Пример #1
    def test_reanimate_kprofile(self):
        The purpose of the KProfile is to be able to (re-)animate ModelJobs from the input data.
        valid = {
            "2016-12-14T09:57:35Z",  # Timestamp in strict rfc3339 format.
            "profiled_jobs": [{
                "time_start": 537700,
                "time_queued": 99,
                "duration": 147,
                "ncpus": 72,
                "nnodes": 2,
                "time_series": {
                    "kb_read": {
                        "times": [0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04],
                        "values": [15, 16, 17, 18],
                        "priority": 10

        pf = ProfileFormat.from_file(StringIO(json.dumps(valid)))

        workload = Workload.from_kprofile(pf)

        self.assertEqual(workload.tag, "A-tag")

        jobs = workload.jobs
        self.assertEqual(len(jobs), 1)
        self.assertIsInstance(jobs[0], ModelJob)

        self.assertEqual(jobs[0].time_start, 537700)
        self.assertEqual(jobs[0].time_queued, 99)
        self.assertEqual(jobs[0].duration, 147)
        self.assertEqual(jobs[0].ncpus, 72)
        self.assertEqual(jobs[0].nnodes, 2)

        self.assertEqual(len(jobs[0].timesignals), len(signal_types))
        self.assertIn('kb_read', jobs[0].timesignals)
        for name, signal in jobs[0].timesignals.items():
            if name == 'kb_read':
                self.assertIsInstance(signal, TimeSignal)
                    all(x1 == x2 for x1, x2 in zip(signal.xvalues,
                                                   [0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04])))
                    all(y1 == y2
                        for y1, y2 in zip(signal.yvalues, [15, 16, 17, 18])))
Пример #2
    def normalize_jobs(model_jobs, wl_clusters):
        Normalize the time-signals of the generated jobs in order to preserve time-series sums in each sub-workload ---
        :param model_jobs:
        :param wl_name:

        # create a workload from jobs in cluster and generated model jobs
        wl_original = Workload(jobs=wl_clusters['jobs_for_clustering'],
        wl_generated = Workload(jobs=model_jobs, tag="generated_jobs")
        ts_orig = wl_original.total_metrics_sum_dict
        ts_generated = wl_generated.total_metrics_sum_dict

        # normalize generated jobs
        normalized_jobs = copy.deepcopy(model_jobs)
        for job in normalized_jobs:
            for ts in ts_generated.keys():
                if float(ts_generated[ts]):
                    job.timesignals[ts].yvalues = job.timesignals[
                        ts].yvalues / float(ts_generated[ts]) * ts_orig[ts]

        return normalized_jobs
Пример #3
    def split_by_keywords(workload, split_config_output):
        Auxiliary internal splitting function
        :param workload:
        :param split_config_output:

        # Extract configurations for the splitting
        new_wl_name = split_config_output['create_workload']
        split_attr = split_config_output['split_by']
        kw_include = split_config_output['keywords_in']
        kw_exclude = split_config_output['keywords_out']

        sub_wl_jobs = []
        if kw_include and not kw_exclude:
            for j in workload.jobs:
                if getattr(j, split_attr):
                    if all(kw in getattr(j, split_attr) for kw in kw_include):

        elif not kw_include and kw_exclude:
            for j in workload.jobs:
                if getattr(j, split_attr):
                    if not any(kw in getattr(j, split_attr)
                               for kw in kw_exclude):

        elif kw_include and kw_exclude:

            sub_wl_jobs = [
                j for j in workload.jobs
                if all(kw in getattr(j, split_attr)
                       for kw in kw_include) and not any(
                           kw in getattr(j, split_attr) for kw in kw_exclude)

            raise ConfigurationError(
                "either included or excluded "
                "keywords are needed for splitting a workload")

        if not sub_wl_jobs:
            logger.error("Workload splitting has produced an empty workload!")

        return Workload(jobs=sub_wl_jobs, tag=new_wl_name)
Пример #4
    def generate_synthetic_workload(self, clusters, config):
        Main method that call the specific generation method requested

        schedule_key = self.generation_mapping[config["job_submission_strategy"]['type']][0]
        spawning_strategy = self.generation_mapping[config["job_submission_strategy"]['type']][1]

        print("schedule_key ", schedule_key)
        print("spawning_strategy ", spawning_strategy)

        n_bins_for_pdf = config["job_submission_strategy"]["n_bins_for_pdf"]

        global_t0 = min(j.time_start for cl in clusters for j in cl['jobs_for_clustering'])
        global_tend = max(j.time_start for cl in clusters for j in cl['jobs_for_clustering'])

