def comment_info(comment): comment_name = u'comment_{0}'.format(comment['id']) if not Entity.by_name(comment_name): print("Caching new comment {0}".format(comment_name)) entity = Entity(comment_name) entity[u'body'] = comment['body'] DBSession.add(entity) DBSession.commit() return Entity.by_name(comment_name)
def issue_info(issue): issue_name = u'issue_{0}'.format(issue['id']) if not Entity.by_name(issue_name): print("Caching new issue {0}".format(issue_name)) entity = Entity(issue_name) entity[u'title'] = issue['title'] entity[u'number'] = issue['number'] DBSession.add(entity) DBSession.commit() return Entity.by_name(issue_name)
def build_repo(self, repo_id, repo_info): repo = Entity.by_name(repo_id) owner = Entity.by_name(repo['owner']) text = ["{0} is a cool project!".format(repo['name'])] for user, count in repo_info.items(): if user == 'count': continue text.append("{0} made {1} contributions this week.".format( Entity.by_name(user)['name'], count)) self.finish(owner, text)
def build_repo(self, repo_id, repo_info): repo = Entity.by_name(repo_id) owner = Entity.by_name(repo['owner']) text = ["{0} is a cool project!".format(repo['name'])] for user, count in repo_info.items(): if user == 'count': continue text.append("{0} made {1} contributions this week." .format(Entity.by_name(user)['name'], count)) self.finish(owner, text)
def inject_knowledge(): #SunlightAPI returns nicely Unicoded data, but not all APIs will... #Don't forget to use to_unicode() knowledge = DBSession for leg in all_legs: print leg['full_name'], leg['state'] if Entity.by_name(leg['full_name']): continue character = Entity.by_name(leg['full_name']) else: character = Entity(leg['full_name']) for key, value in leg.items(): character[key] = to_unicode(value) knowledge.add(character) knowledge.commit()
def build_user(self, user_id, user_info): user = Entity.by_name(user_id) display_key = { 'CommitCommentEvent': ('commented on', 'commits'), 'CreateEvent': ('created', 'tags, branches, or repositories'), 'DeleteEvent': ('deleted', 'tags, branches, or repositories'), 'FollowEvent': ('followed', 'users'), 'ForkEvent': ('forked', 'repositories'), 'GistEvent': ('made or modified', 'gists'), 'GollumEvent': ('made or modified', 'wiki pages'), 'IssueCommentEvent': ('commented on', 'issues'), 'IssuesEvent': ('made or modified', 'issues'), 'PullRequestEvent': ('made or modified', 'pull requests'), 'PullRequestReviewCommentEvent': ('commented on', 'pull requests'), 'PushEvent': ('pushed', 'commits'), 'WatchEvent': ('watched', 'repositories'), } text = ["{0} has been very busy this week!".format(user['name'])] for event_type, count in user_info.items(): if event_type == 'count': continue elif event_type in ['CommitCommentEvent', 'FollowEvent', 'IssueCommentEvent', 'WatchEvent', 'PullRequestReviewCommentEvent',]: count = int(count * 10) display_text = display_key.get(event_type, ('made', event_type)) text.append("{0} {1[0]} {2} {1[1]} this week." .format(user['name'], display_text, count, event_type)) self.finish(user, text)
def top_contributions(): week_activity = recent_events(7) user_activity = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) repo_activity = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) for event in week_activity: changes = 1 if event['type'] == 'PushEvent': changes = event['payload']['size'] elif event['type'] in ['CommitCommentEvent', 'FollowEvent', 'IssueCommentEvent', 'WatchEvent', 'PullRequestReviewCommentEvent',]: # Social (non-coding) events carry less weight changes = .1 user_activity[event['actor']]['count'] += changes user_activity[event['actor']][event['type']] += changes if Entity.by_name(event['repo']): if event['type'] in ['CommitCommentEvent', 'FollowEvent', 'IssueCommentEvent', 'WatchEvent', 'PullRequestReviewCommentEvent',]: changes = 1 repo_activity[event['repo']]['count'] += changes repo_activity[event['repo']][event['actor']] += changes return user_activity, repo_activity
