Пример #1
 def test_apply_wcs_to_pixels(self):
     expected_result = [9719.456, 16292.345, 24981.703]
     sp = spectro.Spectrum(TestSpectrum.adhdu)
     result = [sp.wlen[0], sp.wlen[1000], sp.wlen[-1]]
     assert_almost_equal(result[0], expected_result[0], 3)
     assert_almost_equal(result[1], expected_result[1], 3)
     assert_almost_equal(result[2], expected_result[2], 3)
Пример #2
 def test_get_wunit2(self):
     expected_result = u.Angstrom
     sp = spectro.Spectrum(TestSpectrum.apfhdu)
     result = sp.wunit
     assert_equal(result, expected_result)
Пример #3
 def test_get_wcs_from_hdu2(self):
     expected_result = TestSpectrum.wcs_string
     sp = spectro.Spectrum(TestSpectrum.apfhdu, wunit=u.Angstrom)
     result = sp.wcs.wcs.to_header()
     assert_equal(result, expected_result)
Пример #4
 def test_get_pixel_array_from_hdu2(self):
     expected_result = np.arange(TestSpectrum.apfhdu.header['NAXIS1'])
     sp = spectro.Spectrum(TestSpectrum.apfhdu, wunit=u.Angstrom)
     result = sp.pix
     assert_array_equal(result, expected_result)
Пример #5
 def test_get_counts_array_from_hdu2(self):
     # test passing an astropy hdu
     expected_result = TestSpectrum.adhdu.data
     sp = spectro.Spectrum(TestSpectrum.apfhdu, wunit=u.Angstrom)
     result = sp.counts
     assert_array_equal(result, expected_result)
Пример #6
def specplot(hdulist,
    Plot a 1-D spectrum and annotates.

    This is utility function to do most of the work for plotting a spectrum.
    The axes are labeled automatically using information from the extension
    in the input HDU list.

    Lines can be annotated provide that the list is defined
    in the spectro.py module.  A redshift can be applied to the line list.
    The user can reset the y-axis limits.  Work in progress is the ability
    to draw band limits to identify where the signal is not good due to
    atmospheric absorption.  The plot can be saved as PNG.

    hdulist : HDUList
        hdulist can be either from astropy.io.fits or from pyfits.
        Unfortunately the two versions are giving incompatible hdulists.
        The code here uses a workaround that allows both, until the
        old pyfits is deprecated.
    spec_ext : int or str
        The extension that contains the spectrum.  The extension identifier
        can be an int or a string representation with extname and extver,
        eg. 'sci,1'.
    var_ext : int or str
        The extension that contains the variance.  The extension identifier
        can be an int or a string representation with extname and extver,
        eg. 'var,1'.
    annotations : SpecPlotAnnotation, optional
        An instance of SpecPlotAnnotation containing annotation information
        for plot, eg. title, line list names, redshift, whether to draw the
        band limits.
    ylimits : list, optional
        The lower and upper limits for the y-axis.  Individual values
        are int or float.
    output_plot_name : str, optional
        If set, the plot will be saved to a file of that name. The .png
        filename extension is optional, it will be added appropriately.
        The plot will be display on screen as well as being saved to disk.

    No return values. A plot is produced on screen, and it can be saved
    to disk.

        Some features are not yet implemented.

    See Also
    splot : An app that uses this function and is callable from the shell.

    TODO : add examples for specplot()

    # ----- Get the information needed to produce the plot

    # Get the spectrum.
    # print 'debug - specplot - Extension parsed as:',
    #    get_valid_extension(spec_ext)
    # print 'debug - specplot - The hdulist is:', hdulist.info()
    spectrum = spectro.Spectrum(hdulist[get_valid_extension(spec_ext)])
    if var_ext is not None:
        error = spectro.Spectrum(hdulist[get_valid_extension(var_ext)])
        error.counts = np.sqrt(error.counts)
        error = None

    # To simplify the rest of the scripts, create an instance of
    # SpecPlotAnnotations that has everything set to False if no
    # annotations were defined.
    if annotations is None:
        # create an instance that has everything set to False
        annotations = SpecPlotAnnotations()

    # Get the line list and redshift it.
    if annotations.annotate_lines:
        linelist = spectro.LineList(annotations.line_list_name,
        linelist = None

    # Get the band limits.
    if annotations.draw_bands_limits:
        errmsg = 'Draw bands limits feature not implemented.'
        raise NotImplementedError(errmsg)
#        bandlist = spectro.BandList(spectrum.wlen[0], spectrum.wlen[-1])

# Plot the spectrum and set y-axis limits
    plot = plottools.SpPlot(title=annotations.title)
    if error is not None:
        plot.plot_spectrum(error, color='g')
    if ylimits is not None:
        plot.adjust_ylimits(ylimits[0], ylimits[1])

    # Annotate the lines.
    if linelist is not None:
        lines_to_plot = []
        for line in linelist.lines:
                (line.obswlen.to(spectrum.wunit).value, line.name))

    # Draw the band limits

#    if annotations.draw_band_limits:
#        plot.draw_band_limits()

# Save the plot to disk.
    if output_plot_name is not None:
