limbpath[1:]:
                    q = path[-1][:]
        return path

    def plan_limb_transfer(self,limb,limbstart,limbgoal,heldobject,grasp):
        """Returns a 7-DOF milestone path for the given limb to move from the
        start to the goal while holding the given object.
        Returns False if planning failed"""
        cspace = TransferCSpace(self,limb,heldobject,grasp)
        if not cspace.feasible(limbstart):
            print "  Start configuration is infeasible!"
            return False
        if not cspace.feasible(limbgoal):
            print "  Goal configuration is infeasible!"
            return False
        plan = MotionPlan(cspace,'sbl')

        # MotionPlan.setOptions(type='rrt*')
        # MotionPlan.setOptions(type="prm",knn=10,connectionThreshold=0.1,shortcut=True)
        # MotionPlan.setOptions(type='fmm*')

        plan = MotionPlan(cspace)

        maxPlanIters = 200
        maxSmoothIters = 10
        for iters in xrange(maxPlanIters):
            path = plan.getPath()
            if path != None:
                print "  Found a path on iteration",iters,'/',maxPlanIters
                if len(path) > 2:
                    print "  Smoothing..."
                    path = plan.getPath()
                return path
        print "No path found"
        return False

    def plan_transfer(self,start,goal,limb,heldobject,grasp):
        """Plans a motion for the robot to move from configuration start
        to configuration goal while holding the given object."""
        limbstart = self.get_limb_config(start,limb)
        limbgoal = self.get_limb_config(goal,limb)
        path = [start]
        print "Planning transfer path for limb",limb
        #do the limb planning
        limbpath = self.plan_limb_transfer(limb,limbstart,limbgoal,heldobject,grasp)
        if limbpath == False:
            print "  Failed to plan transfer path for limb",limb
            return None
        print "  Planned transfer path successfully for limb",limb
        #concatenate whole body path
        for qlimb in limbpath[1:]:
            q = path[-1][:]
        return path
Пример #21
class LimbPlanner:
    """Much of your code for HW4 will go here.

        - world: the WorldModel
        - robot: the RobotModel
        - knowledge: the KnowledgeBase objcet
        - collider: a WorldCollider object (see the klampt.robotcollide module)
    def __init__(self,world,knowledge):
        self.world = world
        self.robot = world.robot(0)
        self.knowledge = knowledge
        self.collider = WorldCollider(world)

        #these may be helpful
        self.left_camera_link = self.robot.link(left_camera_link_name)
        self.right_camera_link = self.robot.link(right_camera_link_name)
        self.left_gripper_link = self.robot.link(left_gripper_link_name)
        self.right_gripper_link = self.robot.link(right_gripper_link_name)
        self.left_arm_links = [self.robot.link(i) for i in left_arm_link_names]
        self.right_arm_links = [self.robot.link(i) for i in right_arm_link_names]
        id_to_index = dict([(self.robot.link(i).getID(),i) for i in range(self.robot.numLinks())])

        self.left_arm_indices = left_arm_geometry_indices + left_hand_geometry_indices
        self.right_arm_indices = right_arm_geometry_indices + right_hand_geometry_indices

        self.dynamic_objects = []

        self.roadmap = ([],[])
        self.limb_indices = []
        self.pathToDraw = []
        self.colMargin = 0
        self.activeLimb = None

    def set_limb_config(self,limb,limbconfig,q):
        """Helper: Sets the 7-DOF configuration of the given limb in
        q.  Other DOFs are not touched."""
        assert len(q) == self.robot.numLinks()
        if limb=='left':
            for (i,v) in zip(self.left_arm_indices,limbconfig):
                q[i] = v
            for (i,v) in zip(self.right_arm_indices,limbconfig):
                q[i] = v

    def get_limb_config(self,q,limb):
        """Helper: Gets the 7-DOF configuration of the given limb given
        a full-robot configuration q"""
        qlimb = [0.0]*len(self.left_arm_indices)
        if limb=='left':
            qlimb = [0.0]*len(self.left_arm_indices)
            for (i,j) in enumerate(self.left_arm_indices):
                qlimb[i] = q[j]
            qlimb = [0.0]*len(self.right_arm_indices)
            for (i,j) in enumerate(self.right_arm_indices):
                qlimb[i] = q[j]
        return qlimb

    def check_collision_free(self,limb):
        """Checks whether the given limb is collision free at the robot's
        current configuration"""

        armfilter = None
        if limb=='left':
            collindices = set(left_arm_geometry_indices+left_hand_geometry_indices)
            # collindices = set(self.left_arm_indices)
            collindices = set(right_arm_geometry_indices+right_hand_geometry_indices)
        #print "collindices", collindices
        armfilter = lambda x:isinstance(x,RobotModelLink) and (x.index in collindices)

        ignoreList = ["Amazon_Picking_Shelf", "bin_"]
        ignoreList = '\t'.join(ignoreList)
        spatulaIgnoreList = [57]

