def get_container(train_op, train_env, train_num_gpus, drive='coco-headset-vol-1'): (train_op.container.set_memory_request('56Gi').set_memory_limit( '56Gi').set_cpu_request('7.5').set_cpu_limit('7.5').set_gpu_limit( str(train_num_gpus)).add_volume_mount( V1VolumeMount( name='tensorboard', mount_path='/shared/tensorboard')).add_volume_mount( V1VolumeMount(name='data', mount_path='/data/')).add_volume_mount( V1VolumeMount( name='shm', mount_path='/dev/shm'))) (add_env(add_ssh_volume(train_op), train_env).add_toleration( V1Toleration(key='', operator='Exists', effect='NoSchedule')).add_node_selector_constraint( '', f'p3.{2 * train_num_gpus}xlarge'). add_volume( V1Volume(name='tensorboard', persistent_volume_claim=V1PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource( 'tensorboard-research-kf')) ).add_volume( V1Volume(name='data', persistent_volume_claim=V1PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource( drive))) # .add_volume(V1Volume(name='shm', host_path=V1HostPathVolumeSource(path='/dev/shm'))) .add_volume( V1Volume(name='shm', empty_dir=V1EmptyDirVolumeSource(medium='Memory'))))
def train_eval_epic(owner, project, experiment, model, git_rev, pretrained_s3, mode, train_additional_args='', eval_additional_args=''): train_env = {} train_num_gpus = 1 train_op = components.load_component_from_file('components/train.yaml')( owner=owner, project=project, experiment=experiment, model=model, git_rev=git_rev, pretrained_s3=pretrained_s3, mode=mode, additional_args=train_additional_args) (train_op.container.set_memory_request('56Gi').set_memory_limit( '56Gi').set_cpu_request('7.5').set_cpu_limit('7.5').set_gpu_limit( str(train_num_gpus)).add_volume_mount( V1VolumeMount( name='tensorboard', mount_path='/shared/tensorboard')).add_volume_mount( V1VolumeMount(name='data', mount_path='/data/')).add_volume_mount( V1VolumeMount( name='shm', mount_path='/dev/shm'))) (add_env(add_ssh_volume(train_op), train_env).add_toleration( V1Toleration(key='', operator='Exists', effect='NoSchedule')).add_node_selector_constraint( '', f'p3.{2*train_num_gpus}xlarge'). add_volume( V1Volume(name='tensorboard', persistent_volume_claim=V1PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource( 'tensorboard-research-kf')) ).add_volume( V1Volume(name='data', persistent_volume_claim=V1PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource( 'dataset-epic-kitchen'))) # .add_volume(V1Volume(name='shm', host_path=V1HostPathVolumeSource(path='/dev/shm'))) .add_volume( V1Volume(name='shm', empty_dir=V1EmptyDirVolumeSource(medium='Memory'))))
def generate_pod_spec_for_task(): # Primary containers do not require us to specify an image, the default image built for flyte tasks will get used. primary_container = V1Container(name="primary") # Note: for non-primary containers we must specify an image. secondary_container = V1Container(name="secondary", image="alpine",) secondary_container.command.extend(["/bin/sh"]) secondary_container.args.extend( ["-c", "echo hi pod world > {}".format(_SHARED_DATA_PATH)] ) resources = V1ResourceRequirements( requests={"cpu": "1", "memory": "100Mi"}, limits={"cpu": "1", "memory": "100Mi"} ) primary_container.resources = resources secondary_container = resources shared_volume_mount = V1VolumeMount(name="shared-data", mount_path="/data",) secondary_container.volumeMounts = [shared_volume_mount] primary_container.volumeMounts = [shared_volume_mount] pod_spec = V1PodSpec( containers=[primary_container, secondary_container], volumes=[ V1Volume( name="shared-data", empty_dir=V1EmptyDirVolumeSource(medium="Memory") ) ], ) return pod_spec
def add_ssh_volume(op): op.add_volume( V1Volume(name='ssh-v', secret=V1SecretVolumeSource( secret_name='ssh-secrets-epic-kitchen-kbbbtt9c94', default_mode=0o600))) op.container.add_volume_mount( V1VolumeMount(name='ssh-v', mount_path='/root/.ssh')) return op
def pipeline_mount_pvc(): pvc_name = "kfp-pvc" volume_name = 'pipeline' volume_mount_path = '/mnt/pipeline' dsl.ContainerOp( name='mnist_pvc', image='kangwoo/kfp-mnist-storage:0.0.1', arguments=['--model', '/mnt/pipeline/kfp/mnist/model'] ).add_volume(V1Volume(name=volume_name, persistent_volume_claim=V1PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource(claim_name=pvc_name))) \ .add_volume_mount(V1VolumeMount(mount_path=volume_mount_path, name=volume_name))
def pipeline_gcs(): GCSCredentialFileName = "user-gcp-sa.json" GCSCredentialVolumeName = "user-gcp-sa" GCSCredentialVolumeMountPath = "/var/secrets/" GCSCredentialEnvKey = "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS" GCSCredentialFilePath = os.path.join(GCSCredentialVolumeMountPath, GCSCredentialFileName) secret_name = 'user-gcp-sa' dsl.ContainerOp( name='mnist-gcs', image='kangwoo/kfp-mnist-storage:0.0.1', arguments=['--model', 'gs://kfp-bucket/kfp/mnist/model'] ).add_volume(V1Volume(name=GCSCredentialVolumeName, secret=V1SecretVolumeSource(secret_name=secret_name))) \ .add_volume_mount(V1VolumeMount(name=GCSCredentialVolumeName, mount_path=GCSCredentialVolumeMountPath)) \ .add_env_variable(V1EnvVar(name=GCSCredentialEnvKey, value=GCSCredentialFilePath))
