class Connection(object): def initconn(self, kwargs): HOSTNAME = 'localhost' USERID = 'poll_cloud' PASSWORK = '' VIRTUAL_HOST = 'test' PORT = 5672 CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 5 HEARTBEAT = 0 self.conn = BrokerConnection( hostname=kwargs.get('hostname') or HOSTNAME, userid=kwargs.get('userid') or USERID, password=kwargs.get('password') or PASSWORK, virtual_host=kwargs.get('virtual_host') or VIRTUAL_HOST, port=kwargs.get('port') or PORT, connect_timeout=kwargs.get('connect_timeout') or CONNECT_TIMEOUT, heartbeat=kwargs.get('heartbeat') or HEARTBEAT, ) def producerFunc(self, exchange='', ex_type="direct"): self.chan = = Exchange(exchange, type=ex_type) self.producer = Producer(self.chan, def consumerFunc(self, exchange='', ex_type="direct"): self.chan = = Exchange(exchange, type=ex_type)
def main(): cfg = { 'hostname': 'localhost', 'userid': 'guest', 'password': '******', 'virtual_host': '/', 'port': 5672 } transport = 'pika' #transport = 'librabbitmq' connection = BrokerConnection(transport=transport, **cfg) connection.connect() cfg = { 'name': 'simple-test-1', 'auto_delete': True, 'durable': False, 'delivery_mode': 'transient' } channel = exchange = Exchange(channel=channel, **cfg) #exchange = exchange_def(channel) routing_key = 'simple-test-1-route' queue = Queue(exchange=exchange, routing_key=routing_key, **cfg) channel = producer = Producer(channel=channel, exchange=exchange, routing_key=routing_key) channel = consumer = Consumer(channel=channel, queues=[queue], callbacks=[receive]) consumer.consume() def serve_forever(): while True: #print 'drain' #gevent.sleep(0.0001) connection.drain_events(timeout=1) def publish_forever(): while True: producer.publish(loremIpsum) gevent.sleep(0.0001) #g1, g2 = gevent.spawn(publish_forever), gevent.spawn(serve_forever) g2 = gevent.spawn(serve_forever) g1 = gevent.spawn(publish_forever) gevent.joinall([g1, g2])
class test_StdChannel(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.conn = BrokerConnection("memory://") = self.conn.connection.state.clear() def test_Consumer(self): q = Queue("foo") print( cons = self.assertIsInstance(cons, Consumer) self.assertIs(, def test_Producer(self): prod = self.assertIsInstance(prod, Producer) self.assertIs(, def test_interface_list_bindings(self): with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): StdChannel().list_bindings() def test_interface_after_reply_message_received(self): self.assertIsNone(StdChannel().after_reply_message_received( Queue("foo")))
class FanoutPublisher(PluginBase): def __init__(self, name=None): if app.config['DEBUG']: setup_logging(loglevel='DEBUG', loggers=['']) self.connection = BrokerConnection(AMQP_URL) try: self.connection.connect() except Exception as e: LOG.error('Failed to connect to AMQP transport %s: %s', AMQP_URL, e) raise RuntimeError = self.exchange_name = AMQP_TOPIC = Exchange(name=self.exchange_name, type='fanout', self.producer = Producer(, super(FanoutPublisher, self).__init__(name)'Configured fanout publisher on topic "%s"', AMQP_TOPIC) def pre_receive(self, alert, **kwargs): return alert def post_receive(self, alert, **kwargs):'Sending message %s to AMQP topic "%s"', alert.get_id(), AMQP_TOPIC) body = alert.get_body(history=self.get_config('AMQP_SEND_ALERT_HISTORY', default=DEFAULT_AMQP_SEND_ALERT_HISTORY, type=bool, **kwargs)) LOG.debug('Message: %s', body) self.producer.publish(body, declare=[], retry=True) def status_change(self, alert, status, text, **kwargs): return
class RabbitMQHandler(object): def __init__(self, connection_string, exchange): self._connection = BrokerConnection(connection_string) self._connections = {self._connection} # set of connection for the heartbeat self._exchange = Exchange(exchange, durable=True, delivry_mode=2, type='topic') monitor_heartbeats(self._connections) @retry(wait_fixed=200, stop_max_attempt_number=3) def publish(self, item, contributor): with as channel: with Producer(channel) as producer: producer.publish(item, exchange=self._exchange, routing_key=contributor, declare=[self._exchange]) def info(self): return def listen_load_realtime(self, queue_name, max_retries=10): log = logging.getLogger(__name__) route = 'task.load_realtime.*''listening route {} on exchange {}...'.format(route, self._exchange)) rt_queue = Queue(queue_name, routing_key=route, exchange=self._exchange, durable=False) RTReloader(connection=self._connection, rpc_queue=rt_queue, exchange=self._exchange, max_retries=max_retries).run()
class MqServer(object): """ exchange='E_X7_W2S', queue='Q_X7_W2S',routing_key = 'RK_X7_W2S' """ def __init__(self, callback, kwargs): self.callback = callback if kwargs: self.kwargs = kwargs else: self.kwargs = MqDict def connect(self, hostname="localhost", userid="guest", password="******", virtual_host="/"): self.conn = BrokerConnection(hostname, userid, password, virtual_host) # define Web2Server exchange exchange = Exchange(self.kwargs["X7_E"], type="direct") self.queue = Queue(self.kwargs["X7_Q"], exchange, routing_key=self.kwargs["X7_RK"]) channel = consumer = Consumer(channel, self.queue, callbacks=[self.callback]) consumer.consume() def run(self, once=False): if once: self.conn.drain_events() else: while True: self.conn.drain_events() def get(self): message = self.queue.get(block=True) message.ack() return message
class FanoutPublisher(PluginBase): def __init__(self): if app.debug: setup_logging(loglevel='DEBUG', loggers=['']) self.connection = BrokerConnection(app.config['AMQP_URL']) try: self.connection.connect() except Exception as e: LOG.error('Failed to connect to AMQP transport %s: %s', app.config['AMQP_URL'], e) raise RuntimeError = self.exchange_name = app.config['AMQP_TOPIC'] = Exchange(name=self.exchange_name, type='fanout', self.producer = Producer(,'Configured fanout publisher on topic "%s"', app.config['AMQP_TOPIC']) def pre_receive(self, alert): return alert def post_receive(self, alert):'Sending message %s to AMQP topic "%s"', alert.get_id(), app.config['AMQP_TOPIC']) LOG.debug('Message: %s', alert.get_body()) self.producer.publish(alert.get_body(), declare=[], retry=True)
class MqReader(object): def __init__(self, kwargs): if kwargs: self.kwargs = kwargs else: self.kwargs = MqDict def connect(self, hostname="localhost", userid="guest", password="******", virtual_host="/"): self.conn = BrokerConnection(hostname, userid, password, virtual_host) # define Web2Server exchange exchange = Exchange(self.kwargs["X7_E"], type="direct") queue = Queue(self.kwargs["X7_Q"], exchange, routing_key=self.kwargs["X7_RK"]) channel = self.bound_queue = queue(channel) # consumer = Consumer(channel, self.queue, callbacks=[self.callback]) # consumer.consume() def get(self): message = self.bound_queue.get() if message is None: return None message.ack() return message