        #check with objects in world model
        for o1,o2 in self.collider.collisionTests(armfilter,lambda x:True):   # NOTE: what is bb_reject??
            #print "Collision Test: Collision between",o1[0].getName(),o2[0].getName()
            #print "Collision Test: Collision for ",o2[0].getName()
            #print o1[0].index, o2[0].index

            if o1[0].getName()[0:3] in ignoreList and o2[0].index in spatulaIgnoreList:
                # print "ignoring collision between shelf and spautla"
            if o2[0].getName()[0:3] in ignoreList and o1[0].index in spatulaIgnoreList:
                # print "ignoring collision between shelf and spautla"
            if o1[0].getName()[0:3] in ignoreList:
                for obj in self.dynamic_objects:
                    assert obj.info.geometry != None
                    if o1[1].collides(obj.info.geometry):
            if o2[0].getName()[0:3] in ignoreList:
                for obj in self.dynamic_objects:
                    assert obj.info.geometry != None
                    if o1[1].collides(obj.info.geometry):
            if (o1[0].index == 15 and o2[0].index == 33) or (o2[0].index == 15 and o1[0].index == 33):
            if (o1[0].index == 35 and o2[0].index == 33) or (o2[0].index == 35 and o1[0].index == 33):

            if o1[1].collides(o2[1]):
                # print "Collision between",o1[0].getName(),o2[0].getName()
                # print "Collision between",o1[0].index,o2[0].index

                return False

        return True

    def rebuild_dynamic_objects(self):
        # self.dynamic_objects = []
        # #check with objects in knowledge
        # for (k,objList) in self.knowledge.bin_contents.iteritems():
        #     if objList == None:
        #         #not sensed
        #         continue
        #     for item in objList:
        #         assert item.info.geometry != None
        #         item.info.geometry.setCurrentTransform(*item.xform)
        #         self.dynamic_objects.append(item)

    def check_limb_collision_free(self,limb,limbconfig):
        """Checks whether the given 7-DOF limb configuration is collision
        free, keeping the rest of self.robot fixed."""
        q = self.robot.getConfig()
        return self.check_collision_free(limb)

    def plan_limb(self,limb,limbstart,limbgoal, printer=True, iks = None):
        """Returns a 7-DOF milestone path for the given limb to move from the
        start to the goal, or False if planning failed"""

        # NOTE: Not sure, but I think this is what's happening
        # Need to reset pathToDraw here because the MyGLViewer.draw() is called
        # concurrently, it uses an old path (ex. of left arm) while using the
        # new limb (ex. right limb) for drawing the trajectory. This throws an
        # Index-Out-of-Range exception for drawing the path
        self.pathToDraw = []

        # NOTE:
        cspace = LimbCSpace(self,limb)
        if iks != None:
            print "Initializing ClosedLoopCSPace"
            cspace = ClosedLoopCSpaceTest(self,limb,iks)

        if not cspace.feasible(limbstart):
            print "  Start configuration is infeasible!"
            return 1
        if not cspace.feasible(limbgoal):
            print "  Goal configuration is infeasible!"
            return 2

        MotionPlan.setOptions(type="rrt", perturbationRadius = 1, connectionThreshold=2, bidirectional = True, shortcut = True, restart=True)
        plan = MotionPlan(cspace)

        # maxPlanIters = 20
        # maxSmoothIters = 100
        maxPlanIters = 10
        maxSmoothIters = 100
        print "  Planning.",
        for iters in xrange(maxPlanIters):
            # print iters

            if limb=='left':
                self.limb_indices = self.left_arm_indices
                self.activeLimb = 'left'
                self.limb_indices = self.right_arm_indices
                self.activeLimb = 'right'

            self.roadmap = plan.getRoadmap()
            V,E =self.roadmap
            print ".",

            plan.planMore(10)                                       # 100

            path = plan.getPath()
            if path != None:
                if printer:
                    print "\n  Found a path on iteration",iters
                if len(path) > 2:
                    print "  Smoothing path"
                    # plan.planMore(min(maxPlanIters-iters,maxSmoothIters))
                    path = plan.getPath()