def __init__(self, pipeline_name: str, experiment_name: str, notebook: str, cos_endpoint: str, cos_bucket: str, cos_directory: str, cos_dependencies_archive: str, pipeline_version: Optional[str] = '', pipeline_source: Optional[str] = None, pipeline_outputs: Optional[List[str]] = None, pipeline_inputs: Optional[List[str]] = None, pipeline_envs: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, requirements_url: Optional[str] = None, bootstrap_script_url: Optional[str] = None, emptydir_volume_size: Optional[str] = None, cpu_request: Optional[str] = None, mem_request: Optional[str] = None, gpu_limit: Optional[str] = None, workflow_engine: Optional[str] = 'argo', **kwargs): """Create a new instance of ContainerOp. Args: pipeline_name: pipeline that this op belongs to experiment_name: the experiment where pipeline_name is executed notebook: name of the notebook that will be executed per this operation cos_endpoint: object storage endpoint e.g cos_bucket: bucket to retrieve archive from cos_directory: name of the directory in the object storage bucket to pull cos_dependencies_archive: archive file name to get from object storage bucket e.g archive1.tar.gz pipeline_version: optional version identifier pipeline_source: pipeline source pipeline_outputs: comma delimited list of files produced by the notebook pipeline_inputs: comma delimited list of files to be consumed/are required by the notebook pipeline_envs: dictionary of environmental variables to set in the container prior to execution requirements_url: URL to a python requirements.txt file to be installed prior to running the notebook bootstrap_script_url: URL to a custom python bootstrap script to run emptydir_volume_size: Size(GB) of the volume to create for the workspace when using CRIO container runtime cpu_request: number of CPUs requested for the operation mem_request: memory requested for the operation (in Gi) gpu_limit: maximum number of GPUs allowed for the operation workflow_engine: Kubeflow workflow engine, defaults to 'argo' kwargs: additional key value pairs to pass e.g. name, image, sidecars & is_exit_handler. See Kubeflow pipelines ContainerOp definition for more parameters or how to use """ self.pipeline_name = pipeline_name self.pipeline_version = pipeline_version self.pipeline_source = pipeline_source self.experiment_name = experiment_name self.notebook = notebook self.notebook_name = os.path.basename(notebook) self.cos_endpoint = cos_endpoint self.cos_bucket = cos_bucket self.cos_directory = cos_directory self.cos_dependencies_archive = cos_dependencies_archive self.container_work_dir_root_path = "./" self.container_work_dir_name = "jupyter-work-dir/" self.container_work_dir = self.container_work_dir_root_path + self.container_work_dir_name self.bootstrap_script_url = bootstrap_script_url self.requirements_url = requirements_url self.pipeline_outputs = pipeline_outputs self.pipeline_inputs = pipeline_inputs self.pipeline_envs = pipeline_envs self.cpu_request = cpu_request self.mem_request = mem_request self.gpu_limit = gpu_limit argument_list = [] """ CRI-o support for kfp pipelines We need to attach an emptydir volume for each notebook that runs since CRI-o runtime does not allow us to write to the base image layer file system, only to volumes. """ self.emptydir_volume_name = "workspace" self.emptydir_volume_size = emptydir_volume_size self.python_user_lib_path = '' self.python_user_lib_path_target = '' self.python_pip_config_url = '' if self.emptydir_volume_size: self.container_work_dir_root_path = "/opt/app-root/src/" self.container_python_dir_name = "python3/" self.container_work_dir = self.container_work_dir_root_path + self.container_work_dir_name self.python_user_lib_path = self.container_work_dir + self.container_python_dir_name self.python_user_lib_path_target = '--target=' + self.python_user_lib_path self.python_pip_config_url = ELYRA_PIP_CONFIG_URL if not self.bootstrap_script_url: self.bootstrap_script_url = ELYRA_BOOTSTRAP_SCRIPT_URL if not self.requirements_url: self.requirements_url = ELYRA_REQUIREMENTS_URL if 'name' not in kwargs: raise TypeError("You need to provide a name for the operation.") elif not kwargs.get('name'): raise ValueError("You need to provide a name for the operation.") if 'image' not in kwargs: raise ValueError("You need to provide an image.") if not notebook: raise ValueError("You need to provide a notebook.") if 'arguments' not in kwargs: """ If no arguments are passed, we use our own. If ['arguments'] are set, we assume container's ENTRYPOINT is set and dependencies are installed NOTE: Images being pulled must have python3 available on PATH and cURL utility """ argument_list.append('mkdir -p {container_work_dir} && cd {container_work_dir} && ' 'curl -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -L {bootscript_url} --output && ' 'curl -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -L {reqs_url} --output requirements-elyra.txt && ' .format(container_work_dir=self.container_work_dir, bootscript_url=self.bootstrap_script_url, reqs_url=self.requirements_url) ) if self.emptydir_volume_size: argument_list.append('mkdir {container_python_dir} && cd {container_python_dir} && ' 'curl -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -L {python_pip_config_url} ' '--output pip.conf && cd .. &&' .format(python_pip_config_url=self.python_pip_config_url, container_python_dir=self.container_python_dir_name) ) argument_list.append('python3 -m pip install {python_user_lib_path_target} packaging && ' 'python3 -m pip freeze > requirements-current.txt && ' 'python3 ' '--cos-endpoint {cos_endpoint} ' '--cos-bucket {cos_bucket} ' '--cos-directory "{cos_directory}" ' '--cos-dependencies-archive "{cos_dependencies_archive}" ' '--file "{notebook}" ' .format(cos_endpoint=self.cos_endpoint, cos_bucket=self.cos_bucket, cos_directory=self.cos_directory, cos_dependencies_archive=self.cos_dependencies_archive, notebook=self.notebook, python_user_lib_path_target=self.python_user_lib_path_target) ) if self.pipeline_inputs: inputs_str = self._artifact_list_to_str(self.pipeline_inputs) argument_list.append('--inputs "{}" '.format(inputs_str)) if self.pipeline_outputs: outputs_str = self._artifact_list_to_str(self.pipeline_outputs) argument_list.append('--outputs "{}" '.format(outputs_str)) if self.emptydir_volume_size: argument_list.append('--user-volume-path "{}" '.format(self.python_user_lib_path)) kwargs['command'] = ['sh', '-c'] kwargs['arguments'] = "".join(argument_list) super().