def main(): filename = "meta" fptr = open(filename, "r") amqpurl = fptr.readline().strip() exchange_name = fptr.readline().strip() exchange = Exchange(exchange_name, type="direct") D_queue = Queue(exchange_name, exchange, routing_key=exchange_name, auto_delete=False, exclusive=False) connection = BrokerConnection(amqpurl) print amqpurl channel = queue = D_queue(channel) queue.declare() producer = Producer(channel, exchange, routing_key=exchange_name) message_count = int(sys.argv[1]) imgsize = int(sys.argv[2]) name = sys.argv[3] s3url = "" if 'S3_URL' in os.environ: s3url = os.environ['S3_URL'] s3id = os.environ['EC2_ACCESS_KEY'] s3pw = os.environ['EC2_SECRET_KEY'] n = print "XXX starting %s" % (str(n)) msg_list = [] dashi_name = str(uuid.uuid4()).split('-')[0] for i in range(0, message_count): msg = {'program': 'python %d %d %d' % (i, message_count, imgsize), 'rank': i, 's3url': s3url, 's3id': s3id, 's3pw': s3pw, 'testname': name, 'dashiname': dashi_name} msg_list.append(msg) random.shuffle(msg_list) print "Add the messages to the queue..." for msg in msg_list: print "%s %d of %d" % (msg['testname'], msg['rank'], message_count) sys.stdout.flush() producer.publish(msg, exchange=exchange, routing_key=exchange_name, serializer="json") dashi = get_dashi_connection(amqpurl, dashi_name) p_con = get_phantom_con(s3id, s3pw) wait_till_done(dashi, message_count, p_con, name) n = print "XXX done %s" % (str(n))
def connect(self, hostname="localhost", userid="guest", password="******", virtual_host="/"): conn = BrokerConnection(hostname, userid, password, virtual_host) # define Web2Server exchange exchange = Exchange(self.kwargs["X7_E"], type="direct") # queue = Queue(self.kwargs["X7_Q"], exchange, routing_key=self.kwargs["X7_RK"]) channel = self.producer = Producer(channel, exchange, routing_key=self.kwargs["X7_RK"])
class KombuLogger(object): def __init__(self, host="localhost", user="******", password="******", vhost="/", exchange="analytics"): self.connection = BrokerConnection(host, user, password, vhost) = = Exchange(exchange, "topic", durable=True, auto_delete=False) self.producer = Producer(,, serializer="json") def write(self, event, timestamp, attributes): self.producer.publish({"event": event, "ts": timestamp, "attr": attributes}, routing_key=event)
def exchange_send(data,exchange): try: connection = BrokerConnection() channel = producer = Producer(channel, Exchange(exchange, type="fanout")) producer.publish(data) channel.close() connection.close() except Exception, error: print(error)
class Audit: def __init__(self, hostname='localhost', port='5672', userid='', password='', virtual_host='graylog', exchange=None): self.hostname = hostname self.port = port self.userid = userid self.password = password self.virtual_host = virtual_host self.connection = BrokerConnection(virtual_host=virtual_host) self.exchange_setup = exchange or ExchangeSetup() def custom_exchange(self, exchange, exchange_type, routing_key, queue): """Broker exchange can be set after the object has been instantiated. Args: exchange (str): Exchange name exchange_type (str): AMQP exchange type, see your broker manual routing_key (str) queue (str) """ = exchange self.exchange_setup.exchange_type = exchange_type self.exchange_setup.routing_key = routing_key self.exchange_setup.queue = queue def log(self, message): """Pushes argument object to message broker. Args: message (json/gelp): Message can depend on third-party log software Graylog uses gelp format: """ if (type(message) is not str) or (message == ''): print 'Unable to log empty message' return False if len(message) > 8192: print 'Message size too large' return False self.connection.connect() channel = exchange = Exchange(, type=self.exchange_setup.exchange_type) bound_exchange = exchange(channel) bound_exchange.declare() # example_message = '{"short_message":"Kombu", "host":""}' message = bound_exchange.Message(message) bound_exchange.publish(message, routing_key=self.exchange_setup.routing_key) self.connection.release()
def _connect(glance_api_cfg): # We use BrokerConnection rather than Connection as RHEL 6 has an ancient # version of kombu library. conn = BrokerConnection(hostname=glance_api_cfg['host'], port=glance_api_cfg['port'], userid=glance_api_cfg['userid'], password=glance_api_cfg['password'], virtual_host=glance_api_cfg['virtual_host']) exchange = Exchange(glance_api_cfg['exchange'], type='topic', durable=False, return conn, exchange
def add_query(query): query = query.lower() queries = fetch_queries() result = True slots = getattr(settings, 'KRAL_SLOTS', 1) if query in queries: queries.remove(query) else: try: connection = BrokerConnection(); channel =; Exchange(query, type="fanout")(channel).declare() print('Exchange declared for: %s' % query) except Exception,error: print(error)
def main(): cfg = {'hostname':'localhost', 'userid':'guest', 'password':'******', 'virtual_host':'/', 'port':5672} transport = 'pika' #transport = 'librabbitmq' connection = BrokerConnection(transport=transport, **cfg) connection.connect() cfg = {'name':'simple-test-1', 'auto_delete':True, 'durable':False, 'delivery_mode':'transient'} channel = exchange = Exchange(channel=channel, **cfg) #exchange = exchange_def(channel) routing_key = 'simple-test-1-route' queue = Queue(exchange=exchange, routing_key=routing_key, **cfg) channel = producer = Producer(channel=channel, exchange=exchange, routing_key=routing_key) channel = consumer = Consumer(channel=channel, queues=[queue], callbacks=[receive]) consumer.consume() def serve_forever(): while True: #print 'drain' #gevent.sleep(0.0001) connection.drain_events(timeout=1) def publish_forever(): while True: producer.publish(loremIpsum) gevent.sleep(0.0001) #g1, g2 = gevent.spawn(publish_forever), gevent.spawn(serve_forever) g2 = gevent.spawn(serve_forever) g1 = gevent.spawn(publish_forever) gevent.joinall([g1, g2])
class FanoutPublisher(PluginBase): def __init__(self, name=None): if app.config['DEBUG']: setup_logging(loglevel='DEBUG', loggers=['']) self.connection = BrokerConnection(AMQP_URL) try: self.connection.connect() except Exception as e: LOG.error('Failed to connect to AMQP transport %s: %s', AMQP_URL, e) raise RuntimeError = self.exchange_name = AMQP_TOPIC = Exchange(name=self.exchange_name, type='fanout', self.producer = Producer(, super(FanoutPublisher, self).__init__(name)'Configured fanout publisher on topic "%s"', AMQP_TOPIC) def pre_receive(self, alert): return alert def post_receive(self, alert):'Sending message %s to AMQP topic "%s"', alert.get_id(), AMQP_TOPIC) try: body = alert.serialize # alerta >= 5.0 # update body's datetime-related fields with utc-aware values body.update({ key: body[key].replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) for key in ['createTime', 'lastReceiveTime', 'receiveTime'] }) except Exception: body = alert.get_body() # alerta < 5.0 LOG.debug('Message: %s', body) self.producer.publish(body, declare=[], retry=True) def status_change(self, alert, status, text): return
def publish(start=False, startfs=False, stop=False, close=False): body = json.dumps(close_json) if start == True: body = json.dumps(start_json) elif stop == True: body = json.dumps(stop_json) elif startfs == True: body = json.dumps(startfs_json) conn = BrokerConnection(hostname=rabbit_host, port=5672, userid=rabbit_user, password=rabbit_password, virtual_host=rabbit_vhost, heartbeat=4) channel = exchange = Exchange(rabbit_exchange, type='topic', durable=False) producer = Producer(exchange=exchange, channel=channel, routing_key=rabbit_routingkey) producer.publish(body)
class test_Message(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.conn = BrokerConnection("memory://") = self.message = Message(, delivery_tag=313) def test_ack_respects_no_ack_consumers(self): = set(["abc"]) self.message.delivery_info["consumer_tag"] = "abc" ack = = Mock() self.message.ack() self.assertNotEqual(self.message._state, "ACK") self.assertFalse(ack.called) def test_ack_missing_consumer_tag(self): = set(["abc"]) self.message.delivery_info = {} ack = = Mock() self.message.ack() ack.assert_called_with(self.message.delivery_tag) def test_ack_not_no_ack(self): = set() self.message.delivery_info["consumer_tag"] = "abc" ack = = Mock() self.message.ack() ack.assert_called_with(self.message.delivery_tag) def test_ack_log_error_when_no_error(self): ack = self.message.ack = Mock() self.message.ack_log_error(Mock(), KeyError) ack.assert_called_with() def test_ack_log_error_when_error(self): ack = self.message.ack = Mock() ack.side_effect = KeyError("foo") logger = Mock() self.message.ack_log_error(logger, KeyError) ack.assert_called_with() self.assertTrue(logger.critical.called) self.assertIn("Couldn't ack", logger.critical.call_args[0][0])
class FanoutPublisher(PluginBase): def __init__(self, name=None): if app.config['DEBUG']: setup_logging(loglevel='DEBUG', loggers=['']) self.connection = BrokerConnection(AMQP_URL) try: self.connection.connect() except Exception as e: LOG.error('Failed to connect to AMQP transport %s: %s', AMQP_URL, e) raise RuntimeError = self.exchange_name = AMQP_TOPIC = Exchange(name=self.exchange_name, type='fanout', self.producer = Producer(, super(FanoutPublisher, self).__init__(name)'Configured fanout publisher on topic "%s"', AMQP_TOPIC) def pre_receive(self, alert): return alert def post_receive(self, alert):'Sending message %s to AMQP topic "%s"', alert.get_id(), AMQP_TOPIC) try: body = alert.serialize # alerta >= 5.0 # update body's datetime-related fields with utc-aware values body.update({key: body[key].replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) for key in ['createTime', 'lastReceiveTime', 'receiveTime']}) except Exception: body = alert.get_body() # alerta < 5.0 LOG.debug('Message: %s', body) self.producer.publish(body, declare=[], retry=True) def status_change(self, alert, status, text): return
class FanoutPublisher(PluginBase): def __init__(self): if app.debug: setup_logging(loglevel='DEBUG', loggers=['']) self.connection = BrokerConnection(app.config['AMQP_URL']) try: self.connection.connect() except Exception as e: LOG.error('Failed to connect to AMQP transport %s: %s', app.config['AMQP_URL'], e) raise RuntimeError = self.exchange_name = app.config['AMQP_TOPIC'] = Exchange(name=self.exchange_name, type='fanout', self.producer = Producer(,'Configured fanout publisher on topic "%s"', app.config['AMQP_TOPIC']) def pre_receive(self, alert): return alert def post_receive(self, alert):'Sending message %s to AMQP topic "%s"', alert.get_id(), app.config['AMQP_TOPIC']) LOG.debug('Message: %s', alert.get_body()) self.producer.publish(alert.get_body(), declare=[], retry=True) def status_change(self, alert, status, text): return
def publish_cmd(): parser = get_parser("publish") (options, args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[2:]) if len(args) < 1: parser.error("You must provide a queue hostname to publish to!") exchange = Exchange(, type="fanout", delivery_mode="transient") queue = Queue(options.queue, exchange) connection = BrokerConnection(hostname=args[0], userid=options.userid, password=options.password, virtual_host=options.vhost) channel = producer = Producer(channel, exchange) pods = pod.load_pod_dir(, timeout=options.timeout, # The first arg is the queue hostname, the rest # will be pod names filter_fn=pod.get_pod_filter(options.pod)) pods.update(pod.get_barker_metadata()) producer.publish(pods, serializer="json") return 0
class Connection(object): def initconn(self, kwargs): hostname = 'localhost' user_id = 'poll_cloud' password = '******' virtual_host = 'test', port = 5672 connect_timeout = 10 heartbeat = 0 self.conn = BrokerConnection( hostname=kwargs.get('hostname') or hostname, userid=kwargs.get('userid') or user_id, password=kwargs.get('password') or password, port=kwargs.get('port') or port, virtual_host=kwargs.get('virtual_host') or virtual_host, connect_timeout=kwargs.get('connect_timeout') or connect_timeout, heartbeat=kwargs.get('heartbeat') or heartbeat) def consumerFunc(self, exchange='', type='direct'): self.chan = = Exchange(exchange=exchange, type=type)
def queue_drain(): filename = "meta" fptr = open(filename, "r") amqpurl = fptr.readline().strip() exchange_name = fptr.readline().strip() exchange = Exchange(exchange_name, type="direct") D_queue = Queue(exchange_name, exchange, routing_key=exchange_name, exclusive=False) connection = BrokerConnection(amqpurl) channel = queue = D_queue(channel) queue.declare() consumer = Consumer(channel, queue, callbacks=[work]) consumer.qos(prefetch_size=0, prefetch_count=1, apply_global=False) consumer.consume(no_ack=False) print "about to drain" for i in range(0, 30): try: connection.drain_events(timeout=1) except socket.timeout, ex: pass
class Messaging(object): amqp_opts = { 'amqp_queue': 'alerts', 'amqp_topic': 'notify', 'amqp_url': 'amqp://*****:*****@localhost:5672//', # RabbitMQ # 'amqp_url': 'mongodb://localhost:27017/kombu', # MongoDB # 'amqp_url': 'redis://localhost:6379/', # Redis } def __init__(self): config.register_opts(Messaging.amqp_opts) self.connection = None = None self.connect() def connect(self): if not CONF.amqp_url: return self.connection = BrokerConnection(CONF.amqp_url) try: self.connection.connect() except Exception as e: LOG.error('Failed to connect to AMQP transport %s: %s', CONF.amqp_url, e) sys.exit(1) ='Connected to broker %s', CONF.amqp_url) def disconnect(self): return self.connection.release() def is_connected(self): return self.connection.connected
def run(self): print "exchange = %s, queue = %s, routing_key = %s, amqpurl = %s" % (self.testname, self.testname, self.testname, self.amqpurl) exchange = Exchange(self.testname, type="direct") D_queue = Queue(self.testname, exchange, routing_key=self.testname, exclusive=False) connection = BrokerConnection(self.amqpurl) #u = self.amqpurl.replace('amqp', 'http') #parts = urlparse.urlparse(u) #connection = Connection(host=parts.hostname, userid=parts.username, password=parts.password, port=parts.port, heartbeat=30) channel = queue = D_queue(channel) queue.declare() consumer = Consumer(channel, queue, callbacks=[]) consumer.qos(prefetch_size=0, prefetch_count=1, apply_global=False) self.done = False consumer.consume(no_ack=False) print "about to drain" while not self.done: connection.drain_events() self.real_work()
def publish_cmd(): parser = get_parser("publish") (options, args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[2:]) if len(args) < 1: parser.error("You must provide a queue hostname to publish to!") exchange = Exchange(, type="fanout", delivery_mode="transient") queue = Queue(options.queue, exchange) connection = BrokerConnection(hostname=args[0], userid=options.userid, password=options.password, virtual_host=options.vhost) channel = producer = Producer(channel, exchange) pods = pod.load_pod_dir(, timeout=options.timeout, # The first arg is the queue hostname, the rest # will be pod names filter_fn=pod.get_pod_filter(options.pod)) pods.update(pod.get_barker_metadata()) producer.publish(pods, serializer="json") return 0
class event2amqp(): def __init__(self,host,port,user,password,virtual_host, exchange_name,identifier,maxqueuelength,queue_dump_frequency): = host self.port = port self.user = user self.password = password self.virtual_host = virtual_host self.exchange_name = exchange_name self.identifier = identifier self.maxqueuelength = maxqueuelength self.queue_dump_frequency = queue_dump_frequency self.connection_string = None self.connection = None = None self.producer = None = None self.queue = deque([]) self.tickage = 0 self.load_queue() def create_connection(self): self.connection_string = "amqp://%s:%s@%s:%s/%s" % (self.user,self.password,,self.port,self.virtual_host) try: self.connection = BrokerConnection(self.connection_string) return True except: func = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name error = str(sys.exc_info()[0]) logger.error("[Canopsis] Unexpected error: %s in %s" % (error,func)) return False def connect(self):"[Canopsis] connection with : %s" % self.connection_string) try: self.connection.connect() if not self.connected(): return False else: self.get_channel() self.get_exchange() self.create_producer() return True except: func = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name error = str(sys.exc_info()[0]) logger.error("[Canopsis] Unexpected error: %s in %s" % (error,func)) return False def disconnect(self): try: if self.connected(): self.connection.release() return True except: func = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name error = str(sys.exc_info()[0]) logger.error("[Canopsis] Unexpected error: %s in %s" % (error,func)) return False def connected(self): try: if self.connection.connected: return True else: return False except: return False def get_channel(self): try: = except: func = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name error = str(sys.exc_info()[0]) logger.error("[Canopsis] Unexpected error: %s in %s" % (error,func)) return False def get_exchange(self): try: = Exchange(self.exchange_name , "topic", durable=True, auto_delete=False) except: func = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name error = str(sys.exc_info()[0]) logger.error("[Canopsis] Unexpected error: %s in %s" % (error,func)) return False def create_producer(self): try: self.producer = Producer(,, routing_key=self.virtual_host ) except: func = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name error = str(sys.exc_info()[0]) logger.error("[Canopsis] Unexpected error: %s in %s" % (error,func)) return False def postmessage(self,message,retry=False): # process enqueud events if possible self.pop_events() if message["source_type"] == "component": key = "%s.%s.%s.%s.%s" % ( message["connector"], message["connector_name"], message["event_type"], message["source_type"], message["component"] ) else: key = "%s.%s.%s.%s.%s[%s]" % ( message["connector"], message["connector_name"], message["event_type"], message["source_type"], message["component"], message["resource"] ) # connection management if not self.connected(): logger.error("[Canopsis] Create connection") self.create_connection() self.connect() # publish message if self.connected():"[Canopsis] using routing key %s" % key)"[Canopsis] sending %s" % str(message)) try: self.producer.revive( self.producer.publish(body=message, compression=None, routing_key=key, exchange=self.exchange_name) return True except: logger.error("[Canopsis] Not connected, going to queue messages until connection back") self.queue.append({"key":key,"message":message}) func = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name error = str(sys.exc_info()[0]) logger.error("[Canopsis] Unexpected error: %s in %s" % (error,func)) # logger.error(str(traceback.format_exc())) return False else: errmsg="[Canopsis] Not connected, going to queue messages until connection back (%s items in queue | max %s)" % (str(len(self.queue)),str(self.maxqueuelength)) #enqueue_cano_event(key,message) if len(self.queue) < int(self.maxqueuelength): self.queue.append({"key":key,"message":message})"[Canopsis] Queue length : %d" % len(self.queue)) return True else: logger.error("[Canopsis] Maximum retention for event queue %s reached" % str(self.maxqueuelength)) return False def errback(self,exc,interval): logger.warning("Couldn't publish message: %r. Retry in %ds" % (exc, interval)) def pop_events(self): if self.connected(): while len(self.queue) > 0: item = self.queue.pop() try:"[Canopsis] Pop item from queue [%s] : %s" % (str(len(self.queue)),str(item))) self.producer.revive( self.producer.publish(body=item["message"], compression=None, routing_key=item["key"], exchange=self.exchange_name) except: self.queue.append(item) func = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name error = str(sys.exc_info()[0]) logger.error("[Canopsis] Unexpected error: %s in %s" % (error,func)) return False else: return False def hook_tick(self, brok): self.tickage += 1 # queue retention saving if self.tickage >= int(self.queue_dump_frequency) and len(self.queue) > 0: # flush queue to disk if queue age reach queue_dump_frequency self.save_queue() self.tickage = 0 return True def save_queue(self): retentionfile="%s/canopsis.dat" % os.getcwd()"[Canopsis] saving to %s" % retentionfile) filehandler = open(retentionfile, 'w') pickle.dump(self.queue, filehandler) filehandler.close() return True def load_queue(self): retentionfile="%s/canopsis.dat" % os.getcwd()"[Canopsis] loading from %s" % retentionfile) filehandler = open(retentionfile, 'r') try: self.queue = pickle.load(filehandler) except: pass return True
