Пример #1
 def test_cdgmm_forward(self, data, backend, device, inplace):
     if device == 'cpu' and backend.NAME == 'skcuda':
         pytest.skip("skcuda backend can only run on gpu")
     x, filt, y = data
     # move to device
     x, filt, y = x.to(device), filt.to(device), y.to(device)
     # call cdgmm
     if inplace:
         x = x.clone()
     z = backend.cdgmm(x, filt, inplace=inplace)
     if inplace:
         z = x
     # compare
     assert (y - z).abs().max() < 1e-6
Пример #2
def test_Cublas():
    for device in devices:
        if device == 'gpu':
            for backend in backends:
                x = torch.rand(100, 128, 128, 2).cuda()
                filter = torch.rand(128, 128, 2).cuda()
                filter[..., 1] = 0
                y = torch.ones(100, 128, 128, 2).cuda()
                z = torch.Tensor(100, 128, 128, 2).cuda()

                for i in range(100):
                    y[i, :, :, 0] = x[i, :, :, 0] * filter[:, :, 0] - x[
                        i, :, :, 1] * filter[:, :, 1]
                    y[i, :, :, 1] = x[i, :, :, 1] * filter[:, :, 0] + x[
                        i, :, :, 0] * filter[:, :, 1]
                z = backend.cdgmm(x, filter)

                assert (y - z).abs().max() < 1e-6
        elif device == 'cpu':
            for backend in backends:
                if backend.NAME == 'skcuda':
                x = torch.rand(100, 128, 128, 2)
                filter = torch.rand(128, 128, 2)
                filter[..., 1] = 0
                y = torch.ones(100, 128, 128, 2)
                z = torch.Tensor(100, 128, 128, 2)

                for i in range(100):
                    y[i, :, :, 0] = x[i, :, :, 0] * filter[:, :, 0] - x[
                        i, :, :, 1] * filter[:, :, 1]
                    y[i, :, :, 1] = x[i, :, :, 1] * filter[:, :, 0] + x[
                        i, :, :, 0] * filter[:, :, 1]
                z = backend.cdgmm(x, filter)

                assert (y - z).abs().max() < 1e-6
Пример #3
 def test_cdgmm_exceptions(self, backend):
     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as exc:
         backend.cdgmm(torch.empty(3, 4, 5, 2), torch.empty(4, 3, 2))
     assert "not compatible" in exc.value.args[0]
     with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc:
         backend.cdgmm(torch.empty(3, 4, 5, 1), torch.empty(4, 5, 1))
     assert "input must be complex" in exc.value.args[0]
     with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc:
         backend.cdgmm(torch.empty(3, 4, 5, 2), torch.empty(4, 5, 3))
     assert "filter must be complex or real" in exc.value.args[0]
     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as exc:
         backend.cdgmm(torch.empty(3, 4, 5, 2), torch.empty(3, 4, 5, 2))
     assert "filter must be a 3-tensor" in exc.value.args[0]
     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as exc:
         backend.cdgmm(torch.empty(3, 4, 5, 2),
                       torch.empty(4, 5, 1).double())
     assert "must be of the same dtype" in exc.value.args[0]
     if 'gpu' in devices:
         with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as exc:
             backend.cdgmm(torch.empty(3, 4, 5, 2),
                           torch.empty(4, 5, 1).cuda())
         assert "must be on the same device" in exc.value.args[0]
Пример #4
class TestCDGMM:
    @pytest.fixture(params=(False, True))
    def data(self, request):
        real_filter = request.param
        x = torch.rand(100, 128, 128, 2)
        filt = torch.rand(128, 128, 2)
        y = torch.ones(100, 128, 128, 2)
        if real_filter:
            filt[..., 1] = 0
        y[..., 0] = x[..., 0] * filt[..., 0] - x[..., 1] * filt[..., 1]
        y[..., 1] = x[..., 1] * filt[..., 0] + x[..., 0] * filt[..., 1]
        if real_filter:
            filt = filt[..., :1]
        return x, filt, y

    if 'gpu' in devices:
        x, filt, y = data
        x, filt = x.to('cpu'), filt.to('gpu')
        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as exc:
            backend.cdgmm(x, filt)
        assert ('device' in exc.value.args[0])

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("backend", backends)
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("device", devices)
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("inplace", (False, True))
    def test_cdgmm_forward(self, data, backend, device, inplace):
        if device == 'cpu' and backend.NAME == 'skcuda':
            pytest.skip("skcuda backend can only run on gpu")
        x, filt, y = data
        # move to device
        device = 'cuda' if device == 'gpu' else device
        x, filt, y = x.to(device), filt.to(device), y.to(device)
        # call cdgmm
        if inplace:
            x = x.clone()
        z = backend.cdgmm(x, filt, inplace=inplace)
        if inplace:
            z = x
        # compare
        assert (y - z).abs().max() < 1e-6

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("backend", backends)
    def test_cdgmm_exceptions(self, backend):
        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as exc:
            backend.cdgmm(torch.empty(3, 4, 5, 2), torch.empty(4, 3, 2))
        assert "not compatible" in exc.value.args[0]
        with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc:
            backend.cdgmm(torch.empty(3, 4, 5, 1), torch.empty(4, 5, 1))
        assert "input must be complex" in exc.value.args[0]
        with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc:
            backend.cdgmm(torch.empty(3, 4, 5, 2), torch.empty(4, 5, 3))
        assert "filter must be complex or real" in exc.value.args[0]
        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as exc:
            backend.cdgmm(torch.empty(3, 4, 5, 2), torch.empty(3, 4, 5, 2))
        assert "filter must be a 3-tensor" in exc.value.args[0]
        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as exc:
            backend.cdgmm(torch.empty(3, 4, 5, 2), torch.empty(4, 5, 1).double())
        assert "must be of the same dtype" in exc.value.args[0]
        if 'gpu' in devices:
            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as exc:
                backend.cdgmm(torch.empty(3, 4, 5, 2), torch.empty(4, 5, 1).cuda())
            assert "must be on the same device" in exc.value.args[0]