__init__(**kwargs) # We must deal with the envs after the superclass initialization since these amend the # container attribute that isn't available until now. if self.pipeline_envs: for key, value in self.pipeline_envs.items(): # Convert dict entries to format kfp needs self.container.add_env_variable(V1EnvVar(name=key, value=value)) # If crio volume size is found then assume kubeflow pipelines environment is using CRI-o as # its container runtime if self.emptydir_volume_size: self.add_volume(V1Volume(empty_dir=V1EmptyDirVolumeSource( medium="", size_limit=self.emptydir_volume_size), name=self.emptydir_volume_name)) self.container.add_volume_mount(V1VolumeMount(mount_path=self.container_work_dir_root_path, name=self.emptydir_volume_name)) # Append to PYTHONPATH location of elyra dependencies in installed in Volume self.container.add_env_variable(V1EnvVar(name='PYTHONPATH', value=self.python_user_lib_path)) if self.cpu_request: self.container.set_cpu_request(cpu=str(cpu_request)) if self.mem_request: self.container.set_memory_request(memory=str(mem_request) + "G") if self.gpu_limit: gpu_vendor = self.pipeline_envs.get('GPU_VENDOR', 'nvidia') self.container.set_gpu_limit(gpu=str(gpu_limit), vendor=gpu_vendor) # Generate unique ELYRA_RUN_NAME value and expose it as an environment # variable in the container if workflow_engine and workflow_engine.lower() == 'argo': run_name_placeholder = '{{}}' self.container.add_env_variable(V1EnvVar(name='ELYRA_RUN_NAME', value=run_name_placeholder)) else: # For Tekton derive the value from the specified pod annotation annotation = '' field_path = f"metadata.annotations['{annotation}']" self.container.add_env_variable(V1EnvVar(name='ELYRA_RUN_NAME', value_from=V1EnvVarSource( field_ref=V1ObjectFieldSelector(field_path=field_path)))) # Attach metadata to the pod # Node type (a static type for this op) self.add_pod_label('elyra/node-type', NotebookOp._normalize_label_value( 'notebook-script')) # Pipeline name self.add_pod_label('elyra/pipeline-name', NotebookOp._normalize_label_value(self.pipeline_name)) # Pipeline version self.add_pod_label('elyra/pipeline-version', NotebookOp._normalize_label_value(self.pipeline_version)) # Experiment name self.add_pod_label('elyra/experiment-name', NotebookOp._normalize_label_value(self.experiment_name)) # Pipeline node name self.add_pod_label('elyra/node-name', NotebookOp._normalize_label_value(kwargs.get('name'))) # Pipeline node file self.add_pod_annotation('elyra/node-file-name', self.notebook) # Identify the pipeline source, which can be a # pipeline file (mypipeline.pipeline), a Python # script or notebook that was submitted if self.pipeline_source is not None: self.add_pod_annotation('elyra/pipeline-source', self.pipeline_source)
def __init__( self, pipeline_name: str, experiment_name: str, notebook: str, cos_endpoint: str, cos_bucket: str, cos_directory: str, cos_dependencies_archive: str, pipeline_version: Optional[str] = "", pipeline_source: Optional[str] = None, pipeline_outputs: Optional[List[str]] = None, pipeline_inputs: Optional[List[str]] = None, pipeline_envs: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, requirements_url: Optional[str] = None, bootstrap_script_url: Optional[str] = None, emptydir_volume_size: Optional[str] = None, cpu_request: Optional[str] = None, mem_request: Optional[str] = None, gpu_limit: Optional[str] = None, workflow_engine: Optional[str] = "argo", volume_mounts: Optional[List[VolumeMount]] = None, kubernetes_secrets: Optional[List[KubernetesSecret]] = None, **kwargs, ): """Create a new instance of ContainerOp. Args: pipeline_name: pipeline that this op belongs to experiment_name: the experiment where pipeline_name is executed notebook: name of the notebook that will be executed per this operation cos_endpoint: object storage endpoint e.g cos_bucket: bucket to retrieve archive from cos_directory: name of the directory in the object storage bucket to pull cos_dependencies_archive: archive file name to get from object storage bucket e.g archive1.tar.gz pipeline_version: optional version identifier pipeline_source: pipeline source pipeline_outputs: comma delimited list of files produced by the notebook pipeline_inputs: comma delimited list of files to be consumed/are required by the notebook pipeline_envs: dictionary of environmental variables to set in the container prior to execution requirements_url: URL to a python requirements.txt file to be installed prior to running the notebook bootstrap_script_url: URL to a custom python bootstrap script to run emptydir_volume_size: Size(GB) of the volume to create for the workspace when using CRIO container runtime cpu_request: number of CPUs requested for the