Пример #1
 async def _list(self, ctx, all_events=None):
     """**Usage**: `!event list/li/l ['all']`
     Lists only the active event by default, will list all events if 'all' is included."""
     result = (EventTable.select(
         EventTable.id, EventTable.eventname, EventTable.active,
             on=(EventTable.guild_id == GuildTable.snowflake)).where(
                 GuildTable.snowflake == ctx.guild.id))
     if all_events is None or all_events.lower() != "all":
         result = result.where(EventTable.active)
         active_str = "Active"
         active_str = "All"
     if len(result) == 0:
         await ctx.message.add_reaction(self.failed_react)
         return await ctx.send(f"No {active_str} events found.")
     event_embed = embed = discord.Embed(
         description=f"{active_str} Events.")
     for event in result:
             event_role = ctx.guild.get_role(event.role)
             event_role = None
         if event_role:
             value = f"**{event_role.name}** will be assigned to all trainers who check-in to this event."
             value = "No role associated with this event."
         name = f"(*#{event.id}*) **{event.eventname}**"
         if event.active:
             name += " - *Active*"
         embed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=False)
     await ctx.message.add_reaction(self.success_react)
     return await ctx.send(embed=event_embed)
Пример #2
 async def _checkin(self, ctx, member: discord.Member):
     result = (EventTable.select(EventTable.eventname,
                         .where((EventTable.active == True) &
                                (EventTable.guild_id == member.guild.id)))
     roles = [r.role for r in result]
     events = [r.eventname for r in result]
     if len(roles) < 1:
         await ctx.message.add_reaction(self.failed_react)
         self.bot.help_logger(f"User: {ctx.author.name}, channel: {ctx.channel}, error: No active event.")
         return await ctx.send("There is no active event.", delete_after=10)
     if len(roles) > 1:
         await ctx.message.add_reaction(self.failed_react)
         self.bot.help_logger(f"User: {ctx.author.name}, channel: {ctx.channel}, error: Too many active events.")
         return await ctx.send("There are too many active events, please contact an admin.", delete_after=10)
         role = await self._validate_or_create_role(ctx, roles[0], eventname=events[0], checkin=True)
         if role is None:
         await member.add_roles(*[role])
         await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
         if role not in member.roles:
             await ctx.message.add_reaction(self.failed_react)
             self.bot.help_logger(f"User: {ctx.author.name}, channel: {ctx.channel}, error: Failed to give event badge {events[0]} to {member.display_name}.")
             return await ctx.send(f"Failed to give event role to {member.display_name}.", delete_after=10)
     except discord.Forbidden:
         await ctx.message.add_reaction(self.failed_react)
         self.bot.help_logger(f"User: {ctx.author.name}, channel: {ctx.channel}, error: Failed to give event badge {events[0]} to {member.display_name} due to permissions.")
         return await ctx.send(f"Failed to give event role to to {member.display_name} because you do not have permission", delete_after=10)
     message = f"Checked in **{member.display_name}** for the **{events[0]}** event!"
     await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed(colour=discord.Colour.green(), description=message), delete_after=10)
     await ctx.message.add_reaction(self.success_react)