                self.pathToDraw = path

                return path
        if printer:
            print "  No path found"

        return False

    def plan(self,start,goal,limb,printer=True, iks = None, ignoreColShelfSpatula = True):
        """Plans a motion for the robot to move from configuration start
        to configuration goal.  By default, moves the left arm first,
        then the right.  To move the right first, set the 'order' argument
        to ['right','left']"""
        limbstart = {}
        limbgoal = {}
        # for l in ['left','right']:
        l =limb
        limbstart[l] = self.get_limb_config(start,l)
        limbgoal[l] = self.get_limb_config(goal,l)
        path = [start]
        curconfig = start[:]

        diff = sum((a-b)**2 for a,b in zip(limbstart[l],limbgoal[l]))
        if diff > 1e-8:
            if printer:
                print "< Planning for limb",l,">"
                # print "  Euclidean distance:",math.sqrt(diff)

            #do the limb planning
            if not ignoreColShelfSpatula:
                self.left_arm_indices = left_arm_geometry_indices + left_hand_geometry_indices + [55,56,57]
                self.left_arm_indices = left_arm_geometry_indices + left_hand_geometry_indices
            # print "  Left arm links", self.left_arm_indices

            if iks == None:
                limbpath = self.plan_limb(l,limbstart[l],limbgoal[l],printer=printer, iks=iks)

                trajectory = self.plan_closedLoop(start,goal,iks=iks)
                return trajectory

            if limbpath == 1 or limbpath == 2 or limbpath == False:
                if printer:
                    print "  Failed to plan for limb",l,"\n"
                return limbpath
            if printer:
                print "  Planned successfully for limb",l, "\n"
            #concatenate whole body path
            for qlimb in limbpath[1:]:
                q = path[-1][:]
        return path

    def plan_closedLoop(self,qstart,qgoal,iks,printer=False):
        if printer:
            print "starting config: ", qstart
            print "goal config: ", qgoal

        cspace = robotcspace.ClosedLoopRobotCSpace(self.robot, iks, self.collider)
        cspace.eps = 1e-3


        configs[0] = cspace.solveConstraints(configs[0])
        configs[1] = cspace.solveConstraints(configs[1])

        settings = { 'type':"sbl", 'perturbationRadius':0.5, 'bidirectional':1, 'shortcut':1, 'restart':1, 'restartTermCond':"{foundSolution:1,maxIters:1000}" }

        wholepath = [configs[0]]
        for i in range(len(configs)-1):
            #this code uses the robotplanning module's convenience functions
            plan = robotplanning.planToConfig(self.world,self.robot,configs[i+1],

            if plan is None:
                return False
            print "  Planning..."

            keepPlanning = True
            while keepPlanning:

                #this code just gives some debugging information. it may get expensive
                # V,E = plan.getRoadmap()
                # self.roadmap = plan.getRoadmap()
                # print "  ", len(V),"feasible milestones sampled,",len(E),"edges connected"
                path = plan.getPath()
                if path is None or len(path)==0:
                    print "Failed to plan path"
                    #debug some sampled configurations
                    # print V[0:max(10,len(V))]
                    # return False
                    keepPlanning = False

            self.pathToDraw = path

            #the path is currently a set of milestones: discretize it so that it stays near the contact surface
            path = cspace.discretizePath(path,epsilon=1e-2)
            # path = cspace.discretizePath(path,epsilon=1e-4)
            wholepath += path[1:]

            #to be nice to the C++ module, do this to free up memory

        return wholepath
Пример #22
 def updateWorld(self,new_world):
     self.world = new_world
     self.collider = WorldCollider(new_world)
Пример #23
class LimbPlanner:
    """Much of your code for HW4 will go here.

        - world: the WorldModel
        - robot: the RobotModel
        - knowledge: the KnowledgeBase objcet
        - collider: a WorldCollider object (see the klampt.robotcollide module)

    def __init__(self,world,knowledge):
        self.world = world
        self.robot = world.robot(0)
        self.knowledge = knowledge
        self.collider = WorldCollider(world)