class Server(object): """ This Server class is used to provide an RPC server :keyword server_id: Id of the server :keyword amqp_host: The host of where the AMQP Broker is running. :keyword amqp_user: The username for the AMQP Broker. :keyword amqp_password: The password for the AMQP Broker. :keyword amqp_vhost: The virtual host of the AMQP Broker. :keyword amqp_port: The port of the AMQP Broker. :keyword ssl: Use SSL connection for the AMQP Broker. :keyword threaded: Use of multithreading. If set to true RPC call-execution will processed parallel (one thread per call) which dramatically improves performance. """ def __init__(self, server_id, amqp_host='localhost', amqp_user ='******', amqp_password='******', amqp_vhost='/', amqp_port=5672, ssl=False, threaded=False): self.logger = logging.getLogger('callme.server') self.logger.debug('Server ID: %s' % server_id) self.server_id = server_id self.threaded = threaded self.do_run = True self.is_stopped = True self.func_dict={} self.result_queue = queue.Queue() target_exchange = Exchange("server_"+server_id+"_ex", "direct", durable=False, auto_delete=True) self.target_queue = Queue("server_"+server_id+"_queue", exchange=target_exchange, auto_delete=True, durable=False) self.connection = BrokerConnection(hostname=amqp_host, userid=amqp_user, password=amqp_password, virtual_host=amqp_vhost, port=amqp_port, ssl=ssl) try: self.connection.connect() except IOError: self.logger.critical("Connection Error: Probably AMQP User has not enough permissions") raise ConnectionError("Connection Error: Probably AMQP User has not enough permissions") = self.publish_connection = BrokerConnection(hostname=amqp_host, userid=amqp_user, password=amqp_password, virtual_host=amqp_vhost, port=amqp_port, ssl=ssl) self.publish_channel = # consume self.consumer = Consumer(, self.target_queue) if self.threaded == True: self.consumer.register_callback(self._on_request_threaded) else: self.consumer.register_callback(self._on_request) self.consumer.consume() self.logger.debug('Init done') def _on_request(self, body, message): """ This method is automatically called when a request is incoming. It processes the incomming rpc calls in a serial manner (no multithreading) :param body: the body of the amqp message already unpickled by kombu :param message: the plain amqp kombu.message with aditional information """ self.logger.debug('Got Request') rpc_req = body if not isinstance(rpc_req, RpcRequest): self.logger.debug('Not an RpcRequest Instance') return self.logger.debug('Call func on Server %s' %self.server_id) try: self.logger.debug('corr_id: %s' %['correlation_id']) self.logger.debug('Call func with args %s' % repr(rpc_req.func_args)) result = self.func_dict[rpc_req.func_name](*rpc_req.func_args) self.logger.debug('Result: %s' % repr(result)) self.logger.debug('Build respnse') rpc_resp = RpcResponse(result) except Exception as e: self.logger.debug('exception happened') rpc_resp = RpcResponse(e, exception_raised=True) message.ack() self.logger.debug('Publish respnse') # producer src_exchange = Exchange(['reply_to'], "direct", durable=False, auto_delete=True) self.producer = Producer(self.publish_channel, src_exchange, auto_declare=False) self.producer.publish(rpc_resp, serializer="pickle",['correlation_id']) self.logger.debug('acknowledge') def _on_request_threaded(self, body, message): """ This method is automatically called when a request is incoming and `threaded` set to `True`. It processes the incomming rpc calls in a parallel manner (one thread for each request). A seperate Publisher thread is used to send back the results. :param body: the body of the amqp message already unpickled by kombu :param message: the plain amqp kombu.message with aditional information """ self.logger.debug('Got Request') rpc_req = body if not isinstance(rpc_req, RpcRequest): self.logger.debug('Not an RpcRequest Instance') return message.ack() self.logger.debug('acknowledge') def exec_func(body, message, result_queue): self.logger.debug('Call func on Server %s' %self.server_id) try: self.logger.debug('corr_id: %s' %['correlation_id']) self.logger.debug('Call func with args %s' % repr(rpc_req.func_args)) result = self.func_dict[rpc_req.func_name](*rpc_req.func_args) self.logger.debug('Result: %s' % repr(result)) self.logger.debug('Build respnse') rpc_resp = RpcResponse(result) except Exception as e: self.logger.debug('exception happened') rpc_resp = RpcResponse(e, exception_raised=True) result_queue.put(ResultSet(rpc_resp,['correlation_id'],['reply_to'])) p = Thread(target=exec_func,['correlation_id'], args=(body, message, self.result_queue)) p.start() def register_function(self, func, name): """ Registers a function as rpc function so that is accessible from the proxy. :param func: The function we want to provide as rpc method :param name: The name with which the function is visible to the clients """ self.func_dict[name] = func def start(self): """ Starts the server. If `threaded` is `True` also starts the Publisher thread. """ self.is_stopped = False if self.threaded == True: self.pub_thread = Publisher(self.result_queue, self.publish_channel) self.pub_thread.start() while self.do_run: try: self.logger.debug("drain_events: %s" % repr(self.do_run)) self.connection.drain_events(timeout=1) except socket.timeout: self.logger.debug("do_run: %s" % repr(self.do_run)) except: self.logger.debug("interrupt exception" ) if self.threaded == True: self.pub_thread.stop() self.consumer.cancel() self.connection.close() self.publish_connection.close() self.is_stopped = True return if self.threaded == True: self.pub_thread.stop() self.logger.debug("Normal Exit" ) self.consumer.cancel() self.connection.close() self.publish_connection.close() self.logger.debug("All closed" ) self.is_stopped = True def stop(self): """ Stops the server. """ self.logger.debug('Stop server') self.do_run = False while not self.is_stopped: self.logger.debug('wait for stop') sleep(0.1)
