def qt_template(world): """Runs a custom Qt frame around a visualization window""" if not glinit.available('PyQt5'): print( "PyQt5 is not available on your system, try sudo apt-get install python-qt5" ) return #Qt objects must be explicitly deleted for some reason in PyQt5... g_mainwindow = None #All Qt functions must be called in the vis thread. #To hook into that thread, you will need to pass a window creation function into vis.customUI. def makefunc(gl_backend): global g_mainwindow g_mainwindow = MyQtMainWindow(gl_backend) return g_mainwindow vis.customUI(makefunc) vis.add("world", world) vis.setWindowTitle("Klamp't Qt test") vis.spin(float('inf')) vis.kill() #Safe cleanup of all Qt objects created in makefunc. #If you don't have this, PyQt5 complains about object destructors being called from the wrong thread del g_mainwindow
def multiwindow_template(world): """Tests multiple windows and views.""" vis.add("world",world) vp = vis.getViewport() vp.w,vp.h = 800,800 vis.setViewport(vp) vis.setWindowTitle("vis.spin test: will close in 5 seconds...") vis.spin(5.0) #Now testing ability to re-launch windows vis.setWindowTitle("Shown again. Close me to proceed.") vis.spin(float('inf')) vis.setWindowTitle("Dialog test. Close me to proceed.") vp = vis.getViewport() vp.w,vp.h = 400,600 vis.setViewport(vp) vis.dialog() vp.w,vp.h = 640,480 vis.setViewport(vp) for i in range(3): widgets = GLWidgetPlugin() widgets.addWidget(RobotPoser(world.robot(0))) vis.addPlugin(widgets) vis.setWindowTitle("Split screen test") vis.spin(float('inf')) vis.setPlugin(None) vis.setWindowTitle("Back to normal. Close me to quit.") vis.dialog() vis.kill()
def edit_template(world): """Shows how to pop up a visualization window with a world in which the robot configuration and a transform can be edited""" #add the world to the visualizer vis.add("world",world) xform = se3.identity() vis.add("transform",xform) robotPath = ("world",world.robot(0).getName()) #compound item reference: refers to robot 0 in the world vis.edit(robotPath) vis.edit("transform") #This prints how to get references to items in the visualizer print("Visualization items:") vis.listItems(indent=2) vis.setWindowTitle("Visualization editing test") if not MULTITHREADED: vis.loop( else: while vis.shown(): vis.lock() #TODO: you may modify the world here. vis.unlock() time.sleep(0.01) print("Resulting configuration",vis.getItemConfig(robotPath)) print("Resulting transform (config)",vis.getItemConfig("transform")) # this is a vector describing the item parameters xform = list(xform) #convert se3 element from tuple to list config.setConfig(xform,vis.getItemConfig("transform")) print("Resulting transform (se3)",xform) #quit the visualization thread nicely vis.kill()
def plugin_template(world): """Demonstrates the GLPluginInterface functionality""" #create a subclass of GLPluginInterface plugin = MyGLPlugin(world) vis.pushPlugin(plugin) #put the plugin on top of the standard visualization functionality. #vis.setPlugin(plugin) #use this to completely replace the standard visualization functionality with your own. vis.add("world",world) vis.setWindowTitle("GLPluginInterface template") #run the visualizer if not MULTITHREADED: def callback(plugin=plugin): if plugin.quit: vis.loop(callback=callback, else: #if plugin.quit is True while vis.shown() and not plugin.quit: vis.lock() #TODO: you may modify the world here vis.unlock() #changes to the visualization must be done outside the lock time.sleep(0.01) if plugin.quit: #if you want to do other stuff after the window quits, the window needs to be hidden print("Waiting for 2 s...") time.sleep(2.0) #quit the visualization thread nicely vis.kill()
def edit_camera_xform(world_fn, xform=None, title=None): """Visual editor of the camera position """ world = WorldModel() world.readFile(world_fn) world.readFile("camera.rob") robot = world.robot(0) sensor = robot.sensor(0) if xform is not None: sensing.set_sensor_xform(sensor, xform) vis.createWindow() if title is not None: vis.setWindowTitle(title) vis.resizeWindow(1024, 768) vis.add("world", world) vis.add("sensor", sensor) vis.add("sensor_xform", sensing.get_sensor_xform(sensor, robot)) vis.edit("sensor_xform") def update_sensor_xform(): sensor_xform = vis.getItemConfig("sensor_xform") sensor_xform = sensor_xform[:9], sensor_xform[9:] sensing.set_sensor_xform(sensor, sensor_xform) vis.loop(callback=update_sensor_xform) sensor_xform = vis.getItemConfig("sensor_xform") return sensor_xform[:9], sensor_xform[9:]
def main(): print("============================================================") print(sys.argv[0] + ": Simulates a robot file and Python controller") if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print("USAGE: [world_file] [controller files (.py)]") print("============================================================") if len(sys.argv) <= 1: exit() world = WorldModel() #load up any world items, control modules, or paths control_modules = [] for fn in sys.argv[1:]: path, base = os.path.split(fn) mod_name, file_ext = os.path.splitext(base) if file_ext == '.py' or file_ext == '.pyc': sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(path)) mod = importlib.import_module(mod_name, base) control_modules.append(mod) elif file_ext == '.path': control_modules.append(fn) else: res = world.readFile(fn) if not res: print("Unable to load model " + fn) print("Quitting...") sys.exit(1) viewer = MyGLViewer(world) for i, c in enumerate(control_modules): if isinstance(c, str): sys.path.append(os.path.abspath("../control")) import trajectory_controller #it's a path file, try to load it controller = trajectory_controller.make(world.robot(i), c) else: try: maker = c.make except AttributeError: print("Module", c.__name__, "must have a make() method") print("Quitting...") sys.exit(1) controller = maker(world.robot(i)) viewer.sim.setController(world.robot(i), controller) vis.setWindowTitle("Klamp't Simulation Tester") if SPLIT_SCREEN_TEST: viewer2 = MyGLViewer(world) vis.setPlugin(viewer) vis.addPlugin(viewer2) viewer2.window.broadcast = True while vis.shown(): time.sleep(0.01) vis.kill() else:
def run_ex3(): world = WorldModel() res = world.readFile("ex3_file.xml") if not res: raise RuntimeError("Unable to load world file") vis.add("world", world) vis.setWindowTitle("Pick and place test, use a/b/c/d to select target") vis.pushPlugin(GLPickAndPlacePlugin(world)) while vis.shown(): time.sleep(0.1) vis.setPlugin(None) vis.kill()
def viewport_template(world): """Changes the parameters of the viewport and main window""" #add the world to the visualizer vis.add("world",world) vp = vis.getViewport() vp.w,vp.h = 800,800 vis.setViewport(vp) #this auto-sizes the camera vis.autoFitCamera() vis.setWindowTitle("Viewport modification test") vis.spin(float('inf')) vis.kill()
def run_ex2(): world = WorldModel() res = world.readFile("ex2_file.xml") if not res: raise RuntimeError("Unable to load world file") vis.add("world", world) vis.pushPlugin(GLTransferPlanPlugin(world)) vis.setWindowTitle( "Transfer plan test, press r/f to plan with right/forward target") while vis.shown(): time.sleep(0.1) vis.setPlugin(None) vis.kill()
def run_ex1(): world = WorldModel() res = world.readFile("ex1_file.xml") if not res: raise RuntimeError("Unable to load world file") vis.add("world", world) vis.setWindowTitle( "Transit plan test, press l/r to plan with left/right arm") vis.pushPlugin(GLTransitPlanPlugin(world)) while vis.shown(): time.sleep(0.1) vis.setPlugin(None) vis.kill()
