Пример #1
def login(s):
		c1 = cookielib.Cookie(None, "PHPSESSID", memcache.get("PHPSESSID"), None, False, memcache.get("domain0"), True, False, memcache.get("path0"), True, False, None, False, None, False, None, False)
		jar = cookielib.CookieJar()
		c2 = cookielib.Cookie(None, "appserver", memcache.get("appserver"), None, False, memcache.get("domain1"), True, False, memcache.get("path1"), True, False, None, False, None, False, None, False)
		s.cj = jar
		s.opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(s.cj))
		s.isConnected = memcache.get("isConnected")
		s.userId = memcache.get("userId")
		s.userName = memcache.get("userName")
		s.userPasswordHash = memcache.get("userPasswordHash")
		s.serverURL = memcache.get("serverURL")
		s.pwd = memcache.get("pwd")
		s.rollover = memcache.get("rollover")
		logging.error("some memcache keys were deleted")
		s = Session()
		s.login(Data.USERNAME, Data.PASSWORD)
		memcache.add(key="isConnected", value=bool(s.isConnected))
		memcache.add(key="userId", value=int(s.userId))
		memcache.add(key="userName", value=str(s.userName))
		memcache.add(key="userPasswordHash", value=str(s.userPasswordHash))
		memcache.add(key="serverURL", value=str(s.serverURL))
		memcache.add(key="pwd", value=str(s.pwd))
		memcache.add(key="rollover", value=int(s.rollover))

		i = 0
		for cookie in s.cj:
			logging.info("%s=%s" % (cookie.name, cookie.value))
			memcache.add(key="domain%d" % i, value=str(cookie.domain))
			memcache.add(key="path%d" % i, value=str(cookie.path))
			i += 1
		u = UserProfileRequest(s, 2434890)
		logging.warn("Not logged in, logging in")
		s = Session()
		s.login(Data.USERNAME, Data.PASSWORD)

		memcache.add(key="isConnected", value=bool(s.isConnected))
		memcache.add(key="userId", value=int(s.userId))
		memcache.add(key="userName", value=str(s.userName))
		memcache.add(key="userPasswordHash", value=str(s.userPasswordHash))
		memcache.add(key="serverURL", value=str(s.serverURL))
		memcache.add(key="pwd", value=str(s.pwd))
		memcache.add(key="rollover", value=int(s.rollover))

		i = 0
		for cookie in s.cj:
			logging.info("%s=%s" % (cookie.name, cookie.value))
			memcache.add(key="domain%d" % i, value=str(cookie.domain))
			memcache.add(key="path%d" % i, value=str(cookie.path))
			i += 1
Пример #2
def process(s, c, counter):
	chats = None
		chats = c.getNewChatMessages()
		chats = c.getNewChatMessages()
	for chat in chats:
		# handle PMs
		if chat["type"] == "private" and chat['userId'] not in Data.playerBlacklist:
			incrementCounter(chat, counter)
			u = UserProfileRequest(s, chat["userId"])
			# allow use in RU only
			if u.doRequest()["clanName"] == "Reddit United":
				if re.match(Data.wang, chat['text']):
					player = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Player WHERE userName='******'" % chat['userName'].lower()).get()
					if player is None:
						player = Player(userName=chat['userName'].lower(), gotPackage=False, wangsUsed=0, arrowUsed=False)
					if player.wangsUsed < Data.WANG_LIMIT:
						logging.debug("hitting %s with a wang" % chat['userName'])
						wang = CursePlayerRequest(s, chat["userId"], 625)
							player.wangsUsed += 1
							c.sendChatMessage("/msg %s You have been slapped with a wang." % chat["userId"])
							c.sendChatMessage("/msg %s An error occurred. Please try again later." % chat["userId"])
						logging.warn("%s has hit limit for wang" % chat['userName'])
						c.sendChatMessage("/msg %s You have used all 5 wangs for the day." % chat['userId'])
				elif re.match(Data.rigRoll, chat['text']):
					if chat['userId'] == 2434890:
						if re.match(Data.rigRoll, chat['text']).group(5) != "k" and re.match(Data.rigRoll, chat['text']).group(5) != "m":
							logging.debug("Rolling normally RIGGED")
							c.sendChatMessage("/clan Rolling 1D%s for %s gives %s" % (str(re.match(Data.rigRoll, chat['text']).group(1)), chat["userName"], re.match(Data.rigRoll, chat['text']).group(8)))
						elif re.match(Data.rigRoll, chat['text']).group(5) == "k" or re.match(Data.rigRoll, chat['text']).group(5) == "K":
							logging.debug("Rolling x1000 RIGGED")
							c.sendChatMessage("/clan Rolling 1D%s for %s gives %s" % ((str(re.match(Data.rigRoll, chat['text']).group(1)) + str(re.match(Data.rigRoll, chat['text']).group(5))), chat["userName"], re.match(Data.rigRoll, chat['text']).group(8)))
						elif re.match(Data.rigRoll, chat['text']).group(5) == "m" or re.match(Data.rigRoll, chat['text']).group(5) == "M":
							logging.debug("Rolling x1m RIGGED")
							c.sendChatMessage("/clan Rolling 1D%s for %s gives %s" % ((str(re.match(Data.rigRoll, chat['text']).group(1)) + str(re.match(Data.rigRoll, chat['text']).group(5))), chat["userName"],  re.match(Data.rigRoll, chat['text']).group(8)))
				elif re.match(Data.diceRoll, chat['text']):
					logging.debug(re.match(Data.diceRoll, chat['text']).group(5))
