def main(plot=True):
    # make a graph representing a lattice in two dimensions
    dim = [10,10]
    grid_graph = nx.grid_graph(dim, periodic=False)
    A = [(0,0)]
    B = [(dim[0]-1, dim[1]-1)]
    # make some random rates for each of the edges
    rates = dict()
    for u, v in grid_graph.edges_iter():
        rates[(u,v)] = np.random.rand()
        rates[(v,u)] = np.random.rand()
    # set up the graph reduction object
    reducer = GraphReduction(rates, A, B)
    # make the kmc graph from the rates
    kmc_graph = kmcgraph_from_rates(rates)
    com_prob = reducer.compute_committor_probabilities(kmc_graph.nodes())

    if plot:    
        # put it into matrix form and plot
        P = np.zeros(dim)
        for node, p in com_prob.iteritems():
            x, y = node
            P[x,y] = p
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        plt.imshow(P, cmap="BrBG", vmin=0, vmax=1)
        plt.title("probability of a trajectory reaching the lower right corner\n before reaching the upper left")
Пример #2
def main():
    nnodes = 100
    # an easy way to set up the graph is to make
    # a dictionary of rates
    rates = dict()
    for i in range(nnodes):
        for j in range(i+1,nnodes):
            rates[(i,j)] = float(i+j) / (i+1)
            rates[(j,i)] = float(i+j) / (j+1)

    # we want to compute rates from node 0 to node 1
    A = [0 ,1, 2]
    B = [3, 4]
    x = 2
    weights=dict([(a,1.) for a in A+B])
    weights[2] = 5e3

    ngt = NGT(rates, A, B)
    kAB = ngt.get_rate_AB()
    kBA = ngt.get_rate_BA()
    print "rate AB", kAB
    print "rate BA", kBA
    graph = kmcgraph_from_rates(rates)
    pyngt = GraphReduction(graph, A, B)
    print "pyngt rate AB", pyngt.get_rate_AB()
    print "pyngt rate AB", pyngt.get_rate_BA()
Пример #3
def main():
    nnodes = 6
    # the graph need not be made from a transition matrix, but it's an 
    # easy way to make a random graph ensuring that everything is connected
    transition_matrix = np.random.uniform(0,1,[nnodes, nnodes])
    print "Computing rates and committor probabilities for transition matrix"
    print transition_matrix
    # an easy way to set up the graph is to make
    # a dictionary of rates
    rates = dict()
    for i in range(nnodes):
        for j in range(nnodes):
            if i != j:
                rates[(i,j)] = transition_matrix[i][j]

    # we want to compute rates from node 0 to node 1
    A = [0,1]
    B = [4,5]
    x = 2
    # set up the class which will compute rates for us
    reducer = GraphReduction(rates, A, B)
    # now to check the values do a kinetic monte carlo run
    # use the utility function to build the rate graph with the correct formatting
    kmc_graph = kmcgraph_from_rates(rates)
    kmc = KineticMonteCarlo(kmc_graph)
    niterlist = [10, 100, 1000, 10000]

    print ""
    print "computing the probability for a trajectory to start at", x, "and reach", B, "before reaching", A
    PxB = reducer.compute_committor_probability(x)
    print "the committor probability computed by graph transformation is", PxB
    for niter in niterlist:
        PxB_KMC = kmc.committor_probability(x, A, B, niter=niter)
        print "the KMC committor probability averaged over %8d trajectories is %s. abs(PxB-PxB_KMC) = %s" % (niter, PxB_KMC, abs(PxB-PxB_KMC))

    print ""
    print "computing the transition rate from nodes", A, "to nodes", B
    rAB = reducer.get_rate_AB()
    print "the transition rate computed by graph transformation is", rAB
    for niter in niterlist:
        rAB_KMC = kmc.mean_rate(A, B, niter=niter)
        print "the KMC rate averaged over %8d trajectories is %s. abs(rAB-rAB_KMC) = %s" % (niter, rAB_KMC, abs(rAB-rAB_KMC))
Пример #4
def _three_state_graph():
    return kmcgraph_from_rates(_three_state_rates())
Пример #5
 def run(self):
     return kmcgraph_from_rates(self.rates)