def animation_template(world): """Shows how to animate a robot.""" #first, build a trajectory with 10 random configurations robot = world.robot(0) times = range(10) milestones = [] for t in times: robot.randomizeConfig() milestones.append(robot.getConfig()) traj = trajectory.RobotTrajectory(robot, times, milestones) vis.add("world", world) robotPath = ("world", world.robot(0).getName() ) #compound item reference: refers to robot 0 in the world #we're also going to visualize the end effector trajectory #eetraj = traj.getLinkTrajectory(robot.numLinks()-1,0.05) #vis.add("end effector trajectory",eetraj) #uncomment this to automatically visualize the end effector trajectory vis.add("robot trajectory", traj) vis.setAttribute("robot trajectory", "endeffectors", [13, 20]) vis.setWindowTitle("Animation test") MANUAL_ANIMATION = False if not MANUAL_ANIMATION: #automatic animation, just call vis.animate vis.animate(robotPath, traj) if not MULTITHREADED: #need to set up references to function-local variables manually, and the easiest way is to use a default argument def callback(robot=robot): if MANUAL_ANIMATION: #with manual animation, you just set the robot's configuration based on the current time. t = vis.animationTime() q = traj.eval(t, endBehavior='loop') robot.setConfig(q) pass vis.loop(callback=callback, else: while vis.shown(): vis.lock() if MANUAL_ANIMATION: #with manual animation, you just set the robot's configuration based on the current time. t = vis.animationTime() q = traj.eval(t, endBehavior='loop') robot.setConfig(q) vis.unlock() time.sleep(0.01) #quit the visualization thread nicely vis.kill()
def basic_template(world): """Shows how to pop up a visualization window with a world""" #add the world to the visualizer vis.add("world", world) #adding a point vis.add("point", [1, 1, 1]) vis.setColor("point", 0, 1, 0) vis.setAttribute("point", "size", 5.0) #adding lines is currently not super convenient because a list of lists is treated as #a Configs object... this is a workaround to force the vis module to treat it as a polyline. vis.add("line", trajectory.Trajectory([0, 1], [[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]])) vis.setAttribute("line", "width", 1.0) sphere = klampt.GeometricPrimitive() sphere.setSphere([1.5, 1, 1], 0.2) vis.add("sphere", sphere) vis.setColor("sphere", 0, 0, 1, 0.5) box = klampt.GeometricPrimitive() box.setAABB([-1, -1, 0], [-0.9, -0.9, 0.2]) g = klampt.Geometry3D(box) vis.add("box", g) vis.setColor("box", 0, 0, 1, 0.5) vis.setWindowTitle("Basic visualization test") if not MULTITHREADED: print("Running vis loop in single-threaded mode with vis.loop()") #single-threaded code def callback(): #TODO: you may modify the world here. pass vis.loop(, callback=callback) else: print("Running vis loop in multithreaded mode") #multithreaded code while vis.shown(): vis.lock() #TODO: you may modify the world here. Do not modify the internal state of any #visualization items outside of the lock vis.unlock() #outside of the lock you can use any vis.X functions, including vis.setItemConfig() #to modify the state of objects time.sleep(0.01) #quit the visualization thread nicely vis.kill()
def visualize(self): world = robotsim.WorldModel() vis.add("world", world) vis.add("coordinates", coordinates.manager()) vis.setWindowTitle("PointCloud World") vp = vis.getViewport() vp.w, vp.h = 800, 800 vis.setViewport(vp) # vis.autoFitCamera() vis.lock() vis.unlock() while vis.shown(): time.sleep(0.01) vis.kill()
def debug_stable_faces(obj, faces): from klampt import vis, Geometry3D, GeometricPrimitive from klampt.math import se3 import random vis.createWindow() obj.setTransform(*se3.identity()) vis.add("object", obj) for i, f in enumerate(faces): gf = GeometricPrimitive() gf.setPolygon(np.stack(f).flatten()) color = (1, 0.5 + 0.5 * random.random(), 0.5 + 0.5 * random.random(), 0.5) vis.add("face{}".format(i), Geometry3D(gf), color=color, hide_label=True) vis.setWindowTitle("Stable faces") vis.dialog()