					# TODO: take out this part after raffles.
					if chat['userId'] in [2413861, 1481327] and re.match(Data.diceRoll, chat['text']).group(1) == 10:
						if db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Player WHERE userName='******'").get().baleeted is False:
							c.sendChatMessage("/clan Rolling 1D%s for %s gives %s" % (str(re.match(Data.diceRoll, chat['text']).group(1)), chat["userName"], 4))
							player = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Player WHERE userName='******'").get()
							player.baleeted = True
							c.sendChatMessage("/clan Rolling 1D%s for %s gives %s" % (str(re.match(Data.diceRoll, chat['text']).group(1)), chat["userName"], random.randint(1, int(re.match(Data.diceRoll, chat['text']).group(1)))))
					# roll! group 2 = #, group 5 = k or m, group 7 = channel
					elif re.match(Data.diceRoll, chat['text']).group(5) != "k" and re.match(Data.diceRoll, chat['text']).group(5) != "m":
						logging.debug("Rolling normally")
						c.sendChatMessage("/clan Rolling 1D%s for %s gives %s" % (str(re.match(Data.diceRoll, chat['text']).group(1)), chat["userName"], random.randint(1, int(re.match(Data.diceRoll, chat['text']).group(1)))))
					elif re.match(Data.diceRoll, chat['text']).group(5) == "k" or re.match(Data.diceRoll, chat['text']).group(5) == "K":
						logging.debug("Rolling x1000")
						c.sendChatMessage("/clan Rolling 1D%s for %s gives %s" % ((str(re.match(Data.diceRoll, chat['text']).group(1)) + str(re.match(Data.diceRoll, chat['text']).group(5))), chat["userName"], random.randint(1, int(re.match(Data.diceRoll, chat['text']).group(1)) * 1000)))
					elif re.match(Data.diceRoll, chat['text']).group(5) == "m" or re.match(Data.diceRoll, chat['text']).group(5) == "M":
						logging.debug("Rolling x1m")
						c.sendChatMessage("/clan Rolling 1D%s for %s gives %s" % ((str(re.match(Data.diceRoll, chat['text']).group(1)) + str(re.match(Data.diceRoll, chat['text']).group(5))), chat["userName"], random.randint(1, int(re.match(Data.diceRoll, chat['text']).group(1)) * 1000000)))
				elif re.match(Data.wangOther, chat['text']):
					logging.debug("slapping %s with a wang. request by %s" % (re.match(Data.wangOther, chat['text']).group(2), chat['userName']))
					player = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Player WHERE userName='******'" % chat['userName'].lower()).get()
					if player is None:
						player = Player(userName=chat['userName'].lower(), gotPackage=False, wangsUsed=0, arrowUsed=False)
					if player.wangsUsed < Data.WANG_LIMIT:
						wang = CursePlayerRequest(s, re.match(Data.wangOther, chat['text']).group(2), 625)
							player.wangsUsed += 1
							c.sendChatMessage("/msg %s %s has been slapped with a wang." % (chat["userId"], re.match(Data.wangOther, chat['text']).group(2)))
							c.sendChatMessage("/msg %s An error occurred. Please try again later." % chat["userId"])
						logging.warn("%s has hit limit for wang" % chat['userName'])
						c.sendChatMessage("/msg %s You have used all 5 wangs for the day." % chat['userId'])
				# elif re.match(Data.loveMe, chat['text']):
				# 	logging.debug("sending love back at %s" % chat['userName'])
				# 	c.sendChatMessage("/msg %s Awww... I love you back!" % chat["userId"])
				elif re.match(Data.arrow, chat['text']):
					if chat['userId'] not in [1589628]:
						logging.debug("hitting %s with a time's arrow" % chat['userId'])
						player = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Player WHERE userName = '******'" % chat['userName'].lower()).get()
						if player is None:
							player = Player(userName=chat['userName'].lower(), gotPackage=False, wangsUsed=0, arrowsUsed=False)
						if not player.arrowsUsed:
							arrow = CursePlayerRequest(s, chat["userId"], 4939)
								player.arrowsUsed = True
								c.sendChatMessage("/msg %s Hitting you with a time's arrow, straight to the knee." % chat["userId"])
								logging.error("Out of arrows/error!")
