Пример #1
def test_init_compass():
    """Test the initialization of Compass and basic properties."""
    compass = Compass()

    str(compass)  # test the string representation
    hash(compass)  # test to be sure the compass is hash-able
    assert compass.radius == 100
    assert compass.center == Point2D()
    assert compass.north_angle == 0
    assert compass.north_vector == Vector2D(0, 1)
    assert compass.spacing_factor == 0.15
    assert compass.min_point.is_equivalent(Point2D(-115.0, -115.0), 0.01)
    assert compass.max_point.is_equivalent(Point2D(115.0, 115.0), 0.01)
    assert isinstance(compass.inner_boundary_circle, Arc2D)
    assert len(compass.all_boundary_circles) == 3
    for circ in compass.all_boundary_circles:
        assert isinstance(circ, Arc2D)
    assert len(compass.major_azimuth_points) == len(compass.MAJOR_AZIMUTHS)
    for pt in compass.major_azimuth_points:
        assert isinstance(pt, Point2D)
    assert len(compass.major_azimuth_ticks) == len(compass.MAJOR_AZIMUTHS)
    for lin in compass.major_azimuth_ticks:
        assert isinstance(lin, LineSegment2D)
    assert len(compass.minor_azimuth_points) == len(compass.MINOR_AZIMUTHS)
    for pt in compass.minor_azimuth_points:
        assert isinstance(pt, Point2D)
    assert len(compass.minor_azimuth_ticks) == len(compass.MINOR_AZIMUTHS)
    for lin in compass.minor_azimuth_ticks:
        assert isinstance(lin, LineSegment2D)
    assert isinstance(compass.min_point3d(), Point3D)
    assert isinstance(compass.max_point3d(), Point3D)
Пример #2
def test_equality():
    """Test the equality and duplicatiion of of Compass objects."""
    compass = Compass(radius=100)
    compass_dup = compass.duplicate()
    compass_alt = Compass(radius=200)

    assert compass is compass
    assert compass is not compass_dup
    assert compass == compass_dup
    assert compass != compass_alt
Пример #3
def test_label_points_from_angles():
    """Test the label_points_from_angles method."""
    compass = Compass()
    angles = list(range(0, 360, 30))

    pts = compass.label_points_from_angles(angles)
    assert len(pts) == len(angles)
    for pt in pts:
        assert isinstance(pt, Point2D)

    lines = compass.ticks_from_angles(angles)
    assert len(lines) == len(angles)
    for lin in lines:
        assert isinstance(lin, LineSegment2D)
Пример #4
def test_compass_orthographic():
    """Test the orthographic properties of the Compass."""
    compass = Compass()

    assert len(compass.orthographic_altitude_points) == len(compass.ALTITUDES)
    for pt in compass.orthographic_altitude_points:
        assert isinstance(pt, Point2D)
    assert len(compass.orthographic_altitude_circles) == len(compass.ALTITUDES)
    for lin in compass.orthographic_altitude_circles:
        assert isinstance(lin, Arc2D)
Пример #5
def test_set_properties():
    """Test the initialization of Compass and basic properties."""
    compass = Compass()

    compass.radius = 200
    assert compass.radius == 200
    compass.center = Point2D(200, 0)
    assert compass.center == Point2D(200, 0)
    compass.north_angle = 10
    assert compass.north_angle == 10
    assert compass.north_vector != Vector2D(0, 1)
    compass.spacing_factor = 0.2
    assert compass.spacing_factor == 0.2
    assert compass.min_point.is_equivalent(Point2D(-40.0, -240.0), 0.01)
    assert compass.max_point.is_equivalent(Point2D(440.0, 240.0), 0.01)
Пример #6
        title, all_sun_pts, all_analemma, all_daily, all_compass, all_col_pts, all_legends = \
            [], [], [], [], [], [], []
        for i, data in enumerate(data_):
            try:  # sense when several legend parameters are connected
                lpar = legend_par_[i]
            except IndexError:
                lpar = None if len(legend_par_) == 0 else legend_par_[-1]