def coordinates_template(world): """Tests integration with the coordinates module.""" #add the world to the visualizer vis.add("world", world) coordinates.setWorldModel(world) #add the coordinate Manager to the visualizer vis.add("coordinates", coordinates.manager()) vis.setWindowTitle("Coordinates visualiation test") if MANUAL_EDITING: #manually adds a poser, and adds a callback whenever the widget changes widgets = GLWidgetPlugin() widgets.addWidget(RobotPoser(world.robot(0))) #update the coordinates every time the widget changes widgets.widgetchangefunc = (lambda self: coordinates.updateFromWorld()) vis.pushPlugin(widgets) if not MULTITHREADED: vis.loop(callback=None, else: while vis.shown(): time.sleep(0.01) else: vis.edit(("world", world.robot(0).getName())) if not MULTITHREADED: def callback(coordinates=coordinates): coordinates.updateFromWorld() vis.loop(callback=callback, else: while vis.shown(): vis.lock() #reads the coordinates from the world coordinates.updateFromWorld() vis.unlock() time.sleep(0.01) #quit the visualization thread nicely vis.kill()
def visualize_pc_in_klampt_vis(self, pcloud_fname): title = pcloud_fname + " klampt world" vis_window_id = vis.createWindow(title) vis.setWindowTitle(title) world = WorldModel() vis.add("world", world) pcd = print(pcd) pc_xyzs = np.asarray(pcd.points) pc_xyzs_as_list = pc_xyzs.flatten().astype("float") # pc_xyzs_as_list = np.array([1,0,0, 1.1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]) pcloud = PointCloud() pcloud.setPoints(int(len(pc_xyzs_as_list) / 3), pc_xyzs_as_list) print(pcloud.numPoints()) vis.add("pcloud", pcloud) # vis.setColor("pcloud", 0, 0, 1, a=1) # vis.setAttribute("p1", "size", 5.0) box = klampt.GeometricPrimitive() box.setAABB([-1, -1, 0], [-0.9, -0.9, 0.2]) g = klampt.Geometry3D(box) vis.add("box", g) vis.setColor("box", 0, 0, 1, 0.5) coordinates.setWorldModel(world) vis.add("coordinates", coordinates.manager()) while vis.shown(): vis.lock() vis.unlock() time.sleep(0.01) vis.kill()
#vis.autoFitCamera() vis.addText("textCol", "No collision") vis.setAttribute("textCol", "size", 24) collisionFlag = False collisionChecker = collide.WorldCollider(world) ## On-screen text display vis.addText("textConfig", "Robot configuration: ") vis.setAttribute("textConfig", "size", 24) vis.addText("textbottom", "WCS: X-axis Red, Y-axis Green, Z-axis Blue", (20, -30)) print "Starting visualization window#..." ## Run the visualizer, which runs in a separate thread vis.setWindowTitle("Visualization for kinematic simulation") print("Starting.....") source = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] goal = [3, -3.5, 0, 0, 0, 0] sourceCollisionFlag = False goalCollisionFlag = False successFlag = False vis.lock() robot.setConfig(source) vis.unlock() if checkCollision(): sourceCollisionFlag = True
def main(): print(""" =============================================================================== A program to quickly browse Klamp't objects. USAGE: %s [item1 item2 ...] where the given items are world, robot, terrain, object, or geometry files. Run it without arguments %s for an empty reference world. You may add items to the reference world using the `Add to World` button. If you know what items to use in the reference world, run it with %s world.xml or %s item1 item2 ... where the items are world, robot, terrain, object, or geometry files. =============================================================================== """ % (sys.argv[0], sys.argv[0], sys.argv[0], sys.argv[0])) #must be explicitly deleted for some reason in PyQt5... g_browser = None def makefunc(gl_backend): global g_browser browser = ResourceBrowser(gl_backend) g_browser = browser dw = QtWidgets.QDesktopWidget() x = dw.width() * 0.8 y = dw.height() * 0.8 browser.setFixedSize(x, y) for fn in sys.argv[1:]: res = if not res: print("Unable to load model", fn) print("Quitting...") sys.exit(1) print("Added", fn, "to world") if len(sys.argv) > 1: browser.emptyVisPlugin.add("world", return browser vis.customUI(makefunc) vis.setWindowTitle("Klamp't Resource Browser") del g_browser return #this code below is incorrect... app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) browser = ResourceBrowser() for fn in sys.argv[1:]: res = if not res: print("Unable to load model", fn) print("Quitting...") sys.exit(1) print("Added", fn, "to world") if len(sys.argv) > 1: browser.emptyVisPlugin.add("world", dw = QtWidgets.QDesktopWidget() x = dw.width() * 0.8 y = dw.height() * 0.8 browser.setFixedSize(x, y) #browser.splitter.setWindowState(QtCore.Qt.WindowMaximized) browser.setWindowTitle("Klamp't Resource Browser") # Start the main loop. res = app.exec_() return res