operation mem_request: memory requested for the operation (in Gi) gpu_limit: maximum number of GPUs allowed for the operation workflow_engine: Kubeflow workflow engine, defaults to 'argo' volume_mounts: data volumes to be mounted kubernetes_secrets: secrets to be made available as environment variables kwargs: additional key value pairs to pass e.g. name, image, sidecars & is_exit_handler. See Kubeflow pipelines ContainerOp definition for more parameters or how to use """ self.pipeline_name = pipeline_name self.pipeline_version = pipeline_version self.pipeline_source = pipeline_source self.experiment_name = experiment_name self.notebook = notebook self.notebook_name = os.path.basename(notebook) self.cos_endpoint = cos_endpoint self.cos_bucket = cos_bucket self.cos_directory = cos_directory self.cos_dependencies_archive = cos_dependencies_archive self.container_work_dir_root_path = "./" self.container_work_dir_name = "jupyter-work-dir/" self.container_work_dir = self.container_work_dir_root_path + self.container_work_dir_name self.bootstrap_script_url = bootstrap_script_url self.requirements_url = requirements_url self.pipeline_outputs = pipeline_outputs self.pipeline_inputs = pipeline_inputs self.pipeline_envs = pipeline_envs self.cpu_request = cpu_request self.mem_request = mem_request self.gpu_limit = gpu_limit self.volume_mounts = volume_mounts # optional data volumes to be mounted to the pod self.kubernetes_secrets = kubernetes_secrets # optional secrets to be made available as env vars argument_list = [] """ CRI-o support for kfp pipelines We need to attach an emptydir volume for each notebook that runs since CRI-o runtime does not allow us to write to the base image layer file system, only to volumes. """ self.emptydir_volume_name = "workspace" self.emptydir_volume_size = emptydir_volume_size self.python_user_lib_path = "" self.python_user_lib_path_target = "" self.python_pip_config_url = "" if self.emptydir_volume_size: self.container_work_dir_root_path = "/opt/app-root/src/" self.container_python_dir_name = "python3/" self.container_work_dir = self.container_work_dir_root_path + self.container_work_dir_name self.python_user_lib_path = self.container_work_dir + self.container_python_dir_name self.python_user_lib_path_target = "--target=" + self.python_user_lib_path self.python_pip_config_url = ELYRA_PIP_CONFIG_URL if not self.bootstrap_script_url: self.bootstrap_script_url = ELYRA_BOOTSTRAP_SCRIPT_URL if not self.requirements_url: self.requirements_url = ELYRA_REQUIREMENTS_URL if "name" not in kwargs: raise TypeError("You need to provide a name for the operation.") elif not kwargs.get("name"): raise ValueError("You need to provide a name for the operation.") if "image" not in kwargs: raise ValueError("You need to provide an image.") if not notebook: raise ValueError("You need to provide a notebook.") if "arguments" not in kwargs: """If no arguments are passed, we use our own. If ['arguments'] are set, we assume container's ENTRYPOINT is set and dependencies are installed NOTE: Images being pulled must have python3 available on PATH and cURL utility """ common_curl_options = '--fail -H "Cache-Control: no-cache"' argument_list.append( f"mkdir -p {self.container_work_dir} && cd {self.container_work_dir} && " f"echo 'Downloading {self.bootstrap_script_url}' && " f"curl {common_curl_options} -L {self.bootstrap_script_url} --output && " f"echo 'Downloading {self.requirements_url}' && " f"curl {common_curl_options} -L {self.requirements_url} --output requirements-elyra.txt && " f"echo 'Downloading {ELYRA_REQUIREMENTS_URL_PY37}' && " f"curl {common_curl_options} -L {ELYRA_REQUIREMENTS_URL_PY37} --output requirements-elyra-py37.txt && " ) if self.emptydir_volume_size: argument_list.append( f"mkdir {self.container_python_dir_name} && cd {self.container_python_dir_name} && " f"echo 'Downloading {self.python_pip_config_url}' && " f"curl {common_curl_options} -L {self.python_pip_config_url} --output pip.conf && cd .. &&" ) argument_list.append( f"python3 -m pip install {self.python_user_lib_path_target} packaging && " "python3 -m pip freeze > requirements-current.txt && " "python3 " f'--pipeline-name "{self.pipeline_name}" ' f"--cos-endpoint {self.cos_endpoint} " f"--cos-bucket {self.cos_bucket} " f'--cos-directory "{self.cos_directory}" ' f'--cos-dependencies-archive "{self.cos_dependencies_archive}" ' f'--file "{self.notebook}" ') if self.pipeline_inputs: inputs_str = self._artifact_list_to_str(self.pipeline_inputs) argument_list.append(f'--inputs "{inputs_str}" ') if self.pipeline_outputs: outputs_str = self._artifact_list_to_str(self.pipeline_outputs) argument_list.append(f'--outputs "{outputs_str}" ') if self.emptydir_volume_size: argument_list.append( f'--user-volume-path "{self.python_user_lib_path}" ') kwargs["command"] = ["sh", "-c"] kwargs["arguments"] = "".join(argument_list) super().