            # move the center point so sun paths are not on top of one another
            fac = i * radius * 3
            center_pt_i = Point2D(center_pt.x + fac, center_pt.y)
            center_pt3d_i = Point3D(center_pt3d.x + fac, center_pt3d.y,

            # create the ladybug compass object
            lb_compass = Compass(radius, center_pt_i, north_)

            # create a graphic container to generate colors and legends
            n_data = data.filter_by_moys(
                moys)  # filter data collection by sun-up hours
            graphic = GraphicContainer(n_data.values,
                                       lb_compass.max_point3d(z), lpar,
                text_objects(title_text(n_data), graphic.lower_title_location,
        result.append(from_arc2d(circle, z))

    # generate the labels and tick marks for the azimuths
    for line in compass.major_azimuth_ticks:
        result.append(from_linesegment2d(line, z))
    for txt, pt in zip(compass.MAJOR_TEXT, compass.major_azimuth_points):
            text_objects(txt, Plane(o=Point3D(pt.x, pt.y, z), x=xaxis),
                         maj_txt, font, 1, 3))
    return result

# set defaults for all of the
if _north_ is not None:  # process the _north_
        _north_ = math.degrees(
            to_vector2d(_north_).angle_clockwise(Vector2D(0, 1)))
    except AttributeError:  # north angle instead of vector
        _north_ = float(_north_)
    _north_ = 0
if _center_ is not None:  # process the center point into a Point2D
    center_pt, z = to_point2d(_center_), to_point3d(_center_).z
    center_pt, z = Point2D(), 0
_scale_ = 1 if _scale_ is None else _scale_  # process the scale into a radius
radius = (10 * _scale_) / conversion_to_meters()

# create the compass
compass = translate_compass(Compass(radius, center_pt, _north_, 1), z)
Пример #8
def draw_dome(dome_data, center, dome_name, legend_par):
    """Draw the dome mesh, compass, legend, and title for a sky dome.

        dome_data: List of radiation values for the dome data
        center: Point3D for the center of the sun path.
        dome_name: Text for the dome name, which will appear in the title.
        legend_par: Legend parameters to be used for the dome

        dome_mesh: A colored mesh for the dome based on dome_data.
        dome_compass: A compass for the dome.
        dome_legend: A leend for the colored dome mesh.
        dome_title: A title for the dome.
        values: A list of radiation values that align with the dome_mesh faces.
    # create the dome mesh and ensure patch values align with mesh faces
    if len(dome_data) == 145:  # tregenza sky
        lb_mesh = view_sphere.tregenza_dome_mesh_high_res.scale(radius)
        values = []  # high res dome has 3 x 3 faces per patch; we must convert
        tot_i = 0  # track the total number of patches converted
        for patch_i in view_sphere.TREGENZA_PATCHES_PER_ROW:
            row_vals = []
            for val in dome_data[tot_i:tot_i + patch_i]:
                row_vals.extend([val] * 3)
            for i in range(3):
            tot_i += patch_i
        values = values + [dome_data[-1]
                           ] * 18  # last patch has triangular faces
    else:  #reinhart sky
        lb_mesh = view_sphere.reinhart_dome_mesh.scale(radius)
        values = dome_data + [dome_data[-1]
                              ] * 11  # last patch has triangular faces

    # move and/or rotate the mesh as needed
    if north != 0:
        lb_mesh = lb_mesh.rotate_xy(math.radians(north), Point3D())
    if center != Point3D():
        lb_mesh = lb_mesh.move(Vector3D(center.x, center.y, center.z))

    # project the mesh if requested
    if projection_ is not None:
        if projection_.title() == 'Orthographic':
            pts = (Compass.point3d_to_orthographic(pt)
                   for pt in lb_mesh.vertices)
        elif projection_.title() == 'Stereographic':
            pts = (Compass.point3d_to_stereographic(pt, radius, center)
                   for pt in lb_mesh.vertices)
            raise ValueError(
                'Projection type "{}" is not recognized.'.format(projection_))
        pts3d = tuple(Point3D(pt.x, pt.y, z) for pt in pts)
        lb_mesh = Mesh3D(pts3d, lb_mesh.faces)