traj.times.append(len(traj.times)*0.5) q[i] = qmax[i] traj.milestones.append(q) save,traj.milestones = resource.edit("trajectory",traj.milestones,world=world) vis.animate("robot",traj) #pop up the window to show the trajectory vis.spin(float('inf')) if len(sys.argv)>1: vis.animate("robot",None) sim = Simulator(world) sim.simulate(0) trajectory.execute_path(traj.milestones,sim.controller(0)) vis.setWindowTitle("Simulating path using trajectory.execute_trajectory") if vis.multithreaded(): #for some tricky Qt reason, need to sleep before showing a window again #Perhaps the event loop must complete some extra cycles? time.sleep(0.01) t0 = time.time() while vis.shown(): #print "Time",sim.getTime() sim.simulate(0.01) if sim.controller(0).remainingTime() <= 0: print("Executing timed trajectory") trajectory.execute_trajectory(traj,sim.controller(0),smoothing='pause') vis.setItemConfig("robot",sim.controller(0).getCommandedConfig()) t1 = time.time() time.sleep(max(0.01-(t1-t0),0.0))
def mousefunc(self, button, state, x, y): print("Mouse button", button, "state", state, "at point", x, y) def motionfunc(self, x, y, dx, dy): if 'shift' in self.modifiers(): self.q[2] = float(y) / 400 self.q[3] = float(x) / 400 return True return False if __name__ == "__main__": print("""================================================================ A simple program where the mouse motion, when shift-clicking, gets translated into joint values for an animated robot. ======================================================================== """) world = klampt.WorldModel() res = world.readFile("../../data/tx90blocks.xml") if not res: raise RuntimeError("Unable to load world") plugin = MouseCapture(world) vis.add("world", world) vis.pushPlugin(plugin) vis.setWindowTitle("") vis.spin(float('inf')) #shows the window vis.kill()
vis.setColor(("world",world.robot(0).getName()),1,1,0,1) coordinates.setRobotModel(robot) eenames = [ for e in endeffectors] eeobjectives = [] for e in endeffectors: f = coordinates.frame( fw = coordinates.addFrame("_tgt", assert f != None vis.add("ee_",fw) vis.edit("ee_" obj = coordinates.ik_fixed_objective(f) eeobjectives.append(obj) #this tests the cartesian interpolation stuff print "***** BEGINNING CARTESIAN INTERPOLATION TEST *****" vis.setWindowTitle("Klamp't Cartesian interpolation test") vis.pushPlugin(InterpKeyCapture(endeffectors,eeobjectives)) while vis.shown(): coordinates.updateFromWorld() time.sleep(0.1) vis.popPlugin() vis.hide("ghost1") vis.hide("ghost2") vis.animate(("world",world.robot(0).getName()),None) print print #this tests the "bump" function stuff print "***** BEGINNING BUMP FUNCTION TEST *****" configs = resource.get("cartesian_test"+world.robot(0).getName()+".configs",description="Make a reference trajectory for bump test",world=world)
glVertex3f(V[i][0], V[i][1], V[i][2]) glVertex3f(V[j][0], V[j][1], V[j][2]) glEnd() glDisable(GL_BLEND) glEnable(GL_LIGHTING) return True if __name__ == '__main__': if problem == "3": from klampt import WorldModel from klampt import vis world = WorldModel() world.readFile("../../data/tx90cuptable.xml") plugin = RigidObjectCSpacePlugin(world, world.rigidObject(0)) vis.setWindowTitle("Rigid object planning") exit() space = None start = None goal = None if problem == "1": space = CircleObstacleCSpace() space.addObstacle(Circle(0.5, 0.5, 0.36)) start = (0.06, 0.5) goal = (0.94, 0.5) elif problem == "2": space = RigidBarCSpace() space.addObstacle(Circle(0.5, 0.5, 0.4)) start = (0.1, 0.1, 0.0) goal = (0.9, 0.9, 6.20)
