Пример #1
        "Si-Si": 5.0,
        "C-C": 5.0,
        "Si-C": 5.0

N1 = 10
N2 = 10
model_si = NeuralNetwork(descriptor)
    # first hidden layer
    nn.Linear(descriptor.get_size(), N1),
    # second hidden layer
    nn.Linear(N1, N2),
    # output layer
    nn.Linear(N2, 1),

N1 = 10
N2 = 10
model_c = NeuralNetwork(descriptor)
Пример #2
def train_fn(rank, world_size):

    descriptor = SymmetryFunction(cut_name="cos",
                                  cut_dists={"Si-Si": 5.0},

    # The ``cut_name`` and ``cut_dists`` tells the descriptor what type of cutoff function to
    # use and what the cutoff distances are. ``hyperparams`` specifies the the set of
    # hyperparameters used in the symmetry function descriptor. If you prefer, you can provide
    # a dictionary of your own hyperparameters. And finally, ``normalize`` informs that the
    # generated fingerprints should be normalized by first subtracting the mean and then
    # dividing the standard deviation. This normalization typically makes it easier to
    # optimize NN model.
    # We can then build the NN model on top of the descriptor.

    N1 = 10
    N2 = 10
    model = NeuralNetwork(descriptor)
        # first hidden layer
        nn.Linear(descriptor.get_size(), N1),
        # second hidden layer
        nn.Linear(N1, N2),
        # output layer
        nn.Linear(N2, 1),
    model.set_save_metadata(prefix="./my_kliff_model", start=5, frequency=2)

    # In the above code, we build a NN model with an input layer, two hidden layer, and an
    # output layer. The ``descriptor`` carries the information of the input layer, so it is
    # not needed to be specified explicitly. For each hidden layer, we first do a linear
    # transformation using ``nn.Linear(size_in, size_out)`` (essentially carrying out :math:`y
    # = xW+b`, where :math:`W` is the weight matrix of size ``size_in`` by ``size_out``, and
    # :math:`b` is a vector of size ``size_out``. Then we apply the hyperbolic tangent
    # activation function ``nn.Tanh()`` to the output of the Linear layer (i.e. :math:`y`) so
    # as to add the nonlinearity. We use a Linear layer for the output layer as well, but
    # unlike the hidden layer, no activation function is applied here. The input size
    # ``size_in`` of the first hidden layer must be the size of the descriptor, which is
    # obtained using ``descriptor.get_size()``. For all other layers (hidden or output), the
    # input size must be equal to the output size of the previous layer. The ``out_size`` of
    # the output layer much be 1 such that the output of the NN model is gives the energy of
    # atom.
    # The ``set_save_metadata`` function call informs where to save intermediate models during
    # the optimization (discussed below), and what the starting epoch and how often to save
    # the model.
    # Training set and calculator
    # ---------------------------
    # The training set and the calculator are the same as explained in :ref:`tut_kim_sw`. The
    # only difference is that we need use the
    # :mod:`~kliff.calculators.CalculatorTorch()`, which is targeted for the NN model.
    # Also, its ``create()`` method takes an argument ``reuse`` to inform whether to reuse the
    # fingerprints generated from the descriptor if it is present.

    # training set
    dataset_name = "Si_training_set/varying_alat"
    tset = Dataset()
    configs = tset.get_configs()
    print("Number of configurations:", len(configs))

    # calculator
    calc = CalculatorTorchDDPCPU(model, rank, world_size)
    calc.create(configs, reuse=True)

    # Loss function
    # -------------
    # KLIFF uses a loss function to quantify the difference between the training data and
    # potential predictions and uses minimization algorithms to reduce the loss as much as
    # possible. In the following code snippet, we create a loss function that uses the
    # ``Adam`` optimizer to minimize it. The Adam optimizer supports minimization using
    # `mini-batches` of data, and here we use ``100`` configurations in each minimization step
    # (the training set has a total of 400 configurations as can be seen above), and run
    # through the training set for ``10`` epochs. The learning rate ``lr`` used here is
    # ``0.01``, and typically, one may need to play with this to find an acceptable one that
    # drives the loss down in a reasonable time.

    loss = Loss(calc, residual_data={"forces_weight": 0.3})
    result = loss.minimize(method="Adam",