        # generate a synthetic workload for each cluster of jobs
        t_submit_interval = config["job_submission_strategy"]['total_submit_interval']
        submit_rate_factor = config["job_submission_strategy"]['submit_rate_factor']
        for wl_clusters in clusters:
            start_times = [j.time_start for j in wl_clusters['jobs_for_clustering']]
            print("using cluster generated from workload {}".format(wl_clusters["source-workload"]))

            # invoke the required scheduling strategy
            jobs_schedule_strategy = job_schedule_factory[schedule_key](start_times,

            # instantiate and invoke the required scheduling strategy
            generation_strategy = strategy_factory[spawning_strategy](jobs_schedule_strategy,

            model_jobs, vec_clust_indexes = generation_strategy.generate_jobs()

            # model jobs
            self.model_jobs = model_jobs
            self.workload_set = WorkloadSet([Workload(self.model_jobs)])
Пример #5
    def test_generator(self):
        The configuration object should have some sane defaults

        # If all of the required arguments are supplied, this should result in a valid job
        ts_complete_set = {
            tsk: TimeSignal.from_values(tsk, [0., 0.1], [1., 999.])
            for tsk in time_signal_names

        valid_args = {
            'time_start': 0.1,
            'duration': 0.2,
            'ncpus': 1,
            'nnodes': 1,
            'timesignals': ts_complete_set

        ts_complete_set_2 = {
            tsk: TimeSignal.from_values(tsk, [0., 0.1], [1., 444.])
            for tsk in time_signal_names

        valid_args_2 = {
            'time_start': 0.1,
            'duration': 0.2,
            'ncpus': 1,
            'nnodes': 1,
            'timesignals': ts_complete_set_2

        # check that it is a valid job
        job1 = ModelJob(**valid_args)
        job1.label = "job1"

        job2 = ModelJob(**valid_args_2)
        job2.label = "job2"

        job3 = ModelJob(**valid_args)
        job3.label = "job3"

        job4 = ModelJob(**valid_args_2)
        job4.label = "job4"

        job5 = ModelJob(**valid_args)
        job5.label = "job5"

        input_jobs = [job1, job2, job3, job4, job5]

        # diversify the time start..
        for jj, job in enumerate(input_jobs):
            job.time_start += jj * 0.1

        for job in input_jobs:

        config_generator = {
            "type": "cluster_and_spawn",
            "job_clustering": {
                "type": "Kmeans",
                "rseed": 0,
                "apply_to": ["test_wl_0"],
                "ok_if_low_rank": True,
                "max_iter": 100,
                "max_num_clusters": 3,
                "delta_num_clusters": 1,
                "num_timesignal_bins": 1,
                "user_does_not_check": True
            "job_submission_strategy": {
                "type": "match_job_pdf_exact",
                "n_bins_for_pdf": 20,
                "submit_rate_factor": 8,
                "total_submit_interval": 60,
                "random_seed": 0

        # select the appropriate workload_filling strategy
        workloads = [
            Workload(jobs=input_jobs, tag='test_wl_0'),
            Workload(jobs=input_jobs, tag='test_wl_1'),
            Workload(jobs=input_jobs, tag='test_wl_2')

        workload_modeller = workload_modelling_types[config_generator["type"]](

        # get the newly created set of (modelled) workloads
        workload_set = workload_modeller.get_workload_set()

        # make sure that we are creating only one workload
        self.assertEqual(len(workload_set.workloads), 1)

        # ---- check that all the jobs are correctly formed.. ----

        # check that each job has time-signals as expected..
        for job in workload_set.workloads[0].jobs:
            self.assertTrue(hasattr(job, "timesignals"))

        # check that each job has all the time-signals at this point..
        for job in workload_set.workloads[0].jobs:
                all([k in job.timesignals.keys() for k in time_signal_names]))
Пример #6
    def test_workload_data(self):

        # If all of the required arguments are supplied, this should result in a valid job
        ts_complete_set = {
            tsk: TimeSignal.from_values(tsk, [0., 0.1], [1., 999.])
            for tsk in time_signal_names

        valid_args = {
            'time_start': 0.1,
            'duration': 0.2,
            'ncpus': 1,
            'nnodes': 1,
            'timesignals': ts_complete_set

        # check that it is a valid job
        job1 = ModelJob(**valid_args)
        job2 = ModelJob(**valid_args)
        job3 = ModelJob(**valid_args)
        job4 = ModelJob(**valid_args)
        job5 = ModelJob(**valid_args)

        input_jobs = [job1, job2, job3, job4, job5]

        # diversify the time start..
        for jj, job in enumerate(input_jobs):
            job.time_start += jj * 0.1

        for job in input_jobs:

        # create a workload with 5 model jobs
        test_workload = Workload(jobs=input_jobs, tag='test_wl')

        # -- verify that all the jobs in workload are actually the initial jobs provided --
            all(job is input_jobs[jj]
                for jj, job in enumerate(test_workload.jobs)))