#vis.autoFitCamera() vis.addText("textCol", "No collision") vis.setAttribute("textCol", "size", 24) collisionFlag = False collisionChecker = collide.WorldCollider(world) ## On-screen text display vis.addText("textConfig", "Robot configuration: ") vis.setAttribute("textConfig", "size", 24) vis.addText("textbottom", "WCS: X-axis Red, Y-axis Green, Z-axis Blue", (20, -30)) print "Starting visualization window#..." ## Run the visualizer, which runs in a separate thread vis.setWindowTitle( "Visualization for kinematic simulation of Unicycle Robot") simTime = 3000 startTime = time.time() oldTime = startTime start = [-1, -1, math.pi / 4] goal = [2.5, 2, math.pi / 4] goalstartflag = False colli_flag, obsName = collisionchecking(goal, obs) if colli_flag: strng = "Goal collides with " + obsName print(strng) goalstartflag = True vis.addText("textCol", strng) vis.setColor("textCol", 0.8500, 0.3250, 0.0980) colli_flag, obsName = collisionchecking(goal, obs)
def modification_template(world): """Tests a variety of miscellaneous vis functions""" vis.add("world",world) robot = world.robot(0) vis.setColor(("world",world.terrain(0).getName()),1,0,0,0.5) #turn the terrain red and 50% opaque import random for i in range(10): #set some links to random colors randlink = random.randint(0,robot.numLinks()-1) color = (random.random(),random.random(),random.random()) vis.setColor(("world",robot.getName(),,*color) #test the on-screen text display vis.addText("text2","Here's some red text") vis.setColor("text2",1,0,0) vis.addText("text3","Here's bigger text") vis.setAttribute("text3","size",24) vis.addText("text4","Transform status") vis.addText("textbottom","Text anchored to bottom of screen",(20,-30)) #test a point pt = [2,5,1] vis.add("some point",pt) #test a rigid transform vis.add("some blinking transform",[so3.identity(),[1,3,0.5]]) vis.edit("some point") #vis.edit("some blinking transform") #vis.edit("coordinates:ATHLETE:ankle roll 3") #test an IKObjective link = world.robot(0).link(world.robot(0).numLinks()-1) #point constraint obj = ik.objective(link,local=[[0,0,0]],world=[pt]) #hinge constraint #obj = ik.objective(link,local=[[0,0,0],[0,0,0.1]],world=[pt,[pt[0],pt[1],pt[2]+0.1]]) #transform constraint #obj = ik.objective(link,R=link.getTransform()[0],t=pt) vis.add("ik objective",obj) #enable plotting vis.addPlot('plot') vis.addPlotItem('plot','some point') vis.setPlotDuration('plot',10.0) #run the visualizer, which runs in a separate thread vis.setWindowTitle("Manual animation visualization test") class MyCallback: def __init__(self): self.iteration = 0 def __call__(self): vis.lock() #TODO: you may modify the world here. This line tests a sin wave. pt[2] = 1 + math.sin(self.iteration*0.03) vis.unlock() #changes to the visualization with vis.X functions can done outside the lock if (self.iteration % 100) == 0: if (self.iteration / 100)%2 == 0: vis.hide("some blinking transform") vis.addText("text4","The transform was hidden") vis.logPlotEvent('plot','hide') else: vis.hide("some blinking transform",False) vis.addText("text4","The transform was shown") vis.logPlotEvent('plot','show') #this is another way of changing the point's data without needing a lock/unlock #vis.add("some point",[2,5,1 + math.sin(iteration*0.03)],keepAppearance=True) #or #vis.setItemConfig("some point",[2,5,1 + math.sin(iteration*0.03)]) if self.iteration == 200: vis.addText("text2","Going to hide the text for a second...") if self.iteration == 400: #use this to remove text vis.clearText() if self.iteration == 500: vis.addText("text2","Text added back again") vis.setColor("text2",1,0,0) self.iteration += 1 callback = MyCallback() if not MULTITHREADED: vis.loop(callback=callback, else: while vis.shown(): callback() time.sleep(0.01) #use this to remove a plot vis.remove("plot") vis.kill()