class Connection: connection = None def __init__(self, url): self.url = url self.__connection = None self.__running = True = None self.sleep_time = 10 self.reconnect(url) @staticmethod def get_instance(): return Connection.connection def __connect(self): self.__connection = BrokerConnection(self.url) = self.get_channel() self.rpc_factory = rpc.RpcFactory( self.publisher_factory = publisher.PublisherFactory( self.consumer_factory = consumer.ConsumerFactory( self.__running = True Connection.connection = self def get_broker_connection(self): if self.__connection is None: self.reconnect(self.url) return self.__connection def get_channel(self): if is None: = self.get_new_channel() return def get_new_channel(self): if self.__connection is None: self.reconnect(self.url) return def get_rpc_factory(self): return self.rpc_factory def reconnect(self, url=None): cc.acquire() if self.__connection is not None: self.release() if url is not None: self.url = url logger.debug("reconnect connection") attempt = 0 while True: try: self.__connect() cc.release() return except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) logging.debug("retry again in %s s" % self.sleep_time) time.sleep(self.sleep_time) cc.release() def drain_events(self): self.__connection.drain_events() def release(self): Connection.connection = None self.__running = False self.__connection.release() self.__connection.close() = None self.__connection = None
class Proxy(object): """ This Proxy class is used to handle the communication with the rpc server :keyword server_id: Default id of the Server (can be declared later see :func:`use_server`) :keyword amqp_host: The host of where the AMQP Broker is running. :keyword amqp_user: The username for the AMQP Broker. :keyword amqp_password: The password for the AMQP Broker. :keyword amqp_vhost: The virtual host of the AMQP Broker. :keyword amqp_port: The port of the AMQP Broker. :keyword ssl: Use SSL connection for the AMQP Broker. :keyword timeout: Default timeout for calls in seconds """ timeout = 0 response = None def __init__(self, server_id = None, amqp_host='localhost', amqp_user ='******', amqp_password='******', amqp_vhost='/', amqp_port=5672, ssl=False, timeout=0): self.logger = logging.getLogger('callme.proxy') self.timeout = 0 self.is_received = False self.connection = BrokerConnection(hostname=amqp_host, userid=amqp_user, password=amqp_password, virtual_host=amqp_vhost, port=amqp_port, ssl=ssl) = self.timeout = timeout my_uuid = gen_unique_id() self.reply_id = "client_"+amqp_user+"_ex_" + my_uuid self.logger.debug("Queue ID: %s" %self.reply_id) src_exchange = Exchange(self.reply_id, "direct", durable=False ,auto_delete=True) src_queue = Queue("client_"+amqp_user+"_queue_"+my_uuid, exchange=src_exchange, auto_delete=True, durable=False) # must declare in advance so reply message isn't # published before. src_queue( consumer = Consumer(, queues=src_queue, callbacks=[self._on_response]) consumer.consume() def _on_response(self, body, message): """ This method is automatically called when a response is incoming and decides if it is the message we are waiting for - the message with the result :param body: the body of the amqp message already unpickled by kombu :param message: the plain amqp kombu.message with aditional information """ if self.corr_id ==['correlation_id'] and \ isinstance(body, RpcResponse): self.response = body self.is_received = True message.ack() def use_server(self, server_id=None, timeout=None): """Use the specified server and set an optional timeout for the method call Typical use: >>> my_proxy.use_server('fooserver').a_remote_func() :keyword server_id: The server id where the call will be made. :keyword timeout: set or overrides the call timeout in seconds :rtype: Return `self` to cascade further calls """ if server_id != None: self.server_id = server_id if timeout !=None: self.timeout = timeout return self def __request(self, methodname, params): """ The remote-method-call execution function :param methodname: name of the method that should be executed :param params: parameter for the remote-method :type methodname: string :type param: list of parameters :rtype: result of the method """ self.logger.debug('Request: ' + repr(methodname) + '; Params: '+ repr(params)) target_exchange = Exchange("server_"+self.server_id+"_ex", "direct", durable=False, auto_delete=True) self.producer = Producer(, exchange=target_exchange, auto_declare=False) rpc_req = RpcRequest(methodname, params) self.corr_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.logger.debug('RpcRequest build') self.logger.debug('corr_id: %s' % self.corr_id) self.producer.publish(rpc_req, serializer="pickle", reply_to=self.reply_id, correlation_id=self.corr_id) self.logger.debug('Producer published') self._wait_for_result() self.logger.debug('Result: %s' % repr(self.response.result)) res = self.response.result self.response.result = None self.is_received = False if self.response.exception_raised: raise res else: return res def _wait_for_result(self): """ Waits for the result from the server, checks every second if a timeout occurred. If a timeout occurs a `socket.timout` exception will be raised. """ seconds_elapsed = 0 while not self.is_received: try: self.logger.debug('drain events... timeout=%d, counter=%d' % (self.timeout, seconds_elapsed)) self.connection.drain_events(timeout=1) except socket.timeout: if self.timeout > 0: seconds_elapsed = seconds_elapsed + 1 if seconds_elapsed > self.timeout: raise socket.timeout() def __getattr__(self, name): """ This method is invoked, if a method is being called, which doesn't exist on Proxy. It is used for RPC, to get the function which should be called on the Server. """ # magic method dispatcher self.logger.debug('Recursion: ' + name) return _Method(self.__request, name)