def build_user(self, user_id, user_info): user = Entity.by_name(user_id) display_key = { 'CommitCommentEvent': ('commented on', 'commits'), 'CreateEvent': ('created', 'tags, branches, or repositories'), 'DeleteEvent': ('deleted', 'tags, branches, or repositories'), 'FollowEvent': ('followed', 'users'), 'ForkEvent': ('forked', 'repositories'), 'GistEvent': ('made or modified', 'gists'), 'GollumEvent': ('made or modified', 'wiki pages'), 'IssueCommentEvent': ('commented on', 'issues'), 'IssuesEvent': ('made or modified', 'issues'), 'PullRequestEvent': ('made or modified', 'pull requests'), 'PullRequestReviewCommentEvent': ('commented on', 'pull requests'), 'PushEvent': ('pushed', 'commits'), 'WatchEvent': ('watched', 'repositories'), } text = ["{0} has been very busy this week!".format(user['name'])] for event_type, count in user_info.items(): if event_type == 'count': continue elif event_type in [ 'CommitCommentEvent', 'FollowEvent', 'IssueCommentEvent', 'WatchEvent', 'PullRequestReviewCommentEvent', ]: count = int(count * 10) display_text = display_key.get(event_type, ('made', event_type)) text.append("{0} {1[0]} {2} {1[1]} this week.".format( user['name'], display_text, count, event_type)) self.finish(user, text)
def top_contributions(): week_activity = recent_events(7) user_activity = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) repo_activity = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) for event in week_activity: changes = 1 if event['type'] == 'PushEvent': changes = event['payload']['size'] elif event['type'] in [ 'CommitCommentEvent', 'FollowEvent', 'IssueCommentEvent', 'WatchEvent', 'PullRequestReviewCommentEvent', ]: # Social (non-coding) events carry less weight changes = .1 user_activity[event['actor']]['count'] += changes user_activity[event['actor']][event['type']] += changes if Entity.by_name(event['repo']): if event['type'] in [ 'CommitCommentEvent', 'FollowEvent', 'IssueCommentEvent', 'WatchEvent', 'PullRequestReviewCommentEvent', ]: changes = 1 repo_activity[event['repo']]['count'] += changes repo_activity[event['repo']][event['actor']] += changes return user_activity, repo_activity
def repo_info(repo): repo_name = repo.get('full_name', '{0}/{1}'.format(repo['owner']['login'], repo['name'])) if not Entity.by_name(repo_name): print("Caching new repository {0}".format(repo_name)) entity = Entity(repo_name) entity['name'] = repo['full_name'] # Evidently you cannot set facts to None. (?) if not repo['description']: entity['description'] = u'' else: entity['description'] = repo['description'] entity['url'] = repo['html_url'] entity['owner'] = user_info(repo['owner']).name DBSession.add(entity) DBSession.commit() return Entity.by_name(repo_name)
def user_info(user): user_name = u'user_{0}'.format(user['id']) if not Entity.by_name(user_name): print("Caching new user {0}".format(user_name)) entity = Entity(user_name) entity['login'] = user['login'] entity['gravatar'] = user['gravatar_id'] entity['avatar'] = u'{0}?s=200' \ .format(user['gravatar_id']) # Not everyone has set a name for their account. if user.get('name'): entity[u'name'] = user['name'] else: entity[u'name'] = user['login'] DBSession.add(entity) DBSession.commit() return Entity.by_name(user_name)
def repo_info(repo): repo_name = repo.get( 'full_name', '{0}/{1}'.format(repo['owner']['login'], repo['name'])) if not Entity.by_name(repo_name): print("Caching new repository {0}".format(repo_name)) entity = Entity(repo_name) entity['name'] = repo['full_name'] # Evidently you cannot set facts to None. (?) if not repo['description']: entity['description'] = u'' else: entity['description'] = repo['description'] entity['url'] = repo['html_url'] entity['owner'] = user_info(repo['owner']).name DBSession.add(entity) DBSession.commit() return Entity.by_name(repo_name)
def inject_knowledge(): #SunlightAPI returns nicely Unicoded data, but not all APIs will... #Don't forget to use to_unicode() knowledge = DBSession for leg in ny_legs: print leg['full_name'] #Check if entity is already in DB, and if so continue #This is good for not duplicating entries, however #This will skip updates to the entity :( #This is why Sunlight included an "updated_at" field :) #TODO: Change check to "updated_at" instead of full_name if Entity.by_name(leg['full_name']): continue character = Entity.by_name(leg['full_name']) else: character = Entity(leg['full_name']) for key, value in leg.items(): character[key] = to_unicode(value) knowledge.add(character) knowledge.commit()
