def moneyfmt(val, currency_code=None, wrapcents="", places=None): """Formats val according to the currency settings for the desired currency, as set in L10N_SETTINGS""" if val is None or val == "": val = Decimal("0") currencies = get_l10n_setting("currency_formats") currency = None if currency_code: currency = currencies.get(currency_code, None) if not currency: log.warn( 'Could not find currency code definitions for "%s", please look at l10n.l10n_settings for examples.' ) if not currency: default_currency_code = get_l10n_setting("default_currency", None) if not default_currency_code: log.fatal("No default currency code set in L10N_SETTINGS") raise ImproperlyConfigured("No default currency code set in L10N_SETTINGS") if currency_code == default_currency_code: raise ImproperlyConfigured( "Default currency code '%s' not found in currency_formats in L10N_SETTINGS", currency_code ) return moneyfmt(val, currency_code=default_currency_code, wrapcents=wrapcents, places=places) # here we are assured we have a currency format if val >= 0: key = "positive" else: val = abs(val) key = "negative" # If we've been passed places, modify the format to use the new value if places is None or places == "": fmt = currency[key] else: start_fmt = currency[key] fmt_parts = re.split(decimal_fmt, start_fmt) new_decimal = u".%sf" % places # We need to keep track of all 3 parts because we might want to use # () to denote a negative value and don't want to lose the trailing ) fmt = u"".join([fmt_parts[0], new_decimal, fmt_parts[2]]) formatted = fmt % {"val": val} sep = currency.get("decimal", ".") if sep != ".": formatted = decimal_separator.sub(r"\1%s\2" % sep, formatted) if wrapcents: pos = formatted.rfind(sep) if pos > -1: pos += 1 formatted = u"%s<%s>%s</%s>" % (formatted[:pos], wrapcents, formatted[pos:], wrapcents) return formatted
def moneyfmt(val, currency_code=None, wrapcents='', places=None): """Formats val according to the currency settings for the desired currency, as set in L10N_SETTINGS""" if val is None or val == '': val = Decimal('0') currencies = get_l10n_setting('currency_formats') currency = None if currency_code: currency = currencies.get(currency_code, None) if not currency: log.warn('Could not find currency code definitions for "%s", please look at l10n.l10n_settings for examples.') if not currency: default_currency_code = get_l10n_setting('default_currency', None) if not default_currency_code: log.fatal("No default currency code set in L10N_SETTINGS") raise ImproperlyConfigured("No default currency code set in L10N_SETTINGS") if currency_code == default_currency_code: raise ImproperlyConfigured("Default currency code '%s' not found in currency_formats in L10N_SETTINGS", currency_code) return moneyfmt(val, currency_code=default_currency_code, wrapcents=wrapcents, places=places) # here we are assured we have a currency format if val>=0: key = 'positive' else: val = abs(val) key = 'negative' # If we've been passed places, modify the format to use the new value if places is None or places == '': fmt = currency[key] else: start_fmt = currency[key] fmt_parts = re.split(decimal_fmt, start_fmt) new_decimal = ".%sf" % places # We need to keep track of all 3 parts because we might want to use # () to denote a negative value and don't want to lose the trailing ) fmt = ''.join([fmt_parts[0], new_decimal, fmt_parts[2]]) formatted = fmt % { 'val' : val } sep = currency.get('decimal', '.') if sep != '.': formatted = decimal_separator.sub(r'\1%s\2' % sep, formatted) if wrapcents: pos = formatted.rfind(sep) if pos>-1: pos +=1 formatted = "%s<%s>%s</%s>" % (formatted[:pos], wrapcents, formatted[pos:], wrapcents) return formatted
def satchmo_language_selection_form(context): """ Display the set language form, if enabled in shop settings. """ request = threadlocals.get_current_request() enabled = get_l10n_setting('allow_translation_choice') languages = [] if enabled: try: url = urlresolvers.reverse('satchmo_set_language') languages = settings.LANGUAGES print "111" except urlresolvers.NoReverseMatch: url = "" log.warning( 'No url found for satchmo_set_language (OK if running tests)') print "112" else: url = "" return { 'enabled': enabled, 'set_language_url': url, 'languages': languages, 'STATIC_URL': context.get('STATIC_URL', ''), # for easy flag images 'django_language': request.session.get('django_language', 'en'), }
