Пример #1
class TestLMFitModel(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUpClass(cls):

        file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        input_path = file_path + '/../../example/data/'

        sliced_path = input_path + 'example5_6584.hdf5'
        cls.sliced_data = SlicedData.init_from_hdf5(sliced_path)

        orbital_paths = [
            'PTCDA_C.cube', 'PTCDA_D.cube', 'PTCDA_E.cube', 'PTCDA_F.cube'
        cls.orbitals = [
            OrbitalData.init_from_file(input_path + path, ID)
            for ID, path in enumerate(orbital_paths)

        cls.expected = np.loadtxt(file_path + '/output/weights_PTCDA')
        cls.background_expected = np.loadtxt(file_path +

    def setUp(self):

        self.lmfit = LMFitModel(TestLMFitModel.sliced_data,
        self.crosshair = CrosshairAnnulusModel()

    def test_set_crosshair(self):


        self.assertEqual(self.lmfit.crosshair, self.crosshair)

    def test_set_axis(self):

        step_size = 0.24
        range_ = [-3, 3]
        axis = np.linspace(*range_,
                           num=step_size_to_num(range_, step_size),

        self.lmfit.set_axis_by_step_size(range_, step_size)
        npt.assert_almost_equal(self.lmfit.get_sliced_kmap(0).x_axis, axis)

    def test_set_slices(self):

        self.lmfit.set_slices([1, 2, 3])
        self.lmfit.set_slices([0, 1, 2, 3], combined=True)

    def test_set_background_equation(self):

        npt.assert_equal(self.lmfit.background_equation, ['np.exp(a)', ['a']])

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.lmfit.set_background_equation,

    def test_parameters(self):


        self.assertEqual(self.lmfit.parameters['w_1'].min, 0)
        self.assertEqual(self.lmfit.parameters['a'].value, 0)
        self.assertEqual(self.lmfit.parameters['E_kin'].max, 150)

    def test_edit_parameter(self):

        self.lmfit.edit_parameter('w_1', value=1.5)
        self.assertEqual(self.lmfit.parameters['w_1'].value, 1.5)

    def test_background(self):

        range_, dk = [-3.0, 3.0], 0.025
        self.lmfit.set_axis_by_step_size(range_, dk)


        background = self.lmfit._get_background(variables={})

        npt.assert_almost_equal(background, TestLMFitModel.background_expected)

    def test_settings(self):

        lmfit_new = LMFitModel(TestLMFitModel.sliced_data,


    def test_PTCDA(self):

        if float(config.get_key('orbital', 'dk3D')) != 0.12:
            print('WARNING: Test \'test_PTCDA\' from the ' +
                  '\'test_lmfit\' module has not been run. It requires ' +
                  '\'dk3D\' setting from the \'cube\' category to be ' +
                  'to 0.12.')

        # Set certain parameters not being fitted but desired to be changed
        range_, dk = [-3.0, 3.0], 0.04
        self.lmfit.set_axis_by_step_size(range_, dk)
        self.lmfit.set_polarization('toroid', 'p')

        # Set certain fit parameter to desired value
        self.lmfit.edit_parameter('E_kin', value=27.2)
        self.lmfit.edit_parameter('alpha', value=40)
        self.lmfit.edit_parameter('c', value=1, vary=True)

        # Activate fitting for all weights (i is a dummy ID used in setUpClass)
        for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
            self.lmfit.edit_parameter('w_' + str(i), vary=True)

        # Set slices to be used
        self.lmfit.set_slices('all', combined=False)

        results = self.lmfit.fit()

        # Test results
        weights = np.array([[
            result[1].params['w_0'].value, result[1].params['w_1'].value,
            result[1].params['w_2'].value, result[1].params['w_3'].value
        ] for result in results]).T

        npt.assert_almost_equal(weights, TestLMFitModel.expected, decimal=5)
Пример #2
orbitals = [
    OrbitalData.init_from_file(data_path / path, ID)
    for ID, path in enumerate(orbital_paths)

# Initialize fit as LMFitModel object
lmfit = LMFitModel(exp_data, orbitals)

# Set common range and delta-k-grid for exp. and sim. kmaps
range_, dk = [-3.0, 3.0], 0.04
lmfit.set_axis_by_step_size(range_, dk)
lmfit.set_polarization('toroid', 'p')

# Set parameters not intended for fitting to desired value
lmfit.edit_parameter('E_kin', value=27.2, vary=False)
lmfit.edit_parameter('alpha', value=40, vary=False)

# Activate fitting for background ('c') and all orbital weights
lmfit.edit_parameter('c', value=250, vary=True)  # constant background
for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
    lmfit.edit_parameter('w_' + str(i), vary=True)

# Set slices to be used and perform fit
lmfit.set_slices('all', combined=False)
results = lmfit.fit()

# Extract fitting results
weights = np.array([[
    result[1].params['w_0'].value, result[1].params['w_1'].value,
Пример #3
# Load orbital for fitting as OrbitalData objects
orbital_paths = ['pentacene_HOMO.cube']
orbitals = [OrbitalData.init_from_file(
            data_path / path, ID) for ID, path in enumerate(orbital_paths)]

# Initialize fit as LMFitModel object
lmfit = LMFitModel(exp_data, orbitals)

# Set common range and delta-k-grid for exp. and sim. kmaps
range_, dk = [-3.0, 3.0], 0.04
lmfit.set_axis_by_step_size(range_, dk)
lmfit.set_polarization('toroid', 'p')

# Set parameters not intended for fitting to desired value
lmfit.edit_parameter('E_kin', value=28, vary=False)
lmfit.edit_parameter('alpha', value=40, vary=False)

# Activate fitting for background ('c') and all orbital weights and theta
lmfit.edit_parameter('c', value=1, vary=True)  # constant background
for i in [0]:
    lmfit.edit_parameter('w_' + str(i), vary=True)
    lmfit.edit_parameter('theta_' + str(i), min=0, value=5, vary=True)
    lmfit.edit_parameter('phi_' + str(i), value=90, vary=False)
    lmfit.edit_parameter('psi_' + str(i), value=90, vary=False)

# Set slices to be used and perform fit
lmfit.set_slices([2], combined=False)
lmfit.set_fit_method(method='leastsq', xtol=1e-12)