Пример #1
    def step(self, x, grad):
        """Perform a gradient step.

            x (tensor): Current input value. This value will be updated in-place.
            grad (tensor): Current gradient.

            tensor: `x` after updating `x` in-place.
        if self.m is None or self.v is None:
            self.m = B.zeros(x)
            self.v = B.zeros(x)

        # Update estimates of moments.
        self.m *= self.beta1
        self.m += (1 - self.beta1) * grad
        self.v *= self.beta2
        self.v += (1 - self.beta2) * grad ** 2

        # Correct for bias of initialisation.
        m_corr = self.m / (1 - self.beta1 ** (self.i + 1))
        v_corr = self.v / (1 - self.beta2 ** (self.i + 1))

        # Perform update.
        if self.local_rates:
            denom = B.sqrt(B.mean(v_corr)) + self.epsilon
            denom = B.sqrt(v_corr) + self.epsilon
        x -= self.rate * m_corr / denom

        # Increase iteration number.
        self.i += 1

        return x
Пример #2
def sum(a: Zero, axis=None):
    if axis is None:
        return B.cast(a.dtype, 0)
    elif axis == 0:
        return B.zeros(a.dtype, a.cols)
    elif axis == 1:
        return B.zeros(a.dtype, a.rows)
Пример #3
def test_diag_block_diag(diag1, diag2):
        B.diag(diag1, diag2),
            [B.dense(diag1), B.zeros(B.dense(diag2))],
            [B.zeros(B.dense(diag2)), B.dense(diag2)],
    assert isinstance(B.diag(diag1, diag2), Diagonal)
Пример #4
def test_subshape(check_lazy_shapes):
    assert B.shape(B.zeros(2), 0) == 2
    assert B.shape(B.zeros(2, 3, 4), 1) == 3
    assert B.shape(B.zeros(2, 3, 4), 0, 2) == (2, 4)
    assert B.shape(B.zeros(2, 3, 4), 0, 1, 2) == (2, 3, 4)

    # Check for possible infinite recursion.
    with pytest.raises(NotFoundLookupError):
        B.shape(None, 1)
Пример #5
def test_diag_block_dense(dense1, dense2):
    with AssertDenseWarning(concat_warnings):
        res = B.diag(dense1, dense2)
                [B.dense(dense1), B.zeros(B.dense(dense1))],
        assert isinstance(res, Dense)
Пример #6
def compute_I_ux(model, t1=None, t2=None):
    """Compute the :math:`I_{ux}` integral.

        model (:class:`.gpcm.GPCM`): Model.
        t1 (tensor, optional): First time input. Defaults to zero.
        t2 (tensor, optional): Second time input. Defaults to zero.

        tensor: Value of :math:`I_{ux}` for all `t1`, `t2`.
    if t1 is None:
        t1 = B.zeros(model.dtype, 1)
        squeeze_t1 = True
        squeeze_t1 = False

    if t2 is None:
        t2 = B.zeros(model.dtype, 1)
        squeeze_t2 = True
        squeeze_t2 = False

    t1 = t1[:, None, None, None]
    t2 = t2[None, :, None, None]
    t_u_1 = model.t_u[None, None, :, None]
    t_u_2 = model.t_u[None, None, None, :]

    exppoly = model.k_h(var("t1") - var("tau"), var("t_u_1"))
    exppoly = exppoly * model.k_h(var("t_u_2"), var("t2") - var("tau"))

    if model.causal:
        upper = var("min_t1_t2")
        upper = np.inf

    result = exppoly.integrate_box(
        ("tau", -np.inf, upper),
        min_t1_t2=B.minimum(t1, t2),

    if squeeze_t1 and squeeze_t2:
        return result[0, 0, :, :]
    elif squeeze_t1:
        return result[0, :, :, :]
    elif squeeze_t2:
        return result[:, 0, :, :]
        return result
Пример #7
def test_normal_mean_is_zero():
    # Check zero case.
    dist = Normal(B.eye(3))
    assert dist.mean_is_zero
    approx(dist.mean, B.zeros(3, 1))