class event2amqp(): def __init__(self, host, port, user, password, virtual_host, exchange_name, identifier, maxqueuelength, queue_dump_frequency): = host self.port = port self.user = user self.password = password self.virtual_host = virtual_host self.exchange_name = exchange_name self.identifier = identifier self.maxqueuelength = maxqueuelength self.queue_dump_frequency = queue_dump_frequency self.connection_string = None self.connection = None = None self.producer = None = None self.queue = deque([]) self.tickage = 0 self.load_queue() def create_connection(self): self.connection_string = "amqp://%s:%s@%s:%s/%s" % ( self.user, self.password,, self.port, self.virtual_host) try: self.connection = BrokerConnection(self.connection_string) return True except: func = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name error = str(sys.exc_info()[0]) logger.error("[Canopsis] Unexpected error: %s in %s" % (error, func)) return False def connect(self):"[Canopsis] connection with: %s" % self.connection_string) try: self.connection.connect() if not self.connected(): return False else: self.get_channel() self.get_exchange() self.create_producer() return True except: func = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name error = str(sys.exc_info()[0]) logger.error("[Canopsis] Unexpected error: %s in %s" % (error, func)) return False def disconnect(self): try: if self.connected(): self.connection.release() return True except: func = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name error = str(sys.exc_info()[0]) logger.error("[Canopsis] Unexpected error: %s in %s" % (error, func)) return False def connected(self): try: if self.connection.connected: return True else: return False except: return False def get_channel(self): try: = except: func = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name error = str(sys.exc_info()[0]) logger.error("[Canopsis] Unexpected error: %s in %s" % (error, func)) return False def get_exchange(self): try: = Exchange(self.exchange_name, "topic", durable=True, auto_delete=False) except: func = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name error = str(sys.exc_info()[0]) logger.error("[Canopsis] Unexpected error: %s in %s" % (error, func)) return False def create_producer(self): try: self.producer = Producer(,, routing_key=self.virtual_host) except: func = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name error = str(sys.exc_info()[0]) logger.error("[Canopsis] Unexpected error: %s in %s" % (error, func)) return False def postmessage(self, message, retry=False): # process enqueud events if possible self.pop_events() if message["source_type"] == "component": key = "%s.%s.%s.%s.%s" % ( message["connector"], message["connector_name"], message["event_type"], message["source_type"], message["component"]) else: key = "%s.%s.%s.%s.%s[%s]" % ( message["connector"], message["connector_name"], message["event_type"], message["source_type"], message["component"], message["resource"]) # connection management if not self.connected(): logger.error("[Canopsis] Create connection") self.create_connection() self.connect() # publish message if self.connected(): logger.debug("[Canopsis] using routing key %s" % key) logger.debug("[Canopsis] sending %s" % str(message)) try: self.producer.revive( self.producer.publish(body=message, compression=None, routing_key=key, exchange=self.exchange_name) return True except: logger.error( "[Canopsis] Not connected, going to queue messages until connection back" ) self.queue.append({"key": key, "message": message}) func = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name error = str(sys.exc_info()[0]) logger.error("[Canopsis] Unexpected error: %s in %s" % (error, func)) # logger.error(str(traceback.format_exc())) return False else: errmsg = "[Canopsis] Not connected, going to queue messages until connection back (%s items in queue | max %s)" % ( str(len(self.queue)), str(self.maxqueuelength)) logger.error(errmsg) #enqueue_cano_event(key,message) if len(self.queue) < int(self.maxqueuelength): self.queue.append({"key": key, "message": message}) logger.debug("[Canopsis] Queue length: %d" % len(self.queue)) return True else: logger.error( "[Canopsis] Maximum retention for event queue %s reached" % str(self.maxqueuelength)) return False def errback(self, exc, interval): logger.warning("Couldn't publish message: %r. Retry in %ds" % (exc, interval)) def pop_events(self): if self.connected(): while len(self.queue) > 0: item = self.queue.pop() try: logger.debug("[Canopsis] Pop item from queue [%s]: %s" % (str(len(self.queue)), str(item))) self.producer.revive( self.producer.publish(body=item["message"], compression=None, routing_key=item["key"], exchange=self.exchange_name) except: self.queue.append(item) func = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name error = str(sys.exc_info()[0]) logger.error("[Canopsis] Unexpected error: %s in %s" % (error, func)) return False else: return False def hook_tick(self, brok): self.tickage += 1 # queue retention saving if self.tickage >= int(self.queue_dump_frequency) and len( self.queue) > 0: # flush queue to disk if queue age reach queue_dump_frequency self.save_queue() self.tickage = 0 return True def save_queue(self): retentionfile = "%s/canopsis.dat" % os.getcwd() #:fixme: use path.join"[Canopsis] saving to %s" % retentionfile) filehandler = open(retentionfile, 'w') pickle.dump(self.queue, filehandler) filehandler.close() return True def load_queue(self): retentionfile = "%s/canopsis.dat" % os.getcwd()"[Canopsis] loading from %s" % retentionfile) filehandler = open(retentionfile, 'r') try: self.queue = pickle.load(filehandler) except: pass return True
return pformat(obj, indent=4) #: This is the callback applied when a message is received. def handle_message(body, message): print("Received message: %r" % (body, )) print(" properties:\n%s" % (pretty(, )) print(" delivery_info:\n%s" % (pretty(message.delivery_info), )) message.ack() #: Create a connection and a channel. #: If hostname, userid, password and virtual_host is not specified #: the values below are the default, but listed here so it can #: be easily changed. connection = BrokerConnection(hostname="localhost", userid="guest", password="******", virtual_host="/") channel = #: Create consumer using our callback and queue. #: Second argument can also be a list to consume from #: any number of queues. consumer = Consumer(channel, queue, callbacks=[handle_message]) consumer.consume() #: This waits for a single event. Note that this event may not #: be a message, or a message that is to be delivered to the consumers #: channel, but any event received on the connection. connection.drain_events()