def load_pcloud(self, save_file): """ Converts a geometry to another type, if a conversion is available. The interpretation of param depends on the type of conversion, with 0 being a reasonable default. Available conversions are: PointCloud -> TriangleMesh, if the point cloud is structured. param is the threshold for splitting triangles by depth discontinuity, by default infinity. """ long_np_cloud = np.fromfile(save_file) print(long_np_cloud.shape, ": shape of long numpy cloud") num_points = long_np_cloud.shape[0] / 3 np_cloud = np.zeros(shape=(num_points, 3)) pcloud = klampt.PointCloud() scaling_factor = 0.1 points = [] xs = [] ys = [] zs = [] for x in range(num_points): i = x * 3 x_val = long_np_cloud[i] * scaling_factor y_val = long_np_cloud[i + 1] * scaling_factor z_val = long_np_cloud[i + 2] * scaling_factor np_cloud[x][0] = x_val np_cloud[x][1] = y_val np_cloud[x][2] = z_val xs.append(x_val) ys.append(y_val) zs.append(z_val) points.append(np_cloud[x]) points.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[2]) x_sorted = sorted(xs) # sorted y_sorted = sorted(ys) # sorted z_sorted = sorted(zs) # sorted xfit = stats.norm.pdf(x_sorted, np.mean(x_sorted), np.std(x_sorted)) yfit = stats.norm.pdf(y_sorted, np.mean(y_sorted), np.std(y_sorted)) zfit = stats.norm.pdf(z_sorted, np.mean(z_sorted), np.std(z_sorted)) # plot with various axes scales plt.figure(1) # linear plt.subplot(221) plt.plot(x_sorted, xfit) plt.hist(x_sorted, normed=True) plt.title("X values") plt.grid(True) plt.subplot(222) plt.plot(y_sorted, yfit) plt.hist(y_sorted, normed=True) plt.title("Y values") plt.grid(True) plt.subplot(223) plt.plot(z_sorted, zfit) plt.hist(z_sorted, normed=True) plt.title("Z values") plt.grid(True) # Format the minor tick labels of the y-axis into empty strings with # `NullFormatter`, to avoid cumbering the axis with too many labels. plt.gca().yaxis.set_minor_formatter(NullFormatter()) # Adjust the subplot layout, because the logit one may take more space # than usual, due to y-tick labels like "1 - 10^{-3}" plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.92, bottom=0.08, left=0.10, right=0.95, hspace=0.25, wspace=0.35) # median_z = np.median(zs) threshold = 0.25 * scaling_factor for point in points: if np.fabs(point[2] - median_z) < threshold: pcloud.addPoint(point) print(pcloud.numPoints(), ": num points") # Visualize pcloud.setSetting("width", "3") pcloud.setSetting("height", str(len(points) / 3)) g3d_pcloud = Geometry3D(pcloud) mesh = g3d_pcloud.convert("TriangleMesh", 0) world = robotsim.WorldModel() vis.add("world", world) vis.add("coordinates", coordinates.manager()) vis.setWindowTitle("PointCloud World") vp = vis.getViewport() vp.w, vp.h = 800, 800 vis.setViewport(vp) vis.autoFitCamera() vis.lock() vis.add("mesh", mesh) vis.unlock() while vis.shown(): time.sleep(0.01) vis.kill() print("done")
def vis_world(self): world = WorldModel() self.rposer = None res = world.readFile(self.world_file) if not res: raise RuntimeError("Unable to load terrain model") res = world.readFile(self.robot_file) if not res: raise RuntimeError("Unable to load robot model") vis.createWindow(self.worldname) vis.setWindowTitle(self.worldname + " visualization") vis.add("world", world) vp = vis.getViewport() # vp.w, vp.h = 800, 800 vis.setViewport(vp) vis.autoFitCamera() q = [ 0, 0.0, 0.5, # torso x y z 0, 0, 0, # torso roll pitch yaw 0, 0, 0, -0.785398, -1.5707, -1.5707, 0.785398, 0, # fr 0, 0, 0, 0.785398, 1.5707, 1.5707, -0.785398, 0, # br 0, 0, 0, -0.785398, -1.5707, -1.5707, 0.785398, 0, # bl 0, 0, 0, 0.785398, 1.5707, 1.5707, -0.785398, 0, # fl ] world.robot(0).setConfig(q)
#Put your control handler here #right now, just sets g to an oscillation between 0 and 199 #TODO: build a BaseController that outputs qcmd to the emulator g = int(self.sim.getTime()*50.0) maxval = 120 if int(g/maxval)%2 == 1: g = maxval-1 - g%maxval else: g = g % maxval #print g g = [g,g,g] self.robotiqEmulator.send_command(g,scissor=30) if __name__ == "__main__": print(""" A program to test the behavior of the RobotiQ emulator. Right now it just opens and closes the gripper repeatedly. Press s to toggle simulation.""") world = klampt.WorldModel() if not world.readFile('robotiq.xml'): print("robotiq.xml couldn't be read, exiting") exit(1) viewer = MyGLViewer(world) vis.setWindowTitle("Robotiq gripper test")