    # Check another zero case.
    dist = Normal(Zero(np.float32, 3, 1), B.eye(3))
    assert dist.mean_is_zero
    approx(dist.mean, B.zeros(3, 1))

    # Check nonzero case.
    assert not Normal(B.randn(3, 1), B.eye(3)).mean_is_zero
Пример #8
def diag(a, b):
    # We could merge this with `block`, but `block` has a lot of overhead. It
    # seems advantageous to optimise this common case.
        f"Constructing a dense block-diagonal matrix from "
        f"{a} and {b}: converting to dense.",
    a = B.dense(a)
    b = B.dense(b)

    dtype = B.dtype(a)
    ar, ac = B.shape(a)
    br, bc = B.shape(b)
    return Dense(
        B.concat2d([a, B.zeros(dtype, ar, bc)], [B.zeros(dtype, br, ac), b]))
Пример #9
def assert_lower_triangular(x):
    """Assert that a matrix is lower triangular."""
    # Check that matrix is square.
    assert B.shape(x)[0] == B.shape(x)[1]

    # Check that upper part is all zeros.
    upper = x[np.triu_indices(B.shape(x)[0], k=1)]
    approx(upper, B.zeros(upper))
Пример #10
def test_prior_power(Model):
    t_u = B.zeros(1)
    model = Model(window=2, scale=1, n_u=10, t=(0, 10))
    K_u = model.compute_K_u()

    # Estimate power with Monte Carlo.
    powers = []
    for _ in range(2_000):
        u = B.sample(K_u)[:, 0]
        powers.append(model.kernel_approx(t_u, t_u, u)[0, 0])
Пример #11
def compute_I_ux(model, t1=None, t2=None):
    """Compute the :math:`I_{ux}` integral.

        model (:class:`.gprv.GPRV`): Model.
        t1 (tensor, optional): First time input. Defaults to zero.
        t2 (tensor, optional): Second time input. Defaults to zero.

        tensor: Value of :math:`I_{ux}` for all `t1`, `t2`.
    if t1 is None:
        t1 = B.zeros(model.dtype, 1)
        squeeze_t1 = True
        squeeze_t1 = False

    if t2 is None:
        t2 = B.zeros(model.dtype, 1)
        squeeze_t2 = True
        squeeze_t2 = False

    t1 = t1[:, None, None, None]
    t2 = t2[None, :, None, None]
    t_u_1 = model.t_u[None, None, :, None]
    t_u_2 = model.t_u[None, None, None, :]
    ga = model.gamma - model.alpha
    result = (
        * model.gamma_t**2
        * B.exp(-model.gamma * (t_u_1 + t_u_2) + ga * (t1 + t2))
        * integral_abcd_lu(-t1, t_u_2 - t1, -t2, t_u_1 - t2, ga, model.lam)

    if squeeze_t1 and squeeze_t2:
        return result[0, 0, :, :]
    elif squeeze_t1:
        return result[0, :, :, :]
    elif squeeze_t2:
        return result[:, 0, :, :]
        return result
Пример #12
def sample(model, t, noise_f):
    """Sample from a model.

        model (:class:`gpcm.model.AbstractGPCM`): Model to sample from.
        t (vector): Time points to sample at.
        noise_f (vector): Noise for the sample of the function. Should have the
            same size as `t`.

        tuple[vector, ...]: Tuple containing kernel samples, filter samples, and
            function samples.
    ks, us, fs = [], [], []

    # In the below, we look at the third inducing point, because that is the one
    # determining the value of the filter at zero: the CGPCM adds two extra inducing
    # points to the left.