								c.sendChatMessage("/msg %s Oops, looks like I'm out of arrows :'( (Or you're in Ronin/HC, or you've been hit already by someone else)" % chat["userId"])
							logging.warn("%s hit limit for time's arrow" % chat['userName'])
							c.sendChatMessage("/msg %s You have used your arrow for the day." % chat['userId'])
						logging.warn("%s is blacklisted from arrows" % chat['userName'])
						c.sendChatMessage("/msg %s You have been blacklisted from using time's arrows." % chat['userId'])
				elif re.match(Data.arrowOther, chat['text']):
					if chat['userId'] not in [1589628]:
						player = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Player WHERE userName = '******'" % chat['userName'].lower()).get()
						if player is None:
							player = Player(userName=chat['userName'].lower(), gotPackage=False, wangsUsed=0, arrowsUsed=False)
						if not player.arrowsUsed:
							logging.debug("hitting %s with a time's arrow. request by %s" % (re.match(Data.arrowOther, chat['text']).group(2), chat['userName']))
							arrow = CursePlayerRequest(s, re.match(Data.arrowOther, chat['text']).group(2), 4939)
								player.arrowsUsed = True
								c.sendChatMessage("/msg %s %s has been hit with an arrow." % (chat["userId"], re.match(Data.arrowOther, chat['text']).group(2)))
								c.sendChatMessage("/msg %s An error occurred. Please try again later." % chat["userId"])
							logging.warn("%s hit limit for time's arrow" % chat['userName'])
							c.sendChatMessage("/msg %s You have used your arrow for the day." % chat['userId'])
						logging.warn("%s is blacklisted from arrows" % chat['userName'])
						c.sendChatMessage("/msg %s You have been blacklisted from using time's arrows." % chat['userId'])
				elif re.match(Data.upgradeStatus, chat['text']):
					c.sendChatMessage("/msg %s Rank upgrades have been moved to RedditRankBot. Please PM him instead." % chat['userId'])
					# # TODO: rewrite to use FindWhitelistRequest in order to not accidentally demote a player
					# e = EditPlayerRankRequest(s, chat['userId'], 6)
					# if e.doRequest()["success"]:
					# 	logging.debug("Promoted %s to a Lurker" % chat['userName'])
					# 	AddClannieToClanWhitelistRequest(s, chat['userId']).doRequest()
					# 	c.sendChatMessage("/msg %s You have been promoted to Lurker." % chat["userId"])
					# 	c.sendChatMessage("/clan %s (#%s) has been promoted to a Lurker." % (chat["userName"], chat["userId"]))
					# else:
					# 	c.sendChatMessage("/msg %s Sorry, I've failed to automatically promote you. Please see a mod." % chat['userId'])
				elif re.match(Data.sendCarePackage, chat['text']):
					if chat['userId'] in Data.karmanautPlus:
						logging.info("Attempting to send care package to %s request by %s" % (re.match(Data.sendCarePackage, chat['text']).group(1), chat['userName']))
						newbieName = re.match(Data.sendCarePackage, chat['text']).group(1)
						if newbieName.isdigit():
							newbieName = UserProfileRequest(s, re.match(Data.sendCarePackage, chat['text']).group(1)).doRequest()["userName"]
						playerSearch = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Player WHERE userName = '******'" % newbieName.lower()).get()
						msgBody = {
							"userId": re.match(Data.sendCarePackage, chat['text']).group(1),
							"text": "Welcome to KoL and Reddit United! Here's some stuff to help you out.\n\nThis newbie package was requested by %s for you" % chat["userName"],
							"items": [{"id": 143, "quantity": 1}, {"id": 591,	"quantity": 1},	{"id": 1450, "quantity": 1}, {"id": 196, "quantity": 3}, {"id": 2402, "quantity": 10}, {"id": 7071, "quantity": 10}, {"id": 7072, "quantity": 10}],	"meat": 1000
						if playerSearch is None:
							# send a package, update the datastore
							c.sendChatMessage("/w %s Sending a care package..." % chat["userId"])
								SendMessageRequest(s, msgBody).doRequest()
								Player(userName=newbieName.lower(), gotPackage=True, wangsUsed=0, arrowsUsed=False).put()
								c.sendChatMessage("/w %s %s has been sent a care package." % (chat['userId'], newbieName))