class SimpleBase(TestCase): abstract = True def Queue(self, name, *args, **kwargs): q = name if not isinstance(q, Queue): q = self.__class__.__name__ if name: q = "%s.%s" % (q, name) return self._Queue(q, *args, **kwargs) def _Queue(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError() def setUp(self): if not self.abstract: self.connection = BrokerConnection(transport="memory") self.q = self.Queue(None, no_ack=True) def tearDown(self): if not self.abstract: self.q.close() self.connection.close() def test_produce__consume(self): if self.abstract: return q = self.Queue("test_produce__consume", no_ack=True) q.put({"hello": "Simple"}) self.assertEqual(q.get(timeout=1).payload, {"hello": "Simple"}) with self.assertRaises(Empty): q.get(timeout=0.1) def test_produce__basic_get(self): if self.abstract: return q = self.Queue("test_produce__basic_get", no_ack=True) q.put({"hello": "SimpleSync"}) self.assertEqual(q.get_nowait().payload, {"hello": "SimpleSync"}) with self.assertRaises(Empty): q.get_nowait() q.put({"hello": "SimpleSync"}) self.assertEqual(q.get(block=False).payload, {"hello": "SimpleSync"}) with self.assertRaises(Empty): q.get(block=False) def test_clear(self): if self.abstract: return q = self.Queue("test_clear", no_ack=True) for i in range(10): q.put({"hello": "SimplePurge%d" % (i, )}) self.assertEqual(q.clear(), 10) def test_enter_exit(self): if self.abstract: return q = self.Queue("test_enter_exit") q.close = Mock() self.assertIs(q.__enter__(), q) q.__exit__() q.close.assert_called_with() def test_qsize(self): if self.abstract: return q = self.Queue("test_clear", no_ack=True) for i in range(10): q.put({"hello": "SimplePurge%d" % (i, )}) self.assertEqual(q.qsize(), 10) self.assertEqual(len(q), 10) def test_autoclose(self): if self.abstract: return channel = q = self.Queue("test_autoclose", no_ack=True, channel=channel) q.close() def test_custom_Queue(self): if self.abstract: return n = self.__class__.__name__ exchange = Exchange("%s-test.custom.Queue" % (n, )) queue = Queue("%s-test.custom.Queue" % (n, ), exchange, "my.routing.key") q = self.Queue(queue) self.assertEqual(q.consumer.queues[0], queue) q.close() def test_bool(self): if self.abstract: return q = self.Queue("test_nonzero") self.assertTrue(q)
import boto from kombu import BrokerConnection, Exchange, Queue, Consumer connection = BrokerConnection() connection.connect() channel = exchange = Exchange(name="android", type="fanout", channel=channel, durable=True) exchange.declare() channel = queue = Queue(name="filr", exchange=exchange, durable=True, auto_delete=False, channel=channel, routing_key="filr") queue.declare() def fetch(b, m): print b, m consumer = Consumer(, queues=queue, auto_declare=False, callbacks=[fetch]) consumer.consume(no_ack=False) while True: connection.drain_events() pass # execfile('.private-settings') # sdb = boto.connect_sdb(key_id, sec_key) # domain = sdb.create_domain('android') # item = domain.new_item('kral_step1')
import boto from kombu import BrokerConnection, Exchange, Queue, Consumer connection = BrokerConnection() connection.connect() channel = exchange = Exchange( name="android", type="fanout", channel=channel, durable=True, ) exchange.declare() channel = queue = Queue( name='filr', exchange=exchange, durable=True, auto_delete=False, channel=channel, routing_key='filr', ) queue.declare(); def fetch(b,m): print b,m consumer = Consumer(,
class test_pika(unittest.TestCase): def purge(self, names): chan = map(chan.queue_purge, names) def setUp(self): self.connection = BrokerConnection(transport="pika") try: self.connection.connect() except socket.error: self.connected = False else: self.connected = True = Exchange("tamqplib", "direct") self.queue = Queue("tamqplib",, "tamqplib") def test_produce__consume(self): if not self.connected: raise SkipTest("Broker not running.") chan1 = producer = Producer(chan1, producer.publish({"foo": "bar"}, routing_key="tamqplib") chan1.close() chan2 = consumer = Consumer(chan2, self.queue) message = consumeN(self.connection, consumer) self.assertDictEqual(message[0], {"foo": "bar"}) chan2.close() self.purge(["tamqplib"]) def test_produce__consume_multiple(self): if not self.connected: raise SkipTest("Broker not running.") chan1 = producer = Producer(chan1, b1 = Queue("pyamqplib.b1",, "b1") b2 = Queue("pyamqplib.b2",, "b2") b3 = Queue("pyamqplib.b3",, "b3") producer.publish("b1", routing_key="b1") producer.publish("b2", routing_key="b2") producer.publish("b3", routing_key="b3") chan1.close() chan2 = consumer = Consumer(chan2, [b1, b2, b3]) messages = consumeN(self.connection, consumer, 3) self.assertItemsEqual(messages, ["b1", "b2", "b3"]) chan2.close() self.purge(["pyamqplib.b1", "pyamqplib.b2", "pyamqplib.b3"]) def test_timeout(self): if not self.connected: raise SkipTest("Broker not running.") chan = self.purge([]) consumer = Consumer(chan, self.queue) self.assertRaises(socket.timeout, self.connection.drain_events, timeout=0.3) consumer.cancel() def test_basic_get(self): chan1 = producer = Producer(chan1, producer.publish({"basic.get": "this"}, routing_key="basic_get") chan1.close() chan2 = queue = Queue("amqplib_basic_get",, "basic_get") queue = queue(chan2) queue.declare() for i in range(50): m = queue.get() if m: break time.sleep(0.1) self.assertEqual(m.payload, {"basic.get": "this"}) chan2.close() def tearDown(self): if self.connected: self.connection.close()
class RabbitMQHandler(object): def __init__(self, connection_string, exchange_name, exchange_type="topic"): self._connection = BrokerConnection(connection_string) self._connections = {self._connection } # set of connection for the heartbeat self._exchange = Exchange(exchange_name, durable=True, delivery_mode=2, type=exchange_type, auto_delete=False, no_declare=False) monitor_heartbeats(self._connections) @retry(wait_fixed=200, stop_max_attempt_number=3) def publish(self, item, contributor_id): with as channel: with Producer(channel) as producer: producer.publish( item, exchange=self._exchange, routing_key=contributor_id, declare=[self._exchange], content_type="plain/text", ) def info(self): info = info.pop("password", None) return info def check_connection(self, force=False): """ Trying to connect is the best way to check that the connection works if force is set to True, we will force the connection again """ try: # we need to refresh the connection to be notified as soon as rabbitmq stopped working if force: self._connection._establish_connection() self._connection.ensure_connection(interval_start=0, max_retries=1) return True except Exception: return False def connect(self): self._connection.connect() def close(self): for c in self._connections: c.release() def listen_load_realtime(self, queue_name, max_retries=10): log = logging.getLogger(__name__) route = "task.load_realtime.*""listening route {} on exchange {}...".format( route, self._exchange)) rt_queue = Queue(queue_name, routing_key=route, exchange=self._exchange, durable=False) RTReloader(connection=self._connection, rpc_queue=rt_queue, exchange=self._exchange, max_retries=max_retries).run()