__init__(**kwargs) # add user-specified volume mounts: the referenced PVCs must exist # or this generic operation will fail if self.volume_mounts: unique_pvcs = [] for volume_mount in self.volume_mounts: if volume_mount.pvc_name not in unique_pvcs: self.add_volume( V1Volume( name=volume_mount.pvc_name, persistent_volume_claim= V1PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource( claim_name=volume_mount.pvc_name), )) unique_pvcs.append(volume_mount.pvc_name) self.container.add_volume_mount( V1VolumeMount(mount_path=volume_mount.path, name=volume_mount.pvc_name)) # We must deal with the envs after the superclass initialization since these amend the # container attribute that isn't available until now. if self.pipeline_envs: for key, value in self.pipeline_envs.items( ): # Convert dict entries to format kfp needs self.container.add_env_variable(V1EnvVar(name=key, value=value)) if self.kubernetes_secrets: for secret in self.kubernetes_secrets: # Convert tuple entries to format kfp needs self.container.add_env_variable( V1EnvVar( name=secret.env_var, value_from=V1EnvVarSource( secret_key_ref=V1SecretKeySelector(, key=secret.key)), )) # If crio volume size is found then assume kubeflow pipelines environment is using CRI-o as # its container runtime if self.emptydir_volume_size: self.add_volume( V1Volume( empty_dir=V1EmptyDirVolumeSource( medium="", size_limit=self.emptydir_volume_size), name=self.emptydir_volume_name, )) self.container.add_volume_mount( V1VolumeMount(mount_path=self.container_work_dir_root_path, name=self.emptydir_volume_name)) # Append to PYTHONPATH location of elyra dependencies in installed in Volume self.container.add_env_variable( V1EnvVar(name="PYTHONPATH", value=self.python_user_lib_path)) if self.cpu_request: self.container.set_cpu_request(cpu=str(cpu_request)) if self.mem_request: self.container.set_memory_request(memory=str(mem_request) + "G") if self.gpu_limit: gpu_vendor = self.pipeline_envs.get("GPU_VENDOR", "nvidia") self.container.set_gpu_limit(gpu=str(gpu_limit), vendor=gpu_vendor) # Generate unique ELYRA_RUN_NAME value and expose it as an environment # variable in the container if not workflow_engine: raise ValueError( "workflow_engine is missing and needs to be specified.") if workflow_engine.lower() == "argo": # attach RUN_ID_PLACEHOLDER as run name # '{{}}' variable # cannot be resolved by Argo in KF 1.4 run_name_placeholder = RUN_ID_PLACEHOLDER self.container.add_env_variable( V1EnvVar(name="ELYRA_RUN_NAME", value=run_name_placeholder)) elif workflow_engine.lower() == "tekton": try: from kfp_tekton import TektonClient # noqa: F401 except ImportError: raise ValueError( "kfp-tekton not installed. Please install using elyra[kfp-tekton] to use Tekton engine." ) # For Tekton derive the value from the specified pod annotation annotation = "" field_path = f"metadata.annotations['{annotation}']" self.container.add_env_variable( V1EnvVar( name="ELYRA_RUN_NAME", value_from=V1EnvVarSource(field_ref=V1ObjectFieldSelector( field_path=field_path)), )) else: raise ValueError( f"{workflow_engine} is not a supported workflow engine.") # Attach metadata to the pod # Node type (a static type for this op) self.add_pod_label( "elyra/node-type", ExecuteFileOp._normalize_label_value("notebook-script")) # Pipeline name self.add_pod_label( "elyra/pipeline-name", ExecuteFileOp._normalize_label_value(self.pipeline_name)) # Pipeline version self.add_pod_label( "elyra/pipeline-version", ExecuteFileOp._normalize_label_value(self.pipeline_version)) # Experiment name self.add_pod_label( "elyra/experiment-name", ExecuteFileOp._normalize_label_value(self.experiment_name)) # Pipeline node name self.add_pod_label( "elyra/node-name", ExecuteFileOp._normalize_label_value(kwargs.get("name"))) # Pipeline node file self.add_pod_annotation("elyra/node-file-name", self.notebook) # Identify the pipeline source, which can be a # pipeline file (mypipeline.pipeline), a Python # script or notebook that was submitted if self.pipeline_source is not None: self.add_pod_annotation("elyra/pipeline-source", self.pipeline_source)
producer_task = producer_op() processor_task = processor_op(producer_task.outputs['output_1'], producer_task.outputs['output_2']) consumer_task = consumer_op(processor_task.outputs['output_1'], processor_task.outputs['output_2']) markdown_task = create_component_from_func(func=metadata_and_metrics)() # This line is only needed for compiling using dsl-compile to work kfp.dsl.get_pipeline_conf( ).data_passing_method = volume_based_data_passing_method from kubernetes.client.models import V1Volume, V1PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource from kfp.dsl import data_passing_methods volume_based_data_passing_method = data_passing_methods.KubernetesVolume( volume=V1Volume( name='data', persistent_volume_claim=V1PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource( claim_name='data-volume', ), ), path_prefix='artifact_data/', ) if __name__ == '__main__': pipeline_conf = kfp.dsl.PipelineConf() pipeline_conf.data_passing_method = volume_based_data_passing_method kfp.compiler.Compiler().compile(artifact_passing_pipeline, __file__ + '.yaml', pipeline_conf=pipeline_conf)