    # Get a smooth sample.
    u1 = B.ones(model.n_u)
    while B.abs(u1[2]) > 1e-2:
        u1 = B.sample(model.compute_K_u())[:, 0]
    u = GP(model.k_h())
    u = u | (u(model.t_u), u1)
    u1_full = u(t).mean.flatten()

    # Get a rough sample.
    u2 = B.zeros(model.n_u)
    while u2[2] < 0.5:
        u2 = B.sample(model.compute_K_u())[:, 0]
    u = GP(model.k_h())
    u = u | (u(model.t_u), u2)
    u2_full = u(t).mean.flatten()

    with wbml.out.Progress(name="Sampling", total=5) as progress:
        for c in [0, 0.1, 0.23, 0.33, 0.5]:
            # Sample kernel.
            K = model.kernel_approx(t, t, c * u2 + (1 - c) * u1)
            wbml.out.kv("Sampled variance", K[0, 0])
            K = K / K[0, 0]
            ks.append(K[0, :])

            # Store filter.
            us.append(c * u2_full + (1 - c) * u1_full)

            # Sample function.
            f = B.matmul(B.chol(closest_psd(K)), noise_f)


    return ks, us, fs
Пример #13
def test_normal_lazy_zero_mean():
    dist = Normal(lambda: B.eye(3))

    assert dist.mean_is_zero
    assert dist._mean is 0
    assert dist._var is None

    approx(dist.mean, B.zeros(3, 1))
    # At this point, the variance should be constructed, because it is used to get the
    # dimensionality and data type for the mean.
    assert dist._var is not None

    approx(dist.var, B.eye(3))
Пример #14
def test_recurrent():
    vs = Vars(np.float32)

    # Test setting the initial hidden state.
    layer = Recurrent(GRU(10), B.zeros(1, 10))
    layer.initialise(5, vs)
    approx(layer.h0, B.zeros(1, 10))

    layer = Recurrent(GRU(10))
    layer.initialise(5, vs)
    assert layer.h0 is not None

    # Check batch consistency.
    check_batch_consistency(layer, B.randn(30, 20, 5))

    # Test preservation of rank upon calls.
    assert B.shape(layer(B.randn(20, 5))) == (20, 10)
    assert B.shape(layer(B.randn(30, 20, 5))) == (30, 20, 10)

    # Check that zero-dimensional calls fail.
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Пример #15
def test_normalise():
    layer = Normalise(epsilon=0)
    x = B.randn(10, 5, 3)

    # Check number of weights and width.
    assert layer.num_weights(10) == 0
    assert layer.width == 10

    # Check initialisation and width.
    layer.initialise(3, None)
    assert layer.width == 3

    # Check correctness
    out = layer(x)
    approx(B.std(out, axis=2), B.ones(10, 5), rtol=1e-4)
    approx(B.mean(out, axis=2), B.zeros(10, 5), atol=1e-4)
Пример #16
    def __call__(self, x):
        # Put the batch dimension second.
        x_rank = B.rank(x)
        if x_rank == 2:
            x = x[:, None, :]
        elif x_rank == 3:
            x = B.transpose(x, perm=(1, 0, 2))
            raise ValueError(f"Cannot handle inputs of rank {B.rank(x)}.")

        # Recurrently apply the cell.
        n, batch_size, m = B.shape(x)
        y0 = B.zeros(B.dtype(x), batch_size, self.cell.width)
        h0 = B.tile(self.h0, batch_size, 1)
        res = B.scan(self.cell, x, h0, y0)[1]

        # Put the batch dimension first again.
        res = B.transpose(res, perm=(1, 0, 2))

        # Remove the batch dimension, if that didn't exist before.
        if x_rank == 2:
            res = res[0, :, :]

        return res
Пример #17
def test_device_and_to_active_device(check_lazy_shapes):
    # Check moving a device to the CPU.
    for a in Tensor(2, 2).forms():
        assert "cpu" in str(B.device(a)).lower()
        approx(B.to_active_device(a), a)

    # Check that numbers remain unchanged.
    a = 1
    assert B.to_active_device(a) is a

@pytest.mark.parametrize("t", [tf.float32, torch.float32, jnp.float32])
        lambda t: B.zeros(t, 2, 2),
        lambda t: B.ones(t, 2, 2),
        lambda t: B.eye(t, 2),
        lambda t: B.linspace(t, 0, 5, 10),
        lambda t: B.range(t, 10),
        lambda t: B.rand(t, 10),
        lambda t: B.randn(t, 10),
def test_on_device(f, t, check_lazy_shapes):
    f_t = f(t)  # Contruct on current and existing device.