def event_info(event): event_name = u'event_{0}'.format(event['id']) if not Entity.by_name(event_name): print("Caching new event {0}".format(event_name)) entity = Entity(event_name) entity['name'] = event_name entity[u'actor'] = user_info(event['actor']).name try: entity[u'repo'] = repo_info(event['repo']['name']).name except: entity['repo'] = event['repo']['name'] entity[u'type'] = event['type'] entity[u'payload'] = event['payload'] entity[u'created_at'] = datetime.strptime(event['created_at'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') if 'Comment' in event['type']: entity[u'comment'] = comment_info(event['payload']['comment']).name if 'Issue' in event['type']: entity['issue'] = issue_info(event['payload']['issue']).name DBSession.add(entity) DBSession.commit() return Entity.by_name(event_name)
def zip_exe_handler(self, entity): """ Handles self-extracting zip files """ self.log.debug("zip_exe_handler(%s)" % entity) entity[u'format'] = u'zip' dirname = os.path.dirname(entity[u'filename']) p = subprocess.Popen('unzip -o "%s"' % entity[u'filename'], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=dirname) out, err = p.communicate() if err: self.log.error("Error unzipping: " + err) else: # Delete compressed data after extracting os.unlink(entity[u'filename']) for line in out.split('\n'): if line.strip().startswith('inflating'): extracted = os.path.join(dirname, line.strip().split()[-1]) self.log.debug("extracted " + extracted) magic = utils.get_magic(extracted) # Create a new child Entity for each extracted file extracted = to_unicode(extracted) child = Entity.by_name(extracted) if not child: child = Entity(name=os.path.basename(extracted)) child[u'filename'] = extracted DBSession.add(child) child.parent = entity child[u'magic'] = to_unicode(magic) self.log.debug("Created %s" % child) else: child.parent = entity DBSession.flush() self.call_magic_handler(extracted, child)
def cache_events(client, org): """Pull new events from Github.""" try: members = client.organization_members(org) except: print('Error getting members') return for user in members: try: events = client.user_activity(user['login']) for event in events: if not Entity.by_name(event['repo']): client.repo_information(event['repo']) except: print("Something went wrong updating the events for {0}." \ .format(user['login'])) continue print("You have {0} of {1} calls left this hour." .format(*client.rate_limiting))
def populate(self, event): self.event = event user = Entity.by_name(event[u'actor']) user_name = user[u'name'] repo = event[u'repo'] if not Entity.by_name(repo): repo_link = event[u'repo'] repo_desc = '' else: repo = Entity.by_name(repo) repo_link = '<a href="{0}">{1}</a>'.format(repo['url'], repo['name']) repo_desc = repo['description'][u'avatar'], user[u'gravatar'], self.scale), False, False, 10) event_colors = { 'commit': "#C9FFC1", 'branch': "#C2C9FF", 'issue': "#FFBAF9", 'comment': "#FFDDBD", 'social': "#FFFF80", } event_text = [] color = "#FFFFFF" if event[u'type'] == "CommitCommentEvent": color = event_colors['comment'] event_text.append("{0} commented on a commit in {1}." .format(user_name, repo_link)) comment = Entity.by_name(event[u'comment']) event_text.append(comment[u'body']) elif event[u'type'] == "CreateEvent": color = event_colors['branch'] new_type = event[u'payload']['ref_type'] if new_type == 'repository': event_text.append("{0} created a new {1}, {2}." .format(user_name, new_type, repo_link)) else: event_text.append("{0} created {1} <tt>{3}</tt> in {2}." .format(user_name, new_type, repo_link, event[u'payload']['ref'])) event_text.append(repo_desc) elif event[u'type'] == "DeleteEvent": color = event_colors['branch'] new_type = event[u'payload']['ref_type'] event_text.append("{0} deleted {1} <tt>{3}</tt> in {2}." .format(user_name, new_type, repo_link, event[u'payload']['ref'])) #DownloadEvent elif event[u'type'] == "FollowEvent": color = event_colors['social'] target = event['payload']['target'] try: event_text.append("{0} is now following {1}." .format(user_name, target['name'])) except KeyError: event_text.append("{0} is now following {1}." .format(user_name, target['login'])) elif event[u'type'] == "ForkEvent": color = event_colors['branch'] try: event_text.append("{0} forked {1} to {2}." .format(user_name, repo_link, event[u'payload']['forkee']['full_name'])) except KeyError: event_text.append("{0} forked {1} to {2}/{3}." .format(user_name, repo_link, event[u'payload']['forkee']['owner']['login'], event[u'payload']['forkee']['name'])) event_text.append(repo_desc) #ForkApplyEvent elif event[u'type'] == "GistEvent": event_text.append("{0} {1}d a gist" .format(user_name, event['payload']['action'])) elif event[u'type'] == "GollumEvent": event_text.append("{0} updated {2} wiki pages in {1}." .format(user_name, repo_link, len(event['payload']['pages']))) for page in event['payload']['pages']: event_text.append(page['title']) elif event[u'type'] == "IssueCommentEvent": color = event_colors['comment'] issue = Entity.by_name(event['issue']) event_text.append("{0} commented on issue #{1} in {2}." .format(user_name, issue['number'], repo_link)) comment = Entity.by_name(event[u'comment']) event_text.append(issue[u'title']) event_text.append(comment[u'body']) elif event[u'type'] == "IssuesEvent": color = event_colors['issue'] issue = Entity.by_name(event['issue']) event_text.append("{0} {1} issue #{2} in {3}." .format(user_name, event['payload']['action'], issue['number'], repo_link)) event_text.append(issue[u'title']) elif event[u'type'] == "MemberEvent": try: event_text.append("{0} added {1} as a collaborator to {2}." .format(user_name, event['payload']['member']['name'], repo_link)) except KeyError: event_text.append("{0} added {1} as a collaborator to {2}." .format(user_name, event['payload']['member']['login'], repo_link)) event_text.append(repo_desc) elif event[u'type'] == "PublicEvent": event_text.append("{0} made {1} public." .format(user_name, repo_link)) event_text.append(repo_desc) elif event[u'type'] == "PullRequestEvent": color = event_colors['issue'] # request = Entity.by_name(event['request']) event_text.append("{0} {1} pull request #{2} in {3}." .format(user_name, event['payload']['action'], event['payload']['number'], repo_link)) elif event['type'] == 'PullRequestReviewCommentEvent': color = event_colors['social'] event_text.append("{0} commented on an issue in {1}." .format(user_name, repo_link)) comment = Entity.by_name(event['comment']) event_text.append(comment['body']) elif event[u'type'] == "PushEvent": color = event_colors['commit'] event_text.append("{0} pushed {1} commit(s) to {2}." .format(user_name, event[u'payload']['size'], repo_link)) for commit in event[u'payload']['commits']: event_text.append(u'• ' + commit['message']) #TeamAddEvent elif event[u'type'] == "WatchEvent": color = event_colors['social'] event_text.append("{0} is now watching {1}" .format(user_name, repo_link)) event_text.append(repo_desc) else: event_text.append(event['type']) self.modify_bg(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL, Gdk.color_parse(color)) event_label = mk_label('\n'.join(event_text)), False, False, 0)
def twill_handler(self, url, links, login_func): """ This function uses twill to download the files defined in links and passing them to the magic handler to be processed. """ self.log.debug('twill_handler(%s)' % locals()) parsed_url = urlparse(url) hostname = parsed_url[1].replace('www.', '') parent = Entity.by_name(hostname) if not parent: parent = Entity(name=hostname) DBSession.add(parent) root = Entity.by_name(u'CIVX') if not root: root = Entity(name=u'CIVX') DBSession.add(root) parent.parent = root # See if this entity already exists entity = Entity.by_name(url) if entity:'Entity(%r) already exists; skipping.' % url) return #DBSession.flush() for category, link_list in links.items(): dest = [self.config['git_dir'], hostname] if len(links) == 1: entity = parent else: entity = Entity(name=category) entity[u'url'] = url entity[u'repo'] = hostname entity.parent = parent dest.append( DBSession.add(entity) DBSession.flush() dest = os.path.join(*dest) if not os.path.isdir(dest): os.makedirs(dest) b = self.get_browser() for link in link_list: # We might have timed out, try to log in again. login_func() b.go(link['href']) # Try to pick out the filename if there is a query if link['href'].find('=') >= 0: filename = urlparse(link['href'])[-2].split('=')[1] else: filename = link['href'].split('/')[-1] filename = os.path.join(dest, filename) save_html(filename) file_entity = Entity(name=link.contents[0]) file_entity[u'filename'] = filename file_entity[u'repo'] = hostname DBSession.add(file_entity) file_entity.parent = entity self.log.debug("Created entity %r (parent %r)" % (, magic = self.call_magic_handler(filename, file_entity) file_entity[u'magic'] = magic DBSession.flush()
def populate(self, event): self.event = event user = Entity.by_name(event[u'actor']) user_name = user[u'name'] repo = event[u'repo'] if not Entity.by_name(repo): repo_link = event[u'repo'] repo_desc = '' else: repo = Entity.by_name(repo) repo_link = '<a href="{0}">{1}</a>'.format(repo['url'], repo['name']) repo_desc = repo['description'] url_to_image(user[u'avatar'], user[u'gravatar'], self.scale), False, False, 10) event_colors = { 'commit': "#C9FFC1", 'branch': "#C2C9FF", 'issue': "#FFBAF9", 'comment': "#FFDDBD", 'social': "#FFFF80", } event_text = [] color = "#FFFFFF" if event[u'type'] == "CommitCommentEvent": color = event_colors['comment'] event_text.append("{0} commented on a commit in {1}.".format( user_name, repo_link)) comment = Entity.by_name(event[u'comment']) event_text.append(comment[u'body']) elif event[u'type'] == "CreateEvent": color = event_colors['branch'] new_type = event[u'payload']['ref_type'] if new_type == 'repository': event_text.append("{0} created a new {1}, {2}.".format( user_name, new_type, repo_link)) else: event_text.append( "{0} created {1} <tt>{3}</tt> in {2}.".format( user_name, new_type, repo_link, event[u'payload']['ref'])) event_text.append(repo_desc) elif event[u'type'] == "DeleteEvent": color = event_colors['branch'] new_type = event[u'payload']['ref_type'] event_text.append("{0} deleted {1} <tt>{3}</tt> in {2}.".format( user_name, new_type, repo_link, event[u'payload']['ref'])) #DownloadEvent elif event[u'type'] == "FollowEvent": color = event_colors['social'] target = event['payload']['target'] try: event_text.append("{0} is now following {1}.".format( user_name, target['name'])) except KeyError: event_text.append("{0} is now following {1}.".format( user_name, target['login'])) elif event[u'type'] == "ForkEvent": color = event_colors['branch'] try: event_text.append("{0} forked {1} to {2}.".format( user_name, repo_link, event[u'payload']['forkee']['full_name'])) except KeyError: event_text.append("{0} forked {1} to {2}/{3}.".format( user_name, repo_link, event[u'payload']['forkee']['owner']['login'], event[u'payload']['forkee']['name'])) event_text.append(repo_desc) #ForkApplyEvent elif event[u'type'] == "GistEvent": event_text.append("{0} {1}d a gist".format( user_name, event['payload']['action'])) elif event[u'type'] == "GollumEvent": event_text.append("{0} updated {2} wiki pages in {1}.".format( user_name, repo_link, len(event['payload']['pages']))) for page in event['payload']['pages']: event_text.append(page['title']) elif event[u'type'] == "IssueCommentEvent": color = event_colors['comment'] issue = Entity.by_name(event['issue']) event_text.append("{0} commented on issue #{1} in {2}.".format( user_name, issue['number'], repo_link)) comment = Entity.by_name(event[u'comment']) event_text.append(issue[u'title']) event_text.append(comment[u'body']) elif event[u'type'] == "IssuesEvent": color = event_colors['issue'] issue = Entity.by_name(event['issue']) event_text.append("{0} {1} issue #{2} in {3}.".format( user_name, event['payload']['action'], issue['number'], repo_link)) event_text.append(issue[u'title']) elif event[u'type'] == "MemberEvent": try: event_text.append( "{0} added {1} as a collaborator to {2}.".format( user_name, event['payload']['member']['name'], repo_link)) except KeyError: event_text.append( "{0} added {1} as a collaborator to {2}.".format( user_name, event['payload']['member']['login'], repo_link)) event_text.append(repo_desc) elif event[u'type'] == "PublicEvent": event_text.append("{0} made {1} public.".format( user_name, repo_link)) event_text.append(repo_desc) elif event[u'type'] == "PullRequestEvent": color = event_colors['issue'] # request = Entity.by_name(event['request']) event_text.append("{0} {1} pull request #{2} in {3}.".format( user_name, event['payload']['action'], event['payload']['number'], repo_link)) elif event['type'] == 'PullRequestReviewCommentEvent': color = event_colors['social'] event_text.append("{0} commented on an issue in {1}.".format( user_name, repo_link)) comment = Entity.by_name(event['comment']) event_text.append(comment['body']) elif event[u'type'] == "PushEvent": color = event_colors['commit'] event_text.append("{0} pushed {1} commit(s) to {2}.".format( user_name, event[u'payload']['size'], repo_link)) for commit in event[u'payload']['commits']: event_text.append(u'• ' + commit['message']) #TeamAddEvent elif event[u'type'] == "WatchEvent": color = event_colors['social'] event_text.append("{0} is now watching {1}".format( user_name, repo_link)) event_text.append(repo_desc) else: event_text.append(event['type']) self.modify_bg(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL, Gdk.color_parse(color)) event_label = mk_label('\n'.join(event_text)), False, False, 0)
def setUp(self): engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:') init_model(engine) metadata.create_all(engine) PolyScraper().consume('') self.entity = Entity.by_name('')
def consume(self, url): """ This method attempts to scrape a URI. First it tries to figure out the protocol, then tries to pull a hostname out of the url. Then the git repo is initialized, and we take a close look at the url. If the hostnme is known to be tricky, it will have a special handler method written for it and leave from there. Otherwise it goes through the general path for its protocol, attempting to find useful data. When everything is done, the entity is updated and messages are sent out announcing that the scrape is done. """ self.log.debug("PolyScraper(%s)" % url) start = datetime.utcnow() # Try to pull a protocol off the URI protocol_end = url.find("://") protocol = "http" if not protocol_end == -1: protocol = url[:protocol_end] parsed_url = urlparse(url) hostname = parsed_url[1].replace('www.', '') # Set a hostname if none is set. if not hostname: hostname = u"localhost" # See if we already know about this URL entity = Entity.by_name(url) if entity:'Entity(%r) already exists' % url) else: root = Entity.by_name(u'CIVX') if not root: root = Entity(name=u'CIVX') DBSession.add(root) DBSession.flush() parent = Entity.by_name(hostname) if not parent: parent = Entity(name=hostname) DBSession.add(parent) parent.parent = root self.log.debug("Created entity %r" % entity = Entity(name=url) DBSession.add(entity) # hide the exact url entity from our tree entity.parent = parent self.log.debug("Created entity %r" % #self.send_message('', { # 'msg': 'New entity created: %s' % url # }) DBSession.flush() # Initialize a git repo for this data source entity[u'repo'] = hostname #entity[u'url'] = url # Initialize the git repository for this domain #~ self.init_git_repo(repo=hostname) DBSession.flush() # Scrape the url (to a certain depth) for data num_downloads = 0 # Provide a URL handler method that is called with each file pass # in the soup entity for the link instead, so we can easily look # around the DOM and pull out titles, etc. if hostname in self.url_handlers: #self.url_handlers[hostname](self, soup_link, file_entity) self.url_handlers[hostname](self, url) else: # If we do not specifically handle this file, take a basic approach # based on the protocol. These could probably also be split off # into $protocol_handler methods. self.log.warning('Cannot find %s URL handler' % hostname) files = [] if protocol == "ftp": from ftplib import FTP self.log.debug("FTP support is not implemented yet.") elif protocol == "file": search_path = url[protocol_end+3:] local_files = [] if os.path.isdir(search_path): # Find all files in directory for directory in