def test_edit_none_participant(self):

        barcode = '000023125'  # current survey_id = "a4f1061f5bac9ae3"
        details = db.getAGBarcodeDetails(barcode)
        payload = {
            'barcode': barcode,
            'ag_kit_id': details['ag_kit_id'],
            'site_sampled': details['site_sampled'],
            'sample_date': details['sample_date'],
            'sample_time': details['sample_time'],
            'participant_name': details['participant_name'],
            'notes': details['notes'],
            'environment_sampled': details['environment_sampled'],
            'refunded': details['refunded'] or 'N',
            'withdrawn': details['withdrawn'] or 'N'

        old_sourcename = payload['participant_name']
        payload['participant_name'] = None
        response ='/ag_edit_barcode/', payload)
        obs_details = db.getAGBarcodeDetails(barcode)
        obs_surveys = db.get_barcode_survey(barcode)

        # revert to old participant_name to leave a clean DB
        payload['participant_name'] = old_sourcename
        response ='/ag_edit_barcode/', payload)

        self.assertEqual(response.code, 200)
Пример #2
    def get_ag_details(self, barcode):
        ag_details = db.getAGBarcodeDetails(barcode)
        _, failures = db.pulldown([barcode], [])

        if len(ag_details) == 0 and failures:
            div_id = "no_metadata"
            message = "Cannot retrieve metadata: %s" % failures[barcode]
        elif len(ag_details) > 0:
            for col, val in ag_details.iteritems():
                if val is None:
                    ag_details[col] = ''
            ag_details['other_checked'] = ''
            ag_details['overloaded_checked'] = ''
            ag_details['moldy_checked'] = ''
            ag_details['login_user'] = ag_details['name']
            if ag_details['moldy'] == 'Y':
                ag_details['moldy_checked'] = 'checked'
            if ag_details['overloaded'] == 'Y':
                ag_details['overloaded_checked'] = 'checked'
            if ag_details['other'] == 'Y':
                ag_details['other_checked'] = 'checked'

            survey_id = db.get_barcode_survey(barcode)

            # it has all sample details
            # (sample time, date, site)
            if failures:
                div_id = "no_metadata"
                message = "Cannot retrieve metadata: %s" % failures[barcode]
                ag_details['email_type'] = "-1"
            elif (survey_id is None and ag_details['environment_sampled']) \
                    or survey_id in survey_type:
                div_id = "verified"
                message = "All good"
                ag_details['email_type'] = "1"
                # should never get here (this would happen
                # if the metadata
                # pulldown returned more than one row for a
                # single barcode)
                div_id = "md_pulldown_error"
                message = ("This barcode has multiple entries "
                           "in the database, which should "
                           "never happen. Please notify "
                           "someone on the database crew.")
                ag_details['email_type'] = "-1"
            # TODO: Stefan Janssen: I cannot see how this case should ever be
            # reached, since failures will be set to 'Unknown reason' at the
            # outmost.
            div_id = "not_assigned"
            message = ("In American Gut project group but no "
                       "American Gut info for barcode")
            ag_details['email_type'] = "-1"
        return div_id, message, ag_details
Пример #3
    def get_ag_details(self, barcode):
        ag_details = db.getAGBarcodeDetails(barcode)
        _, failures = db.pulldown([barcode], [])

        if len(ag_details) == 0 and failures:
            div_id = "no_metadata"
            message = "Cannot retrieve metadata: %s" % failures[barcode]
        elif len(ag_details) > 0:
            for col, val in ag_details.iteritems():
                if val is None:
                    ag_details[col] = ''
            ag_details['other_checked'] = ''
            ag_details['overloaded_checked'] = ''
            ag_details['moldy_checked'] = ''
            ag_details['login_user'] = ag_details['name']
            if ag_details['moldy'] == 'Y':
                ag_details['moldy_checked'] = 'checked'
            if ag_details['overloaded'] == 'Y':
                ag_details['overloaded_checked'] = 'checked'
            if ag_details['other'] == 'Y':
                ag_details['other_checked'] = 'checked'

            survey_id = db.get_barcode_survey(barcode)