        # ------------ verify sums of timesignals -------------------
        for ts_name in signal_types:
            ts_sum = 0
            for j in input_jobs:
                ts_sum += sum(j.timesignals[ts_name].yvalues)

            # verify the sums..

        # ------------ verify global time signals -------------------
        valid_args_1 = {
            'time_start': 0.1,
            'duration': 0.222,
            'ncpus': 1,
            'nnodes': 1,
            'timesignals': {
                tsk: TimeSignal.from_values(tsk, np.random.rand(10),
                for tsk in time_signal_names
        job1 = ModelJob(**valid_args_1)

        valid_args_2 = {
            'time_start': 0.1,
            'duration': 0.333,
            'ncpus': 1,
            'nnodes': 1,
            'timesignals': {
                tsk: TimeSignal.from_values(tsk, np.random.rand(10),
                for tsk in time_signal_names
        job2 = ModelJob(**valid_args_2)

        test_workload = Workload(jobs=[job1, job2], tag='wl_2jobs')

        for job in [job1, job2]:
            for ts in signal_types:
                    all(v + job.time_start in
                        for v in job.timesignals[ts].xvalues))
                    all(v in
                        for v in job.timesignals[ts].yvalues))
Пример #7
    def test_splitter(self):

        # -------------- prepare a couple of dummy jobs ---------------

        # If all of the required arguments are supplied, this should result in a valid job
        ts_complete_set = {
            tsk: TimeSignal.from_values(tsk, [0., 0.1], [1., 999.])
            for tsk in time_signal_names

        ts_complete_set_2 = {
            tsk: TimeSignal.from_values(tsk, [0., 0.1], [1., 444.])
            for tsk in time_signal_names

        valid_args = {
            'time_start': 0.1,
            'duration': 0.2,
            'ncpus': 1,
            'nnodes': 1,
            'timesignals': ts_complete_set,
            'job_name': "job_name_1"

        valid_args_2 = {
            'time_start': 0.2,
            'duration': 0.4,
            'ncpus': 2,
            'nnodes': 2,
            'timesignals': ts_complete_set_2,
            'job_name': "job_name_2"

        # a model job that WILL NOT be picked by the algorithm..
        job1 = ModelJob(**valid_args)
        job1.label = "label_nottobepicked"

        # a model job that WILL be picked by the algorithm..
        job2 = ModelJob(**valid_args_2)
        job2.label = "label_includeme"

        # dummy workload with 20 jobs
        jobs_all = []
        for i in range(20):

            # spawn a new job from either job1 or job2
            if np.random.rand() < 0.5:
                new_job = copy.deepcopy(job1)
                new_job = copy.deepcopy(job2)

            # assign it a new label

        # create a workload out of all the jobs..
        workload = Workload(jobs=jobs_all, tag="testing_workload")

        # configure the splitter from user config
        config_splitting = {
            "type": "split",
            "keywords_in": ["includeme"],
            "keywords_out": ["excludeme"],
            "split_by": "label",
            "apply_to": ["testing_workload"],
            "create_workload": "spawn_workload"

        workloads = [workload]
        splitter = WorkloadSplit(workloads)

        wl_out = None
        for wl in workloads:
            if wl.tag == config_splitting["create_workload"]:
                wl_out = wl

        # make sure that we have created a workload as expected
        self.assertTrue(wl_out is not None)
        self.assertEqual(wl_out.tag, config_splitting["create_workload"])

        # make sure that all the jobs have a label consistent with the filter
        for j in wl_out.jobs:
            self.assertTrue("includeme" in j.label
                            and "excludeme" not in j.label)
Пример #8
    def test_workload_fillin_default(self):
        Test the correct assignment of user-defined time-series

        io_metrics = ['kb_read', 'kb_write', 'n_read', 'n_write']

        # create 2 random jobs (with ONLY io metrics)
        valid_args_1 = {
            'time_start': 0.1,
            'duration': 0.2,
            'ncpus': 1,
            'nnodes': 1,
            'timesignals': {
                tsk: TimeSignal.from_values(tsk, np.random.rand(10),
                for tsk in io_metrics
        job1 = ModelJob(**valid_args_1)

        valid_args_2 = {
            'time_start': 0.1,
            'duration': 0.2,
            'ncpus': 1,
            'nnodes': 1,
            'timesignals': {
                tsk: TimeSignal.from_values(tsk, np.random.rand(10),
                for tsk in io_metrics
        job2 = ModelJob(**valid_args_2)

        test_workload = Workload(jobs=[job1, job2], tag='wl_2jobs')

        # ---------------------- fill in config -----------------------
        filling_funct_config = [{
            "type": "step",
            "name": "step-1",
            "x_step": 0.5
        }, {
            "x_values": [0, 0.1, 0.15, 0.3333, 0.5, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0],
            "y_values": [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0]