def make_pod_spec(self, tls_secret, worker_name=None): annotations = self.common_annotations env = self.get_env() if worker_name is not None: # Worker name = "dask-gateway-worker-%s" % worker_name container_name = "dask-gateway-worker" labels = self.get_labels_for("dask-gateway-worker", worker_name=worker_name) mem_req = self.worker_memory mem_lim = self.worker_memory_limit cpu_req = self.worker_cores cpu_lim = self.worker_cores_limit env["DASK_GATEWAY_WORKER_NAME"] = worker_name cmd = self.worker_command extra_pod_config = self.worker_extra_pod_config extra_container_config = self.worker_extra_container_config else: # Scheduler name = "dask-gateway-scheduler-%s" % self.cluster_name container_name = "dask-gateway-scheduler" labels = self.get_labels_for("dask-gateway-scheduler") mem_req = self.scheduler_memory mem_lim = self.scheduler_memory_limit cpu_req = self.scheduler_cores cpu_lim = self.scheduler_cores_limit cmd = self.scheduler_command extra_pod_config = self.scheduler_extra_pod_config extra_container_config = self.scheduler_extra_container_config volume = V1Volume(name="dask-credentials", secret=V1SecretVolumeSource(secret_name=tls_secret)) container = V1Container( name=container_name, image=self.image, args=cmd, env=[V1EnvVar(k, v) for k, v in env.items()], image_pull_policy=self.image_pull_policy, resources=V1ResourceRequirements( requests={ "cpu": cpu_req, "memory": mem_req }, limits={ "cpu": cpu_lim, "memory": mem_lim }, ), volume_mounts=[ V1VolumeMount(, mount_path="/etc/dask-credentials/", read_only=True, ) ], ) if extra_container_config: container = merge_kube_objects(container, extra_container_config) pod = V1Pod( kind="Pod", api_version="v1", metadata=V1ObjectMeta(name=name, labels=labels, annotations=annotations), spec=V1PodSpec(containers=[container], volumes=[volume], restart_policy="Never"), ) # Ensure we don't accidentally give access to the kubernetes API pod.spec.automount_service_account_token = False if extra_pod_config: pod.spec = merge_kube_objects(pod.spec, extra_pod_config) return pod
def make_pod(name, cmd, port, image_spec, image_pull_policy, image_pull_secret=None, node_selector=None, run_as_uid=None, run_as_gid=None, fs_gid=None, supplemental_gids=None, run_privileged=False, env={}, working_dir=None, volumes=[], volume_mounts=[], labels={}, annotations={}, cpu_limit=None, cpu_guarantee=None, mem_limit=None, mem_guarantee=None, extra_resource_limits=None, extra_resource_guarantees=None, lifecycle_hooks=None, init_containers=None, service_account=None, extra_container_config=None, extra_pod_config=None, extra_containers=None, scheduler_name=None): """ Make a k8s pod specification for running a user notebook. Parameters ---------- name: Name of pod. Must be unique within the namespace the object is going to be created in. Must be a valid DNS label. image_spec: Image specification - usually a image name and tag in the form of image_name:tag. Same thing you would use with docker commandline arguments image_pull_policy: Image pull policy - one of 'Always', 'IfNotPresent' or 'Never'. Decides when kubernetes will check for a newer version of image and pull it when running a pod. image_pull_secret: Image pull secret - Default is None -- set to your secret name to pull from private docker registry. port: Port the notebook server is going to be listening on cmd: The command used to execute the singleuser server. node_selector: Dictionary Selector to match nodes where to launch the Pods run_as_uid: The UID used to run single-user pods. The default is to run as the user specified in the Dockerfile, if this is set to None. run_as_gid: The GID used to run single-user pods. The default is to run as the primary group of the user specified in the Dockerfile, if this is set to None. fs_gid The gid that will own any fresh volumes mounted into this pod, if using volume types that support this (such as GCE). This should be a group that the uid the process is running as should be a member of, so that it can read / write to the volumes mounted. supplemental_gids: A list of GIDs that should be set as additional supplemental groups to the user that the container runs as. You may have to set this if you are deploying to an environment with RBAC/SCC enforced and pods run with a 'restricted' SCC which results in the image being run as an assigned user ID. The supplemental group IDs would need to include the corresponding group ID of the user ID the image normally would run as. The image must setup all directories/files any application needs access to, as group writable. run_privileged: Whether the container should be run in privileged mode. env: Dictionary of environment variables. volumes: List of dictionaries containing the volumes of various types this pod will be using. See k8s documentation about volumes on how to specify these volume_mounts: List of dictionaries mapping paths in the container and the volume( specified in volumes) that should be mounted on them. See the k8s documentaiton for more details working_dir: String specifying the working directory for the notebook container labels: Labels to add to the spawned pod. annotations: Annotations to add to the spawned pod. cpu_limit: Float specifying the max number of CPU cores the user's pod is allowed to use. cpu_guarentee: Float specifying the max number of CPU cores the user's pod is guaranteed to have access to, by the scheduler. mem_limit: String specifying the max amount of RAM the user's pod is allowed to use. String instead of float/int since common suffixes are allowed mem_guarantee: String specifying the max amount of RAM the user's pod is guaranteed to have access to. String ins loat/int since common suffixes are allowed lifecycle_hooks: Dictionary of lifecycle hooks init_containers: List of initialization containers belonging to the pod. service_account: Service account to mount on the pod. None disables mounting extra_container_config: Extra configuration (e.g. envFrom) for notebook container which is not covered by parameters above. extra_pod_config: Extra configuration (e.g. tolerations) for pod which is not covered by parameters above. extra_containers: Extra containers besides notebook container. Used for some housekeeping jobs (e.g. crontab). scheduler_name: A custom scheduler's name. """ pod = V1Pod() pod.kind = "Pod" pod.api_version = "v1" pod.metadata = V1ObjectMeta(name=name, labels=labels.copy(), annotations=annotations.copy()) pod.spec = V1PodSpec(containers=[]) pod.spec.restartPolicy = 'Never' security_context = V1PodSecurityContext() if fs_gid is not None: security_context.fs_group = int(fs_gid) if supplemental_gids is not None and supplemental_gids: security_context.supplemental_groups = [ int(gid) for gid in supplemental_gids ] if run_as_uid is not None: security_context.run_as_user = int(run_as_uid) if run_as_gid is not None: security_context.run_as_group = int(run_as_gid) pod.spec.security_context = security_context if image_pull_secret is not None: pod.spec.image_pull_secrets = [] image_secret = V1LocalObjectReference() = image_pull_secret pod.spec.image_pull_secrets.append(image_secret) if node_selector: pod.spec.node_selector = node_selector notebook_container = V1Container( name='notebook', image=image_spec, working_dir=working_dir, ports=[V1ContainerPort(name='notebook-port', container_port=port)], env=[V1EnvVar(k, v) for k, v in env.items()], args=cmd, image_pull_policy=image_pull_policy, lifecycle=lifecycle_hooks, resources=V1ResourceRequirements()) if service_account is None: # Add a hack to ensure that no service accounts are mounted in spawned pods # This makes sure that we don"t accidentally give access to the whole # kubernetes API to the users in the spawned pods. # Note: We don't simply use `automountServiceAccountToken` here since we wanna be compatible # with older kubernetes versions too for now. hack_volume = V1Volume(name='no-api-access-please', empty_dir={}) hack_volumes = [hack_volume] hack_volume_mount = V1VolumeMount( name='no-api-access-please', mount_path="/var/run/secrets/", read_only=True) hack_volume_mounts = [hack_volume_mount] # Non-hacky way of not mounting service accounts pod.spec.automount_service_account_token = False else: hack_volumes = [] hack_volume_mounts = [] pod.spec.service_account_name = service_account if run_privileged: notebook_container.security_context = V1SecurityContext( privileged=True) notebook_container.resources.requests = {} if cpu_guarantee: notebook_container.resources.requests['cpu'] = cpu_guarantee if mem_guarantee: notebook_container.resources.requests['memory'] = mem_guarantee if extra_resource_guarantees: for k in extra_resource_guarantees: notebook_container.resources.requests[ k] = extra_resource_guarantees[k] notebook_container.resources.limits = {} if cpu_limit: notebook_container.resources.limits['cpu'] = cpu_limit if mem_limit: notebook_container.resources.limits['memory'] = mem_limit if extra_resource_limits: for k in extra_resource_limits: notebook_container.resources.limits[k] = extra_resource_limits[k] notebook_container.volume_mounts = volume_mounts + hack_volume_mounts pod.spec.containers.append(notebook_container) if extra_container_config: for key, value in extra_container_config.items(): setattr(notebook_container, _map_attribute(notebook_container.attribute_map, key), value) if extra_pod_config: for key, value in extra_pod_config.items(): setattr(pod.spec, _map_attribute(pod.spec.attribute_map, key), value) if extra_containers: pod.spec.containers.extend(extra_containers) pod.spec.init_containers = init_containers pod.spec.volumes = volumes + hack_volumes if scheduler_name: pod.spec.scheduler_name = scheduler_name return pod
def __init__(self, notebook: str, cos_endpoint: str, cos_bucket: str, cos_directory: str, cos_dependencies_archive: str, pipeline_outputs: Optional[List[str]] = None, pipeline_inputs: Optional[List[str]] = None, pipeline_envs: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, requirements_url: str = None, bootstrap_script_url: str = None, emptydir_volume_size: str = None, **kwargs): """Create a new instance of ContainerOp. Args: notebook: name of the notebook that will be executed per this operation cos_endpoint: object storage endpoint e.g cos_bucket: bucket to retrieve archive from cos_directory: name of the directory in the object storage bucket to pull cos_dependencies_archive: archive file name to get from object storage bucket e.g archive1.tar.gz pipeline_outputs: comma delimited list of files produced by the notebook pipeline_inputs: comma delimited list of files to be consumed/are required by the notebook pipeline_envs: dictionary of environmental variables to set in the container prior to execution requirements_url: URL to a python requirements.txt file to be installed prior to running the notebook bootstrap_script_url: URL to a custom python bootstrap script to run emptydir_volume_size: Size(GB) of the volume to create for the workspace when using CRIO container runtime kwargs: additional key value pairs to pass e.g. name, image, sidecars & is_exit_handler. See Kubeflow pipelines ContainerOp definition for more parameters or how to use """ self.notebook = notebook self.notebook_name = self._get_file_name_with_extension(notebook, 'ipynb') self.cos_endpoint = cos_endpoint self.cos_bucket = cos_bucket self.cos_directory = cos_directory self.cos_dependencies_archive = cos_dependencies_archive self.container_work_dir_root_path = "./" self.container_work_dir_name = "jupyter-work-dir/" self.container_work_dir = self.container_work_dir_root_path + self.container_work_dir_name self.bootstrap_script_url = bootstrap_script_url self.requirements_url = requirements_url