        #these may be helpful
        self.left_camera_link = self.robot.getLink(left_camera_link_name)
        self.right_camera_link = self.robot.getLink(right_camera_link_name)
        self.left_gripper_link = self.robot.getLink(left_gripper_link_name)
        self.right_gripper_link = self.robot.getLink(right_gripper_link_name)
        self.left_arm_links = [self.robot.getLink(i) for i in left_arm_link_names]
        self.right_arm_links = [self.robot.getLink(i) for i in right_arm_link_names]
        id_to_index = dict([(self.robot.getLink(i).getID(),i) for i in range(self.robot.numLinks())])
        self.left_arm_indices = [id_to_index[i.getID()] for i in self.left_arm_links]
        self.right_arm_indices = [id_to_index[i.getID()] for i in self.right_arm_links]

    def set_limb_config(self,limb,limbconfig,q):
        """Helper: Sets the 7-DOF configuration of the given limb in
        q.  Other DOFs are not touched."""
        assert len(q) == self.robot.numLinks()
        if limb=='left':
            for (i,v) in zip(self.left_arm_indices,limbconfig):
                q[i] = v
            for (i,v) in zip(self.right_arm_indices,limbconfig):
                q[i] = v
    def get_limb_config(self,q,limb):
        """Helper: Gets the 7-DOF configuration of the given limb given
        a full-robot configuration q"""
        qlimb = [0.0]*len(self.left_arm_indices)
        if limb=='left':
            for (i,j) in enumerate(self.left_arm_indices):
                qlimb[i] = q[j]
            for (i,j) in enumerate(self.right_arm_indices):
                qlimb[i] = q[j]
        return qlimb

    def check_collision_free(self,limb):
        """Checks whether the given limb is collision free at the robot's
        current configuration"""
        for collision in self.collider.robotSelfCollisions(self.robot):
            return False
        return True

    def check_limb_collision_free(self,limb,limbconfig):
        """Checks whether the given 7-DOF limb configuration is collision
        free, keeping the rest of self.robot fixed."""
        q = self.robot.getConfig()
        return self.check_collision_free(limb)

    def plan_limb(self,limb,limbstart,limbgoal):
        """Returns a 7-DOF milestone path for the given limb to move from the
        start to the goal, or False if planning failed"""

        #TODO: implement me.
        #Hint: you should implement the hooks in ArmCSpace above, and consult
        #use the MotionPlan class in klampt.cspace to run an existing
        return [start,goal]

    def plan(self,start,goal,order=['left','right']):
        """Plans a motion for the robot to move from configuration start
        to configuration goal.  By default, moves the left arm first,
        then the right.  To move the right first, set the 'order' argument
        to ['right','left']"""
        limbstart = {}
        limbgoal = {}
        for l in ['left','right']:
            limbstart[l] = self.get_limb_config(start,l)
            limbgoal[l] = self.get_limb_config(goal,l)
        path = [start]
        curconfig = start[:]
        for l in order:
            if limbstart[l] != limbgoal[l]:
                #do the limb planning
                limbpath = self.plan_limb(l,limbstart[l],limbgoal[l])
                if limbpath == False:
                    print "Failed to plan for limb",l
                    return None
                print "Planned successfully for limb",l
                #concatenate whole body path
                for qlimb in limbpath[1:]:
                    q = path[-1][:]
        return path
Пример #24
class LimbPlanner:
    """Much of your code for HW4 will go here.
        - world: the WorldModel
        - robot: the RobotModel
        - knowledge: the KnowledgeBase objcet
        - collider: a WorldCollider object (see the klampt.robotcollide module)

    def __init__(self,world, vacuumPc):
        self.world = world
        self.robot = world.robot(0)
        self.collider = WorldCollider(world)
        self.vacuumPc = vacuumPc

        #these may be helpful
        self.left_camera_link = self.robot.getLink(LEFT_CAMERA_LINK_NAME)
        self.right_camera_link = self.robot.getLink(RIGHT_CAMERA_LINK_NAME)
        self.left_arm_links = [self.robot.getLink(i) for i in LEFT_ARM_LINK_NAMES]
        self.right_arm_links = [self.robot.getLink(i) for i in RIGHT_ARM_LINK_NAMES]
        id_to_index = dict([(self.robot.getLink(i).getID(),i) for i in range(self.robot.numLinks())])
        self.left_arm_indices = [id_to_index[i.getID()] for i in self.left_arm_links]
        self.right_arm_indices = [id_to_index[i.getID()] for i in self.right_arm_links]

        self.dynamic_objects = []

    def set_limb_config(self,limb,limbconfig,q):
        """Helper: Sets the 7-DOF configuration of the given limb in
        q.  Other DOFs are not touched."""
        assert len(q) == self.robot.numLinks()
        if limb=='left':
            for (i,v) in zip(self.left_arm_indices,limbconfig):
                q[i] = v
            for (i,v) in zip(self.right_arm_indices,limbconfig):
                q[i] = v
    def get_limb_config(self,q,limb):
        """Helper: Gets the 7-DOF configuration of the given limb given
        a full-robot configuration q"""
        qlimb = [0.0]*len(self.left_arm_indices)
        if limb=='left':
            for (i,j) in enumerate(self.left_arm_indices):
                qlimb[i] = q[j]
            for (i,j) in enumerate(self.right_arm_indices):
                qlimb[i] = q[j]
        return qlimb

