def write_sopath2skeleton(so_path, dest_path, scaling=None, comment=None): """ Writes very simple skeleton, each node represents the center of mass of a SV, and edges are created in list order. Parameters ---------- so_path : list of SegmentationObject dest_path : str scaling : np.ndarray or tuple comment : str """ if scaling is None: scaling = np.array(global_params.config["Dataset"]["scaling"]) skel = Skeleton() anno = SkeletonAnnotation() anno.scaling = scaling rep_nodes = [] for so in so_path: vert = so.mesh[1].reshape((-1, 3)) com = np.mean(vert, axis=0) kd_tree = spatial.cKDTree(vert) dist, nn_ix = kd_tree.query([com]) nn = vert[nn_ix[0]] / scaling n = SkeletonNode().from_scratch(anno, nn[0], nn[1], nn[2]) anno.addNode(n) rep_nodes.append(n) for i in range(1, len(rep_nodes)): anno.addEdge(rep_nodes[i - 1], rep_nodes[i]) if comment is not None: anno.setComment(comment) skel.add_annotation(anno) skel.to_kzip(dest_path)
def coordpath2anno(coords, scaling=None, add_edges=True): """ Creates skeleton from scaled coordinates, assume coords are in order for edge creation. Parameters ---------- coords : np.array scaled cooridnates scaling : tuple add_edges : bool Returns ------- SkeletonAnnotation """ if scaling is None: scaling = global_params.config['scaling'] anno = SkeletonAnnotation() anno.scaling = scaling scaling = np.array(scaling, rep_nodes = [] coords = np.array(coords, for c in coords: unscaled_c = c / scaling n = SkeletonNode().from_scratch(anno, unscaled_c[0], unscaled_c[1], unscaled_c[2]) anno.addNode(n) rep_nodes.append(n) if add_edges: for i in range(1, len(rep_nodes)): anno.addEdge(rep_nodes[i - 1], rep_nodes[i]) return anno
def coordpath2anno(coords, scaling=None): """ Creates skeleton from scaled coordinates, assume coords are in order for edge creation. Parameters ---------- coords : np.array scaling : np.ndarray Returns ------- SkeletonAnnotation """ if scaling is None: scaling = global_params.config["Dataset"]["scaling"] anno = SkeletonAnnotation() anno.scaling = scaling rep_nodes = [] for c in coords: n = SkeletonNode().from_scratch(anno, c[0] / scaling[0], c[1] / scaling[1], c[2] / scaling[2]) anno.addNode(n) rep_nodes.append(n) for i in range(1, len(rep_nodes)): anno.addEdge(rep_nodes[i - 1], rep_nodes[i]) return anno
def nxGraph2kzip(g, coords, kzip_path): import tqdm scaling = global_params.config.entries['Dataset']['scaling']() coords = coords / scaling skel = Skeleton() anno = SkeletonAnnotation() anno.scaling = scaling node_mapping = {} pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=len(coords) + len(g.edges())) for v in g.nodes(): c = coords[v] n = SkeletonNode().from_scratch(anno, c[0], c[1], c[2]) node_mapping[v] = n anno.addNode(n) pbar.update(1) for e in g.edges(): anno.addEdge(node_mapping[e[0]], node_mapping[e[1]]) pbar.update(1) skel.add_annotation(anno) skel.to_kzip(kzip_path) pbar.close()