#add the world elements individually to the visualization vis.add("robot", robot) for i in range(1, world.numRobots()): vis.add("robot" + str(i), world.robot(i)) for i in range(world.numRigidObjects()): vis.add("rigidObject" + str(i), world.rigidObject(i)) for i in range(world.numTerrains()): vis.add("terrain" + str(i), world.terrain(i)) #if you want to just see the robot in a pop up window... if DO_SIMPLIFY and DEBUG_SIMPLIFY: print("#########################################") print("Showing the simplified robot") print("#########################################") vis.setWindowTitle("Simplified robot") vis.dialog() #Automatic construction of space if not CLOSED_LOOP_TEST: if not MANUAL_SPACE_CREATION: space = robotplanning.makeSpace(world=world, robot=robot, edgeCheckResolution=1e-3, movingSubset='all') else: #Manual construction of space collider = WorldCollider(world) space = robotcspace.RobotCSpace(robot, collider) space.eps = 1e-3 space.setup()
robotiq_140.maximum_span = 0.140 - 0.01 robotiq_140.minimum_span = 0 robotiq_140.open_config = [0]*6 robotiq_140.closed_config = [0.7,0.7,0.7,0.7,0.7,0.7] robotiq_85_kinova_gen3 = GripperInfo.mounted(robotiq_85,os.path.join(data_dir,"robots/kinova_with_robotiq_85.urdf"),"gripper:Link_0","robotiq_85-kinova_gen3") robotiq_140_trina_left = GripperInfo.mounted(robotiq_140,os.path.join(data_dir,"robots/TRINA.urdf"),"left_gripper:base_link","robotiq_140-trina-left") robotiq_140_trina_right = GripperInfo.mounted(robotiq_140,os.path.join(data_dir,"robots/TRINA.urdf"),"right_gripper:base_link","robotiq_140-trina-right") if __name__ == '__main__': from klampt import vis import sys if len(sys.argv) == 1: grippers = [i for i in GripperInfo.all_grippers] print("ALL GRIPPERS",grippers) else: grippers = sys.argv[1:] for i in grippers: g = GripperInfo.get(i) print("SHOWING GRIPPER",i) g.add_to_vis() vis.setWindowTitle(i) def setup(): def cleanup(): vis.clear() vis.loop(setup=setup,cleanup=cleanup)
def create(self, start_pc, goal_pc): """ This method cretes the simulation :param start_pc: robot's initial position coordinate :param goal_pc: goal position coordinate :return: """ print "Creating the Simulator" object_dir = "/home/jeet/PycharmProjects/DeepQMotionPlanning/" self.start_pc = start_pc self.goal_pc = goal_pc coordinates.setWorldModel( getDoubleRoomDoor(, 8, 8, 1) builder = Builder(object_dir) # Create a goal cube n_objects = 1 width = 0.1 depth = 0.1 height = 0.1 x = goal_pc[0] y = goal_pc[1] z = goal_pc[2] / 2 thickness = 0.005 color = (0.2, 0.6, 0.3, 1.0) builder.make_objects(, n_objects, "goal", width, depth, height, thickness, self.terrain_limit, color, self.goal_pc) # Create a obstacle cube n_objects = 4 width = 0.2 depth = 0.2 height = 0.2 x = 2.3 y = 0.8 z = goal_pc[2] / 2 thickness = 0.001 color = (0.8, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) builder.make_objects(, n_objects, "rigid", width, depth, height, thickness, self.terrain_limit, color) self.vis = vis vis.add("world", # Create the view port vp = vis.getViewport() vp.w, vp.h = 1200, 900 vp.x, vp.y = 0, 0 vis.setViewport(vp) # Create the robot self.robot = sphero6DoF(, "", None) self.robot.setConfig(start_pc) # Create the axis representation # vis.add("WCS", [so3.identity(), [0, 0, 0]]) # vis.setAttribute("WCS", "size", 24) # Add text messages component for collision check and robot position vis.addText("textCol", "No collision") vis.setAttribute("textCol", "size", 24) vis.addText("textStep", "Steps: ") vis.setAttribute("textStep", "size", 24) vis.addText("textGoalDistance", "Goal Distance: ") vis.setAttribute("textGoalDistance", "size", 24) vis.addText("textConfig", "Robot configuration: ") vis.setAttribute("textConfig", "size", 24) self.collision_checker = collide.WorldCollider( vis.setWindowTitle("Simulator") return vis, self.robot,