								c.sendChatMessage("/w %s Failed to send. Username may be too long and KoL chat made a space between it. Please send one manually. (This is a general fail message, this could also mean one ingredient of the package is missing)" % chat['userName'])
							if playerSearch.gotPackage is False:
								c.sendChatMessage("/w %s Sending a care package..." % chat["userId"])
									SendMessageRequest(s, msgBody).doRequest()
									playerSearch.gotPackage = True
									c.sendChatMessage("/w %s %s has been sent a care package." % (chat['userId'], newbieName))
									logging.info("%s has been sent a care package" % newbieName)
									c.sendChatMessage("/w %s Failed to send. Username may be too long and KoL chat made a space between it. Please send one manually" % chat['userName'])
									logging.error("Failed to send package to %s" % newbieName)
								logging.warn("Failed to send package to %s, player has been sent one already" % newbieName)
								c.sendChatMessage("/w %s %s has already been sent a care package" % (chat['userId'], newbieName))
						logging.warn("Unauthorized attempt to send care package by %s" % chat["userName"])
						c.sendChatMessage("/w %s You are not authorized to send care packages. This incident will be reported." % chat['userId'])
					# No matching command was found, inform the player
					incrementCounter(chat, counter)
					c.sendChatMessage("/msg %s Oops, I didn't recognize what you wanted. Try again, or type !help in clan chat to receive a list of commands to use." % chat["userId"])
				# If FaxBot, then acknowledge the fax completion.
				if chat["userId"] == 2194132:
					if " has copied a" in chat['text']:
						logging.debug("A %s has been copied in." % re.match(Data.parseFax, chat['text']).group(1))
						c.sendChatMessage("Your fax request has been completed. A %s has been copied in." % re.match(Data.parseFax, chat['text']).group(1))
					elif "I do not understand your request." in chat['text'] or "just delivered a fax to your clan" in chat['text']:
						c.sendChatMessage("/clan There was a problem in faxing. Please try again.")
					# handle of other players
					c.sendChatMessage("/msg %s Sorry, you must be in the clan \"Reddit United\" to use this bot." % chat['userId'])
			if "channel" in chat and chat["channel"] == "clan" and chat["userId"] not in Data.playerBlacklist:
				if re.match(Data.fax, chat['text']):
					incrementCounter(chat, counter)
					c.sendChatMessage("/clan Faxing a %s..." % re.match(Data.fax, chat['text']).group(1))
					logging.debug("faxing a %s. requested by %s" % (re.match(Data.fax, chat['text']).group(1), chat['userName']))
					c.sendChatMessage("/w FaxBot %s" % re.match(Data.fax, chat['text']).group(1))
				# elif re.match(Data.clanMemberBack, chat['text']):
				# 	incrementCounter(chat, counter)
				# 	logging.debug("w/b to %s" % chat['userName'])
				# 	c.sendChatMessage("/clan Welcome back, %s!" % chat["userName"])
				# elif re.match(Data.clanMemberHi, chat['text']):
				# 	incrementCounter(chat, counter)
				# 	logging.debug("hello to %s" % chat['userName'])
				# 	c.sendChatMessage("/clan Hello, %s!" % chat["userName"])
				# elif re.match(Data.clanMemberLeave, chat['text']):
				# 	incrementCounter(chat, counter)
				# 	logging.debug("goodbye to %s" % chat['userName'])
				# 	c.sendChatMessage("/clan Goodbye, %s!" % chat["userName"])
				elif re.match(Data.snack, chat['text']):
					incrementCounter(chat, counter)
					logging.debug("munching on a snack from %s" % chat['userName'])
					c.sendChatMessage("/clan /me munches on the snack happily")
				elif re.match(Data.smack, chat['text']):
					incrementCounter(chat, counter)
					logging.debug("smacked by %s" % chat['userName'])
					c.sendChatMessage("/clan /me smacks %s back twice as hard" % chat['userName'])
				elif re.match(Data.ignoreMe, chat['text']):
					logging.debug("ignoring %s by own request" % chat['userName'])
					c.sendChatMessage("/clan You have been ignored by RedditBot. Note that this has permanently locked you out of all of RedditBot's features.")