    # Set the active device to something else.
    B.ActiveDevice.active_name = "previous"

    # Check that explicit allocation on CPU works.
Пример #18
def test_normal_dtype(normal1):
    assert B.dtype(Normal(0, B.eye(3))) == np.float64
    assert B.dtype(Normal(B.ones(3), B.zeros(int, 3))) == np.float64
    assert B.dtype(Normal(B.ones(int, 3), B.zeros(int, 3))) == np.int64
Пример #19
            starting from the origin.
        k (vector): Kernel.
        n_zero (int, optional): Zero padding. Defaults to `2_000`.
        db (bool, optional): Convert to decibel. Defaults to `False`.

        vector: PSD, correctly scaled.
    # Convert to NumPy for compatibility with frameworks.
    t, k = B.to_numpy(t, k)

    if t[0] != 0:
        raise ValueError("Time points must start at zero.")

    # Perform zero padding.
    k = B.concat(k, B.zeros(n_zero))

    # Symmetrise and Fourier transform.
    k_symmetric = B.concat(k, k[1:-1][::-1])
    psd = np.fft.fft(k_symmetric)
    freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(len(psd)) / (t[1] - t[0])

    # Should be real and positive, but the numerics may not be in our favour.
    psd = np.abs(np.real(psd))

    # Now scale appropriately: the total power should equal `k[0]`.
    total_power = np.trapz(y=psd, x=freqs)
    psd /= total_power / k[0]

    # Convert to dB.
    if db:
Пример #20
def test_cholesky_retry_factor(check_lazy_shapes):
    # Try `cholesky_retry_factor = 1`.
    B.cholesky_retry_factor = 1
    B.cholesky(B.zeros(3, 3))
    B.cholesky(B.zeros(3, 3) - 0.5 * B.eye(3) * B.epsilon)
    with pytest.raises(np.linalg.LinAlgError):
        B.cholesky(B.zeros(3, 3) - 0.5 * B.eye(3) * 10 * B.epsilon)
    with pytest.raises(np.linalg.LinAlgError):
        B.cholesky(B.zeros(3, 3) - 0.5 * B.eye(3) * 100 * B.epsilon)

    # Try `cholesky_retry_factor = 10`.
    B.cholesky_retry_factor = 10
    B.cholesky(B.zeros(3, 3))
    B.cholesky(B.zeros(3, 3) - 0.5 * B.eye(3) * B.epsilon)
    B.cholesky(B.zeros(3, 3) - 0.5 * B.eye(3) * 10 * B.epsilon)
    with pytest.raises(np.linalg.LinAlgError):
        B.cholesky(B.zeros(3, 3) - 0.5 * B.eye(3) * 100 * B.epsilon)

    # Try `cholesky_retry_factor = 100`.
    B.cholesky_retry_factor = 100
    B.cholesky(B.zeros(3, 3))
    B.cholesky(B.zeros(3, 3) - 0.5 * B.eye(3) * B.epsilon)
    B.cholesky(B.zeros(3, 3) - 0.5 * B.eye(3) * 10 * B.epsilon)
    B.cholesky(B.zeros(3, 3) - 0.5 * B.eye(3) * 100 * B.epsilon)

    # Reset the factor!
    B.cholesky_retry_factor = 1
Пример #21
def dense(a: Zero):
    if a.dense is None:
        a.dense = B.zeros(a.dtype, a.rows, a.cols)
    return a.dense
Пример #22
def _pad_zero_row(a):
    zeros = B.zeros(B.dtype(a), 1, B.shape(a)[1])
    return B.concat(a, zeros, axis=0)
Пример #23
def diag(a: Zero):
    return B.zeros(B.dtype(a), _diag_len(a))
Пример #24
def _pad_zero_col(a):
    zeros = B.zeros(B.dtype(a), B.shape(a)[0], 1)
    return B.concat(a, zeros, axis=1)
Пример #25
def test_dense_zero(zero1):
    approx(B.dense(zero1), B.zeros(zero1.rows, zero1.cols))