Пример #1
    def test_submountedRoute(self):
        L{Klein.subroute} adds functions as routable endpoints.
        app = Klein()

        with app.subroute("/sub") as app:

            def foo_endpoint(request):
                return b"foo"

        c = app.url_map.bind("sub/prefixed_uri")
        self.assertEqual(c.match("/sub/prefixed_uri"), ("foo_endpoint", {}))
        self.assertEqual(len(app.endpoints), 1)
        self.assertEqual(app.execute_endpoint("foo_endpoint", DummyRequest(1)),
Пример #2
    def test_submountedRoute(self):
        L{Klein.subroute} adds functions as routable endpoints.
        app = Klein()

        with app.subroute("/sub") as app:
            def foo_endpoint(request):
                return b"foo"

        c = app.url_map.bind("sub/prefixed_uri")
            c.match("/sub/prefixed_uri"), ("foo_endpoint", {}))
            len(app.endpoints), 1)
            app.execute_endpoint("foo_endpoint", DummyRequest(1)), b"foo")
Пример #3

    def return_items(self, result):
        return self.items

def return_spider_output(output):
    :param output: items scraped by CrawlerRunner
    :return: json with list of items
    # this just turns items into dictionaries
    # you may want to use Scrapy JSON serializer here
    return json.dumps([dict(item) for item in output], ensure_ascii=False)

with app.subroute("/api/v1") as app:
    def schedule(request):
        urls = [
            # "https://tech.meituan.com/2020/08/13/openstack-to-kubernetes-in-meituan.html"
        runner = MyCrawlerRunner(settings=get_project_settings())
        spider = MeituanArticleSpider
        deferred = runner.crawl(spider, urls=urls)

        # deferred.addCallback(return_spider_output)
        return deferred
Пример #4
from klein import Klein

app = Klein()

def index(request):
    return 'Hello from the subroutes example'

with app.subroute('/blue') as sub:
    def first(request):
        return 'first'

    def second(request):
        return 'second'

    def third(request):
        return 'third'

Пример #5
from klein import Klein

from api.policy import route as policy_route
from api.object import route as object_route

app = Klein()

with app.subroute("/api") as app:
Пример #6

def get_file_info(uuid):
    with open(LINKS) as f:
        for line in f:
            uuid_, path, expire = [x.strip() for x in line.split(',')]
            if uuid_ == uuid:
                expire = parse_date(expire)
                return path, expire
    raise Fail('uuid not found')

app = Klein()

with app.subroute(BASEURL) as app:

    @app.route('/<uuid>/<filename>', methods=['GET', 'HEAD'])
    def serve_files(request, uuid, filename):
        UUID(uuid)  # just create it to see if it validates
        path, expiry_date = get_file_info(uuid)
        if datetime.now(timezone.utc) > expiry_date: raise Fail('expired')
        if filename != os.path.basename(path):
            raise Fail('path does not match')
        return File(os.path.join(BASEDIR, path))

    @app.route('/<uuid>/<filename>/', methods=['GET', 'HEAD'], branch=True)
    def serve_dir(request, uuid, filename):
        return serve_files(request, uuid, filename)

Пример #7
from hashlib import md5
from io import BytesIO
from time import sleep

from klein import Klein
from twisted.web.client import getPage
from twisted.internet import defer, threads, reactor

app = Klein()
D = defer.Deferred()

#---------- Routes ----------#

with app.subroute('/async') as sub:

    def simple(request):
        Create a callback chain that will underline and italicise some text.
        global D
        D = defer.Deferred()
        D.addCallback(addTag, 'i')  # italics
        D.addCallback(addTag, 'u')  # underline
        return D

    def startSimpleChain(request):
        Start the callback chain, if it hasn't started already.
Пример #8
    if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
        # By default py2exe tries to write log to dirname(sys.executable) which fails when installed
        import tempfile
        sys.stdout = sys.stderr = open(join(tempfile.gettempdir(), '%s.log' % appname), 'wt', 0)	# unbuffered
        print '%s %s %s' % (applongname, appversion, strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', localtime()))

    root = tk.Tk()
    app = AppWindow(root)

    # Create desired endpoint
    endpoint_description = "tcp:port=8080:interface="
    endpoint = endpoints.serverFromString(reactor, endpoint_description)

    # add oauth2 subpath to webserver
    with webapp.subroute("/oauth2"):

    # This actually starts listening on the endpoint with the Klein app

    # add gui (tkinter) to twisted reactor

    # After doing other things like setting up logging,
    # starting other services in the reactor or
    # listening on other ports or sockets:

    # root.mainloop()
Пример #9
import json
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
from klein import Klein
from blockstore_client import config, client

app = Klein()

conf = config.get_config()
conf["network"] = "mainnet"
proxy = client.session(conf, conf['server'], conf['port'])

with app.subroute("/") as app:

    def pg_root(request):
        request.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
        responsebody = {'msg': 'this is root'}
        return json.dumps(responsebody)

    def pg_about(request):
        request.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
        responsebody = {'msg': 'this is about'}
        return json.dumps(responsebody)

    with app.subroute('/api'):

        with app.subroute('/v1'):

            # Returns server status
            # http://<url>/api/<version>/status
Пример #10
def render_without_request(template_name, **template_vars):
    Usage is the same as flask.render_template:

    render_without_request('my_template.html', var1='foo', var2='bar')
    env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.PackageLoader('rest', 'templates'))
    template = env.get_template(template_name)
    return template.render(**template_vars)

Sub routes pertaining to polisd actions
with app.subroute("/daemon") as daemon:
    Serves a page with all mns and possibility to restart one by selecting

    When given masternodes mns=[indexes,..]  and params it will try to execute: polisd params on each.
    if no params it'll just use default --daemon (not necessary)
    @daemon.route('/startpolis', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
    def start_polisd(request):

        if request.method == 'POST':
            mns = request.form.getlist('mns')
            actions = request.form.getlist('params')

            result = 'Attempted starting: ' + ', '.join(mns)