os.walk(search_path): dirpath = directory[0] for filename in directory[2]: local_files.append(os.path.join(dirpath, filename)) else: local_files.append(search_path) dest = os.path.join(self.config['git_dir'], hostname) # FIXME: what about for links to from # we probably want our own repo namespace to download # and extract this to #if not os.path.isdir(dest): # self.log.debug("mkdir %s" % dest) # os.makedirs(dest) # I think this section is deprecated and unnecessary... #for ext in extensions.split(','): ## if link.endswith('%s' % ext) or '/%s/' % ext in link: ## entity[u'format'] = ext # if ext not in civx.model.models[Entity]: # civx.model.models[Entity][ext] = [] for path in local_files: #raw = self.download_file(link) #file_name = os.path.basename(link) #filename = to_unicode(os.path.join(dest, file_name)) #num_downloads += 1 #shutil.copy(raw, filename) #self.log.debug("Copied %s to %s" % (raw, # os.path.join(dest, file_name))) ##file_entity = Entity(name=os.path.basename(file_name)) #file_entity = Entity(name=link) ##file_entity[u'url'] = link #file_entity[u'filename'] = filename #file_entity[u'repo'] = hostname #DBSession.add(file_entity) #file_entity.parent = entity ##file_entity.parent = parent #self.log.debug("Created entity %r (parent %r)" % ( #, file_path = os.path.split(path)[0] file_name = os.path.split(path)[1]"%s is a local file" % file_name) files.append((file_path, file_name, path)) #files.append((os.path.dirname(filename), file_name, filename)) else: # Assume protocol is http """ #### f = urllib2.urlopen(url) # XXX: does this load everything into mem? if == 'text/html': soup = self.get_soup( else: # Assume the url is a link to a direct file # Save the file to disk. # throw file at magic handlers #### """ soup = self.get_soup(url) for link, soup_link in self.scrape_files_from_url(url, soup_links=True): parsed_link = urlparse(link) file_path = '/'.join(parsed_link[2].split('/')[:-1]) file_name = parsed_link[2].split('/')[-1] files.append((file_path, file_name, link)) for (file_path, file_name, link) in files: dest = self.config['git_dir'] + hostname + file_path local = os.path.exists(link) # See if this file already exists file_entity = Entity.by_name(link) #file_entity = Entity.by_name(os.path.basename(file_name)) if file_entity:'Entity(%r) already exists; skipping.' % link) continue # FIXME: what about for links to from # we probably want our own repo namespace to download # and extract this to if not os.path.isdir(dest): os.makedirs(dest) # I think this section is deprecated and unnecessary... for ext in extensions.split(','): # if link.endswith('%s' % ext) or '/%s/' % ext in link: # entity[u'format'] = ext if ext not in civx.model.models[Entity]: civx.model.models[Entity][ext] = [] raw = self.download_file(link) filename = os.path.join(dest, file_name) num_downloads += 1 if local: self.log.debug("Copied %s to %s" % (raw, filename)) shutil.copy(raw, filename) else: self.log.debug("Moved %s to %s" % (raw, filename)) shutil.move(raw, filename) #file_entity = Entity(name=os.path.basename(file_name)) file_entity = Entity(name=link) #file_entity[u'url'] = link file_entity[u'filename'] = filename file_entity[u'repo'] = hostname DBSession.add(file_entity) file_entity.parent = entity #file_entity.parent = parent self.log.debug("Created entity %r (parent %r)" % (, # Determine the file magic, and call the appropriate handler file_entity[u'magic'] = self.call_magic_handler(filename, file_entity) DBSession.flush() # To do this stuff we'll need to return an entity from the url handler? #if 'num_files' in entity.facts: # num_files = int(entity['num_files']) # print repr(num_files) # # if num_files != num_downloads: #'Downloaded %d more files from previous scrape' % # num_downloads - num_files) # entity[u'num_files'] += num_downloads # else: #entity[u'num_files'] = num_downloads #if u'date_added' not in entity.facts: # entity[u'date_added'] = unicode(datetime.utcnow()) #entity[u'date_last_scraped'] = unicode(datetime.utcnow()) if 'changelog' not in entity.facts: entity[u'changelog'] = [] finish = datetime.utcnow() changelog = { u'start_time': unicode(start), u'finish_time': unicode(finish), u'elapsed_time': unicode(finish-start), u'num_downloads': num_downloads, #u'num_children': len(entity.children), #~ u'git_commit': self.get_latest_commit_id(), } entity[u'changelog'].append(changelog) DBSession.commit()"== Statistics ==")"Scraped url: " + url)"Number of downloaded files: %d" % num_downloads)