					c.sendChatMessage("/baleet %s" % chat['userId'])
					player = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Player WHERE userName='******'" % chat['userName']).get()
					if player is None:
						Player(userName=chat['userName'].lower(), gotPackage=False, baleeted=True, wangsUsed=0, arrowsUsed=False).put()
						player.baleeted = True
				elif re.match(Data.executeCommand, chat['text']):
					# perm type: SU only
					if chat['userId'] in Data.superUser:
						logging.info("execute %s" % re.match(Data.executeCommand, chat['text']).group(1))
						c.sendChatMessage(re.match(Data.executeCommand, chat['text']).group(1))
						logging.warn("unauthorized executeCommand by %s" % chat['userName'])
						c.sendChatMessage("/clan You are not authorized to use that command.")
				elif re.match(Data.setRank, chat['text']):
					# perm type: mod+
					if chat['userId'] in Data.modPlus:
						logging.info("setting rank for %s to %s" % (re.match(Data.setRank, chat['text']).group(1), re.match(Data.setRank, chat['text']).group(2)))
						resp = {}
						if re.match(Data.setRank, chat['text']).group(2).isdigit():
							resp = EditPlayerRankRequest(s, re.match(Data.setRank, chat['text']).group(1), re.match(Data.setRank, chat['text']).group(2)).doRequest()
							resp = EditPlayerRankRequest(s, re.match(Data.setRank, chat['text']).group(1), EditPlayerRankRequest.ranks[re.match(Data.setRank, chat['text']).group(2).lower()]).doRequest()
						if resp['success']:
							c.sendChatMessage("/clan Rank has been set.")
							c.sendChatMessage("/clan Failed to set rank.")
						logging.warn("unauthorized setRank by %s" % chat['userName'])
						c.sendChatMessage("/clan You are not authorized to use that command.")
				elif re.match(Data.optimal, chat['text']):
					incrementCounter(chat, counter)
					logging.debug("acknowledge optimal by %s" % chat['userName'])
					if chat['userName'].lower() not in ["kevzho", "basbryan", "sweeepss", "hikaru yami"]:
						c.sendChatMessage("/clan No, %s, you are not optimal enough for Kev" % chat['userName'])
						c.sendChatMessage("/clan Yes, %s, you are optimal." % chat["userName"])
				# elif re.match(Data.sharknado, chat['text']):
				# 	incrementCounter(chat, counter)
				# 	c.sendChatMessage("/clan Sharknado was a horrible movie. Just... no.")
				elif re.match(Data.helpMe, chat['text']):
					incrementCounter(chat, counter)
					msg = SendMessageRequest(s, {"userId": chat["userId"], "text": Data.helpText})
				# elif re.match(Data.kill, chat['text']):
				# 	incrementCounter(chat, counter)
				# 	if re.match(Data.kill, chat['text']).group(1).lower() not in ["kevzho", "redditbot", "jick"]:
				# 		c.sendChatMessage("/clan Commencing the killing of %s" % re.match(Data.kill, chat['text']).group(1))
				# 	else:
				# 		c.sendChatMessage("/clan I cannot kill that player.")
				# elif re.match(Data.iq, chat['text']):
				# 	incrementCounter(chat, counter)
				# 	if chat['username'].lower() != "kevzho":
				# 		c.sendChatMessage("/clan My IQ is higher than yours, %s" % chat['userName'])
				# 	else:
				# 		c.sendChatMessage("/clan How can I be smarter than my creator? Don't be silly, %s" % chat["userName"])
				elif re.match(Data.setFlag, chat['text']):
					# perm type: SU only
					if chat['userId'] in Data.superUser:
						c.sendChatMessage("/clan Setting '%s' flag for %s to %s" % (re.match(Data.setFlag, chat['text']).group(1), re.match(Data.setFlag, chat['text']).group(2), re.match(Data.setFlag, chat['text']).group(3)))
						logging.info("Setting '%s' flag for %s to %s" % (re.match(Data.setFlag, chat['text']).group(1), re.match(Data.setFlag, chat['text']).group(2), re.match(Data.setFlag, chat['text']).group(3)))
						playerFlag = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Player WHERE userName='******'" % re.match(Data.setFlag, chat['text']).group(1)).get()
						if re.match(Data.setFlag, chat['text']).group(3) in ["False", "True"]:
							if re.match(Data.setFlag, chat['text']).group(3) == "False":
								setattr(playerFlag, re.match(Data.setFlag, chat['text']).group(2), False)
								c.sendChatMessage("/clan Flag set.")