class CategoryOptions(admin.ModelAdmin): if config_value('SHOP', 'SHOW_SITE'): list_display = ('site', ) else: list_display = () list_display += ('name', '_parents_repr', 'is_active') list_display_links = ('name', ) ordering = ['site', 'parent__id', 'ordering', 'name'] inlines = [CategoryAttributeInline, CategoryImage_Inline] if get_l10n_setting('show_admin_translations'): inlines.append(CategoryTranslation_Inline) filter_horizontal = ('related_categories', ) form = CategoryAdminForm actions = ('mark_active', 'mark_inactive') def mark_active(self, request, queryset): queryset.update(is_active=True) return HttpResponseRedirect('') def mark_inactive(self, request, queryset): queryset.update(is_active=False) return HttpResponseRedirect('')
def satchmo_language_selection_form(context): """ Display the set language form, if enabled in shop settings. """ request = threadlocals.get_current_request() enabled = get_l10n_setting('allow_translation_choice') languages = [] if enabled: try: url = urlresolvers.reverse('satchmo_set_language') languages = settings.LANGUAGES except urlresolvers.NoReverseMatch: url = "" log.warning('No url found for satchmo_set_language (OK if running tests)') else: url = "" media_url = context.get('media_url', None) return { 'enabled' : enabled, 'set_language_url' : url, 'languages' : languages, 'media_url' : media_url, 'django_language' : request.session.get('django_language', 'en'), }
def satchmo_language_selection_form(context): """ Display the set language form, if enabled in shop settings. """ request = threadlocals.get_current_request() enabled = get_l10n_setting("allow_translation_choice") languages = [] if enabled: try: url = urlresolvers.reverse("satchmo_set_language") languages = settings.LANGUAGES print "111" except urlresolvers.NoReverseMatch: url = "" log.warning("No url found for satchmo_set_language (OK if running tests)") print "112" else: url = "" return { "enabled": enabled, "set_language_url": url, "languages": languages, "STATIC_URL": context.get("STATIC_URL", ""), # for easy flag images "django_language": request.session.get("django_language", "en"), }
def moneyfmt(val, currency_code=None, wrapcents=''): """Formats val according to the currency settings for the desired currency, as set in L10N_SETTINGS""" if val is None or val == '': val = Decimal('0') currencies = get_l10n_setting('currency_formats') currency = None if currency_code: currency = currencies.get(currency_code, None) if not currency: log.warn('Could not find currency code definitions for "%s", please look at l10n.l10n_settings for examples.') if not currency: default_currency_code = get_l10n_setting('default_currency', None) if not default_currency_code: log.fatal("No default currency code set in L10N_SETTINGS") raise ImproperlyConfigured("No default currency code set in L10N_SETTINGS") if currency_code == default_currency_code: raise ImproperlyConfigured("Default currency code '%s' not found in currency_formats in L10N_SETTINGS", currency_code) return moneyfmt(val, currency_code=default_currency_code, wrapcents=wrapcents) # here we are assured we have a currency format if val>=0: key = 'positive' else: val = abs(val) key = 'negative' fmt = currency[key] formatted = fmt % { 'val' : val } sep = currency.get('decimal', '.') if sep != '.': formatted = decimal_separator.sub(r'\1%s\2' % sep, formatted) if wrapcents: pos = formatted.rfind(sep) if pos>-1: pos +=1 formatted = u"%s<%s>%s</%s>" % formatted[:pos], wrapcents, formatted[pos:], wrapcents return formatted
class OptionGroupOptions(admin.ModelAdmin): inlines = [Option_Inline] if get_l10n_setting('show_admin_translations'): inlines.append(OptionGroupTranslation_Inline) if config_value('SHOP', 'SHOW_SITE'): list_display = ('site', ) else: list_display = () list_display += ('name', )
def testFake(self): currencies = l10n_settings.get_l10n_setting('currency_formats') currencies['FAKE'] = {'symbol': '^ ', 'positive' : "%(val)0.2f ^", 'negative': "(%(val)0.2f) ^", 'decimal' : ','} l10n_settings.set_l10n_setting('currency_formats', currencies) val = Decimal('10.00') self.assertEqual(moneyfmt(val, currency_code='FAKE'), '10,00 ^') val = Decimal('-50.00') self.assertEqual(moneyfmt(val, currency_code='FAKE'), '(50,00) ^')
