def test_equal_on_equal_and_empty(self): """ Test that the equality operator returns True when comparing two Digest objects with no internal data. """ a = Digest() b = Digest() self.assertTrue(a == b) self.assertTrue(b == a)
def test_not_equal_on_equal_and_empty(self): """ Test that the inequality operator returns False when comparing two Digest objects with no internal data. """ a = Digest() b = Digest() self.assertFalse(a != b) self.assertFalse(b != a)
def test_equal_on_not_equal(self): """ Test that the equality operator returns False when comparing two Digest objects with different sets of internal data. """ a = Digest(hashing_algorithm=self.hashing_algorithm_b, digest_value=self.digest_value_b, key_format_type=self.key_format_type_b) b = Digest() self.assertFalse(a == b) self.assertFalse(b == a)
def test_not_equal_on_equal(self): """ Test that the inequality operator returns False when comparing two Digest objects with the same internal data. """ a = Digest(hashing_algorithm=self.hashing_algorithm_b, digest_value=self.digest_value_b, key_format_type=self.key_format_type_b) b = Digest(hashing_algorithm=self.hashing_algorithm_b, digest_value=self.digest_value_b, key_format_type=self.key_format_type_b) self.assertFalse(a != b) self.assertFalse(b != a)
def test_init_with_args(self): """ Test that a Digest object can be constructed with valid values. """ Digest(hashing_algorithm=HashingAlgorithm(), digest_value=DigestValue(), key_format_type=KeyFormatType())
def _test_str(self, value, expected): digest = Digest(digest_value=value) observed = str(digest) msg = "expected {0}, observed {1}".format(expected, observed) self.assertEqual(expected, observed, msg)
def test_not_equal_on_not_equal(self): """ Test that the inequality operator returns True when comparing two Digest objects with the different sets of internal data. """ a = Digest(hashing_algorithm=self.hashing_algorithm_b, digest_value=self.digest_value_b, key_format_type=self.key_format_type_b) b = Digest() c = Digest(hashing_algorithm=self.hashing_algorithm_d, digest_value=self.digest_value_b, key_format_type=self.key_format_type_c) d = Digest(key_format_type=self.key_format_type_c) self.assertTrue(a != b) self.assertTrue(b != a) self.assertTrue(b != c) self.assertTrue(b != d)
def test_not_equal_on_type_mismatch(self): """ Test that the inequality operator returns True when comparing an Digest object with a non-ExtensionInformation object. """ a = Digest(hashing_algorithm=self.hashing_algorithm_b, digest_value=self.digest_value_b, key_format_type=self.key_format_type_b) b = "invalid" self.assertTrue(a != b) self.assertTrue(b != a)
def test_equal_on_type_mismatch(self): """ Test that the equality operator returns False when comparing a Digest object with a non-Digest object. """ a = Digest(hashing_algorithm=self.hashing_algorithm_b, digest_value=self.digest_value_b, key_format_type=self.key_format_type_b) b = "invalid" self.assertFalse(a == b) self.assertFalse(b == a)
def _test_read(self, stream, hashing_algorithm, digest_value, key_format_type): digest = Digest() msg = "hashing algorithm encoding mismatch" msg += "; expected {0}, observed {1}".format(hashing_algorithm, digest.hashing_algorithm) self.assertEqual(hashing_algorithm, digest.hashing_algorithm, msg) msg = "digest value encoding mismatch" msg += "; expected {0}, observed {1}".format(digest_value, digest.digest_value) self.assertEqual(digest_value, digest.digest_value, msg) msg = "key format type encoding mismatch" msg += "; expected {0}, observed {1}".format(key_format_type, digest.key_format_type) self.assertEqual(key_format_type, digest.key_format_type, msg)
def _test_write(self, stream_expected, hashing_algorithm, digest_value, key_format_type): stream_observed = BytearrayStream() digest = Digest(hashing_algorithm=hashing_algorithm, digest_value=digest_value, key_format_type=key_format_type) digest.write(stream_observed) length_expected = len(stream_expected) length_observed = len(stream_observed) msg = "encoding lengths not equal" msg += "; expected {0}, observed {1}".format(length_expected, length_observed) self.assertEqual(length_expected, length_observed, msg) msg = "encoding mismatch" msg += ";\nexpected:\n{0}\nobserved:\n{1}".format( stream_expected, stream_observed) self.assertEqual(stream_expected, stream_observed, msg)
def test_repr(self): """ Test that the representation of a Digest object with data is formatted properly. """ hashing_algorithm = HashingAlgorithm(HashingAlgorithmEnum.MD5) digest_value = DigestValue(b'\x00\x01\x02\x03') key_format_type = KeyFormatType(KeyFormatTypeEnum.RAW) digest = Digest(hashing_algorithm=hashing_algorithm, digest_value=digest_value, key_format_type=key_format_type) hashing_algorithm = "hashing_algorithm={0}".format( repr(hashing_algorithm)) digest_value = "digest_value={0}".format(repr(digest_value)) key_format_type = "key_format_type={0}".format(repr(key_format_type)) expected = "Digest({0}, {1}, {2})".format(hashing_algorithm, digest_value, key_format_type) observed = repr(digest) msg = "expected:\n{0},\nobserved:\n{1}".format(expected, observed) self.assertEqual(expected, observed, msg)
def test_init_with_none(self): """ Test that a Digest object can be constructed with no specified values. """ Digest()