								setattr(playerFlag, re.match(Data.setFlag, chat['text']).group(2), True)
								c.sendChatMessage("/clan Flag set.")
						elif re.match(Data.setFlag, chat['text']).group(3).isdigit():
							setattr(playerFlag, re.match(Data.setFlag, chat['text']).group(2), int(re.match(Data.setFlag, chat['text']).group(3)))
							c.sendChatMessage("/clan Flag set.")
							setattr(playerFlag, re.match(Data.setFlag, chat['text']).group(2), re.match(Data.setFlag, chat['text']).group(3))
							c.sendChatMessage("/clan Flag set.")
						c.sendChatMessage("/clan Unauthorized attempt to setFlag")
						logging.warn("%s attempted to setFlag" % chat["userName"])
				elif re.match(Data.getFlag, chat['text']):
					# perm type: SU only/admin?
					if chat['userId'] in Data.adminPlus:
						logging.info("Getting %s flag of %s" % (re.match(Data.getFlag, chat['text']).group(1), re.match(Data.getFlag, chat['text']).group(2)))
						playerGql = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Player WHERE userName='******'" % re.match(Data.getFlag, chat['text']).group(1)).get()
						if playerGql:
							c.sendChatMessage("/clan Flag %s for %s gives: %s" % (re.match(Data.getFlag, chat['text']).group(2), re.match(Data.getFlag, chat['text']).group(1), getattr(playerGql, re.match(Data.getFlag, chat['text']).group(2))))
							c.sendChatMessage("/clan Player not found!")
						c.sendChatMessage("/clan Unauthorized attempt to getFlag")
						logging.warn("%s attempted to getFlag" % chat["userName"])
				elif re.match(Data.whitelist, chat['text']):
					if chat['userId'] in Data.karmanautPlus:
						logging.info("adding %s to whitelist requested by %s" % (re.match(Data.whitelist, chat['text']).group(1), chat['userName']))
						AddClannieToClanWhitelistRequest(s, re.match(Data.whitelist, chat['text']).group(1)).doRequest()
						c.sendChatMessage("/clan Player added to whitelist.")
						c.sendChatMessage("/clan Unauthorized attempt to whitelist.")
						logging.warn("%s attempted to whitelist" % chat['userName'])
				elif re.match(Data.points, chat['text']):
					# logging.info("Clan points by %s" % chat['userName'])
					# c.sendChatMessage("/clan %s has %s clan points" % (re.match(Data.points, chat['text']).group(1), random.randint(0, 9000)))
					c.sendChatMessage("/clan Clan points are currently unavailable.")
				# elif re.match(Data.trigger, chat['text']):
				# 	incrementCounter(chat, counter)
				# 	c.sendChatMessage("/clan Do you really expect that to be a trigger?")
				elif re.match("^!version", chat['text']):
					incrementCounter(chat, counter)
					c.sendChatMessage("Version %s" % Data.version)
				elif re.match("^!([^ ]+)(.*)?$", chat['text']):
					incrementCounter(chat, counter)
					if re.match("^!([^ ]+)(.*)?$", chat['text']).group(1).lower() in Data.customTriggers:
						c.sendChatMessage(Data.customTriggers[re.match("^!([^ ]+)(.*)?$", chat['text']).group(1).lower()])
						c.sendChatMessage("/clan %s" % random.choice(Data.noTriggers).format(chat['userName'], re.match("^!([^ ]+)(.*)?$", chat['text']).group(1), ordinal(random.randint(1, 100))))
				if len(chat['text']) < (200 - len(chat['userName']) - 2):
					c.sendChatMessage("/talkie %s: %s" % (chat['userName'], chat["text"]))
					# break it up here, stopped the bug for now by just not sending messages if they are longer than 200 chars. a more long term solution would require changes to the pykol api itself.
			if "channel" in chat and chat["channel"] == "talkie" and chat["userId"] not in Data.playerBlacklist:
				c.sendChatMessage("/clan %s: %s" % (chat['userName'], chat["text"]))