class OptionGroupOptions(admin.ModelAdmin): inlines = [Option_Inline] if get_l10n_setting('show_admin_translations'): inlines.append(OptionGroupTranslation_Inline) if config_value('SHOP', 'SHOW_SITE'): list_display = ('which_site', ) else: list_display = () list_display += ('name', ) filter_horizontal = ('site', ) def which_site(self, obj): return ', '.join( for site in which_site.short_description = 'Site'
class ProductOptions(admin.ModelAdmin): def make_active(self, request, queryset): rows_updated = queryset.update(active=True) if rows_updated == 1: message_bit = _("1 product was") else: message_bit = _("%s products were" % rows_updated) self.message_user(request, _("%s successfully marked as active") % message_bit) return HttpResponseRedirect('') make_active.short_description = _("Mark selected products as active") def make_inactive(self, request, queryset): rows_updated = queryset.update(active=False) if rows_updated == 1: message_bit = _("1 product was") else: message_bit = _("%s products were" % rows_updated) self.message_user( request, _("%s successfully marked as inactive") % message_bit) return HttpResponseRedirect('') make_inactive.short_description = _("Mark selected products as inactive") def make_featured(self, request, queryset): rows_updated = queryset.update(featured=True) if rows_updated == 1: message_bit = _("1 product was") else: message_bit = _("%s products were" % rows_updated) self.message_user( request, _("%s successfully marked as featured") % message_bit) return HttpResponseRedirect('') make_featured.short_description = _("Mark selected products as featured") def make_unfeatured(self, request, queryset): rows_updated = queryset.update(featured=False) if rows_updated == 1: message_bit = _("1 product was") else: message_bit = _("%s products were" % rows_updated) self.message_user( request, _("%s successfully marked as not featured") % message_bit) return HttpResponseRedirect('') make_unfeatured.short_description = _( "Mark selected products as not featured") def formatted_price(self, obj): """Format the price in the list_display so that the currency symbol shows """ return moneyfmt(obj.unit_price) formatted_price.short_description = _("Unit price") def formatted_inventory(self, obj): """Format the inventory in the list_display so that 1.00000 becomes 1 but 1.0002 still shows as 1.0002 """ return obj.items_in_stock.normalize() formatted_inventory.short_description = _("Number in stock") formatted_inventory.admin_order_field = "items_in_stock" if config_value('SHOP', 'SHOW_SITE'): list_display = ('site', ) else: list_display = () list_display += ('slug', 'name', 'formatted_price', 'formatted_inventory', 'active', 'featured', 'get_subtypes') list_display_links = ('slug', 'name') list_filter = ('category', 'date_added', 'active', 'featured') actions = ('make_active', 'make_inactive', 'make_featured', 'make_unfeatured') fieldsets = ( (None, { 'fields': ('site', 'category', 'name', 'slug', 'sku', 'description', 'short_description', 'date_added', 'active', 'featured', 'items_in_stock', 'total_sold', 'ordering', 'shipclass') }), (_('Meta Data'), { 'fields': ('meta', ), 'classes': ('collapse', ) }), (_('Item Dimensions'), { 'fields': (('length', 'length_units', 'width', 'width_units', 'height', 'height_units'), ('weight', 'weight_units')), 'classes': ('collapse', ) }), (_('Tax'), { 'fields': ('taxable', 'taxClass'), 'classes': ('collapse', ) }), (_('Related Products'), { 'fields': ('related_items', 'also_purchased'), 'classes': ('collapse', ) }), ) search_fields = ['slug', 'sku', 'name'] inlines = [ProductAttribute_Inline, Price_Inline, ProductImage_Inline] if get_l10n_setting('show_admin_translations'): inlines.append(ProductTranslation_Inline) filter_horizontal = ('category', ) def formfield_for_dbfield(self, db_field, **kwargs): field = super(ProductOptions, self).formfield_for_dbfield(db_field, **kwargs) fieldname = if fieldname in ("length_units", "width_units", "height_units"): field.initial = default_dimension_unit() elif fieldname == "weight_units": field.initial = default_weight_unit() return field
class OptionOptions(admin.ModelAdmin): inlines = [] if get_l10n_setting('show_admin_translations'): inlines.append(OptionTranslation_Inline)
class CustomTextFieldOptions(admin.ModelAdmin): inlines = [] if get_l10n_setting('show_admin_translations'): inlines.append(CustomTextFieldTranslation_Inline)