            # it has all sample details
            # (sample time, date, site)
            if failures:
                div_id = "no_metadata"
                message = "Cannot retrieve metadata: %s" % failures[barcode]
                ag_details['email_type'] = "-1"
            elif (survey_id is None and ag_details['environment_sampled']) \
                    or survey_id in survey_type:
                div_id = "verified"
                message = "All good"
                ag_details['email_type'] = "1"
                # should never get here (this would happen
                # if the metadata
                # pulldown returned more than one row for a
                # single barcode)
                div_id = "md_pulldown_error"
                message = ("This barcode has multiple entries "
                           "in the database, which should "
                           "never happen. Please notify "
                           "someone on the database crew.")
                ag_details['email_type'] = "-1"
            # TODO: Stefan Janssen: I cannot see how this case should ever be
            # reached, since failures will be set to 'Unknown reason' at the
            # outmost.
            div_id = "not_assigned"
            message = ("In American Gut project group but no "
                       "American Gut info for barcode")
            ag_details['email_type'] = "-1"
        return div_id, message, ag_details
Пример #4
    def get_ag_details(self, barcode):
        ag_details = db.getAGBarcodeDetails(barcode)
        if len(ag_details) > 0:
            for col, val in ag_details.iteritems():
                if val is None:
                    ag_details[col] = ''
            ag_details['other_checked'] = ''
            ag_details['overloaded_checked'] = ''
            ag_details['moldy_checked'] = ''
            ag_details['login_user'] = ag_details['name']
            if ag_details['moldy'] == 'Y':
                ag_details['moldy_checked'] = 'checked'
            if ag_details['overloaded'] == 'Y':
                ag_details['overloaded_checked'] = 'checked'
            if ag_details['other'] == 'Y':
                ag_details['other_checked'] = 'checked'

            survey_id = db.get_barcode_survey(barcode)
            _, failures = db.pulldown([barcode])
            if not (ag_details['sample_date'] == ag_details['site_sampled'] ==
                    ag_details['sample_time'] == ''):
                # it has all sample details
                # (sample time, date, site)
                if survey_id is None:
                    div_id = "not_assigned"
                    message = "Missing info"
                    ag_details['email_type'] = "0"
                elif barcode in failures:
                    div_id = "no_metadata"
                    message = "Cannot retrieve metadata"
                    ag_details['email_type'] = "-1"
                elif survey_type[survey_id] == 'Human':
                    # and we can successfully retrieve sample
                    # metadata
                    div_id = "verified"
                    message = "All good"
                    ag_details['email_type'] = "1"
                elif survey_type[survey_id] == 'Animal':
                    div_id = "verified_animal"
                    message = "All good"
                    ag_details['email_type'] = "1"
                    # should never get here (this would happen
                    # if the metadata
                    # pulldown returned more than one row for a
                    # single barcode)
                    div_id = "md_pulldown_error"
                    message = ("This barcode has multiple entries "
                               "in the database, which should "
                               "never happen. Please notify "
                               "someone on the database crew.")
                    ag_details['email_type'] = "-1"
                div_id = "not_assigned"
                message = ("In American Gut project group but No "
                           "American Gut info for barcode")
                ag_details['email_type'] = "-1"
            div_id = "not_assigned"
            message = ("In American Gut project group but No "
                       "American Gut info for barcode")
            ag_details['email_type'] = "-1"
        return div_id, message, ag_details
Пример #5
    def get_ag_details(self, barcode):
        ag_details = db.getAGBarcodeDetails(barcode)
        if len(ag_details) > 0:
            for col, val in ag_details.iteritems():
                if val is None:
                    ag_details[col] = ''
            ag_details['other_checked'] = ''
            ag_details['overloaded_checked'] = ''
            ag_details['moldy_checked'] = ''
            ag_details['login_user'] = ag_details['name']
            if ag_details['moldy'] == 'Y':
                ag_details['moldy_checked'] = 'checked'
            if ag_details['overloaded'] == 'Y':
                ag_details['overloaded_checked'] = 'checked'
            if ag_details['other'] == 'Y':
                ag_details['other_checked'] = 'checked'

            survey_id = db.get_barcode_survey(barcode)
            _, failures = db.pulldown([barcode])
            if not (ag_details['sample_date'] ==
                    ag_details['site_sampled'] ==
                    ag_details['sample_time'] == ''):
                # it has all sample details
                # (sample time, date, site)
                if survey_id is None:
                    div_id = "not_assigned"
                    message = "Missing info"
                    ag_details['email_type'] = "0"
                elif barcode in failures:
                    div_id = "no_metadata"
                    message = "Cannot retrieve metadata"
                    ag_details['email_type'] = "-1"
                elif survey_type[survey_id] == 'Human':
                    # and we can successfully retrieve sample
                    # metadata
                    div_id = "verified"
                    message = "All good"
                    ag_details['email_type'] = "1"
                elif survey_type[survey_id] == 'Animal':
                    div_id = "verified_animal"
                    message = "All good"
                    ag_details['email_type'] = "1"
                    # should never get here (this would happen
                    # if the metadata
                    # pulldown returned more than one row for a
                    # single barcode)
                    div_id = "md_pulldown_error"
                    message = ("This barcode has multiple entries "
                               "in the database, which should "
                               "never happen. Please notify "
                               "someone on the database crew.")
                    ag_details['email_type'] = "-1"
                div_id = "not_assigned"
                message = ("In American Gut project group but No "
                           "American Gut info for barcode")
                ag_details['email_type'] = "-1"
            div_id = "not_assigned"
            message = ("In American Gut project group but No "
                       "American Gut info for barcode")
            ag_details['email_type'] = "-1"
        return div_id, message, ag_details