    # output the dome visualization, including legend and compass
    move_fac = radius * 0.15
    min_pt = lb_mesh.min.move(Vector3D(-move_fac, -move_fac, 0))
    max_pt = lb_mesh.max.move(Vector3D(move_fac, move_fac, 0))
    graphic = GraphicContainer(values, min_pt, max_pt, legend_par)
    graphic.legend_parameters.title = 'kWh/m2'
    lb_mesh.colors = graphic.value_colors
    dome_mesh = from_mesh3d(lb_mesh)
    dome_legend = legend_objects(graphic.legend)
    dome_compass = compass_objects(
        Compass(radius, Point2D(center.x, center.y), north), z, None,
        projection_, graphic.legend_parameters.font)

    # construct a title from the metadata
    st, end = metadata[2], metadata[3]
    time_str = '{} - {}'.format(st, end) if st != end else st
    title_txt = '{} Radiation\n{}\n{}'.format(
        dome_name, time_str, '\n'.join([dat for dat in metadata[4:]]))
    dome_title = text_objects(title_txt, graphic.lower_title_location,

    return dome_mesh, dome_compass, dome_legend, dome_title, values
Пример #9
        title = []
        all_sun_pts = []
        all_analemma = []
        all_daily = []
        all_compass = []
        all_colors = []
        all_col_pts = []
        all_legends = []
        for i, data in enumerate(data_):
            # move the center point so sun paths are not on top of one another
            fac = i* radius * 3
            center_pt_i = Point2D(center_pt.x + fac, center_pt.y)
            center_pt3d_i = Point3D(center_pt3d.x + fac, center_pt3d.y, center_pt3d.z)

            # create the ladybug compass object
            lb_compass = Compass(radius, center_pt_i, north_)

            # create a graphic container to generate colors and legends
            n_data = data.filter_by_moys(moys)  # filter data collection by sun-up hours
            graphic = GraphicContainer(
                n_data.values, lb_compass.min_point3d(z), lb_compass.max_point3d(z),
                legend_par_, n_data.header.data_type, n_data.header.unit)
                title_text(n_data), graphic.lower_title_location,
                graphic.legend_parameters.text_height, graphic.legend_parameters.font))

            # create points, analemmas, daily arcs, and compass geometry
            sun_pts_init = draw_sun_positions(suns, radius, center_pt3d_i)
            analemma_i, daily_i = draw_analemma_and_arcs(sp, datetimes, radius, center_pt3d_i)
            compass_i = compass_objects(lb_compass, z, None, projection_, graphic.legend_parameters.font)
    ori_dict = {'north': 0, 'east': 90, 'south': 180, 'west': 270}
    try:  # first check if it's text for the direction
        orientation_ = ori_dict[orientation_.lower()]
    except KeyError:  # it's a number for the orientation
        orientation_ = float(orientation_)
    direction = Vector3D(0, 1, 0).rotate_xy(-math.radians(orientation_))

# create the dome mesh of the sky and position/project it correctly
sky_mask, view_vecs = view_sphere.dome_radial_patches(az_count, alt_count)
sky_mask = sky_mask.scale(radius)
if center_pt3d != Point3D():
    m_vec = Vector3D(center_pt3d.x, center_pt3d.y, center_pt3d.z)
    sky_mask = sky_mask.move(m_vec)
if projection_ is not None:
    if projection_.title() == 'Orthographic':
        pts = (Compass.point3d_to_orthographic(pt) for pt in sky_mask.vertices)
    elif projection_.title() == 'Stereographic':
        pts = (Compass.point3d_to_stereographic(pt, radius, center_pt3d)
               for pt in sky_mask.vertices)
        raise ValueError(
            'Projection type "{}" is not recognized.'.format(projection_))
    pts3d = tuple(Point3D(pt.x, pt.y, center_pt3d.z) for pt in pts)
    sky_mask = Mesh3D(pts3d, sky_mask.faces)
sky_pattern = [True] * len(
    view_vecs)  # pattern to be adjusted by the various masks

# account for the orientation and any of the projection strategies
orient_pattern, strategy_pattern = None, None
if direction is not None:
    orient_pattern, dir_angles = view_sphere.orientation_pattern(