        # Values to assign to all the unspecified metrics
        default_config = {
            "type": "fill_missing_entries",
            "apply_to": ["wl_2jobs"],
            "priority": 0,
            "metrics": {
                "kb_collective": [100, 101],
                "n_collective": [100, 101],
                "kb_pairwise": {
                    "function": "step-1",
                    "scaling": 1000.0
                "n_pairwise": {
                    "function": "custom-1",
                    "scaling": 1000.0
                "flops": [100, 101],

        # update the filling config with the user-defined functions
        default_config.update({"user_functions": filling_funct_config})

        # Apply the user defaults to the workloads
        workloads = [test_workload]
        filler = StrategyUserDefaults(workloads)

        # test that the IO metrics are within the random range used [0,1]
        for j in workloads[0].jobs:
                all([0.0 < x < 1.0 for x in j.timesignals['n_write'].xvalues]))
                all([0.0 < x < 1.0 for x in j.timesignals['n_write'].yvalues]))

                all([0.0 < x < 1.0
                     for x in j.timesignals['kb_write'].xvalues]))
                all([0.0 < x < 1.0
                     for x in j.timesignals['kb_write'].yvalues]))

                all([0.0 < x < 1.0 for x in j.timesignals['n_read'].xvalues]))
                all([0.0 < x < 1.0 for x in j.timesignals['n_read'].yvalues]))

                all([0.0 < x < 1.0 for x in j.timesignals['kb_read'].xvalues]))
                all([0.0 < x < 1.0 for x in j.timesignals['kb_read'].yvalues]))

        # test that the user-defined metrics are within the random range chosen [0,1]
        for j in workloads[0].jobs:
                all([100 < x < 101 for x in j.timesignals['flops'].yvalues]))
                    100 < x < 101
                    for x in j.timesignals['n_collective'].yvalues
                    100 < x < 101
                    for x in j.timesignals['kb_collective'].yvalues

        # test that the user-defined functions are being applied as expected

        for j in workloads[0].jobs:

            # values vs expected
            val_exp = zip(j.timesignals['n_pairwise'].yvalues,
                          [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0])
            self.assertTrue(all([x == y * 1000. for x, y in val_exp]))

            # and the step function
                all([(x == 0 or x == 1000.)
                     for x in j.timesignals['kb_pairwise'].yvalues]))
Пример #9
    def test_workload_fillin_match(self):
        Test the metrics assignment through job name (label) matching

        # ------------ verify global time signals -------------------
        valid_args_1 = {
            'job_name': "blabla_weird_name",
            'time_start': 0.1,
            'duration': 0.222,
            'ncpus': 1,
            'nnodes': 1,
            'timesignals': {
                tsk: TimeSignal.from_values(tsk, np.random.rand(10),
                                            np.arange(10) * 2)
                for tsk in time_signal_names
        job1 = ModelJob(**valid_args_1)

        valid_args_2 = {
            'job_name': "job_match",
            'time_start': 0.1,
            'duration': 0.333,
            'ncpus': 1,
            'nnodes': 1,
            'timesignals': {}
        job2 = ModelJob(**valid_args_2)

        # ------ target workload (that will receive the time metrics..)
        target_wl = Workload(jobs=[job1, job2], tag='target_workload')

        # ---------- source workload
        valid_args_3 = {
            'job_name': "job_match",
            'time_start': 0.1,
            'duration': 0.333,
            'ncpus': 1,
            'nnodes': 1,
            'timesignals': {
                tsk: TimeSignal.from_values(tsk, np.random.rand(10),
                for tsk in time_signal_names

        job3 = ModelJob(**valid_args_3)
        source_wl = Workload(jobs=[job3], tag='wl_match_source')

        # filler config
        filler_config = {
            "type": "match_by_keyword",
            "priority": 0,
            "keywords": ["job_name"],
            "similarity_threshold": 0.3,
            "source_workloads": ["wl_match_source"],
            "apply_to": ["target_workload"]

        # Apply the user defaults to the workloads
        workloads = [target_wl, source_wl]
        filler = StrategyMatchKeyword(workloads)

        # for ts_k, ts_v in job3.timesignals.iteritems():
        #     print "JOB3:{}:{}".format(ts_k, ts_v.yvalues)
        # for ts_k, ts_v in target_wl.jobs[1].timesignals.iteritems():
        #     print "TRG_J1:{}:{}".format(ts_k, ts_v.yvalues)

                all(ys == yt for ys, yt in zip(job3.timesignals[ts_k].yvalues,
                for ts_k, ts_v in target_wl.jobs[1].timesignals.items()
Пример #10
 def from_labelled_jobs(cls, wl_dict):
     return cls([Workload(jobs=v, tag=k) for k, v in wl_dict.items()])