def test_associating_facts_unicode_by_get(self): apple = Entity('apple') DBSession.add(apple) DBSession.commit() apple['foo'] = u'bar' eq_(apple.get('foo'), 'bar')
def test_associating_facts_get_custom_default(self): apple = Entity('apple') DBSession.add(apple) DBSession.commit() apple['foo'] = u'bar' eq_(apple.get('baz', 'zomg'), 'zomg')
def data_gov_handler(self, url): """ handler. Entity(CIVX) |-Entity( | |-Entity(Agency) | |-Entity( | | |-Fact(title), ... | | |-Entity( """ self.log.debug('data_gov_handler(%s)' % locals()) parsed_url = urlparse(url) hostname = parsed_url[1].replace('www.', '') data_types = ('csv', 'RDF', 'xml', 'kml', 'PDF', 'shapefile', 'XLS') fields = ('Agency', 'Sub-Agency', 'Category', 'Date Released', 'Date Updated', 'Time Period', 'Frequency', 'Description', ' Data Category Type', 'Specialized Data Category Designation', 'Keywords', 'Unique ID', 'Citation', 'Agency Program Page', 'Agency Data Series Page', 'Unit of Analysis', 'Granularity', 'Geographic Coverage', 'Collection Mode', 'Data Collection Instrument', 'Data Dictionary/Variable List', 'Technical Documentation', 'Additional Metadata') # Our top-level entity data_gov = Entity.by_name('') if not data_gov: data_gov = Entity(name=u'') DBSession.add(data_gov) root = Entity.by_name(u'CIVX') if not root: root = Entity(name=u'CIVX') DBSession.add(root) data_gov.parent = root # See if this entity already exists #~ entity = Entity.by_name(url) #~ if entity: #~'Entity(%r) already exists; skipping.' % url) #~ return soup = self.get_soup(url) # If this is a raw data profile, grab the title of the dataset if '/raw/' in url: # Create a new Entity for this URL title = soup.find('h2', {'id': 'datasetName'}).string.decode('utf-8', 'replace') entity = Entity(name=title) entity[u'url'] = url entity[u'repo'] = hostname DBSession.add(entity) dest = [self.config['git_dir'], hostname] # Extract data for each field for field in fields: data = soup.find(text=field) if data and and data = if data: entity[unicode(field)] = data.decode('utf-8').strip() DBSession.flush() # Create seperate parent Agency Entity if u'Agency' in entity.facts: agency = Entity(name=entity[u'Agency']) agency.parent = data_gov parent = agency DBSession.add(agency) dest.append(entity[u'Agency']) if u'Sub-Agency' in entity.facts: subagency = Entity(name=entity[u'Sub-Agency']) subagency.parent = agency parent = subagency DBSession.add(subagency) dest.append(entity[u'Sub-Agency']) DBSession.flush() # Have the URL be the child of the agency or sub-agency entity.parent = parent # Elegant repo paths:[/Sub-Agency]/title/filename dest.append( dest = os.path.join(*dest) if not os.path.isdir(dest): os.makedirs(dest) # Scrape all available raw data types downloads = soup.find_all('a', href=re.compile(r'^/download')) for button in downloads: data = button.string.split()[0] link = button['href'] if link: link = urljoin('', link) entity[data.lower()] = link parsed_link = urlparse(link) file_name = parsed_link[2].split('/')[-1] raw = self.download_file(link) filename = os.path.join(dest, file_name) shutil.move(raw, filename) self.log.debug("Moved %s to %s" % (raw, filename)) # Create a new entity for this file file_entity = Entity(name=link) DBSession.add(file_entity) file_entity[u'filename'] = filename file_entity.parent = entity # Process this file accordingly self.call_magic_handler(filename, file_entity) # Find external map links map = soup.find('a', href=re.compile(r'^/externallink/map/')) if map: map = urllib.unquote(map.get('href', '')[18:]).split('/')[0].replace('###', '/') entity[u'map'] = map DBSession.flush() # If this is from a table of results, grab the title fom this row else: self.log.debug("entity[url] = %r" % entity[u'url']) raise NotImplementedError("Scraping titles from tables not yet supported")