    def check_collision_free(self,limb):
        """Checks whether the given limb is collision free at the robot's
        current configuration"""
        armfilter = None

        left_arm_geometry_indices = [15,16,17,18,19,21,22,23,30,31]
        right_arm_geometry_indices = [35,36,37,38,39,41,42,43,50,51]
        left_hand_geometry_indices = [54,55,56]
        right_hand_geometry_indices = [57,58,59]

        if limb=='left':
            collindices = set(left_arm_geometry_indices+left_hand_geometry_indices)
            collindices = set(right_arm_geometry_indices+right_hand_geometry_indices)
        armfilter = lambda x:isinstance(x,RobotModelLink) and (x.index in collindices)
        #check with objects in world model
        for o1,o2 in self.collider.collisionTests(armfilter,lambda x:True):
            if o1[1].collides(o2[1]):
                #print "Collision between",o1[0].getName(),o2[0].getName()
                return False
        for obj in self.dynamic_objects:
            assert obj.info.geometry != None
            for link in collindices:
                if self.robot.getLink(link).geometry().collides(obj.info.geometry):
                    print "Collision between link",self.robot.getLink(link).getName()," and dynamic object"
                    return False

        for i in xrange(self.world.numRigidObjects()):
            o = self.world.rigidObject(i)
            g = o.geometry()
            if g != None and g.type()!="":
                if self.vacuumPc.withinDistance(g, .03):
                    return False

        return True

    def rebuild_dynamic_objects(self):
    #     self.dynamic_objects = []
    #     #check with objects in knowledge
    #     for (k,objList) in self.knowledge.bin_contents.iteritems():
    #         if objList == None:
    #             #not sensed
    #             continue
    #         for item in objList:
    #             assert item.info.geometry != None
    #             item.info.geometry.setCurrentTransform(*item.xform)
    #             self.dynamic_objects.append(item)
    #     return

    def check_limb_collision_free(self,limb,limbconfig):
        """Checks whether the given 7-DOF limb configuration is collision
        free, keeping the rest of self.robot fixed."""
        q = self.robot.getConfig()
        return self.check_collision_free(limb)

    def plan_limb(self,limb,limbstart,limbgoal):
        """Returns a 7-DOF milestone path for the given limb to move from the
        start to the goal, or False if planning failed"""
        cspace = LimbCSpace(self,limb)
        if not cspace.feasible(limbstart):
            print "  Start configuration is infeasible!"
            return False
        if not cspace.feasible(limbgoal):
            print "  Goal configuration is infeasible!"
            return False
        plan = MotionPlan(cspace,'sbl')
        maxPlanIters = 200
        maxSmoothIters = 10
        for iters in xrange(maxPlanIters):
            path = plan.getPath()
            valid_path = True
            if path != None:
                for milestone in path:
                    if not cspace.feasible(milestone):
                        valid_path = False

            if path != None and valid_path:
                print "  Found a path on iteration",iters
                if len(path) > 2:
                    print "  Smoothing..."
                    path = plan.getPath()
                return path
        print "  No path found"
        return False

    def plan(self,start,goal,order=['left','right']):
        """Plans a motion for the robot to move from configuration start
        to configuration goal.  By default, moves the left arm first,
        then the right.  To move the right first, set the 'order' argument
        to ['right','left']"""
        limbstart = {}
        limbgoal = {}
        for l in ['left','right']:
            limbstart[l] = self.get_limb_config(start,l)
            limbgoal[l] = self.get_limb_config(goal,l)
        path = [start]
        curconfig = start[:]
        for l in order:
            diff = sum((a-b)**2 for a,b in zip(limbstart[l],limbgoal[l]))
            if diff > 1e-8:
                print "Planning for limb",l
                print "  Euclidean distance:",math.sqrt(diff)
                #do the limb planning
                limbpath = self.plan_limb(l,limbstart[l],limbgoal[l])
                if limbpath == False:
                    print "  Failed to plan for limb",l
                    return None
                print "   Planned successfully for limb",l
                #concatenate whole body path
                for qlimb in limbpath[1:]:
                    q = path[-1][:]
        return path