self.pipeline_outputs = pipeline_outputs self.pipeline_inputs = pipeline_inputs self.pipeline_envs = pipeline_envs argument_list = [] """ CRI-o support for kfp pipelines We need to attach an emptydir volume for each notebook that runs since CRI-o runtime does not allow us to write to the base image layer file system, only to volumes. """ self.emptydir_volume_name = "workspace" self.emptydir_volume_size = emptydir_volume_size self.python_user_lib_path = '' self.python_user_lib_path_target = '' self.python_pip_config_url = '' if self.emptydir_volume_size: self.container_work_dir_root_path = "/opt/app-root/src/" self.container_python_dir_name = "python3/" self.container_work_dir = self.container_work_dir_root_path + self.container_work_dir_name self.python_user_lib_path = self.container_work_dir + self.container_python_dir_name self.python_user_lib_path_target = '--target=' + self.python_user_lib_path self.python_pip_config_url = '{org}/' \ 'kfp-notebook/{branch}/etc/pip.conf'. \ format(org=KFP_NOTEBOOK_ORG, branch=KFP_NOTEBOOK_BRANCH) if not self.bootstrap_script_url: self.bootstrap_script_url = '{org}/' \ 'kfp-notebook/{branch}/etc/docker-scripts/'.\ format(org=KFP_NOTEBOOK_ORG, branch=KFP_NOTEBOOK_BRANCH) if not self.requirements_url: self.requirements_url = '{org}/' \ 'kfp-notebook/{branch}/etc/requirements-elyra.txt'.\ format(org=KFP_NOTEBOOK_ORG, branch=KFP_NOTEBOOK_BRANCH) if 'image' not in kwargs: raise ValueError("You need to provide an image.") if not notebook: raise ValueError("You need to provide a notebook.") if 'arguments' not in kwargs: """ If no arguments are passed, we use our own. If ['arguments'] are set, we assume container's ENTRYPOINT is set and dependencies are installed NOTE: Images being pulled must have python3 available on PATH and cURL utility """ argument_list.append('mkdir -p {container_work_dir} && cd {container_work_dir} && ' 'curl -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -L {bootscript_url} --output && ' 'curl -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -L {reqs_url} --output requirements-elyra.txt && ' .format(container_work_dir=self.container_work_dir, bootscript_url=self.bootstrap_script_url, reqs_url=self.requirements_url) ) if self.emptydir_volume_size: argument_list.append('mkdir {container_python_dir} && cd {container_python_dir} && ' 'curl -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -L {python_pip_config_url} ' '--output pip.conf && cd .. &&' .format(python_pip_config_url=self.python_pip_config_url, container_python_dir=self.container_python_dir_name) ) argument_list.append('python3 -m pip install {python_user_lib_path_target} packaging && ' 'python3 -m pip freeze > requirements-current.txt && ' 'python3 ' '--cos-endpoint {cos_endpoint} ' '--cos-bucket {cos_bucket} ' '--cos-directory "{cos_directory}" ' '--cos-dependencies-archive "{cos_dependencies_archive}" ' '--file "{notebook}" ' .format(cos_endpoint=self.cos_endpoint, cos_bucket=self.cos_bucket, cos_directory=self.cos_directory, cos_dependencies_archive=self.cos_dependencies_archive, notebook=self.notebook, python_user_lib_path_target=self.python_user_lib_path_target) ) if self.pipeline_inputs: inputs_str = self._artifact_list_to_str(self.pipeline_inputs) argument_list.append('--inputs "{}" '.format(inputs_str)) if self.pipeline_outputs: outputs_str = self._artifact_list_to_str(self.pipeline_outputs) argument_list.append('--outputs "{}" '.format(outputs_str)) if self.emptydir_volume_size: argument_list.append('--user-volume-path "{}" '.format(self.python_user_lib_path)) kwargs['command'] = ['sh', '-c'] kwargs['arguments'] = "".join(argument_list) super().__init__(**kwargs) # We must deal with the envs after the superclass initialization since these amend the # container attribute that isn't available until now. if self.pipeline_envs: for key, value in self.pipeline_envs.items(): # Convert dict entries to format kfp needs self.container.add_env_variable(V1EnvVar(name=key, value=value)) # If crio volume size is found then assume kubeflow pipelines environment is using CRI-o as # its container runtime if self.emptydir_volume_size: self.add_volume(V1Volume(empty_dir=V1EmptyDirVolumeSource( medium="", size_limit=self.emptydir_volume_size), name=self.emptydir_volume_name)) self.container.add_volume_mount(V1VolumeMount(mount_path=self.container_work_dir_root_path, name=self.emptydir_volume_name)) # Append to PYTHONPATH location of elyra dependencies in installed in Volume self.container.add_env_variable(V1EnvVar(name='PYTHONPATH', value=self.python_user_lib_path))
# # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import pytest from testfixtures import mock from kubernetes.client.models import V1Volume from kale.common import podutils _list_volumes_return_value = [("/mount/path", V1Volume(name="vol1"), "5Gi"), ("/mount/path/other", V1Volume(name="vol2"), "5Gi"), ("/other", V1Volume(name="vol3"), "5Gi")] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path,ret", [("/mount/path/item", _list_volumes_return_value[0]), ("/mount/path/other/item", _list_volumes_return_value[1]), ("/other/item", _list_volumes_return_value[2])]) @mock.patch("kale.common.podutils.list_volumes") @mock.patch("kale.common.podutils.os") def test_get_volume_containing_path(os, list_volumes, path, ret): """Test successful execution of get_volume_containing_path().""" os.path.exists.return_value = True list_volumes.return_value = _list_volumes_return_value